Ranchi to 1580 and That in Seven People Were Found Infect- Fatality Rate Was 1.20 Per Cent
$ 7 " ! * 8 8 8 +,$-+%./0 #&'&'( -. )#*+, : '+"?+;(((# 5+;'+ ,-,+ 25'+";2+ "2'-,')4(3 ;-(+';-);+23+# #+-,#+,)# -+",5+#- 22+#<2=,'@ 4,''+ '2+ A #(+ ,+/ "2-#+") -<"2#+;+"=,>+<3+"+ 9' !*% ++& 6. 9+ 2 !+ 1 .1232.45.26 Q $$%&$ ' R R ) ')4(3 !"# n a serious allegation 23"2'-, Ithat raised the polit- ical temperature in est Bengal's Governor Jagdeep Uttar Pradesh, AAP ! ! WDhankhar, who has been in the and Samajwadi Party news for his frequent run-ins with Chief leaders, in different Minister Mamata Banerjee, has six press conferences, lev- P Officers on Special Duty (OSD) while eled a sensational charge of financial irregular- Rajasthan Governor Kalraj Mishra has ities in land purchase by the Ram Janmabhoomi "! 23"2'-, only one OSD. Trust, which was set up by the Centre for the #$ According to the websites of the dif- construction of the Ram Temple in Ayodhya. ! rime Minister Narendra ferent State Governments, there are four AAP MP Sanjay Singh held a press confer- % ! PModi on Sunday stressed OSD to Bihar Governor and two OSDs ence in Lucknow while former SP MLA and for- ! the need for open and democ- to the Uttar Pradesh (UP) Governor. mer Minister Pawan Pandey addressed reporters ! ! ratic societies to work togeth- ! Similarly, Chhattisgarh and Odisha Bhawan, there is no OSD to Governor in Ayodhya. Ramjanmabhumi Tirth Kshetra er to defend the values they #$ Governors have two OSDs each. Anandiben Patel. There is only one post Trust general secretary Champat Rai said that ! P hold dear and to respond to the The OSD is an officer in the Indian of OSD to Governor in Haryana which they will study the charges of land purchase " increasing global challenges.
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