Discovery and Characterisation of Castlerea Virus, a New Species Of

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Discovery and Characterisation of Castlerea Virus, a New Species Of EVB0010.1177/1176934317691269Evolutionary BioinformaticsO’Brien et al 691269research-article2017 Evolutionary Bioinformatics Discovery and Characterisation of Castlerea Virus, a 1–14 © The Author(s) 2017 New Species of Negevirus Isolated in Australia Reprints and permissions: Caitlin A O’Brien1*, Breeanna J McLean1*, Agathe M G Colmant1, DOI: 10.1177/1176934317691269 Jessica J Harrison1, Sonja Hall-Mendelin2, Andrew F van den Hurk2, Cheryl A Johansen3,4, Daniel Watterson1, Helle Bielefeldt-Ohmann1, Natalee D Newton1, Benjamin L Schulz1, Roy A Hall1 and Jody Hobson-Peters1 1Australian Infectious Diseases Research Centre, School of Chemistry & Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD, Australia. 2Public Health Virology, Forensic and Scientific Services, Department of Health, Queensland Government, Coopers Plains, QLD, Australia. 3School of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, The University of Western Australia, Nedlands, WA, Australia. 4Department of Health – Pathwest Laboratory Medicine WA, Nedlands, WA, Australia. ABSTRACT: With advances in sequencing technologies, there has been an increase in the discovery of viruses that do not group with any currently described virus families. The newly described taxon Negevirus encompasses a group of viruses displaying an insect-specific phenotype which have been isolated from multiple host species on numerous continents. Using a broad-spectrum virus screening assay based on the detection of double-stranded RNA and next-generation sequencing, we have detected a novel species of negevirus, from Anopheles, Culex, and Aedes mosquitoes collected in 4 geographically separate regions of Australia. Bioinformatic analysis of the virus, tentatively named Castlerea virus, revealed that it is genetically distinct from previously described negeviruses but clusters in the newly proposed Nelorpivirus clade within this taxon. Analysis of virions confirmed the presence of 2 proteins of 24 and 40 kDa which support previous bioinformatic predictions of negevirus structural proteins. KEYWOrds: Virus discovery, negevirus, mosquito, insect-specific virus RECEIVED: September 30, 2016. ACCEPTED: December 7, 2016. DECLaratiON OF CONFLictinG intEREsts: The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this PEER REviEW: Five peer reviewers contributed to the peer review report. Reviewers’ article. reports totalled 1655 words, excluding any confidential comments to the academic editor. CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: Jody Hobson-Peters, Australian Infectious Diseases TYPE: Original Research Research Centre, School of Chemistry & Molecular Biosciences, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia. Email: [email protected] FUndinG: The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This study was funded by the Australian Research Council (ARC DP120103994). Introduction Recently, a vast number of insect-only viruses (ISVs) have been methyltransferase (MTase), viral MTase, helicase, and RNA- isolated from multiple mosquito species globally.1–3 Making up dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP). Open reading frames 2 a large percentage of these viruses are insect-specific flavivi- and 3 are approximately 1.5 kb and 600 base pairs (bp), respec- ruses (ISFs) that have predominately been found within Aedes tively, and it has been hypothesised that they encode structural and Culex species mosquitoes. However, isolations of Palm proteins, although little physical evidence has been provided to Creek virus from Coquillettidia sp. and Nakiwogo virus from support these potential functions to date.6,10,12 Open reading Mansonia sp. suggest that ISFs exhibit a broad mosquito host frame 3 encodes a small protein which contains a domain with range.2–4 Interestingly, multiple other ISVs have been isolated similarity to the p24 and p23 membrane proteins found in the from other virus families, including Bunyaviridae, Reoviridae, plant virus genera Cilevirus, Higrevirus, and Blunervirus.12–14 Togaviridae, Mesoniviridae, and most recently from a newly More recently, with the use of sequence profile-based domain described taxon, Negevirus.5–9 prediction programs, such as PSI-BLAST and HHblits, ORF2 The taxon Negevirus was first proposed by Vasilakis and col- has been reported to contain a small glycoprotein domain indi- leagues who described 6 viruses that were distantly related to cating that it may function as a spike protein.13,14 plant-infecting viruses of the genus Cilevirus.10 Viruses in the To date, 12 viruses have been described which are thought Negevirus taxon are enveloped, positive-sense single-stranded to represent individual species of negeviruses. These viruses RNA viruses ((+) ssRNA) with a 9- to 10-kb genome that is have been isolated from multiple mosquito genera, as well as polyadenylated at the 3′ end and encodes 3 open reading frames Lutzomyia sandflies from Europe, Africa, and the United (ORFs) flanked by noncoding intergenic regions (IGRs).10,11 States, with numerous isolates of some virus species being iso- Open reading frame 1 is approximately 7 kb and codes for the lated from several different geographic locations and from RNA-replication machinery domains: ribosomal RNA (rRNA) multiple host species.6,10-12,15 Recent bioinformatic analyses undertaken by Kallies et al16 * C.A.O. and B.J.M. contributed equally. revealed that negeviruses can be classified into 2 distinct clades Creative Commons Non Commercial CC-BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages ( 2 Evolutionary Bioinformatics within the taxon. The Nelorpivirus clade consists of viruses that virus (NWTV), a negevirus isolated from Culex vishnui mos- cluster with Negev (NEGV), Loreto (LORV), and Piura quitoes collected in Indonesia.10 This virus was tentatively (PIUV) viruses, whereas the Sandewavirus clade includes the named Castlerea virus after Castlerea street in Tingalpa more divergent Santana (SANV), Dezidougou (DEZV), where the mosquitoes from pool B185775 were collected. Wallerfield (WALV), and related viruses.6,11,16 Based on the prototype sequence, a CsV-specific reverse tran- In virus culture using the dicer-2–deficient C6/36 and scription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) using primers C7/10 (Aedus albopictus) cell lines, these viruses can cause to the rRNA MTase domain of ORF1 was designed to per- extensive cytopathic effect (CPE) from 24 hours post infection form retrospective analysis of the cohort of 24 MAVRIC- (hpi), characterised by cell rounding and detachment of the positive pools collected in 2012. This analysis yielded an monolayer.10,15,17,18 Additional analysis using vertebrate cell additional 12 isolates from Cx annulirostris and Cq xan- culture (Vero, African green monkey; BHK, baby hamster kid- thogaster mosquitoes (Figure 1A, Table 1). ney; and HEK 293, human adrenal ganglion/neuron-derived MAVRIC positive mosquito pools from the cohort of cell line) and intracerebral inoculation of newborn mice has mosquitoes collected in Brisbane in 2012 were further indicated that negeviruses likely exhibit an insect-specific assessed by RT-PCR of extracted RNA from the virus cul- phenotype.10 tures using a panel of specific primers generated to viruses Little is known about the mode of transmission of negevi- that are frequently present in Australian mosquito popula- ruses in nature. Isolation of Okushiri virus (OKV) from mos- tions1,22,23 These analyses confirmed the presence of Liao quito larvae suggests the potential for vertical transmission of ning virus (LNV) and Alphamesonivirus 1 in many of the some negeviruses,13 whereas horizontal transmission via blood mosquito pools and co-isolation of LNV in all CsV-positive meal has been demonstrated to be possible, but fairly ineffi- pools (Table 1). cient, for the prototype strain of NEGV (EO-329).10 Although attempts to culture these viruses in vertebrate cell lines have CsV is present in mosquito populations of a large thus far been unsuccessful, the isolation of some negeviruses geographic range and in archival mosquito pools from multiple host species and genera indicates the potential for horizontal transmission via a cryptic vertebrate host or a MAVRIC positive virus cultures obtained from an additional host range that includes plants.6,10,12 10 mosquito pools collected from the Peel region of Western Further isolations of negeviruses will provide crucial infor- Australia (WA) in 2014, at a distance of over 4000 km from mation about the evolution and persistence of these viruses and where the prototype was isolated (Figure 1B), were analysed by interactions that occur within the mosquito virome, such as the Illumina sequencing. This resulted in 10 additional negevirus potential to interfere with the transmission of secondary infec- sequences from a range of host species, including a single male tions with pathogenic vertebrate-infecting viruses, as has been Culex mosquito (Table 2). All sequences shared 97.42% to shown for the ISFs.19,20 Herein, we describe a putative
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