^THURSDAY, AUGUST 21. 1952 Avwag* DnSr NM Pn PAGE EIGHTEEN flanrtr^Btcr lEimthts H^roli . Vbe BM tPiak Bra A l% .lg U « King David Lodga of Odd Fe|. 10 ,19 5 Iowa %rill hold Its weekly meeting About Town In the lOOF lodge haU tomorrow evening etarting promptly at 7:S0, ■A Cky Ckmrm American Legion Band will hold After the huelfMee meeting re. ita regular rehoarsal tomorrow freehmenta will ha eerved, Indud* choice MEATS night at th« Legion Homo. Ing com on the cob. PRICE m i VOL. LXXL NO. 279 an fags It) MANOEBSTIR, OphN., PRIDAT, AUGUST 22.1252 (POURTVKNPAGRS) Daugbtera ,were bom at the Hartford HoepiUI Monday to Mr. C yclist H its Car and 'Mra. WalUr Browne of Ig « MB BREAKFAST Deerfleld drive and Mr. and Mre. Donald Jackaon of 14t Oakland In B olton Crash A TURKEY BINNER •troet. Lewis Sets Ujy Planes SmOsh A South Coventry motorcycIlcL OR A BUDBET SUPPER Recently promoted at Pratt and held overnight for otieervaUon at M ay I Whitney Aircraft wee Louie D. Manchester Memorial Hospital fol. V iew s8 Ike, Nixon Yoa can’t go wrong if you aelect your meat from Pinc- Sulotf of M Oolumhua street to lowing an accident, will be die* foreman, receiving and ehipping, charged today. hnrat well atocked caaca. You are aura to get freah Gov. D>810, tat shift at the Southing. George Fenton, 34. of Pine LiSke Rile Parties amment inapccted Western dressed products when you I ton plant. ^ Shores, was injured when hie tw«r* buy at Plnehurat. Remember, our Cold Cota are freshly wheeled vehicle rammed the rear SaouL Xoraa, Aug. Bed Jate daaMged -4n Bddittan t » M sliced after you aelcct them . . . and Pinehurat meats Thomae J. Cordner of 3d Green, of a car pn U. S. Route 44A near Waahliigton, Aug. 22— —UN fightar^KMiibara today hill street and EfSe M. Kennedy Notch Pond Bridge in Bdlton. Op. are ground under refrigeration for your protection. erator of the car Involved in laid —Govanmiant cdfielala aud ■maah(M Ommunigt targats k y P ro - cam]mpalgB cmnmaala [o f Hartford tiled a marriage ll> Bed cenee at the Hartford Bureau of night's accident wee 73>year.old today that John L. Lawia- ha« an across tha Korann peadB- Tho dNMBdl >y b oth C___m l D w igh _ t D.| Lewie Phelpe Of Andover. Phelps sills. U. S. Sabra jets dam­ etadttad tn O op t BoMnami Manor, lisaahowar and Gov. Adlal ROBART FRESH CONNECTICUT I Vital Statletlca yesterday. ' given formal notice that hia •BOB Narthwcot BBU atMct, Okie was not hurt. Shop H A L E 'S Sdf con tracts w ith th e ooi|I indus­ aged two RiiaiiaBkiilt MIG- BtaraiisoB today wara U. Nicholas A. LaPenU of dS Clifford Bombard, state police, henm QHy; and MaJ. |mds A man ccmductlng the InvestlMtion, try will expire at the end of 15 ja t i. Qraan,/M d N orte Balam atroot, viding a taat of tha hannoBy, [Wedgewood drive anived aboard On the gyrun i, AlMad soidtan and unity within tho ranka Of | Ib the troopship Oreely from Bremer. fald that Phelps had slowed hla September. This sat up the Lmrtni ^ . N. C , Daaiiagad Miclway A i S t a t e F a ^ car to pass eenatmctlon work on k m a vvA tt u z e Gel Loae Banger Kaddls fVHO M C O t 0 ^ )te 1*07 A U ranulead two nght lUd eamultni a b^ . a aobte Jate gctMfdl tholr taro partioo. B oth B a lk hav«n. Germany, when it docked poialbility of a nationwide Twelve B-M howhea atagea a with elements af n Blakt of It TURKEYS at Staten Island today at • a.m. at the roM when the motorcycle Blag wttk purchase af twe * coal strika at that Hma. raid an a ChmaianlM la nae with ellirr poultiT prirrs, Bofcsrt advaacMl tlic««‘ tar* rammed It- from the rear. lludtea built MKki uaar Biuulju. preeideiit|«l uemtaeci tfi^ g wtthi I Pier 10. Fenton was taken to the Man. The Tatt-Harttey Labor Act re- area at Aaak, an the Bneju hi jterttweat Keraa, but fallod te h m Jmt a Mi Uii« wr«>k . . . but at Um> Icnv prioc af iSr far qulrM that the goveraatmt ba hi. ' anth parallel OOP leaden of ae an waateml (Jmmm waadartui CoiMortlrat Fr««k IS to 14 Ib. torkrya thry o f. cheater hospital where he was rssir Your Food Needs atatea yeaterday te . O ty. Over Views Mr. and Mrs. Am* Pedersen and treated far numerous cuU and fWnud at a lahw ilaj^ta at least in weetem Keraa. .(Tho A ir PUreo eaid UN pUote do- ftir a plus value . . , with more alleoa of tender white aeeat than so days befere the wert eontraot On the eocet, ^IHtd rifmri mada two remarin which rateadj nieat tarkeye. their three children, Ronald, f anlce bruises and held for observation. WUZ Slrcqrad U Ited-oecupted bulldtoiBa, n quaatton whether, ha might g cti and Stewart of Aurora, Cole., are The Investigation la being con. «n lree. flve ’ large warahenaa M gun poattlens, T4 bunkora and Mdi-hoehg within Ma own party. I O f Senator Onaadlaa Baeoa RATH HONEUSSS visiting with Mrs. Padersen'e ducted from the Colchester Bar. L t ^ , preMdmt eg the Uidted buUdWge hear Wonaan, the A ir four mortara, eud tafUeted They were: | Italtaa flauMto DAISY H A M S----- ,.U». 79 e brother and eleter, Howard Hansen racks. Mhu Wothers Union, gave fedmal fferea aald. ti^oog outtoltifMe 1. Although tea Korean eonfMetl of 21 Bremen road and Mrs. An* HALE’S INSTANT SWANSDOWN mediatera the required nottee that figh ter heeahere Haahad at Bed Small Saaaage UN imantrymen early today was eanoed by *torrlMa Muadonf i HsywarA Wia., Aug. 22— Dried Beef RATH'S READY TO EAT thony Salefla of S8 Summer atreeL aentreetors withithlwth both that aoft end battle Uaaa. 59c bmt back a It-auui CMneo tea ptooent odmtelatntlea, he I Cff>—iSaa. J oia p h R . I fc C a r - la w * Pattlea SMOKED SHOULDERS ...L h . The Pedersens formerly lived In COFFEE CAKE M IX hard coal Industry wlH run eut Pftf T BhBw Pleat Bold, tho eeuntn had M chetoe but I Coventry and WarehduM Point. than, thaae efflrtela aald. The A ir Force aald U. B. Sahra aault on Bunker hfil, in tec m Caehed Salami CH(X:OLATE On the central front. UN oddlon to tetorvene. wa might ba muchl % (R. WIs.) M tod a y ka Meireira Hama FAT SALT Mr, Pedersen Is a building contrac- Freah Ground This could—as It has done beCore JeU daeaaged twe Ituaaiea-buUt woraa acr now if wa hadn't aatejl! Ydil walcoroa tha adpiKMrt o f FORK eeeeeee* 29c tor for the government In Denver. —precede a etrtka prevldlnf nelMKla during■ the ‘ aftemeo& The buried bosk n prdilag Bod pU‘ let Prtae Ham L b. DEVIL’S FOOD MIX teen |u a 40 mjanli Mttlc ucai I wa dM, ha added. | Qaa. Dwight RiaaBhoNur and agreement an n new contrect lalacriei ' ~ Many ItepubUcans eentmd teat] P k g. reached by tBa and e ( BepteaAer. end twe MHla ftem n fccautlan Capital MIL 8 m . Richard Nixon if ha la LEAN GROUNT* B E E F ...... Ib. 7 ^ Boda Vao BmrahBghte bntetetratimon •Munders" tunnel ■ lauunm l REGULAR HAMBURG ...... Ib. 59c Libby’a (horned Tha neUce wee algnod by tholeCthe leg ISId weewae an a awoap m that x teakt eff tea teraalenlaton o f acute Boraa,| XMMihuitad Intha B apt. 9 W aUy]tho^^dlM plama wHMh Tha U. a. atehte Army aald tec WiaconalB primary. Ha hM- ■ fladMd BiarcMIghte hut dteagraaI iharplyahari ad the fouai-1 f r e s h BIAICK ISLANb B eef lepUiie. - " ue o f AmartoonHtoon wtorventtan. I traad to aod that ’1 eartaju- UMW headquertersheadTMrtem hare aald||eeld gwwr » ^ Iplant en the Maashurlan early Thmaday, SHADOW a. An nttoek en Rad Ohtao, ly axpaet to ba Bonihiatad.* 12 Os. TIa thia memlng It had no commentMranamHiit cnMl |ho(der.I OOtVOTe iheerar jeM . would mean aUit-l WAVE the matter. The new dafana briiBht te M tag anoteeo war for man tcrrlMol Tha Sanntor said a ateta- « bBu Mated - ng at 91.00. Total valua rc d e m Mcdlatlcn oOrvlee la ca-lpgalnot MoOertby hafore n Bamte (PI—A YELLOW BEANS...... 35c Athdaa, Graaco, Aug. P E A B E A N S ...... »lg. glass pots 34c 92.75. quifod in cast eg a pmiHag laborirulm OMBcnmnnie, ora wdl< Views Link R ed s H ear itapute. (V)—EaTUBtaan paraona—in­ aoM If he waco the aoo''IUBSlHa8Mlliy Meepl- CHILI SAUCE 29c F . F .V . aal teat a S l . aha waa te have SPBCTAL $ 2.25 Lewis h caUed n Neen Bteey Mdeaaa cluding 11 Oraak Air Forea d ha qudte to aay ao. IWTATO SALAD ...... 1.3e parted—to eta tea death eu eoM ho ' WashlBgtoas Aug. 22— Aug. (Hus Tax) W a u l u r i «BMl AN haarteg eiiB deal aMears—want on trial he- to SHURHNE MAYONNAISE ...... p t. .39c liinlted Time Only TAVERN at mteon te with Benton's charge teat Me- I—Farateva auqr flad IRUa Mra. Atetete i k 'on TUantey -X id ia llaaaaw haa 4at laaia Book Matches occidmtB—which win take aU Me fare a Oraak aourtaumtial to­ SALAD DRESSING ...... pt. 31c OllM f AjipHsBCM Gbrtey eotenUttod pa^hoy whm ho day ekaygad with apjring and Idifforaaw Ib tha I^aws of tha a fnah hhit at U..8. h m i i II* 8. A W. PINEAPPLE CHUNKS ...... 38c (60 Coant) aeen out o f the pits otartteg to-1 danM under oath that ha taM a fo. ItpMnd M Naur Yarit APPETIZERS morrow and ending Sept. X. te a apaote an aabotaga. A l plaadad innto ‘ ■ CBB- 1SU5* oTZrvuMS: 8. a TV. TOMATO a s p ic ...... 28c JAMES' 2 Pkga. IdM atia'an iha oBaatka of aty th fi^ e pud aald cthBB lU Mala St..-TW. M ia t iw D R H A M ecu P k g. Thta 10-day period, howi FUh. 0, IMP, teat ha pemaatod a cant. MEAT DEPARTMENT provldad ter te tea eontraot. te-| Net of XW peraena 'Im oirn to tee The aoouood rctroetod 4k___ proved team ia prka aupporta f a t agirleul- has raaehad an U m b chidao two weebrndi and t ■acietory (Dbaa Aeheaen) ae hoteg none algudi after their am et teat Ban te WaaMngtaaL tural caouttodltlaa: t “H haa H kehim S iB Now ifa ELEVATOR SPECIALS! Here’a the BOT^ day. Thue actual prdihwtMh wBi ihan or tho OwnM N party Nar wouM ho aaul . . ta ^ A t Recfucccf Prices TOM price on an item that’s TOPS in popularity. he stopped only durtag th* Who .novorteelem are stUi gporkaaaa'a remark teat ha haij rmniter weekteg days nast week. ipoB ayhiM q at tea teas. Havod tee recant atoal atitko hag .3s 'aSa*Sa Lawia has net made public aay The prweeeutoe'a earn rase CARNATION MILK 2' eg Ma now wag* damaiada It is " HU. A - regarded as deUMftt ffaeerkaten ware 8U N SW E E T l t o « test M TENDERKNIT STEAKS prmented teem te dot r heoHag . ■unorained af- where the dteoUhlSL Me an tele , atraato a i Yeah, bat alto“S5 to] eenvermbens with tea operatorsT t to dho4 MeOarthy dM oahatM tooh pleoe teotiaed'he aaM they a la i may ba quite ahn- Ra aubwaya. PRUNE JUICE Beef Specials The M m leader ih axpaetod. umba th a t. t tea tw o was udabte to Identtiy oay o f tea tea hoy to Jha tea Tho Btoto doportpeant toM ra- aseuaed with aahotafo liiddaata. teauM revolve I .ha boa, DEEP BLUE, WHITE .. a t KMUtei Olto,J Cafifornia. Toll pofftotv gkoift Um DiiNiDoDatt whlili Democrats Set Tho ochedMed wltnamia at tea dana te raeant: I te reply to a queryluoiy thatiw wIf beno Was plakod up by Amatleaa haarteg ors-JoaM o B. YFHttkar, Ylontouala dM tootuy d i t M teaia w m "M -be no goviwiiamt manttom. Moaaow TUNA 3' I® lb. [Paul A. Myers and Paul MDlcr, Bva othotoao teiitdiate lost year, w lte teaa petaa auppetc lb Encephalitis Radio' has bean aquartaa o ff For. Caucuses lofnetals o f Itodte Btotten WYTVA te wUdtplaMff landkm w Ho obM ha •a reoetvan ao SHUREnNE PEANUT BUTTER ...... 12 w . Jar SSe for This Week End U. a. oftlaa far aoma tena % Shoppera Calm at YThcMtag wMeh broadoast tea wara taawWud with amf gravd Swedish. Police teat Jovaay Gtty and BaMtemra alradBr NOW IS THF. TIMR FOR wch, mM.F rank DmmonA ra- WA te tig hydraulic ayotooe. Ha Epidemie at 30 hava eouM under attaek. On Delegates JELLO GELATIN DESSERTS ...... 3 pkga. 25c S. Made From Round and Loin Beef—^No Waste porter for the Wheelteg IntalU- aaM tea B B S aymhel o f Oroaodh Tho Ruaotea radio altod a osrtao All Cut From U. Good Or On Renewal of it o f outtewod Onuunualai party Hunt Ex-Cop as Bhaiminn ruled out the eantro. Maritord, Aapi. XB- SHURFINE FRUIT COCKTAIL ...... 17 oi. can 25c a Fronelaeo, Aug. Bl •(FI -- a t artteteo t r tto WorM-TMageam NOW HOP ON and get your share of this BREATH- the apeeeh hM been d ttded by Ben- boau ehalked on tea whig of venial Rraunon pten wWeh Blaeo- and Bun—(t eallod it a "naattan- latimt rank and ftle ChoicoGrado ton as evldenoa teat pteM. hower and the OOP natienel plat- An anesphakUa apidaiMo is go into town eaumoo SHURFINE FANCY HAWAIIAN SLICE D TAKER: XtoOutey croaptog nerteword up OahlbcMa'a ary paper"—aa an iOustraUan at PASCAL CELERY 21 Prices Posting mod# tha ststommUe The 17 were rounded up teat Slayer of Nine form had ooiuht to tte to tee what ft callad "tha notorloua plak daiaguteo to l%B I ■prteg after a nen-oomsdoalaMd Democrata. The Dlteola Ooveruer central vallayOr borne on tho. aammiUan which wl^ Swam aUUmantfl o f WhlUlcgr wtaga of teo tiny female mos­ Aaeartean way at Ufa." PINEAPPLE n ^ ^ t k NATIVE Hr THB AaaOOAlBD PBBSa and Myers teat they reeordad Me- oBMh - was taught tampartag wKh atockhaUk awadan. Aug. XX— at Mteoequa, Wia., aaM te affeet It said an its material tor teo candldata tor tha t e t o ___ liaotoratlen ef calliiig prleo B Bghtar pteno. Ha rapertodhr that tea Rmbdcaae. te trying to quito. McMahan's undsplrad U. a. I W ESSON O I L ...... pint 33c qt. Me RIB ROAST Ourteya apeeeh. and teat te It ho (P>—PoBea Ikuaebad an aU-out Already tea alooping aUkaaaa nadaeat oaaea from ttoaa atariam DEEP TENDERLOIN peatliig te ftod atacea te tbroa did etelmi tto o poipooaam a list of turned te tho ateon. make tha nraanon plan on iaaoa, DOltf tlMJ iNMUtalt CHICKEN OF THE SEA CARROTS 2 Bch. 25c widely aaporatad teat citlaa Oraak u aw teven hunt throughout aoutliam Bwadan ra boffctag up tha wrong tree. has claimed 30 Hvee and nearly Lladira^ I BW Oamwinriste, ___ _ Apr(I a latse aealo todayl' fdr Tutu Hodte. on aa-peUea- 500 have been reported Mrldten, "It harbacoata axtraxMly daa- BITE SIZE TUNA ...... can S3c drawn mixed reaetlona team grb-^ evtdenee In Benato teipilrlea Into Ho aaM tMs p lw was Oboelato, aaroua tor paapla to appear alone laiihood a t from 0te BLOCK CHUCK cenaplracy ef tofUtnUon aud at- It te eemwetlon with ihat It had not boon endoreed Iqr tho atato Haolte doparttecnt re- mamm tea holes tor ECLIPSE COFFEE SYRUP .» ...... pt. bot. 35c cars rangteg teem warm support tee matter. te tea otNote. No ana axoapt tea BONELESS PLUM S Dox. 29c to strong onteeitlon but haa left tonwtod oabkofe had been ilia party's ptetfoim or rocom- MCtOd* vary bald or poopio ta gtampa wtM 4 ^ SORSlS ■aa it an- Theodere- Klendl, «— » to eoverod to t h e ^ Fhcoe. The gov- Ha is wantad.. fSBawiiig tha BUfMod oy ill dmdldiLldB. Twelve died within tee taat he, to r tea CLOROX ...... q t. 18c ,.Vt gals. 33c . .gals. 58c tha pubUB apathetic, n mot our- Benton, and Bdward Bmnett WU- hatchet murder of Ms flancoo, tea risk walktea to tea evanteg ta. tea voy today tedieated. amment damped a boa on ouch tm Thus tea atatamanta of the wsMt. altir'a partca pai^ free to maho up thair Oscar Mayer Wieners CHUCK MeCkrtey's lawyer, tdd a, porta, myiiig arar^wtoto m draen MBteg o f Ms poronta and tea Doctors are powerlaaa to ohodt own m tadaattea aanvanttan Bapt CANTALOUPES e .. h 2 5 c Hio Gffico of Price atabllteatlen nmorter they use wUl dlseum at rival candMatoo were open to the “BuiTte New York they rob you In mild barbeque sau ce...... 12 os. can 45c FRESH GROUND eu span lied the nationwide program had bean token to dlintaato tea dootes at in a tomataa o f an oM Interpretation that both endorao tha eiaaaaa. Tiara is no knopn BandB. YYnedteg a nant step te tee pre­ Rod teraat, hut called far aeoroey funur home wMeh was sat on f in not only ta Iho ottoote. Tho eauenam oan sand teahr BLUE LABEL SLICED BEETS... 20 os. can 2 for 29c (FILET MIGNON) JUly XS after it had bewi In effect trial teoUmony takteg, and tho oxlating farm prict support vaoeteo ta t humana. "Tho oamo paper raporte that aix months. Bariy this month it pmMteg teVastlgatlen. teat night An old. unaeivad mur­ law. Tho only hope te to IdU oft teo dakqxWm toBuatetellMallulsdgsd --- - rfr rn~i ~>n~ru~i rii*>ru~iAAyijvv^.njnj-ij-/v\-Lrv\rLru'v whether it to Ukely to p r ^ e a de­ der also te attributed to Mm. a numher of tea attrs subway BEEF LEMONS 3 r. 19c was reimporad on tea teat citlm TIm 11 oftleera raagel from war­ TMs law raquiraa that baMt moaqidteo. Huadroda of man are to aay. o f tea maxy aazMdaSm ta Limited Quantity—No Wholesale Orden laying court fighto. rant ofDcer to captain. Police thought the wanted man atattami have heacme ptoaaa at tea fliWA Any pTedato win ho CAMEI^. PHILIP FRESH CUT-UP o f FYurgo, N. D , JackaonvUla, Fla., might hava commit,tad euiclda crepa wheat, eem, cotton, tobae- apraytea S7d towns te tha valley robbery and otliar ertmoe when a and FYomo, CaUf. 00, Hoc and poanuta—bo suppertr lowtends and than teytaa (town number a t pammgara eangn atadiod elaaaly tar a paaafNa trend. MORRIS. PEACHES 2 l ^ 2 3 c And STEP OUT For This Family Favorite! Tha aurvoy showed oonaidarobla after aaeapteg te a atolan ear this quortar-mila-wMa baRlers o f Ufeloisywir morning. there. ThUa, to travel on the CHESTERFIELDS BEEF FOR STEW SWIFTS PREMIUM oimport amoOg grooara te Fargo (C f ) poteon rSalduo opray around team. York subway to ae loAgar aato. « and LUCKIES— and atrongeat oppoettlon te FVea . Tha female suten tenalla mom no. But ahoppora te tho thrao cittea Dulles, Harriman Clash PaUeo soM Hodte whs deputy Radio Mooeow gave ae its rea- (Mbt^pnllK! Carton 91*98 PEARS 6r„25c marshal te Hurova, South Bwadan, quito—eionunen. te OkllfOimte— oon tor aa upeurge ta Now York DAISY HAMS lk79c paid Itttlo attention to tho oaUteg untU test Wadnasday. whan ha eotrloo tea dlaaaoe from birds and ertem teo atebn that people hove SIRLOIN STEAK “^S1j37 prioo poatars and many wero un- was auapandad on n complaint at to horaea and bumafta. It la been “driven to deaperauen'' by Try the Beet nwora o f tholr axlstanoe. not earriod from horaea to bu- While You’re SHOPPING AROUND Pick Up Some qualUted support for tea aystora On Secretary Acheson bmtteaMs swaothaart News Tidbits the high cost a i Bvteg. Bulletms FlUsbury Angel Bodta’a paranU died last night ans. The Wertd Talagram Food MU ...... 9 9 S PORTERHOUSE STEAK ^ SI.15 SWIFTS PREMIUM SKINLESS woo esmmaad by groeon te War- In tha flaming wrsekima of thair CalM final AF Wbw A total of 4N oasm have ^en was “ aMlgad to paint out" this tatltoAPWina 2forl kTemfeLfaafTefl a®* 7Y* D. lioaso at Xvarnteav. Soon after, roportied to teo Btoto Health de- fact, it aalA adding: Phigs groeors soid It w u a fun Now Tork, Aug. XX—- oil eampanlaa o f haapteg "an un­ MAB'a raqiumt, alreiidy haa fllad ROOT RBOOYRR o f Mi o m ood wo wM oot ood wrap It for S«vo PINMPPLE JUICE The pro-a®***'’ *®**®^ newntefw have stood up for Daou Achason, “The Qrst .thtag I would Inhm N. Y , another shipment o f: ana o f tea great aaeratariaa at wauM ha to shift from a purely peirtod “wldnvnad rumors" to­ teg for Legion's i4th convantloa. due huimn . . . on tSa Ameri­ suit to raoovar 50 million doUara P eaa...... 2 for 43c y o u no H 1 5 e N». o o Hw m . ■maUri loiara today damondad .tea Mdy ad Mo , Green Beans withdrawal from OroM of U. B. a u te.'' dafenoive ^ ey to a - ' - - day that Gan. Bnver Hoxha t AntiMMitloa visit hems of d( can tanayar" for tholr own proftt from tho five eompanloa on French Pried Potatoes 26c O Z . TIN DELICIOUS boon rtmovod from hia post oa yaar-oM woman ta Plttaburgh, Pa., It named tea five aa Btandsrd groimds at ovorchaxgos on bins xa. ad Amhaamdor John B. Peurifoy 1 Both Dullao and Harriman havo offenatvs,’^ DuOrn ad p ^ with f ecelgu am funda Grand Duchess Steaks 85c Wax Beans . ho urged elections for a now boon monUonod wlteta thair awu ation policy, which will try to give Pramlcr of Albania. Tugoolavte'a and taka away XS pot dogs, two Oil of New Jarsay, ttendard OU UUle Riiaman-domteatod ntlghber eats, two chidrana and twe at her o f Ctettfomta, Gulf o n C o, aooony- Or. Walter Adams, acoAoi Morton’s Chicken Pies 49c drook govommont soon. parteM as poealhia chotcee far tha hope and a reMsUnoa mood wUhln puhsiW to the Benato committoo. Summer Squash post of SacraUry a t Btoto, da- teo Bovtot empire.'' otk tha MUthe grandcMIdran . . . DUko and Vacuum OU Oo. and tea Taxaa It waa the moot bitter attack on The papar ooid Hoxha tepertod- Dutehaaa at YYlndsor laava Paria Oo. toM a reporter MBA. which ad- Green Stanpa Given With Cash Saica' you rifoy atec# ha romarkad to pamBua an tea outeama a t tha No- Harriman r ^ a d teat tha Tru­ mtatetera nrsla& aid, contends tha S W O R O n S H vsniiss slssttsUh man admtotetratloH navar had ly taUed to show up rooently at by train for throo-wook stay te Tho report, roquoated by tea Qrook nawsman two days ago that gonate BmaU Bualnam oommlm total evarchargaa wouM ba more TM Aviv. a new govammant would ha te a| But aaeb gava iean-«ommitUl uiad tea. word'“eontatemmt' mootings o f Albdnte's governing Blarrltx, gwttaertend. L. T. WOOD anawacs wtiau aakad If they wauM addte: preeldium. with no reason ad- Clovolaad man lUaa Bwod taa’a monopoly aubcommittoe and than 50 mtllton, bot that ha d hoUar poaiUoa to attack the coun­ mads pubUo teat night, accused not know how much mora. G R 0 CERYb MODERATELY PRICED try's Biyirri-g aoonoarie prahlinw oceapt aute nu appotetment “ It's vary datagerous to talk vaneed for his aboenco. No oouroea flag from Ida homo to proteat wero given for tho raporte. YYMto House dontela that Socrot tea ftva af "pries Mscrimteatlen Tho oompoMao; tea report said, Very short season on Fresh Sword—Get it before the M "Tgam at Honteum phraaad Ma reply about hheration, bocauao tho word ahaigsd tha Buropaana “ aaotWtent llnni C ^O <>C ^ Locker Plant and Mm I Honse I ThdJD^HALCcO. thualy: Tteoration' te Ruropo moans war. PoUtika reported laet week gorvlcamon roughed up BwadUdi on a world-wido aealo.’’ It aald season’s end. nty Prime Minlatar sophoMm photogn^har while guarding Mat' they Inflated the price a t oU 3 0 2 MAIN <;t • dial A '6:1 • ’‘Iha only thing Pvo hoard to *nw paopla than are tarilflad • T E L . 8424 PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE garet Ttuman. telpped from tea lOMto Bast to (C an Fagb (OanttNOd an lU ia Oum what X road te tho uswapapars. by tea word (C ; on Pago Thrao) r (

• ■ t .fh -■ ------■ - r_> . •

■UliCHESTEl EVENINO HEBALD. 00raf« FRIDAY. AUGUST 22, 19S2 KANCHESnOt EVtDONO BBEALD. IfAliCH BREi. OOMH, FRIDAY, AtitiUST tS. 'V" ...... 1982 kK A UG WHEEL. . .SHOP tUMTON'S DEI E xcii^e Names potlttva'aporta progranu of Tala CUfford Vanay would alas gu af­ EASTWOOD Coventry Isham Is Selected and Cemioctlcut as mpraalntlng GOP Backing ter a dlmatar’a Jab. C h e n e y ^ Two Delegates To Study in Romo tha bast ^tatarican tradltleas of Thaodom L. Fairbanks, whose ■m . orueaee Lm I* minrard By Odumbia GOP aportsmanablp, fair play and tha decision to ran for tha board "sur- 1.OT1 MwaMi r . M ia s Ataaitcan spirit in a c t i^ and D ecision taed” Davta, prsaumahly baa not To Register Tha Board of Control c< tha Bx- -FEANOS -LAVY IN Keller h Named Chairman Wharaas, tha rngular-adtadulsd yat bean cansMamd aa ana af the changa a u b o f Manchaotar taat GOES TO t He ntoH Oahimbla. Aug. SO—(toaeU l)— football game to ha played in the candldataa the committaa would Bight app^ntad Praiddaat Haydan WEST MASK? PhlUp U iam haa bdan saloelad by Tala Bowl in Hew Haven between Yew Studettts May Si|pi m. WhlUngand paat pcaaidant T. J. FO Dnr Damoemta bam aa tbetr candldata Town Committoe Voles IrtM iif O f GOP Campaign Finance Yale and CoanaoUcut on Satur­ Msanwhlla, tarn ssare efflCUcld- Cirackatt dalagaiaa to tha national for ,aUta raproaanUtlva. At a day, SapL 00, 1053 will provide an Tofiffht on Whether om have nstiSad Ua tasm elarfc’s At Tedhiiical Sdidgl we've hundreds of snazzy eonvantion naxt month. irgwpard'Hia caucus held ,in Tacasana Hall laat aneollant opportunity for tha poe- Tlia convention Ip being bald la ssT u re s Captain Walter B. Kellar, UBNdKm. Robert Haima and Mr. cetoa af their tatoaUen te soak ra- During Coming WcmIl night two unpledged datogataa i)la of our community to ro-afQrm To Endorse Any Slate alacUen and osm candldata for Ua Atlantic a t y froBi Bapt. S to < . *__ R at, has baaa appolntd M m BHas d a y ware la ckafga of warn also namad ta attand tha bo high prtnctplaa o f Aihari- Bnance chatman of tba RapubU tha party. Thara will ba a simitar Board af Diraetora baa died a ■apC t . ' spaeUl Daaooecatla aoafvwttan in itam aa pracUead by both tha Sis. RapuhUcan aandktatan far propcoaL Tba mgistmUan Of new little hats in our quick can Town Committaa, Mrs. Philip patty bam Sapt. 3, at 8 p. Hartford SapL S and 0. F U N l unlvanltlas and tha A i^ c a n La- nomination as dtraotop-^tarb af dants, tatanotad ta tka mmcNOBD roBBCAor Ipun I. Holaray, chnirman, aald yaatar- Naase OmsI ProMhai Maurtoa Alexander and Ihao- Mm. HHen Fltaontrlck, Dasao- courses given at tka' H( Bolton, Aug. 83—- day. Rnv. RaglaaM A. Maciifteld. whom have not yat bean uamad ■ erat, Itadbma Ua Brat candldata minister o f tba Baeoud Oougraga- im Swal will attaad tha atata How, tharafora, I, Harold may raaotva Ua organlaad back­ for nomination oa a dlroetor to tla Oisnay Tacbnteal Sdiool, convenient main floor paraSuea in Naw Bnglaad during -Know Tour Toam,- a booklet gaUiaring to naiM a casdldata to Turklngton, mayor of 1|m Town of hold at Ua nchoel oOlea on SsMM the neat dVa dayat Baturday UFOND BROTHERS of town-wlda informatioii, if In tloual Cbureh. will ing of the fu)l town cemsslttaa ta for tha prtSBsary whan aha praaant- tha mall for dlatribution to aH pmaehar Sunday at tha FImt Con- Uta aaat left vacant by tho' doatt Manchaatar, do hamby proclaim tha primary election SapL 0. The strsat Ua week beginning Monaly. tbeougb next Wadaaaday. will af tr. 8. Senator Brian McMahon. tha parted from Aug. SO to SapL committaa wui daetda whether it ad her propcoal at Ua town dark's Aug. 38, fmm 0 0. as. to 8 average near tha aaaaonal normal. STEAK HOUSE Coventry boxholdara. Mm. Hoi- grsgatkaal Church la BMtk Oov- oMIm yostarday. Oool weather Saturday followad way aald. antry at tha 8:30 sad 10:30 m, Gaorgs B. Patam and Alfmd 00. loot, for tha aupport of the ahould andoraa anyena^whan It dally. Any boy who baa gmdiufiUd MDNSON, M A a g aam edd warn named aa altamataa. ooapamUva project o f the Amari- BtaaU tonight to SU out n alata of Town Tsoasurar C LaRoy Har- from tba aighU grade saay iqp|ty by riatng tamparaturaa Sunday and John F.. CbappaUe, aaemtary of aarvlcaa. Ha will nm aa kia aarawa rts BoUSad Tbwn CSark Sonntol J. OMOC a^ t ^ ^ g a n a ^ ■the committee. Wadnasday night tople "Social Coasetaaca. Patam, Alexander and Louta can Laglan Pests in Caanactlcut aandidbtaa. for admtasloa. Sunday Maaaaa at S t Mary's Axelrod warn aalactad aa Juatieo o f and Tala and Oonnaetleut Unlvar- Republican Town OommlttM Turktagten yoetarday of hta ta- Tho coursas avaOabia orai ear- PiactpUationi during tbia paHod was appolntad vice chairman to tanUm to oodt rodaetlon on Us HAT BAR wtU ea tba avaraga total teas than n t ., flat. B on .-lh a tang •II tha vacancy of Jamas Kacott Oiurch la South Coventry will ha tba peace candldataa. Farming a rittaa, and I call upon the citiaana Chairman WUltam I . Da via aald to­ pantry, snsckaaleal dmwtagi alaO- o f thta oemmunity to eoopamta to RapubUoon ttahsL and Republican 0.3 of an tack occurring aa abow- #fthaBaat.» who has moved out o f town. at 7:30 a. in., 0:10 a. m., and 10:00 naw town comndttaa am:.lorae- day that Ua OOP oxaeuttva earn- trletty, and nueblna abs^ An I t you hSMti't vlalM our buay Uttlo kar ara Monday aftemooD or mght. a. m.; at 8L Joseph's Church la chi as chairman; Mm Paul Her- tho utmoat ta Uta patrioUe a mlttaa agreed last weak ta refer ObnaUhIa Rayssond E. Rebtaaon coursas am four yaom k M . Maaaan SSH Mambam Wadnaaday at a meet­ daavor. . . . comt in todayl Wa'ra brimnUiif ovar ing at tba home of Mr. and Mrs. Eaglsullla at 0:30 a. m. SL Mary's rich, visa cbalrmani aaS JoaajA Ua mattar of andoraassmt ta Ua netUtad Turbtagton of hta pleas to WiU a secondary aehaol with ntar, chic ciochaa . . . la valvat . . . J appotatad to the North AaMrtean Its afTorta on alecttag aandidatas. tafactory tool kit far Uair wdlR ward a fund of Ralph Broil of BaglavtUa FIm DapartnMNit today Ua meat oaa party eon gat on Ua '*Fianata T n e y In i5e:80 p. m. at the Ptalas Athtat- Coitaga, Roma, Italy, wham ha wlU Requests Support (€ ts g o O M ) after graduation. 2-98 u, |(>98 Oaaa Ta The Iron Bolton, a candidate for office of te Field la South Oovaatry. coatlnua hta atudtaa tor tha prisat- board under Ua town vcdiartar'a 0|W> Anyone who has alrsady m ^ M aair Btmta Senator. hood for tho noxt four yam An- Vaatories' liberal party, had lad minority mproaanUtloa pmvbdon applleatlan tor antranca SkeSW Weat Fatar* , The party committaa also haa H m Watarfiroat'Heights i Of Legion Project •• eeIef ciatloa will have a food aala to­ aouncemant o f tha appolatmant tha newspaper attache yaatorday and Ua maximum number of can-, thaL aoeordtag to wall-tafermai also eentaet Ua school oflea dur­ a* •:!« arranged tha aarvlng 'tlma of the morrow at 10 a. m. la front of WM nude thta weak in tha dlo- on Pauittay. Oppouuou. papam dldataa that oaa alaator ean voRa Albanian aourcao, Hcnba pould ba ing Uta oama weak ta ardor that chicken barbecue at 3 p. m. Sun­ DuBrooka atom oa Delay, road. eamn weakly, Tha Catholic Mayor Harold A. Turfciagton to­ ganeralta approved hta ramark. tor In tba ganafal alaotlons. Uair application will ba fesM day at tha Manchastar Rod and Traaaeript, by tha Most Rav. Peurifoy “muat withdraw from Davis also announced Ua name raplaead t o Foreign Mtatator SalL 1 y. a . CMMm*, ahaw — Mambem wtablng to donate food day taauad a proelamatioB calling MMrnH Skahu. Tba Uttar oonmiata and oaUafaatory. It ami -BMk T* Bataaa'* CmmOt aad Oun Club. Tba afternoon pro­ may contact Mm Rajnaoad Bmd- Hanty J. CBriaa, Btabop of for aun>ort o f tho Amarieantam Qraaaa" baeauaa o f hta "tatatfar of one mom candldata for Ua nem- help U raUava tba pmamim o f iMAlMur gram la planned from 1 to 8 p. m. Hartford- enca” ta local polities, BUialk taaUen aa town diracter..Ha 1a A l­ daoerlbod by tba paper as a meta CaWMM. aaeOiri -Blag Kaag” lay. M m Harvey Morrta or • Mm rally to ba aponaorad by tha Oon- trnatad agent at MaaAow- aekoduHog on Ua Bret day a f aaO -iM m 'd Maa- with gamaa, aports actlvltlaa in­ Charias Aaplnwall of the odnualt- A gm ^ta of SL Jamas' Paro­ Imam aald today in an adltarial bert J. Todd af 88 Hackmatack m ala f lo w cluded. About ISO guaata am ax- chial School In tho elasa of 1043, nactleut American Legion posts Four miatatara Ust Uair poaU aohool if naw etudanta wOl ropOtt taa ta'charge. at the YataOonnactlcut football which covered the top half of tha atraoL Todd would make U s faurU tathe aebaot affloa dmlng mgUtOa- p a c t^ Mm. Holway said. Feraaaad MaaUaa Mr. Folay also was graduatad front PM». candldata for Ua Jmard tha oem- ta a raohuiMla at the Albanian from SL Thontaa Satalnary In gdma in New Haven SapL 00, Tha oabtaat ta April. Boon attmr, Tba party caucus Monday will Mr. and Mm. RanMMi Obrtaya taat fallows: ‘Y npai Oavatnar* . mlttaa would back If It daddaa ta ba at 3 p, m. at the Nathan Hale and two children, Susan and Ro­ t040. At that ttaM IM was ap- The paper aald Ua U. 8. envoy gpi^nfAg alx, Honbh announoad that abnoot i.- Community Center to elect four polatad to tha BaaaMln Founda- Wharaas, tka educational ta' 000 mambarn at tha nation's Oom- Tbo anciant Romana giantly jkd- lando, and her atatar Mtaa Hilda Btltutiona o f YMa and Connecti­ had adopted the rela of a -aupar' Davta laat weak anneudood that . VllND% dalagataa and altamataa to the Rtaao, all of Maw York City and don of tba Catholic UMvamlty of govantor’ and Mkanad him te '' Mayor Harold A . 'Turiitagton and munlst party—eight par cant ft VBBCod Ua art o f gtaowMsuRnr- State Convention In Hartford Aroarica, orbam ha raeaivod hta cut am dedleatad to the high Olmotor Harry J. FImto wUI seek 't^ parly mombarahl^liad bean, They blew It kite maMo, aut4nr> Havana, will mtum to Naw York Idaata o f emataur athtaUca whlrii Gorman and Itallak high oommte- daeamtlng and aMertag IL r- L - ■ BTAKT8 BimVAY Bapt 4 and B. City tomorrow after spending tha bachelor'a dagm la 1081 and hta alonara ham during World War n . ra-alaetlcn to the board, and that piuTad aa unrdlabla. ' OaalOtMMUBct nwstsr'B d^m a la 1053. ' form a vital and oonatmctlvs •41 M A IN ST. Meat Cbteaml Bfovla Mode summer In Coventry vM tbig Mr. adjunct to tha academic pro­ I , . 1 ... IV ■‘‘ " I A goal o f at laaat »«00 haa bean and M m Jamas Rowley. Hia fSnl- Mr. Folay la the aaphaw o f tba “ QUO VAD18” sat by tha Tolland County 4-H Rav. Dental J. Folay, aaatataat grams o f thrpe unlvoraUlas, and Robert Taytar-Pebarak Kerr lly will return to Havima whan Whereas, tha American Legion committee to aponaor a Good Will Cartaya eomplataa hta atudlas at paator o f SL Joaaidi'a Ohumh, Tour delagata* abroad in ApriL Columbia Univarrity. Daahury, and tha hrotbar o f Sla, Poets of Oannactlcut>ava an ahld- OUbart H. Storm of Coventry ta tar Mary Bucharia of tha Statam lag talth In tataf-coUaglata chairman of the project. A young Evaalag Maiali of Mercy. athlatlcs and andorao the oont< man or woman betwoan tba ages On vestry Raraan, M m Charlea L. o f 18 and 38 will ba aalactad from little. Talaphaae Oovaatry 1-OML f « r " b i 9 wK«dl«" on fho coinpu* . a list by tha committaa about Jan. Superb Keith Values For The Home In Our 1 to allow the delegate to atudy STATE languagaa and countries bafom our com poct litHo profto>clion 9 0 NOW PLAYING taking the trip. Fairbanks Will Be Tha Itat of candldataa will ba 2 MUSICAL HITS! aubmittad by thoaa cluba, organ- ixatlonx, or indivlduata In the 18 At Le^on Session Tolland County towns. Each group 3-in-one BAG or Individual contributor wiU have .Thaodom I„ Fairhaaka, , past Whaa WarMa CalUOa tha prlvilage of aubmittlng one commander Dilworth-GomaU- •*0lBBtag ta Tha )Bala- .. ■'I.awlr MU liOVEuriit name toward the Itat to ho aub­ Quay PoaL will attaad tha natloa- the ''knitted look" from top to toe! It'a corduroy . . . it'a plaid Ta I«afi A** .. at Tha neat WtaCaar mittad to tha county committee. ..Oaa af Owtilit'a yiaaat M m laai al conventica of tha American La- AUGUST . . . ila ylotaic laathar... ■sr-i U N Sov Tha project ta for the purpoaa of Teu’n adora tha hand*mada look of our mibhy taaMpr/f gion in Naw York City beginning iatarala katt ault . . . It baa axeiUng tlttla dataila aadlfa aH OtOE bag . . . CmM. Bvary Night rroaa DoMi retumtag as many aa poaalbta tha Sunday, Aug. 34. Ha orlU attend . . . as iatrlgnlng aliigad daalgn . . . a valvat bait coma aao this aaaaaing local vtalta o f paraona aboart as delagata from tha First District, sow aaritOharoo dona In made throughout the county. It ta KROEHLER DELUXE INNERSPRING . . . and yaara asd yaara of wear ahead. Stack of nU B tad MUnCAl, HIT which tncludaa Hartford County. gray with white . . . ataaa 10*10. w aadifflil dabby aoCacal " ylua tax also to help promote 4-H work Falrbbnks, who.ta also paat dta- "GLORY ALLEY” abroad: a better uademtanding 3SiK ) batwaen countriao; and a mom triet flnanea offtear, wlU ha acUva TONldKr 1 SHOW AT 7:1B nalghboriy feeling among people In tba movement to inatall a Om- Batarday eaathmoaa at 3 p. na throughout tka world. Storm re­ nactleut man as 1088 national oom- s 0 S i vealed . . mandar. 'The candldata ta Arthur “deb shop** Connell of Middletown, now na SLEEP SUN., MON., TUBS. riadgaa Am Baeelvad • A tentative Itinerary wUl In. tlonal axacutlva committaaman. m a in f lo o r elude England. Hidland, JUixem- A mtmorial aarvica will ha bald bourg, Kampton area of Garman3% on tha MaU of Central Park on Auatrla, Franca, Scotland and Sunday with the main samlon of Walaa and Bwltxiriand. tha convention opening Monday at Storm haa racalvad pledgee 10 a. m. in Madtaon Squam Garden, '• toward tha fund from six towiM to ba attended by both the Legion Hattanally S OALf______Including Coventry, ManafWd, mambem and tha woman’s AuxU' at a Urintag Vamon, Somers, Stafford and WU- iary. The ConnacUcut dalagaUcn luxurious A M f nUNOS 2 S k lington. Other towna In tha county day . . at n i^ .It', aasuy PLUS . , . GLEN PORD WlU hold a breakfast Tuaaday will ba contacted. An Ellington morning at 0 o’clock In the Hotel a to e rwntU M Ilm fU RUrp ROMAN ta resident has pledged 50 marks to i.«ieg ««n nad will anUr tba large tm h e had for two with a WBFA- ‘*YOUNO MAN WITH 1IHEA8V be dmwn upon arrival of tha dale- R A T E tHHUUMUHa for "big wheels" in the he-man set convention parade at noon. MArnUBkSI TalUrad in gate in Kampton, Germany. Thta M m Falibanka, who ta a mem­ is equivalent to shout 813J10 in M i i t t i e durabU. daoomtor cover ta Aroarican money. An invitation ta ber of tha local Auxiliary. wUl ac- ckatoa’ at omartor ealara. extended by S hM for the county company bar husband. Wbdtbdf OB Ms committaa to all cluba, o rg u lu * tiona or Indivlduata for cimtribu- w h i r l I229.M Vsfst SHOP" sd«t or •• Ms tidhs toward thta goal. Thaaa may f a s t ba aant to Btoim at RFD 4, Rock- villa. Nomination blanks may M PRESGRIPnONS obtained through local county club Momo knows what's bolt . . . and manta, knows whan it comas to boys' clothing thara's CsrofsDp CoRtpooBloi A csiti csmpMp sr iks Iswip ImuIdis. . 5 0 no placa Kka Burton's Littia Shauar Shop! W a'ra bulging out all ovar with bins and bins of Im s got to oot! The trip abroad ta planned for yWo WMHS BKH» SiMSie • # a gSBHj STORE HOURS: Cloaa Wad- approximately six months. TM Arlhir SIsnt nasdays A t 1 F. M. . . Open suits and jackats and slacks .'. . our tablai ara groaning with famous brands of Too- committee hopaa to ba abta to > kHi •MoNDDE ▲nemklm Thursday Mights UnUI 0. *198 I . ' establtab a permanent fund for a Regular Houm Fmm 0 A. DANCIRQ similar project after the a lU a oll M. until 0:00 F. M. shirts, tailorod shirts, socks, undarwaar, swaatars, shoasi hats, baits . . . avarything . . . $800 haa bean reached, according 'la ka wasw with |oar tO N W H T UIESAL TERMS AND to Storm. ^ „ just avarything littia Manchastar Shavars naad for schooli Shas 2-1. Sat-Back Plw ^ ^ LAND SURVEYING FREE Fa RKIHO. Tbam’s Haver Any FarUng SATURDAY Them warn 11 uojaa TroUMa At Kalth'st Uaa Our Frivata Forking back in play Wadnaaday ulfW at Edwgrd L Doris. Jr. Seas Jmdora 7 -1 8 - Lot Adjoining Hio Stom . . And Itom U Mo the Nathan Hale Community Can- radln u dO Meter ^rklpg In The Bntim Block Just SwUI tur orniUsRUoiuU ix>ininlttcD‘ ■aalO-U PANEL aponaOrA card party. Prtaaa warn U1 B oM I M aTm "Just kdw f»r is it to CAVEY’S awdad to the following: Won^ an’s flmL Mrs. M ^ RESTAURANT?" n s s i M t WlUlmanUc: second M m R «^ CRIB Poiisin of Stafford; thirOi S43A0 VALUW! O f joM ph O’Brien of WUllmanUfc Solid Stick wHh Men's flrsL O am ^ *^**ot-SI* chelea of Oelanlal. StaSord; second, Amoa A. RJ®b- M^pla or natural artaon; third. WlUlwn finish, daeofdtod etata, Mr. Cuator, Mrs. MUtojd C. aolld paiMla, 8 paat- TOMaHTHwaSim. Judsst and Mtaa Dorothy U Wolfe, tion spring, plaatio' CIRCLE 1-M S Hm- 1 BEAT THE taath l^ otrlpa an SPECTACULAR! WHEN ITS PRICE INCREASE! -nME TO ACT BUDGET TERMS TECHNICOLOR ! FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY UTHROPlNlURINCE * UlffTID NUMROI OP GENUINE RED CEDAR - ■ s t o r y * T. , WARDROBE A m ^ moU proof otoraga spaoa fbr ALL your woolma . . ^ of 1952 NASH you gat a One Tear Inauranca FoMey against MoU Damage! W ^ and roomy, maaniiUa 30 Inchae wtdu m inebas doto *