55th Year, No. 18 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C. Friday, February 21. 1975 Ralston, McCarthy Victors Capture 31% of the Vote -- ~. ., Amid Large Voter Turnout 1 by Anne Hargaden and Joe Lacerenza Dave Ralston (SFS'76) and Dennis McCarthy (SBA'76) were elected President and Vice-President of the Georgetown Student Government Wednesday night by a wide margin. The 44.7 per cent voter turnout increased from- last year and almost tied the record result three years ago when John B. Kennedy was elected president by 45 per cent of the student body. "We did much better than we vote. "I was very surprised at the administration. He responded, expected," Ralston said at his result," Werner said late Wednes­ "point out one time when we've victory party in Harbin Formal day night. "I don't know what failed-we've always proven our­ Lounge later that night. Both he happened. I guess it's perhaps an selves successful." and McCarthy attributed the indication that students are satis­ Citing what he called an victory to their organization fled with the present administra­ administration of "two equals", which, they said, was composed tion," Werner commented al­ Ralston said that both he and of "people who were not show- luding to Ralston and McCarthy's McCarthy plan to dominate those men-just winners." alleged association with the Leslie decisions as little as possible. They Ralston said he thought they administration. hope to instill more cooperation would win by a 100·150 vote "He (Ralston) certainly wasn't between senators and administra­ margin and considered their ef- one of my top choices for the job; tors in order to disperse their ' forts to garner off-campus support he wasn't even close," Werner decision-making powers. This, to have increased the eventual said. Although he predicts a very they said, was a major thrust of Dave Ralston <SFS '76) and Dennis McCarthy (SBA '76) margin to 197 votes. Last week, "conservative and political ad­ their campaign and concluded were elected President and Vice-President of the Student McCarthy said they had predicted ministration," he, too, hopes to "we're really serious about that, Government in a convincmg victory last Wednesday night. Gregg Werner to be their chief remain in student government. we really are." opponent but, as of Tuesday, they The - election results showed had looked more towards Kevin that Ralston and McCarthy re­ Clark. ceived most of their support from Clark (C'76) and his running the East Campus which, according Henle Asks Archdiocese mate Lonny Heselov (C'76) to some observers, gave them the finished second with 21.8 per cent victory. Both candidates said they of the vote. Describing his predic- intend to encourage a more open ITo Hold' Holy Trinity H.S. tion earlier Wednesday afternoon administration which will share in as "mixed," Clark said he knew all Healy basement decision-making by Lisa Smith along that Ralston would be his processes. The recently announced closing of Holy Trinity High School at 1325 0 St., could clear the way for top contender. Ralston contends that he will Georgetown University's purchase or lease of additional classroom and office space, as well as the Trinity "We probably didn't come have a good working relationship Theater. Upon learning that the Holy Trinity High School property will be available at the end of the 1975 across as being as explosive as the with the newly elected senators. academic year, University President Rev. R. J. Henle, SJ, asked the Archdiocese of Washington to "put a hold others, but we tried to be "The senate at this time is very on" the property until the University could decide whether it is interested in the property. sincere," Clark commented. AI- good, especially among the se­ Although the Archdiocese though he regards Ralston and niors. They are people who we owns the property, Holy Trinity in "bad shape," the University Trinity Theater, even with its will not be interested in acquiring limitations, was an improvement McCarthy's experience in student know and have worked with High School is a parish school and them. But if the buildings require over State One and it would be a government as an asset for their before," he stated. all arrangements for lease or administration, he questioned In regard to the current con- no substantial reconstruction, and "marvelous theater for Mask and purchase will be made through can meet fire regulations, then Bauble." their imagination. "They certainly troversy over the proposed corpo- Holy Trinity's pastor, Fr. Henry J. have enough experience," he ration split from student govern- members of the Office of Aca­ Fr. Henle anticipates no prob­ Butler, who will then submit the demic Affairs will be asked to lem with financing the acquisition said," but their lack of creativity ment, both Ralston and McCarthy proposal to the Archdiocese for scares me." said that, presently, they oppose a look into the use and management of the Trinity property. "We its final approval. Fr. Butler was could handle a reasonable rental" Clark said that he hopes to separation, but will consider it of these buildings. not willing to discuss any aspect he explained, and if it is feasible continue working for the Student anyway. "We have full confidence Plans are still in the organiza­ of the University's interest or tionalstage. Vice-President for Plan­ or necessary to purchase the Activities Commission which he that Sal (Sal Massaro. executive plans for the high school. Ring and Physical Plant ~lIltam property, the University can chairs, and the Corporation's vice-president of the corp) will Fr. Henle plans to send several "borrow or mortage or make a Board of Directors "in whatever take care of the corp," Ralston Miller disclosed that "no action" representatives from the depart­ has been taken in his department longer term arrangement." capacity I can help," he added. said. ment of Physical Plant to evaluate and that his department "hasn't If the Physical Plant's report the condition of the buildings. He Gregg Werner (C'76) came in Ralston has been criticized made any reviews" of the situa­ meets Fr. Henle's approval, the third capturing 16 per cent of the for alleged "kow-towing" to the explained that if the buildings are tion. According to Executive Vice Georgetown Zoning Board may be President of Academic Affairs Fr. the only impediment to the Aloysius P. Kelley, SJ, and As­ University's acquisition of the sistant Vice President of Aca­ Holy Trinity property. Since the Senate Election Results demic Affairs Fr. J. Donald addition of this property is not Freeze, SJ. the plans regarding the part of the University's master At Large 76 At Large rn At Large 78 Holy Trinity property are not plan, there could be some dif­ Chuck Crimi 250 (Recount for 7th spot) finalized. Fr. Kelley agreed that ficulty in having this acquisition Michael Meth 230 Leo Madden 402 Missy Tessier 277 there is a "serious space problem approved by the Zoning Board, Will Smith 216 Ed Finneran 360 Doreen Maddy 277 at Georgetown" and that these particularly since the Georgetown Matt McCarthy 216 Susan Schwartz 262 Jeffrey Schlesinger 233 additional offices and classrooms Citizen's Association is deter­ Joe Lhota 211 Rick Haas 217 John Mousseau 226 "would help a great deal to ease mined to keep the University Robert Scherrick 193 Rick Johnson 187 John Otman 223 the 'space crunch'." Fr. Freeze from extending its property hold­ Jay Hatfield 190 Kay Larcom 183 Mark Shearman 211 concurred with Fr. Kelley that ings beyond Healy Gate. As Fr. Stephen Mattessich 138 Terry Court 168 Charlie Hennessey 209 Georgetown was desperate for Henle observed, "actually, they'd space and he pointed out that prefer it if we moved to Virginia." Page 2 The HOYA Friday, February 21, 1975 NEWS REVIEW "There has been frequent Univer­ Development sity-wide interest to find ways of Buckley integrating students into the com­ Office munity without compromising Amendment academics and coordinating learn­ In an attempt to bring George­ An Office of Programs for Stu­ ing opportunities and a service town University in conformity dent Development' and Com­ program." with the Family Education Rights munity Affairs has been established Programs that will be under the and Privacy Act of 1974, an Ad by the Georgetown University Office of Programs for Student Hoc Committee headed by Dean Medical Center "to strengthen and Development and Community Af­ of Admissions and Records Matthew F. McNulty, Jr. extend the commitments the Uni­ fairs include: increased efforts by Joseph A. Chalmers has released a Matthew Gardner versity has made to the com­ the Schools of Medicine, Dentist­ policy statement on how George­ munity and minority groups," ac­ ry, Nursing and the Hospital in town will make student records Buchanan cording to Dr. Matthew F. Me­ recruiting and retaining minority available to the student. SFS Postponed Nulty, Jr., chancellor of the Med­ students and house-staff fellows; With the addition of the ical Center. The office will help to increased efforts by the total Buckley amendments to the Course Changes The Student Entertainment promote new ways for George­ Medical Center in recruiting mi­ Privacy Act of 1974, the new law Commission has announced the town and the community to work nority faculty members and staff; governs access to records main­ A decision to revise the basic indefinite postponement of the together for the benefit of all its expanding and strengthening the tained by educational institutions. curriculum of the SFS was Roy Buchanan concert sched­ citizens. academic and health service rela­ The intent of the legislation is to reached on February 7 at a uled for Saturday, February 26.
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