20 Nov 2014 (Jil.58, No.24, TMA No.59)

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20 Nov 2014 (Jil.58, No.24, TMA No.59) M A L A Y S I A Warta Kerajaan S E R I P A D U K A B A G I N D A DITERBITKAN DENGAN KUASA HIS MAJESTY’S GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY Jil. 58 TAMBAHAN No. 24 20hb November 2014 TMA No. 59 No. TMA 113. AKta CAP DAGANGAN 1976 (Akta 175) PENGIKLanan PERMOHOnan UntUK MENDAFtaRKan CAP DAGANGAN Menurut seksyen 27 Akta Cap Dagangan 1976, permohonan-permohonan untuk mendaftarkan cap dagangan yang berikut telah disetuju terima dan adalah dengan ini diiklankan. Jika sesuatu permohonan untuk mendaftarkan disetuju terima dengan tertakluk kepada apa-apa syarat, pindaan, ubahsuaian atau batasan, syarat, pindaan, ubahsuaian atau batasan tersebut hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan. Jika sesuatu permohonan untuk mendaftarkan di bawah perenggan 10(1)(e) Akta diiklankan sebelum penyetujuterimaan menurut subseksyen 27(2) Akta itu, perkataan-perkataan “Permohonan di bawah perenggan 10(1)(e) yang diiklankan sebelum penyetujuterimaan menurut subseksyen 27(2)” hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan itu. Jika keizinan bertulis kepada pendaftaran yang dicadangkan daripada tuanpunya berdaftar cap dagangan yang lain atau daripada pemohon yang lain telah diserahkan, perkataan-perkataan “Dengan Keizinan” hendaklah dinyatakan dalam iklan, menurut peraturan 33(3). WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 15072 [20hb Nov. 2014 Notis bangkangan terhadap sesuatu permohonan untuk mendaftarkan suatu cap dagangan boleh diserahkan, melainkan jika dilanjutkan atas budi bicara Pendaftar, dalam tempoh dua bulan dari tarikh Warta ini, menggunakan Borang CD 7 berserta fi yang ditetapkan. TRADE MARKS ACT 1976 (Act 175) ADVERTISEMENT OF APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION OF TRADE MARKS Pursuant to section 27 of the Trade Marks Act 1976, the following applications for registration of trade marks have been accepted and are hereby advertised. Where an application for registration is accepted subject to any conditions, amendments, modifications or limitations, such conditions, amendments, modifications or limitations shall appear in the advertisement. Where an application for registration under paragraph 10(1)(e) of the Act are advertised before acceptance pursuant to subsection 27(2) thereof, the words “Application under paragraph 10(1)(e) advertised before acceptance pursuant to subsection 27(2)” shall appear in the advertisement. Where written consent to the proposed registration of the registered proprietor of another trade mark or of another applicant has been lodged, the words “By Consent” shall appear in the advertisement, pursuant to regulation 33(3). Notice of opposition to an application for registration of a trade marks may be lodged, unless extended at the discretion of the Registrar, within two months from the date of this Gazette, on Form TM 7 accompanied by the prescribed fee. WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 20hb Nov. 2014] 15073 CLASS : 1 2012015657 14 September 2012 Evonik Oil Additives GmbH; Kirschenallee 64293 Darmstadt , GERMANY AGENT: Lee Shy Tsong, Donaldson & Burkinshaw I.P. Sdn. Bhd. Chemicals used in industry, science and photography, as well as in agriculture, horticulture and forestry, chemical additives to petroleum products; chemical additives to lubricants; chemicals for use as additives or ingredients in mineral oils, motor fuels, lubricants, technical oils and fats, heating fuels; chemical preparations for use as additives or ingredients in hydraulic fluids viscometric products, namely viscosity index improvers, pour point depressants, flow improvers, and de-waxing aids (in Class 1); dispersants; synthetic based fluids and esters for industrial use unprocessed artificial resins, unprocessed plastics; manures; fire extinguishing compositions; tempering and soldering preparations; chemical substances for preserving foodstuffs; tanning substances; adhesives used in industry; all included in class 1. CLASS : 1 2012054335 14 June 2012 Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word "greenearth". Greenearth Alliance Sdn. Bhd.; No. 35, Jalan Sultan Alam Shah, 42700, Banting, Selangor Malaysia AGENT: Herlina Khamisiah Sauli, Tiger Intellectual Sdn Bhd Carbolineum for the protection of plants; chemical products for inhibiting the growth of weeds; chlorine-free fertilizers; expanded clay for hydroponic plant growing (substrate); fertilizer compositions; fertilizers; fertilizers for soil; fertilizing preparations; fish meal fertilizers; garden feeds (fertilizers); growth promoters (other than for medical or veterinary use); growth stimulants (other than for medical or veterinary use); land fertilizers; mineral fertilizers; mulch and fertilizer mixes, fertilizer predominating; multi-nutrient fertilizers; mineral preparations for use as nutritional foodstuffs for plants; mineral products for use in growing plants; natural fertilizers; nitrogenous fertilizer; nutrients for plants; plant foods; plant growing media; plant growing substances; plant growth regulating preparations; plant growth regulators; plant growth stimulants; plant substrates; planting additives to facilitate rooting; preparations for feeding plants; preparations for plant protection; preparations for promoting the growth of plants; preparations for regulating plant growth; preparations of trace elements for plants; preservatives for plants; seaweed extracts for use as a fertilizer; seaweed plant food; seed coatings (fertilizer); slow release fertilizer compositions; substances for promoting plant growth; substances for regulating growth in plants; trace element feeds for plants; wound sealing preparations for plants; all included in Class 1. WARTA KERAJAAN PERSEKUTUAN 15074 [20hb Nov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hb Nov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hb Nov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hb Nov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