1 | Our Lady of Victory 


OPENING HYMN Christ is Risen Today Jesus Christ is ris'n today, Alleluia! Our triumphant Hymns of praise then let us sing Alleluia! Unto holy day, Alleluia! Christ our heav'nly King, Alleluia! Who did once upon the cross Alleluia! Suffer to Who endured the cross and grave, Alleluia! Sin- redeem our loss. Alleluia! ners to redeem and save. Alleluia!

GLORIA Glory to God in the highest, have mercy on us; and on earth peace to people of good will. you take away the sins of the world, We praise you, receive our prayer; you are seated at the right we bless you, hand of the Father, we adore you, have mercy on us. we glorify you, For you alone are the Holy One, we give you thanks for your great glory, you alone are the Lord, Lord God, heavenly King, you alone are the Most High, O God, almighty Father. Jesus Christ, Lord Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son, with the Holy Spirit, Lord God, Lamb of God, Son of the Father, in the glory of God the Father. you take away the sins of the world, Amen.

FIRST READING Acts 10:34a, 37-43 Peter proceeded to speak and said: God raised on the third day and granted that he “You know what has happened all over Judea, be visible, not to all the people, but to us, beginning in Galilee after the the witnesses chosen by God in advance, that John preached, how God anointed Jesus of who ate and drank with him after he rose from Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power. the dead. He commissioned us to preach to the He went about doing good and healing all those people and testify that he is the one appointed oppressed by the devil, for God was with him. by God as judge of the living and the dead. We are witnesses of all that he did both in the To him all the prophets bear witness, that every- country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They put one who believes in him will receive forgiveness him to death by hanging him on a tree. This man of sins through his name.”

RESPONSORIAL PSALM Psalm 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23 This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad.

SECOND READING Col 3:1-4 Brothers and sisters: earth. For you have died, and your life is hidden If then you were raised with Christ, seek what is with Christ in God. When Christ your life appears, above, where Christ is seated at the right hand then you too will appear with him in glory. of God. Think of what is above, not of what is on Anniversary Intentions for the Deceased. The following death anniversaries occurred: March 29 - April 4 Annamae Fritsch - Virginia Oates - Roberta Klem - Danny Mazzaro - Anne Holy

2 | Our Lady of Victory Parish


SEQUENCE Christians, to the Paschal Victim “The tomb of Christ, who is living, Offer your thankful praises! The glory of Jesus’ resurrection; A Lamb the sheep redeems; Bright angels attesting, Christ, who only is sinless, The shroud and napkin resting. Reconciles sinners to the Father. Yes, Christ my hope is arisen; Death and life have contended in that combat to Galilee he goes before you.” stupendous: Christ indeed from death is risen, our new life ob- The Prince of life, who died, reigns immortal. taining. Speak, Mary, declaring Have mercy, victor King, ever reigning! What you saw, wayfaring. Amen. Alleluia.


GOSPEL Jn 20:1-9 On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala at the tomb first; he bent down and saw the buri- came to the tomb early in the morning, while it al cloths there, but did not go in. When Simon Pe- was still dark, and saw the stone removed from ter arrived after him, he went into the tomb and the tomb. So she ran and went to Simon Pe- saw the burial cloths there, and the cloth that ter and to the other disciple whom Jesus loved, had covered his head, not with the burial cloths and told them, “They have taken the Lord from but rolled up in a separate place. Then the other the tomb, and we don’t know where they put disciple also went in, the one who had arrived at him.” So Peter and the other disciple went out the tomb first, and he saw and believed. For they and came to the tomb. They both ran, but the did not yet understand the Scripture that he had other disciple ran faster than Peter and arrived to rise from the dead.


NICENE CREED I believe in one God, the Father, the Almighty, Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seat- Maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible ed at the right hand of the Father. He will come and invisible. again in glory to judge the living and dead and I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begot- His kingdom will have no end. ten Son of God, born of the Father before all ag- I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Giver of es. God from God, Light from Light, true God life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, from true God, begotten, not made, consubstan- who with the Father and the Son is adored and tial with the Father; through Him all things were glorified, who has spoken through the prophets. made. For us men and for our salvation He came I believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was Church. I confess one Baptism for the forgiveness incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became Man. of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of For our sake He was crucified under Pontius Pi- the dead and the life of the world to come. late, He suffered death and was buried, and rose Amen again on the third day in accordance with the

Our Lady of Victory Carmel Pastor’s Intentions for Homebound:  That all Christians may have the freedom to worship God and live according to their faith  For the Holy Father , bishops, and priests that they may lead the Church in humility and fidelity

3 | Our Lady of Victory Parish

MASS PROGRAM PRAYER FOR THE SUCCESS OF THE VICTORY FUTURE PROJECT Almighty God and Father, we can build the kingdom you desire and the You established your light on this hill in Delhi and community you long to see. Give us generous, generations have kept that light burning brightly. kind hearts and bless our efforts with Success. As we look forward, bless our efforts and our de- Amen liberations. Give us wisdom and courage so that

OFFERTORY HYMN Morning Has Broken Morning has broken like the first morning Black- Sweet the rain's new fall, sunlit from Heaven Like bird has spoken like the first bird the first dewfall on the first grass Praise for the singing, praise for the morning Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden Praise for them springing fresh from the world Sprung in completeness where His feet pass

COMMUNION HYMN #1 Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive hon- Worthy are you, O Bread of Life. Salvation and or and glory. joy belong now to us. Worthy are the ones who believe to receive the By conquering death and rising to new life, we've goodness of God. become a people of praise.

Worthy are you, O paschal Lamb. Wisdom and Worthy are you, O risen Christ. Wonders and strength belong now to you. signs, revealing your might. You laid down your life and died upon the cross: Your power and glory shine upon our lives: we've we've become a people of hope. become your light for the world.

COMMUNION HYMN #2 Now We Remain We hold the death of the Lord deep in our eyes: this we have heard, life giving Word. hearts. Living, now we remain with Jesus, the Christ. He chose to give of himself, became our bread. Broken that we might live. Love beyond Once we were people afraid, lost in the night. love, pain for our pain. Then by your cross we were saved. Dead became living, life from your giving. We are in the presence of God. This is our call. Now to become bread and wine: food for Something which we have known, something the hungry, life for the weary, for to live with the we've touched, what we have seen with our Lord, we must die with the Lord.

CLOSING SONG Alleluia, Love is Alive People of God, see the morning is new; Alleluia! Love is alive; Conquered the grave and Rise from your sleeping and run to the tomb. defeated the night. Come and see! Come and see! He is alive! Alleluia! Love is alive! The Son has arisen for all. Your people sing alleluia! A grave that is empty, a promise fulfilled. God who was with us is here with us still. He is here! He is here! He is alive!

4 | Our Lady of Victory Parish

MASS PROGRAM Fr. Bens Column Easter Sunday- Christus Resurrexit, Alleluia! Christ fact, in the life of God. We has risen, Alleluia! have a tendency to take things for granted, familiarity I have always loved real fires. The bigger they breeds contempt, as the say- are the more I loved them. In ancient Ireland at ing goes. For us, the life of the time of Saint Patrick’s mission, there was a grace, the availability of the pagan festival called Beltane which fell around sacraments, the accessibility the same time Easter was celebrated. During this of God, is so familiar, so near, festival great bonfires were built all over Ireland. so ordinary that we can for- At an appointed time the High King of Ireland, at Tara, would set ablaze the first fire. From that get how incredible these gifts are. Yet, when we point all the fires were lit and soon the whole of stop to think about it, the fact that Jesus, the Ireland was ablaze. Night became day and Logos (Word) who is the Second Person of the darkness was overcome by the light to usher in Blessed Trinity, died on a cross for us, for you, now the Spring. Saint Patrick established his bonfire that is tremendous. Even more so, the fact that ten miles from Tara on the Hill of Slane and set it because He loves us so much, God the Father ablaze before the High King. From this point on sent His Son to die on a cross to save us. That is the Gospel of Jesus Christ was carried through- also tremendous. The love that God the Father out the whole country of Ireland. Night became must have for you that He would allow such a day and darkness gave way to light. Like his fire, thing, now the depth of that Fatherly love is be- Patrick burned with a passion that set the coun- yond our human comprehension. As Saint John try on fire. (3:16) says: “God loved the world so much that

He sent His only Son.” The Easter fire, which should be big and dra- matic, is the true image of Christ. It expresses His The truth is that the Resurrection of Christ ushered own heart and His desire to love the Father com- in the possibility of having a close relationship pletely and absolutely. The fire also expressed with God. It ushered the possibility of receiving Christ’s passion to carry out the Father’s desire God’s grace, which is God’s own life and love, that His children should be saved and restored to along with the possibility of fulfilling our eternal Him. In order to keep that Easter fire alight the destiny – an intimate life with God now and in whole year round, we transfer the Paschal fire to eternity. Between the time of the fall of Adam the Paschal candle so the flame is kept burning brightly. This way, people can receive it at Bap- and Eve and the time of the Resurrection of Je- tism, and we can make it present at funerals to sus, we were lost. We were lost in sin, and, in remind us of God’s passion for us and the sacri- spite of all the sacrifices and offerings, heaven fice He made for us. In a sense, out of necessity was closed to us. Imagine, never being able to we seem to tame that fire with the Paschal can- enter heaven; or never being able to be fulfilled dle, but we should be careful not to tame that in our humanity. Imagine, never being able to fire in our hearts, our souls, and our lives or else live as we were created to live, to love as we we lose out on the passion we should have in life. were created to love. Imagine, not able to spend eternity as we were created to spend At the Easter Vigil we gather around a fire to wel- eternity – now that is damnation. come the Risen Lord. We gather to welcome the new life that Christ now offers to each of us and Christ’s Resurrection changed all that as He ush- the world. It’s hard to comprehend just how ex- ered in a life of grace and the potential to live as traordinary and momentous this event is in the we should and could. From the tree in the gar- life of the human race, in all creation, and, in den, life was taken away and from the tree of the Cross, life was restored.

5 | Our Lady of Victory Parish

MASS PROGRAM Fr. Bens Column God paid a terrible price to save His children, to little easier and more worthwhile. I would like for save us, to save you and me. The fire of Easter us to offer opportunities for spiritual and human should remind us of the light coming into the growth for individuals, couples, families, young world – that is true – but it should also remind us of and old so that we can come close to God and the passion God has for us and the passion with experience His love for us. I would like us all to ex- which our hearts should burn for Him. perience a community where every member is, according to their state in life and ability, en- Ad Omne Opus bonum paratus: Prepared for gaged and valued while every child and every every good work person is enriched by being part of this communi- ty. I would like Victory to become a place where Ad Omne Opus bonum paratus – prepared for kindness is the character of our encounters, every good work was the motto of St. Norbert. where good, virtuous, and wholesome character Tim Butler asked me a great question a few days is nurtured and formed. I would like our communi- ago: What do you want for Our Lady of Victory ty to be a place where our children are formed in parish? I can tell you what I hope for and what I spirit, mind, body, heart, and soul for life. Victory would like to help achieve. I want to help bring should be a place where people feel touched by about a passion for God, a passion for good, a God. passion for life, a passion for the best in and for each other. I want to bring a passion that infuses From what I hear and see here at Victory I think every aspect of our lives here at Victory, our mar- you want the same. I think all of this is our shared riages, our homes, our school, our families, our mission. We already work for many of these things programs, our good works, our liturgy, our whole and although we are imperfect and sometimes life together. I want to help build a passion for fail – we do not let our failures, our falls, and our God that moves us to be better, do better, want weaknesses define who we are or what our fu- better, for God, for others, for ourselves, and for ture can be. We know, you and I, by helping those we love. each other, we can do better and build the community some only wish for. We know we can The primary reason for the existence of a parish is build that community, with God’s help and the worship of God, the salvation of souls, and through God’s grace. the transmission of the faith. All our efforts should flow from this or lead to this holy work. So, I would We live in a time where people seem to think pro- like greater communion with God to be central grams are our salvation. I think programs, like to our life and our worship. I would like to see Vic- schools, associations, and plans are useful. They tory form people to be dedicated to Christ and help us achieve our goals, but they are not an the Church, valuing, supporting, encouraging, end in themselves. I believe it is people who really and protecting all life at all stages. I would like make a difference. People like the Blessed Virgin creativity to be the norm where talent is encour- Mary, Peter, Paul, Patrick, Teresa of Avila, Mother aged, and opportunities to share those talents Teresa, people like you. abound. I would like to see in our parish and school an environment where people are af- Whatever we do, I want us to be like the Easter firmed, challenged, transformed by God’s love. I blaze setting the world on fire. I think that is a mis- would like an environment where belonging sion worth working toward. To be set on fire for leads to a deeper faith, a deeper commitment, Christ – that’s a life worth having and worth living. and friendships that are formed for life. I would like Victory to be a place where people experi- It’s Easter Sunday – where the miraculous breaks ence faith, hope, prayer, joy, and kindness while into the everyday. So, let’s not be afraid to be- feeling uplifted, valued, and renewed so that lieve and dream big. Be prepared for every good when they leave here, they leave feeling they work. are better for having been here, and their life is a

6 | Our Lady of Victory Parish

Our Lady of Victory CONTACT US LITURGICAL CALENDAR & MASS INTENTIONS Clergy Sunday, April 4th: Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord 7:30 AM Mass - † Missa Pro Populo Fr. Benedict O’Cinnsealaigh 9:00 AM Mass - † Missa Pro Populo Parish Priest 11:00AM Mass - † Jean Keiser 922-4460 / [email protected] Mr. Charley Jenkins Monday, April 5th: Monday within the Octave of Easter Deacon 8:30 AM Mass - † Larry Klingenbeck [email protected] 9AM - 4 PM Adoration in Chapel Mr. Mark Machuga No Confession Deacon Tuesday, April 6th: Tuesday within the Octave of Easter [email protected] 8:30 AM Mass - † Christian Schauer Parish Staff 7:00 PM Mother’s Mass

Stefanie Busch Wednesday, April 7th: Wednesday within the Octave of Easter Bookkeeper 8:30 AM Mass - † Glenn Bokenkotter 347-8827 / [email protected] Thursday, April 8th: Thursday within the Octave of Easter Sara Gonnella Administrative Assistant 8:30 AM Mass - † Jim Durkin 347-8810 / [email protected] Friday, April 9th: Friday within the Octave of Easter Bruce Laake Business Manager 8:30 AM Mass - † Millie Stamper 347-8826 / [email protected] Saturday, April 10th: Saturday within the Octave of Easter Elaina McCormick Director of Sacred Music 8:30 AM Mass - † Christopher Donnelly 347-8830 / [email protected] 3:30 PM Confession Jonathan Schaefer 4:30 PM Mass - † Charles Mayhaus Dir. of Religious Education Sunday, April 11th: Second Sunday of Easter 347-8825 / [email protected] Andy Spinney 8:45 AM Mass - Members of Victory Fund (SI) Dir. of Development 11:00AM Mass - † Missa Pro Populo 347-8819 / The Archdiocese of Cincinnati is planning a Bicenten- [email protected] nial Marian Pilgrimage throughout the Archdiocese.

Sign-Up today for the Our Lady of Victory Marian Con- Natalie Brunsman secration. We are doing this with the “33 Days of Director of Communications Morning Glory” booklet for daily reflections. For the 347-8824 / [email protected] consecration, we ask everyone to sign up today by contacting the Rel. Ed. Office by phone or e-mail. 347 -2071 or [email protected] Please sign up by April 13th. Booklets are available near church exits. The pilgrim- age begins May 16th. www.mary2021.org

7 | Our Lady of Victory Parish


Organizations Monday, April 5th ADULT RELIGIOUS ED TEAM Parish Office Closed/ No School Peggy Korte 4:00 PM Softball Practice Fields ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Tuesday, April 6th Jim Schultz No School BEREAVEMENT 4:00 PM Softball Practice Fields Teresa Humphrey 7:00 PM Mother’s Mass Church BOY SCOUTS Wednesday, April 7th Ron Lewis CEMETERY No School 4:00 PM Softball Practice Fields Carol Weisker 7:00 PM Leaders Meeting Meeting Rm CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH Thursday, April 8th Susan Meyer CUB SCOUTS No School Ron Lewis 4:00 PM Softball Practice Fields EDUCATION COMMISSION Friday, April 9th Jonathan Schaefer No School FINANCE COMMISSION 4:00 PM Softball Practice Fields Tom Butler 6:00 PM Old Timers Fields FOOD PANTRY 7:00 PM Holy Hour for the Dying Chapel Jenny Smyth Saturday, April 10th GIRL SCOUTS Cathy Dezarn 8:00 AM Set Construction Mail Hall HOLY SMOKES Jason McWhorter WEEKLY OFFERING - MARCH 28, 2021 LADIES OF VICTORY (LOV) Jen Bonnick Envelopes & Cash $ 8,847 Kelly Goodin Electronic Contributions $ 4,607 MARRIAGE PREPARATION Total $ 13,454 Jim & Pauline Grome YTD Comparison to Budget PASTORAL COUNCIL YTD Actual (39 weeks) $612,192 Ed Frede YTD Budget (39 weeks) $613,200 PEACE & JUSTICE COMMISSION Collection Under Budget $ 1,008 Anne Tepe Mary Beth Rebennack YTD Comparison to Prior Year PTO YTD Actual (39 weeks) $612,192 Kelly Kuethe Prior Year Actual (39 weeks) $628,161 Kelly McCarthy Collection UNDER Prior Year $ 15,969 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL Paul Kenkel USHERS Welcome to Church Hal Franke Josephine Ann Panzeca WORSHIP COMMISSION Baptized on March 28, 2021 Hal Franke 8 | Our Lady of Victory Parish

Our Lady of Victory

9 | Our Lady of Victory Parish

Our Lady of Victory

Thank You

Thank you to all who participated in our recent Baby Bottle Cam- paign. Our Lady of Victory Church collected $3,939.35.

Please join us for Mother’s Mass April 6th 7:00 pm


This past week the OLV Little Dresses for Africa program reached a milestone. We achieved 2000 dresses sewn and distributed since we be- gan our program in 2016. What an achievement. So many little girls have some- thing pretty to wear thanks to your talents, time, and treas- Join Us- Are you looking for a way to become more involved at ure. We are blessed to have OLV? Please consider joining the Peace and Justice Commis- your help as we continue this sion. This commission is concerned with issues of human dignity and mission to make a difference the quality of human life, both locally and worldwide. If interested in the world one dress at a call Anne Tepe at 513-404-4813 or Mary Beth Rebennack at time. 513-941-3454. Help us to make a difference one person at a time. 10 | Our Lady of Victory Parish

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Make A Difference: • Commercial 4970 Delhi Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45238 • 513-297-1844 BECOME A CAREGIVER • Snow Removal (513) 598-6648 513.295.1091 A Few Members of Our Team Include: OLV Cemetery Amy Albers, Lynn Smyth, Visit our website at www.olvdelhi.org/cemeterycontact Gravesites available: Traditional burials, Cremains (in ground and columbarium) Suzanne Hoog, Vicki Dirr-Krauser – Interest-free Plans Available – Parishioners Call CAROL WEISKER for details 347-8812 or email: [email protected] Remembering Loved Ones In Loving Memory of In Loving Memory of

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