Creatures: Terror in Krezk

Terror in Krezk Creatures introduced in this book will be listed in bold type the first time they appear in the text, A Dungeons and Dragons adventure for along with a page number to direct the DM to the characters of levels 10 – 15. appropriate page to find the creature’s stat block. Creatures from the will The land of Barovia is a dark and simply be listed in bold type. Creatures from any other book will be listed in and corruption. Dark Powers watch over bold type with a direction to see the appropriate text (such as or Volo’s Guide to thistwisted region, realm, their filled gaze with blanketing eldritch the horrors land Monsters) in misery and suffering. Under the rule of Strahd von Zarovich, Barovia is a nightmarish These alien creatures quickly set up a base of and isolated land of terror. No soul may enter operations in western Barovia, on the banks or leave Barovia without the blessing of the of the Raven River. The and their devil Strahd. While the lives, anyone servants soon begin feeding on the residents unfortunate enough to come to Barovia of nearby Krezk, and once again tales of terror becomes little more than a prop for Strahd’s and monsters begin to spread across Barovia. sick amusement. Unknown to the poor residents of Krezk, If the vampire lord is killed, a reprieve is the living are not the only victims of these granted to the inhabitants of this accursed attacks. The souls of the Barovian dead are realm. As Strahd succumbs to the reaper, the also in jeopardy. The Illithid colony has been Mists of fade. The realm opens, infected with arcane magic. Among the mind becoming a mundane portion of the realm ulithalich (see page 23) named to which it is now attached. The clouds Zellix, who has begun infecting others among flayers is an part allowing true sunlight to bathe the the colony with ambitions to learn arcane Barovian valley, and souls trapped within magic. Zellix has uncovered numerous secrets of , including means of feeding on and manipulating the souls of the dead. This the boundaries of Barovia are freed to finally repulses the elder brain (see Volo’s Guide moveThe on absence to their of final Strahd destination. and the fading of to Monsters.) who is in charge of the colony the Mists of Ravenloft do not utterly cleanse (and, ostensibly, the nautiloid ship the colony the land. Corruption still abounds in the calls home) and has led to an intense, but region of Barovia, even after the defeat of so far non-violent, rivalry between the two the vampire lord. Barovia without Strahd factions. How long this rivalry can remain is a little less dark, and a little less evil, but is still a festering den of supernatural evil. should erupt, there is little doubt that the peaceful is anyone’s guess, but if open conflict As such, Barovia is somewhat appetizing to various evil entities. With Strahd gone such Only the bravest and most resourceful of Barovian people will suffer in the crossfire. opportunistic monsters are drawn to Barovia, heroes stand a chance at eliminating the seeking to sate their unholy appetites on the Illithid threat and driving the ulithalich out of SampleBarovia. file Thus, it falls to the player characters to fattenedTerror flock in Krezk of Barovia’s explores survivors. one such scenario, in which the newly freed lands of once again save the Barovian people. Barovia become infested by an Illithid colony.

TERROR IN KREZK 3 previous relationship with the Burgomaster, Part 1: A New he may approach them in person or by messenger to request their aid in solving these mysterious disappearances. If the Terror characters are new to the area, they can easily In this section of the adventure, the hear rumors of the disappearances at the characters discover that a new threat has Blood of the Vine Tavern, the Blue Water Inn, risen in Barovia, as the village of Krezk suffers or from one of the . It does not take a sharp spike in strange disappearances. long for the word of these disappearances to spread.

Krezk Upon arriving at the village, the characters are escorted by two guards (LG male The village of Krezk is fully detailed in or female human) to the Burgomaster’s Curse of Strahd, Chapter 8. For maps, basic Cottage, where Krezkov explains the current layout details, and an overview of the village predicament and asks the characters for and nearby abbey, see that text. aid. Troupes who have played through the Curse of Strahd should draw from previous Over the past several weeks, ten Krezkites interactions with Krezkov to color this have gone missing. Two disappeared from interaction. The Burgomaster will play on the character’s sympathies, placing emphasis on assumedSample had deserted his post) during the file the innocent and defenseless nature of the guard duty (the first, Burgomaster Krezkov abducted. Three of the victims were children, have been abducted from their homes. and those taken from their homes all appear first week. Since then, eight more villagers The Burgomaster is dumbfounded and the to have been snatched from their beds in

TERROR IN KREZK 4 villagers are terrified. If the characters have a their sleep. Krezkov makes it a point to state entered through the front door, and the that he is sure the responsible parties are not locks were not picked or forced. No signs of , due to the victims being taken from struggle are revealed in any of the homes. their beds while asleep. He will reluctantly Characters wishing to attempt to track the confess fears that the mongrelfolk of the most recent victim may do so with a Wisdom abbey may be responsible, and will suggest (Survival) check at DC 15. If the characters that the characters begin their investigation investigated the abbey before the houses, the there. check becomes DC 20 due to the passage of time. As the village of Krezk is poor, there is little by way of treasure that the Burgomaster Using magic may help with the is able to offer for the party’s services. He will investigation. A locate creature spell will offer trade goods valued at a paltry 15 gp, not reveal the location of any of the missing should the characters press him for a material parties, but a scrying spell cast on the most reward. recent victim, Magda Dilisnya (LG female non-combatant child) will reveal her alive and If the characters choose to investigate bound in a small, dark, stony chamber (Area B8 of the nautiloid.) If the scrying effect is missing children. If the characters question maintained for 5 or more minutes, the scrying the mongrelfolkabbey, they will guards not findat the any abbey, trace the of the character will see an Illithid guard look in guards will maintain that they have no through the bars of the cell, to check on knowledge of disappearances in the village. Magda. Scrying attempts to locate the other The guards have noticed nothing out of the victims will yield no ordinary, but offer to escort the characters results. through the abbey and grounds to conduct a search. A thorough search reveals no evidence of the missing Krezkites, but does take several hours.

If the characters ask to see the homes where the villagers were abducted, the Burgomaster happily agrees to take the party to each home. He will not think of this himself until the characters return from investigating the abbey (should they choose to do so.) If investigating the cottages by mundaneSample means, a file successful Intelligence (Investigation) check at DC 10 reveals that the homes were each

TERROR IN KREZK 5 If the characters are unable to pick up a trail from their investigation, they will be use their tentacles to incapacitate any other invited by the Burgomaster to patrol the membersage 6). The of mind the Ulrich flayers family grab Ruxandrawho awaken and streets after sundown. By the time the sun and respond to the intrusion. In an unusual sets, the villagers will have all entered their cottages, locked their doors, and shuttered damage those who they target with these their windows. The only exceptions are the show of restraint, the mind flayers do not six evening guards posted along the village’s modify memory to remove any recollection of outer wall, two archers (LG male and female theirtentacle presence. attacks. The mind flayers then use human scouts) and two city guards on foot patrol in the streets. If the characters are able to spot the

Around midnight, four (mind (Perception) check at DC 14, they may engage flayer arcane apprentices, see page 21) tomind interrupt flayers the with abduction. a successful A check Wisdom to spot the

disguise self to assume the appearance of the Ulrich home. If this check is failed, allow Vistani.sneak into They the will city. attempt The mind to sneakflayers into use the mind flayers should be allowed as they enter cottage of the Ulrich family (four commoners, one male adult (Emeric), one female adult attemptanother checkto follow as thethem mind stealthily. flayers If exit. attacked, The (Kala), and two female children non- orplayers if they may notice then they engage are beingthe mind followed, flayers, the or combatants (Fatima, age 9 and Ruxandra, mind blast attacks, and attempt to escape. Theymind willflayers do theirwill defend best to themselves retain control with of

are reduced below half their hit points, they willRuxandra, abandon but the if any child one in oforder the mindto escape. flayers The

unless reduced below one fourth their hit pointmind flayerstotal. will not use plane shift to escape

If the characters manage to follow the

themind characters flayers back may to resume their lair, investigating. proceed to ThisPart mayII: The include Outer trying Shell. Ifto the pick mind up the flayers kidnappers’ escape, trail using a Wisdom (Survival) check at DC 15. Alternatively, if the party still believes the kidnappers to be Vistani, they may begin seeking out Vistani camps in the region in order to interrogate their members. Naturally, the Vistani in the region know nothing about Samplethe kidnappings, and takefile great offense at the accusation that they are stealing Krezkite babies. This is the type of thing that can land the players on the receiving end of a Vistani curse or two if not handled delicately.

6 TERROR IN KREZK Features of The Dilapidated Fortress resume their kidnapping on the following Light: The dilapidated fortress is devoid of light night,If left this unchallenged, time targeting the the mind Lansten flayers cottage. sources, and considered to be completely dark. The only light sources characters will have are The makeup of the Lansten household is those they bring with them. similar (four commoners, one male adult Movement: The slimy, fleshy floors of the (Hans), one female adult (Danya), and two fortress makes the entire area diffiut terrain male children non-combatants (Waltar, age This does not impede the movement of the mind flayers or mindwitnesses (see Volo’s Guide to Monsters), but does affect intellect devourers and Sergei for abduction, but otherwise this event Barovian thralls (see page 21) 14 and Sergei, age 5.) The mind flayers target plays out exactly as the night before. If the Ceilings: Unless otherwise noted, the ceilings characters are unable to subdue or defeat the throughout the fortress are made of the same fleshy material as the walls and floors. Ceilings elude being tracked, the characters are throughout the fortress level are 30 feet high. approachedmind flayers the this following time, and sunrise the mind by flayersDorina Map: The map of this area uses a 1 square = 10 feet scale. Nimirova (wereraven scout see page 24) who divulges that she was able to track the building looks as if it has been abandoned kidnappers to a dilapidated fortress on the for several decades. If any character from banks of the Raven River about 1 mile to the Barovia accompanies the party (or if the party southeast of Krezk. Dorina offers to escort the traveled along the bank of this river during party to this fortress. a previous adventure) they will know that this structure was not here previously. The building sits about sixty feet back from the riverbank, with dirt paths leading from the Part 1I: The river to two entrances. There are no sentries posted outside the building and the area is deadly silent. OuterIn this section ofShell the adventure, the characters arrive at the strange and mysterious fortress that has appeared along Area A1: Western Gate the banks of the Raven River. This area is the western gate to the fortress. The doorway is open, and only the The Dilapidated Fortress rotten remnants of wooden planks attached to rusty hinges on the western side of the As the characters travel toward the opening indicate that there was ever a door dilapidated fortress, they begin to feel as present. Vines have grown all along this edge though they are being followed. Wisdom of the building, and several branches extend (Perception) and Wisdom (Survival) checks into the doorway. A successful Wisdom will not reveal any party in pursuit of the (Survival) check at DC 10 will reveal these characters. A result of 15 or higher on either plants to be strands of razorvine. Characters check will reveal that there is no wildlife in can use an object such as a polearm or sword the area. Even the insects have abandoned the to push the vines aside in order to enter the region.Sample area safely, moving throughfile the doorway as

When the characters approach the precaution causes the character to make a fortress, they see a crumbling stone structure DC10if it were Dexterity difficult saving terrain. throw, Failure suffering to take 5 this sitting on the northern bank of the river. The (1d10) slashing damage on a failed save. TERROR IN KREZK 7 Area A2: Navigation Speech about the pressures it is experiencing. When the characters enter, the mindwitness ChamberSampleglances at them for a momentfile with several of its tentacles. Characters who succeed at a This room is a 70-foot by 30-foot area Wisdom (Perception) check at DC 15 notice occupied by a single mindwitness. The that one tentacle keeps looking at a 20-foot high archway to the north (area A5), while sporadic motions, muttering to itself in Deep mindwitness floats around the room in 8 TERROR IN KREZK two other tentacles remain focused with a southern gaze (to areas A3 and A4) If the act normally, though it must immediately characters make no aggressive movements, beginthe mind checking flayer forregains a recharge composure of its andmind may the mindwitness effectively ignores them, blast, which is considered to be expended. going back to its ramblings. to area A8 to make their way down to the Characters who can the walls, by virtue of These mind flayers will immediately head a light source, or via , can tell that their progress is impeded. the walls of this room are completely covered Nautiloid, fighting only if they are attacked or in Qualith carvings. Characters who are able to decipher the carvings (via comprehend Area A3: Turret 1 languages or some other magic) can make an Intelligence (Arcana) check at DC 20. If this the doorway, motionless apart from the check is successful, the character understands occasionalThe mind twitch flayer of in its this tentacles area stands or brief in these markings to be some sort of star map for interplanar navigation. engagedspasm of in a limb.telepathic This mindcommunication flayer, like allwith mind If the characters attack, the mindwitness theflayers nearest in the mindwitness dilapidated (infortress, this case, is deeply the will defend itself, using its available eye rays creature in area A2.) Characters who possess (in this case, the mindwitness cannot use its psychic ray, stunning ray, or telekinetic ray, as thoughts or eavesdropping on the mind those are on eyestalks focused on the adjacent some means of reaching into the mind flayer’s chambers). The mindwitness will not move, even in self-defense, and will only use its bite severalflayer’s othertelepathic minds, link, many will ofdiscover which itthat thinks the and tentacle attacks on creatures who get ofmind as “abominations.” flayer is locked in a battle of wills with close enough to do so without moving.

Upon taking 1 or more hit points of damage, or being subjected to an effect that calls for a saving throw, the mindwitness sounds a psychic alarm. The intellect and all intruders with the intent of seizing possessiondevourers from of their area bodies. A5 respond, These intellectfighting any devourers will fight to the death. do not respond to the psychic alarm of the mindwitness,The mind flayers nor to thein area death A3 of and the area intellect A4 devourers. If the mindwitness is killed, these proneSample for one minute, screaming and wailing file inmind horror flayers and become agony. Any incapacitated character whoand fall mindcomes blast within attack. 5 feet At of the a mind end of flayer this minute,while it is in this state must resist the mind flayer’s TERROR IN KREZK 9 Area A5: Intellect out into a 20-foot by 20-foot space, occupied by aBeyond Ballista the on mind a rotating flayer, platform. the room An opens arrow Devourer Pen This 20-foot by 30-foot chamber is a pen who passed the exterior wall of this turret for keeping intellect devourers who have been willslit allows not recall a 180-degree any such feature arc of fire. on the Characters other prepared to be deployed from the fortress. side, which should further arouse their The room is basically empty apart from the suspicions about the nature of the dilapidated four intellect devourers who currently inhabit fortress. the space. Though they are connected to the mindwitness’s telepathic link, they are not Next to the ballista are 50 heavy bolts, actively participating in the contest of wills worth a total of 2 gold pieces, 5 silver pieces. fortress. As such, they will respond to threats Area A4: Turret II withtaking swift, place brutal between attacks. the mind flayers in the The contents of area A4 are identical to Prior to the commencement of the area A3. psychic standoff in the fortress, the intellect devourers were placed into the pen in preparation for release into the Barovian wild to collect a fresh batch of bodies. As far as the intellect devourers are concerned, this order still stands, and as soon as they are aware of potential hosts, the intellect devourers will attack.

Area A6: Lookout Point This region of the fortress is dimly lit in daytime, and under total darkness at night, thanks to a large pane of purple-tinted glass in the wall on the north side of the room. 20-foot high open archways at either end of the room allow for free passage through this area of the fortress. The walls in this area are also covered in Qualith carvings. Characters who have a means of deciphering the writing (via comprehend languages or some other magic) can make an Intelligence (Arcana) check at DC 20. If this check is successful, the character understands these markings Sampleto be a series of security file procedures to be followed in the event of encountering various astral phenomena.

10 TERROR IN KREZK sporadic motions, muttering to itself in Deep SpeechA mindwitness about the pressures floats around it is experiencing.the room in When the characters enter, the mindwitness glances at them for a moment with several of its tentacles. If the characters make no aggressive movements, the mindwitness effectively ignores them, going back to its ramblings.

The room is also occupied by three mind thralls, who stand in a circle around the mindwitness.flayer arcane apprentices,The Barovian and thralls two willBarovian engage any creature who enters the room and is not death.a mind flayer, intellect devourer, or Barovian thrall. These Barovian thralls will fight to the If the characters attack the mindwitness it will defend itself, using its available eye rays (in this case, the mindwitness can use all available eyestalks, as the targets of its gaze are all within this room). The mindwitness will not move, even in self-defense, and while it is in this state must resist the mind will only use its bite and tentacle attacks on creatures who get close enough to do so flayer’s mind blast attack. At the end of this without moving. The mindwitness will also and may act normally, though it must minute, the mind flayer regains composure ignore attacks against the Barovian thralls. immediately begin checking for a recharge of its mind blast, which is considered Upon taking 1 or more hit points of damage, or being subjected to an effect that immediately head to area A8 to make their to be expended. These mind flayers will calls for a saving throw, the mindwitness sounds a psychic alarm. Four Barovian thralls if they are attacked or their progress is impeded.way down to the Nautiloid, fighting only intruders. These Barovian thralls will also in area A7 will respond, fighting any and all Area A7: Guardroom fight to the death. This 20-foot by 30-foot chamber is a pen room do not respond to the psychic alarm for keeping thralls who perform security duty. of theThe mindwitness, mind flayer arcane nor to theapprentices death of inthe this These thralls only come out when summoned BarovianSample thralls. If the mindwitness is killed, to an alarm, or to eat andfile rest. Four Barovian thralls occupy the room, with two Barovian and fall prone for one minute, screaming and thralls standing outside the doorway outside wailingthese mind in horror flayers and become agony. incapacitated Any character the entrance to area A8. These Barovian thralls will engage any creature who enters

TERROR IN KREZK who comes within 5 feet of a mind flayer 11 Area A9: Eastern Gate devourer, or Barovian thrall. These Barovian the hallway and is not a mind flayer, intellect This area is the eastern gate to the will also sound an audible alarm, summoning fortress. Characters who are still making thethralls remainder will fight of to the the guards death. from If attacked, within thethey Wisdom (Survival) checks to follow the trail guardroom. of kidnappers after seeing the building will come to this area. The doorway is open, and If the thralls from area A7 are summoned only the rotten remnants of wooden planks to area A6, the two Barovian thralls standing attached to rusty hinges on the eastern side guard at the door will remain in place, of the opening indicate that there was ever a keeping watch over the access shaft. door present. Vines have grown all along this edge of the building, and several branches extend into the doorway. A successful Wisdom Area A8: Access Shaft (Survival) check at DC 10 will reveal these This room contains a 6-foot by 6-foot plants to be strands of razorvine. Characters vertical shaft, which descends 40 feet into can use an object such as a polearm or sword area B1. to push the vines aside in order to enter the area safely, moving through the doorway as

precaution causes the character to make a ifDC10 it were Dexterity difficult saving terrain. throw, Failure suffering to take 5 this Features of The Nautiloid (1d10) slashing damage on a failed save. Detect Magic: Any use of detect magic in the nautiloid will reveal a powerful aura of necromancy Ceilings: Unless otherwise noted, the ceilings magic emanating from the walls. and walls throughout the nautiloid are made of the same fleshy material as interior of the Each door indicated on the map is an Doors: dilapidated fortress. Ceilings throughout the iron door (AC 19, 27 hit points.) These doors each nautiloid level are 35 feet high. have a symbol in Qualith carved into the door, which must be touched and comprehended in order Walls: The walls of areas B1, B6, B7, B8 and to open the door safely. Any creature who touches B9 are covered with various arcane sigils scribed the door without touching and understanding in silver. Characters seeing these symbols who the symbol must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence succeed on a Knowledge (Arcana) check at DC saving throw or take 22 (4d10) psychic damage 15 will recognize the symbols as necromantic in and be stunned for 1 minute. Once this effect is nature. If the characters succeed at a Knowledge triggered, or the trap is safely bypassed, the door (Arcana) check at DC 20, they will identify the opens. The door must be manually closed for this symbols as those used in a lich’s phylactery. effect to reset. Characters who succeed on a DC 15 Characters who speak Draconic, are clerics of Intelligence (Arcana) check will recognize the threat the Death domain, or are wizards of the School of the psychic trap before interacting with it. of Necromancy may claim advantage on this Intelligence (Arcana) check. These symbols can Characters searching for Secret Doors: be stripped off the walls. Doing so requires the secret doors can discover them with a Wisdom characters to attack the symbols (AC 19, 10 hit (Perception) check at DC 15, or an Intelligence points each.) Each of the aforementioned rooms (Investigation) check at DC 12. These doors are has 18 (5d6) symbols on the walls. The hallways simple sliding panels, which can be operated with do not have any symbols. If the characters strip no additional check upon discovery. all of the symbols off of the walls, the ulithalich Light: The nautiloid is devoid of light sources, phylactery will cease to function. This will not and considered to be completely dark, unless destroy the ulithalich, but it will rob it of its otherwiseSample noted in an area’s description. The only ability to regenerate if destroyed.file Naturally, the light sources characters will have are those they ulithalich and its servants will respond with bring with them. maximum brutality to any attempt to wipe out Movement: The nautiloid’s floors are these symbols. constructed of smoothed stone, and are considered Map: The map to this area uses a 1 square = 5 normal terrain. feet scale. 12 TERROR IN KREZK