Congressional Record—Senate S6658
S6658 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE June 8, 1999 VOINOVICH, and I ask that it be num- SEC. 8109. Of the funds appropriated in title supporting the strike missions against Yugo- bered and qualified. IV under the heading ``RESEARCH, DEVELOP- slavia, some of the longest combat missions The PRESIDING OFFICER. The MENT, TEST, AND EVALUATION, ARMY'', up to in the history of the Air Force. clerk will report. $5,000,000 may be available for visual display (5) The bravery and professionalism of the The assistant legislative clerk read performance and visual display environ- personnel of Whiteman Air Force Base have as follows: mental research and development. advanced American interests in the face of significant challenge and hardship. TEVENS The Senator from Alaska [Mr. S ], AMENDMENT NO. 594 (6) The dedication of those who serve in the for Mr. VOINOVICH, proposes an amendment Armed Forces, exemplified clearly by the numbered 591. (Purpose: To increase by $10,000,000 the amount provided for the Army for other personnel of Whiteman Air Force Base, is the The amendment is as follows: procurement for an immediate assessment greatest national security asset of the At the appropriate place in the bill, insert of biometrics sensors and templates reposi- United States. the following new section: tory requirements, and for combining and (b) It is the sense of Congress thatÐ SEC. Of the funds appropriated in this consolidating biometrics security tech- (1) the skill and professionalism with Act under the heading ``Operation and Main- nology and other information assurance which the B±2 bomber has been used in Oper- tenance, Army'', up to $500,000 may be avail- technologies to accomplish a more focused ation Allied Force is a credit to the per- able for a study of the costs and feasibility of and effective information assurance effort) sonnel of Whiteman Air Force Base, Mis- a project to remove ordnance from the Tous- souri, and the Air Force; saint River.
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