Systems Theory"
General By the same author: System Modern Theories of Development (in German, English, Spani~h) Nikolaus von Kues Theory Lebenswissenschaft und Bildung Theoretische Biologie J Foundations, Development, Applications Das Gefüge des Lebens Vom Molekül zur Organismenwelt Problems of Life (in German, English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Japanese) Auf den Pfaden des Lebens I by Ludwig von Bertalanffy Biophysik des Fliessgleichgewichts t Robots, Men and Minds University of Alberta Edmonton) Canada GEORGE BRAZILLER New York MANIBUS Nicolai de Cusa Cardinalis, Gottfriedi Guglielmi Leibnitii, ]oannis Wolfgangi de Goethe Aldique Huxleyi, neenon de Bertalanffy Pauli, S.J., antecessoris, cosmographi Copyright © 1968 by Ludwig von Bertalanffy All rights in this hook are reserved. For information address the publisher, George Braziller, lnc. One Park Avenue New York, N.Y. 10016 Foreword The present volume appears to demand some introductory notes clarifying its scope, content, and method of presentation. There is a large number of texts, monographs, symposia, etc., devoted to "systems" and "systems theory". "Systems Science," or one of its many synonyms, is rapidly becoming part of the estab lished university curriculum. This is predominantly a develop ment in engineering science in the broad sense, necessitated by the complexity of "systems" in modern technology, man-machine relations, programming and similar considerations which were not felt in yesteryear's technology but which have become im perative in the complex technological and social structures of the modern world. Systems theory, in this sense, is preeminently a mathematica! field, offering partly novel and highly sophisti cated techniques, closely linked with computer science, and essentially determined by the requirement to cope with a new sort of problem that has been appearing.
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