Functional Neuroanatomy of Deductive Inference: a Language-Independent Distributed Network ⁎ Martin M
Author's personal copy NeuroImage 37 (2007) 1005–1016 Functional neuroanatomy of deductive inference: A language-independent distributed network ⁎ Martin M. Monti,a Daniel N. Osherson,a Michael J. Martinez,b and Lawrence M. Parsonsb, aDepartment of Psychology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA bDepartment of Psychology, The University of Sheffield, Western Bank, Sheffield, S10 2TP, UK Received 12 January 2007; revised 8 April 2007; accepted 16 April 2007 Available online 24 May 2007 Studies of brain areas supporting deductive reasoning show incon- Viewed broadly, this literature has generally implicated the lateral sistent results, possibly because of the variety of tasks and baselines frontal and prefrontal cortices in deductive processing, perhaps used. In two event-related functional magnetic imaging studies we with temporal or parietal involvement (e.g., Grossman and employed a cognitive load paradigm to isolate the neural correlates of Haberman, 1987; Langdon and Warrington, 2000; Stuss and deductive reasoning and address the role (if any) of language in Alexander, 2000). Lesion studies, however, may be limited by deduction. Healthy participants evaluated the logical status of arguments varying in deductive complexity but matched in linguistic insufficient precision about brain areas, the heterogeneity of tasks complexity. Arguments also varied in lexical content, involving blocks used, and even unreplicability of findings (Shuren and Grafman, and pseudo-words in Experiment I and faces and houses in Experiment 2002). II. For each experiment, subtraction of simple from complex In the last decade, the neuropsychological literature has been arguments (collapsing across contents) revealed a network of activa- complemented by neuroimaging studies of deduction in healthy tions disjoint from regions traditionally associated with linguistic individuals (e.g., Goel et al., 1997; Osherson et al., 1998; Parsons processing and also disjoint from regions recruited by mere reading.
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