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LIVING SYSTEMS – Overview Contents Introduction ............................1 Module Matrix ........................2 FOSS Components ..................6 FOSS Instructional Design ..... 10 Differentiated Instruction for Access and Equity .................. 18 FOSS Investigation Organization ......................... 21 Establishing a Classroom Culture ................................. 24 Safety in the Classroom and Outdoors ........................ 28 INTRODUCTION Scheduling the Module .......... 29 The idea of a system is one of the grand integrating (crosscutting) FOSS Contacts ...................... 30 concepts that pervades all of science. In the Living Systems Module, students start by looking at Earth as the interaction of four The NGSS Performance Earth systems or subsystems—the geosphere, the atmosphere, the Expectations addressed in this hydrosphere, and the biosphere. The focus of the module then turns module include: to the biosphere as students explore the phenomenon of ecosystems and organisms in terms of their interacting parts. The driving Physical Sciences question for the module is how can we describe Earth’s biosphere as 5-PS3-1 a system of interacting parts? Life Sciences In this module, students think about systems on different scales — 5-LS1-1 nutrient and transport systems within an organism that moves 5-LS2-1 matter and provides energy to the individual organism, and feeding 4-LS1-2 relationships in ecosystems that move matter among plants, animals, decomposers, and the environment. Students come to understand Earth Sciences through a variety of experiences that plants get the materials they 5-ESS2-1 need for growth primarily from water and air, and that energy 5-ESS3-1 in animals’ food was once energy from the Sun. There are many opportunities for students to explore how human activities in NOTE agriculture, industry, and everyday life can have major effects on The three modules for grade 5 these systems. Students gain experiences that will contribute to the in FOSS Next Generation are understanding of crosscutting concepts of patterns; scale, proportion, Mixtures and Solutions and quantity; systems and system models; and energy and matter. Earth and Sun Living Systems Full Option Science System 1 © 2018-2019-C Copyright The Regents of the University California Berkeley Not for resale, redistribution, or use other than classroom without further permission. Updated 11/2018-C 3_1487577_LS_OV_NGSS_IG_Gr5 Folder.indd 1 1/31/18 12:20 PM LIVING SYSTEMS – Overview Module Summary Guiding and Focus Questions for Phenomena Content Related to Disciplinary Core Ideas Reading/Technology Assessment ● Students are introduced to a system as a collection How does matter and energy move through ecosystems of A system is a collection of interacting objects, Science Resources Book Embedded Assessment ideas, and/or procedures that together define a of interacting parts that work together to make a the biosphere? “Introduction to Systems” Science notebook entries physical entity or process. whole or produce an action. They explore Earth as “Is Earth a System?” Response sheet How can you identify a system? ● a system, focusing on the biosphere and describing Earth can be described as the interaction of four “The Biosphere” Performance assessment ecosystems by looking at the phenomena of Is planet Earth a system? earth systems: the rocky part (the geosphere), the “Monterey Bay National Marine Benchmark Assessment feeding relationships and energy transfers, atmosphere, the water (the hydrosphere), and the Sanctuary” What organisms are both predators and prey in the kelp Survey described as food webs. Students model food complexity of living organisms (the biosphere). “Comparing Aquatic and forest ecosystem? Investigation 1 I-Check chains and food webs in a wood ecosystem and ● Food webs are made up of producers (organisms Terrestrial Ecosystems” a marine ecosystem. Each group of students sets What happens when compost worms interact with that make their own food), consumers (organisms “Nature’s Recycling System” NGSS Performance up a redworm habitat to study detritivores and the organic litter? that eat other organisms to obtain food), and Expectations Videos phenomenon of decomposition in ecosystems. decomposers (organisms that consume and 5-PS3-1 recycle dead organisms and organic waste). Physical Systems 5-LS2-1 Web of Life: Life in the Sea ● A kelp forest has similarities to a rain forest (vertical 5-ESS2-1 layering). Phytoplankton are the major producers Online Activity Inv. 1: Systems Inv. in most aquatic systems (both marine and “Simulation: Food Webs” freshwater). ● Food webs and competition for resources exist in marine systems. ● Students investigate the phenomena of nutrient What is food, where does it come from, and how do Yeast is a single-celled fungus. Dormant yeast Science Resources Book Embedded Assessment cells can become active when provided with systems of yeast, plants, and animals. They design organisms use it? “There’s Yeast in My Bread!” Science notebook entries water, warmth, and sugar as a food source. Carbon an investigation to determine the necessary “Producers” Response sheet What does yeast need to break its dormancy? dioxide is a waste by-product of yeast metabolism. conditions for activating dry yeast. They plant “Getting Nutrients” ● Benchmark Assessment wheat and observe the seedlings to determine How do plants get the food they need? Chlorophyll is the green pigment that absorbs “The Human Digestive System” Investigation 2 I-Check which plants have chlorophyll. Students infer that sunlight in the cells of producer organisms. How do animals get the nutrients they need? Videos the plants growing in light are producing food to ● A nutrient is a substance, such as sugar or starch, NGSS Performance Food Chains provide nutrients to their cells. Students investigate that is used by a cell to produce the energy needed Expectations Digestion and Excretory Systems how animals acquire nutrients by eating and to perform the functions of life. 5-PS3-1 digesting food. ● Plants make their own food by photosynthesis. 5-LS1-1 Green plant cells make sugar (food) from carbon 5-LS2-1 dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight, and release oxygen. ● Animals obtain nutrients by eating other organisms. ● Digestion is the process used by animals to break Inv. 2: Nutrient Systems 2: Nutrient Inv. down complex food items into simple nutrients. 2 Full Option Science System 3_1487577_LS_OV_NGSS_IG_Gr5 Folder.indd 2 1/31/18 12:20 PM Module Matrix Module Summary Guiding and Focus Questions for Phenomena Content Related to Disciplinary Core Ideas Reading/Technology Assessment ● Students are introduced to a system as a collection How does matter and energy move through ecosystems of A system is a collection of interacting objects, Science Resources Book Embedded Assessment ideas, and/or procedures that together define a of interacting parts that work together to make a the biosphere? “Introduction to Systems” Science notebook entries physical entity or process. whole or produce an action. They explore Earth as “Is Earth a System?” Response sheet How can you identify a system? ● a system, focusing on the biosphere and describing Earth can be described as the interaction of four “The Biosphere” Performance assessment ecosystems by looking at the phenomena of Is planet Earth a system? earth systems: the rocky part (the geosphere), the “Monterey Bay National Marine Benchmark Assessment feeding relationships and energy transfers, atmosphere, the water (the hydrosphere), and the Sanctuary” What organisms are both predators and prey in the kelp Survey described as food webs. Students model food complexity of living organisms (the biosphere). “Comparing Aquatic and forest ecosystem? Investigation 1 I-Check chains and food webs in a wood ecosystem and ● Food webs are made up of producers (organisms Terrestrial Ecosystems” a marine ecosystem. Each group of students sets What happens when compost worms interact with that make their own food), consumers (organisms “Nature’s Recycling System” NGSS Performance up a redworm habitat to study detritivores and the organic litter? that eat other organisms to obtain food), and Expectations Videos phenomenon of decomposition in ecosystems. decomposers (organisms that consume and 5-PS3-1 recycle dead organisms and organic waste). Physical Systems 5-LS2-1 Web of Life: Life in the Sea ● A kelp forest has similarities to a rain forest (vertical 5-ESS2-1 layering). Phytoplankton are the major producers Online Activity in most aquatic systems (both marine and “Simulation: Food Webs” freshwater). ● Food webs and competition for resources exist in marine systems. ● Students investigate the phenomena of nutrient What is food, where does it come from, and how do Yeast is a single-celled fungus. Dormant yeast Science Resources Book Embedded Assessment cells can become active when provided with systems of yeast, plants, and animals. They design organisms use it? “There’s Yeast in My Bread!” Science notebook entries water, warmth, and sugar as a food source. Carbon an investigation to determine the necessary “Producers” Response sheet What does yeast need to break its dormancy? dioxide is a waste by-product of yeast metabolism. conditions for activating dry yeast. They plant “Getting Nutrients” ● Benchmark Assessment wheat and observe the seedlings to determine How do plants get the food they need? Chlorophyll is the green pigment that absorbs “The Human Digestive System” Investigation