A. Ii., BARKEIJ. 2209,01
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July 23, 1940,WALVE GEAR FOR MULTIGYLINDB!.A. ii., BARKEIJ. RADIAL ENGINES, TOGETHER2,209,01 WITH A REDUCTION AND CLUTCH DRIVE GEAR Original Filed Dec. 9, 1935 a J7Aer-/wza 7- JAQUAwca (33292468 574/e7-Aau57-Jequawcz- 722463,35. s Patented July 23, 1940 2,209,013 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,209,013 WALWE GEAR FOR IMULTICYLNER, RADAL ENGENES, TOGETHER WITH A REDUC ON AND CLUCH DRIVE GEAR Jean A. H. Barkeij, Altadena, Calif. Application December 9, 1935, Serial No. 53,450 Renewed. April 3, 1939 At Cains. (C.123-55) My invention relates more in particular to the Section line 3-3 thereof, showing three cams A, radial type of engine, having cylinders arranged B, and C arranged substantially at 120. in star form, and I provide therein a camshaft Referring to the figures in particular, in Fig. with a plurality of cams which lifts the inlet 1 the cylinders are indicated respectively in clock 5 valve of one cylinder and subsequently the ex wise direction by the numbers to 9, and each haust valve of another cylinder. It is, however, inlet-valve (the valve, valve-rocker, pushrod, understood, that the reduction gear and clutch pushrod-cover, etc.) is indicated by the capital drive is independent of the radial type. letter I and each exhaust valve (with similar My invention further relates to a reduction parts) is indicated by the letter E. The pushrod 0. gear for a propeller drive consisting of a single tubes or covers are indicated by 8, the cam foll O Sun-gear on the crankshaft, a number of Sta lower proper by , and the cam-follower-guide tionary planetary gears, and a ring gear around by 6. and meshed with said planetary gears. This in In Fig. 2, the crankshaft is designated by num vention is independent of the radial formation ber , having at the left end thereof a sun gear 5 of the cylinders. , geared to a plurality (3 or 4) of gear wheels 5 My invention further relates to a lubricating 2d having in the inside thereof a needle bearing System by which the oil is led from the crank Or ball, or roller-bearing, which bearing rests on shaft to said reduction gear and at the same time a stationary shaft 2. The present construction towards the propeller Shaft. is cheaper to make and easier to assemble, be My invention further relates to a reduction cause the shafts are inserted from the left into i20 20 gear for a propeller drive, in which the propeller the anti-friction bearings and into the crankcase shaft has a bearing in the crankshaft and reduc body 4. tion gears between said propeller Shaft and crank Said gear wheels 2d. are geared to the internal shaft. gear Wheel 30, which forms a unit with the cam 25 My invention further relates to a resilient Shaft 3 having on the outside thereof three cams : clutch drive between said propeller shaft and said A, B and C. This camshaft rests upon a bearing crankshaft. This is also independent of the ra b on each side of said internal gear wheel .3a, dial-form, though associated with the camshaft and said bronze (or other metal) bearing rests and propeller drive. upon a shelf 4d. of the crankcase f4. 30 It is further the object of my invention to The camshaft 3 has only three cams arranged merge the camshaft-drive with the gear reduc radially at 120 and in planes perpendicular to tion drive for the propeller and to combine said the axis thereof, in three parallel planes. Each drive with said reduction drive, to deaden the cam lifts the three inlet valves of three cylinders noise of said gear drive and also of said propeller. arranged at 120°, and the three exhaust valves of 35 The motor crankshaft and propeller rotate in op three cylinders arranged at 120°, said two sets of 3. posite direction. three cylinders being adjacent to each other. Other objects will appear in the following de This camshaft is shown in sideView in Fig. 3. Scription. Each can has about the length of 120° of the cir Referring to the accompanying drawing, Fig. 1 cumference of the can, and may be shaped in any form which will allow a high speed of the is: 40 shows diagrammatically the arrangement of the motor, and does not require excessive Spring pres nine cylinders with intervals of 40 around a Sure to keep the Waves 2 in touch with the Valve crankshaft. Each cylinder has an overhead rockers 9 at any time. I use by preference a valve-lifting arrangement for each exhaust- and cam-follower as now used in this type of engine, each inlet-Valve, as is well known in the art. having a roller, which rotates on a stationary & 45 In the present arrangement the exhaust and in shaft in the cam follower, 7. s let valves alternate with each other as shown in Although in the present construction the gear the dra Wing, in Fig. i. reduction drive is merged with the camshaft Fig. 2 shows Fig. 1. On the section line 2-2 drive, it is understood that the specific camshaft 50 thereof, going approximately through the axes of rotating at half engine speed and having Only cylinders and 6, and shows in Wertical CrOSS SeC three cams may be applied separately on engines, tion the left part of the motor and crankcase, apart from the gear reduction shown, the propel the camshaft drive, the reduction gear and the ler being fastened immediately to the crankshaft. clutch drive for the propeller. The cam A. operates for instance the inlet 55 Fig. 3 shows the camshaft 3 of Fig. 2 on the valves of cylinders 1, 7, 4 and the exhaust Valves 55 2 2,209,013 of cylinders 9, 6, 3. The cam B operates the inlet valves, one on each side of the cylinder barrel valves of cylinders 5, 2, 8 and the exhaust valves practically opposite each other. of cylinders 4, 17. The cam C operates the in The camshaft, camshaft bearing, gear Wheels let valves of cylinders 3, 9, 6 and the exhaust are oiled under pressure from the oil lead 23 valves of cylinders 2, 8, 5. It is understood, of shown in Fig. 2 by a dotted line through the left course, that this arrangement may be shifted Wall of the crankcase f4. However, it is under around, but one cam will always lift three inlet stood that the entire gear may be lubricated from valves of three cylinders arranged at 120°, and a central oil conduit 24 in the crankshaft (, three exhaust valves of three other cylinders, also leading oil to the Sungear and from there to O arranged at 120. the gear wheels 2d. and to the camshaft 3, pro O It is understood that the radial angle of the vided on its bearing Surface with oil grooves in pushrods 8 may be varied so that the proper any effective manner. This conduit 24 may fur length of the exhaust period of one cylinder is ther lead oil to the bearing in the nose piece is properly related to the inlet period of the other and to the mechanism to change the pitch of the 5 cylinder, which may be approximately of the propeller blades, indicated by 25 in Fig. 1. These 5 Same length. The angle of the valves to the cyl tWO oil leads 23 and 24 communicate with each inder axis can be varied also considerably so that other through the Space in which said gear wheels enough leeway is left all around to apply conven f2 rotate between the sun gear, and camshaft, iently the present construction. The operation Said Space having a branch from the oil lead 24 of the Valve gear will be explained next. In Figs. and a branch from the oil lead 23 in the Wall of 20 3, 2 and in Fig. 1, the camshaft 3 is drawn in the crankcase. - Such a position that the cam. A begins to lift the Warious modifications of all these latter fea inlet Valve of cylinder , and the can B begins tures are included within the scope of the foll to lift the exhaust valve of cylinder 7, and the lowing claims. inlet valve of cylinder 6 is lifted. In the drawing I claim: 25 and description we assume, as said before, that 1. In a nine cylinder radial engine, having its the exhaust and inlet period are each about 240° cylinders arranged Substantially at 40° interval, Crankshaft revolution, and the compression and an exhaust valve and an inlet valve for each cyl expansion period together also 240°. The axes of inder, pushrods for said valves and camfollowers 30 the pushrods of the various cylinders in Fig. 1 are for Said pushrods, a camshaft having three cams 30 shown about radially, intersecting each other in located in three parallel planes, each of said cams the axis of the crankshaft. It is, however under lifting in proper sequence for a fourstroke cycle Stood that their angle may be greatly varied so Operation an exhaust valve of one cylinder and that their axes are tangential to a circle, de an inlet valve of another cylinder in spaced re Scribed around the axis of the crankshaft. The lationship. 35 angle between the axes of the pushrod of inlet 2. In a nine cylinder radial engine, having its Valve of cylinder , and of the corresponding Cylinders arranged at 40°, a camshaft rotating at pushrod of exhaust valve of cylinder 9 is shown half engine Speed, said camshaft having three as approximately 60°.