Formation Pressure Patterns in Cretaceous Viking Formation, Alberta
850 Association Round Table beds within correlative uppermost Devonian rocks HARPER, J. D., Shell Development Co., Exploration along the Cordilleran miogeosyncline. They are present and Production Research Center, Houston, Tex. in the Exshaw Formation of southwestern Alberta, Sappington Member of Three Forks Formation TRENDS OF FAUNAI. MoRPHoroGic VARIATION AND throughout western Montana, lower part of Leatham, THEIR ENVIRONMENTAL SIGNIFICANCH; KEY TO PAI- Formation of northern Utah, and middle part of Pilot EOECOLOGic ANALYSIS Shale of west-central Utah and southeastern Nevada. Analysis of trends of morphologic variation within These phyllopod bivalve crustaceans or clam shrimp faunai assemblages is significant for paleoecologic in are found most commonly in greenish-gray and gray terpretation, and complements paleoenvironment in ish-black shales. The shales directly overlie extremely terpretations based on analogy with Holocene sedimen thin discontinuous fish- and conodont-bone beds and tary environments. The Rondout Formation (Late Silu are overlain by carbonate beds that generally contain rian), Hudson Valley, New York, demonstrates the im numerous algal nodules (oncolites). Conchostracans portance of such analysis. also are present in Umestone and in channel siltstone. The Glasco Limestone Member (12 ft) records The associated biota generally comprises inarticulate offshore subtidal deposition. It is overlain and under brachiopods, principally Lingula and Orbiculoidea, or- lain by supratidal mudflats—the Whiteport Dolomite thocone, nautiloid, and goniatite cephalopods, Tasman- (1-7 ft) atid Rosendale Dolomite Members, re iles, and fish fragments, but locally includes abundant spectively. to rare ophiuroids, blastoids, and other pelmatozoans, Within the Glasco, 5 units in vertical sequence from articulate brachiopods, ostracods, conodonts, trilobites, base to top show morphologic variation of halysitids, horn corals, and sponge spicules.
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