education Training and Education

4 Winter 2012 op-quality youth sports Unfortunately, too often the poor decisions or inappropriate actions of programming doesn’t just happen adults can derail the program’s ob- jectives, smother the fun and push by chance. It takes a committed children away from participating in T the future. and knowledgeable approach by The National Alliance for Youth administrators, volunteer coaches and Sports’ proven programs for volun- teer coaches, parents, officials and parents. When all three fully understand professional and volunteer admin- istrators, coupled with the focused the true value of sports, and don’t lose and tireless efforts of recreation sight of what is best for the children agencies, have enabled millions of children to reap amazing benefits. participating, it can be an incredibly It’s the power of sports and when they are done right, is there really rewarding experience for everyone. anything better for today’s youth? Winter 2012 5 education NYSCA National Youth Sports Coaches Association Since 1981 volunteer coaches, both first-timers and veterans of the sidelines, have been using the NYSCA training program to enhance their skills and have a positive impact on all their young athletes.

When Fred Engh created the National Youth Sports Coaches cities and small towns across the Association (NYSCA) back in 1981 his idea of providing training country, and is utilized on U.S. mili- tary bases worldwide. to volunteer coaches was met with a chorus of doubt from “All volunteer coaches need to those who said coaches didn’t have the time or the interest in be on the same page,” said David Moriarty, the senior recreation su- completing such a program. pervisor for the Town of Henrietta (New York), which has been train- But, just the opposite has proven true. ing its coaches through NYSCA for 25 years. “Training As it turns out, coaches were actually craving infor- allows the coaches to have the ammunition they need mation on the best ways to handle their complex roles to coach effectively.” and responsibilities, as nearly 3 million volunteers have Volunteer coaches are in a truly unique position to completed the NYSCA program since its inception. The help the young players on their team learn more than program has been embraced in more than 3,000 big just the skills of the sport. It’s also a special opportunity to help teach them positive life val- ues such as teamwork, discipline and respect, among so many oth- ers, that will significantly impact all other areas of children’s lives. Through the NYSCA program coaches learn valuable informa- tion in a number of key areas so that they are able to be real differ- ence makers in the lives of their young players. NYSCA filmed its Coaching Youth Football video Baltimore Ravens Coach John at the Cleveland Browns practice facility with the Harbaugh is featured in the NYSCA help of the Browns’ summer camp coaching staff. Coaching Youth Sports video. COACHING GREATS Through the years the NYSCA pro- gram has undergone a number of enhancements to keep pace with the ever-changing needs of volun- teer coaches everywhere. As part of NYSCA’s commitment to provide volunteer coaches with the best information to help them guide their teams to fun and rewarding ex- periences, it interviewed highly re- spected coaches from the NFL, NBA, WNBA and Major League Baseball, as well as from the collegiate football and ranks, who shared their insights on what it takes to make a difference in a youngster’s life both on the field and away from it. These interviews are featured in the The NYSCA program helps coaches gain a better video as these outstanding coaches understanding of their responsibilities in coaching children. share their insight on everything from

6 Winter 2012 how to teach good sportsmanship to always striving to do their best. The interview clips are from legendary col- Q&A with Emmy Martinez, VP of lege basketball coaches Mike Krzyze- wski and Vivian Stringer, as well as NFL NAYS Membership Programs coaches John Harbaugh, Lovie Smith and Marvin Lewis; NBA coach Erik Q: Why is the Rate Your Coach feature important for volunteers to utilize? Spoelstra; college football coach Mark Richt; college basketball coach Tubby A: I know, and understandably so, that coaches may experience Smith; NBA Hall of Fame player and a little anxiety at first wondering how their scores stack up. But I’m former coach Kevin McHale and WNBA confident that once volunteers see how the system is set up that they player Alana Beard; among others. will embrace it as an effective instrument for improving their coaching In order to complete the NYSCA skills. It is important to use because one of the roles of a volunteer coach program coaches must view this is to encourage our players to strive to be the best they can be and that’s Coaching Youth Sports video as well exactly what this system is all about – helping coaches become the best as the sport-specific video for the they can be for the benefit of their players. sport they are coaching. Thanks to the generous time and support of coaches and organizations around the country NYSCA’s Coach- ing Youth Baseball video features the outstanding staff of the Cal Ripken Baseball Academy; its Coaching Youth Football video was done with the Cleveland Browns summer camp staff; its Coaching Youth Volleyball video was done with the University of Georgia women’s volleyball staff; its Coaching Youth Soccer video features the North Carolina State men’s soccer coaching staff; and its Coaching Youth Softball video was done with the New Mexico State women’s softball coaching staff.

RATE YOUR COACH Coach training is an essential part of creating a fun, safe playing en- vironment for youth athletes – but coaching education doesn’t stop at the end of an NYSCA clinic. Part of being a great coach is the willingness to improve each season, and the feedback from Rate Your Coach helps NYSCA coaches do just Nearly 3 million volunteer coaches have completed the NYSCA training program. that as it has already helped more By the numbers The number of volunteer coaches – in millions – that have completed the National Youth 3.1 Sports Coaches Association training program. Winter 2012 7 education NYSCA

Volunteer coaches learn the importance of being positive role models through the NYSCA program.

than 10,000 volunteer coaches improve children’s expe- Each question also includes “Helpers,” which are links to ad- riences in sports leagues across the country. With this ditional information on that particular topic if a coach is inter- online tool, parents evaluate their child’s NYSCA coach in ested in learning more to improve his or her skills in that area. several key areas, like teaching sportsmanship and skills, In 2011 NAYS launched Measure Up! For Better Youth running practices and communicating with parents. Sports, a national movement aimed at educating youth Evaluations are submitted by parents’ anonymous, hon- sports programs on the importance of evaluating their volun- est feedback, which gives leagues a clearer picture of what’s teer coaches, and the valuable role parent feedback can play happening on their fields and also in the process when handled correctly. provides coaches with helpful feed- Properly conducted evaluations not back to identify and correct any prob- only help hold coaches accountable lems – as well as receive a pat on the for their actions, but also serve as a back for doing great work and making training tool to help them hone in on a positive difference in the lives of those coaching skills they may need to their young athletes. improve upon. The questions are grouped into the Coaches also have access to other categories of Sportsmanship, Physi- innovative sections on the NAYS Web cal Health, Sport Knowledge and Hall of Fame basketball coaches Vivian site, including a Skills and Drills sec- Technical Instruction, Communica- Stringer and Mike Krzyzewski share their insights tion that features hundreds of ani- in the NYSCA Coaching Youth Sports video. tion and Coaching Style. mated drills, as well as those that can be printed out and taken to practice to use as a handy reference while RENOVATED ONLINE CLINIC working with players; and the Coach- ing Forum, where volunteers can Earlier this year NAYS launched its renovated NYSCA Online Clinic. Originally introduced tap into the expertise of more than in 2005, the Online Clinic features several significant improvements that enhance user 100,000 coaches to gain insight on a experience for those coaches who opt to complete the training at their own pace and variety of issues that are typically en- when it is most convenient for them. countered while coaching children. Some of the key changes include a simplified sign-up process for new users, an improved Members also receive a $1,000,000 streaming video player, mobile and tablet friendly and full support of Mac-based operating systems. liability insurance policy and a sub- “We all lead busy lives, and our coaches really appreciate the convenience of com- scription to SportingKid magazine. pleting the training online at times that suit their schedules,” said David Doney, vice “The benefits offered for coaches president of the Palma Ceia Little League in Tampa, Fla. “We at Palma Ceia Little League are really a plus,” said Ronnie Prid- believe that effective training for our coaches is a critical factor in ensuring that our play- gen, athletics director at the Florence ers have a great Little League experience.” (S.C.) County Parks and Recreation Coaches who opt for the convenience of the on-line clinics have access to all the department, which has been affili- outstanding information that is available during the on-site clinics. ated with NYSCA since 1986.

8 Winter 2012 PAYS education Parents Association for Youth Sports

The newly released Parents Association for Youth Sports program – hosted by ESPN SportsCenter anchor Chris McKendry – helps parents gain a clearer understanding on everything from appropriate behavior in the stands to protecting their young athletes from child predators. During a youth basketball tournament in Texas earlier this year the behavior by par- ents became so bad – arguments among moms and dads in the stands and even the belittling of players on opposing teams – that police were called in and everyone was removed from the facility. The children, some as young as 7 and 8, played the remainder of the tour- Parents can use these tips to help ensure nament in an empty gym. that they act responsibly and that their It was another in a seemingly endless string of incidents in which mild- child has a memorable experience for all mannered parents lose control of their emotions – and behave irrationally – the right reasons: once scoreboards are turned on and their child begins competing. Don’t treat games as life and death struggles TROUBLING TREND “One thing that we know is that What happened in Texas happens one of the best predictors of any type Don’t live vicariously through your kids everywhere, and the frequency is of fan getting upset at a sporting Cheer for everyone and criticize no one alarming. In Massachusetts an angry event is how identified they are with Treat coaches on both teams, as well dad attacked his son’s coach after a the team and the players,” says Dr. as officials, with respect loss and wound up biting Dan Wann, a renowned off part of the coach’s ear; psychology professor at Be a positive source of motivation in Indiana a dad was ar- Murray State University. Control your emotions rested for threatening his Wann is one of sev- 9-year-old son’s coach; in eral leading experts who Be a model of good sportsmanship Minnesota a father alleg- shares insight in the new at all times edly choked the assistant Parents Association for Treat the playing field, court or rink coach of his son’s hockey Youth Sports (PAYS) pro- like your child’s classroom team until he began to gram that was released Refrain from consuming alcohol or black out; and in New ESPN SportsCenter earlier this year. using any form of tobacco York a mother earned a anchor Chris McKendry, Hosted by ESPN the mother of two, hosts 60-day jail sentence and SportsCenter anchor Monitor the smile factor of your child the new PAYS video. five years’ probation for Chris McKendry, a threatening a league official, his wife mother of two young athletes, the today’s young athletes must deal and his son after her own son failed to 33-minute video delves into a num- with on a regular basis. make a travel team roster. ber of issues that parents of The goal of the program is to help in- form parents on some key issues that can play a defining role in whether their child has a positive or negative experience as well as help them get a good handle on their roles and responsibilities. Experts that are featured in the pro- gram include Dr. Julie Partridge, a pro- fessor in the Department of Kinesiology at Southern Illinois University; Brian Parker, educational program manager for the Taylor Hooton Foundation; Dr. Robert Masson, an internationally recognized neurosurgeon; Dr. Keith Wheeler, vice president at Abbott Labo- ratories; sports nutritionist Michelle Rockwell; and Nancy McBride, national Through the PAYS program parents learn every- thing from the importance of proper behavior to safety director for the National Center helping keep their young athletes safe. for Missing and Exploited Children. Winter 2012 9 education YSC Youth Sports Congress

Each year hundreds of professionals from around the world gather to learn, share and network at the National Al- Striving for Excellence liance for Youth Sports’ Youth Sports Congress, held in conjunction with the There are easily tens of thousands of youth sports programs Athletic Business Conference & Expo. scattered all over the United States. Most are doing their part The Congress is the preferred venue to give the youngsters playing in their programs a positive for all professionals involved in youth experience; then, there are those that continually strive for sports. The comprehensive three-day excellence. They stand as leaders in youth sports adminis- educational training covers cutting tration and go above and beyond of what is considered standard edge topics in the field of youth sports, procedure to make sure every participant – even volunteer coaches, presented by leading experts as well as officials and parents – have a safe and positive experience in youth sports. those involved in the administration The Excellence in Youth Sports Award, developed by the National Alliance for of youth sports programming. Youth Sports (NAYS) with Athletic Business magazine, recognizes these outstanding youth sports programs that are doing superior jobs of conducting diverse activities for their participants. The Congress is Each year the Excellence Committee, comprised of NAYS and Athletic Business staff, review hundreds of applications from youth sports programs across the country the only youth and from military bases worldwide vying to be the next Excellence Award winner. Applications are judged on several criteria, including what the organization does sports specific to educate their administration, volunteer coaches, game officials and parents, as well as how well they demonstrate that they embrace a child-centered recreational educational sports philosophy that is aimed at providing a positive and safe experience for all youth, among other areas. conference in Sixty youth sports programs have received the Excellence Award accolade since the world. its inception in 2000. There is also the Expo Hall, where earn 1.0 Continuing Education Units Congress attendees have nu- more than 300 exhibitors pack the by attending all the sessions. merous networking opportunities Athletic Business Expo floor for a two- Plus, those attending can sit in on throughout the event, where they day showcase that is the perfect com- special award presentations and panel can build camaraderie and gain in- plement to the Congress’ educational discussions with the winners of the sight from other youth sports admin- sessions and panel discussions. prestigious Excellence in Youth Sports istrators, professionals, directors, The Congress is the only youth Award and gain valuable insight from key officials, program managers and sports specific educational confer- these leaders on how they conduct top- youth sports representatives. ence in the world and attendees can quality youth sports programming. Winning Words

I have been in the youth sports field – It is gratifying for the hard work of Our staff strives to offer quality youth both professionally and as a volunteer – for everyone involved in the youth sports sports programs and is proud to receive more than 40 years and to be recognized program to be recognized. recognition for their efforts. It validates with such a prestigious award, obviously, the hard work involved in providing – Gus Harper, youth sports director at there was a lot of excitement and joy on positive experiences to the youth in USAG Hawaii, Directorate of Family and MWR, my part. What an honor it is to have other Child Youth & School Services, Youth Sports and Fitness, our community. professionals affirm what we are trying 2010 Excellence Award recipient – Lisa Davol, deputy director of programs for to do here with our programs. Oconee County (Ga.) Parks and Recreation, – David Guthrie, youth sports 2010 Excellence Award recipient director, CYSA, MCAS Cherry Point, N.C., 2011 Excellence Award recipient

10 Winter 2012 CYSA education Academy for Youth Sports Administrators More than 2,500 recreation professionals have earned the coveted Certified Youth Sports Administrator credential through the Academy for Youth Sports Administrators.

Earlier this year 22 recreation professionals throughout South Carolina took advan- sports programs in today’s ever- tage of a special Academy for Youth Sports Administrators that was held dur- changing environment. ing the South Carolina Recreation and Parks Association Conference (SCRPA) “I don’t want to be just an ad- to begin the process of earning their coveted Certified Youth Sports Adminis- ministrator in the community but a trator (CYSA) credential. leader for the parents, coaches and staff members,” said Jeremy Smith, the athletics coordinator for the Jef- ferson Parks and Recreation Depart- ment in Jefferson, Ga., who earned his CYSA credential at an Academy in Orlando, Fla. “Sometimes we lose sight that youth sports are all about fun and it’s my job as a youth sports administrator to guide the commu- nity in the right direction.”

ESSENTIAL INFORMATION The Academy is a comprehensive certification program that offers cutting-edge information on every- thing from policies and procedures and child abuse prevention to includ- ing children with disabilities and risk management, among many other key topics that is offered in two formats – Onsite or Online. Administrators earn the coveted Certified Youth Sports Administrator credential by completing The Academy is the only place where the Academy, which is available onsite as well as online. the CYSA credential can be earned. Administrators have been taking “SCRPA and the National Alliance advantage of Onsite Academies for for Youth Sports firmly believe that more than a decade now. Traditionally every community should have at “Having this training the Onsite Academy is presented as a least one CYSA overseeing organized and experience three-day session held at various sites youth sports programs,” said Lisa will aid in the through the years, and simultaneously Licata, director of NAYS’ Professional professionalism during the NAYS Youth Sports Con- Administrator Programs. gress in conjunction with the Athletic What’s happening in South Caro- and success of our Business Conference. lina is indicative of a far-reaching na- community’s youth tional movement in which recreation sports programs.” PROFESSIONAL APPROACH professionals – both those new to the Once administrators earn their field as well as long-time administra- – Kate Warnke, sports coordinator, CYSA credential they have access to tors of youth sports programming Steamboat Springs (Colo.) Parks, a variety of materials and resources – are taking advantage of specialized that enable them to perform their training available through the Academy to earn their duties more efficiently. Additionally, even though the CYSA credential. program is online, administrators are not isolated as Through the Academy, which more than 2,500 recre- they can communicate with others through a special ation professionals have completed since its inception, forum that is only available to CYSAs. This feature aids administrators have been gaining a strong foundation in the Academy’s mission of creating universal youth of knowledge that enables them to meet the many di- sports philosophy regardless of where administrators verse challenges that accompanies overseeing youth are located. Winter 2012 11 education NYSAA National Youth Sports Administrators Association Well-meaning volunteer administrators are oftentimes unprepared to deal with all the issues that accompany the position, leaving them, their program and even the facilities in which they are using open to unwanted litigation and public ridicule. So what’s the answer? Many are turning to the newly released National Youth Sports Administrators Association online training program to gain valuable knowledge and information to make their programs the best that they can be for all involved.

An ever-increasing number of youth sports programs are popping that their season will be a smooth running one for them and a up around the country that are being run by volunteer ad- fun-filled one for all the participants. ministrators – and are being conducted on public facilities. Through the National Youth Sports Administrators As- Many of these volunteers, armed with the best inten- sociation (NYSAA) online training program unveiled ear- tions, often have little to no formal training in youth sports lier this year, volunteer administrators have been gaining administration, unknowingly leaving them open to person- valuable knowledge and insight to help both strengthen al liability as well as exposing their programs to lawsuits. the quality of their programs and gain added protection The issues that they potentially must deal with are ever- against unwanted lawsuits and other issues that can po- challenging and wide-ranging, and include everything from tentially sabotage a program and make the experience a legal and insurance matters to setting up boards and protect- less than pleasant one for all involved. ing the program from embezzlement. It can be a dizzying list of responsibilities, and the better prepared administrators are EDUCATION AND PROTECTION for everything that comes their way the greater the chances The NYSAA program provides education and liability pro- tection, as well as helps volunteer administrators set and maintain high “The clinic gave me great insight as to the standards for their youth sports league for the benefit of all involved – espe- huge amount of responsibility volunteer board cially the youngsters in their care. members have when running a program The NYSAA online program consists of eight sections covering everything that is safe and fun for all participating.” from insurance and embezzlement protection to volunteer boards and – David Moriarty, board member, Rush Henrietta (New York) Athletic Association coach management. Along with easy-to-comprehend text, many sections feature video clips from experts in their respective fields sharing valuable insight.T here are also tips presented throughout the sections to ease frustration levels and increase effectiveness; and at the conclusion of each sub- ject area there is a designated Learning Point – an important piece of information that summarizes that particular topic. Volunteers can be personally liable for the actions of the organization, including any incidents that occur during play. Insurance is a proactive step to protect volunteer adminis- trators financially. NYSAA members receive $2,000,000 Gen- eral Liability and $2,000,000 Directors & Officers Liability insurance, which covers league administrators while acting in their capacity as administrators in youth sports activities. “In today’s world, a leader of a sports program cannot be Through the NYSAA online program volunteers gain valuable too careful in making sure that not only the players are safe, information on everything from legal and insurance matters to but that the organization itself is safe,” said John Smith, setting up boards and protecting the program from being embezzled. president of Sardis Dixie Youth Baseball in Matthews, N.C.

12 Winter 2012 NYSOA education National Youth Sports Officials Association Youth sports officials face challenging – but rewarding – jobs overseeing youth games Calling balls and strikes, penalties and fouls and hav- those around them – coaches, parents, other spectators or ing a thorough knowledge of the rules of the even players – are behaving irrationally. Officiating youth sports is certainly challenging, but particular sport is certainly a big part of being a equally rewarding, when those wearing the black and youth sports official, but in reality that is really white stripes are fully prepared to handle their varied just scratching the surface of what the job entails. list of responsibilities. Since its inception in 1996, sports officials have been using the National Youth Sports Officials Association Officials must be promoters and (NYSOA) program to better pre- enforcers of good sportsmanship pare themselves for the job. during the games they are oversee- The 80-minute program delves ing; they must exude confidence into the key characteristics all offi- without bordering on arrogance; cials must possess in order to suc- they must strive for perfection while ceed, including consistency, poise, understanding that no one can be integrity, confidence and motiva- 100 percent accurate all of the time; tion, among many others. they must make decisions in the The Plano (Texas) Sports Au- blink of an eye; they must be effec- thority Basketball Board became tive communicators and maintain the first in the country to man- open and productive dialogue with date its officials complete the coaches and players; and, of course, The NYSOA program helps officials gain a better program in order to be assigned they must have unwavering self- understanding of the importance of poise, integrity to a game when the program was and motivation, among other key characteristics. control in the face of adversity when first unveiled. National Standards for Youth Sports and Recommendations for Communities The Recommendations for Communities and the National Standards for Youth Sports have proven to be valuable resources for those overseeing youth sports programming.

Those searching for resources to help The groundwork for the Recommen- the current youth sports environment. them provide top-quality youth dations was laid during the National The new edition reflects the consensus sports programming in their commu- Summit on Raising Community Stan- of the group and addresses a variety of nities have been turning to the dards in Children’s Sports more than a topics that currently affect the delivery Recommendations for Com- decade ago in . More of youth sports programs. munities and the National than 50 parks and The purpose of the Standards is to Standards for Youth Sports recreation leaders from provide a framework by which youth to assist with their efforts. across the country pro- sports programs are designed and The Recommendations vided input, and the Rec- executed. While the previous edition is a 30-page document ommendations represent was focused on parents and their role developed as a part of what they believe need to within the youth sports landscape, the National Alliance be adopted in communities this new version is directed to the for Youth Sports’ on- to help ensure that all partic- league and program administrators. going efforts to help ipants, volunteers and specta- In addition to the nine standards, eliminate violence and other tors have a safe and rewarding there are three additional sections negative behaviors plaguing youth youth sports experience. that provide information to parents, sports programs. The Recommenda- In 1987 the National Standards for volunteer coaches and participants to tions represent what respected lead- Youth Sports were first released. In explain what the Standards specifically ers in the parks and recreation field 2007 a dedicated group of professional mean to each group. believe needs to be done to alter the youth sports administrators convened Both the Recommendations and the violent climate that is prevalent in during the Youth Sports Congress to Standards can be downloaded at no cost many of today’s programs. re-examine the Standards in relation to on the NAYS website at Winter 2012 13