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38_247587-bindex.qxp 4/30/08 12:11 AM Page 369 Index Alien and Sedition Acts (1798), politics, 110 • A • 131, 354, 360 poverty conditions, 106–107 Alliance for Progress (1961), 262 Proclamation of 1763, 114 A Farewell to Arms (1929) Allies, RUB (Russia/United profitable goods, 110–111 (Hemingway), 223 States/Britain), 238 Quartering Act (1765), 115–116 A levels, England, 35 amendments, U.S. Constitution, 128 Queen Anne’s War (1710), 112 abolition, 158–159 America First, 236 religious attitudes, 109–110 Act of Toleration (1694), American colonies. See also New Rhode Island, 95 Maryland, 97 England; New World; United Second Continental Congress Acts of Union (1707), Great Britain, States (1775), 119 104 Albany Congress (1754), 113 setting up, 351–352 Adams, Abigail, 124 Albany Plan of Union, 113 slavery distribution, 100 Adams, John, 131 American Indian uprisings, 98–99 smallpox disease, 107 Adams, John Quincy, 139, 142, 354 American Revolution, 120–123 Sons of Liberty, 116 Adams, Samuel, 116 Boston Massacre (1768), 116 South Carolina, 97–98 Adamson Act (1916), 209 Boston Tea Party (1773), 116 Stamp Act (1765), 115–116 Addams, Jane, 189, 200 Committee of Correspondence Stamp Act Congress (1765), 116 Adjusted Compensation Act (1722), 116 Sugar Act (1764), 115–116 (1924), 227 Connecticut, 95 The Association, 117 Advanced Placement (AP) pro- Continental Congress (1774), 117 Townshend Act (1767), 116 gram, College Board, 10 convict infusion, 107 trade tensions, 111–112 The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, cultural arts, 107–108 Treaty of Paris (1763), 114 (1884) (Twain), 182 daily life, 106 Treaty of Paris (1783), 122–123 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Declaratory Act (1766), 116 triangular trade, 111 (1876) (Twain), 182 Delaware, 96–97 Virginia, 97 Afghanistan, 279, 282 diphtheria epidemic, 107 vocations, 107 Africa, 100, 105, 158 disease, 99 War of Jenkin’s Ear (1739), 112 African Americans, 284.
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