The City Record. Vol

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The City Record. Vol THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XXXII. NEW YORK, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1904. NUMBER 9,590. THE CITY RECORD. Sunset Park. The work of carrying out the original design of this park has been vigorously prosecuted. The recent additions to the park consisting of two blocks, bounded by OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Seventh avenue, Fifth avenue, Forty-third street and Forty-fourth street, has enabled me to proceed with the carrying out of the walk system of this park. Contracts have Published Under Authority of Section t5a6, Greater New York Charter, by the been let for the necessary sewer-pipe fittings and brick and supplies to build the BOARD OF CITY RECORD. drainage system for this park. I have also let a contract for the necessary materials to install and complete an irrigation system for this park. The slopes bordering on Forty-first street have been made and planted.The GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, MAYOL. work of making the slopes and walks bordering on the Seventh avenue side is now JOHN J. DELANY, Coaroawxtox Counsar.. EDWARD M. GROUT, Cormo■ ta under way, and I have hopes that before the arrival of the winter months they will have been completed. Forest Park. PATRICK J. TRACY, SOP=aviso.. In this park large improvements have been begun. Two greenhouses, capable of taking care of the present needs of the Department, are now nearing completion. Published daily, except legal holidays. The work of building driveways through this park has practically been completed, and the work of building the gutters along the entire length of these drives has been Subscription, $9.3o per year, exclusive of supplements. Three cents a copy. started. It is the intention of the Department to establish in this park, and in fact SUPPLEMENTS: Civil List (containing names, salaries, etc., of the city employees), 25 cents; the work of establishing a nursery has been begun. In this nursery there will be Canvass, to cents; Registry Lists, 5 cents each assembly district; Law Department and Finance grown all the young trees and shrubs required for departmental work in the future. Department supplements, to cents each; Annual Assessed Valuation of Real Estate, 25 cents each The work of laying out new golf links to the south of the drives has been started and section of Manhattan. is at present in very satisfactory state of progress. Published at Room a, City Hall (north side), New York City. Highland Park. This park has received careful attention during the past three months. The work Entered as Second-class Matter, Post Office at New York City. of grading the slopes and sodding them has progressed favorably. The slopes run- ning down to the lake have been formed and sodded, and to-day present a very attractive appearance. The work of grading the embankment north of the lake is TABLE OF CONTENTS. now being carried forward, and will be completed prior to the coming of winter. The roadways have been carefully looked after and repaired where necessary and are Aqueduct Commission— Fire Department— to-day in a very satisfactory and commendable condition. During the conceit season Minutes of Meetings of September 8 Proposals ........................ 7923 it was found impossible to accommodate all the people in the near vicinity of the 19o. .................. to x5, and r6, 7915 Transactions from October to music stand. To obviate this difficulty it was found necessary to extend the plateau Proposals ........................ 7924 1904 ......................... 79'' Assessors, Board of— Health, Department of— in a southerly direction and on a level with the base of the music stand. To do this Public Notices ................... 7920 Minutes of Meeting of October 26, is required about five or six thousand cubic yards of fill and considerable labor. The Board Meetings ...................... 7920 1904 ......................... 7907 Bridges, Department of— Notice of Amendment to Sanitary walks around the lake have been built and screenings spread thereon. The storms Proposals ........................ 7921 Code ........................ 7921 of September played havoc with some of the large and old trees, and the work of Bronx, Borough of— Proposals ........................ 7922 removing these trees and making good the damage caused by their destruction has Proposals ........................ 7920 Manhattan, Borough cf- been completed. The park to-day is in a very presentable condition. Brooklyn, Borough of— Proposals ........................ 7920 Auction Sale ..................... 7920 Public Notice ............ i 7920 Carroll Park. Proposals ........................ 7919 Report of CommissionerCmissi of Public Public Notices ................... 7919 Works, Week ending November A contract was let to lay cement sidewalks on all four sides of this park. 79 5 The work is now under way, and I am sure will be completed within two or three than g es in Departments ............... 7916 Municipal' Change of Grade Damage Commission— Service Commission—.... weeks. Designs have been prepared and the contract is now tinder preparation for 7920 Public Notice ...... Public Notice .................... Municipal Explosives Commission— 792 a new shelter house for this park. The work of maintaining the grounds, trees and ( ollege of The City of New York— Amendments to Municipal Explo- shrubbery and removing all dead trees and branches has been carefully looked after. Proposals ........................ 7924 sives Commission's Regulations. 7906 Correction, Department of— Notice to Contractors ................. 9928 Institute Park. Proposals ........................ 7920 Official Borough Papers............... 7920 At this park work has been started on a new walk from Flatbush avenue, bor- Docks and Ferries, Department of— Official Directory .................... 79i7 7923 Auction Sale • • • • Official Papers ........................................... 79792 44 dering the reservoir. This walk is intended as an access from Flatbush avenue to Proposals ........................ 7923 Parks, Department of— the Institute grounds, and when completed will be the last walk to be built under Public 'Notice .................... 7923 Proposals ........................ 7922 Education, Department of— Report for the original design for this park. The large plateau in the rear of the Institute 7921 1 Quarter ending Septem. Proposals ........................ her 30, 1904 .... ............ 7905 building has been regraded and screenings spread thereon, and the slopes and sides l•stimate and Apportionment,p Board of— Police, Department of— have been made and covered with top soil. The work of seeding and sodding these Hearing .................. 7920 Public Owners Wanted for Lost Property.. 7920 slopes is now being pushed forward. Executive Department— Proposals ........................ 7920 Report of Bureau of Licenses, Week Public Charities, Department of— Small Parks. ending November 12, 1904.... 7916 Proposals ........................ 7924 Finance, Department of— Street Cleaning, Department of— The small parks under the jurisdiction of this Department have received the Auction Sale ..................... 7923 Ashes, etc., for Filling in Lands.... 792t usual care and attention in the way of maintenance and improvement. The trees and Notices of Assessments for Opening Proposals ........................ 792t shrubs have been pruned and sprayed with a poisonous solution to prevent the Streets and Parks............ 7922 Public Notice .................... 792! Notices to Property-owners......... 7922 Supreme Court— ravages of caterpillars and other insects. Notice to Taxpayers .......... ... 7922 Acquiring Title to Lands, etc...... 7924 Proposals for $25,000,000 of Three Water Supply, Gas and Electricity, De- Playgrounds. and One-half Per Cent. Cor- partment of- The playgrounds in Williamsburg Park and the playground under the Williams- porateStock ................. 7922 Auction Sale ..................... 7923 burg Bridge and at New Lots Playground have been kept in very fine condition during ................... 7922 Public Notices Proposals ........................ 7924 the preceding three months. Screenings have been spread over the entire surface of these playgrounds, and attendants and apparatus have been in constant demand. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. Parkways. Highland Boulevard—Along this boulevard a contract has been let to lay cement BOROUGHS OF BROOKLYN AND QUEENS. sidewalks, starting at the viaduct across Vermont street and running in a northerly direction along the boulevard and up Bushwick avenue as far as the sidewalk in Report for the Quarter ending September 30, 1904. front of Evergreen Cemetery. This work has been completed and is a material improvement to the locality. Ocean Parkway—Along the traffic road on the west side of this parkway the Office of the Department of Parks, Boroughs of Brooklyn and Queens, entire area of the roadway has been rebuilt and resurfaced from the Plaza to Twenty- Litchfield Mansion, Prospect Park, J} second avenue. The drive itself has been kept in excellent condition, repairs here Brooklyn, October 1, 1904. and there being found necessary after each heavy rainstorm. The work of taking care Hon. GEORGE B. McCLELLAN, Mayor of The City of New York: of the bridle paths and improving its condition was started at the Plaza and is being Sir—I have the honor to submit to you herewith, in accordance with the provisions carried out along its entire length. The Bureau of Sewers. through its contractor, of section 1544 of the Charter, a quarterly report of the proceedings and finances of
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