Vol 33 Number 5 Sept/ Oct 2009 PUBLISHED BY: COMMITTEE MEMBERS President: Len Colgan 1 Ailsa Avenue, Warradale, 5046. Ph: 82969426 Secretary: Derek Butcher. 25 Crace Road, Fulham, 5024. Ph: 83567728 Vice president: Adam Bodzioch Treasurer: Bill Treloar Margaret Butcher Maureen Hick Colin Waterman Lainie Stainer Bev Masters Email address: Meetings Venue: Secretary -
[email protected] Maltese Cultural Centre, Web site: http://www.bromeliad.org.au 6 Jeanes Street, Beverley Time: 2.00pm. Second Sunday of each month Exceptions –1st Sunday in May, & August & no meeting in December or unless advised otherwise VISITORS & NEW MEMBERS WELCOME Neoregelia ‘Tiger’ Pots, Labels & Hangers - Small quantities available all meetings. For special orders/ larger quantities call Ron Masters on 83514876 Dates for 2009 Meeting dates:- Sept 13th- Trip to northern NSW by Derek, Oct 11 th-“Problems, Questions and Answers” bring in problem plants (even herbarium specimens) for discussion!, Nov 8 th. Special Events:- Nov 7th Sales day Applications for membership always welcome. Subscriptions $10.00 per year Feb. to Feb. Several reference photos courtesy of “fcbs.org” July meeting from the Secretary’s desk Because of very healthy bank balance and now we have no commitment for an Australian Conference for a few years to come we decided to reduce the commission sellers pay on plant sales. For a three-year period we decided to reduce the commission at our Shows to 10% instead of 20%. To encourage members to sell at meetings we decided this would be free of commission for the same period. In our last Gazette you may have noticed my plea for a photographer at our meetings to take a photograph of a plant that had some special interest.