Appendix Accompanying the Director of the Mint
1886 232 REPORT ON THE FINANCES. APPEI^DIX. I.—DEPOSITS AND PURCHASES OF GOLD AND SILVER, COINAGE MINTS. Description. Philadelphia. San Francisco. * Carson. New Orleans. Standard Standard Standard Standard ounces. ounces. ounces. ounces. United States bullion (domestic pro duction) 6,387.866 1,145, 662. 772 United States coin 8,48.5.981 118.196 639.333 Foreign bullion 3, 286. 301 115,951.415 873.032 Foreign coin 8.843 205, 012. 903 3, 288.126 Jewelers' bars, old plate, &c. 35.110. 032 1, 695. 967 2, 312.057 Total 53, 279.023 1, 468,441. 253 695.409 7,112.548 Redeposits: Fine bars 10, 437. 736 Unparted bars . 101,375.230 15. 989 Total gold received and operated upon 165, 091. 989 1, 468,457. 242 695.409 7,112. 548 United States bullion (domestic pro duction) 15, 302, 690.15 941, 292.13 852. 99 7, 790, 577.49 United States coin 236, 702. 23 1, 995. 75 1.068.48 Foreign bullion 4, 387. 00 509,165. 67 14,943.55 Foreign coin 109,034.36 106. 21 , 68,251.29 Jewelers' bars, old plate, &c. 157, 072.25 1,042.63 19, 650. 28 Total 15, 809, 885. 99 1, 4.53, 602. 39 852. 99 7, 894, 491. 09 Redeposits: Fine bars 656, 753. 09 Unparted bars . 1, 347, 518. 06 78.26 Total sil verreceived and operated upon 17, 814,157.14 1,453, 680. 65 7, 894, 491. 09 G-old and silver deposits and purchases 15, 863,165. 013 2, 922, 043.
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