a ,1 JkJldi7r"7"TniniUl;AlfT ArWWrWr 11 AND GENERAL ADVERTISER,

Wl-"w- jf j v'"i"'j wm.iw'i' iw iwiwiiyii wni 9ftximww';'pif vwjf ."kv;tvi."',ci'" VOL. XIX. N 1042. BY DANIEL BRADFORD, LEXINGTON. SATURDAY, MAY 24, 1806.

JMiU4L&.7.SCJ: ajwrawxwoM3BjaM!M TERMS OF THE GAZETTE. JOHN DOWNING; C7 FOR SALK, " CHs. HUMPHT?vwzj 90feo. M. Bibb, RESPECTFULLY informs his C 5,000 Land, r. fares of Arr.ouopcmns?knd,omtaisorun;ntof THISpiperis published twice a week, L continue to eercife his friendsrand the publick in general, YlNG in the county ot Hendqrfon, profeiuoii c and attorney law, in a: Dollar and a half per annum, f counsel at that lie crfrh tin ties to keep ahoufe of chiefly on the waters of Huhlauu Three those cncuit courts in which he has heretofore and Trade will sell abo 1 advance, or Four Dollars-a- t the of appeal', and ENTERTAINMENT, Water. I the t nomas Wsll.ice e!o. - sill in practiced, and in the court i .1 "ppoiucoimnfl.. theru Kentucky and very low for calli, horses. bees, "i iu cuourt liou It- - end of the year. court of the United states, for .the in wAt cnmodiou.3 frame house, on diftridr. pork whiskey or flour. Any perfoi ov Lexington, must MJnn Street, opposite the Court April 4th, 1 85r-- . Those who write to the Editor, wiflnng to chase, will house, at the sign of pui please apply to poilage of their letters. me, living near Hobertlon's Lick, in the pay the J '9081 'C HWBJV THE BUFFALOE; , ,w J" Received hv aforeiaid county. iViL,KliNtJ &? noo where he --, prepared to accommo-Jat- e TANSfcwn t san .Laixuvii And rH u U1JP 31)1 UlOIJ PU 'J3UW0J John Hobhns. in t Travellers, andothers who may uipieU by ChLle, vVilkinl ' "CI S3itu 8 inoqe 'uauussjosq 03 Sept. 3rd, 1805. tf ot'I0 TJhratilX, STORAGE VCOMMSSIOX please to call on him, in the bed man- use, and for sale U tl,- - "f,l;""".u"lcojrl uojauix 3T ttlOJJ pEO.1 3111 UO 'S3UUnOD 10 bbls uft ner. He is well provided with a 4tli proof CogniacBrail, 1n snsXi; 1 Ot uvd pue 'lioig 111 ssij 10 Jamaica Spii PIIE subscriber respecnuny variety of the bell liquors his Bed- DOCTOR JOSEPH BOSWELL, 3 pUB aSpnf puu pu 3 .c,. rr, the- - nublick. that he h is lately 3uJ, 'jpjiuiq joj "laueira L,. in oj OJ StII ding and. other accommodations will au blierry, o. ...icd .1 house of EN atil 33j ijia pjroAt '3jipind emoved to his farm, seven the ot the .tile be furniflied equal to any in the 4 Colemenar, WINES, JW viilK (Limestone) at sign ijjiw. uojjad ajoddnj 1 se 'Xjujjsiju miles eas of Lexinirton. iwi. tlm H a 1 hou-- e is com 4 Port, S )'JARE &. COMl'ASS. The -- un 3q p;noA S3jitU3jd sqi jo Western Country. His Stable is Dudley'j where he will practice Mflcinc !n and both are 8 Pepper, I i.h, die stable tstenshe, aatjio well supplied with Hay, Oats, ar.d all its diflerent branches. He has on hand a in. necessary tor Uic jjqjanj Auy 'pui jossajj jimi 10 lliimstone, funished with cveiy thins , uge quantity of Genuine Mcdicme, which he G and others, who IjqiO l"J3A3j pUB 'ptBipJO ipEsd pllC Corn, and his Oilier particularlyat-tentive- Allum, accommodation of tiavdkrs wdlsdlbj whole sale or retail 15 a call. He jpide ue i uotiEAiiraa ui sa.ni! 1 careful. Those who Copperas, m. v thin':: pi oner to savor him with 00 J and He also offers for sale, two and A hundred six 10 Ginger, m ided 1 and convovent W lit. spjKAidn qjtM '33J3E inoqe Samici so as on ty eight .c-e- s of is ot with irge 0S5 are obliging to call him, ma first rate 0 Madder. .' 2J good.., equal, is -- H USa, for the reception of uoa '3Ai avou 1 qoiqAt uo i QMVT rest' afTared that they shall receive MILITARY LAND',. 8 . , ,.,, nnv the nlace. He wU also Chocolate, ' to in near boes-Seg;irs- , COMMISSION, for yea; stqcnicA leqa 'HTVS "HOJ the greatefl attention, and every ex Hornbeck's mill Clarke county, a part of 50 m U SALES upon col Nathaniel Gist's Up w.ll tol-- any thing to transact in will be made to make - inrvm . ,,au fc,fcv lcaseco,.,ainrngNut th ise who may have NIVOHV9 J.V3HO ertioli their or 1 c, w ith the ourg Negroes tor it. Mhce and tl it :. , w Inch v.ll be done, together situation agreeable. Private par- tto Cinnamon, the most reduced raettecour.ty, 10th Feb. 1806. Lor; ood, rh 11 ires for storage upon Partnerfliip of Mentelle & 10 the ex-p- . ties may be accommodated with a boxes Voting Hyso.i, tei oh He flutters himself, that fiom ? transactions, 7Wor t. Downing is Uo. is tins day a 10 do HjsoaSi.111, 'TEAS rie-v- had mercantile room undilturbed by the buttle of he Ius in n mutual consent ; those indebted - VRT 6? 35 bbb. and a des'ue to be useful, ftssoltdl BARTLET, Coffee and Loaf Sugar, attention to business, ted to call ar.d settle tliei accounts, tavern. Raisons of the public patronage. resnis in kegs. o meat a part and tKose nipr demands against the firm will Lexington, April mjejsyiinportea and are now oppnmg, a TheabONe ia 29. articles will be di.nn.l ( .. - ... JANUARY. - ", " "' npelient them ior settlement. Jte and General Assoitment of moderatehorNcgot!;t,sxrec,!o,fadvanrr- i... UMBRELLA MANUFACTORY A MERCHANDIZE. 7 simnlvof GSfWuiitife ..- - ',. C E. still continues his V O T I TSAibfcriber HICHthej can enttircto assat are as gululy .ecehed PhiUdelphi: Jr-yil- IV sh() office, .where has; "j l fc,wWn .t - opnfisiie mr. 's he UKE-USHER- , w ell X 'ni2i "l """-ir bought, and which can and shall be li wi addioito li'j other business, set up the sold as low m. any ..,...., i n or.,1 T'llfhrd. is this davcussoneilbi fiom Baltimore, in CAcrbionght to the state. .t ...ih-i- terms. w !v T - 'Windsor Chair Slaking, J ' They will mutual conscrt, those indebted, are requested lJforms the nublick, that he has receive in payment cash, toba t o, will be able to furnish Chairs of every hemp, or hog's call and their accounts With Junes uhewie removedlus Factoij to LeVing. laid in band ; but from the to desjinpron and painted, japanned and many A NEW STORE. vTo.w.in in,l those lmin? demands against cohr, ton, nt the siffn of t!ie Umbrcl disappointments they have met with in settle- - giit, which has been done in tins coJcctmg tor the firm, 'will piesent them to him for ncer jet la, next door to Travellers' Hall, their last veai'k sales, they are ancnt. country. w here he will keep a constant uuuiimicu iu cieuii none. THOMAS & ROBERT BARR, iy. Maccoun, F. Downing 26th November, 1805. "James Jun. supply ot m Lexington, March 6th, 1806. Just received t.-o- 'John Tilford Jun. Umbrellas & Parasols, Philadelphia, and are nm. non::.. .1.. , .. 1806. finished in and lately occupied bymr. ieiington, January 31st, theneatest manner Merchants K E M O V A L. E. Craig, a larre anl REMOVAL. traders may be supplied with Umbrellas at $ ll general assortment of II r received y I this Factory oh more advantageous terms than i ibseriber has hist from J - E. W. MERCHANDISE, S by them. CRAIG, Tlfulflnbin. and now opening at the AiVHt CONDON, Tailor, importing uonsistinir or I. s Ab removed his store ' ly oy me HAS emoved his mop to a lirull rea to the occupied ui't """)" ' comer DRT GOODS, market liouse, :ui house, o Vlain (lreet,the second door above white house, opposite Mr. Lea- - Jvtain street, opposite tie & HARD WARE. Z1L additional Supply of mr. Laudeman's; where he purposes carrying LEAVY GATEWOOD, vj s; where he has. rcce.icd and just opened, a Merchandise & Stationary, on his biifioefs ai usual. Those gentlemen Haveiuil imported from Philadelphia and licit iiuu large ;u50limeiu 01 cnoice CUTLERY, &rV. who please to savour him with their cut Baltimore, anH are now opening at their will be sold at the most reduced prices imv goods. QUEENS' j.ich mav depend on having their work done fto'e, in Lexington, whichFreshhe offers to his friends and I torn, the public at CHINA &f for Cash. manner, iioei-a- i wares, yames Maccoun. in the best A Large, Elegant, and Well Chosen uic iiiosi anurcuueeu pr.ces. GLAS N. He withes to sell a LOT of Ot a Assortment of '. Col ROOKS GROUND, lying on Mill ureet,arljoimnp; -- & Sr.4rTnxrn JMERCHANDIZE, O I C -U- TAMES ROSE, Hart's It is at present undei good enclolure u 1 T E. sdlforCash,atJ,emo,tre,iu: houie an ex Confiding of r &? Sboe M her, and a brick on it, that will mke E indebted to Maccoun Bcot liable, Lexington, March 1806. (Dry Goods, Groceiies, Iron Mongery ffj They hate on hanf! r cellent 3, Tilibid, ""-"- "w ot- RESPECTFULLY mlorms Cutlery, Saddlery, Lliina, Queens' and are requested to call and nav impoitedlJAK IKON. ..i the Udies and gentlemen of Lex- - their respecthc accounts on or before the first , and Glass Ware, Stationery, Paints ins-ton- that he carries on tne a RICHARD TAYLOR, day of March next. All those that failto com. r5w k boc business in all its various ESPECTFULLY informs his fi iends and and Medicine, warranted Boultinp-Cloths- ply, must expect their accounts put into the JOSEPH GRAY, branches, at Ins old stand, Main the publish, that he has opened a from No. 4 to 7 ; and in ad hands of proper officers for collection, w ltliout HAS removed hi. Store to the (tone from Main discrimination. house, Cross stiect, one door ise Entertainment, dition, thy have a large quantity of opposite Samuel &, George Trot- He has on nana an clc of Lexington, January 2, 1806. street. and ijricli house lately bed quality of Iron, cut ?nd wrought ters, lately occupied bv Meflrs. 1? of ldd.es' Kid f t bftre commodious H.ir' c ?) glut sssoitment , and occupied by Mr. John Instone, in Frankfort Nails, Jc a Bartlett; has just ad-O- Slippers, spangled and quantity of Man's Lick received, in O ? Morocco where he is supplied with the best of liquors dition to his any imported, wM en lie will SMt. THOMAS HICKEY, Tailor, former afTortmeiit, a very p1 n , .qui 'o and provisions of eery kind. His stable is 1 Likewise a hand All ol which were purchased at the lowed Main Cross Lexington, opposite elegant supply of tl.f est prices well furnished with foraire, and an attentive ost- - Street, Mr. lviiiiuiAAi. Cash prices, and will enable them to sell them, olc'uKiieni is.ui, accom- - ain's new Biick House GOODS, issil- iit ,, ler. from the arrangements made to -,-- s m:i..u.ma either by whole sale or very low for ;ih- .', 1 ne nubM. i will retail, which will be sold - visitants, and the attention that chrap for Cadi. . so. ad 1. , ,' supply of oi the . ,w UAMi. S his services to his friends leader I avm Lexington, .MV--.ds ' March 5, lsoe1.' Ml quii f , ami receiMng - pub'ick flattertliimfelf that from his o ( rv iid fa!!. Gennemcns - long experience in principal ri mir w- -. the cities of En ,rj Jl.lllll.lUH, nnt,.wwvwuw. .., ir.ot Da WA LTER WARFIELD, 20 . I'jacUs a d B 'rk strap .boons maueomie ii rope, and btfing lately from Philadelphia, will dollarsIrewardT ,t"im-n'c- V as- - l hamKome Will practise enible him to give peneral fatijfaelion. He Li'ier " RAN away on Cliiifhrus laQr t gram ami c;m .." ollars Reward. 'hysic and Surgery, presumes fjvcimenof his abilities will a Ne- sirtmen'. li"" 'Iick I flix thita gro Woman named Sho's. 11I G Morocco Pumps KAofT, fror Georgetown, on Sun In Lexington, and its vicinity. He keeps his fuiHcetor any thing more he might say. Li-di- LETTY, be!ffinfl. to the fublcriber, flie 'e in tne no 1 fas'lion and neatest taste day, the 16th Mauh, a fiiop in the house lately occupied by Doftors habits and creat coats made in the first is about 5S years ri ., pattern for of a ii ,t t n,l Qhoes cut to BLOOD BAY FILLEY, Brown and Waifield. ialluon. age, of Ilature, and be supplied with an) of. on 1806. apprentices, fpe : sle Mm n"itsim two years old this spring, branded the Lexington, Feb. 19, N.B One ortwo well recom ered, tond of ftronpr drink, antr , wher i - rticle-,- as .11 th a'n 1 neaily as cheap the near" boulder W S, no white or other mended, wanted immediately. 6m inioxicatttt very VV inloIentHer cloath-in- g stales. mark ; but has been docked. hoever SUBSCRIBER confified ot two March lh, 1806. Filley fubferi- - ttJE or three white muf- - will deliver the said to the 1111 Sil'iand Satm, midc Jfcjtforsale by the quarter-cas- areues, one ot N" B LV'cs' Far.cj ber, or civefuch information as to enable l or barrel, Stp&ons, Geldings, Marcs and fancy chintr, fair .. nunc-- 1 r .1. nI.u.pn in niMciiip. 0'cn i forimmediateu-ie- , coiourea nntey him to cet her. shall receive the above 1st quality Madeira Wine, sit Colts S.ile. petticoat, white yarn tu ilh at'e vied to and ncat'v executed. 3m do. Port do. do. 7 For Itockings and good flioes, reward. has sale with fll'ldlV Cherry Bounce do. 'CHE fubferiber for upwaids nrnpr r nnr iturr r ..Aj i . . William Story. head (of the above defcrmtion) 6 "' B"uu quality, i oe-- 4th proof Cogniac Brandy, that has been ofventy lieve this negro was STRAYED, Georgetown, April 13 tf sour his sour miles east of Lex harboured for some been years in my cellar, at plantation, time in and my farm, a sew days since, Holknd Gin, ington, on btiode's road, equal m blood near this place, andisrein0: jrn ved, no doubt is A SORREL MARE, MOORE's INN. Loaf Suprar and Coffee, and figure to any in this slate or perhaps fuinifJied with a pafit 1 bbl 1st quality Mdscovado Sugar, United States ; to Clarke county, Baiidftown aboyNjo urteen hands and a half hich, no the they are generally or Dan- 1 cnest & feledled and owned ville. rands recodecud -- It is fupp'fed fubfrii ber refpedi-full- informs lijson lea, from mares formerly FE 2 boxes 1st quality Chocolate. by Capt. Sam!. 1'ryor, and will ue ill t Ve tie roid to Mason county ! his friends and the nuolic, that lie lias Thomas D. I pay the above reward for :!,& Vhoeer takes her up, nd informs me whee opened a HOUSE OK ENTER IVm. Morton. Owings efq. by the famous running horse negro delivered to Jtelv and fiie can be had, or delivers her to me, shall be PAINMENT. in the houie lately occu Lexington, 2d April, 1806. , Speculator Spread Eagle, Will. Morton. rewarded by and Bi well, and the two last I'uppolVd equal to any Ituds pied bv Dotts. Barry f I Lexington, 2d April, 1806. Robt. Barr. immed'ntely opposite the court house in Madison Circuit scl ever imoortedfiom England. Aslwifh reduce my flock liorfes, I will dif-nos- e Fayette, March 31 , 1806. tf Piiis, where lie is prepared to accommo I March term 1806. to of , .EORGE TROTTER and date all such gentlemen as may please DnHveath'-rs- complainant, of them on reasonable terms, foi JOHN TIL-- J AVEISIGF.R'S one half cash in hand, and the other half FORD Jun tradm under the firm of TAVERN, to savor him with their cultom. He is againfl TROT1ER& rank on, Kentucky. coiirtantly lupplird with the mod genu- William Weathers, defendant, in lix months. Amongst thoTe offered TILFORD. for sale, two thiee years old Have just recehed fiom Phil idelphia, ananrny ine l'quois of every kind, his beds atten- In Chancery are Stallions ujaiuig- 111 me uoue The Subsrri-ber- , ded with and Irom the lize ot his ON the motion of the plaintiff by her at and one two years old, all sine and of loimeilj occupied bv' to care, sour Georpe Trotter, a larire and eitraisup. .,.. refpedlfully liable, he is in hopes to render it as com- torney, and it appearing to the fatisfaftion of upqueftionahle blood; alio elegant sour old sit ment of . j infouns the pub- modious as any other in the slate ; he is the court, that the defendant William, is not years Mares, for the, turf 01 - an inhabitant of this state, it is ordered, thlt laddie. lic,thathelHSta- determined to keep on hand an excellent suitableMERCHANDIZE.for the pofTelfinn the ibfent ("efendant, do appear here on Also far sale, a tract of 200 Acres first present and approaching keu of Itock ot hay, oats, and coin, togethei sons consistinir of iv 1 the fi' ft Monday in J une licit, to fhew caule, quality -- bis house, htely with a faithful, sober ostler flatter w m - . mj J is any he can,why the complainant'sbill (liall Fancy calhcoesand chintzes occupied bvCap. myself under these impreffions, on meet MILITARY LAND, . Lconco, cambnek, not be taken as confeffed, and that a copy o1 Chil-licot- tambored, jacconet ziA Phillip by the sign of with the patronage ot a On Deer creek, is or 15 miles from Bum, and known nig tins order be lnlerted in the Kentucky &az heed muslirs, ; to be sold for cash or such tiade iin'-n- s public. ettc two Months, agreeable to an Dimities andliisli THE EAGLE. aft of the as may be approved of by I am the public's humble servant, general afleiiibly of Kentucky, &c. Clotlis, fancv and constitution cord Graceful for the verv liberal encourage Zedi-kia- JMoore. A copy. Tcfle, William West, Cotton cassi meres eypenenced on for-hi- t 180& Blaik and cilow , ment wn'di lie has , May 9th? 1806. t,s Will. Irvine, C. M. C. C May j ft, tf ) Nankeens occaflins, he, is determined that no Kid, morocco, aail stuff shoes CTTncr,T.Trji?T Leghorn and bonncti txeitio.i, epsnce, or attention fliall be 1 Dunstable yf. ur. ju u.iviiiun:i Published, and sale Umbrellas and parasols to promote the accomodltion WESPEC ITL'LLY informs the mib- - Just for at faf? NAIL MANUFACTORY. Qtieens' w are by of thole who may please to faonr litm fiiop adjo this Office, the crate Jiffiat he has tnken he ning 10 nMi their custom. His house is large r'efpeftfully by 12anrt Sbv 30 indow glass 'r. r. ijain s nouie, wnerc ne mil conti IHr. fubferibers inform Hardware Cutlciy a id lu ns-ar- commodiou- s- He has VINDEX; and ard io nues the OR TfE their fiiends the public in general, Cofl'c, suar and tcai a .ui-t- v ni liquois of the first quality, that they have 'opened a Painting and Gilding Business, NAIL MAN- Madeira. Part, Sherry and Tun-rif- le wines ,1 id Its table is plentifully fupplird with Doctrines of the Strictures which he will add .the UFACTORY, in the town of Mayf-vill-e, proof),randy . - bt !l viands the feafou afforils. to 4h the that Vindicated, on Water ftreec, next door to Mr. Salt, cast jnVs', mils and best To his b ds particular attention Hull Blending, makhig, andframing of Pennsjbama AGAINST John Ai m'li ong's flore.-.- here thev martu-tsdur- e ,. Iron, JxO. &e. &c S.c. "8.r. d 1ms a fp.icious table; Looking Glasses he u.i He abun ; all kinds of Cut Nails StSnnrt JVhich will be soW unusuil'y low for & alfohavean elegant afTortmentof The Reply of Mr. Stone. nh irt clm'lv furniflied with corn, oat. hav, Hewill Also. have on hand, a general affoitment anl. Levir.fftnh, ApVil26th, 1806. J ' By P, Campbell., and an atentne hcftlrr to atttnfj it. Gilt Picture rames. John ot Wrought Nails, Sadd'ers' Tacks, Dor-- 7. hose mil Ateei to George Trotter or t , 1 rot- - . Q, t f,vt-- may at any tmebe fuinidi The fublcriber has likewifc on hand an tey's aarr Iron, Window Glass. j0Titcr .inJ Send are equestcctto call and settli w h pnv ,t ro' ms, fiee from the aP.Virtnient PUBLISHED, lir ,t.:l. e! of JUST it ui,ul.wiiiiui. they intend to sell at :(1el'!,c'racco'mts' as "" tiirtrer inI iV ice can r. noif. "f t!.. tavtri'. EARTHEN WARE. A nd for sale ?l this oiher, fittlourgh prices with the addition oflp!m',,,,-- be !"e"- - Those that sail t.c mnlv Dan I. Weisiger. W. Mentelle. THE MONITOR, carriage, for cash or approved note,. h"'1 tins reqnest, mst especWtheir actiilnis Apiloth, iCo6. May 1836. 3y Archibald Cm oi, minister of the gppcl WMitm W "" ! proper oflicers for col- - P,rtf Jun. CoJCttT "'' 1306. 1 Apnl 23t!i,