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38_247587-bindex.qxp 4/30/08 12:11 AM Page 369 Index Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), politics, 110 • A • 131, 354, 360 poverty conditions, 106–107 Alliance for Progress (1961), 262 Proclamation of 1763, 114 A Farewell to Arms (1929) Allies, RUB (Russia/United profitable goods, 110–111 (Hemingway), 223 States/Britain), 238 Quartering Act (1765), 115–116 A levels, England, 35 amendments, U.S. Constitution, 128 Queen Anne’s War (1710), 112 abolition, 158–159 America First, 236 religious attitudes, 109–110 Act of Toleration (1694), American colonies. See also New Rhode Island, 95 Maryland, 97 England; New World; United Second Continental Congress Acts of Union (1707), Great Britain, States (1775), 119 104 Albany Congress (1754), 113 setting up, 351–352 Adams, Abigail, 124 Albany Plan of Union, 113 slavery distribution, 100 Adams, John, 131 American Indian uprisings, 98–99 smallpox disease, 107 Adams, John Quincy, 139, 142, 354 American Revolution, 120–123 Sons of Liberty, 116 Adams, Samuel, 116 Boston Massacre (1768), 116 South Carolina, 97–98 Adamson Act (1916), 209 Boston Tea Party (1773), 116 Stamp Act (1765), 115–116 Addams, Jane, 189, 200 Committee of Correspondence Stamp Act Congress (1765), 116 Adjusted Compensation Act (1722), 116 Sugar Act (1764), 115–116 (1924), 227 Connecticut, 95 The Association, 117 Advanced Placement (AP) pro- Continental Congress (1774), 117 Townshend Act (1767), 116 gram, College Board, 10 convict infusion, 107 trade tensions, 111–112 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, cultural arts, 107–108 Treaty of Paris (1763), 114 (1884) (Twain), 182 daily life, 106 Treaty of Paris (1783), 122–123 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Declaratory Act (1766), 116 triangular trade, 111 (1876) (Twain), 182 Delaware, 96–97 Virginia, 97 Afghanistan, 279, 282 diphtheria epidemic, 107 vocations, 107 Africa, 100, 105, 158 disease, 99 War of Jenkin’s Ear (1739), 112 African Americans, 284. See also educational opportunities, 107 western expansion halt, 114 free blacks; slaves; English mercantilism, 111 American Colonization Society freed slaves French and Indian War, 112–114 (1817), Republic of Liberia, 158 after-class review, 33–34 Georgia, 98 American Dream, Industrial age of the common man, Andrew Georgian architecture (1750), 108 Revolution, 144–145 Jackson, 141–142 growth of freedom, 114–115 American exceptionalism, Manifest Agnew, Spiro, 268–270 Intolerable Acts (1774), 117 Destiny, 138 Agricultural Adjustment Act journalism, 108 American Federation of Labor (1933), 229 King William’s War (1690), 112 (AFL), 195 agriculture Lexington and Concord battles, American identity, defining, 360 Agricultural Adjustment Act, 229 117 American Indians American Indians, 80–81 libraries, 108 agriculture development, 80–81 combines, 196 COPYRIGHTEDliterature, 108 MATERIALBacon’s Rebellion (1676), 100 corn planting, 83 Maryland, 97 Battle of Fallen Timbers cotton gin, 145, 150 Massachusetts, 93–95 (1794), 130 reaper, 150 Molasses Act of 1733, 99 Bering Straits, 80 sharecropping, 178 Navigation Act (1660), 99, 115–116 buffalo hunting, 186 Soil Conservation and Domestic New England Confederation Carolina slave trade, 97–98 Allotment Act (1936), 229 (1643), 98–99 Chief Black Hawk, 156 steel plow, 140, 143 New Jersey, 96 corn introduction, 83 three sisters, 84 New Light preachers, 109 creating cultures, 351 thresher, 143 New York, 96 Dawes Severalty Act (1887), 197 airplanes, 221 non-English population expan- disease factors, 186 Al Qaeda, 9/11 (2001), 281 sion, 103–105 encomienda system, 89 Albany Congress (1754), 113 nonimportation agreements English alliances, 92 Albany Plan of Union, Benjamin (1765), 116 European diseases, 84–85 Franklin, 113 North Carolina, 97–98 full-citizenship (1930s), 197 Alcott, Louisa May Old Light ministers, 109 gambling casinos, 284 Little Women (1868), 155 painters, 108 gift exchanges, 85 Aldrich-Vrelland Act (1908), 207 Pennsylvania, 96–97 Great Law of Peace, 84 Alger, Horatio, 182 38_247587-bindex.qxp 4/30/08 12:11 AM Page 370 370 AP U.S. History For Dummies American Indians (continued) Anthony, Susan B., 154, 177, 189 help for colonists, 352 anti-Communists, defined, 360 • B • Indian Removal Act (1830), Antietam (1862), Civil War battle, Babbitt (1922) (Lewis), 223 141, 156 169, 171 baby boom, 245–246 Indian Reorganization Act of 1934, Anti-Masonic Party (1832), 196 Bacon’s Rebellion, 98, 100 230 Antioch College (1852), 153 Bahamas, Caribbean piracy, 90 Iroquois Confederacy, 84 Anti-Saloon League (1893), 187 bajan, 17 King Philip’s War (1675), antitrust laws, 194 Balboa, Vasco, 89 98–99, 352 antiwar protests, 267, 269 Baltimore, Lord (1634), kiva (ceremonial chamber), 90 AP Credit Policy, Internet searches, Maryland, 97 living off the land, 79–80 20–21 Bank of the United States, 129, 143 Mesoamerican cultures, 80–83 AP Test banking industry, 228 mestizos, 89 180 (theoretical perfect score), 30 banking systems, 209 Miami Confederacy (1790), 130 break-time guidelines, 39 Baptist church, Rhode Island, 95 multi-cultural, 80–81 center-loaded time period, 22 Barbados slave code (1661), 92 New Deal revoked, 255 DBQ (Document-Based Barnum and Bailey Circus New World uprisings, 98–99 Question), 21 (1881), 190 North American civilizations, 84 DBQ grading process, 63 Barton, Clara, 187 Paxton Boys protest (1764), 104 education cost factor, 11 baseball (1870s), 190 Pocahontas, 91–92 grading process, 15–16 basketball, 190 population growth, 284 multiple-choice questions, 14 bathtub gin, Jazz Age, 220 Proclamation of 1763, 114 number to letter grade conver- Battle of Antietam, 356 Pueblo Revolt (Popé’s Rebellion sion, 19–20 Battle of Britain (1940), 236 of 1680), 90 panic avoidance strategies, 30 Battle of Fallen Timbers, 130 relocated, 186 PES themes, 12–15 Battle of Gettysburg, 356 Sacajawea, 132 preparation strategies, 27–30 Battle of Midway (1942), 241 Sand Creek massacre, 186 preparation time guidelines, 16–17 Battle of Saratoga (1777), 121 settlement pressure, 197–198 rescoring, 63, Battle of the Bulge (1944), 243 settler inroads, 185–186 scoring levels, 16 Bay of Pigs (1961), 260 Spanish conquistadors, 81–83 security, 21–22 Beecher, Henry Ward, 183 Tecumseh (1811), 133 test day guidelines, 37–39 Belknap, William, 180 three sisters agriculture, 84 time allotments, 29 Ben-Hur (1880) (Wallace), 190 Trail of Tears (1838), 141, 156 time periods, 15 Bering Straits, 80 Treaty of Fort Laramie (1868), 186 Apache Indians, 185 Berkeley, William, 100 Treaty of Greenville (1795), 130 architecture, 108, 224 Berlin Airlift (1949), 250 uprising of 1675, 352 Argentina, 234 Berlin Wall, 260–261 World War II code talkers, 240 Arizona, 161–162 bicycles, 190 Wounded Knee massacre Armstrong, Louis, 221 Bill of Rights (1791), 128 (1890), 197 Aroostook War (1842), 159 bin Laden, Osama, 281 American Red Cross (1881), 187 Arthur, Chester, 192 Birmingham, Alabama, 264 American Revolution (1776–1783), Articles of Confederation (1777), The Birth of a Nation (1915), Ku 120–123 126, 353–354 Klux Klan story, 219, 222 American Revolutionary Era Asian Americans, 284 The Bitter Cry of Children, 205 (1754–1789), 25 Associated Press (1840s), 190 Black Codes (1886), 176 American Slavery As It Is (1839) The Association (1774), 117 Black Friday (1869), 180 (Weld), 159 Atlanta Compromise Speech (1895), Black Hawk, Chief, 156 American Society for the Booker T. Washington, 188 Black Legend, Spanish theme, 89 Prevention of Cruelty to Atlanta to the sea, William Black Panthers, 264–265 Animals (1866), 187 Tecumseh Sherman Black Power, 264 American System (1824), Henry (1864), 170 Black Tuesday (1929), 226–227 Clay, 134–135 Atlantic cable, telegraph, 150 Blackbeard (Edward Teach), 90 Americans with Disabilities Act Atlantic Charter (1941), 237 blacks. See also free blacks; slaves; (ADA) (1990), 278 atomic bomb, 240, 243 freed slaves An American Tragedy (1925) auditory learners, study, 33 civil rights movement, 256–257 (Dreiser), 223 Audubon, John James, 146 defense industry discrimination, analysis, PAT method element, 58 Australian ballot, procedure, 206 239 Anazazis, apartment dwellers, 83 Austria, German invasion (1938), government segregation, 210 Anderson, Sherwood 236 Harlem Renaissance (1926), Winesburg, Ohio (1919), 223 autobahn, 235 221–222 Andros, Edmund Sir (Dominion of automobiles, 221, 235 Jim Crow laws, 187–188 New England (1686)), 99 Axis powers, JIG (Japan/Italy/ answers, 52–53, 311–318, 341–347 Germany), 235, 238 Aztecs, Mesoamericans, 82 38_247587-bindex.qxp 4/30/08 12:11 AM Page 371 Index 371 Northern movement for wartime California, 156, 160–162, 284 Chinese Exclusion Act (1882), 189 jobs, 212 Call of the Wild (1903) (London), 191 Chivington, John, 186 World War II segregation, 239–240 Calvin, John Christianity, New World, 89 Bleeding Kansas (1854–1861), 165 Institutes of the Christian Religion, Church of England, King Henry VIII blockades, Civil War battles, 170 93–94 (1533), 94 blue collar workers, 246 Cambodia, Pol Pot, 270 Churchill, Winston, Atlantic Bonaparte, Napoleon, 132 Camp David Agreement (1978), 271 Charter (1941), 237 Bonus Expeditionary Force Canada. See also French Canada cigarette-manufacturing, 194 (1932), 227 Aroostook War (1842), 159 civil rights Booth, John Wilkes, 171 British colony, 103 Birmingham, Alabama, 264 Boss Tweed (1872), 180 French/British wars, 112 Black Power movement, 264 Boston Massacre (1768), 116 John Cabot (1497), 90–91 Brown v. Board of Education Boston Tea Party (1773), 116, 353 Quebec (1608), 91, 113 (1945), 257 The Bostonians (James), 191 Quebec Act, 117 Civil Rights Act of 1964, 265 Bow,