THANKSGIVING: So Much to Be Thankful for by Bryan Golden Thanksgiving Is Much Pects of Your Life
VOL. 115 - NO. 46 BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, NOVEMBER 18, 2011 $.30 A COPY THANKSGIVING: So Much to be Thankful For by Bryan Golden Thanksgiving is much pects of your life. Take noth- better if you had them. If only more than a big meal with ing for granted. Every morn- you had more money, more family and friends. It’s a ing, recharge your apprecia- time, a bigger house, a dif- time to reflect on, and be tion. Be happy for everything ferent car, a different job, a thankful for, all of the good there is, not upset over what different boss, had picked a The Old-Fashioned Thanksgiving things you have. Even with you feel is missing. different career, etc. by Edgar Albert Guest, 1881-1959 all of the uncertainty and Dreams of the future Once your attitude be- It may be I am getting old and like too much to dwell turmoil in the world, you shouldn’t diminish apprecia- comes one of deficiency Upon the days of bygone years, the days I loved so well; have so much to be thank- tion for the present. If all you instead of abundance and But thinking of them now I wish somehow that I could know ful for. It’s important to be do is concentrate on what appreciation, you can be- A simple old Thanksgiving Day, like those of long ago, grateful, not just on Thanks- you want, you won’t enjoy come overwhelmed by feel- When all the family gathered round a table richly spread, With little Jamie at the foot and grandpa at the head, giving, but each and every today.
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