Oire C.T0 RY
THE BROMLEY o IRE C.T 0 R Y REVISED AND ENLARGED FOR 1 8 7 8, INCL UDES THE PARISHES OF. BROMLEY:-- PAGE PAGE Advertisements i-lxxvi FARNBOROUGH ••••••••••••••• 100 Official Establishments, FOOTS CRAY •••••••••••.••• 101 Local Institution, &c. ... 1 HAYES •.••.••...•...•.•..•••.• 103 Street Directory •.. ....•. 5 RESTON ••••••••••••••••••••• 104 Commercial 31 RNOCRHOLT ••••••.••••••••••• 105 Private Residents .42 NORTH CRAY ..••••••.••.•.• 106 BECRENHAM •••••••••••••••••• 51 ORPINGTON ••• "'0 •••••••••••• 106 CHELSFIELD •••••••••••••••••• 84 SIDCUP •..•.•.••.•..•.•••.' .• 110 CHISLEHURST •.•.••••..•••••••• 86 ST. MARY CRAY •.•..••.•... 111 CUDHAM •••••••••••••••••••• 98 ST. PAUL'S CRAY ••••••••• 117 DOWNE •••••••••••••••••••••••• 29 WEST WICKHAM •• :,••••••••• 118 t .free. H<~. ., rAllCC: f 3<y-~$"", ~t~ ·1 =-:-~ :~~. \ '0.-- ',., 4 ".: · -.~~--_.-~~0~ --- I· ;. : .. t.··. I. • I I i .. , - ... ~... · .- >,,' . ; .'~ : ~ .•••. f '. I PRINTE AND PUBLISHED BY E. STRONG &' SONS..l.J11.ARAI';T,SQUARE, --_. .._-BROMLE'r:KENT. - J \J d4....,..:q- -, _--~_.- INDEX TO ADVERTISERS. :BROMLEY. Allnutt, B., grocer and provision me~chant... ..• xliii Ardern, W. J., dairyman, and wine and spirit,merchant xx Ayling, T. & Son, boot and shoe manufacturers xliv Ayling, William T., oil and colorman xiii Balls, Henry, tailor and trousers maker Ii Baxter, W. W., family chemist ... lviii Baxter & Payne, auctioneers and estate agents lxxvi Blundell T., fishmonger; poulterer, &c. xvi Blundell, W. T., fruiterer and greengrocer I Boorah, Too falllily grocer and provision dealer lxiii Bridger, R., butcher ... lili Bridal, W. G., Park house academy . xxxiv Brown, John, tobacconist... xlvii Brown & Son, tailors and outfitters . xi Browning, J. W., dyer, bleacher, &c. xxxi Buckle & Griffin, coal and coke merchants xiv Burgess J., boot and shoe maker ... lxi Burgess, Mrs. W., stationer, berlin wool rep0'3itory,&c . lxii Bush, S., bookseller, stationer, and bookbinder .
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