PART A AGENDA ITEM NUMBER 5.4 APPLICATION 19/01222/REM DATE 09.07.19 NO: VALID: APPLICANT: C/O Agent AGENT: Mr Giuseppe Cifaldi 33 Margaret Street , London, W1G 0JD DESCRIPTION: Application for approval of reserved matters following outline approval 16/00569/OUT - Approval of Reserved Matters (layout, scale, appearance, and landscaping) comprising the construction of 162 dwellings, new public open space, car parking and associated infrastructure works LOCATION: Land North East Of, Inworth Road, Feering, Essex For more information about this Application please contact: Mathew Wilde on:- 01376 551414 Ext. 2512 or by e-mail to:
[email protected] The application can be viewed on the link below. applications/ HE200 SITE HISTORY 15/00012/SCR Town & Country Planning Screening/ 02.10.15 Act 1990 (as amended), Scoping Town & Country Planning Opinion (Environmental Impact Adopted Assessment) Regulations 2011 - Screening & Scoping Opinion Request - Residential development comprising of 180 dwellings. 16/00569/OUT Outline planning application Granted 19.12.17 to include up to 165 with S106 dwellings (C3), vehicular Agreement access from London Road, public open space, landscaping, associated infrastructure, drainage works and ancillary works. Detailed approval is sought for access arrangements from London Road, with all other matters reserved. 19/00013/DAC Application for approval of Granted 29.05.19 details reserved by condition no 3 of approval 16/00569/OUT - Outline planning application to include up to 165 dwellings (C3), vehicular access from London Road, public open space, landscaping, associated infrastructure, drainage works and ancillary works.