London, Wednesday 12th May

***FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE*** The Real Fantasy Football League : Cheaters Pick Their World Cup Lovers

A survey by married dating site has named as the number one England footballer cheating wives would like to have an affair with.

The sports star beat teammates and to the top spot with a whopping 40% of the votes, despite the fact that all have at one time or another been under suspicion of playing away. England captain , who earlier this year was blasted with claims that he had a stag night fling with Israeli model Tslil Sela, scraped in at 5th place with only 6% of the votes, whilst , who was famously stripped of the captaincy earlier this year for his own philandering misdemeanours, came in 4th.

Illicit Encounters‟ male members also voted for their favoured WAGs. Unsurprisingly, popstar bombshell Cheryl Cole topped the list; 43% of the site‟s cheating husbands said they would pick her over buddies , Abi Clancy and Alex Curran for a night of illicit passion. TV Presenter Christine Bleakley of the BBC‟s The One Show came in at second place with 25% of the votes, but Coleen Rooney failed to place in the top five, squeezing in at 6th with less than 3% of the male vote.

Top Five players :

1) David Beckham (40%) 2) Frank Lampard (17%) 3) Steven Gerrard (12%) 4) John Terry (7%) 5) Rio Ferninand (6%)

Top Five WAGs :

1) Cheryl Cole (43%) 2) Christine Bleakley (25%) 3) Abi Clancy (14%) 4) Alex Curran (6%) 5) Victoria Beckham (4%)

Unexpectedly, 6% of all voters admitted they would rather „go gay‟; 6 men chose a rendezvous with serial cheater , and 12 women admitted they would much prefer to bed Cheryl Cole than any of her husband‟s teammates. This was more than voted for a night of passion with who limped in 11th in the poll.

CEO of Adam Scott comments, “The England players are almost better known for their scoring off the pitch than on it recently. Though manager seems intent on reigning in the team during the tournament; banning them from boozing, seeing their other halves and straying from their diets while away. “

The England manager has however allowed the players access to the internet. “Rustenberg, where the team will be holed up, is a pretty dull place. We just wonder whether the lack of entertainment and their own tendencies towards straying may land them on We‟ll be watching for any increased activity on the site emanating from England‟s Royal Bafokeng Sports Campus base during June and July!”, which has over 460,000 members across the UK, is also planning a special World Cup membership offer launching next week. New members taking up the offer and paying for a month’s full subscription to the site, will have their membership extended for as long as England stay in the tournament. If England were to make it all the way to the final on July 11th, this would mean an additional 3½ weeks paid membership for free.