De Rebus Bromeliacearum I
Selbyana 15: 9-93 DE REBUS BROMELIACEARUM I HARRY E. LUTHER AND EDNA SIEFF The Marie Selby Botanical Gardens, 811 South Palm Avenue, Sarasota, Florida 34236 USA ABsTRACT. This paper contains taxonomic and publication information for Bromeliaceae that was not included in, or which appeared after, the publication of L.B. Smith and R.J. Downs' Flora Neotropica Monograph 14, Part 1 (1974); Part 2 (1977); Part 3 (1979). Additionally, it contains, for new taxa, names and authors, publication sources and dates, country of origin, and locations of type specimens. Also included is miscellaneous supplemental information where useful and appropriate. ABsTRACTO. Este trabajo contiene informacion taxonomica sobre Bromeliaceae la cual no fue incluida o que aparecio despues de la publicacion de L.B. Smith y R.J. Downs' en Flora Neotropica Monografia 14, Parte 1 (1974); Parte 2 (1977); Parte 3 (1979). Para las nuevas taxas se incluyen los nombres y los autores, las fuentes y las fechas de las publicaciones, el pais de origen y la localizacion de los especimenes tipo. Tambien, se incluye informacion complementaria donde se considera util y apropiada. INTRODUCTION In 1979 the New York Botanical Gardens published for the Organization for Flora Neotropica the final portion of the monograph of the Bromeliaceae by Drs. Lyman B. Smith and Robert J. Downs (Smith & Downs 1974, 1977, 1979). The monograph was issued in three parts (part I, Introduction and subfamily Pitcairnioideae; part 2, subfamily Tillandsioideae; and part 3, subfamily Bromelioideae); 46 genera and 2110 species were accepted. Since the completion of that work, numerous additions, synonymies and nomenclatural changes have been proposed at generic, specific and subspecific levels.
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