AN ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY Kazuya Okada on Blake's Imaginary Families VOLUME 34 NUMBER 2 FALL 2000 &}Uk e AN ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY VOLUME 34 NUMBER 2 FALL 2000 CONTENTS Articles Newsletter Ore under a Veil Revealed: Family Relationships Blake Exhibition at Tate Britain 62 and their Symbols in Europe and The Book of Urizen By Kazuya Okada 36 The Book ofAhania: A Metatext By Hatsuko Niimi 46 Reviews Clifford Siskin, The Work of Writing: Literature and Social Change in Britain, 1700-1830 Reviewed by Mary Lynn Johnson 54 Jason Whittaker, William Blake and the Myths of Britain Reviewed by Alexander Gourlay 61 ADVISORY BOARD G. E. Bentley, Jr., University of Toronto, retired Nelson Hilton, University of Georgia Martin Butlin, London Anne K. Mellor, University of California, Los Angeles Detlef W. Dorrbecker, University of Trier Joseph Viscomi, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Robert N. Essick, University of California, Riverside David Worrall, St. Mary's College Angela Esterhammer, University of Western Ontario David Worrall, St. Mary's College, Strawberry Hill, CONTRIBUTORS Waldegrave Road, Twickenham TW1 4SX England Email:
[email protected] ALEXANDER GOURLAY teaches at the Rhode Island School of Design; he is currently assembling a festschrift of Blake es• says in honor of John E. Grant. INFORMATION MARY LYNN JOHNSON, after 17 years as a special assistant to three University of Iowa presidents (and two interim presi• BLAKE /AN ILLUSTRATED QUARTERLY is published under the spon• dents), is celebrating the new century by returning to her sorship of the Department of English, University of Roch• roots as a scholar.