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The Kelp Highway Hypothesis: Marine Ecology, the Coastal Migration Theory, and the Peopling of the Americas

Article in The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology · October 2007 DOI: 10.1080/15564890701628612


10 authors, including:

Jon Erlandson Michael H Graham University of Oregon San Jose State University




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The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t716100767 The Kelp Highway Hypothesis: Marine Ecology, the Coastal Migration Theory, and the Peopling of the Americas Jon M. Erlandson a; Michael H. Graham b; Bruce J. Bourque c; Debra Corbett d; James A. Estes e; Robert S. Steneck f a Museum of Natural and Cultural History, University of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, USA b Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, Moss Landing, California, USA c Department of Anthropology, Bates College, Lewiston, Maine, USA d US Fish and Wildlife Service, Anchorage, Alaska, USA e US Geological Survey, Long Marine Laboratory, University of California, Santa Cruz, California, USA f School of Marine Sciences, University of Maine, Darling Marine Center, Walpole, Maine, USA

Online Publication Date: 01 July 2007 To cite this Article: Erlandson, Jon M., Graham, Michael H., Bourque, Bruce J., Corbett, Debra, Estes, James A. and Steneck, Robert S. (2007) 'The Kelp Highway Hypothesis: Marine Ecology, the Coastal Migration Theory, and the Peopling of the Americas', The Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 2:2, 161 - 174 To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/15564890701628612 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/15564890701628612


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Downloaded By: [University of Oregon] At: 18:20 30 October 2007 SN 5649 rn 5612 online 1556-1828 DOI:10.1080/15564890701628612 / LLC print Group, 1556-4894 Francis ISSN: & Taylor 2007 © Copyright utrlHsoy nvriyo rgn uee R94312,UA -al [email protected] E-mail: USA. and 97403-1224, Natural OR of Eugene, Museum Oregon, and of Anthropology of University Department History, Erlandson, Cultural M. 2007. Jon to June correspondence 29 Address accepted 2007; January 8 Received Archaeology Coastal & Island of Journal at rz aiona USA California, Cruz, Santa USA Oregon, apl,Mie USA Maine, Walpole, epigo h Americas the of Peopling the and Theory, Migration Coastal the Ecology, Marine Hypothesis: Highway Kelp The aieognss oa,etniekl oet r found are forests kelp of extensive array diverse Today, a organisms. supporting productivity, . marine habitat secondary the with three-dimensional magnified earth, of and on productivity, habitats kelp end productive primary coastlines, most the rocky high the of along near some waters offer Americas nearshore forests peoples cool the maritime in of to Growing movement Asia the facilitating may from in forest kelp played role and have the archaeologists discuss between we effort ecologists, collaborative marine a article, this In 6 5 4 3 2 1 Corbett, Debra Erlandson, M. Jon SGooia uvy ogMrn aoaoy nvriyo California, of University Laboratory, Marine Long Survey, USA Geological Alaska, US Anchorage, Service, Wildlife USA and Maine, Fish Lewiston, US College, Bates Anthropology, USA California, of Landing, Department Moss Laboratories, Marine Landing Moss Eugene, Oregon, of University History, Cultural and Natural of Museum colo aieSine,Uiest fMie aln aieCenter, Marine Darling Maine, of University Sciences, Marine of School 4 ae .Estes, A. James 1 ihe .Graham, H. Michael :6–7,2007 2:161–174, , ABSTRACT 161 5 n oetS Steneck S. Robert and 2 rc .Bourque, J. Bruce 6 3 Downloaded By: [University of Oregon] At: 18:20 30 October 2007 6 OUE2 VOLUME 162 a nycmaeteegreat forests these aquatic compare only can I iradlFeo Chile) Fuego, 1834, del Tierra June 1 Darwin [1909:256–257]; (Charles exist. to the cease perhaps and numbers lastly, in crease and Fuegian[s] also; otters, perish soon the would porpoise, and birds, seals, fishing destruc- and cormorants numerous their the food with tion find shelter; which could or live, else fish nowhere of species numer- plant, ous this the of Amidst leaves from the kelp. here, the of would destruction per- many as would ish so animals do of nearly I species destroyed, believe country, was not any forest in a if Yet forests. intertropical the in ones restrial ierkl oeteoytm a aepoie idof kind Keywords New a the provided colonizing peoples have maritime may early World. these for ecosystems fishing, highway” productive reduced forest “kelp and With kelp boats, adap- peoples. for linear minimal coastal holdfasts adjacent required energy, migrating that wave in for resources adjustments sheltered food available habitats tive of nearshore highly resources suites other and similar a terrestrial forests southern created kelp the landscapes, ’s postglacial with along hunter-gatherers. the maritime Along to that coast favorable in highly suggest conditions island-rich shore, early reconstructions and levels Recent convoluted Americas. sea route, years the migration rising northeast linear 16,000 into from a level, about sea Asia offered at entirely By Coast and fish, unobstructed Pacific peoples. essentially shellfish, North heavily coastal of the resources by wealth ago, seaweeds, a historically and shelter also used Pacific seabirds, or These are mammals, support America. forests forests marine South forests of productive—kelp kelp Coast highly Rim Andean nearshore the are along tropics—where After reefs found California. the coral Baja in to and Japan break from Pacific a North the around ... rhelg,mrn clg,kl oet,mrtm irtos aicRim Pacific migrations, maritime forests, kelp ecology, marine archaeology, ... would ihteter- the with ... de- • SU 2 ISSUE e ees u numerous post-glacial but rising levels, to coastal sea due early be scholars of might Some dearth sites sea. the the that gradually by warned life and to habitats adapt coastal in Paleoindians settle land-based of the considerably did descendants models, these Only to according America. later, North the of of heartland the into and end fabled corridor” “ice-free the the through passing Asia near Pleistocene, northeast Beringia from across walking hunting peoples involved terres- generally most These models for century. trial twentieth models dom- the terrestrial of were by Americas col- inated the human of the onization about Mason theories 1979; migra- 1894), Fladmark coastal (e.g., a route discussions of tion feasibility important the about some Despite • 2007 INTRODUCTION o .Elnsne al. et Erlandson M. Jon ∼ 300year 13,000 Downloaded By: [University of Oregon] At: 18:20 30 October 2007 rhplg,adJpnbten40,000 between Japan the and Archipelago, to Ryukyu the Melanesia, voyaging ago western of islands ocean years additional 50,000 and roughly colonization Australia western the of the including of Rim, Pacific islands from emerged oaigb ntmclymdr hu- ( modern mans anatomically by voyaging 2005). al. et Rick 2002; al. 2007; et Erlandson cal Johnson 2006; 11,500 Lauriers (Des and capabilities BP 13,000 maritime about other between and seaworthy boats demonstrate and had Paleoindians that Alta coastal that sites in California, islands Baja on These found 1998). skeletal remains human al. or Richardson middens shell et 1998; al. include Sandweiss al. et et 1998; and Erlandson Keefer North (see 1996; of areas America Coast several South Pacific in the for identified along America, been sites North have Pleistocene terminal in and from coast instance, found to been Clovis- now coast Fluted have points Rim. regions like Pacific interior the and around coastal of both the evidence from accumulation archaeological is gradual and geological the mainstream of to result theory marginal migration al. coastal from et the of Jones transfor- mation The 1994; 2001). al. Gruhn et Mandryk 2002; 2004; al. et Fedje 2002; 1994, Erlandson Dixon 2001; (see 1999, Americas for the of alternative peopling viable the emerged increasingly has an as the theory record, migration archaeological coastal the ero- on marine and sion seas rising of effects the to New World. the peripheral to got middens people the how relatively about debate left shell Coast years coastal 10,000 Pacific about of than lack older a regions interior and are in years sites article present) calendar this before calibrated in dates in all expressed BP; (cal old vdnefree ale maritime earlier even for Evidence despite so, or decade last the During oospessapiens sapiens Homo ORA FILN OSA RHELG 163 ARCHAEOLOGY COASTAL & ISLAND OF JOURNAL )has htmyhv evda migration a as served have may Rim Pacific that nature the habitats of the portions nearshore those around discussing of by productivity and gap help that to is article fill this in route. goal migration primary Our Pleistocene late a feasibil- as their ity or coastlines the Pacific North of of paleoecology and paleogeography the peopling about known is little the relatively Americas, to around contributed have migration significantly may Pacific coastal North a the that gests a archaeologists. to American by contributed migration theory coastal also the in has interest Meltzer broader 1997) 1997; al. (Dillehay et the Chile near of site Verde coast occu- Monte old the year of 14,500 pation a about debate Fiedel of acceptance (see scholarly widespread controversial 1999), remains the Although site 2004). Meltzer 2001; al. et Mandryk 2004; (Madsen time that before Americas the colonized humans that esis and hypoth- the instance, in interest increasing for is there 2001), al. Dixon et Mandryk 1996; 1996; Duk-Rodkin and (Burns Jackson 1999:30; ago about years passable became 13,000 Cordilleran only be- and sheets corridor ice Laurentide ice-free the the tween that of studies suggest geological colonization Recent Americas. human the earliest account the to for route interior ar- an the of and clouded potential has World geological evidence New recent chaeological the grown, into has route migration (Erlandson Beringia of 1994:269). coast south and the Peninsula Kamchatka the to a mi- maritime gration a provided for points have staging of series could which Kurile the mar- Islands, of base (LGM) the placed near Maximum peoples voyages itime Glacial colonizing Last these Erlandson the (see references). By with 2004; ago al. et Fedje years 2002; 30,000 and favreyo vdnenwsug- now evidence of variety a If coastal a of feasibility the While h epHighway Kelp The Downloaded By: [University of Oregon] At: 18:20 30 October 2007 rudmc ftePcfi i from Rim California. Pacific Baja today the to Japan of present of much are history around which and ecology forests, Our the Americas. kelp on the is into focus Asia East moving from peoples maritime early for route 6 OUE2 VOLUME 164 Americas. the into Asia Northeast migration from gradual a during encountered have may and peoples coastal habitats early resources the understanding con- for ecological text broader a discus- provide Last sions These (LGM). the of Maximum since paleoecology Glacial coastlines the Pacific and North ecology, for- kelp est productivity, issues coastal some to examine related we section this In hyto lc rmrl nhigher in primarily occurred, (35–70 place latitudes migrations took such they If North the Pacific. around potential migrations the human for significant, considering are in Rim especially Pacific productivity the coastal around in for latitu- variations and dinal accessible course, of are or peoples, maritime ecosystems productive coastal Yesner equally all 2001; Not Erlandson 1980). and Bailey 2003; 2002; Milner (Ames with boats of those efficient especially array foragers, diverse human for resources terrestrial and a marine coastal both offer many but ecosystems 1981), (e.g., Wilson Lancaster negative and 1968; Washburn have relatively 1977; Osborn productivity been aquatic often or marine ncnrs,aegnrlymr produc- more generally be are contrast, ecosystems, to in tend Freshwater and species concentrated. productive prey relatively large-bodied are oceans CLGCLCNET O THE FOR CONTEXTS ECOLOGICAL nhoooia hrceiain of characterizations Anthropological OSA IRTO THEORY MIGRATION COASTAL aiuia aito nCoastal in Variation Latitudinal Productivity ◦ ) hr h coastal the where N), • SU 2 ISSUE epe irtn rudteNorth the maritime around Pacific. or migrating coastal peoples early were for sea magnets and powerful been land have accessible—would both of resources ecosystems—where coastal productivity northern high of the pat- that greater These suggest regions. times terns inland three in those to than two ( mass bears body grizzly Coastal arctos sea. the in rapidly grow (steelhead) anadromous conspecifics while water fresh in slowly ( rainbow trout in seen are productivity marine high-latitude Other of manifestations latitudes. biological lower at (river only habitats dolphins) freshwater into radiated cetaceans small while latitudes, higher at only sea for the into radiated habitats, ubiquitous otters instance, freshwater nearly in their mam- distribution Despite aquatic many mals. among evolutionary radiations 1988). in seen al. are patterns et Similar (Gross food- environments in life rich adult of advantage the selective reflecting species latitudes, low catadromous at dominate but instance, latitudes, for high in primarily found are Anadromous fish numerous consequences. with latitudes, biological lower in tive esvl ntentr n productivity and nature 1989; ex- the published on Guthrie have tensively 1982) 1997; al. al. et Hopkins West et and sev- Elias Colinvaux 1984; 1980s, (e.g., the authors eral Since Northwest low- America. and con- North Asia once and that Northeast Beringia broad nected of the plains lying Pacific including the Rim, submerged around now shelves the continental of exposing than expanses today, more large than were lower meters levels 100 sea global years ago, 20,000 and 25,000 about between • uigteLs lca Maximum, Glacial Last the During 2007 aieEooyo h Coastal the of Ecology Marine loaheeamxmmadult maximum a achieve also ) nohnhsmykiss Oncorhynchus irto Route Migration o .Elnsne al. et Erlandson M. Jon htgrow that ) Ursus Downloaded By: [University of Oregon] At: 18:20 30 October 2007 n upr eaieycmlxfood complex relatively productivity, support terrestrial and subsidize productiv- in ity, secondary found concentrate magnify that is biomass, forests Pacific productivity kelp North extensive coastal the of around Another source humans. to major available more where is levels it trophic higher to passed in that is productivity production primary plankton up- zones, coastal high marine fuel that mixing by oceanic of forms other characterized or welling also is to back traveling foot. on those loads bases—than larger residential habitat—and much much nearshore access transport of can areas boats larger seaworthy in people coastlines convoluted such illustrated, and along (2002:38) Ames forage, early As hunt, in. for gather to inter- habitats peoples nearshore maritime productive the and of tidal of expanses gradient offered broad have low platform—may the Beringian with convo- bined com- such when months, coastlines—especially Dur- luted summer 2004:59). the al. ing animals et sea marine (Brigham-Grette Steller’s large-bodied relatively extinct) ( now cow (and sive a o ait fsasadcetaceans, and seals of ( variety walrus a for habi- tat rich and provided have inlets, may that bays, islands geo- numerous was with Manley 2002) coast 1; (Figure south complex morphically however, its Beringia, that suggest of flooding glacial ecosystems. specific nearshore the of about nature known 1894) was Mason little 1982; and al. et vague North Hopkins comparatively (e.g., the been have around Pacific migrations inhibiting or coastal facilitating their in pro- and role resources possible potential coastal the of ductivity of environments, descriptions terrestrial but Beringia’s of uho h otenPcfi Rim Pacific northern the of Much eetrcntutoso h post- the of reconstructions Recent yrdmlsgigas Hydrodamalis dbnsrosmarus Odobenus ORA FILN OSA RHELG 165 ARCHAEOLOGY COASTAL & ISLAND OF JOURNAL ,adother and ), ,temas- the ), ao ta.20;Plse l 1997; al. et Polis 2002). 2006; al. et al. Steneck et 2004; Maron Graham 1989; al. et Dayton Duggins (see 1985; ecosystems coastal in webs og,but long), tptt ep r mle ( smaller 1970). are (Druehl kelps Stipitate respectively north- to Asia, Aleutians east the to from California and central Alaska from common are west tulosa) kelps canopy the Smaller (e.g., along 2007). al. m et (Gra- America ham South 45 and North of of coasts heights to (generally temperature water by physiolog- constrained is ically forests kelp of distribution The habitats. marine cold-water and cool in coasts rocky shallow dominate forests i epfrss nldn h giant the including ( Pacific forests, kelps many kelp dominate Rim kelps forming canopy- Large 1970; least 1988). Steinberg Pacific and Druehl Estes at 1985:235; northeastern (Dayton with the alone in kelps, species of 21 array diverse to Peru from Fuego. del Coast, Tierra Andean the continue along forests animals—kelp other similar and aquatic shellfish, fish, support marine of habitats suites coastal and other estuaries, swamps, mangrove coral reefs, into productive break tropics—where a America the After in 2). the North (Figure down California of Baja and Coast Aleutians from Pacific the al. common to et are Japan Graham forests 30 1985; Kelp about 2003). (Dayton than deep less m to waters limited nearshore generally are et structurally kelps Steneck and complex, Fast-growing 1994; 2002). nutrients North al. and 1973; substrates, (Mann firm light, of rudtePcfi i oa,kelp today, Rim Pacific the Around h ot aichsa especially an has Pacific North The eecsi uten,Aai fis- Alaria luetkeana, Nereocystis oenKl oetEcology Forest Kelp Modern Macrocystis ec egt pt 0mand m 10 to up heights reach Laminaria < 20 ◦ )adteavailability the and C) h epHighway Kelp The p. hc grow which spp.) oiae many dominates < –0m 5–10 Downloaded By: [University of Oregon] At: 18:20 30 October 2007 6 OUE2 VOLUME 166 summers ice-free during tosynthesizing pho- coastline, Okhotsk, the along almost belt of an continuous form Sea forests kelp the and instance, for In (Dunton a 1995). season during Dayton blooming growing and limited ice sea winter water beneath light and surviving in temperatures—even availability, nutrient fluctuations with levels, seasonal conditions subarctic strong water have to varieties moderate adapted some but and temperatures, nutrients, light, ample high of conditions in shorelines 1970). the (Druehl and Northwest Alaska Pacific coastal to Asia northeast and Japan from forests kelp Pacific North 1. Figure otPcfi ep hieaogrocky along thrive kelps Pacific Most os bu 500yasao(osa ofraini prxmt,ntcretdfor corrected Manley south not from Beringia’s adapted approximate, depicted; and is not glaciers area conformation 2002). etc.; Sea (coastal sediments, offshore Bering ago adjustments, the years tectonic of 15,000 geography about the coast of reconstruction Manley’s • SU 2 ISSUE ln eore evl xlie by exploited heavily resources shel- plant or supported teredasimilarsuiteofanimaland historically forests 2007). al. et plant (Graham and detritus spores their from derived tion produc- organic with kelps ecosystems coastal however, enriching rapidly, relatively grow conditions, to tend right Under floating turfs. the from prostrate short and from to canopies annual ranging to conditions, perennial local on depend- ing diversity ecological and logical morpho- Pacific considerable exhibit North also kelps Dayton some noted, As (1985:235) winters. stores ice-packed carbohydrate during from growing and • rudteNrhPcfi,kelp Pacific, North the Around 2007 o .Elnsne al. et Erlandson M. Jon Downloaded By: [University of Oregon] At: 18:20 30 October 2007 eso h aegnso pce (e.g., species otter, or sea genus the same these the of of mem- bers Many numerous birds, sea seaweeds. resources—including fish, edible and mus- and marine etc.) urchins, chitons, of sea sels, variety (abalones, a shellfish etc.), otters, densities. with (sea pinnipeds, mammals population sea peoples include These high maritime relatively and coastal 2. Figure ln ihpoiigadvrearyof array diverse a in peoples, providing captured maritime with along be For numbers. could large that etc.) salmon runs, (pinniped and vulnerable colonies, fauna seabird rookeries, naive highly behaviorally of or available aggregations were in species tech- Some simple nologies. relatively with harvested historically Rim—were the Pacific of northern much around habitats nearshore i eintdy ne:selmde nSnMge sad aiona ihhigh forest kelp with other California, of Moss). Island, M. remains by the Miguel photo Pacific inset and San Graham; the tests, M. on of urchin by drafted white) sea midden (figure in shells, organisms shell abalone areas Inset: of (hatched concentration today. ecosystems forest region kelp Rim of distribution General nyr lutris Enhydra ORA FILN OSA RHELG 167 ARCHAEOLOGY COASTAL & ISLAND OF JOURNAL )foundin erhr aeeeg n provide and boats. energy for holdfasts wave reduce also nearshore forests kelp resources, food ntedvriyo ot aickelp Pacific strongly organisms North the as Based of well as 2003). species, diversity al. the et on (Graham limited their productivity is for or evidence distribution direct geographic can but past 2005), et the Kinlan al. (see in approximated distri- forests roughly be the kelp under- of today, well bution growth that not their parameters clear are govern the the to LGM Due near the stood. forests of kelp end of ecological productivity and distribution geographic eosrcigLt litcn Kelp Pleistocene Late Reconstructing o h rae aicRm the Rim, Pacific broader the For Distributions h epHighway Kelp The Downloaded By: [University of Oregon] At: 18:20 30 October 2007 ieAeia ouain htoccupied that populations been Na- American tive dense the have for maritime were they early may than peoples for Pacific attractive more North even the broader of much the along coastlines for rocky true Rim, Pacific are holds this they If than today. Pleistocene during terminal productive the significantly and were extensive forests more kelp the that conclud- ing during instance, for Coast years, forests 20,000 past California kelp the of along distribution changing data. maps, temper- ature sea-surface bathymetric and curves, of level sea forests use estimating kelp the with ancient through left of are distribution the we done. now, been yet For not has methods such feasibility of base- the determine the to research but line sediments, or seafloor organisms fossil even the of from of fractions studies come organic element may trace or kelp isotopic and of presence the productivity for evidence future, indirect the In 2004). Graham (see forests organ- ( ( of tus abalones urchins sea remains large and spp.) as the such find isms to might we hope where Pleistocene, coastal late dating the most below) to for (see said sites be archaeological can same rising The erosion. coastal by to lost or submerged seas postglacial been be have might fossils found such fossil where Pleistocene shorelines late the all virtually et and in 2003) Graham al. 2005:591; well al. itself et (Estes preserve Kelp record not 2002). (Clementz does primarily kelp fed around certainly on California, almost central Japan it to where from Pacific North ranged the massive the cow the During sea instance, area. antiquity the for deep in Pleistocene, a forests et for kelp Estes of argued also 1989) see al. (1988; Steinberg and Estes communities, kelp with associated 6 OUE2 VOLUME 168 ilne l 20)mdldthe modeled (2005) al. et Kinlan p. togyascae ihkelp with associated strongly spp.) Strongylocentro- Haliotis • SU 2 ISSUE oeryfl e ufc temperatures 8–11 to surface warmed have to sea appear early-fall late-spring to moreover, ago, years and 18,200 14,700 about between period much productive the For of present. think not coast, to were forests reason south kelp no Beringia’s is of there glaciers most sediment-producing along the of and cover, dearth ice sea kelp sur- seasonal growth, with sea consistent shorelines, temperatures face rocky abundance complex apparent of the (Vermeij Given Pleistocene 1991). the where the of since Sea, persisted beginning Beaufort probably arctic have they the sea of coastal the ice under 2002). survive al. also et Coast Kelps (Steneck Okhotsk Pacific LGM North the of existed the through forests of Sea much kelp along the that suggests in also forests kelp Pacific. eastern the in tropical forests kelp in the in gap found narrowing are possibly they today, than latitudes lower somewhat into ecosystems forest boundaries kelp the of shifted have North may the Pacific in LGM temperatures the characterized sea-surface that time cooler the at erally gen- the Coast Moreover, contact. Pacific European of the of much ra odsel( spell Younger cold the With of Dryas period. exception possible post-glacial dur- the early dynamic the highly ing been have would al. productive. more et even have been (Sarnthein may forests year kelp about and 2006:142–43) per to limited months been six ice have sea may when cover Pacific, northwestern far n htnasoepoutvt would productivity of nearshore capable that suggest- organisms ing growth, and of communi- recruitment full rapid forest are kelp ties nearshore intertidal and rocky and however, plat- level inherently dynamic, are Beringian sea ecosystems the rapid Coastal of form. of flooding time and a rise was this BP), • oa,tesria fproductive of survival the Today, lal,tesuhcato Beringia of coast south the Clearly, 2007 o .Elnsne al. et Erlandson M. Jon ∼ 3001,0 cal 13,000–12,000 ◦ Cinthe Downloaded By: [University of Oregon] At: 18:20 30 October 2007 h rahsbe oeintensively more been of has much area also but is the difficulties, the America with of North fraught of history Coast human Pacific and Bering coastlines the in energy wave Sea. diving, high deep water, and cold of logistics sedi- the and time, ship of expense the ports, mentation, from far coastal located current of shorelines combination glacial extremely late the be given would challenging itself Beringia shore southern of submerged the on investiga- tions Archaeological present areas. maritime these is in settlement Pleistocene coastal or for activity evidence if determine and will Peninsula Islands Kamchatka Kurile the the coast archaeological in future south investigations Only submerged Beringia. Asia now of Northeast the from vast and records a archae- coastal Pleistocene, ological in exists late gap the geographic Japan to and Islands dating Ryukyu the maritime in of activity evidence indirect the From productive highly activity. making a large, scavenging may relatively coastal Pacific been North have the also of mammals sea other and the cetaceans after of populations Shortly LGM, Americas. the Northeast into from Asia range their expand peo- ples coastal terrestrial) of early helped and have wealth could that (marine a animals attracted larger probably south Beringia’s coast input, freshwater terrigenous with and estuaries growth, kelp nearshore and blooms of plankton summer combination primary a high by driven higher by productivity at Fueled larger levels. organisms trophic the mobile support more and to continued have EPFRSSADNRHPACIFIC NORTH AND FORESTS KELP OSA RHELGCLSITES ARCHAEOLOGICAL COASTAL eosrcigtelt Pleistocene late the Reconstructing ORA FILN OSA RHELG 169 ARCHAEOLOGY COASTAL & ISLAND OF JOURNAL e tes t. omni epforest kelp in abalones, communities. common (black etc.) otters, resources sea marine documented variety of a of Des also exploitation the BP, for has evidence cal (2006) 12,000 between Lauriers two and dated At 11,500 Island 2005). about Cedros 2001, on al. sites et al. et Rick Rick, Erlandson, 2005; 2005; al. Erlandson, et (see Braje, forests recovered kelp been all nearshore have in found monly ( sheephead pulcher cossyphus California otter, sea ( ( abalones cracherodii black sites of 9000 remains and the Island BP, 10,200 cal Channel about between other dated and Daisy At Cave habitats. forest kelp with asso- ciated strongly shellfish marine other and lc ubnsal ( of snails remains turban black ( the abalones contain red large BP and cal 12,000 11,500 about between compo- dated nents however, Cardwell (CA-SMI-678), and Bluffs (CA-SMI-261) Cave (Johnson At no Daisy artifacts. contains and diagnostic or 2005) BP remains remains al. faunal human et cal scattered Rick only Is- 2002; dated 13,000 al. Arling- (CA-SRI-173), Cedros et about The site on to California. Springs as Baja ton off well land as Channel Islands, Cardwell Northern and California’s on Cave, Bluffs Daisy Springs, ton Pleis- ( terminal sites tocene include These habitats. forest kelp productive highly locales to mainland adjacent America or island North in coastal situated are in earliest sites the archaeological of Baja some to the Alaska California From of California. Baja coastlines California, and southern the Northwest, along scien- Pacific sites archaeolog- helped early ical has increasingly provided find that tists has data research baseline ge- This and ologists. archaeologists by investigated Strongylocentrotus ,baktra,saurchin sea turban, black ), > 150clB)a Arling- at BP) cal 11,500 ,adohrfihcom- fish other and ), h epHighway Kelp The aitsrufescens Haliotis euafunebralis Tegula p.,pinnipeds, spp.), Semi- H. ), ), Downloaded By: [University of Oregon] At: 18:20 30 October 2007 7 OUE2 VOLUME 170 Riminthepast,aswellasthedegree Pacific the mangrove around reefs estuaries, coral and productiv- forests, forests, kelp and of distribution ity learned the be to about much also del is Tierra There of Fuego. and tip southern Islands of the to coast Beringia Kurile south the the from and Kamchatka, to Japan areas coastal from various in subsistence settlement and human of antiquity the about the following as areas—may coast. tempting as upland or been peri-coastal have in hunting elk coast—or from the to inland cases, rivers attractive other productive In following equally peoples. maritime been early colonies have pin- seabird may and streams, cases, rookeries, salmon niped many their large kelp in for estuaries, to evidence Indeed, adjacent contain exploitation. found or Coast be forests Pacific will early sites all that not are suggesting peoples we communities, forest maritime kelp associa- and early for between evidence tions the reviewing In te nml omni epforest 2005). kelp al. et in (Fedje habitats common site and otters animals Gwaay sea other Kilgi of remains old the produced year components et 10,600 but these the remains, Fedje faunal of well-preserved (see Most lack 2004). Alaska al. Southeast identified Columbia been British and of have coastlines BP the 10,700 along cal about 9000 between and dated sites numer- but ous Peterson 1998), al. and et Erlandson 1990; Darienzo 1987; (see associated Atwater Zone Subduction Cascadia tsunamis the with subsidence and of history earthquakes a of because ably prob- Island, Vancouver to Bay Francisco ICSINADCONCLUSIONS AND DISCUSSION lal,teei uht elearned be to much is there Clearly, al osa ie r aefo San from rare are sites coastal Early • SU 2 ISSUE hrceiems ftePcfi Rim. Pacific the of relatively that most the coastlines characterize in steep packed and mountainous tightly be to and ter- plant tend and that ecosystems—resources marine of restrial both array from foods diverse animal provide a also to coastlines access and 2002) and (Faure al. water zones concentrated et coastal Fresh in be accessible hot. to easily or tend can cold sources which brutally regions, than be equable interior more adjacent generally are coast- lines advantages Climatically, of routes. other number interior migra- over a and coastal had a route forests tion such habitats, kelp coastal of ductivity into Coast climates. Pacific peoples temperate the more maritime down migrate for have to providing opportunity to productive, an and appears open America been North northwest- route of ern coast migration outer a the ago, following years 16,000 15,000 about By to 2006). al. maritime Beringia et to (Sarnthein of Asia northeast from migration and peoples the habitats, sig- to nearshore facilitated cover access and human intertidal ice increased sea have nificantly, may seasonal Pacific reduced northwestern today. the episodes warming Alaska in extended of three years Gulf ago, 14,700 and the 18,200 about of Between parts cool those in relatively to comparable to potentially waters, adapting would Japan been of peo- islands have the maritime in living LGM, ples the seaworthy with During reached boats. be that islands only by ago, could Pacific years 30,000 eastern to 50,000 hu- the in several modern archipelagos explored or colonized anatomically had mans that ever, Pleistocene. the of end the near peoples maritime of demography, have migrations and antiquity, may the productivity influenced their which to • ln ihterltvl ihpro- high relatively the with Along how- suggests, evidence Current 2007 o .Elnsne al. et Erlandson M. Jon Downloaded By: [University of Oregon] At: 18:20 30 October 2007 rmr rdciiyadsupporting and high productivity relatively by primary Characterized Rim. Pacific the or of cool coastlines forests rocky along cold-water ubiquitous kelp nearly these are were that of productive ecosystems most habitats. coastal juxta- the terrestrial in of gather and Some and marine fish, posed hunt, to early ties opportuni- numerous provided peoples Pacific have maritime Eco- North would that 2007). coastlines suggest al. data et 2004; logical Kemp al. 1994; et Ameri- Fedje Gruhn the con- 2002; of (Erlandson migrations peopling cas the coastal to more that tributed or support one growing evi- provides geological dence and genetic, pological, to knowledge exploit. and required successfully technologies that different behaviors new very or with properties plants, some habitats, animals, of and variety wide a encoun- tered have would environmen- “megapatches” these tal noted, and traversing (2004:20–21) foragers deserts, Madsen As , more. forests, relatively rain and to boreal landscapes, , periglacial sterile ecosys- Arctic terrestrial from of tems: variety etc.) wide deserts, a passes, and alpine and ranges mountain rivers, large glaciers, have (massive would from barriers Pleistocene physical numerous the encountered at interior of America end South the the southern to Beringia through grating beyond. North and northwest America to corridor Asia northeast migration from followed easily similar and ecologically an with human populations expanding provided resources have and could habitats coastal similar distribution of linear with The ago. level, years 15,000 about sea after barriers near geographic major or peo- no at maritime entirely by ples traversed also could been route have coastal a definition, By ait facaooia,anthro- archaeological, of variety A mi- peoples terrestrial contrast, In ORA FILN OSA RHELG 171 ARCHAEOLOGY COASTAL & ISLAND OF JOURNAL sat h Americas. the from to route Asia migration coastal a potentials by under- and posed better problems the a of is provide standing ecosystems to needed coastal also Pacific America. North South of paleoecology and the on Pacific research North Additional the of and Coasts Islands, Kurile Beringia, help the Kamchatka, to Japan, of sea coastlines the the along sites Pleistocene beneath late for search and land on needed ar- urgently is More research chaeological challenging. extremely place be took migration will coastal a such proving that LGM, the of end oc- the since have curred that changes landscape that coastal dramatic the and Given erosion, demonstrating coastal place. seas, rising took as migration obviously a same is such the plausible highly not possible was even Pacific or North the around World 2002:453). New al. et the (Steneck of into that migration peoples the highway” maritime facilitated Califor- “kelp have Baja a could to providing Japan nia, from discon- extended tinuously Pacific productive have may of North forests band kelp linear from and a glaciers retreated coastlines, as ice ago, sea 18,000 years about common 13,000 Between mammals and forests. sea kelp and in fish, shell- fish, of harvest the for sites re- evidence these contain of faunal many or preserved, Where are mains island forests. kelp pro- in to ductive adjacent found settings archae- coast are mainland earliest sites the ological of some America, New World. maritime the to migrated early linear have could peoples which a ecological through provided homogenous setting relatively have and kelp may Rim Pacific forests millennia, coastal for by peoples eaten or- and harvested marine ganisms of aggregations predictable hwn htacatlmigration coastal a that Showing North of Coast Pacific the Along h epHighway Kelp The Downloaded By: [University of Oregon] At: 18:20 30 October 2007 eiinadpouto fti article. this of the production in and help for revision JICA of staff and editorial the Armstrong, Scott Christine thank we Fitzpatrick, Finally, comments. help- ful their for reviewer and anonymous Netherly, an Patricia Lightfoot, Kent Kinlan, Brian Paul Jackson, Jeremy Collins, Dayton, Michael to Clementz, indebted Mark are our We and institutions. California, home of University DEB-0072909), the (Grant# Science National Foundation the work by Our supported Jackson. was Jeremy by and chaired for Synthesis and Center Analysis Group, National Ecological the Working by supported Communities and Populations, Environments, Marine Records associated of Ecological Long-Term meetings the with forest group kelp working during Hy- emerged Highway pothesis” “Kelp the for Inspiration 7 OUE2 VOLUME 172 2002. M. Clementz, and paleontology Vertebrate 1996. A. J. Burns, Anderson, A. P. Lozhkin, V. A. J., Brigham-Grette, hunter- great Coastal 2003. Milner. for N. and Evidence G. Bailey, 1987. F. B. Atwater, forager- The boat: by Going 2002. K. Ames, osMrn aml:Eooia n Phys- and Ecological Mammals: Marine rous of meat The 112. corridor: matter. ice-free the alleged the Utah of University City: Press. Lake Maximum Salt ed.):29–61. Glacial Last before the Beringia and Asia In Northeast Maximum. 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