Principal Streets and Places in London and Its Environs, with Their Postal Districts
This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. POST OFFICE. PRlNCIPAL STREETS AND PLACES IN LONDON AND iTS ENViRONS, AB DIVIDED ШТО "=--L DISTRI0T& BY COMMAND OF THE POSTMASTER BENERAL. December I856. "PO, LONDONl PRINTED BY GEOBGE E. EYRE AND WILLIAM SPOTTISWOODE, PBIKIKB8 TO THE QUEER'S MOST EXCELLENT ШЛЮТ. ¡856. Priee One Penny. Genoí;! Libícíy System Unive:sity oi Wisconsin - Madison 7р1Ч С 'о О irr- \-',-d:Gon, Wl 53705 1494 U.S.A. PRINCIPAL STREETS AND PLACES IN LONDON AND ITS ENVIRONS, WITH THEIR POSTAL DISTRICTS. l67. The Postmaster General, anxious to promote rapidity and eorreetness in the delivery of Letters, has, for postal purposes, divided London and its environs into Ten Districts, each to be tre&ted, in many respeets, as a separate town; and, to render this arrangement effeetual, he earnestly requests that every means may he taken by the Publie for eausing Letters to be direeted aeeording io the Distriet for whieh they are intended. The initials of the distriet, as shown in the following list, will suffioe ; and in the direсtion of a Letter these initisls should he legibly written in a separate line, and should in all eases end the address, thus (the Eastern Central distriet being taken as an example) : — James Thompson, Esq., 300, Cheupside. JE. G or, when the Letter is from the eountry, thus : — James Thompson, Esq., 300, Cheapside, London. E.C. l68. Among other means of induoing this praetiee, it is suggested that, when onvenient, eaeh Resident of a London District should add the name of the Distriet, or the initials, to his own Address inside his Letters when writing to Correspondents, and on his Address Card.
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