Mayo, 2002 B O ANGKOK FICINA C OMERCIAL DE E SPAÑA EN Tailandia: ElSector de Maquinariapara Envase yEmbalaje

INFORMES DE MERCADO Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje


Informe sobre maquinaria para envase y embalaje……………………………. 4

- Características del sector…………………………………………………………. 4

• Maquinaria para el procesamiento de productos farmacéuticos y cosméticos…………………………………………………………………….. 5

• Maquinaria para etiquetado y artes gráficas……………………………….. 7

- Situación y tendencias de la oferta y demanda sectoriales…………………… 8

- Factores de comercialización…………………………………………………….. 9

- Posicionamiento de la oferta española…………………………………………. 11


Anexo I. Aranceles aplicables……………………………………………………… 13

Anexo II. Estadísticas de importación y exportación………………………….. 14

Partidas (por este orden): 842220 (pág. 17), 842230 (pág. 18), 842240 (pág. 25), 842290 (pág. 30), 842330 (pág. 34), 842381 (pág. 36), 843920 (pág. 39), 843930 (pág. 40), 843991 (pág. 42), 843999 (pág. 44), 844110 (pág. 47), 844120 (pág. 50), 844130 (pág. 52), 844140 (pág. 54),

844180 (pág. 56), 844190 (pág. 59), 844311 (pág. 62), 844340 (pág. 64), 844359 (pág. 66)

2 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Anexo III. Listados de importadores y otras empresas de interés………….. 73

- Observaciones……………………………………………………………………... 73

- Partidas: 842220 (pág. 71), 842230 (pág. 73), 842240 (pág. 78), 842290 (pág. 83), 842330 (pág. 88), 844110 (pág. 90), 844120 (pág. 95), 844130 (pág. 96), 844140 (pág. 99), 844180 (pág. 100), 844190 (pág. 104), 844311 (pág. 109), 844340 (pág. 110)

- Listados generales de importadores……………………..…….………………. 115

Anexo IV. Diez consejos generales para hacer negocios en Tailandia…… 151

3 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje



La maquinaria de envase y embalaje es muy utilizada en la mayoría de los otros sectores productivos en Tailandia. La principal industria demandante del envase y embalaje es la agroalimentaria. Los principales productos exportados son el atún enlatado, la piña enlatada o en zumo, siendo Tailandia unos de los primeros exportadores mundiales. De hecho, aunque la recuperación de la economía local haga que se esté incrementando la demanda doméstica de alimentos procesados, el principal motor de crecimiento de esta industria es la exportación de este tipo de productos. A pesar de la crisis económica, el sector agrícola ha seguido comportándose favorablemente y es el único que ha mostrado un desarrollo económico positivo en todo momento. En cuanto a las bebidas destaca el alto consumo de cerveza.

Tailandia ocupa el puesto número siete en la clasificación mundial de productores agrícolas siendo el único exportador neto de alimentos del continente asiático. Las exportaciones alcanzaron en 1997 los 7.000 millones USD. Ese mismo año existían más de 50.000 empresas registradas dedicadas al procesamiento de alimentos y a su envase. Este mercado creció a un ritmo anual del 20% entre 1995 y 1997. Actualmente, Tailandia ingresa aproximadamente 10 billones USD anuales de la producción de alimentos y en 1999 se estimaba que dicha industria tenía una valor de 5 billones USD, por debajo de los 6,2 billones USD que se estimaban en 1997. No obstante, con la paulatina recuperación de la economía y el continuo desarrollo de la industria este valor está en aumento.

La industria se ha modernizado considerablemente en las dos últimas décadas y hoy en día existen cerca de 8.000 fábricas (la mayoría de reducida dimensión) que emplean a 570.000 personas. En términos globales, destacan:

- entre 40 y 50 empresas significativas en el sector del procesado de frutas y vegetales - 10 destacados procesadores de productos cárnicos - 7 empresas significativas de productos lácteos - 19 procesadores importantes de atún en conserva, aunque tres empresas acumulan el 70% de la producción nacional de este producto

Los fabricantes de conservas son los responsables de gran parte del desarrollo pasado de la agroindustria. El valor combinado de las exportaciones de frutas (piña), vegetales, pescados (atún) y marisco en 1998 fue el 23% de las exportaciones de alimentos elaborados, con un valor de 89,6 billones de bahts. Dentro de este mercado destacan las siguientes empresas:

- Thai Union Frozen Public Co. Ltd.: en el año 1999 era la empresa líder dentro del sector de las conservas, con cerca del 20% del mercado. Dispone de una gran capacidad de producción y una importante red de distribución. Para fortalecer su posición, adquirió en junio de 1999 el 90% de la empresa Thai Union Manufacturing Co. Ltd., uno de los principales productores de pescado y marisco en conserva. - Kuang Pei Food Products Public Co Ltd.: a pesar de contar con aproximadamente el 14% del mercado, su cuota de mercado se ha visto reducida en los últimos años. - Universal Foods Public Co. Ltd. y Malee Sampran Public Co. Ltd. también tienen una presencia importante en casi todos los segmentos de este sector

4 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

A nivel mundial, es el primer exportador de piña en conserva, en zumo o concentrados, gambas congeladas y atún; uno de los primeros de pescado y marisco y entre los diez primeros de pollo congelado.

El enlatado y preparación de congelados (en especial mariscos, frutas y vegetales) panaderías, fabricantes de aperitivos, lácteos y productos biológicos, así como las cadenas fast food, se convertirán en los sectores claves del crecimiento de la industria de la alimentación. Asimismo, hay que tener en cuanta que al ser Tailandia uno de los mayores exportadores mundiales de productos en conserva, este mercado esta en plena expansión y se prevé un alto crecimiento del mismo para los próximos años. Según la Thai Packaging Association, el crecimiento estimado de este mercado tanto en este año 2001, como en el siguiente rondará el 20%.

Mercado de la maquinaria de procesamiento de alimentos en millones US$

1997 1998 1999 Tasa de crecimiento anual para los próximos 2 años

Importaciones 516,7 316,7 348,3 +10 Producción local 221,4 135,7 149,3 +10 Exportaciones 45 59,6 77,5 +30 Total 654,9 392,8 420,1 +20

Fuentes: Estimaciones de fuentes industriales y datos del Departamento de Aduanas

Por lo que respecta a otras industrias distintas de la de procesamiento de alimentos que pueden utilizar este tipo de maquinaria, destacar con carácter general la orientación del país al mercado exterior, lo que hace que cada día sea más necesario modernizarse para poder cumplir los requisitos y normativas de muchos de los países destino de las mercancías tailandesas.


Entre los años 1990 y 1997 la industria farmacéutica creció un 17% de media al año. Aproximadamente 21.000 productos farmacéuticos fueron fabricados y vendidos en Tailandia en el año 2000 y los diez primeros operadores absorbieron una cuota conjunta de mercado del 33,17% (de ellos tan sólo son tailandeses dos), siendo en el caso de los veinte primeros el 50,26% del total de productos. Existen un total de 176 fabricantes en Tailandia de productos farmacéuticos.

Los medicamentos genéricos (productos para el tratamiento de la tos, el dolor –paracetamol- y otros similares) se producen en el país por empresas locales (60% del volumen, pero sólo 30% en cuanto a valor dentro del mercado). Los productos de marca generalmente se importan (medicamentos para el corazón u otros con formulas más complicadas y que requerirían unas altos costes en investigación o patentes que de momento la industria no puede soportar) por multinacionales extranjeras. La calidad

1 No se dispone de información suficiente como para realizar un estudio específico de la maquinaria y equipos para procesar productos farmacéuticos en Tailandia. El nivel de desagregación de Aduanas no permite diferenciar para este destino o uso específico dentro del conjunto de la maquinaria de envase y embalaje. Por ello incorporamos un breve perfil sobre ambos mercados con el fin de mostrar que la fabricación de dichos productos se esta desarrollando de forma importante y este tipo de maquinaria puede tener mercado.

5 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje de los productos de producción local es inferior a la de los productos importados en al menos un 20%.

Las importaciones tailandesas han sido tradicionalmente mayores que sus exportaciones. De hecho, aunque existe cierta producción local, los fabricantes locales importan la mayor parte de sus materias primas. La mayor parte de las exportaciones tailandesas tiene como destino los países vecinos del sudeste de Asia (Myanmar, Laos, Camboya, Singapur y Filipinas) región donde es líder en exportaciones. Entre los productos exportados se encuentran la penicilina, la insulina, los alcaloides, los complejos vitamínicos y la estreptomicina.

Por lo que respecta a la maquinaria relativa al procesamiento de productos farmacéuticos, su crecimiento es muy reducido, estimado en aproximadamente un 5% o incluso inferior. Los problemas se derivan de los altos costes soportados relativos a la contratación de técnicos de laboratorio, cumplimiento de los requisitos impuestos por la FDA y otros costes que provocan en ocasiones unos costes difícilmente asumibles ante una gran competencia existente en el sector y que ha provocado el cierre de muchas empresas. El crecimiento en este tipo de maquinaria esta relacionado con el reemplazo de productos anteriormente importados que empiezan a ser producidos localmente, por lo que no se trata de crecimiento propiamente dicho de la industria en general.

El principal comprador de productos farmacéuticos producidos en Tailandia sigue siendo la Sanidad Pública, que considerará factores fundamentales, en primer lugar, un bajo precio y, posteriormente, un alto volumen. Por ello, el mercado de equipos para procesar este tipo de productos será muy sensible al precio, aunque las posibilidades son reducidas por el bajo crecimiento y están condicionadas al desarrollo de nuevos productos en el país.

Por lo que respecta a los cosméticos, se trata también de un sector con un crecimiento en la década de los noventa y con expectativas de crecimiento que rondan el 10%, con una participación relativamente reducida del producto importado por los elevados aranceles e impuestos que soporta debido a su clasificación como artículo de lujo (la cuota de mercado de productos finales entre los años 1995 y 1997 cayó de un 24 a un 15%). No obstante, la presencia de las principales marcas mundiales es un hecho, siendo los principales exportadores a Tailandia los Estados Unidos, Francia y Japón.

En cuanto a la producción local, que sería el objetivo de la maquinaria española, distinguir dos subsectores. Por un lado, el relativo a los productos de higiene personal, de uso diario, como cepillos de dientes, pasta de dientes, jabones, etc., es el que tiene un mejor comportamiento, con previsiones de crecimiento de aproximadamente un 15%. Por otro lado, están los cosméticos propiamente dichos (pinta labios, cremas…), cuya producción local está dirigida fundamentalmente a un público con una renta media-baja, que no puede acceder a los productos importados mucho más caros. El crecimiento previsto para este tipo de productos es menor, alrededor del 10% y su potencial es bastante reducido.

Toda la maquinaria para el procesamiento de estos productos es tremendamente sensible al precio y éste prima sobre la calidad. En ambos casos hay en el mercado una competencia muy grande en precios que obliga a reducir costes, por lo que las oportunidades vendrán a través de maquinaria barata o incluso de segunda mano.

6 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje


Por lo que respecta al etiquetado, dada su gran participación en cualquier producto al final de la línea de producción, sus posibilidades son bastante elevadas y las tasas de crecimiento para los próximos años podría alcanzar el 20%.

Existe maquinaria local específica para el etiquetado, pero la calidad es más bien reducida, por lo que muchos fabricantes están barajando la posibilidad de importar maquinaria de buena calidad, fundamentalmente de países como Gran Bretaña, Alemania o Italia, con cierto nombre internacional y que garanticen esa calidad buscada.

Por lo que respecta a maquinaria para diseño gráfico, siempre relacionada con el sector del envase y embalaje, la situación es parecida a la del etiquetado. El desarrollo continuo del mercado mundial está obligando a los fabricantes y exportadores tailandeses a mostrarse competitivos, no sólo desde el punto de vista de la calidad intrínseca del producto, sino también desde el punto de vista de la imagen del producto, con una imagen moderna y con colores vivos que hagan resaltar su producto por encima del de la competencia.

La maquinaria fabricada en Tailandia está bastante por detrás de la maquinaria importada, pero en ambos casos se ven fuertes incrementos de las importaciones y exportaciones en términos porcentuales. En el año 2001, las importaciones de este tipo de maquinaria (partidas arancelarias 844311 y 844340) se doblaron, como se puede ver en las estadísticas de importación. Mientras en la partida arancelaria 844311 el dominador absoluto es Alemania, que controla casi el 90% del mercado en el año 2001, en la partida arancelaria 844340 destaca la irrupción de Italia que se convierte en el líder en el año 2001 con una cuota del 37% tras no aparecer en el año 2000 entre los exportadores al país. No obstante, en esta partida también destacan Corea (líder en el 2000 que baja hasta el tercer puesto en el 2001), Japón y Taiwan. Los destinos de las exportaciones son países de la zona, aunque también destaca la presencia de países como Francia, Estados Unidos y Gran Bretaña, que se puede comprender por el bajo coste unitario frente al coste unitario de las importaciones (24% del precio de éstas últimas –partida 843411- y un 2% de ese mismo precio -en el caso de la partida 843440-). La presencia española es inexistente por lo que reflejan las estadísticas de las dos partidas anteriormente citadas. Sin embargo, en lo que respecta a la partida 844359, el crecimiento entre los años 2000 y 2001 es espectacular, pasando de casi 300.000 bahts a más de 11 millones de bahts (casi un 1% del mercado), lo que hace concebir esperanzas sobre las posibilidades españolas en este tipo de maquinaria. No obstante, dentro de esta misma partida es donde la producción local más se está desarrollando como se puede observar en las estadísticas de exportación, con valore totales muy similares y hasta superiores a las importaciones. No obstante, el valor medio vuelve a ser muy inferior (69.513 bahts frente a 2602 bahts), lo que hace que se repita una vez más la valoración sobre la calidad de unos productos frente a otros.

En primer lugar es necesario darse a conocer en el país. Si las empresas españolas son capaces de ofrecer una buena relación calidad-precio, las oportunidades de crear negocio en Tailandia serán muy elevadas, si bien tendrán que luchar con las reticencias de unos importadores desconocedores de lo que las empresas españolas pueden ofrecer frente a productos más asentados en el mercado.

2 Su análisis pormenorizado es difícil debido a que el máximo nivel de desarrollo facilitado por Aduanas es el relativo a seis cifras de código arancelario, lo que hace que las estadísticas relativas a maquinaria para etiquetado queden bajo el mismo código que las relativas a maquinaria para envase

7 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje


En 1996 el mercado total estimado de la maquinaria de envase y embalaje industrial en Tailandia fue de US$276 millones. La demanda tuvo una tasa crecimiento anual aproximada del 5% durante los 3 siguientes ejercicios. Esta tasa es considerablemente inferior al 15% de crecimiento anual que tuvo la industria entre 1992 y 1996, años en los que los distribuidores de maquinaría solían alcanzar crecimientos promedio del 31%. La demanda total del mercado es aproximadamente de US$300 millones en 1998, un 5% superior a la del año anterior. La tasa de crecimiento esperada en los próximos ejercicios es del 5%.

Según estimaciones de la Thai Packaging Association, el tamaño total del mercado en la actualidad supera los 330 millones de dólares.

Por lo que se refiere a las importaciones de maquinaria de envase y embalaje en general, tras sufrir un brusco descenso en los años posteriores a la crisis, en el 2000 se produjo un incremento del 48% con respecto a 1999. La maquinaria de envasado es la maquinaria más importada, suponiendo un 58% del total de las importaciones. La maquinaria de embalaje es la segunda en importancia, suponiendo una cifra de un 33,3% del total. Dentro de la maquinaria de embalaje, la mayor parte de las importaciones son de maquinaria y aparatos para empaquetar o envasar mercancías (partida arancelaria 84.22.40).

Un 90% de la maquinaria de envase y embalaje tailandesa es importada, principalmente y según el volumen, de Alemania, Japón, Estados Unidos, Italia y Reino Unido.

En general, los equipos alemanes son conocidos por su alta calidad y precio. La maquinaria de Italia y España es reconocida en la mayoría de las fábricas tailandesas por su buena calidad a precios muy competitivos. La opinión de los tailandeses es que los fabricantes de ambos países han hecho una vasta promoción de sus productos en este país en los últimos años, lo cual les ha hecho ganar estos atributos. La industria reconoce los equipos de Taiwan como moderados en cuanto a calidad, quedando bastante alejados de los cánones europeos y norteamericanos, por lo que sus buenos precios son dejados de lado en busca de mayor calidad. Así, China está remplazando a Taiwan en cuanto a precios bajos supone.

En líneas generales Tailandia necesita una oferta de maquinaria de gran calidad para producir con los estándares demandados en los mercados occidentales, cuestión asimismo necesaria para hacer frente a la competencia proveniente de Vietnam o China. El valor de las importaciones supone el 80% del total del mercado.

Los equipos procedentes de Europa son en general muy bien aceptados. La maquinaria alemana tiene una importante presencia en el mercado tailandés, sobre todo la empleada para el procesamiento de carne, bebidas, frutas y vegetales. EEUU es el líder en el suministro a restaurantes, cadenas de alimentación fast food, exportación de grandes cámaras frigoríficas y sistemas de congelado especial.

El equipo producido localmente es de pequeño tamaño, manual o semiautomático, de gran simplicidad y poca flexibilidad a la hora de realizar las diferentes funciones: equipamiento para panaderías, congeladores, frigoríficos, maquinaria para precinto y relleno de envases y equipos de embalaje y envasado. Asimismo, existe cierta producción local de piezas de recambio y componentes, pero también con un componente tecnológico escaso. Los precios suelen ser bajos, destinándose gran parte de la producción a la exportación a países vecinos. El alto número de importaciones de maquinaria más compleja y de mayor calidad se debe a la imposibilidad de producción local por carencia de tecnología y personal especializado. Así mismo, el hecho de que Tailandia exporte productos que responden a las exigencias de otros países más industrializados, hace que el país necesite estar al día en lo que a tecnología punta se refiere.

8 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

La maquinaria europea, en general, cuenta con un gran prestigio en términos de calidad y durabilidad. A pesar de que los precios sean más altos, muchos fabricantes prefieren adquirir maquinaria con estas condiciones. La maquinaria alemana, seguida de la suiza es la preferida. Alemania tiene creada una imagen en el mercado altamente competitiva, sobre todo respecto a la maquinaria estadounidense y japonesa.

FACTORES DE COMERCIALIZACIÓN a) Canales de distribución

La mayoría de los fabricantes comercializan sus equipos a través de un agente en Tailandia, porque sin él es muy difícil ofrecer el servicio técnico y la asistencia postventa que reclaman la mayoría de los clientes. De esta forma, también se aseguran la fiabilidad del producto y minimizan el tiempo y los trámites para la importación. La mayor parte de las ventas se canalizan a través de un grupo reducido de agentes que son ingenierías y realizan el proyecto en su globalidad, sobre todo la maquinaria más avanzada y que tiene un mantenimiento más difícil. El margen o comisión que aplican estas empresas varía entre el 10 y el 15% para plantas llave en mano, el 20-30% para máquinas o aparatos y el 30-40% para partes. Sin embargo, si el agente no funciona como ingeniería y no ofrece servicio técnico, este margen o comisión puede rebajarse en un 10-15% aproximadamente.

Algunas grandes empresas adquieren la maquinaria directamente de los fabricantes extranjeros como en el caso de los fast food y empresas importantes de la industria del procesamiento de alimentos. Muchos agentes no son exclusivamente representantes y en muchos casos no juegan un papel importante desde el punto de vista técnico, encargándose de mantener el contacto con los clientes y la realización de la promoción por parte del fabricante. Otros ofrecen todo tipo de servicios llegando incluso a comprar algún tipo de maquinaria para revenderla después en el mercado.

La obtención del agente adecuado es quizá una de las tareas más difíciles en todo proyecto de exportación a Tailandia. Debido a la idiosincrasia del país, es necesaria una relación muy estrecha con el agente.

Los agentes operando en el sector se pueden clasificar en tres tipos:

Grandes empresas trading y de ingeniería: Este tipo de empresas abarca muchos sectores y clientes. Suelen tomar muchas representaciones pero su política de ventas no suele ser muy agresiva. Suelen hacerse cargo de la distribución de un producto y esperar a que llegue un pedido o a que la empresa extranjera tenga algún contacto y llevarse así la comisión. La mayoría de estas empresas importadoras se responsabilizan de proyectos y líneas completas. Este hecho les obliga a ofrecer servicios de diseño, ingeniería, instalación, equipos, recambios, servicio técnico y en ocasiones puede almacenar las partes y los recambios de la maquinaria aunque esto no es lo normal por el alto coste que implica. Algunas de ellas mantienen acuerdos de distribución exclusiva con fabricantes extranjeros.

Pequeñas empresas de trading: Este tipo de empresas no tiene mucha experiencia en el sector y se les considera más bien como intrusos. Operan en otros campos o en sectores cercanos como el de alimentación y se han comenzado a importar maquinaria debido a la importante demanda que se ha producido en los últimos años.

Pequeñas empresas familiares: Son empresas mas técnicas y conocen bien el mercado. Su principal ventaja es la visita y el contacto constante con los posibles demandantes de maquinaria. Este es el tipo de empresa que más conviene a los fabricantes de maquinaria españoles.

Unas buenas relaciones con los proveedores, facilidad para la obtención de repuestos, un buen servicio técnico, así como demostración de maquinaria son requisitos necesarios para entrar en el mercado tailandés. A la hora de invertir en nuevas marcas el empresario tailandés desconfía bastante de la

9 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje maquinaria que no le ofrezca las necesarias garantías y un rápido y eficiente servicio técnico postventa. Algunos exportadores europeos de alto nivel cuentan con centros ubicados en Tailandia o en algún país cercano que prestan servicios de asistencia en menos de 24 horas. Esto da una total seguridad al comprador, que paga un precio superior por los equipos con la certeza de que serán debidamente reparados en caso de avería. El fabricante o exportador debería asegurar que las exigencias del comprador tailandés quedan satisfechas por medio de un agente local experto en la materia. b) Costes

El arancel aplicable a la importación de maquinaria para la industria alimentaria (Ver Anexo) se ha reducido progresivamente hasta situarse en el 5% para la mayoría de las partidas. Existen algunas excepciones en los equipos para la industria del frío y en las importaciones de partes o accesorios para todo tipo de maquinaria. En estos casos, el arancel puede oscilar entre el 3% y el 30%. Además, será aplicable un IVA (o VAT) de, en estos momentos, un 7%.

Los costes del transporte y el seguro corren por cuenta del comprador. Aunque las máquinas se suelen transportar por barco, debido a la gran distancia entre España y Tailandia, ciertas piezas y repuestos en ocasiones se envían por avión debido a los altos costos de una parada en la producción. c) Calidad-precio

En general, los principales clientes son grandes compañías que dan prioridad a la calidad de la marca, la calidad y el servicio. Estas empresas suelen exportar a mercados muy fuertes. Para las pequeñas y medianas empresas que abastecen el mercado local el precio es un factor determinante, si bien no reducen la importancia de la calidad y el servicio. En definitiva, los elementos más importantes para tener éxito en este mercado son, según la mayoría de los clientes y por orden de importancia, la posibilidad de ofrecer un servicio integral (del diseño y la ingeniería al servicio postventa), el precio, la calidad y fiabilidad de los equipos, garantía de 6 meses a un año, la información y la flexibilidad y adaptación a los requerimientos del cliente.

No obstante, la imagen que tienen algunos importadores consultados es que la relación calidad-precio ofrecida por las empresas españolas es muy buena. No obstante, la competencia es dura con países asentados en el país desde hace muchos años y con una imagen mundial de calidad, por la que están dispuestos a pagar más. Por tanto en este aspecto la maquinaria española parte de una buena base, que en el futuro deberá de ir acompañada de una mejor imagen basada en la promoción. d) Guía de actividades promocionales

Sin duda, y según la mayoría de los importadores y compradores de maquinaria en general, y maquinaria para la industria alimentaria en nuestro caso, el factor fundamental de comercialización es la confianza en el producto, una confianza que sólo se puede conseguir mediante un conocimiento verdadero del producto. Para ello es fundamental el contacto y el análisis in situ de la máquina, siendo el medio más eficaz la participación en ferias, de las que PROPAK es la más importante. Hay que tener en cuenta que se trata de una inversión a largo plazo y que es la única forma de superar el desconocimiento en el país sobre la maquinaria española. Las principales ferias relacionadas con el sector son las siguientes:


La edición del pasado año 2001 se celebró en el Queen National Convention Center entre los días 13 y 16 de junio de 2001 y fue organizada por el Exhibition Services. La oferta presentada fue de equipamiento y tecnología para las industrias del procesamiento de alimentos y de productos farmacéuticos,

10 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje embotellado, envasado, y empaquetado y etiquetado de todo tipo de materiales y productos finales. Hubo un total de 150 compañías de las cuales un tercio (51) fueron extranjeras. En total había representadas más de 300 empresas internacionales a través de agentes locales. La participación española contó con Pabellón Nacional que agrupó a 7 empresas del sector así como a la asociación AMEC/ENVASGRAF. Además, hubo otras empresas españolas representadas a través de agente local como: ULMA, S.T.E., ENFLEX y BOSSAR. El pabellón español fue el único pabellón nacional en la feria y destacó tanto por su diseño y disposición como por su organización.


La última edición tuvo lugar en el IMPACT Convention Center entre el 9 y el 12 de noviembre de 2000 y fue organizada conjuntamente por la Reed Tradex Company y por la Thai Packaging Association. La oferta expositora fue básicamente de maquinaria de embalaje e impresión, materiales y productos intermedios y servicios diversos relacionados con el sector. La feria recibió a 9.324 profesionales el sector y tuvo 47 expositores procedentes de seis países.

Tras la crisis de 1997, algunas empresas tailandesas han mantenido las mismas marcas mientras otras han dejado de trabajar con ciertos fabricantes, lo que se ha traducido en una reducción de la posible competencia. A pesar de que los importadores tailandeses pueden no encontrarse todavía preparados para realizar grandes inversiones en maquinaria, los exportadores españoles deberían comenzar ahora a realizar actividades de promoción. No sería conveniente esperar a que la situación económica se recupere plenamente y ver entrar nuevos competidores que dificulten la comercialización de los productos españoles.

La principal promoción realizada en este sector es la visita personal a los clientes y empresa demandantes de este tipo de maquinaria.

Por lo que respecta a revistas especializadas, éstas pueden ser un complemento de la anterior actividad promocional, pero en ningún caso una forma de introducirse en el mercado de forma aislada. Entre las publicaciones existentes, la única realmente especializada en el mundo del envase y embalaje y su maquinaria es el boletín de noticias “Thai Packaging Newsletter” publicado por la Thai Packaging Association en el que se recogen de forma periódica noticias relacionadas con el desarrollo del sector. También cabe destacar la revista Asia Pacific Food Industry (también disponible a través de Internet en la dirección:, en la que se da cabida a todos los aspectos de la industria alimentaria y, entre ellos, al envasado. La Oficina Comercial ha anunciado precisamente la participación de las empresas españolas en Propak en las revistas Food News y Thai Packaging Newsletter.


La maquinaria española es percibida y reconocida en muchas de las fábricas tailandesas por su buena calidad a precios muy competitivos. La opinión de los tailandeses es que los fabricantes españoles poco a poco están incrementando la promoción de sus productos en este país, lo cual les ha hecho ganar estos atributos. Las cifras de importación demuestran un crecimiento muy importante de la oferta española en términos relativos, si bien en términos globales la presencia española es todavía reducida.

Sin duda alguna, los esfuerzos realizados con los Pabellones Nacionales en las dos últimas ediciones de la feria más importante del sector, PROPAK, han contribuido a un mayor conocimiento de la maquinaria española, que debe seguir realizándose si se quiere tener una penetración realmente importante en el mercado.

11 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Como ventajas, la maquinaria española cuenta con precios muy competitivos y buena materia prima. Sin embargo, la opinión más generalizada es que no posee una alta tecnología. En este punto, España tiene una imagen de estar por detrás de otros países europeos, imagen que debe ir desapareciendo con los debidos esfuerzos de promoción e información.

El precio es un elemento básico a la hora de entrar o lograr una mayor presencia en un mercado, pero en el caso de Tailandia es aún más importante. Las mayores oportunidades están en productos con una calidad contrastada y un precio muy competitivo. La producción local no está lo suficientemente desarrollada para producir un tipo de maquinaria que por otro lado es básica para mantener el desarrollo de su tejido industrial tan orientado al exterior. En la medida en que la empresa española sea capaz de ofrecer ese tipo de producto, sus oportunidades en un mercado como el tailandés serán reales, siempre y cuando sea capaz de dar a conocer su producto y mostrar que puede estar, en cuanto a calidad se refiere, entre los primeros países europeos a unos precios aún más competitivos.

12 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje



PARTIDA ARANCEL ARANCELARIA TAILANDIA 842220 3 842230 5 842240 5 842290 5 842330 5 842381 5 843920 3 843930 3 843991 3 843999 3 844110 5 844120 5 844130 5 844140 5 844180 5 844190 5 844311 3 844340 5 844359 5

3 El máximo nivel de desarrollo facilitado por el Departamento de Aduanas tailandés es de 6 cifras.

13 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje


Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.20/NO - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) BELGIUM 0 0 130 206,330 CHINA 0 0 9 17,269 DENMARK 0 0 370,299 168,539,608 FRANCE 0 0 36 557,527 GERMANY 4 309,662 89 29,657,159 ITALY 0 0 203 286,719 JAPAN 0 0 2,139 29,153,160 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 12 2,890,347 MALAYSIA 14 9,741,203 17 22,315,445 NETHERLANDS 0 0 2 16,923 1 5,965,745 1 5,965,745 SPAIN 0 0 50 2,195,228 SWEDEN 7 426,645 30 4,772,651 UNITED STATES 1 655,010 99 81,383,221 Grand Total 27 17,098,265 373,116 347,957,332

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.20/NO - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers

4 El máximo nivel de desarrollo facilitado por el Departamento de Aduanas tailandés es de 6 cifras.

14 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) BULGARIA 0 0 1 1,447,258 DENMARK 0 0 1,074,416 515,811,275 FRANCE 0 0 1 277,225 GERMANY 0 0 10 2,718,746 ITALY 0 0 7 12,140,553 JAPAN 0 0 365 27,602,970 MALAYSIA 0 0 6 8,854,479 NETHERLANDS 0 0 2 304,113 PHILIPPINE 0 0 2 101,554 S SINGAPORE 1 826,043 6 10,913,310 SPAIN 4 120,181 78 1,325,445 SWEDEN 0 0 31 1,908,015 SWITZERLAND 2 581,952 8 10,885,211 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 3 633,729 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 1 6,432,827 5 7,803,960 UNITED STATES 12 16,144 39 17,449,214 Grand Total 20 7,977,147 1,074,980 620,177,057

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.20/NO - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) HONG KONG 0 0 2 1,630,190 JAPAN 0 0 2 8,000 LAO REPUBLIC 0 0 1 20,000 MALAYSIA 0 0 2 1,127,583 MYANMAR 0 0 3 92,498 PHILIPPINE 0 0 1 124,422 S SINGAPORE 0 0 1 56,591 Grand Total 0 0 12 3,059,284

15 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.20/NO - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) BANGLADESH 0 0 2 1,126,807 CHINA 0 0 10 579,129 FRANCE 0 0 1 912 INDIA 0 0 1 20,051 LAO REPUBLIC 0 0 2 39,000 MALAYSIA 0 0 2 677,175 MYANMAR 0 0 1 33,769 PHILIPPINE 0 0 1 361,927 S VIETNAM 0 0 700 4,277,277 Grand Total 0 0 720 7,116,047

16 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.30 - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - machinery for filling, closing, sealing, or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; machinery for aerating beverages December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) ARGENTINA 0 0 1,668 5,690,111

AUSTRALIA 2,969 12,323,290 3,699 28,931,728

AUSTRIA 0 0 1 54,559 BELGIUM 130 83,618 135 33,183,168 CANADA 0 0 12 4,654,942 CHINA 1,577 2,429,796 8,300 14,198,897 DENMARK 0 0 5 1,888,643 FINLAND 3 28,971 55 522,112 FRANCE 1 11,297,381 11 13,295,905 GERMANY 149 47,230,042 1,793 423,096,990 HONG 0 0 14 6,965,451 KONG INDIA 1 3,051,430 3 4,727,887 INDONESIA 0 0 4 1,061,011

IRAN 0 0 1 28,496 IRELAND 0 0 221 843,251 ITALY 25 134,192,616 466 216,685,979 JAPAN 29 9,100,917 2,706 307,660,129 JORDAN 0 0 1 396,907 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 5 3,750,038 14,472 30,056,250 MALAYSIA 0 0 23 5,265,654 NETHERLANDS 1 700,115 40 9,783,476 NEW ZEALAND 1 1,529,198 67 5,639,777 NORWAY 9 4,458,627 9 4,458,627 PHILIPPINE 0 0 9 20,370,239 S SINGAPORE 2 187,712 1,083 14,876,155

17 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

SOUTH AFRICA 2 9,275,217 7 21,564,072 SPAIN 5 180,001 3,894 24,130,967 SWEDEN 0 0 48 13,840,538 SWITZERLAND 0 0 268 3,340,819 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 979 8,378,512 12,130 124,250,984 CHINA 0 0 8 3,332,247 UNITED KINGDOM 517 3,089,274 733 30,763,510 UNITED STATES 1 3,063,520 386 107,316,541 VIETNAM 0 0 10 221,261 Grand Total 6,406 254,350,275 52,282 1,483,097,28 3

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.30 - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - machinery for filling, closing, sealing, or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; machinery for aerating beverages December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) ARGENTINA 1 2,706,705 1 2,706,705

AUSTRALIA 12 740,370 50,646 72,862,241

AUSTRIA 0 0 4 13,509,536 BELGIUM 0 0 7 62,495,517 CHINA 1,647 7,250,177 11,673 46,238,520 DENMARK 0 0 6,041 21,360,633 FINLAND 0 0 41 454,346 FRANCE 1 78,571,560 7 82,755,790 GEORGIA 0 0 1 5,072,702 GERMANY 7,633 46,718,985 20,249 1,022,656,35 8 HONG 0 0 10 696,055 KONG INDIA 0 0 7 572,403 ISRAEL 0 0 2 2,714,672 ITALY 3,014 8,209,137 21,459 151,535,910 JAPAN 18 49,080,448 40,621 307,232,818

18 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 3,440 17,927,347 MALAYSIA 3 1,899,239 8 6,663,480 NETHERLANDS 0 0 24,048 143,373,208 NEW ZEALAND 1 178,099 43 3,800,652 PHILIPPINE 0 0 5 7,384,565 S POLAND 0 0 1 1,767,488 SINGAPORE 907 1,591,183 1,506 7,029,905

SPAIN 13 386,055 5,341 43,448,029 SWEDEN 1 2,942,706 20,661 86,831,359 SWITZERLAND 11 523,500 66 23,851,341 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 561 4,214,628 8,206 78,805,992 CHINA THAILAND 0 0 563 1,433,042 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 1 1,636,086 4 5,420,570

UNITED KINGDOM 1 8,576,773 2,487 85,929,813 UNITED STATES 9 36,622,894 1,811 187,468,443 VIETNAM 0 0 51 1,326,738 Grand Total 13,834 251,848,545 219,010 2,495,326,17 8

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.30 - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - machinery for filling, closing, sealing, or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; machinery for aerating beverages December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 1 1,220,584 2 1,454,306

BANGLADE 0 0 32 15,112,884 SH BELGIUM 0 0 1 5,180,539 BRUNEI DARUSSALAM 1 1,304,000 1 1,304,000 CAMBODIA 0 0 1 1,400,000 CANADA 0 0 2 1,947,350 CHINA 0 0 3 9,010,859

DENMARK 0 0 2 660,000

19 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje ECUADOR 0 0 3 303,373 GERMANY 0 0 6 3,109,033 HONG 0 0 12 2,346,104 KONG INDIA 1 1,689,652 12 7,244,587 INDONESIA 1 200,000 68 17,372,754

ISRAEL 0 0 1 649,347 ITALY 0 0 7,343 399,041 JAPAN 291 7,412,860 805 34,976,216 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 13 6,474,344 KUWAIT 0 0 2 190,389 LAO REPUBLIC 0 0 9 1,385,239 MALAYSIA 1 9,648 4,542 16,969,977 MALDIVES 0 0 1 1,050 MAURITIUS 0 0 11 93,433,374

MYANMAR 0 0 4,983 10,261,079 NETHERLANDS 0 0 1 2,170 NIGERIA 0 0 1 185,611 PAKISTAN 0 0 4 2,356,486 PHILIPPINE 0 0 40 12,499,247 S SEYCHELLE 0 0 1 23,543 S SINGAPORE 14 6,176,830 71 22,968,421

SOUTH AFRICA 0 0 1 1,012,345 SPAIN 0 0 1 5,470,531 SRI LANKA 0 0 3 1,649,401 SWITZERLAND 0 0 2 835,022 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 30 235,058 32 12,353,979 CHINA TURKEY 0 0 1 1,689,064 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 2 986,818 7 5,848,897

UNITED STATES 2 2,375,450 2 2,375,450 VIETNAM 0 0 10,507 18,533,194 YEMEN 0 0 7 2,711,705 Grand Total 344 21,610,900 28,536 321,700,911

20 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.30 - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - machinery for filling, closing, sealing, or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; machinery for aerating beverages December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) AMERICAN SAMOA 0 0 2 267,269 AUSTRALIA 0 0 1 350,623

AUSTRIA 0 0 2 20,911,064 BAHRAIN 0 0 3 2,493,528 BANGLADE 1 1,454,018 40 16,068,706 SH BRUNEI DARUSSALAM 0 0 1 15,000 CAMBODIA 0 0 10 1,791,100 CHILE 0 0 1 406,202 CHINA 1 685,577 7 21,195,710 EGYPT 0 0 1 1,288,238 GERMANY 0 0 1 7,744,469 HONG 0 0 18 3,937,418 KONG INDIA 0 0 8 6,809,249 INDONESIA 0 0 4,096 24,460,735

JAPAN 1 28,681 27 7,381,583 JORDAN 0 0 1 3,144,670 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 2 805,809 LAO REPUBLIC 0 0 209 5,350,409 LIBYAN ARAB 0 0 1 1,499,795 JAMAHIRIYA MALAYSIA 0 0 29 7,106,262 MALDIVES 0 0 58 102,712 MYANMAR 8 1,346,020 17 4,380,375 NETHERLANDS 1 3,392 1 3,392 NEW ZEALAND 0 0 12 4,000 NIGERIA 0 0 4 2,482,320 OMAN 0 0 2 1,692

21 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

PAKISTAN 0 0 1 1,925,080 PHILIPPINES 0 0 25 32,958,897 SINGAPORE 0 0 29 5,234,958

SPAIN 0 0 1 602,677 SUDAN 0 0 6 782,192 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 10 616,536 CHINA TURKEY 0 0 1 818,375 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 0 0 1 1,104,581

UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 2 135,000 UNITED STATES 0 0 580 1,152,531 VIETNAM 5 8,214,795 1,784 19,272,106 YEMEN 0 0 2 1,687,670 Grand Total 17 11,732,483 6,996 206,292,933

22 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.40/NO - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - other packing or wrapping machinery (including heat-shrink wrapping machinery) December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 8 13,444,904

AUSTRIA 0 0 1 598,897 BELGIUM 4 319,097 9 25,199,192 CHINA 543 558,630 4,643 29,175,223 DENMARK 1 158,021 12 1,245,944 ECUADOR 0 0 1 371,410 FRANCE 0 0 10 1,858,926 GERMANY 15 41,678,360 550 210,014,759 HONG 0 0 14 4,862,631 KONG INDIA 2 1,242,399 4 8,617,732 INDONESIA 0 0 16 85,576,163

ITALY 159 21,263,935 34,540 302,100,228 JAPAN 23 31,882,402 30,385 468,552,217 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 143 668,799 730 33,618,417 MALAYSIA 12 826,807 344 13,416,757 NETHERLANDS 5 738,634 66 25,698,401 NEW ZEALAND 1 234,065 7 4,337,913 NORWAY 0 0 2 12,451 PHILIPPINE 0 0 1 592,971 S SINGAPORE 3 10,243,188 457 37,068,670

SOUTH AFRICA 1 7,950,186 1 7,950,186 SPAIN 0 0 53 4,500,337 SWEDEN 3 14,010,194 132 145,379,085 SWITZERLAND 0 0 13 17,706,518 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 1,519 13,994,014 12,484 99,933,265 CHINA THAILAND 0 0 1 36,334

23 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 694 18,000,866 UNITED STATES 8 43,248,175 2,404 300,243,194 Grand Total 2,442 189,016,906 87,582 1,860,113,591

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.40/NO - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - other packing or wrapping machinery (including heat-shrink wrapping machinery) December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) ARGENTINA 1 914,497 1 914,497

AUSTRALIA 0 0 8 4,816,584

AUSTRIA 0 0 12 15,290,440 BELGIUM 0 0 2 12,612,009 CHINA 95 2,453,467 7,854 23,552,412 DENMARK 0 0 327 5,907,431 FRANCE 1 1,224,568 36 1,946,225 GERMANY 41 27,217,341 717 176,206,330 HONG 1 1,023,837 21 2,653,824 KONG INDIA 0 0 1 123,333 INDONESIA 0 0 1 181,270

ITALY 4 13,127,425 1,296 499,993,695 JAPAN 18 54,135,693 9,826 579,597,718 KENYA 0 0 21 145,908 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 34 6,076,396 603 27,244,870 MALAYSIA 2 284,397 32 21,763,898 NETHERLANDS 2 480,605 113 161,561,053 PHILIPPINE 0 0 510 33,580,187 S SINGAPORE 1 219,396 1,403 17,343,617

SOUTH AFRICA 0 0 1 3,289,932 SPAIN 12 6,533,809 41 31,619,152 SWEDEN 0 0 4,741 81,351,171 SWITZERLAND 0 0 20 47,414,092

24 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 2,340 8,023,163 10,877 128,278,513 CHINA THAILAND 0 0 11 227,538 UNITED KINGDOM 1 89,479 25 20,606,166 UNITED STATES 7 3,720,526 2,588 72,212,952 Grand Total 2,560 125,524,599 41,088 1,970,434,817

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.40/NO - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - other packing or wrapping machinery (including heat-shrink wrapping machinery) December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) ARGENTINA 0 0 666 273,701

AUSTRALIA 1 556,500 742 4,720,568

BANGLADE 0 0 3 4,225,013 SH BRAZIL 0 0 1,332 573,817 CAMBODIA 0 0 2 15,340 CHILE 1,332 626,300 1,998 926,211 CHINA 2 163,591 331 1,952,405 DENMARK 0 0 1,410 2,559,683 ECUADOR 0 0 4 1,109,447 FIJI 0 0 2 1,979 FRANCE 40 1,059,622 151 3,930,686 GERMANY 0 0 364 8,748,873 GHANA 0 0 12 298,463 GREECE 12 368,412 1,002 4,530,366 HONG 0 0 5 1,329,729 KONG INDIA 0 0 3 4,708,741 INDONESIA 0 0 134 6,804,322

ISRAEL 0 0 148 3,691,316

ITALY 0 0 122 3,099,246 JAPAN 408 14,914,459 6,743 149,134,544

25 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje KOREA 0 0 6 156,056 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 80 1,912,854 KUWAIT 0 0 1 286,868 LAO REPUBLIC 0 0 4 157,421 LEBANON 0 0 140 59,622 MALAYSIA 3 1,225,145 59 12,621,513 MALDIVES 0 0 1 1,950 MYANMAR 0 0 24 516,600 NEPAL 0 0 6 2,039,691 NETHERLANDS 0 0 121 3,887,647 PHILIPPINE 0 0 5 4,860,560 S POLAND 0 0 832 336,204 PORTUGAL 0 0 1,998 905,413

SAUDI ARABIA 0 0 276 619,626 SINGAPORE 3 2,820,107 43 25,627,248

SOUTH AFRICA 0 0 114 2,665,160 SPAIN 0 0 48 1,190,951 SRI LANKA 0 0 13 310,313 SWEDEN 0 0 3 22,838,863 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 9 2,082,404 CHINA TURKEY 0 0 24 579,246 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 0 0 4 8,612

UNITED KINGDOM 66 1,740,747 369 9,239,707 UNITED STATES 0 0 1,008 27,881,152 VENEZUELA 0 0 1 2,000,022

VIETNAM 0 0 63 2,561,997 YEMEN 1 129,382 1 129,382 Grand Total 1,868 23,604,265 20,427 328,111,532

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.40/NO - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - other packing or wrapping machinery (including heat-shrink wrapping machinery)

December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value

26 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje (Baht) (Baht)

ARGENTINA 0 0 666 300,013

AUSTRALIA 1 511,900 77 10,512,672

AUSTRIA 0 0 1,530 1,395,656 BANGLADE 0 0 406 8,057,103 SH BRAZIL 0 0 666 309,823 CAMBODIA 0 0 4 392,736 CANADA 0 0 2 1,105,971 CHILE 0 0 1,998 932,536 CHINA 8 4,945,249 24 12,849,950 COLOMBIA 0 0 280 116,450 DENMARK 24 663,376 145 4,021,836 EGYPT 0 0 1 31,050 FIJI 0 0 4 1,813 FRANCE 0 0 168 4,744,678 GERMANY 100 2,764,068 1,290 18,696,676 GHANA 960 446,673 4,306 2,668,673 GREECE 0 0 42 1,320,013 HONDURAS 1 705,390 1 705,390

HONG 1 2,500 8 4,003,352 KONG HUNGARY 2 1,710,938 4 2,690,726 INDIA 0 0 5 6,323,136 INDONESIA 0 0 31,169 22,069,634

ISRAEL 0 0 144 3,643,542 ITALY 70 1,913,175 256 6,876,574 JAPAN 416 12,423,739 5,057 150,219,079 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 25 20,032,985 99 21,975,024 LAO REPUBLIC 0 0 5 969,500 MALAYSIA 1 20,000 90,563 44,034,744 MYANMAR 0 0 3 903,075 NETHERLANDS 0 0 108 2,948,300 NEW ZEALAND 0 0 18 476,355 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 0 0 3 2,157,080 PHILIPPINES 3 1,499,512 6,424 7,850,225 PORTUGAL 0 0 3,663 1,711,680

RUSSIAN FEDERATION 0 0 1 122,082 SAUDI ARABIA 0 0 12 347,717

SENEGAL 0 0 1 85,839 SEYCHELLES 0 0 1 176,341

27 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje SINGAPORE 7 3,399,066 147 15,685,178

SOUTH AFRICA 0 0 54 1,395,537 SPAIN 0 0 121 3,255,815 SRI LANKA 0 0 8 241,817 SUDAN 0 0 5 2,177,984 SWEDEN 0 0 6 7,928,271 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 2 484,610 CHINA UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 0 0 1 13,380

UNITED KINGDOM 60 1,578,836 255 18,727,426 UNITED STATES 100 2,813,157 983 27,270,582 VENEZUELA 0 0 1 1,207,166

VIETNAM 4 1,172,760 21,148 19,059,436 Grand Total 1,783 56,603,324 171,885 445,194,246

28 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.90/KG - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - parts December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 74 522,004 865 1,069,333

BELGIUM 2,500 290,116 5,259 13,679,073 CANADA 103 353,783 159 612,510 CHINA 0 0 885 896,220 DENMARK 24 84,125 101 519,963 FRANCE 55 179,236 746 2,053,897 GERMANY 7,230 18,968,246 33,962 102,792,416 HONG 0 0 68 94,094 KONG ITALY 234 521,896 19,290 16,063,624 JAPAN 2,545 3,211,038 15,357 43,009,476 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 322 1,221,660 MALAYSIA 1,605 2,294,329 6,143 10,166,764 NETHERLANDS 10 69,141 440 3,213,038 NEW ZEALAND 0 0 30 156,730 PHILIPPINES 0 0 1,920 2,155,684 SINGAPORE 153 376,297 1,194 2,199,495

SPAIN 83 262,544 203 613,162 SWEDEN 89 540,583 2,288 9,782,681 SWITZERLAND 0 0 785 5,916,532 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 128 569,530 1,720 3,162,896 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 107 60,953 2,112 3,256,431 UNITED STATES 1,205 1,831,606 18,616 18,669,762 Grand Total 16,145 30,135,427 112,465 241,305,441

29 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.90/KG - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - parts December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) ARGENTINA 0 0 0 2,043

AUSTRALIA 15 24,141 1,408 2,072,759 AUSTRIA 0 0 0 21,180 BELGIUM 337 798,042 1,917 8,185,746 CANADA 36 77,482 189 767,529 CHINA 10 6,708 878 164,304 DENMARK 31 201,794 145 1,418,665 ECUADOR 0 0 0 552 FRANCE 0 26,583 606 1,961,300 GERMANY 654 4,382,417 37,535 110,883,025 HONG KONG 1 19,207 13 70,295

HUNGARY 0 0 0 89 INDIA 0 0 137 1,064,514 INDONESIA 25 26,079 95 77,686 ITALY 138 1,025,948 8,788 31,729,296 JAPAN 791 4,888,386 26,858 71,111,787 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 487 1,794,030 MALAYSIA 7 2,701 4,603 2,801,402 MAURITIUS 0 0 10 55,773 NETHERLANDS 0 0 1,180 8,506,135 NEW ZEALAND 0 0 8 105,814 PHILIPPINES 0 0 10,858 9,757,194

SINGAPORE 2 13,233 709 1,309,345

SOLOMON ISLANDS 0 0 7 2,265 SPAIN 6 5,457 629 1,984,730 SWEDEN 185 2,024,824 4,907 19,839,789 SWITZERLAND 72 981,695 752 4,718,846 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 88 116,063 1,253 1,424,494 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 1,293 7,340,077

30 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje UNITED STATES 113 1,634,318 17,839 11,720,241 Grand Total 2,511 16,255,078 123,104 300,890,905

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.90/KG - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - parts December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 246 878,976 BANGLADES 1 8,771 43 236,255 H CAMBODIA 0 0 35 130,000 CANADA 0 0 330 16,801 CHINA 0 0 345 1,207,450 ECUADOR 0 0 2 4,000 GERMANY 0 0 70 275,759 HONG KONG 0 0 60 125,223

INDIA 0 0 91 51,513 INDONESIA 42 134,261 1,792 3,146,686 ITALY 27 33,854 27 33,854 JAPAN 1,109 842,230 26,668 19,346,455 MALAYSIA 25 171,622 1,667 8,284,168 MAURITIUS 0 0 11,391 8,942,276 MYANMAR 0 0 56 190,548 PAPUA NEW GUINEA 0 0 22 67,058 PHILIPPINES 0 0 1,173 1,614,205

SAUDI ARABIA 0 0 95 330,173 SINGAPORE 0 0 229 861,936

SRI LANKA 0 0 1,527 92,656 SWEDEN 0 0 6 36,073

31 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 563 779,818 CHINA TURKEY 0 0 157 236,118 UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 20 167,829 UNITED STATES 200 191,662 2,953 4,884,936 VIETNAM 0 0 584 1,092,906 Grand Total 1,404 1,382,400 50,152 53,033,672

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8422.90/KG - dish washing machines; machinery for cleaning or drying bottles or other containers; machinery for filling, closing, sealing or labelling bottles, cans, boxes, bags or other containers; machinery for capsuling bottles, jars, tubes and similar containers; - parts December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 3 21,935 591 358,076 BAHRAIN 0 0 107 502,869 BANGLADES 0 0 1,394 2,941,132 H CHINA 0 0 7,450 7,833,565 GERMANY 0 0 326 165,009 GUINEA 0 0 528 149,068 HONG KONG 0 0 228 32,615

HUNGARY 0 0 222 251,390 INDIA 7 84,691 80,816 41,351,160 INDONESIA 29 95,862 2,259 3,057,744 ITALY 0 0 60 10,245 JAPAN 2,143 1,410,399 30,741 21,402,572 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 14 44,299 LAO REPUBLIC 14 73,992 1,847 1,104,947 MALAYSIA 18 58,709 581 1,417,771 MALDIVES 0 0 9 17,554 MAURITIUS 5 28,136 12,247 5,605,740 MYANMAR 0 0 2,145 81,320 NETHERLANDS 0 0 1,996 12,632,780 NIGERIA 0 0 119 692,704 PHILIPPINES 16 75,005 1,604 8,893,369

SAUDI ARABIA 0 0 66 310,984 SINGAPORE 0 0 750 1,314,995

32 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

SUDAN 0 0 1,010 41,063 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 6 530,701 327 1,017,575 CHINA UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 0 0 5 52,785

UNITED KINGDOM 12 1,751 212 8,155 UNITED STATES 378 795,707 2,621 5,653,900 VIETNAM 0 0 2,940 1,833,908 YEMEN 0 0 43 364,017 Grand Total 2,631 3,176,888 153,258 119,143,311

33 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8423.30/NO - weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds. - constant weight scales and scales for discharging a predetermined weight of material into a bag or container, including hopper scales December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 3 1,245,196

GERMANY 0 0 2 9,612,264 INDONESIA 0 0 6 89,176

ITALY 0 0 1 3,076,003 JAPAN 0 0 3,107 25,513,077 SWITZERLAND 19 180,645 19 180,645 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 98 882,489 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 5 6,489,138 17 17,227,820 Grand Total 24 6,669,783 3,253 57,826,670

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8423.30/NO - weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds. - constant weight scales and scales for discharging a predetermined weight of material into a bag or container, including hopper scales December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 2 11,178

CHINA 0 0 84 310,201 GERMANY 0 0 2 95,204 JAPAN 6 132,743 49 49,985,150 NETHERLANDS 0 0 1 3,111,824

34 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje SWITZERLAND 0 0 31 2,762,922 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 2 1,496,341 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 2 1,049,471 149 3,476,310 UNITED STATES 0 0 354 1,517,407 Grand Total 8 1,182,214 680 63,425,473

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8423.30/NO - weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds. - constant weight scales and scales for discharging a predetermined weight of material into a bag or container, including hopper scales December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 2 554,994

BANGLADE 0 0 55 2,726 SH INDIA 0 0 2 911 JAPAN 0 0 2 111,948 LAO REPUBLIC 0 0 1 29,500 MOZAMBIQ 0 0 200 40,014 UE MYANMAR 0 0 45 13,500 NETHERLANDS 0 0 68 25,243 VIETNAM 0 0 44 212,678 Grand Total 0 0 419 991,514

35 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8423.30/NO - weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds. - constant weight scales and scales for discharging a predetermined weight of material into a bag or container, including hopper scales December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) CAMBODIA 0 0 3,028 503,424 INDONESIA 0 0 2 2,546

LAO REPUBLIC 0 0 7 236,580 NETHERLANDS 0 0 2 447 ANTILLES SINGAPORE 0 0 12 311,036

VIETNAM 0 0 180 7,651,852 Grand Total 0 0 3,231 8,705,885

36 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8423.81/NO - weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds. - - having a maximum weighing capacity not exceeding 30 kg December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 87 810,238

AUSTRIA 0 0 40 52,482 CHINA 388 827,395 4,844 6,572,077 CONGO 0 0 9 69,780 GERMANY 209 1,252,560 1,875 14,942,220 HONG 170 630,102 758 2,129,796 KONG INDIA 0 0 5 81,290 ISRAEL 0 0 52 260,933 ITALY 0 0 5 466,336 JAPAN 148 1,562,682 3,692 34,647,768 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 496 7,616,814 MALAYSIA 0 0 4 92,311 MEXICO 0 0 2 16,374 SINGAPORE 320 1,133,389 5,585 19,577,207

SWITZERLAND 14 126,487 1,015 9,178,779 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 665 2,733,927 3,279 14,609,468 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 7 206,494 UNITED STATES 178 2,928,353 1,776 14,320,198 Grand Total 2,092 11,194,895 23,531 125,650,565

37 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8423.81/NO - weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds. - - having a maximum weighing capacity not exceeding 30 kg December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 58 627,905 CHINA 711 1,848,688 7,430 18,229,875 FRANCE 0 0 14 287,241 GERMANY 31 450,599 1,710 19,882,595 HONG KONG 0 0 1,973 446,975

INDIA 1 1,120 1 1,120 ISRAEL 0 0 10 235,307 JAPAN 182 5,727,075 3,879 33,693,474 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 93 942,489 960 12,941,873 MALAYSIA 44 198,379 52 406,949 PHILIPPINES 0 0 85 1,068,081

RUSSIAN FEDERATION 0 0 14 145,498 SINGAPORE 307 1,017,888 4,613 18,197,545

SPAIN 0 0 2 59,700 SWITZERLAND 21 195,063 786 4,563,487 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 103 421,222 3,443 18,440,272 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 16 2,606,195 UNITED STATES 54 496,377 1,649 13,633,635 Grand Total 1,547 11,298,900 26,695 145,467,727

38 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8423.81/NO - weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds. - - having a maximum weighing capacity not exceeding 30 kg December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) CAMBODIA 5 2,250 8 78,114 CANADA 0 0 3 4,873 CHINA 0 0 15 49,490 INDONESIA 0 0 1 14,292 JAPAN 0 0 2 2,052,341 LAO REPUBLIC 0 0 24 193,345 MALAYSIA 0 0 7,146 2,631,961 MYANMAR 0 0 55 16,840 SINGAPORE 0 0 119 430,655 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 0 0 1 101,524

UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 20 2,600 Grand Total 5 2,250 7,394 5,576,035

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8423.81/NO - weighing machinery (excluding balances of a sensitivity of 5 cg or better), including weight operated counting or checking machines; weighing machine weights of all kinds. - - having a maximum weighing capacity not exceeding 30 kg December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) BANGLADESH 0 0 1 15,430 CAMBODIA 0 0 22 164,506 CHINA 0 0 35 13,418 GERMANY 0 0 3 15,883 LAO REPUBLIC 0 0 25 12,778 MALAYSIA 0 0 800 439,128 MYANMAR 0 0 20 4,400

39 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje PHILIPPINES 0 0 108 107,024 SWITZERLAND 12 285,473 12 285,473 VIETNAM 0 0 4 3,158 Grand Total 12 285,473 1,030 1,061,198

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8439.20/NO - machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard. - machinery for making paper or paperboard December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) FRANCE 0 0 1 6,415,508 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 1 2,012,664 PHILIPPINE 0 0 10 14,820,690 S TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 1 158,827 92 62,805,228 CHINA Grand Total 1 158,827 104 86,054,090

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8439.20/NO - machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard. - machinery for making paper or paperboard December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) CHINA 0 0 2 1,521,462 FRANCE 0 0 18,345 27,108,900 GERMANY 0 0 1 2,745,865 JAPAN 0 0 507 77,163,917 MALAYSIA 0 0 1 558,019 Grand Total 0 0 18,856 109,098,163

No se encontraron datos sobre exportaciones de este tipo de maquinaria

40 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8439.30/NO - machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard. - machinery for finishing paper or paperboard December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) GERMANY 0 0 18,851 16,737,886 HONG 0 0 2 4,508,154 KONG INDIA 0 0 1 67,741 JAPAN 0 0 2 1,437 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 2 462,418 2 462,418 SWITZERLAND 0 0 1 7,144,128 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 2 417,738 8 32,703,018 CHINA UNITED STATES 0 0 875 614,122 Grand Total 4 880,156 19,742 62,238,904

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8439.30/NO - machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard. - machinery for finishing paper or paperboard December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) CANADA 0 0 1 6,325,455 JAPAN 0 0 2 17,225 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 1 4,916,671 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 33 85,640,319 CHINA Grand Total 0 0 37 96,899,670

41 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8439.30/NO - machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard. - machinery for finishing paper or paperboard December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 2 17,462 SINGAPORE 0 0 1 260,013

Grand Total 0 0 3 277,475

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8439.30/NO - machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard. - machinery for finishing paper or paperboard December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) CHINA 0 0 8 35,343 LAO REPUBLIC 0 0 2 9,600 PAKISTAN 0 0 470 1,037,926 SPAIN 0 0 2 2,165,727 Grand Total 0 0 482 3,248,596

42 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8439.91/KG - machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard. - - of machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRIA 0 0 2,695 1,012,458 BELGIUM 0 0 480 207,205 FINLAND 0 0 1,065 4,775,181 FRANCE 108 277,455 108 277,455 GERMANY 0 0 4,890 2,197,940 INDIA 0 0 3,788 1,960,533 JAPAN 15,200 1,733,739 288,629 55,219,532 NIGER 0 0 544 341,154 SPAIN 0 0 4,040 2,302,872 SWEDEN 0 0 448 817,824 SWITZERLAND 0 0 64 462,045 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 33,320 7,879,563 55,318 17,878,830 CHINA UNITED STATES 173 320,331 15,609 5,622,786 Grand Total 48,801 10,211,088 377,678 93,075,815

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8439.91/KG - machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard. - - of machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRIA 0 0 7,800 2,007,048 BRAZIL 0 0 150 331,859 FINLAND 0 0 209 1,388,433 FRANCE 0 0 96 361,500 GERMANY 0 0 7,697 5,591,279 INDIA 0 0 4,781 2,010,657 JAPAN 9,683 2,187,209 94,378 17,997,412 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 4,376 2,421,817 MALAYSIA 0 0 1,500 1,388,761

43 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

NORWAY 0 0 170 255,221 SINGAPORE 0 0 310 574,053

SPAIN 0 0 4,040 117,748 SWEDEN 4,400 1,503,903 4,661 1,931,781 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 3,026 2,112,218 106,503 23,345,487 CHINA UNITED STATES 1,114 737,259 12,344 8,944,151 Grand Total 18,223 6,540,589 249,015 68,667,207

No hay datos disponibles del año 2000 en cuanto a exportaciones

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8439.91/KG - machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard. - - of machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) SPAIN 0 0 4 2,573,058 SWEDEN 0 0 132 80,956 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 4,400 194,930 CHINA Grand Total 0 0 4,536 2,848,944

44 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8439.99/KG - machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard. - - other December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 3,200 234,655 18,315 6,877,973

AUSTRIA 23 26,549 6,890 3,019,547 BELGIUM 2,800 2,092,440 8,059 5,885,973 CANADA 40 113,510 11,943 26,924,015 CHINA 0 0 81,946 23,253,430 FINLAND 30,026 14,998,576 507,933 158,178,934 FRANCE 0 0 1,158 2,041,562 GERMANY 1,377 2,607,295 66,033 40,416,733 HONG 0 0 12,000 2,328,929 KONG INDIA 0 0 6,046 2,696,007 INDONESIA 0 0 187,342 39,736,976

ITALY 2,290 1,930,265 4,909 4,004,812 JAPAN 25,333 9,954,149 138,568 70,357,317 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 1,478 1,844,212 43,094 41,809,619 MALAYSIA 0 0 23,890 3,754,684 NETHERLANDS 1,118 1,396,200 1,118 1,396,200 PHILIPPINE 0 0 36 120,888 S SOUTH AFRICA 0 0 507 320,113 SPAIN 0 0 213 265,869 SWEDEN 4,422 13,198,834 21,633 22,461,139 SWITZERLAND 0 0 1,877 6,770,266 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 29,410 8,970,384 177,153 48,139,695 CHINA THAILAND 0 0 11,565 1,328,010 UNITED KINGDOM 144 210,608 28,954 14,484,865 UNITED STATES 190 388,370 26,557 20,837,755 VIETNAM 36,790 33,492,366 73,580 34,150,460 Grand Total 138,641 91,458,413 1,461,319 581,561,771

45 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8439.99/KG - machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard. - - other December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AMERICAN SAMOA 0 0 35 269,319 AUSTRALIA 0 0 120,565 7,268,177

AUSTRIA 100 90,060 25,510 10,672,105 BELGIUM 0 0 23,400 18,794,388 CANADA 4 93,870 501 1,021,501 CHINA 0 0 295,075 41,665,601 FINLAND 10,347 12,166,848 293,042 105,101,893 FRANCE 878 290,456 1,471,414 535,285,857 GERMANY 37,891 23,919,210 156,576 80,016,584 INDIA 1,520 506,919 11,213 3,914,446 INDONESIA 0 0 8,500 682,473

ITALY 0 0 12,778 10,135,794 JAPAN 6,636 4,834,751 125,136 51,181,488 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 79,638 72,049,512 248,697 219,482,143 MALAYSIA 5,500 1,827,665 24,300 8,819,235 NETHERLANDS 0 0 425 341,001 NORWAY 0 0 338 782,857 PHILIPPINE 80 31,522 80 31,522 S RUSSIAN FEDERATION 0 0 67,674 16,825,345 SPAIN 213 43,062 23,918 16,187,631 SWEDEN 610 265,477 126,781 33,566,988 SWITZERLAND 0 0 1,594 6,489,259 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 4,470 688,159 401,001 86,205,108 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 457 186,569 66,114 19,872,172 UNITED STATES 3,015 4,773,823 28,953 32,489,240 VIETNAM 3,500 6,678,720 96,022 55,625,718 Grand Total 154,859 128,446,623 3,629,642 1,362,727,845

46 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8439.99/KG - machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard. - - other December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 4,000 616,390 45,003 18,067,554

CHINA 46,000 2,938,526 199,940 15,517,804 FINLAND 0 0 1,483 594,297 GERMANY 18,000 7,591,298 21,416 8,198,825 HONG 10,000 899,101 12,500 1,131,186 KONG INDIA 0 0 287,693 25,507,527 INDONESIA 0 0 34,800 7,790,760

JAPAN 0 0 320 313,188 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 26,394 4,876,276 MALAYSIA 2,000 804,805 60,308 7,394,429 NEW ZEALAND 0 0 20 26,479 Other 0 0 2,060 2,808,000 PHILIPPINE 0 0 6,000 505,156 S SINGAPORE 7,500 18,502,189 19,552 20,561,989

TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 39,955 2,546,181 CHINA UNITED STATES 0 0 47 43,696 VIETNAM 8,065 1,190,760 129,365 3,808,392 Grand Total 95,565 32,543,069 886,856 119,691,739

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8439.99/KG - machinery for making pulp of fibrous cellulosic material or for making or finishing paper or paperboard. - - other December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 48,573 14,567,273

BANGLADE 0 0 185 22,801 SH CHINA 0 0 209,050 11,071,406 FRANCE 0 0 2,500 547,228

47 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje GERMANY 0 0 12,800 4,902,840 HONG 0 0 4,000 273,109 KONG INDIA 0 0 84,520 9,419,259 INDONESIA 0 0 179,732 12,426,552

ITALY 0 0 2,290 1,909,855 JAPAN 12,200 1,305,672 35,700 8,260,061 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 40,000 3,908,707 197,042 15,412,264 MALAYSIA 0 0 540 592,689 PHILIPPINE 0 0 10,000 403,112 S SINGAPORE 0 0 32,180 2,080,760

SWEDEN 0 0 4,000 2,141,800 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 54,756 4,317,146 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 1,690 214,491 89,550 44,924,572 VIETNAM 0 0 148,400 6,016,987 Grand Total 53,890 5,428,870 1,115,818 139,289,714

48 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.10/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - cutting machines December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) BELGIUM 0 0 4 55,238 CANADA 0 0 50 40,442 CHINA 33 7,186,945 10,875 39,830,468 DENMARK 0 0 6 74,225 FRANCE 0 0 32 4,359,361 GEORGIA 0 0 1 3,536,474 GERMANY 1,355 11,927,476 4,667 51,623,953 HONG 0 0 2 342,787 KONG INDONESIA 0 0 30 56,321

ITALY 1 2,096,969 16,174 23,233,846 JAPAN 168 13,916,676 45,662 193,390,046 KOREA 0 0 1 173,758 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 1 4,823,821 11 14,191,928 MALAYSIA 0 0 42 1,619,213 NETHERLANDS 0 0 44 3,334,486 NORWAY 0 0 550 1,332,705 SINGAPORE 0 0 4 2,141,906

SPAIN 0 0 3 2,986,844 SWEDEN 0 0 4,502 4,508,339 SWITZERLAND 0 0 2 7,396 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 7 9,673,652 12,186 66,354,462 CHINA THAILAND 0 0 1 417,989 UNITED KINGDOM 80 306,790 6,002 29,733,018 UNITED STATES 50 158,032 37,426 16,014,884 Grand Total 1,695 50,090,361 138,277 459,360,089

49 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.10/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - cutting machines December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 2 857,817

BELGIUM 0 0 1 110,952 CANADA 0 0 5 5,201,428 CHINA 4 778,292 13,222 27,970,048 CZECH REPUBLIC 0 0 1 1,164,308 DENMARK 0 0 1 533,823 GERMANY 11 12,139,200 6,106 144,785,529 HONG 956 598,713 957 927,351 KONG IRELAND 0 0 1 163,295 ITALY 0 0 8 5,778,770 JAPAN 133 11,342,784 26,700 127,385,662 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 1 164,741 160 10,896,399 LUXEMBOURG 0 0 1 1,061,768 MALAYSIA 1 97,974 4 306,922 MEXICO 0 0 1 73,632 NORWAY 0 0 1 3,195,967 PHILIPPINE 0 0 1 78,833 S SINGAPORE 0 0 5 1,599,436

SOUTH AFRICA 0 0 1 580,597 SPAIN 0 0 4 8,326,893 SWAZILAND 0 0 1 2,074,293

SWEDEN 0 0 2 532,961 SWITZERLAND 1 1,010,651 4 7,087,088 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 994 6,008,859 5,473 62,497,359 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 297 7,094,328 UNITED STATES 1 13,041 185 16,170,329 Grand Total 2,102 32,154,255 53,144 436,455,788

50 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.10/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - cutting machines December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 3 34,707 CAMBODIA 0 0 1 7,725 GERMANY 0 0 1 376,700 HONG KONG 0 0 1 21,641 INDIA 0 0 3 248,306 JAPAN 2 31,963 3 11,995,333 LAO REPUBLIC 15 32,205 38 386,425 MALAYSIA 7 3,069,621 9 3,642,174 MYANMAR 0 0 6 1,119,602 PHILIPPINES 0 0 1 30,457 SAUDI ARABIA 0 0 3 3,251 SINGAPORE 0 0 66 446,181 SUDAN 4 70,843 4 70,843 SWEDEN 0 0 1 15,577 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 15 697,527 9,741 1,057,976 CHINA UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 0 0 2,672 1,199,779

Grand Total 43 3,902,159 12,553 20,656,677

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.10/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - cutting machines December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 14 2,499 BANGLADESH 0 0 2 416,413 CAMBODIA 0 0 2 197,991 CHINA 0 0 1 303,500 GERMANY 0 0 60 492,427 HONG KONG 0 0 10 7,554,737

51 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje INDIA 0 0 39 567,984 INDONESIA 0 0 1 20,596 JAPAN 0 0 6 1,100,587 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 9 140,225 LAO REPUBLIC 2 60,000 16 238,361 MADAGASCAR 0 0 98 15,503 MALAYSIA 3 68,217 19 8,092,715 MYANMAR 3,200 86,636 3,445 249,063 NEPAL 0 0 1 5,107 Other 0 0 1 218,814 PHILIPPINES 0 0 3 363,683 SINGAPORE 1 39,199 2 106,289 SRI LANKA 0 0 2 350,377 SWITZERLAND 1 685,489 1 685,489 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 4,254 179,140 CHINA UNITED STATES 0 0 301 1,500,957 VIETNAM 15,001 6,012,423 19,105 8,091,643 Grand Total 18,208 6,951,964 27,392 30,894,100

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.20/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - machines for making bags, sacks or envelopes December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) FRANCE 0 0 5 2,173,397 GERMANY 7 3,466,548 11 17,879,874 JAPAN 3 525,374 53 6,527,166 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 951 1,892,111 UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 2 5,006,784 Grand Total 10 3,991,922 1,022 33,479,332

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.20/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - machines for making bags, sacks or envelopes December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) FRANCE 0 0 1 1,915,264 GERMANY 0 0 6 12,993,375

52 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje JAPAN 1 17,809 3 11,465,653 MALAYSIA 0 0 2 618,642 NETHERLANDS 0 0 2 1,257,551 UNITED STATES 0 0 4 25,281,688 Grand Total 1 17,809 18 53,532,173

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.20/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - machines for making bags, sacks or envelopes December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) FRANCE 0 0 1,890 673,668 PHILIPPINES 0 0 1 542,834 Grand Total 0 0 1,891 1,216,502

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.20/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - machines for making bags, sacks or envelopes December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) BELGIUM 0 0 1 194,563 GERMANY 24 9,303 24 9,303 GHANA 0 0 2 762,600 HONG KONG 0 0 1 1,226,164 KENYA 0 0 1 428 MALAYSIA 0 0 4 1,071,948 Grand Total 24 9,303 33 3,265,006

53 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.30/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - machines for making cartons, boxes, cases, tubes, drums or similar containers, other than by moulding December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 1 73,826

BELGIUM 0 0 1 1,834,750 CHINA 0 0 3,708 11,993,463 FRANCE 0 0 1 35,608 GERMANY 0 0 43 15,283,274 INDONESIA 0 0 1 1,929,680

ITALY 0 0 10,001 1,781,111 JAPAN 0 0 211,232 200,186,348 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 2 3,916,676 MALAYSIA 0 0 2 181,214 NORWAY 0 0 1 3,000,131 SPAIN 0 0 1 777,448 SWEDEN 0 0 10 105,548 SWITZERLAND 1 13,435,123 2 25,090,741 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 1 945,188 15,177 32,873,941 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 1 5,913,140 UNITED STATES 0 0 6 22,152 Grand Total 2 14,380,311 240,190 304,999,051

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.30/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - machines for making cartons, boxes, cases, tubes, drums or similar containers, other than by moulding December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) CHINA 0 0 2 443,082

54 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje FRANCE 0 0 136,475 91,857,535 GERMANY 0 0 2 15,168,856 JAPAN 1 705,444 190 62,292,700 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 7 10,600,949 MALAYSIA 0 0 2 196,602 NETHERLANDS 1 2,677,385 1 2,677,385 PHILIPPINE 2 2,438,387 2 2,438,387 S SINGAPORE 0 0 2 10,009

SWEDEN 0 0 12 154,870 SWITZERLAND 0 0 27,220 16,403,850 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 1 51,203 41 22,762,184 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 2 8,057,494 UNITED STATES 0 0 2 5,339,907 VIETNAM 0 0 1 462,897 Grand Total 5 5,872,419 163,961 238,866,707

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.30/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - machines for making cartons, boxes, cases, tubes, drums or similar containers, other than by moulding December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) HONG KONG 0 0 2 67,777 NEW ZEALAND 0 0 1 9,460,396 SINGAPORE 0 0 5,502 5,345,963

TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 10 50,405 CHINA Grand Total 0 0 5,515 14,924,541

55 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.30/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - machines for making cartons, boxes, cases, tubes, drums or similar containers, other than by moulding December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) CHINA 0 0 1 421,071 INDONESIA 0 0 3,000 3,893,880

SINGAPORE 0 0 3 1,681,479

VIETNAM 3,000 874,349 8,000 2,108,742 Grand Total 3,000 874,349 11,004 8,105,172

56 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.40/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - machines for moulding articles in paper pulp, paper or paperboard December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) CHINA 1 226,408 2 1,013,713 FINLAND 0 0 1 401,732 FRANCE 0 0 1 4,929,523 GERMANY 1 212,454 2 9,189,497 JAPAN 3 6,511,585 1,954 8,648,848 SWEDEN 0 0 3,002 8,466,727 SWITZERLAND 0 0 3 27,948,521 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 10 28,915,720 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 1 97,171 UNITED STATES 1 24,223 1 24,223 Grand Total 6 6,974,670 4,977 89,635,675

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.40/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - machines for moulding articles in paper pulp, paper or paperboard December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) GERMANY 0 0 1 184,603 HONG 1 234,168 1 234,168 KONG ITALY 25 212,434 28 436,332 JAPAN 0 0 5 7,230,869 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 23 1,460,124 MALAYSIA 0 0 1 5,409,606 SINGAPORE 0 0 4 60,209

SWITZERLAND 0 0 1 5,407,794

57 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 502 1,015,050 506 6,549,139 CHINA UNITED STATES 0 0 30 542,773 Grand Total 528 1,461,652 600 27,515,617

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.40/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - machines for moulding articles in paper pulp, paper or paperboard December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) CAMBODIA 0 0 2 70,000 SAUDI ARABIA 0 0 1 324 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 1 92,772 CHINA Grand Total 0 0 4 163,096

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.40/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - machines for moulding articles in paper pulp, paper or paperboard December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) EGYPT 0 0 1 63,450 INDIA 0 0 6 287,295 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 3 10,337,595 CHINA UNITED STATES 0 0 1 388,225 Grand Total 0 0 11 11,076,565

58 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.80/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - other machinery December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 1 2,002,176

BELGIUM 0 0 1 584,538 CANADA 0 0 2 5,363,037 CHINA 2 2,748,334 20 11,843,867 DENMARK 1 1,638,621 1 1,638,621 FRANCE 0 0 4 2,623,640 GERMANY 7 1,793,171 66 54,901,521 INDONESIA 0 0 1 10,926

ITALY 0 0 1 1,679,527 JAPAN 13 10,769,831 1,997 45,063,143 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 3 2,730,317 60 6,909,032 MALAYSIA 0 0 2 16,129 NEW ZEALAND 0 0 5 1,500 POLAND 0 0 1 17,140,439 SINGAPORE 0 0 84 21,963

SWEDEN 0 0 1 1,844,801 SWITZERLAND 0 0 4 33,769,682 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 3 310,788 182,723 89,702,984 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 1 1,765,598 14 21,797,615 UNITED STATES 0 0 91,381 86,715,760 Grand Total 30 21,756,660 276,369 383,630,901

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.80/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - other machinery December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) BELGIUM 0 0 1 588,269 CANADA 0 0 3 3,766,550 CHINA 1 667,872 13 7,481,936 FRANCE 0 0 6 20,167,107

59 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje GERMANY 1 82,275 2,753 34,420,307 HONG 0 0 1 393,925 KONG ITALY 0 0 10 136,290,197 JAPAN 2 2,671,578 1,280 149,511,047 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 19 6,011,871 MALAYSIA 1 270,968 6 478,159 SINGAPORE 0 0 8 1,502,564

SPAIN 1 5,209,401 1 5,209,401 SWITZERLAND 0 0 30 43,367 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 5 1,912,422 872 160,899,478 CHINA THAILAND 0 0 1 90,127 UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 20 7,988,041 UNITED STATES 0 0 22 5,841,473 Grand Total 11 10,814,516 5,046 540,683,819

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.80/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - other machinery December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) BANGLADESH 0 0 3 1,914,030 CAMBODIA 0 0 1 18,000 FRANCE 0 0 1 3,206,884 HONG 0 0 1 339,030 KONG INDIA 0 0 5 705,668 JAPAN 0 0 2 7,372 LAO REPUBLIC 0 0 21 850,000 MALAYSIA 0 0 1 198,987 MYANMAR 0 0 1 90,554 NAMIBIA 0 0 4 7,560 SINGAPORE 0 0 1 55,865

Grand Total 0 0 41 7,393,950

60 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.80/NO - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - other machinery December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 3,002 1,016,834

BANGLADE 0 0 3 29,728 SH GERMANY 0 0 4 8,819 HONG 2 44,225 25 6,575,450 KONG HUNGARY 230,000 101,717 368,000 162,496 INDIA 0 0 2 784,503 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 1 1,415,181 LAO REPUBLIC 0 0 16 311,762 MALAYSIA 0 0 417 12,144,010 MYANMAR 0 0 2 145,563 PHILIPPINE 0 0 1 30,758 S PORTUGAL 1 294,622 1 294,622

SINGAPORE 0 0 2 258,804

SRI LANKA 0 0 3 288,331 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 1 100,000 19 100,004 CHINA UNITED STATES 0 0 7 659,771 Grand Total 230,004 540,564 371,505 24,226,636

61 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.90/KG - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - parts December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRIA 0 0 210 516,588 BELGIUM 0 0 253 481,063 CHINA 0 0 2,530 236,096 DOMINICA 0 0 30 419,359 FINLAND 0 0 303 1,712,349 FRANCE 0 0 85 236,559 GEORGIA 0 0 855 178,765 GERMANY 3,677 1,400,161 15,942 7,779,903 HONG KONG 0 0 55 9,498 INDIA 0 0 2,160 997,771 ITALY 0 0 31,436 23,223,838 JAPAN 212 1,069,081 81,194 21,202,984 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 181 106,570 MALAYSIA 904 76,603 2,627 220,516 NETHERLANDS 0 0 4 24,394 SINGAPORE 0 0 8,049 7,152,632 SPAIN 0 0 9,233 3,854,816 SWEDEN 0 0 112 258,054 SWITZERLAND 112 590,900 1,255 3,595,886 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 13,850 1,244,312 70,650 16,136,367 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 5 124,853 4,748 1,902,065 UNITED STATES 1,914 1,342,236 14,870 9,647,395 Grand Total 20,674 5,848,146 246,782 99,893,468

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.90/KG - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - parts December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 32 314,678 BELGIUM 0 0 1,116 132,095 CHINA 19 5,211 3,009 1,026,870 DENMARK 0 0 2 54,125

62 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

FRANCE 0 0 159 1,644,702 GERMANY 60 216,672 14,624 13,267,027 HONG KONG 0 0 71 141,993 INDIA 0 0 2,034 657,232 ITALY 4,590 1,259,348 37,164 23,877,200 JAPAN 83 792,722 90,039 78,674,147 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 922 1,237,789 2,127 3,297,832 MALAYSIA 0 0 5,879 583,684 NETHERLANDS 0 0 243 184,388 SINGAPORE 128 126,186 681 1,605,550 SPAIN 0 0 3,454 1,163,930 SWAZILAND 0 0 33 45,416 SWITZERLAND 50 367,679 2,244 2,524,414 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 17,190 3,274,174 157,528 30,444,355 CHINA THAILAND 0 0 2,000 13,505 UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 5,344 1,924,734 UNITED STATES 30 42,015 7,690 7,028,945 Grand Total 23,072 7,321,796 335,473 168,606,822

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.90/KG - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - parts December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 25 641,505 BANGLADESH 0 0 100 4,589

CHINA 0 0 37 11,636 FINLAND 0 0 33 229,292 GERMANY 0 0 34 1,136 INDONESIA 0 0 6 14,219 JAPAN 0 0 3,597 1,046,868 MALAYSIA 0 0 405 261,201 PHILIPPINES 0 0 802 226,718 SINGAPORE 0 0 127 655,717 SPAIN 0 0 8,125 3,347,768 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 698 99,219 CHINA UNITED STATES 0 0 55 86,999 Grand Total 0 0 14,044 6,626,867

63 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8441.90/KG - other machinery for making up paper pulp, paper or paperboard, including cutting machines of all kinds. - parts December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 1,660 163,555 BANGLADESH 0 0 140 2,573

CHINA 0 0 15 70,003 GERMANY 0 0 13,360 743,851 HONG KONG 0 0 102 224,016 JAPAN 0 0 3,123 887,645 MALAYSIA 0 0 8,065 4,392,074 NORWAY 0 0 30 60,000 PHILIPPINES 0 0 40 143,973 SINGAPORE 97 45,109 156 68,651 SPAIN 0 0 2,425 159,083 SRI LANKA 0 0 690 67,090 SWITZERLAND 0 0 0 12,000 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 4,242 374,200 26,804 2,949,463 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 514 44,544 UNITED STATES 0 0 85 479,974 Grand Total 4,339 419,309 57,209 10,468,495

64 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8443.11/NO - printing machinery, including ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading no.84.71; machines for uses ancillary to printing. - - reel fed December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRIA 0 0 5 622,372 FRANCE 0 0 76,001 68,757,600 GERMANY 1 1,073,917 31 248,738,900 JAPAN 0 0 64 3,766,382 NETHERLANDS 0 0 1 3,037,265 NEW ZEALAND 0 0 1 9,975,972 SINGAPORE 0 0 10 95,010

SWEDEN 0 0 7,007 3,638,054 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 2 103,786 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 2 14,644,371 6 42,271,343 UNITED STATES 0 0 7 8,592,104 Grand Total 3 15,718,288 83,135 389,598,788

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8443.11/NO - printing machinery, including ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading no.84.71; machines for uses ancillary to printing. - - reel fed December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 3 4,333

CHINA 0 0 1 11,578,373 GERMANY 2 3,670,361 42,202 570,568,017 ITALY 0 0 1 184,232 JAPAN 0 0 26,256 29,100,464 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 17,850 7,066,528 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 7 6,315,958 CHINA

65 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 1 3,058,615 UNITED STATES 0 0 108 1,098,917 Grand Total 2 3,670,361 86,429 628,975,437

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8443.11/NO - printing machinery, including ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading no.84.71; machines for uses ancillary to printing. - - reel fed December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) FRANCE 0 0 3,350 2,906,686 LAO REPUBLIC 1 46,051 1 46,051 OMAN 0 0 880 1,514,504 UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 880 1,587,373 UNITED STATES 0 0 5,500 4,231,743 Grand Total 1 46,051 10,611 10,286,357

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8443.11/NO - printing machinery, including ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading no.84.71; machines for uses ancillary to printing. - - reel fed December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) CAMBODIA 0 0 1 485,000 FRANCE 0 0 2,300 4,089,447 OMAN 0 0 880 1,894,393 SOUTH AFRICA 0 0 5,500 4,646,316 UNITED STATES 0 0 3,300 4,369,871 VIETNAM 0 0 12,286 27,172,000 Grand Total 0 0 24,267 42,657,027

66 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8443.40/NO - printing machinery, including ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading no.84.71; machines for uses ancillary to printing. - gravure printing machinery December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) CHINA 0 0 1 379,304 JAPAN 0 0 8 29,602,861 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 1 67,340,078 MALAYSIA 0 0 80 33,593 SINGAPORE 10 63,266 167 2,258,220

SWITZERLAND 0 0 32 23,708 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 889 52,560,439 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 4 854,956 UNITED STATES 2 329,661 4 641,346 Grand Total 12 392,927 1,186 153,694,505

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8443.40/NO - printing machinery, including ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading no.84.71; machines for uses ancillary to printing. - gravure printing machinery December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) CHINA 1 4,452 1,152 4,220,863 GERMANY 0 0 7 5,922,849 INDIA 0 0 700 126,068 ITALY 5 414,264 60,191 120,465,776 JAPAN 1 71,110,844 432 87,919,713 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 2 72,319,600 SINGAPORE 0 0 65 68,509

SPAIN 1 788 1 788 SWITZERLAND 0 0 2 596,364

67 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 1 349,519 8 20,144,413 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 0 0 401 679,788 UNITED STATES 0 0 9 8,724,758 Grand Total 9 71,879,867 62,970 321,189,489

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8443.40/NO - printing machinery, including ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading no.84.71; machines for uses ancillary to printing. - gravure printing machinery December January - December 2000 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) BANGLADESH 0 0 3 964,478 MALAYSIA 0 0 342 705,323 MYANMAR 0 0 3 482,338 NIGERIA 0 0 1 354,912 PAKISTAN 10 471,041 22 899,146 SINGAPORE 3 418,718 3 418,718

UNITED ARAB EMIRATES 0 0 4,001 1,722,944

ZAMBIA 0 0 5 160,059 Grand Total 13 889,759 4,380 5,707,918

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8443.40/NO - printing machinery, including ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading no.84.71; machines for uses ancillary to printing. - gravure printing machinery December January - December 2001 2001 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) BANGLADESH 0 0 2 3,223,886 CAMBODIA 0 0 140 100,000 FRANCE 0 0 116,000 10,803,683 INDIA 0 0 1 238,315 MALAYSIA 0 0 17 890,458 PAKISTAN 0 0 8 352,633 Grand Total 0 0 116,168 15,608,975

68 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8443.59/NO - printing machinery, including ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading no.84.71; machines for uses ancillary to printing. - - other December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA 0 0 1 2,700,000

AUSTRALIA 0 0 15 561,649 AUSTRIA 1 547,939 3 559,559 BELGIUM 0 0 2 3,244,348 CANADA 0 0 2 78,441 CHINA 13 1,498,167 52 7,737,671 DENMARK 0 0 5 1,070,436 FRANCE 0 0 14 3,116,254 GERMANY 7 16,971,626 82 128,624,366 HEARD ISLAND AND 0 0 2 15,873 MCDONALD ISLANDS HONG KONG 6 951,973 195 20,808,437 INDIA 0 0 3 3,087,797 IRELAND 0 0 1 428,092 ISRAEL 0 0 1 11,032,615 ITALY 10 2,469,628 78 102,173,337 JAPAN 94 6,371,333 687 292,745,965 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 11 23,636,276 MALAYSIA 2 1,300,226 11 5,352,395 NETHERLANDS 0 0 71 12,376,835 PHILIPPINES 0 0 1 128,276 POLAND 0 0 1 116,810 SINGAPORE 2 293,743 39 15,510,867 SPAIN 0 0 6 295,610 SWAZILAND 0 0 1 1,454,724

69 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

SWEDEN 8 466,767 14 733,670 SWITZERLAND 2 1,319,425 15 11,293,472 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 12 11,223,388 3,335 131,191,191 CHINA THAILAND 1 27,303 1 27,303 UNITED KINGDOM 6 1,265,184 85 38,458,116 UNITED STATES 32 8,903,304 562 155,948,185 Grand Total 196 53,610,006 5,296 974,508,570

Statistics Source Import Statistics Harmonized Code 8443.59/NO - printing machinery, including ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading no.84.71; machines for uses ancillary to printing. - - other December 2001 January - December 2001 Country Quantity CIF Value Quantity CIF Value (Baht) (Baht) AUSTRALIA 0 0 4 605,671 AUSTRIA 0 0 5 1,671,601 BELGIUM 0 0 1 7,107 CANADA 0 0 4 200,780 CHINA 0 0 64 14,031,334 DENMARK 0 0 5 191,691 ECUADOR 0 0 1 1,897,864 FRANCE 0 0 6 18,783,782 GERMANY 10 18,102,876 142 167,493,550 HONG KONG 6 1,403,003 288 48,819,639

INDIA 0 0 6 3,851 IRAN 0 0 1 8,373,292 ITALY 6 2,997,579 91 43,025,703 JAPAN 64 10,072,190 4,472 301,780,170 KENYA 0 0 6 22,275 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 2 855,747 23 8,959,353 MALAYSIA 0 0 25 7,465,223 NETHERLANDS 7 383,188 7,108 37,961,971 NETHERLANDS 0 0 40 403,986 ANTILLES NIGERIA 0 0 1 13,656 PHILIPPINES 0 0 2 116,694 SINGAPORE 1 99,773 97 18,049,929 SPAIN 0 0 8 11,129,996 SWEDEN 1 1,123,424 29 2,633,798

70 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje SWITZERLAND 0 0 71 48,416,288 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 68 44,206,091 423 287,392,447 CHINA THAILAND 0 0 2,215 6,503,094 UNITED KINGDOM 3 3,258,589 1,175 40,444,504 UNITED STATES 241 9,534,220 714 107,207,093 Grand Total 409 92,036,680 17,027 1,183,606,342

Statistics Source Export Statistics Harmonized Code 8443.59/NO - printing machinery, including ink-jet printing machines, other than those of heading no.84.71; machines for uses ancillary to printing. - - other December 2000 January - December 2000 Country Quantity FOB Value Quantity FOB Value (Baht) (Baht) BANGLADESH 0 0 1 1,045,260 CAMBODIA 0 0 2 293,163 EGYPT 0 0 1 682,233 FRANCE 3,171 891,743 8,051 2,225,941 GERMANY 2,576 9,991,248 13,160 49,104,246 HONG KONG 2,520 1,732,764 2,521 1,875,903

INDIA 0 0 3 1,180,636 INDONESIA 0 0 3 669,316 ITALY 0 0 4 311,576 JAPAN 6,187 13,399,237 82,907 175,844,427 KOREA,REPUBLIC OF 0 0 137 797,535 LAO REPUBLIC 3 48,075 188 1,633,202 MALAYSIA 9,413 28,219,346 52,521 166,133,073 MALDIVES 0 0 9 47,000 MYANMAR 0 0 3 1,045,000 NEW ZEALAND 0 0 12 174,912 PHILIPPINES 25 106,867 182 1,628,581

SINGAPORE 0 0 54 13,707,643

71 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

SWITZERLAND 0 0 2 510,260 TAIWAN PROVINCE OF 0 0 5 18,394 CHINA UNITED KINGDOM 6,312 107,818,901 8,119 115,861,025 UNITED STATES 19,244 10,821,408 32,891 23,469,400 VIETNAM 0 0 14 83,849 Grand Total 49,451 173,029,589 200,790 558,342,575

72 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje




En primer lugar, se han incorporado los listados de importadores suministrados por el Department of Business Economics del Ministerio de Comercio en función de las partidas arancelarias de interés para la industria española del sector de la maquinaria para la industria alimentaria. Estos listados se corresponden con las empresas que a lo largo del año 2001 importaron productos relacionados con dichas partidas arancelarias, si bien hay que tener en cuenta que el máximo nivel de desarrollo facilitado por los organismos tailandeses es el relativo a seis cifras. Todos aquellos datos no facilitados se deben al hecho de que el organismo anteriormente citado facilita los listados en tailandés y muy incompletos. En ningún caso se facilitaron datos relativos a fax o códigos postales, básicos para poder intentar un contacto comercial. No obstante, con ayuda del personal tailandés de la Oficina Comercial se ha intentado perfeccionar al máximo estos listados, completos en cerca del 80%. Como se podrá observar, estos listados incluyen tanto empresas dedicadas a la importación como usuarios finales que por su volumen de negocio suelen realizar las importaciones directamente.

En segundo lugar se pueden encontrar listados provenientes de las bases de datos de la Oficina Comercial y otros obtenidos durante la realización de este estudio que se han considerado de interés para la industria, como puede ser un listado de fabricantes de conservas de frutas por ejemplo.

En definitiva, muchas empresas aparecerán repetidas a lo largo de estos listados debido a que su actividad puede abarcar distintos tipos de maquinaria o productos, pero en todo caso se ha intentado facilitar el máximo de información para incrementar las posibilidades de éxito en la búsqueda de clientes en el mercado tailandés.

73 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Harmonised Code: 8422.20 Machinery for Cleaning or Drying Bottle or Other Containers

No. Company Name Address Tel. Fax. 1. Beer Thai (1991) 290 Surawong Rd., Siphaya, (662) 235 1350 (662) 237 7738 Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 2. Hoya Optics (Thailand) Northern Region Industrial Estate (66-53) 581314, 60/31 Moo 4 Tambol 581317 Banklang, Amphur Muang, Lamphun, 51000 3. Nidec Electronics (Thailand) 118 Moo 5 Phaholyothin Rd., (66-35) 271 453 (66-35) 271 451 Lamsai, Wangnoi, Ayutthaya 13170 4. Seagate Technology (Thailand) 73 Moo 5, Bangna-Trad Rd. Km. (no disponible) (no disponible) Branch 1 (disponible sólo 36, Bangpakong, Chachoengsao (662) 383 5777 (662) 383 5736 dirección, datos adjuntos Central: 1627 Moo 3, Teparak Rd, también de la central) Samutprakarn 10270 5. Suree Pantai Oriental Foods 117/2 Moo 1, Tahchin, Muang, (66-34) 839 870 (66-34) 839 874 Samutsakorn 74000 6. Essilor Manufacturing (Thailand) 213 Ladkrabang Industrial Estate, (662) 3260440/3 (662) 3260444 Chalongkrung Rd., Lamplatiw, Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520 e-mail: [email protected] 7. Eke-Chai Distribution System 699 Modernform Tower, Suanluang, Bangkok 8. Fashion Food 105/4 Moo 6, Petkasem Rd., Klongmai, Samphran, Nakornpathom 9. Surgeon Aids 264/10 Sukhumvit 71 Rd., (662) 390 1801 (662) 381 0867 Prakanong Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 10. Thai NOK 185 Moo 17 Teparak Rd., (662) 315 1147 (662) 315 1233 Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 10540 11. Science Tech 321/43 Nanglinchee Rd., (662) 285 4101 (662) 285 4856 Chongnonsee, Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 12. Alucon Public 500 Moo 1, Sukhumvit Rd., Soi (662) 398 0147 (662) 398 3455 Sirikam, Samrong Nua, Muang, Samutprakarn 10270 13. Bangkok Produce Merchandising CP Tower, 18th Floor, 313 Silom (662) 638 2000 (662) 631 0987 Public Rd., Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 – 88 14. Peerapat Chemicals Industry 102 – 106 Asoke-Dindaeng Rd., (662) 246 2966 (662) 246 5866 Bangkapi, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10320 15. C P Interfood (Thailand) 29/8-10 Soi Sainamthip, Klongton, (662) 663 4571 (662) 663 4570 Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 16. Maxima Electronics 17. Fire and Rescue International 179/32 Somdejprapinklao Rd., (66 2) 886 7556 (66 2) 886 7585 Bangyeekan, Bangplad, Bangkok 18. Bioactive 36/56 River View Place Tower A, 2nd Floor, Rama III Rd., Chongnonsee, Yannawa, Bangkok

19. World Trade Engineering and 67/8 Moo 2, Lardprao, Bangkok

74 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Supply 20. Masiri Equipment 729/131 – 133 Rachadapisek Rd., (662) 285 4815 (662) 285 4836 Bangpongpang, Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 21. Global Tech 35/51 Moo 5 Soi Lardprao 124 (662) (662) 5390695 Ladprao Rd., Wangthonglang, 9340435/3 Bangkok 10310 22 Jebsen & Jessen Marketing 23/110 – 113 Sorachaisun Tower, (662) 714 3939 (662) 714 3900 25-28 Sukhumvit 63 Rd., Klongton Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 23 Pornthep Prasit

24 Recycle Concept 1078/7 Chan Rd., Tungwatdorn, (662) (662) 6732595, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 6732590/4 6732031 E-mail: [email protected] 25 Custom Food Machinery (Asia) 21/6 nMoo 2 Yaicha, Samphran, (66-34) 225 430 (66-34) 323 331 Nakornpathom 73110 26 K Performance 16/54 Moo 8 Rachadapisek Rd., Ladyao, Jatuchak, Bangkok 10900 230 Thosapol Land Building 2 12th (662) 27408404 (662) 2740886 Floor, Rajchadapisaek Rd. Huaykwang, Bangkok 10320 e-mail: [email protected] 27 K H T Central Supply 27/3 Soi Yenakard 2, Chongnonsee, (662) 2491026, (66 2) 2491105, Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 2491056 6711361 28 Somerville (Siam) 15 Moo 14 Bangplee Yai, Bangplee, (662) 316 0751 (662) 316 7554 Samutprakarn 10540 29 TMGI 320/11-13 Sampavut Rd., Bangna, Bangkok 30 Srichiengmai Industry 99/1 Moo 4 Mingmueng Rd., (66-42) 451 410 (66-42) 451 022 Panprao, Srichiangmai, Nongkhai 43130 31 Royal Garden Development 99 Berli Jucker Tower, 16th Floor, (662) 3815151 (662) 3815777/8 Soi Subia, Sukhumvit 42 Rd., Prakanong, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 32 Endo Stainless Steel (Thailand) 179 Moo 7, Huasamrong, Plangyao, (66-38) Co Ltd Chachoengsao 24190 575016/8 33 G-Tech Engineering CO Ltd 176/173 Moo 1 Prachautit Rd., (662) 9810631 (662) 9810633 Seekan, Don Muang, Bangkok 10210

75 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Harmonized Code: 8442.30 Machinery for Filling, Closing, Sealing, Capsuling or Labelling Bottles, Cans, Boxes, Bags or Other Containers

No Name Address Tel. Fax 1 SIF Combibloc 33 Moo 4, Pluakdaeng, Rayong 21140 (66-38) 954 (66-38) 954 100 103 2 Jiew Huad 500 Moo 13 Sansuk, Muang, Chonburi 3 Had Tip Public 87/1 Kanchanavanich Rd., Baanpru, Hadyai, Songkla 4 Nestle Foods (Thailand) 500 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, Patumwan, (662) 256 (662) 256 Bangkok 10330 9119 9927 5 Dairy Plus 228/10 – 11 Sirinthorn Rd., Bangplad, Bangkok Krungton Muang Kaew Complex 226 – (662) 249 (662) 249 228 Sirindhorn Rd., Bangplad, Bangkok 9363 7619 10700 6 Tetra Pak (Thai) 1042 Soi Sukhumvit 66/1, Bangchak, (662) 361 (662) 744 Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 2801 7209 7 Procter and Gamble 112 Moo 5, Bangsamak, Bangpakong, (66-38) 570 (66-38) 570 Manufacturing (Thailand) Chachoengsao 24180 830 807 8 Thai Asia Pacific Brewery 123 Rachadapisek Rd., Dindaeng, (662) 246 (662) 246 Bangkok 10320 9734 - 36 9737 9 Diamond Key International 140/37 ITF Tower, 17th Floor, Bangrak, (662) 231 (662) 231 (Thailand) Bangkok 10500 6095 6095 10 Thai Nam Thip 214 Moo 5, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd., (662) 955 (662) Thai Pure Drink Tungsonghong, Laksi, Bangkok 10210 0666 9550848 11 Thai Clinicpro 160 Moo 17 Bangna-Trad Rd., Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 12 Dole Thailand 127/11 Panjathani Tower, 10th Floor, (662) 681 (662) 681 Chongnonsee, Yannawa, Bangkok 0224 0221 10120 13 Pharmaceutical Organization - 3195/9 Viboonthani Tower, 4th Floor, (662) (662) Merrier Rama IV Rd., Klongton, Klongtoey, 6613366 6613373 Bangkok 10110 14 Thai Helia 163 Moo 17 Bangna-Trad Rd., Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 15 Johnson & Johnson (Thai) 106 Moo 4, Lardkrabang Industrial (662) 326 (662) 326 Estate, Chalongkrung Rd., Lamplatiw, 0193 0747 Lardkrabang, Bangkok 10520 16 Nestle Manufacturing (Thailand) 500 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, (662) 256 (662) 256 Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 9119 9117 17 Thai President Foods Public 278 Srinakarin Rd., Huamark, (662) 374 (662) 374 Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 4730 7743 18 Global Tech 35/51 Moo 5 Soi Lardprao 124 Ladprao (662) (662) Rd., Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10310 9340435/3 5390695 19 Bayer Polymer 4, I-8 Rd., Mabthapud Industrial Estate, (66-38) Muang, Rayong 21150 683228 20 Pharmaceutical Organization 75/1 Rama IV Road, (662) (662) Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400 2460042, 2479940 2038000

21 Lion Corporation (Thailand) 666 Rama III Rd., Bangpongpang, (662) 294 (662) 294 Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 0191 4365

76 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 22 Siam Pharmaceutical 123 Soi Chokechairuammitr, Vibhavadi- (662) (662) Rangsit Rd., Ladyao, Jatuchak, 2761540 2752223 Bangkok 10900 23 Thai Food Products Factory 42/1 Moo 2 Petkasem Rd., Omyai, Samphran, Nakoranpathom 24 Daily Foods 76 DF Tower, Rimklongsansab Rd., (662) 716 (662) 716 Bangkapi, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10310 8070 8088 25 Scott Industrial (Thailand) 52/8 Moo 8 Bangbuathong-Supanburi Rd., laharn, Bangbuathong, Nonthaburi 26 Strongpack Public 91 Moo 13 Kingkaew Rd., (662) 312 (662) 213 Klongrajatheva, Bangplee, 4122 4133 Samutprakarn 10540 27 Kraft Foods (Thailand) 93/1 Diethelm Tower B, 9th Floor, Room (662) (662) 903, Wireless Rd., Lumpini, 6515775/9, 6378599 Pathumwan, Bangkok 10500 6378588 28 Siam Lubricant Industry 488 Nakornsawan Rd., Siyakmahanak, (662) 280 (662) 280 Dusit, Bangkok 10300 0202 0690 29 HMT Polystyrene 183, 18th floor Regent House Tower, (662) 254 (662) Rajdamri Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan, 1701 – 4 2541706 Bangkok 10330 30 Unicord Public 404 Phasuk Tower, Phayathai Rd., (662) 216 (662) 216 Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 0200 - 29 1468 31 Quality Coffee Products 500 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, (662) 256 (662) 256 Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 9119 9927 32 Bangkok Glass Industry 170/87 Ocean Tower I, 32nd Floor, New (662) 261 (662) 261 Rachadapisek Rd., Klongtoey, Bangkok 2357 2390 10110 33 Fuji Ace Co Ltd 487/1 Sri Ayudhaya Rd., Phayathai, (662) (662) Rajthevee, Bangkok 10400 2460828 2460829 34 Colgate-Palmolive (Thailand) 19, Soi Yak Thanon Na Ranong, (662) 249 (662) 249 Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 0451 - 52 3869 35 Bayer Thai 130/1 North Sathorn Rd., Silom, (662) 233 (662) 236 Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 7000 7738 36 Dutch Mill Krungton Muang Kaew Complex 226 – (662) 249 (662) 249 228 Sirindhorn Rd., Bangplad, Bangkok 9363 7619 10700 37 N S Electronics Bangkok (1993) 40/10 Sukhumvit 105 Rd., Bangna, (662) 749 (662) 398 Bangkok 10260 1680 7157 38 Custom Foods Machinery (Asia) 21/6 nMoo 2 Yaicha, Samphran, (66-34) 225 (66-34) 323 Nakornpathom 73110 430 331 39 Ube Nylon (Thailand) Ltd 26/56 TPI Tower, Tunmahamek, (662) (662) Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 6785485 6785486 40 Kaochong Industry 44 Moo 15 Kingkaew Rd., Rajatheva, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 41 Sahachai Thai Pued Phon 58 Moo 5 Kingkaew Rd., Rajatheva, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 42 Comac (Thailand) 79/33 Moo 19 Teparak Rd., Bangplee (662) (662) Yai, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 3121964 3121946 43 Daiichi Packaging 97 Moo 5, Bangsamak, Bangpakong, Chachoengsao

44 Suree Panthai Oriental Foods 117/2 Moo 1, Tahchin, Muang, (66-34) 839 (66-34) 839 Samutsakorn 74000 870 874 45 Gear Pack (Thailand) 58/6 Soi Thai Chamber of Commerce University, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd.,

77 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Dindaeng, Bangkok 46 Uthai Produce 93 Yatha Rd., Taladnoi, (662) 236 (662) 236 Sampanthawong, Bangkok 10100 6614 6613 47 S & J International Enterprises 553/21 Soi Sangsuk, Sathupradit Rd., (662) 294 (662) 295 Public Chongnonsee, Yannawa, Bangkok 0127 0344 10120 48 Kawasumi Laboratories Maneeya Center Bldg., 9th Floor, 518/5 (662) 254 (662) 254 (Thailand) Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan, 8229 8239 Bangkok 10330 49 Siam Food 3195/14, 9th Floor, Viboonthani Tower I, Rama IV Rd., Klongton, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 50 Trang Seafood Products Public 29 Moo 6, Kanthang Rd., Kuanpring, (66-75) 211 (66-75) 211 Muang, Trang 92000 277 275 51 Lifec (Thailand) 487/1 Sri Ayudhaya Rd., Rajthevee, (662) 248 (662) 248 Bangkok 10400 7221 7223 52 Riche Monde (Bangkok) 93/1 Diethelm Tower A, 10th Floor, (662) 651 (662) 256 Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 5801 6006 53 Hana Semiconductor (Bangkok) 10/4 Moo 3 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd., (662) 551 (662) 551 Bangkhen, Laksi, Bangkok 10210 1297 1299 54 Imcopack Corporation 588/85 Soi Buanhua, Sathupradit Rd., Bangpongpang, Yannawa, Bangkok 55 Worakulchai Package Seal 22/7 Moo 2, Bangchak, Phasicharoen, (662) 457 (662) 457 Bangkok 10160 5243 – 4 5229 56 Chotiwat Manufacturing 84/22 Moo 7, Korhong, Hadyai, Songkla (66-74) 210 (66-74) 210 90110 222 – 29 220 57 General Starch 2159/6-7 Phaholyothin Rd., Ladyao, Jatuchak, Bangkok 58 GE Plastics (Thailand) 64/22 Moo 4, Pluakdaeng, Rayong (66-38) 955 236 59 Quick Pack Pacific 733/688 Moo 8, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd., (662) 998 (662) 531 Kukod, Lamlukka, Pathumthani 12130 9101 6425 60 Soonthorn Metal Industry 6/3 Moo 4, Ekachai Rd., Bangbon, (662) 416 (662) 416 Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 10150 2971 1722 61 Siam Toppun Packaging 543 Moo 4, Sukhumvit Rd., Preaksa, (662) 709 Muang, Samutprakarn 3160 62 Nandee Inter-Trade 327/35-39 Soi Prok 2, Chan Rd., (662) 213 (662) 212 Tungwatdorn, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 0115 1448 63 Thai Nakornpatana 94/7 Moo 9 Soi Yimprakob, (662) 589 (662) 589 Ngamwongwan Rd., Bangkhen, Muang, 2021 2029 Nonthaburi 11000 64 Sony Semiconductor (Thailand) 140 Moo 5, Tivanon Rd., Bangkadi, (662) 501 (662) 501 Muang, Pathumthani 12000 1730 1734 65 Unison Industries 160 Soi Onnuch, Sukhumvit Rd., Lardkrabang, Bangkok e-mail: [email protected] Página web:

66 Ajinomoto Frozen Foods 487/1 Sri Ayudhaya Rd., Phayathai, (Thailand) Rajthevee, Bangkok Hi-Tech Industrial Estate 59 Moo 2 (66-35) (66-35) Banpo, Bangpa-In Ayutthya 13160 350001/4 350005 67 Thai Orix Leasing 313 CP Tower, 24th Floor, Silom Rd., (662) 231 (662) 231 Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 0588 - 89 0661

78 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 68 Bangkok Grand Pacific Lease Co 175 Sthorn City Tower, 24th Floor, (662) (662) Ltd South Sathorn, Tungmahamek, 6796226 6796242/3 Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 69 Rieckermann (Thailand) Co Ltd 438/5 – 8 Moo 5, Samrong Nua, Muang, Samutprakarn Bangna Tower C, 19th floor, 40/14 Moo (662) (662) 12, Bangna-Trad Rd, km 6.5, 7519111/22/ 7519112 Bangkaew, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 30 10540 70 B & M Products 33 Moo 6, Thonburi-paktor Rd., (66-34) 422 (66-34) 423 Tahchin, Muang, Samutsakorn 74000 971 336 71 Tiger Pharmacy 72 Sunnec Food 1-97 So Phaholyothin 40, Ladyao, Jatuchak, Bangkok 73 Thai Fishsauce Factory (Squib 21/7 Trok Rong Nam Kang 1, New (662) 234 (662) 236 Brand) Road, Talad Noi, Sampanthawong, 3402 4693 Bangkok 10100 74 Dester ACS Asia and Pacific 75 TOA Paint (Thailand) 31/2 Bangn-Trad Rd., Km. 23, (662) 312 (662) 312 Bangsaothong, Bangplee, Samuprakarn 8370 8751 10540 76 Sampalang Pattana 21/63 South Sathorn Rd., Tunmahamek, Sathorn, Bangkok 77 Teppadungporn Coconut 392/56 Maharaj Rd., Phranakorn, Bangkok 78 Pattaya Seafood Industry 729/68 Rachadapisek, Rd, Bangpongpang, Yannawa, Bangkok 79 Global Foods 482 moo 1, Samrong Tai, Prapadaeng, (662) (662) Samutprakarn 4344654 4346360 80 Chanvanish Security Printing 699 Silom Rd., Silom, Bangkok 81 Fucheng 21/276 Tavornnivet village, Bangna, (662) 393 Prakanong, Bangkok 1825 82 Thai Union Frozen Products 979/12 SM Tower, M Floor, Samsen (662) 298 (662) 298 Public Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 0537 0550 83 Thai Peggy Foods 52/136 Ramkhamhaeng Rd., Huamark, (662) 374 (662) 374 Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 6035 5734 84 M Water 136/2 Moo 9, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd., (662) 998 (662) 533 Bangkhen, Don Muang, Bangkok 10210 1350 6834 85 Berlin Pharmaceutical Industry 359 New Road, Pomprab, Bangkok

63 Moo 5, Romklao Road, Lardkrabung, (662) (662) Bangkok 10520 3267741-3, 3267745 7379042 86 Interbef 99/33 Ramkhamhaeng Rd., Saphansung, Bangkok

87 Sermsuk 252/35 Muang Thai Phatra Tower, 27th Floor, Rachadapisek Rd., Huaykwang, Bangkok 88 National Starch & Chemical 2/3 Moo 14 Bangna Tower, Bangkaew, (662) 312 (662) 312 (Thailand) Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 0530 0258 89 Pattani Food Industries 281 Moo 8, Bangna, Muang, Pattani (66-73) 332 (66-73) 332 94000 720 720 90 Thai Summit Autoparts Industry 200 Moo 3, Tungsukala, Sriracha, (66-38) 491

79 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Chonburi 30 4 – 8 (662) (662) 4/3 Moo 1 Bangna-Trad Rd, Km. 16 3370022, 3370285, Bangchalong, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 3370312/49 3370176

91 International Laboratories 549/2 Soi Sangsuk, Satupradit Rd., (662) 294 (662) 294 Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 0091 – 94 4479 92 Wattanapun Packaging System 2406/16 New Road, Bangkorlaem, (662) 291 (662) Bangkok 10120 0133 – 5 2910149 93 Pharmasant Laboratories 96/3 Moo 2, Bangbuathong-Supanburi (661) Rd., Ratniyo, Trainoi, Nonthaburi 11150 9190317 94 European Snack Food 44/93 Moo 3, Taybaanmai, Muang, (662) Samutprakarn 3880689 95 Umeda Co Ltd 26/18-21 Moo 4 Soi Yuyen, Ramindra Road, Bangkane, Bangkok 10220 96 Pantainorasingh Manufacturer 920/33 Ekachai Rd., Mahachai, Muang, (662) (662) Samutsakorn 74000 411383 421544 97 Faster Enterprise 459 New Road, Klongtonsai, Klongsan, (662) (662) Bangkok 10600 4373329 4396327 98 Siam Cocoa Products 140 Soi Tonglor 4. Sukhumvit 55 Rd., (662) (662) Klongton Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 3915151 3913439 10110 99 Dumex (Bangkok) 359 Moo 17 Teparak Rd., (662) (662) Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 10540 3153230 3153228/29

80 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Harmonized Code: 8442.40 Other Packing or Wrapping Machinery

No Name Address Tel. Fax 1 Tetra Pak (Thai) 1042 Soi Sukhumvit 66/1 Sukhumvit (662) 361 (662) 744 Rd., Bangchak, Prakanong, Bangkok 2801 7209 10260 2 Thai Peggy Foods 52/136 – 138 Ramkhamheang Rd., (662) 374 (662) 374 Huamark, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 6035 5734 3 Unilever Thai Holdings 411 Srinakarin Rd., Suanluang, Bangkok (662) 351 (662) 379 10250 2000 5952 4 Philips Semiconductors 303 Moo 3, Chaengwatana Rd., (662) 551 (662) 551 (Thailand) Bangkhen, Laksi, Bangkok 10210 1052 1063 5 Sripipat Engineering 165 Soi Sukhumvit 93 Sukhumvit Rd., (662) 331 (662) 331 Bangchak, Prakanong, Bangkok 10250 9103 5669 6 Yakult (Thailand) 1/3 Moo 6 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd., (662) 579 (662) 579 Bangkhen, Don Muang, Bangkok 10210 0385 9221 7 Lion Corporation (Thailand) 666 Rama III Rd., Bangpongpang, (662) 294 (662) 294 Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 0191 4365 8 Sanyo Semiconductor (Thailand) 1/7 Moo 5, Kanham, Uthai, Ayutthaya (66-35) 330 (66-35) 330 13210 116 115 9 Thai NJR 88 Moo 13 Makhuaje, Muang, Lamphun (66-53) 581 (66-53) 581 51000 260 266 10 SIG Combibloc 33 Moo 4, Pluakdaeng, Rayong 21140 (66-38) 954 (66-38) 954 100 103 11 Nestle Foods (Thailand) 500 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, Patumwan, (662) 256 (662) 256 Bangkok 10330 9119 9927 12 Thai President Foods Public 278 Srinakarin Rd., Huamark, (662) 374 (662) 374 Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 4730 7743 13 Soonthorn Metal Industry 6/3 Ekachai Rd., Bangkhunthien Moo 4, (662) 416 (662) 415 Chomthong, Bangkok 10150 2971 1722 14 NS Electronics Bangkok (1993) 40/10 Sukhumvit Rd., Soi Sukhumvit (662) 749 (662) 398 105, Bangna, Bangkok 10260 1680 7157 15 Thai Ruamsin Patana Industry 979/13 – 16 SM Tower M Floor, Samsennai, Phayathai, Bangkok 16 Better Pack 62 Prachatippathai Rd., Baanpanthom, (662) 281 (662) 280 Phranakorn, Bangkok 10200 8169 0365 17 Rohm Integrated Semiconductor 101/94 Moo 20 Navanakorn Industrial (662) 909 (662) 909 (Thailand) Estate, Klongluang, Patumthani 12120 2060 2095 18 Johnson and Johnson (Thai) 106 Moo 4, Lardkrabang, Industrial (662) 326 (662) 326 Estate, Chalermkrung Rd., Lamplatiw, 0193 0747 Lardkrabang, Bangkok 10520 19 Goodtime Import Export 40/457 – 8 Moo 9, Ekachai-Bangbon (662) 894 (662) 451 Rd., Bangbon, Bangkok 10150 3025 1397 20 Sosuco Ceramic 2/1 Phibulsongkram Rd., Bangsue, (662) 913 (662) 587 Bangkok 10800 2140 5559 21 Chotiwat Manufacturing 84/22 Moo 7, Korhong, Hadyai, Songkla (66-74) 210 (66-74) 210 90110 222 220 22 UENO Fine Chemicals Industries 33/129 26th Floor, Wall Street Tower, (662) 266 (662) 237 (Thailand) Room 2601, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 2830 2305 23 Siam Golden Sales and Services 29 Rimklongbangkor Rd., Bangkor, (662) 468 (662) 475 Chomthong, Bangkok 10150 7267 8802

24 Yod Khun Food 99 Moo 2, Nimitmai Rd., Minburi, Bangkok

81 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 25 Worakulchai Package Seal 22/7 Moo 2, Bangchak, Phasicharoen, (662) 457 (662) 457 Bangkok 10160 5243 5229 26 Thai Storage Battery Public 387 Moo 4, Soi Patana 3, Sukhumvit (662) 709 (662) 709 Rd., Praeksa, Muang, Samutprakarn 3535 3544 10280 27 CPC / Aji (Thailand) 84 Soi Samarnmitr Ramkhamhaeng (662) 554 (662) 318 Rd., Suanluang, Bangkok 2900 6394 28 Europac 566 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, (662) 251 (662) 251 Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 7705 2350 29 Trio-Tech (Bangkok) 327 Lardkrabang Industrial Estate, (662) 326 (662) 326 Lamplatiw, Lardkrabang, Bangkok 1138 1172 10520 30 Linde Gas (Thailand) 990 Abdul Rahim Tower, 22nd Floor, (662) 636 (662) 636 Rama IV Rd., Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 2400 2397 10500 31 Bristol-Myers Squibb (Thailand) 10/10 – 11 Moo 16 Srinakarin Rd., (662) 758 (662) 758 Bangkaew, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 7855 7839 10540 32 Procter and Gamble 112 Moo5, Bangsamak, Bangpakong, (66-38) 570 (66-38) 570 Manufacturing Chachoengsao 24180 830 807 33 Thai Nippon Rubber Industry 191 Soi Chula 16, Charasmuang Rd., (662) 216 (662) 215 Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 4242 2256 34 Nestle (Thailand) 500 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, (662) 256 (662) 256 Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 9119 9927 35 Adams (Thailand) 415 Sukhumvit Rd., Soi Mitrudom 2, (662) 393 (662) 398 Samrong Nua, Muang, Samutprakarn 2286 3140 10270 36 Adler Business System 37 Maxim Integrated Products 946 Moo 15 Teparak Industrial Estate, (662) 706 (662) 313 (Thailand) Teparak Km. 23, Bangsaothong, 0620-5 1705 Samutprakarn 10540 38 Fuji Ace 487/1 Sri Ayudhaya Rd., Phayathai, (662) 246 (662) 246 Rajthevee, Bangkok 10400 0828 0829 39 Hana Microelectronics Public 10/4 Moo 7, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd., (662) 551 (662) 551 Bangkhen, Laksi, Bangkok 10210 1297 1299 40 Swan Industries (Thailand) 171 Moo 17, Bangna-Trad Rd., (662) 705 (662) 315 Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 10540 3051 1094 41 Thai Shinkong Industry 54 Harinthon Tower, Room 7B, North (662) 266 (662) 266 Corporation Sathorn Rd., Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 3294 3296 10500 42 Tobacco Factory 184 Sukhumvit 4, Klongtoey, Prakanong, Bangkok 10110 43 Saha Farms 44/4 Sukhaphibal 1 Rd., Kannayao, (662) 510 (662) 510 Bungkum, Bangkok 10230 0051 1586 44 Thai Masterpack 94/2 Moo 8, Soi Suksawadi 72, (662) 464 (662) 464 Suksawadi Rd., Bangkru, Prapadaeng, 1670 1673 Samutprakarn 10130 45 United Foods Public 19/111 Moo 7, Thakam Rd., (662) 415 (662) 415 Samaedum, Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 0035 1211 10150 10150

46 Niccho Nipro Corporation 10/2 Moo 8 Bangnomko , Sena, (66-35) 201 (66-35) 201 Ayutthaya 13110 318 625 47 Mitr Kalasin Sugar 99 Moo 1, Buakao-Phontong Rd., (662) 656 Samsa-ard, Kuchinaray, Kalasin 46110 8488

82 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 48 President Rice Products 278 Srinakarin Rd., Huamark, (662) 374 (662) 374 Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 4730 7956 49 Thai Glasses Industry 83 Moo 2, Ngamwongwan Rd., Bangkhen, Muang, Nonthaburi 10500 50 Siam Samakee Leasing 130 – 132 Sinn Thorn Tower III, 27th Floor, Wireless Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 51 IWK Packaging Machinery 49/45 Moo 9 Srinakarin Rd., Bangna, (662) 399 (662) 399 Bangkok 10260 3752 3755 52 National Starch & Chemical 2/3 Moo 14 Bangna Tower, Bangkaew, (662) 312 (662) 312 (Thailand) Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 0530 0258 53 Woraporn Plastic 4/241 Moo 10 Petkasem Rd., Omnoi, Kratumban, Samutsakorn 54 Panjapol Fibre Container 389 Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 (662) 249 (662) 249 0251 5713 55 Thai Polymer Lens 15/5 Moo 6, Bangbuathong-Supanburi (662) 571 (662) 571 Rd., Laharn, Bangbuathong, Nonthaburi 3685 3685 11110 56 European Food Public 291 Moo 10, Poochaosamingprai Rd., (662) 384 (662) 384 Samrong Tai, Phrapradaeng, 3049 3719 Samutprakarn 10130 57 Colgate-Palmolive (Thailand) 19 Soi Yak Na Ranong, Klongtoey, (662) 249 (662) 249 Bangkok 10110 0451 3869 58 Silom Medical 27/2 Phayathai Rd., Phayathai, (662) 272 (662) 272 Rajthevee, Bangkok 10400 6890 6899 59 Gear Pak (Thailand) 58/6 Soi Thai Chamber of Commerce University, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd., Dindaeng, Bangkok 60 IP Manufacturing 319 Moo 4, Bangpoo Industrial Estate, (662) 324 (662) 324 Soi 6, Sukhumvit Rd., Phraeksa, 0021 0486 Muang, Samutprakarn 10280 61 Berlin Pharmaceutical Industry 359 New Road, Pomprab, Bangkok (662) 223 (662) 225 10100 1012 4260 62 S & J International Enterprise 553/21 Soi Sangsuk, Sathupradit Rd., (662) 294 (662) 295 Chongnonsee, Yannawa, Bangkok 0127 0344 10120 63 Chantaburi Seafood 1807/6 – 7 Soi Phrayanakorn 69, New Road, Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok 64 Matsushita Electric Works 106 Moo 18 Phaholyothin Rd., (662) 529 (662) 529 (Thailand) Klongning, Klongluang, Pathumthani 1671 1674 12120 65 Lanna Agricultural Industry 66 Wattanapun Packaging System 2406/16 – 18 New Road, Bangkorlaem, (662) 291 (662) 291 Bangkok 10120 0133 – 5 0149 67 Bride Cosmetics 2 Soi Chedtha, Sapawut Rd., Bangna, (662) 744 Bangkok 10260 9412 68 Songkla Canning Public 979/9 – 10 SM Tower, 12th Floor, (662) 298 (662) 298 Samsennai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 0433 0442

69 Dole Thailand 127/11 Panjathani Tower, 10th Floor, (662) 681 (662) 681 Chongnonsee, Yannawa, Bangkok 0224 0221 10120 70 Rubia Industries 70 Moo 13 Poochaosamingpray Rd., (662) 385 (662) 385 Prapadaeng, Samutprakarn 10130 9024 9355 71 The Susuco Group Industries 2/1 Phiboonsongkram Rd., Bangsue,

83 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Bangkok 72 SJ Harvest International 1/9 Sukhumvit Rd., Soi Kiri, Muang, (Thailand) Rayong 73 YRC Textiles Sinn Sinthorn Tower, 20th Floor, 77/77 – (662) 440 (662) 440 81, krungthonburi Rd., Bangkok 10600 0860 0907 74 DeSter Asia and Pacific 598 Q House 18th Floor, Ploenchit Rd., (662) 257 (662) 257 Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 0919 0920 75 Ung Tek Huad Trading 13 Trok Putares Soi Charoenkrung 18, Sampanthawong, Bangkok 76 Carlsberg Brewery (Thailand) 77 Moo 1 Phaholyothin Rd., Km. 54 (66-35) 362 (66-35) 362 Lamsai, Wangnoi, Ayutthaya 13170 175 - 8 179 77 Uy Un Osot 152/12 Moo 1, Petkasem Rd., Bangkae Nua, Phasicharoen, Bangkok 78 Hadsin Latex 79 Sun Valley (Thailand) 130 – 132 Sinthorn Tower III, 18th Floor, (662) 263 (662) 263 Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 2929 2946 80 Jong Stit 34 Moo 1, Bangkhunthien-Chaitalay (662) 416 (662) 416 Rd., Samaedum, Bangkhuntien, 0112 6320 Bangkok 81 Siam Modified Starch 90/54 – 57 Sathorn Thani Tower, 19th Floor, North Sathorn Rd., Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 38/6 Moo 11, Lat Lum Kaew, (662) 596 (662) 598 Pathumthani 12000 1125 - 9 1130 82 Hi-Q Food Products 16/17 Moo 7, Bangkaew, Bangplee, (662) 338 Samutprakarn 10560 1023 219/27 Moo 11, Bangna-Trad Rd., (662) 399 (662) 398 Bangna, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 5044 5831 83 Thai Hirote 84 Swentech (Thailand) 48/57 – 58 Soi Suampatana, Sukhumvit (662) 398 (662) 398 105 Rd., Bangna, Bangkok 10260 8896 7168 85 GE Plastics (Thailand) 64/22 Moo 4, Pluakdaeng, Rayong 21180 86 Roy Ed Flour 227 Moo 3, Nikomdamri Rd., Nongyai, Ponthong, Roy Ed 87 General Candy 51/3 Moo 2, Soi Sritapun, (662) 573 (662) 573 Chaengwatana Rd., Klongklue, 1166 1095 Pakkred, Nonthaburi 11120 88 Thai Scales 77/41 – 42 Moo 12, Buddhamonthon (662) 811 (662) 811 Sai 5 Rd., Raiking, Samphran, 9120 9119 Nakornpathom 73210 89 Thai Union Frozen Products 979/12 SM Tower, M Floor, Samsennai, (662) 298 (662) 298 Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 0537 0550 90 MMP Packing Group 3075/1 – 2 Sukhumvit Rd, Bangchak, (662) 741 (662) 332 Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 8444 0514

91 Thai Asia Pacific Brewery 123 Rachadapisek Rd., Dindaeng, (662) 246 (662) 246 Bangkok 10320 9734 9737 92 Cyclope Cignode Packaging 78 Kietnakin Tower, 5th Floor, Soi Corporation (Thailand) Captain Bush, New Road, Siphaya, Bangrak, Bangkok 93 C S Metal 127 Moo 2, Soi Pukmitr, (662) 754 (662) 3894 Poochaosamingpray Rd., Samrong Tai, 4040 6952 Prapadaeng, Samutprakarn 10130

84 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 94 Thai Better Foods 111/1 Moo 3, Kungpayom, Baanpong, (66-32) 201 (66-32) 201 Ratchaburi 70110 514 574 95 Siam Sanwa Trilease 21/145 – 146 Thai Wah Tower, 23rd (662) 679 (662) 679 Tower, South Sathorn Rd., 1550 1483 Tungmakamed, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 96 Sahasri Industry 162/1 Moo 4, Omnoi, Kratumban, Samutsakorn

85 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Harmonized Code: 8422.90 Parts of Machines of Headings no. 84.22

No Name Address Tel. Fax 1 Johnson & Johnson (Thailand) 106 Moo 4 Lardkrabang Industrial (662) 326 (662) 326 Co., Ltd. Estate, Chalongkrung Rd., Lamplatiw, 0193 0747 Lardkrabang, Bangkok 10520 2 Thai Pure Drinks Ltd. 214 Moo 5, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd.., (662) (662) Tungsonghong, Laksi, Bangkok 10210 9842000 9550850 3 Tetra Pak (Thai) 1042 Soi Sukhumvit 66/1, Sukhumvit Rd., (662) 361 (662) 744 Bangchak, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 2801 7209 4 BB Groups Trading 591 Samachavanich II Tower, 17th (662) 262 (662) 262 Floor, Sukhumvit Rd., Klongton Nua, 0020 0029 Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 5 Unilever Thai Holdings 411 Srinakarin Rd., Suanluang, (662) 351 (662) 379 Bangkok 10250 2000 5952 6 Teijin Polyester 898 Ploenchit Tower, 19th Floor, (662) 263 (662) 263 Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 0700 0710 7 Procter and Gamble 112 Moo 5, Bangsamak, Bangpakong, (66-37) 570 (66-38) 570 Manufacturing (Thailand) Chachoengsao 24180 830 807 8 Siam Modified Starch Co., Ltd. 90/54-57 Sathorn Thani Tower, 19th (662) (662)236605 Floor, North Sathorn Rd., Silom, 2333990/99 0 Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 9 Dole Thailand 127/11 Panjathani Tower, 10th Floor, (662) 681 (662) 681 Chongnonsee, Yannawa, Bangkok 0224 0221 10120 10 Strapack (Thailand) Corporation 139/11- 12, Moo 17, Bangsaothong, (662) 315 (662) 315 Samutprakarn 10540 2390 1265 11 Nestle Foods (Thailand) 500 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, (662) 256 (662) 256 Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 9119 9927 12 Thai Peggy Foods 52/136 – 138 Ramkhamhaeng Rd., (662) 384 (662) 374 Huamark, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 6035 5734 13 Dutch Mill Co., Ltd. 137/6 Moo 1, Buddhamonthon Sai 8 (6634) (6634) Rd., Khunkaew, Nakornchaisri, 2322222/4 232757 Nakornpathom 14 Pan International (Metal & Alloy) 290, Surawong Rd., Siphaya, Bangrak, (662) 275 (662) 272 Bangkok 10500 2051 2582 15 Thai Teparos Food Products 208 Moo 6 Taybaan, Muang, Public Samutprakarn 16 Sermsuk Public Co., Ltd. 252/35 Muang Thai Phatara Complex, (662) (662) 27th Floor, Rachadapisek Rd., 6932255 6932244 Huaykwang, Bangkok 10320 17 Siam Medical Co., Ltd. 123 Soi Chokechairuammitr, Vibhavadi- (662) (662) Rangsit Rd., Ladyao, Chatuchak, 5142157-9 5383606 Bangkok 10900 18 Siam Food Products Public 3195/14, 9th Floor, Viboonthani Tower I, (662) 661 (662) 661 Rama IV Rod., Klongton, Klongtoey, 3440 3420 Bangkok 10110 19 Colgate-Palmolive (Thailand) 19 Soonthornkosa Rd., Prakanong, (662) 249 (662) 249 Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 0451 3869 20 Yan Wal Yun 767 Wat Pai Ngen Rd., Tungwatdorn, (662) 674 (662) 674 Klongtoey, Bangkok 10120 7990 8528

21 Sripipat Engineering 165, Soi Sukhumvit 93, Sukhumvit Rd., (662) 331 (662) 331

86 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Bangchak, Prakanong, Bangkok 10250 9103 5669 22 Northern Technology 99/11 Moo 5, Liengmuang Lamphun- Parsang Rd., Parsak, Muang, Lamphun 23 Siam Quality Starch 38/6 Moo 11, Pathumthani- Lardlumkaew Rd., Kubangluang, Lardlumkaew, Pathumthani 24 Krones (Thailand) 947/161 Moo 12 Bangna Complex, Km. (662) 361 (662) 361 3, Bangna, Bangkok 10260 9092 9091 25 T C Pharmaceutical Industries 39 Moo 8, Ekachai Rd., Bangbon, (662) 415 (662) 415 Bangkok 10150 2258 7504 26 United Foods Public 19/111 Moo 7, Tarkam Rd., Samaedum, (662) 415 (662) 415 Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 10150 0035 1211 27 FMC (Thailand) Oriflame Asoke Tower, 253 Sukhumvit (662) 261 (662) 261 21 Rd., Klongtoey, Klongtoey, Bangkok 4095 4099 10110 28 Quality Coffee Products 500 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, (662) 256 (662) 256 Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 9119 9927 29 Thai Food Products Factory 42/1 Noo 2, Petkasem Rd., Omyai, Samphran, Nakornpathom 30 Adams (Thailand) 415 Sukhumvit Rd., Soi Mitrudom 2, (662) 393 (662) 398 Samrong Nua, Muang, Samutprakarn 2286 3140 10270 31 Kao Industrial (Thailand) 38 Moo 8, Poochaosamingprai Rd., Samrong Tai, Prapadaeng, Samutprakarn 32 Kao Chong Industry 1979 44 Moo 15 Kingkaew Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 33 Nestle Manufacturing (Thailand) 500 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, (662) 256 (662) 256 Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 9119 9117 34 Castrol (Thailand) 183 Rajanakarn Tower, 23th Floor, (662) 676 (662) 676 South Sathorn Rd., Yannawa, Sathorn, 5444 5440 Bangkok 10120 35 Fa Jib Public 99/34 Moo 2, Chaengwatana Rd., Tungsonghong, Laksi, Bangkok 36 Allegen Healthcare (Thailand) 37 Esilor Manufacturing (Thailand) 213 Lardkrabang Industrial Estate, Chalongkrung Rd., Lamplatiw, Lardkrabang, Bangkok 38 Nestle (Thailand) 500 Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan, (662) 256 (662) 256 Bangkok 10330 9119 9117 39 General Candy 51/3 Moo 2, Soi Sritaban, (662) 573 (662) 573 Chaengwatana Rd., Klongklua, 1166 1095 Pakkred, Nonthaburi 11120 40 Tanes Patana 18 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 52, Huamark, Bangkapi, Bangkok 41 Mitsubishi Heavy Industry 208 Wireless Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan, (662) 651 (662) 651 (Thailand) Bangkok 10330 5202 5605 42 CP - Meiji 528/2 Soi Sainamthip, Sukhumvit 22 (662) 663 (662) 663 Rd., Klongton, Klongtoey, Bangkok 5161 5215 10110

43 Rowatthai 7 Soi Sawanvithee, Sutthisarnvinichai (662) 274 (662) 693 Rd., Samsennok, Huaykwang, Bangkok 8181 - 83 4404 10320 44 LFD Manufacturing 21/7 Moo 6, Liamklongsong Rd., Kukod, (662) 523

87 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Lamlukka, Pathumthani 12130 9438 45 Green Spot (Thailand) 244 Srinakarin Rd., Huamark, (662) 374 (662) 375 Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 0823 2766 46 Diethelm 280 Charoenkrung Rd., (662) 221 (662) 224 Sampanthawong, Bangkok 10100 1121 4440 47 Medicap 384 Moo 4, Phreaksa, Muang, (662) 324 (662) 324 Samutprakarn 10280 0681 0537 48 CPC – Aji (Thailand) 84 Soi Samanmitr, Ramkhamhaeng (662) 554 (662) 318 Rd., Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 2900 6394 49 Dairy Plus 228/10 Sirinthon Rd., Bangplad, Bangkok (662) 881 (662) 881 22 6 – 228 Krunton Muang Kaew 0400 0391 Complex, Sirindhorn Rd., Bangplad, Bangkok 10700 50 Delmax Technology 156/46 Soi Watananant, Vibhavadi- (662) 929 (662) 565 Rangsit Rd., Sikan, Don Muang, 4621 3240 Bangkok 10210 51 Gear Pack (Thailand) 58/6 Soi Thai Chamber of Commerce University, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd., Dindaeng, Bangkok 52 Yakult (Thailand) 1/3 Moo 6, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd., (662) 579 (662) 579 Bangkhen Don Muang, Bangkok 10210 0385 9221 53 Scott Industrial (Thailand) 52/8 Moo 8, Bangbuathong-Supanburi Rd., Laharn, Bangbuathong, Nonthaburi 54 Unison 160 Soi Onnuch, Sukhumvit Rd., Lardkrabang, Bangkok 55 Thai Ruamsiin Pattana Industry 979/13 SM Tower, M Floor, Samsennai, Phayathai, Bangkok 56 Thai Kokoku Rubber 36 Moo 9, Tanu, Uthai, Ayutthaya 57 Dumex 359 Moo 17, Teparak Rd., (662) 315 (662) 315 Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 10540 3230 3228 58 Osotspa 2100 Ramkhamhaeng Rd., Huamark, (662) 351 (662) 351 Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 1000 1588 59 Bangkok Glass Industry 170/87 Ocean Tower I, 32nd Floor, New (662) 261 (662) 261 Rachadapisek Rd., Klongtoey, Bangkok 2357 2390 10110 60 Varin Food Machinery 75/1 Moo 2, Rajatheva, Bangplee, (662) 316 (662) 316 Samutprakarn 10540 8015 9014 61 Packomatic 296/19 Moo 9, Soi Tivanont 28, (662) 950 (662) 250 Tivanont Rd., Bangkrasor, Muang, 7510 3687 Nonthaburi 11000 62 C. Melchers & Co (Thailand) 23/38 Sorachaisun Tower 15, Soi (662) 714 (662) 714 Sukhumvit 63, Klongton Nua, Wattana, 3070 3076 Bangkok 10110 63 Nissho Nipro Corporation 10/2 Moo 8, Bangnomko, Sena, (663-5) 201 (66-35) 201 Ayutthaya 13110 308 625 64 Custom Food Machinery (Asia) 21/6 Moo 2, Yaicha, Samphran, (66-34) 225 (66-34) 323 Nakornpathom 73110 430 311

65 Banyong Engineering 94 Moo 4, Sukhaphibal 2 Rd., (662) 517 (662) 517 Kannayao, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10230 1001 8766 66 Seagate Technology (Thailand) 1627 Moo 3, Teparak Rd., Teparak, (662) 383 (662) 383 Muang, Samutprakarn 10270 5777 5736 67 Bayer Stroff (Thailand) 90 Sathorn Thani Tower I, 12th Floor, North Sathorn Rd., Silom, Bangrak,

88 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Bangkok 68 Thai Asia Pacific Brewery 123 Rachadapisek Rd., Dindaeng, (662) 246 (662) 246 Bangkok 10320 9734 9737 69 Vit Machinery and Supply 60 Moo 6, So Pinnakorn 4, Talingchan, Bangkok 70 Chotiwat Manufacturing 84/22 Moo 7, Klorhong, Hadyai, (66-74) 210 (66-74) 210 Songkla 90110 222 220 71 Rianthai Interplas 4/4 Moo 11, Teparak Rd., Bangpla, (662) 312 (662) 312 Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 2157 2165 72 Nandee Inter-Trade 327/25 Soi Wat Prok 2, Chan Rd., (662) 213 (662) 212 Tungwatdorn, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 0115 1448 73 AIM Siam 121/2 Moo 4, Tivanont Rd., Taladkwan, (662) 968 (662) 968 Muang, Nonthaburi 11000 8093 - 94 8045 74 AMD (Thailand) 229 Moo 4, Changwatana Rd., Pakkred, (662) 962 (662) 583 Nonthaburi 11120 1180 9260 75 General Hospital Products Public 75/1 Rama VI Rd., Tungphayathai, (662) 246 (662) 246 Rajthevee, Bangkok 10400 7351 7305 76 Santi Packaging 41/3 Moo 5, Romklao Rd., Minburi, (662) (662) Bangkok 77 Solid Handling and Process 11/53 DC Warehouse, Soi Engineering Watnamdaeng, Srinakarin Rd., Bangkaew, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 78 Siam Winery 9/2 Moo 3 Rama II Rd., Bangturad, (66-34) 839 (66-34) 839 Muang, Samutsakorn 74000 800 799 79 Riche Monde (Bangkok) 93/1 Diethelm Tower A, 10th Floor, (662) 651 (662) 256 Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 5801 6006 80 Quick Pack Pacific 733/688 Moo 8, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd., (662) 998 (662) 531 Kulod, Lamlukka, Pathumthani 12130 9101 6425 81 Berli Jucker Cellox 99 Soi Rubia, Sukhumvit 42 Rd., (662) 712 (662) 712 Prakanong, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 2323 2436 82 Lifec (Thailand) 487/1 Sri Ayudhaya Rd., Phayathai, (662) 248 (662) 248 Rajthevee, Bangkok 10400 7221 7223 83 Comac (Thailand) 79/33 Moo 19 Teparak Rd., Bangpleeyai, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 84 Songkla Canning Public 979/9 SM Tower, 12th Floor, (662) 298 (662) 298 Samsennai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 0433 0442 85 Medigloves 33/3 Moo 2, Tivanont Rd., Bangkadi, (662) 501 (662) 501 Muang, Pathumthani 12000 2141 2146 86 Pro-Finish 386 Moo 4, Lardkrabang Industrial Estate, Chalongkrung Rd., Lamplatiw, Lardkrabang, Bangkok 87 Nidec Electronics (Thailand) 118 Moo 5, Phahlyothin Rd., Lamsai, (66-35) 271 (66-35) 271 Wangnoi, Ayutthaya 13170 453 451 88 Thai Ceramic 1 Siam Cement Rd., Bangsue, Bangkok (662) 586 (662) 587 10800 4090 8800

89 Thai Offset 781 Soi Preeyanont, Sathupradit Rd., (662) 294 (662) 287 Bangpongpang, Yannawa, Bangkok 1581 2039 10120 90 Stanley Works 103 Moo 5, Bangna-Trad Rd., (66-38) 570 (66-38) 570 Bangsamak, Bangpakong, 185 190 Chachoengsao 24180 91 Comark (Thailand) 24/215 Moo 9, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd., Bangkhen, Don Muang, Bangkok

89 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 92 Kamol Sukosol Electric 665 Mahachai Rd., Samranrat, (662) 222 (662) 255 Phranakorn, Bangkok 10200 2700 3173 93 Lampang Food Products 22 Soi Sukhumvit 35, Sukhumvit Rd., (662) 260 (662) 260 Klongton Nua,, Wattana, Bangkok 9135 9133 10110 94 Pack Technology 98/50 Moo 11, Buddhamonthon Sai 5 (662) 811 (662) 811 Rd., Raiking, Samphran, Nakornpathom 8340 8341 73210 95 Siam Matsushita Steel 51/4 Poochaosamingprai Rd., (662) 384 (662) 384 Bangyaphreak, Prapadaeng, 0038 2778 Samutprakarn 10130 96 Berli Jucker Foods 225/10 Moo 10, Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 99 Soi Rubia, Sukhumvit 42 Rd., (662) 367 (662) 367 Prakanong, Klongtoey, Bangkok 1011 1111 1000 97 Drest Ultrasonics (Thailand) 98 Bangkok Polyethylene Public 175 Sathorn City Tower, 21/1 Floor, (662) 679 (662) 679 South Sathorn Rd., Tungmahamek, 6363 6355 Sathorn, Bangkok 10120

90 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Harmonized Code: 8423.30 Constant Weight Scales and Scales for Discharging a Predetermined Weight of Material into a Bag or Container, Including Hopper Scales

No Name Address Tel. Fax 1 Yod Kun Food 99 Moo 2, Nimitmai Rd., Minburi, Bangkok 2 Rajachuros 503 Sri Ayudhaya Rd., Phayathai, Rajthevee, Bangkok 3 Better Pack 62 Prachathipathai Rd., Baanpanthom, (662) 281 (662) 280 Pranakorn, Bangkok 10200 8169 0365 4 Siam Asahi Techno-Glass 87/12 Larmchabang Indsutrial Estate, (66-38) 490 (66-38) 490 Tungsukala, Sriracha, Chonburi 20230 680 707 5 B Foods Product International 323 Moo 6 Tungsonghong, Don Muang, (662) 955 (662) 955 Bangkok 10210 0555 5044 6 Ajinomoto Frozen Foods 487/1 Sri Ayudhaya Rd., Phayathai, (662) (662) (Thailand) Rajthevee, Bangkok 10400 2451614 2463887 7 Winner Group Enterprise 889 Thai CC Tower, 21st Floor, Room 215 South Sathorn Rd., Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 8 Chanthaburi Seafood 1807/6 Soi Prayanakorn 69, New Road, Yannawa, Sathorn, Bangkok 9 Surapon Nichirei Foods 22/5 Moo 4, Teparak Rd., Bangpleeyai, (662) 385 (662) 385 Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 5021 5119 10 Bayer Thai 130/1 North Sathorn Rd., Silom, (662) 232 (662) 236 Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 7000 7738 11 Thai Scales 77/41 Moo 12 Buddhamonthon Sai 5 (662) 811 (662) 811 Rd., Raiking, Samphran, Nakornpathom 9120 9119 73210 12 Shin Heng Towel 73/1 Moo 6 Soi Klabcharoen 1, Suksawadi Rd., Bangchak, Prapadaeng, Samutprakarn 13 Rajburi Feedmill 80/3 Moo 6, Petkasem Rd., (66-32) 368 (66-32) 353 Donkrabueng, Bangpong, Ratchaburi 061 467 70110 14 Newlong (Thailand) 1415 Sukhumvit Rd., Prakanong Nua, (662) 391 (662) 391 Wattana, Bangkok 10110 1171 5508 15 TMS Engineering 52 Moo 3 Ngamwongwann Rd., Ladyao, (662) 941 (662) 941 Jatuchak, Bangkok 10900 0300 1446 16 Rice and International 38/17 Soi Anumarnrachathon, Decho Rd., Bangrak, Bangkok 17 National Starch and Chemical 2/3 Moo 14 Bangna Tower, Bangkaew, (662) 312 (662) 312 (Thailand) Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 0530 0258 18 Riken (Thailand) 143 Moo 5, Tivanont Rd., Bangkadi, (662) 501 (662) 963 Muang, Pathumthani 12000 1054 0953 19 Jebsen and Jessen Marketing 23/110 Sorachai Tower 25th Floor, (662) 714 (662) Sukhumvit 63 Rd., Klongton Nua, 3939 7143900 Wattana, Bangkok 10110 20 Surat Seafoods 247 Moo 1, Teparak Rd., Muang, (662) 385 (662) 385 Samutprakarn 10270 3037 3179 21 Thai NOK 185 Moo 17 Teparak Rd., (662) 315 (662) 315 Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 10540 1147 1233

22 Sino Thai Starch 1 Moo 1, Tabluang, Muang, Nakornpathom

91 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 23 Belton Industrial (Thailand) 119/15 Moo 8 Bangna Thani Tower, 7Bth Floor, Bangna-Trad Rd.,Km. 3, Bangna, Bangkok 24 Jong Stit 34 Moo 1, Bangkhuntien-Chaithalay (662) 416 (662) 416 Rd., Samaedum, Bangkhuntien, 0112 6320 Bangkok 10150 25 An Sales (Thailand) 110 Moo 4, Lardkrabang Industrial Estate, Chalongkrung Rd., Lamplatiw, Lardkrabang, Bangkok 26 Major Supply and Service Sales 27 Adams (Thailand) 415 Sukhumvit Rd., Soi Mitrudom 2, (662) 393 (662) 398 Samrong Nua, Muang, Samutprakarn 2286 3140 10270 28 Advance Manufacturers 366 Lardkrabang Industrial Estate, (662) 326 (662) 326 Chalongkrung Rd., Lamplatiw, 0576 0577 Lardkrabang, Bangkok 10520 29 I Q Intertrade 1148/143 Nakornchaisri Rd., Dusit, Bangkok 62/85 – 7 Bangbon 5 Rd., Bangbon, (662) 892 (662) Bangkok 10150 3073 - 74 8923072 30 Nichimen (Bangkok) 62 Silom Rd., Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 (662) 236 (662) 236 0131 3527 31 T N D Foods Industries 229 Moo 3, Tungsukala, Sriracha, Chonburi 32 Dumex 359 Moo 17 Teparak Rd., (662) 315 (662) 315 Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 10540 3230 3228 33 C. Charoen Trading 746/8 Prachathipok Rd., Hiranruji, Thonburi, Bangkok

92 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Harmonized Code: 844110 Paper-cutting machines of all kinds, incl ckd

No Name Address Tel. Fax 1 World Fax Paper Co., Ltd. 217, 219 Soi Chula 16, Charas Muang (662) (662) Rd., Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 2168475 2140777 10330 2. Heidelberg Graphics (Thailand) 197 Viphavadee-Rangsit Rd., (662) 616 (662) 616 Co., Ltd. Samsennai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 3488 3470-3 3. S. Siraksorn Printing Products 88/1-4 Rama III Rd., Bangkorlaem, (662) (662) Co., Ltd. Bangkorlaem, Bangkok 10120 2913614/7, 2913564 2913562 4. ASA Container Co., Ltd. 361 Moo 4, Soi Ronglek, Omnoi, (662) (662) 810 Krathumban, Samutsakorn 74130 8104750 4770 - 71 5. Fujikura (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. 101/2 Navanakorn Industrial Estate (662) (662) 529 Moo 20, Phaholyothin Rd., Klongneung, 5293523 1577 Klongluang, Pathumthani 10120 6. Godo Supplies Ltd., Part. 16 Soi Yaowapanich, Yaowarat, (662) (662) Chakwat, Samphanthawong, Bangkok 2244836 2244357 10100 7. C.A.S. Machinery Co., Ltd. 203 Soi Chula 16, Charasmuang, (662) Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 2119807 8. Inter Fibre Container Co., Ltd. 99/99 Moo 1, Soi Pookhem, Inthapaj (662) 451 (662) 454 Rd., Laksong, Nongkhem, Bangkok 3386 / 92 3385 10160 9. Thai British Security Printing 41/1 Moo 10 Soi Wat Suansom, (662) 394 (662) 384 Public Co., Ltd. Poochaosamingprai Rd., Samrongtai, 4407 / 4374 0917 Prapadaeng, Samutprakarn 10130 10. President Supply Co., Ltd. 72-76 Soi Chokchaijongjamroen, Rama (662) 294 (662) III Rd., Bangpongpang, Yannawa, 5014 / 5 2942700 Bangkok 10120 11. S M Graphic Center Co., Ltd. 751 Chan Rd., Tungwatdon, Sathorn, (662) 212 (662) 212 Bangkok 10120 3425 / 3426 5238

12. Creation Group Co., Ltd. 719/8-9 Rama VI Rd., Wangmai, (662) 216 (662) 216 Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 4426 / 9 6241 13. Siamese Bando Rubber Industry 47/7 Moo 4 Soi Wat Bangpla, Bankor, (66-34) (66-34) Co., Ltd. Muang, Samutsakorn 74000 424410 422202 14. J.C. Business Form Co., Ltd. 1/11 Moo 5, Liabklongfangnua Rd., (662) (662) Nongkhem, Nongkhem, Bangkok 10160 4440516-7 4216283 15. United Container Co., Ltd. 100/1 Moo 1, Pathum-Samkok Rd., (662) (662) 593 Samkok, Samkok, Pathumthani 12160 5931093-8 1100 16. Citicorp Leasing (Thailand) Co., 82 Saengthongthani Building, 27th Fl., (662) (662) Ltd. Sathorn Nua, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 2322064 6392241-2 10500 17. Machinery Emporium (1995) Co., 240 Moo 1, Spo Prachautid 35, (662) (662)427235 Ltd. Bangmod, Ratburana, Bangkok 10140 4277437 4 18. Siriwattana Interprint Public Co., 76/76 Soi Wat Prok 2, Charoenkrung, (6638) Ltd. Tungwatdon, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 830593-4 19. N R Industries Co.; Ltd. 768 Moo 3 Soi Thanpooying, Taeparak, (662) (662) Taeparak, Muang, Samutprakarn 10270 7581492, 3841945 7581488

20. Inter Graphica Print and Pack 1550 Grand Amarin Tower II, 32nd Fl., (662) (662)

93 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje (Thailand) Co., Ltd. New Petchburi Rd., Makkasan, 6528020 6528750 Ratchthevi, Bangkok 10310 21. Siew Lamination Co., Ltd. 232 Moo 4, Sukhumvit Rd., Preksa, (662) 3240616 Muang, Samutprakarn 10270 3240616-5 22. Unipack Industry Co., Ltd. 79/45 Moo 4, Thonburi-Paktor, (662) 452 (662) 452 Samaedam, Bangkhunthien, Bangkok 1888 1888 10150 23. Royal Paper FormS Co., Ltd. 153/13 Somdejprapinklao Rd., Arun- (662) (662) Amarin, Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700 4339126-8 8825282 24. Thai Union Graphics Co., Ltd. 85/14 Moo 4, Rama II Rd., Soi Wat (662) (662) Phromrangsi, Samaedam, 8955865-6 4154371 Bangkhunthien, Bangkok 10150 25. Central Worldwide Co., Ltd. 2/3 Moo 7, Soi Ratanarat, Bangna-Trad (662) 312 (662) 312 Rd., Bangchalong, Bangplee, 7713, 312 7241 Samutprakarn 10540 7712 26. B.S.P.A. Co., Ltd. 98/51 Budhamonthon Sai 5 Rd., Factory (662) 811 (662) 811 Land II, Raikhing, Sampran, 8343-4 8346 Nakhonpathom 73210 27. Precision Slitting Center Co., Ltd. 89/3 Moo 2, Soi Chadsantsanrua, (662) (662) 328 Dokmai, Pravet, Bangkok 10250 3280107 0107 28. Enkei Thai Co., Ltd. 444 Moo 17, Bangplee Industrial Estate, (662) 705 (662) 705 Bangsaothong, Kingampur 1430-33 8050 Bangsaothaong, Samutprakarn 10540 E-mail: [email protected] 29. Eastern Pionia Sales and 71/12 Soi Pattananivet 12, Sukhumvit (662) 392 (662) 381 Services Co. ;ltd. Rd., North Prakanong, Klongtoey, 3895 2444 10110 30. Toka Mach Co., Ltd. 3597/191-192 Chalemnimit, (662) 291 (662) Charoenkrung Rd., Bangklo, 5231 Bangkorlaem, Bangkok 10120 31. SVOA Public Co., Ltd. 900/9 SVOA Tower, Rama III Rd., (662) (662) Bangpongpang, Yannawa, Bangkok 6826222 6826302 10120 32. Maepim Co., Ltd. 21/638 Moo 2, Soi Mooban (662) (662)399175 Thavornnives II, Bangna-Trad Km.1, 3991754-7 8 Bangna, Bangna, Bangkok 10260 33. Fancy Paper 498 Soi Chockchaijongcamroen, (662) (662) Sathupradit Rd., Bangpongpang, 6820335-8 2953495 Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 34 Lion Tryes (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 241 Bangpoo Industrial Estate Soi 3, (662) (662) Pattana 1 Rd., Praeksa, Muang, 3240576-8 3240579 Samutprakarn 10280 35 Mayer Industries Co., Ltd. 38/9 Moo 5, Laemchabang Industrial (6638) 490 (6638) 490 Estate, Tungsongkla, Sriracha, 383 393 Chonburi 20230 36 Universal Sporting Goods (Thai) 91 Moo 1 Soi Wattiendad, Baanmai, (6634) (6634) Co., Ltd. Samphran, Nakornpathom 73110 321977-8 321979 37 Uni-Charm (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Wellgrow Industrial Estate Phase 3, 105 (6638) (6638) Moo 9, T. Bangwua, A. Bangpakong, 570900 570957 Chachoengsao 24180

38 P R T Intertrading Co.,Ltd. 89/544 Moo 5, Klongkum, Bungkum, (662) 746 (662) Bangkok 10240 6835 39 Sonoco (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 95 Moo 13 Phaholyothin Rd., (662) 529 (662) 529

94 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Klongnung, Klongluang, Pathumthani 4145 4090 12120 40 DM Container Co.,Ltd. 33/4 Moo 6, Rama II Rd., Km. 42, (66-34) 839 Bangtorad, Muang, Samutsakorn 74000 453 41 Chan Wanich Security Printing 699 Silom Rd., Silom, Bangrak, (662) (662) Co.,Ltd. Bangkok 10500 6533333 2367176 42 Pacific Biotech Co., Ltd. 6 Soi Lardprao 110, Wangthonglang, (662) 530 (662) 931 Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 3514 8340 43 Inter Computer Co., Ltd. 78/10 Moo 5, Suanpak Rd., Talingchan, (662) (662) Bangkok 10170 4333359-60 4337354 44 Endo Thai Co., Ltd. 211 Chalongkrung Rd., Lamplatiw, (662) 326 (662) Lardprabang, Bangkok 10520 0342-3 3260344, 7394985 45 Southeast Paper Factory Co., 75 Moo 13 Petkasem Rd., Suanluang, (662) 420 (662) Ltd. Kratumban, Samutsakorn 74110 1260 4209798 46 S. Thai Sanguan Printing 111/5-8 Charadmueng Rd., (662) 214 (662) Accesory Co., Ltd. Rongmuang, Patumwan, Bangkok 2486-7 2158719 10330 47 Sakolpant Turakij Co., Ltd. 3/1 Soi Senaruam, Phaholyothin Rd., Samsennai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 48 Sindee International Corporation 55 Rajyindee Rd., Hatyai, Hatyai, Songkla 90110 49 Thai Falcon Apparel 201/1 Moo 1 Teparak Rd., Km. 27, Bangpriang, Bangbor, Samutprakarn 10560 50 Union Paper Cartons Co., Ltd. 70/5 Moo 6, Soi Ekachai 78, Ekachai (662) (662) Rd., Bangbon, Bangkok 10150 8942501-5 4150723 51 Dasco Co., Ltd. 352 Lardkrabang Industrial Estate, (662) (662) Lamplatiw, Lardkrabang, Bangkok 10520 52 Yong Fah Industrial Co., Ltd. 8/2 Moo 4, Kampansand, Nakornpathom 73140 53 Wah Thai Industry Public Co., 25/17 Moo 4, Soi Sakolland, (662) (662) Ltd. Changwattana Rd., Bangtalad, 9844130 5734283 Pakkred, Nonthaburi 11120 54 Thai Cartons Co., Ltd. 1/22 Moo 2, Petkasem Rd., Raiking, (6634) (6634) Samphran, Nakornpathom 73110 321210 55 P.S.R. Footwear Co., Ltd. 611/40 Soi Wat Chan Nai, New Road, (662) (662) Bangklo, Bangkorlaem, Bangkok 10120 2912577 2911353, 2914354 56 SNP Siriwattana Co., LTd. 99 Moo 6, Patong, Soydaew, Chanburi (6639) (6639) 22180 364441 57 Kuangchiang Frame and Supply 73/4 Moo 7, -Nakornchaisri Rd., (662) (662) Ltd., Part. Talingchan, Bangkok 10170 58 Kitti International Co., Ltd. 10/6 Convent Rd., Silom, Bangrak, (662) (662) Bangkok 10500 2350156 2381084 59 Greater Intertrade Co., Ltd. 3366/30 – 31 Soi Manorom, Rama IV (662) (662) Rd., Klkongotn, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110

60 Frame One Machinery and 8/1-2 Moo 12, Bangna-Trad Rd., (662) (662) Supply Co., Ltd. Bangna, Bangkok 61 Saeng Thai Machinery Co.,Ltd. 357 Mahachai Rd., Samranrat, (662) (662) Phranakorn, Bangkok 10200 2210362 2240780 62 Vichai Charoen Machinery Co., 11/1 Soi Kasemsant 2, Rd., (662) (662)

95 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Ltd. Wang Mai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 63 KI Industrial Co., Ltd. 64 Cyber Graphics (2000) Co., Ltd. 77/8 Sinsathorn Tower, 1st Floor, (662) (662) Krungthonburi Rd., Klongtonsai, Klongsan, Bangkok 10600 65 NYR Ltd., Part. 656/333 Charansanitwong Rd., (662) (662) Bangyeekan, Bangplad, Bangkok 10700 66 Every Dannisson (Thailand) Co. ,Ltd. (Branch 1) 67 DHA Siamwalla Ltd. 210 Surawong Rd., Siphraya, Bangrak, (662) (662) Bangkok 10500 2370500 2367950 E-mail: [email protected] 68 Toyonaka (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 91/ 962 – 964 Moo 1, Ram-indra Rd., (662) (662) Kannayao, Bangkok 10230 5195333 5195334 69 Thai Kobachi Co., Ltd. 670 Moo 11 Sukhaphibal 8 Rd., Nongkham, Sriracha, Chonburi 20280 70 MD Machinery & Supply Ltd., 223 / 14 Somdejchaophraya, Klongsan, (662) (662) Part. Bangkok 10600 71 TNC Trading Co., Ltd. 54/5-6 Soi Rubia Sukhumvit 42 Rd., (662) (662) Prakanong, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 2401055-6 2491149 72 Thomson Television (Thailand) 141 Moo 5, Tiwanont Rd., Bangkadi, (662) (662) Co., Ltd. Muang, Pathumthani 12000 5011023 5011530, 5011515-25 5011534 73 Thai Toyo Denso Co., Ltd. 5 Sitthivorakij Tower, 10th Floor, Room (662) (662) 109, Soi Phipat, Silom Rd., Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 74 Louis Adhesive Tapes Co., Ltd. 1070 Soi Suanplu, South Sathorn Rd., (662) (662) Tungmahamek, Yannawa, Bangkok 2864223-6 2874736 10120 75 Balance Packing Co., Ltd. 58 Moo 9, Buddhamonthon Sai 4 Rd., Omnoi, Kratumban, Samutsakorn 74110 76 Grand Siam Footwear Co., Ltd. 88/31 Moo 7, Sairongpayabal Rd., (662) (662) Bangbon, Bangkok 10150 4160026 4157981 77 2T Thaikoon Co., Ltd. 10 Moo 6, Soi Sudjitnivej 2, Rama II (662) (662) Rd., Samaedum, Bangkhuntien, 8957531-4 4163553 Bangkok 10150 78 Salee Printing Co.,Ltd. 9/19 Moo 5, Phaholyothin Rd., (662) (662) Klongnong, Klongluang, Pathumthani 9020762-6 9020766 12120 79 Overseas Suor Tao Co., Ltd. 59/41 Soi Langwatsutthi New Road, (662) (662) Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 2112589, 2123013 2123255 80 Hoya Glass Disk (T) 514/1 Central Building, Larnluang Rd., (662) (662) Siyakmahanak, Dusit, Bangkok 10300

81 The KPT Prime Group 151 Surawong Rd., Bangrak, Bangkok (662) (662) 10500 82 C & H Paper Box (thailand) 116/29 Thonburi-Paktor Rd., Km. 15, Bangnamjud, muang, Samutsakorn 74000 83 Platinum Co., Ltd. 109 – 121 Mahanakorn Rd., (662) 236 (662) 236

96 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Mahaprutaram, Bangrak, Bangkok 0059 3220 10500 84 P K Machinery Co., Ltd. 85 Hong Chieng Co., Ltd. 8/13 Moo 6, Ekachai Rd., (662) (662) Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 10150 86 JCC Ltd., Part. 32 Soi Anumarnrajathon, Surawong (662) (662) Rd., Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 2346564, 2367067 2348861 87 Barther (Asia) Co., Ltd. 450 Sukhumvit Rd., Huaypong, Muang, Rayong 21000 88 Rocket Thai Co., Ltd. 116 Moo 3, Takam, Bangpakong, (6638) (6638) Chachoengsao 24130 573193-6

97 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Harmonized Code: 8441.20 Machines for Making Paper Bags, Sacks or Envelopes, Incl. CKD

No Name Address Tel. Fax 1 Newlong (Thailand) 1415 Sukhumvit Rd., Prakanong Nua, (662) 391 (662) 391 Wattana, Bangkok 10110 1171 5508 2 Ngi Heng Champion Group 3 Sithong 555 11 Lampunchai Rd. Taladnoi, (662) (662) 224 Sampanthawong, Bangkok 10100 2211234, 8495 2216095 4 Medigloves 33/3 Moo 2, Tivanont Rd., Bangkadi, (662) 501 (662) 501 Muang, Pathumthani 12000 2141 2146 5 Superbag 110/1 Moo 1 Rama II Rd., Soi (662) 452 (662) 452 Watbangkradi, Samaedum, 1523 1522 Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 10150 6 Thai Fuji Xerox 175 Sathorn City Tower, 23rd Floor, (662) 679 (662) 679 South Sathorn Rd., Tungmahamek, 6050 6048 Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 7 Impress Machinery 154/1 Soi Sukhumvit 65, Sukhumvit (662) 714 (662) 714 Rd., Prakanong Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 0559 0560 10110 8 First Unitrade 1056/13 New Road, Bangrak, Bangkok (662) (662) 10500 2357552 2365791 9 Machinery Emporium (1995) 240 Moo 1 Soi Prachauthit 35, (662) 427 (662) 427 Bangmod, Ratburana, Bangkok 10140 7437 2354

98 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Harmonised Code: 8441.30 Machines for Making Paper Cartons, Boxes, Cases, Tube Drums or Similar Containers Other Than By Moulding, incl., CKD

No. Company Name Address Tel. Fax. 1. Tawanna Packaging Co Ltd 599 Moo 4, Pattana 1 Rd., (662) 324 0781/85 (662) 324 Preaksa, Muang, Samutprakarn 0786 10280 324 0079 2. S. Sri Aksorn Printing Products 88/1-4 Rama III Rd., (662) 291 3614/7, (662) 291 Bangkorlaerm, Bangkorlaerm, 291 3562 3564 Bangkok 10120 3. Continental Packaging 90/3 Sukhumvit 31 Rd., North (662) 285 0682/85 (662) 258 (Thailand) Klongton, Wattana, Bangkok 0686 10110 4. Beautipack Co Ltd 94 Moo 11, Soi S.Thaiseri, (662) 425 8408 (662) 425 Suksawad Rd, Bangplakod, 425 8749 Prasamutchedi, Samutprakarn 8843 10290 5. Meyer Industries 38/9 Moo 5, Laermchabang (66-38) 490 (66-38) Industrial Estate, Tungsongkla, 383/91 490393 Sriracha, Chonburi 20230 490 393 6. Balance Packing 58 Moo 9, Buddhamonton Sai 4 Rd., Ommoi, Kratumban, Samutsakorn 7. K M Packaging (Thailand) Co Ltd 909/9 Moo 15, Teparak (662) 706 0901 / 8 (662) 706 Industrial Estate, 0900 Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 10540 8. SIG Combiblock Eastern Seabord Industrial (66-38) 954 100 (6638) 954 Estate 103 33 Moo 4, Highway No. 331 Amphur Pluakdaeng Rayong 21140 9. Dumex Ltd (Bangkok) Bangplee Industrial Estate 359 (662) 315 3230/42 (662) 315 Moo 17, Teparak Rd., 3228/29 Bangsaothon, Samutprakarn 10540 10. Toisu Package 56/4 Moo 3, Klongpraudom, Pakkred, Nonthaburi 11. Paitoon Paper Box 15/4 Moo 6, Ekachai-Setakij, (662) (662) Bangnamjud, Muang, Samutsakorn 12. Sang Ngam Industry 50 Moo 9, Sukhsawadi 47, Bangkru, Prapadaeng, Samutprakarn 13. Diana Packs 334 Moo 2, Suksawadi Rd., Radburana, Bangkok 14. Yong Fah Industrial 8/2 Moo 4, Huay Mong, Kampangsan, Nakornpathom 15. Godo Supplies 16 Soi Yaowapanich, Yaowaraj (662) 224 4836 (662) 224 Rd., Sampantawong, Bangkok 4357 10100

16. Citicorp Leasing (Thailand) 191, 12th Floor, Silom Rd., (662) 232 2064, (662) 234

99 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 231 3501/45 8702 10500 17. Hanky Panky Toys (Thailand) 403/65 Moo 12, Chomthien Rd., Nongpruy, Banglamung, Chonburi 18. Procter and Gamble 112 Moo 5 Bangsamak, (66-38) 570 830 (66-38) Manufacturing (Thailand) Bangpakong, Chachoengsao 570807 24180 (Fábrica) White Group Bldg, 10th floor 75 (662) 381 1039/45 Soi Rubia Sukhumvit 42 Rd, (662) 381 Prakanong, Klongtoey, 9903 Bangkok 10110 (oficinas centrales) 19. Thai Packaging Industry Co Ltd 6/4 Ekachai Rd., (662) 415 0085/88 (662) 415 Bangkhunthien, Chomthong, 5292 Bangkok 10150 20. P K Machinery 21. ASA Container 99/1 Moo 5, Rama II Rd, (662) 810 4750 (662) 810 Tarsai, Muang, Samutsakorn 4770 74130 22. Impress Machinery Co Ltd 154/1 Soi Sukhumvit 65, (662) 714 0559 (662) 714 Sukhumvit Rd., North 0560 Prakanong, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 23. Sunlife (Thailand) 120 Kasemkij Tower, 9th floor, (662) 266 4473, (662) 266 Room 908, Silom Rd, Silom, 238 2986 4473 Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 24. JAS International 386/43-48 Petchburi Rd., Soi (662) 215 7560/1, (662) 215 Payanak, Rajathevee, Bangkok 215 7397 7398 10400 25. Tong Lian 11/665 Popular 5 Rd., Baan Mai, Pakkred, Nonthaburi 26. Jing Mao Box Manufacturing 66/4 Moo 3, Nongtinka, Bangpoh, Chachengsao 27. Rowatthai Co Ltd 487/81 Rajaprarop Rd., (662) 252 0052 (662) 255 Makkasan, Rajathevee, 2774 Bangkok 10400 28. Union Paper Cartons 70/5 Moo 6, Soi Ekachai 78, (662) 415 (662) 415 Ekachai Rd., Bangbon, 0735/2186/ 3006 5748 Bangkok 10150 894 2501 5 29. Thai Containers Ratchaburi 1 Thai Cement Rd., Bangsue, (662) 586 5577 (662) 586 (1989) Co Ltd Bangkok 10800 586 5991 4694 30. Ebver peak Paper 16/2 Soi Sukhaphibal Omyai 8, (662) 811 5906 (662) 811 Moo 14, Petkasem Rd., 5908 Raiking, Samphran, Nakornpathom 31. Nandee Intertrade 327/35-39 Soi Wat Prok 2, (662)213 0115/6 (662) 212 Tungwatdon, Sathorn, Bangkok 1448 10120 32. Chat Tip Metal 12/145 Moo 10 Bangbon 2 Rd., (662) 899 6635/8 (662) 8996634 Bangbon, Bangkok 10150

33. S & D Industries Co Ltd 69/42 Moo 4, Thonburi-Paktor (662) 452 1705/6 (662) Rd., Samaedum, Bangkhuntien, 4521659, Bangkok 10150 4521660

100 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 34. Wattanapun Packaging System 2406/16 – 18 New Road, (662) 291 0133 – (662) 291 Bangkorlaem, Bangkok 10120 5 0149 35. SW Group Supply and Service 219/768 Moo 12 Petkasem Rd., Omnoi, Kratumban, Samutsakorn 36. Siam Packaging 101/66 Moo 20 Phaholyothin Rd,. Klongnung, Klongluang, Patumthani 37. Union Carton Industry 86 Moo 5, Bangsamak, (66-38) 570 163/8 (66-38) Bangpakong, Chachoengsao 570164 24180 38. AJ Export & Import 461 / 1 Moo 9, Prachauthit Rd., (662) 427 2099 (662) 427 Ratburana, Bangkok 10140 5059

101 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Harmonized Code: 8441.40 Machines for Moulding Articles in Paper Pulp, Paper or Paperboard, Incl. CKD

No Name Address Tel. Fax 1 Sky Craft Industry 1 Siam Cement Rd., Bangsue, Bangkok 2 Paknam Offset (1992) 3 LHK precision Work 33/11 Moo 7, Soi Phetkasem 75, Lak Song, Nongkam, Bangkok 4 DHA Siamwala 210 Surawong Rd., Si Phraya, Bangrak, (662) 237 (662) 236 Bangkok 10500 0500 7950 5 Unipac Industry 79/45 Moo 4, Thonburi-paktor Rd., (662) 452 (662) 452 Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 1888 1888 6 L-Box Suranaree Industrial Zone 168 Moo 3, (66-44) 212 (66-44) 212 Ratchasima-Chokechai Rd., Muang, 019 021 Nakornratsima 30000 7 Berli Jucker Cellox 99 Soi Rubia, Sukhumvit 42 Rd., (662) 367 (662) 712 Prakanong, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 1774 2436 8 Union and Oji Interpack 70/18 Moo 6, Ekachai Rd., Bangbon, (662) 894 (662) 894 Bangkok 10150 4197 - 8 4199 9 KC Import Export 3769/10-11 Wat Pai Ngen Rd., Bangklo, (662) 289 (662) 291 Bangkorlaem, Bangkok 10120 3988 8519 10 SK Machinery (1987) 95/87-88 Liammaenam Rd., Chongnonsri, Yannawa, Bangkok 11 Sirivattana Inter Print (public) 76/76 Soi Wat Prok 2, New Road, (662) 675 (662) 675 Tungwatdon, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 5600 5639 12 SIG Combibloc 33 Moo 4, Pluakdaeng, Rayong 21140 (66-38) 954 (66-38) 954 100 103 13 Praewanawan 23 Moo 5, Pakkang, Long, Phrae 14 C & H Paperbox (Thailand) 116/29 Thonburi-Paktor Rd., Km. 15, Bangnamjud, Muang, Samutsakorn 15 Wang Noi Machinery (1993) 194 Moo 2, Phaholyothin Rd., Chamab, (66-35) 271 Wangnoi, Ayutthaya 135 16 AJ Export and Import 461/1 Moo 9, Prachauthit Rd., (662) 427 (662) 427 Ratburana, Bangkok 10140 2099 5059

102 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Harmonized Code: 8441.80 Other Machinery for Making Up Paper Pulp, Paper or Paperboard, incl. CKD.

No Name Address Tel. Fax 1 Oji Paper (Thailand) 130-132 Sinthorn Tower II, 14th Floor, (662) (662) Wireless, Lumpini, patumwan, Bangkok 2632710 2632701 10330 2 Berli Jucker Cellox 99 Soi Rubia, Sukhumvit 42 Rd., (662) 367 (662) 712 Prakanong, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 1774 2436 3 Siam Packaging Industry 620 Moo 4, Muang, Samutprakarn 4 Thai KK Industry 56 Silom Rd., Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 (662) 235 (662) 236 4177 2782 5 Procter and Gamble 112 Moo 5, Bangsamak, Bangpakong, (66-38) 570 (66-38) 570 Manufacturing (Thailand) Chachengsao 24180 830 807 6 Cotto NCR Paper 242 Damrongrak Rd., Klongmahanak, Pompab, Bangkok 7 Heidelberg Graphics (Thailand) 197 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd., Samsen (662) 616 (662) 616 Nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 3488 3470 - 73 8 ASA Container 361 Moo 4, Soi Rongle, Kratumban, (662) 810 (662) 810 Samutsakorn 74130 4750 4770 9 Kimberly- Clark Thailand 323 United Center Tower, 41st Floor, (662) 267 (662) 267 Silom Rd., Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 6055 6093 10500 10 Siam Box Industry 11 S. Silpa (2521) 225/26 New Arunamarin Rd., (662) 434 (662) 434 Bangyikun, Bangplan, Bangkok 10700 0111 1911 12 C.A.S. Machinery Co., Ltd. 203 Soi Chula 16, Charasmuang, (662) Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 2119807 13 Panjapol Fiber Container 389 Chau Ploeng Rd., Klongtoey, (662) 249 (662) 249 Bangkok 10110 0251 5713 14 Kimpai Ltd., Part. 1741 Chan Rd., Tunmahamek, Sathorn, (662) 294 (662) 294 Bangkok 10120 0137 2903 15 Pilot Knit Sport Wear 20/4 Moo 7, Bangkhuntien Rd., (662) 415 (662) 415 Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 10150 0741 4888 16 Thai Cane Paper Public Sinn Sathorn Tower, 26th Floor, 77/107 (662) 440 (662) 440 – 108, Krungthornburi Rd., Klongsan, 0707 0717 Bangkok 10600 17 Thai Packaging Industry (public) 6/4 Ekachai Rd., Bangkhuntien, (662) 415 (662) 415 Chomthong, Bangkok 10150 0085 5292 18 S. Sri-Aksorn Printing Products 88/1-4, Rama III Rd., Bangkorlaem, (662) 291 (662) 291 Bangkok 10200 3614 3564 19 Bangkok Grand Pacific Lease 175 Sathorn City Tower, 24th floor, (662) 679 (662) 679 Public South Sathorn Rd., Tungmahamek, 6226 6241-3 Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 20 J.C. Business Form Co., Ltd. 1/11 Moo 5, Liabklongfangnua Rd., (662) (662) Nongkhem, Nongkhem, Bangkok 10160 4440516-7 4216283 21 SC Johnson & Son 59/1 Soi Sukhumvit 16, Klongtoey, (662) 663 (662) 663 Bangkok 10110 0888 0889 22 Thai British Security Printing 41/1 Moo 10, Soi Watsuansom, South (662) 394 (662) 384 Samrong, Prapadaeng, Samutprakarn 4407 0917 10130

23 Tawanna Packaging 599 Moo 4, pattana 1 Rd., Soi 14, Muang, Samutprakarn

103 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 24 Two Tee Tycoon 10 Moo 6, Soi Sudjutnives II, Rama II Rd., Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 25 United Paper 113-115, Rimklongprapa Rd., Bangsue, (662) 587 (662) 587 Bangkok 10800 6555 7390 26 Nanmee Industry 1121 Moo 6, Teparak Rd., Muang, (662) 383 (662) 383 Samutprakarn 10270 5705 6928 27 Shikuku (thailand) 64 Moo 1, Baansali-Ayutthaya Rd., Kaewfa, Bangsai, Ayutthaya 28 Inter Graffica and Pack 247-251 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd., (Thailand) Samsen-nai, Phayathai, Bangkok 29 Jin Mey Paper 591 Moo 2, Bangpu Industrial Estate, Bangpu Mai, Muang, Samutprakarn 30 Pitoon Container 15/4 Moo 6, Ekachai-Setakij Rd., Bangnamjud, Muang, Samutsakorn 31 Diana Packs 334 Moo 2, Suksawadi Rd., Ratburana, Bangkok 32 Louis T. Leonowens (Thailand) 723 Soi Hong Kong Bank, Si Phaya (662) 237 (662) 236 Rd., Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 7040 7471 33 Sang Sarn Packaging 34 Bangsai Industry (Branch 1) 2597/185-186 Trok Nok Ket, Bangklo, Yannawa, Bangkok 35 Thai Silkscreen Advertising 64/18 So Rongmuang 1, Rong Muang Rd., Patumwan, Bangkok 36 Biolab 55 Soi Prompong, Sukhumvit 39 Rd., North Klongton, Wattana, Bangkok 625 Soi 7A, Moo 4, Sukhumvit Road, (662) (662) Samutprakarn 10270 3240775-7, 2590998 7093121 37 IWK Packaging machinery 38 Machinery Emporium (1995) 240 Moo 1, Soi Prachauthit 35, (662) 427 (662) 427 Bangmod, Ratburana, Bangkok 10140 7437 2354 39 Daito Chemical 20/3Moo 14, Bangkokno-Nakornchaisri (662) 223 (662) Rd., Talingchan, Bangkok 10170 8096 4354453 40 Solarlens 372 Chalongkrung Rd., Lamplatiw, (662) 326 (662) 326 Lardkrabang, Bangkok 10520 0578-9 0611 41 Meyer Industries 38/9 Moo 5, Laermchabang Industrial (66-38) 490 (66-38) 490 Estate, Tungsongkla, Sriracha, Chonburi 383/91 393 490 393 42 MSP IND 140/38 ITF Tower, 17th Floor, Silom Rd., Bangrak, Bangkok 43 Alp Asia International 91/4 Moo 1, Laharn, Pluakdaeng, Rayong 44 S. Pack and Print (public) 119 Moo 1 Takam, hadyai, Songkla 45 PSP Por. Sang printing 602/12 Charansanitwong Rd., Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 46 U-Thai Cartons 108/18 Rama II Rd., Watbangkradi, Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 47 Union Paper Cartons 70/5 Moo 6, Soi Ekachai 78, Ekachai (662) 415 (662) 415 Rd., Bangbon, Bangkok 10150 0735 5748

48 Connect Industrial (Thailand) 157/3 Moo 4, Khokmor District, Old (66-32) (66-32) Petchkasem Rd., A. Muang, Ratchaburi 317212/4 317215 70000 Email : [email protected]

104 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 49 ASA Container 99/1 Moo 5, Rama II Rd, Tarsai, Muang, (662) 810 (662) 810 Samutsakorn 74130 4750 4770 50 Adler Business System 51 Dragon Handbag (Thailand) 307, Lardkrabang Industrial Estate, (662) 326 (662) 326 Chalonkrung Rd., Lamplatiw, 0617- 6 0619 Lardkrabang, Bangkok 10520 52 Kurt Muller (Thailand) 157/3 Moo 4, Kokmor, Muang, Samutprakarn 53 Perm Pun Pattana Industry 82/233 Moo 3, Ram-Indra Rd., Km. 14, (662) 275 (662) Minburi, Bangkok 7019 54 Top Great Enterprise 66/4 Moo 3, Nongtinka, Baanpoh, Chachengsao 55 Cyber Graphics (2000) 77/8 Sinsathorn Tower Rd., First Floor, (662) (662) Thonburi Rd., Klongsarn Bangkok 4400281/5, 4400055 10600 4400051 Email: [email protected] 56 Ebver Peak Paper 16/2 Soi Sukhaphibal 8, Moo 14, (662) 811 (662) 811 Phetkasem Rd., Raiking, Samphran, 5906 5908 Nakornpathom 57 Saha Thai Printing and Packaing 24/67 Charansanitwong Rd., (662) 423 (662) 424 Bangyikun, Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 0051 - 2 7027 10700 58 Muller Martini (Thailand) 4/31-2 Rachadaphisek-Thaphra Talad (662) (662) Ploo Thon Buri Bangkok 10600 4726800 4726804 4/31-32 Thonburi Plaza Tower, 12th Floor, Taladplu, kratumban, Samutsakorn 59 CT Industry 34 Moo 11, Phetkasem Rd., (662) (662) Kratumban, Samutsakorn 74130 4208962/4 4200296 60 Hong Chiang 8/13 Moo 6, Rkachai Rd, Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 10150 61 Nandee Inter-Trade 327/35-39 Soi Wat Prok 2, Chan Rd., (662) 213 (662) 212 Tungwatdon, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 0115 1448 62 Lion Tyres (Thailand) 241 Bangpu Industrial Estate, Soi 3, (662) 324 (662) 324 Pattana 1 Rd., Muang, Samutprakarn 0576 0579 10280 63 PK Machinery 64 Better Pack 62 Prachatipathai Rd., Baan Panthom, (662) 281 (662) 280 Pranakorn, Bangkok 10200 8169 0365 65 Toitsu Package 56/4 Moo 3, Klongpraudom, Pakkred, Nonthaburi 66 Impress Machinery 154/1 Soi Sukhumvit 65, Sukhumvit (662) 714 (662) Rd., North Prakanong, Wattana, 0559 7140560 Bangkok 10110 e-mail: [email protected] 67 An Chon Packaging 68 TOT International 350/132 Sri Krung Ville, Nanglinchee (662) 285 (662) Rd, Chongnonsri, Yannawa, Bangkok 3308

69 Vichai Charoen Machinery 11/1 Soi Kasemsant 2, Rama I Rd., Wang Mai, Patumwan, Bangkok 70 Unique Packaging (1993) 93/2 Moo 7, Banga-Trad Rd., Bangplee Yai, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 71 Broadway Pulp Packaging 57 Moo 9, Rojana Industrial Estate, (66-35) 330 (Bangkok) Tanu, Uthai, Ayutthaya 13120 575

105 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 72 Smooth Thai Industrial 119/331 Moo 6, Sukhaphibal 1 Rd., Klongkum, Bungkum, Bangkok 73 M.D. Machinery and Supply 223/14 Somdejchaopraya, Klongsan, (662) 863 (662) 439 Bangkok 10600 0051 3224 74 PWC Group 66/9 Soi Watchonglom, Rachadapisek Rd., Chongnonsri, Yannawa, Bangkok 75 Thai Paper 1 Siam Cement Rd., Bangsue, Bangkok (662) 586 (662) 586 10800 4511 4512 76 Dupro (Thailand) 83/121 Moo 6, Ngamwongwan Rd., (662) 954 (662) 954 Tungsonghong, Laksi, Bangkok 10210 7979 7979 77 Kriang Kamol 44,50 Yaowaraj Rd., Sampunthawong, (662) 225 (662) Bangkok 10100 0138 2256027 78 Siam Paper Co Ltd 31 Phayathai Bldg, 10th floor, Phayathai (662) (662) Rd, Bangkok 10400 2459330 2477623

79 Uni-Charm (Thailand) Wellgrow Industrial Estate Phase 3, 105 (66-38) 570 (66-38) 570 Moo 9, Bangwua, Bangpakong, 900 957 Chachoengsao 24180 80 Fufon Thai Vehicle Parts 5/38-39 Moo 2, Klongmadua-Kaelay (66-34) 470 Rd., Kratumban, Samutsakorn 801

106 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Harmonized Code: 8441.90 Parts of Machinery of Heading No. 8441

No Name Address Tel. Fax 1 Oji Paper (Thailand) 130 – 132 Sinthorn Tower 2, 14th Floor, (662) (662) Wireless Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan, 2632710 2632701 Bangkok 10330 2 Procter and Gamble 112 Moo 5, Bangsamak, Bangpakong, (66-37) 570 (66-38) 570 Manufacturing (Thailand) Chachoengsao 24180 830 807 3 Berli Jucker Cellox 99 Soi Rubia, Sukhumvit 42 Rd., (662) 367 (662) 367 Prakanong, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 1111 1000 4 Santi Packaging 41/3 Moo 5, Romklao Rd., Minburi, (662) 543 (662) 543 Bangkok 10510 8118/28 8130/1 5 Siam Packaging Industry 620 Moo 4, Phreaksa, Muang, Samutprakarn 6 Thai Containers Ratchaburi 1 Siam Cement Rd., Bangsue, Bangkok (662) 586 (662) 586 (1989) 10800 5577 4694 7 Thai Paper 1 Siam Cement Rd., Bangsue, Bangkok (662) 586 (662) 586 10800 4511 4512 8 Union Paper Cartons 70/5 Moo 6, Soin Ekachai 78, Ekachai (662) 415 (662) 415 Rd., Bangbon, Bangkok 10150 0735 5748 9 Asia Kraft Paper 99 Moo 5, Thonburi-Parktor Rd., Tarsai, (66-34) (66-34) Muang, Samutsakorn 74000 423056, 422599 822333 10 Tawana Container 599 Moo 4, Patana 1 Rd., Soi 14, (662) 324 (662) 324 Phreaksa, Muang, Samutprakarn 10280 0781 0786 11 United Paper 76/1 Rimklongprapa Rd., Bangsue, (662) 587 (662) 587 Bangkok 10800 6559 7390 12 Siam Container Chonburi (1995) 321/9 Moo 6, Surasak, Sriracha, (66-38) (66-8) Chonburi 20110 (fábrica) 338500/1 338470 1 Siam Cement Rd, Bangsue, Bangkok (662) (662) 10800 (oficina central) 5865577 5864694 13 Lee Fibre Board 22/3 Moo 4, Nadee, Muang, Samutsakorn 14 ASA Container Co Ltd 99/1 Moo 5, Rama II Rd., Tarsai, (662) (662) Muang, Samutsakorn 74130 8104750 8104770 15 Siam Container 101/66 Moo 20 Phaholyothin Rd., Klongnueng, Klongluang, Pathumthani 16 Kimberley-Clark Thailand 323 United Center Tower, 41st Floor, (662) 267 (662) 267 Silom Rd., Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 6055 6093 10500 17 Bobst Service 123 Sun Tower A, 21st Floor, Vibhavadi- Rangsit Rd., Ladyao, Jatuchak, Bangkok 10120 18 S & D Industry 69/42 Moo 4, Thonburi-Pakthor Rd., Samaedum, Bangkhunthien, Bangkok 19 Advanced Agro Public 122 North Sathorn Rd., Silom, Bangrak, (662) 267 (662) 238 Bangkok 10500 7164 2473 20 Inter Fibre Container 99/99 Moo 1, Soi Pookem, Intapad Rd., (662) 454 (662) 454 Laksong, Nongkham, Bangkok 10160 3386 3385 21 Thai Packaging Industry Public 6/4 Ekachai Rd., Bangkhunthien, (662) (662) Chomthong, Bangkok 10150 4150085/8 4155292

22 Siam Paper Products 34 Moo 1, Ratburana, Bangkok 23 Jin Mer Paper 590 Moo 2, Bangpoo Industrial Estate,

107 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Bangpoomai, Muang, Samutprakarn 24 Hua Nam Printing Co Ltd 138 Soi Wat Prok 2 New Rd Thung Wat (662) (662) Don Sathon Bangkok 10120 6758711-9 6758720 25 Southeast Paper Factory 75 Moo 13, Petkasem Rd., Suanluang, (662) 420 (662) 420 Kratumban, Samutsakorn 74110 1260 9798 26 ASA Container 361 Moo 4, Soi Ronglek, Omnoi, (662) 810 (662) 810 Kratumban, Samutsakorn 74130 4750 4770 27 Unipack Industry 79/45 Moo 4, Thonburi-Paktor Rd., (662) (662) Samaedum, Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 4521888 4521888 28 DM Container 33/4 Moo 6, Rama II Rd., Km, 42, Bangtorad, Muang, Samutsakorn 29 Johnson and Johnson (Thai) 106 Moo 4 Lardkrabang Industrial (662) 326 (662) 326 Estate, Chalongkrung Rd., Lamplatiw, 0193 0747 Lardkrabang, Bangkok 10520 30 SIG Combibloc 33 Moo 4, Pluckdaeng, Rayong 21140 (66-38) 954 (66-38) 954 100 103 31 Ching Fong Machinery (Thailand) 48/30 Moo 1, Soi Julapong, Rama II (662) 415 (662) 415 Rd., Samaedum, Bangkhuntien, 1164 1612 Bangkok 10150 32 Citipack 88/159 15th floor, Mahatun Plaza Tower, Ploenchit Rd., Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 101 Moo 1, Sudbuntad Rd., Taldeal, (66-36) (66-36) Kangkoy, Saraburi 18110 251724-8 251721, 251731 33 Moulding 93/14 Soi Sermsuk 4, Prachachuen Rd., Ladyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 34 Nippon HI-Pack (Thailand) 221 Moo 7, Tahtum, Srimahapoh, Prachinburi 35 Thai Cane paper Public 77/107 Krungthonburi Rd., Klongtonsai, (662) 440 (662) 440 Klongsan, Bangkok 10600 0707 0717 36 Kongsak Watana Paper 225 Soi Senanikom 2, Phaholyothn Rd., (662) 579 (662) 579 Container Ladyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 1396 0223 37 Mayer Industries 38/9 Moo 5, Laemchabang Industrial (66-38) 490 (66-38) 490 Estate, Tungsukala, Sriracha, Chonburi 383 393 20230 38 Siam Paper Manufacturing Co 16/7 Moo 3, Nongkangplu, Nongkham, (662) (662) Ltd Bangkok 10160 3323940/9 4209294 39 Hong Chieng 8/13 Moo 6 Ekachai Rd., Bangbon, Bangkhuntien, Bangkok 10150 40 Siam Cement Public 1 Siam Cement Rd., Bangsue, Bangkok (662) 586 (662) 587 10800 3333 2199 41 Sang Thai Machinery 357 Mahachai Rd., Samranrat, Phranakorn, Bangkok 42 Thai Containers Songkla (1994) 1 Siam Cement Rd., Bangsue, Bangkok (662) (662) 10800 5865577 5864694 43 S. Sri Aksorn Printing Products 88/1 – 4 Rama IIIRd., Bangkorlaem, (662) 291 (662) 291 Bangkok 10120 3614 3564

44 Electronic Industry (USA) 103 Moo 4, Lardkrabang Industrial (662) 326 (662) 326 Estate, Chalongkrung Rd., Ladplatiw, 0540 0933 Lardkrabang, Bangkok 10520 45 Bangkok Paper Print 191/2 Soi Kannanives Moo 8, Bangbon (662) 811 (662) 429

108 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 5 Rd., Nongkam, Bangkok 10160 2091 3283 46 Thai Packaging and Printing 9/9 Moo 6, Kingkaew Rd., Rajatheva, (662) (662) Public Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 3268121/9 3268139 e-mail: [email protected] 47 Sang Ngam Industry 50 Moo 9 Sukhsawadi 47 Rd., Bangkru, Prapadaeng, Samutprakarn 48 Thai Rung Textile 62 Soi Vilalai, Bangna-Trad Rd., (662) 337 (662) 337 Bangchalong, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 2324 2329 10540 49 Heidelberg Graphics (Thailand) 197 Vibhavadi-Rangsit Rd., Samsennai, (662) 616 (662) 616 Phayathai, Bangkok 10400 3469 3470 50 TOA –Sankyo Industries 113 Soi Charoensuk, Sukhumvit 63 Rd., (662) 391 (662) 391 Klongton, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 9725 0878 51 Thai Polyacrylic Public 61 Moo 9, Buddhamonthon Sai 4 Rd., (662) 429 (662) 429 Kratumlom, Samphran, Nakornpathom 2487 2534 73220 52 Nam Thai Paper Box Factory 379/4 Soi Watpaingen, Chan Rd., Tungwatdorn, Sathorn, Bangkok 53 Panjapol Fibre Container 389 Rim Chongnonsee Railroad Rd., (662) 249 (662) 249 Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 0251 5713 54 Sirivatana Interprint Public 76/76 Soi Watprok 2, New Road, (662) 675 (662) 675 Tungwatdorn, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 5600 5639 55 Treasure Box 138 Moo 4, Lardkrabang Industrial (662) 326 (662) 236 Estate, Lamplatiw, Lardkrabang, 0194 0388 Bangkok 10520 56 Kim Pai Co Ltd 1741 Chan Rd., Tungmahamek, (662) (662) Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 2940137 2942903 57 Mahaphant Fibre-Cement Public 99 Moo 9 Petkasem Rd., Raiking, (662) 291 (662) 689 Samphran, Nakornpathom 73110 1895 0353 58 Panjapol Pulp Industry Public 323 Silom Rd., Silom, Bangrak, (662) 237 (662) 237 Bangkok 10500 7881 1608 59 Vit Machinery and Supply 60 Moo 6, Soi Pinnakorn 4, Talingchan, Bangkok 60 Duco International 31/2 Sukhumvit Rd., Soi Sang-ngen, Klongton Nua, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 (662) (662) 185/2 Soi Sawasdee Sukhumvit 31 2601860, 2610570/1 Klongtoey Bangkok 10110 2603143/6 61 Bangpa-in Paper Industry Factory 129 Luang Rd., Baanbad, Pomprab, Bangkok 62 Avery Dennison (Thailand) 49/51-54 Kingkaew Road, Moo 12 (662) (662) Tambol Rajathewa 7502072/4 7502071 Bangplee District, Samutprakam 10540 63 Okuma Techno (Thailand) 64 ASP Permkij Ltd Part 65/1023 Chamnanpenchart Tower, 11th (662) (662) Floor, Huakwang, Bangkok 10310 6439880 6439882

65 Weston Myer 3539 Rama IX Rd., Suanluang, (662) (662) Bangkok 10250 7322722 3751179 e-mail: [email protected] 66 SP and Print Public 119 Moo 1 Tarkam, Hadyai, Songkla 67 Thai CRT 87/9 Moo 2, Sukhumvit Rd., (66-38) 490 (66-38) 490 Tungsukala, Sriracha, Chonburi 20230 220 226

109 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 68 Bangkok Container Industry 101/59 Moo 20 Navanakorn Industrial Estate, Klongnueng, Klongluang, Pathumthani 69 Starprint Co Ltd 144 Moo 17 Bangna-Trad Rd., (662) (662) Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 10540 3151611/4 3151010 e-mail: [email protected] 70 Ake Yong Wong 34/12 Moo 6, Bangmod, Chomthong, Bangkok 71 Magne Comp (Thailand) 1/25 Moo 5, Rojana Industrial Estate, Kanham, Uthai, Ayutthaya 72 Salee Printing Co Ltd 9/19 Moo 5, Phaholyothin Rd., (662) (662) Klongnueng, Klongluang, Pathumthani 9020762/4 9020766 12120 73 Cotto NCR Paper 242 Damronrak Rd., Klongmahanak, Pomprab, Bangkok 74 Fabrinate 20 Buppachit Tower, 7th Floor, North Sathorn Rd., Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 75 Siam Top Pan Packaging 543 Moo 4, Sukhumvit Rd., Phreaksa, Muang, Samutprakarn 76 Tenma Paper Mills (Thailand) 6/2 Sukprachasawan 2 Rd., Bangpud, (662) 583 (662) 253 Pakkred, Nonthaburi 11120 8216 3842 77 Uni-Charm (Thailand) 129/1 Moo 17, Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn Wellgrow Industrial Estate, Phase 3, (66-38) (66-38) 105 Moo 9, Bangvua, Amphur 570900 570957 Bangpakong, Chachoengsao 24180 e-mail: [email protected] 78 Thai Marsol 300 Chalongkrung Rd., Lardkrabang, (662) 326 (662) 326 Bangkok 10520 0477 1365 79 Thai Plastic Bags Industrial 42/174 Moo 5, Raiking, Samphran, (662) 431 (662) 429 Nakornpathom 73210 0293 0358 80 Likitomi (Thailand) 82 Moo 1, Wellgrow Industrial Estate (66-38) (66-38) Bangna-Trad, Km. 36, T. Homsin, A. 570092/9 570680 Bangprakong, Chachoengsao 81 Thai Gulico 898 Ploenchit Tower, 13th Floor, (662) (662) Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 2630510/7 2630518 82 Thai British Security Printing 41/1 Moo 10 Soi Wat Suan Som, (662) 709 (662) 709 Samrong Tai, Prapadaeng, 4201 4200 Samutprakarn 10270 83 Suksawad Slitting Printing 551 Silom Rd., Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 84 Shikuku (Thailand) 64 Moo 1, Baansalee-Ayutthaya Rd., Kaewfa, Bangsai, Ayutthaya 85 Suanluang Engineering 44 Chakrawat Rd., Sampanthawong, (662) 222 (662) 225 Bangkok 10100 1986 3879

110 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

86 Best Precision 99/2 Moo 5, Tambol Makarmku, (66-38) (66-38) Nikompatana, Rayong 21180 (fábrica) 893237 893081 152 Chatered Square Bldg, 28th floor (662) (662) unit 3, North Sathorn Rd, Silom, 6376506/10 2377132 Bangkok 10500 (oficina) 87 Union Carton Industry 86 Moo 5, Bangsamak, Bangpakong, (66-38) 570 (66-37) 570 Chachoengsao 24180 163 164 88 N R Industries 768 Moo 3 Soi Thanpuying, Teparak (662) 758 (662) 381 Rd., Muang, Samutprakarn 10270 1492 1945 89 Newlong (Thailand) 1415 Sukhumvit Rd., Prakanong Nua, (662) 391 (662) 391 Wattana, Bangkok 10110 1171 5508

111 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Harmonized Code: 844311 Offset printing machinery, reel fed. Incl.ckd

No Name Address Tel. Fax 1 Nation Multimedia Group Co., 44 Moo 10, Bangna-Trad Rd., Bangna, (662) 317 (662) 317 Ltd. Prakanong, Bangkok10260 0420 1384 2. L.L.H. Printing and Packaging 206/3-4 Moo 8, Samrongtai, (662) (662) Co., Ltd. Prapadaeng, Samutprakarn 10130 3845445 3944816, 3840612 3. J.A.S. International Co., Ltd. 386/43-48 Petchburi Rd., Soi Payanak, (662) 215 (662) 215 Thanon Petburi, Ratthevee Bangkok 7560 - 01 7398 10400 4. Citicorp Leasing (Thailand) Co., Silom Complex 191, 12th Fl., Silom, (662) 232 (662) 232 Ltd. Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 4126 4200 5. Huanam Printing Co., Ltd. 138 Soi Wat Prok, New Road, Soi 57, (662) 675 (662) 675 Tungwatdorn, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 8711 - 19 8720 6. Printelligence (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 2097/6-7 Moo 4, Teparak Rd., Teparak, (662) 384 (662) 384 Muang, Samutprakarn 10270 2755 8003 7. S. Sahatara (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 179/1 Moo 1 Petkasem 70 Rd., (662) 455 (662) 454 Bangkaenua, Pasicharoen, Bangkok 0139 2241 10150 8. P.W.C. Group Co., Ltd. 66/9 Soi Wat Chonglom, Ratchadapisek Rd., Chongnonsri, Yannawa, Bangkok 9. Inter Computer Co., Ltd. 78/10 Moo 5, Suanpak, Tlingchan, (662) 433 (662) 882 Tlingchan, Bangkok 10170 3359 0474 10. Thai Pepper Mill Co., Ltd. 66 Moo 3, Nongbua, Bankai, Rayong 11. Siam Thai Printing Equipment 88/1 2nd Fl., Rama III Rd., Bangkorlaem, (662) 869 Ltd., Part.. Bangkorlaem, Bangkok 7546 12. Sriboon Printing Industry (1988) 3021 Moo 10 Sukhumvit Rd., (662) 399 (662) 398 Co., Ltd. Samrongnua, Muang, Samutprakarn 3861 9402 10270 13. Inter Trade Machines Co., Ltd. 503/6 Soi Suksawat 8, Bangpakok Moo 13, Ratburana, Bangkok 14. Thai J.P.M. Co., Ltd. 3241 Rama IV Rd., Klongton, Klongtoey, Bangkok 15. Sahathammik Co., Ltd. 16. Innovation Nakornluang 611/40 Soi Wat Channai, (662) 291 (662) 689 Footwear Co., Ltd. Charoenkrung, Bangklo, Bangkorlaem, 2577 8932 Bangkok 10120 17. C & S Printing Co., Ltd. 18. TOA Paint (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 31/2 Bangna-Trad Rd., Km. 23, (662) 312 (662) 312 Bangsaothong, Bangplee, 8370 8751 Samutprakarn 10540

112 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Harmonized Code: 8443.40 Gravure Printing Machinery, incl. CKD

No Name Address Tel. Fax 1 Starprint Co Ltd 144 Moo 17 Bangna-Trad Rd., (662) (662) Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 10540 3151611/4 3151010 e-mail: [email protected] 2 Fuji Ace Co Ltd 487/1 Sri Ayutthaya Rd., Phayathai, (662) 246 (662) 246 Rajathevee, Bangkok 10400 0828 / 30 / 31 0849 3 Daifu Industries 398 Moo 1, Prachautit Rd., Bangmod, (662) 427 (662) 427 Tungkru, Bangkok 10140 0025 / 7 6772 4 Siew Lamination 232 Moo 4, Sukhumvit Rd., Muang, (662)7094031 (662) Samutprakarn 10280 3240616 5 Han Hwa Chemical (Thailand) 377 Moo 17 Bangplee Industrial Estate, (662) 315 (662) 315 Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 3207 / 4 3208 6 Perfect Packaging 48/52-53 Moo 1, Ekachai Rd., (66-34) 824 (66-34) 824 Kokkrabue, Muang, Samutsakorn 487-8 261 74000 7 Rung Silp Printing (1977) 85-95, 171, Mahanakorn Rd., (662) 236 (662) 238 Mahaprutaram, Bangrak, Bangkok 2986 / 8735 4028 10500 8 CP Packaging Industry 130 Moo 17 Bangplee Industrial Estate, (662) 705 (662) 705 Bangna-Trad Rd., Bangsaothaong, 1621 1628 Samutprakarn 10540 9 Card System and Marketing 214/12 Moo 1, Phetkasem Rd., Soi Phetkasem 40, Banghya, Phasicharoen, Bangkok 10 Thai British Security Printing 41/1 Moo 10 Soi Watsuansom, South (662) 709 (662) 709 Samrong, Prapadaeng, Samutprakarn 4201 4200 10270 11 Unilever Thai Holdings 80/2 Moo 16, Srinakarin Rd., (662) 351 (662) 379 Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 2000 5952 12 SV Machinery 2/3 Moo 3 Suanluang Rd., Suanluang, (662) 810 (662) 810 Kratumban, Samutsakorn 74110 1830 1834 13 Siam Yamato Industry 146 Moo 5, Bangkadi Industrial Estate, (662) 501 (662) 501 Bangkadi, Muang, Patumthani 12000 1421 - 24 1575 14 SWN Intertrade 537/184 Satupradit Rd., Chongnonsri, (662) 294 (662 )294 Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 8678 – 80 6774 15 Neupeak (Thailand) 444, Olympia Thai Tower, 17th Floor, (662) 511 (662) 512 Rachadapisek Rd., Samsen Nok, 2046 – 7 5972 Huaykwang, Bangkok 10320 16 ETA (Thailand) 439 Moo 17, Bangplee project II (662) 315 (662) 315 Industrial Estate, Bangsaothong, 3161 / 73 3160 Bangkok 10540 17 Universal Green Printing 18 Silpmitr Printing and Dyeing 5/1 Moo 7, Raiking, Samphran, Nakornpathm 19 Union Carton Industry 86 Moo 5, Bangsamak, Bangpakong, (66-38) 570 (662) 570 Chachengsao 24180 163 164 20 Union Paper Cartons 70/5 Moo 6, Soi Ekachai 78, Ekachai (662) 415 (662) 415 Rd., Bangbon, Bangkok 1015 0735 5748

21 Food and Drinks (public) K Bldg, 4th floor, 22 Soi Sukhumvit 35, (662) 260 (662) 260 Klongton, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 9123 / 30 9131

113 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 22 STE Solution SP D Building, 7th Floor, 79/2 (662) 862 (662) 438 Krungthonburi Rd., Klongtonsai, 0029 0235 Klongsan, Bangkok 10600 23 Bioactive 36/56 Riverview Place A. Tower, 2nd Floor, Rama III RD., Chongnonsri, Yannawa, Bangkok 24 BTT (Thailand) 29/8 Soi Charoenmitr, Charoenchai Rd., Klongton, Klongtoey, Bangkok 89/6 Happylandville Lasal Soi 105 (662) 744 (662) 744 Sukhumvit Bang Na Bang Na Bangkok 5090 / 2 5093 10260 25 Nanmee Industry 1121 Moo 6, Teparak Rd., Teparak, Muang, Samutprakarn

26 Hewlett-Packard (Thailand) 3199 Viboonthani Tower, Klongton, (662) 661 (662) 661 Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 3900 3935

114 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje


IMPORTADORES Maquinaria de envase de productos no alimentarios

PACKMART CO., LTD. / C.L. FOODS CO., LTD. 40 Moo 3 Sukhumvit Road Bangna, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 3991156-9, 3612568 Fax: (662) 3981708, 3987190 Mr. Charoen Jaripaibul, Managing Director Type: Importer/Distributor Product: Skimmed pack machinery and materials.

MMP PACKAGING GROUP CO., LTD. 3075/1-2 Sukhumvit Road, MMP & THA Group Building Bangjak, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 7418419-21 Fax: (662) 7418422 Ms. Kamolthip Yothinwatanaudom, Assistant Managing Director Type: Importer/Distributor Product: Pallet wrapping film machinery.

INSTRUMENT CONTROL CO., LTD. 87/42 Moo 2, Sinpetch Panich Building Petchkasem Road 81/4 Nongkarnploo, Nongkem, Bangkok 10160 Tel. (662) 8121714-6, 4208573 Fax: (662) 4205823 Attention: Managing Director Product: Shrink wrapping and other packaging for various industry.

THE EAST ASIATIC (THAILAND) PUBLIC CO., LTD. 1168/92-109 Lumpini Tower, 34th Floor Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 Tel. (662) 6797444, 6797555, 2856677 Fax: (662) 2874623 Mr. Ole Petersen, Manager-Packaging Type: Importer/Distributor

NEWLONG (THAILAND) LIMITED 1415 (Betwen Soi 63-65) Sukhumvit Rd., Prakanong Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Tel. (662) 3911171, 7140600, 3918870 Fax (662) 3915508 Attn: Khun Suji, Managing Director Type: Importer packaging machinery only from Japan

VICCHI ENGINEERING CO., LTD. No. 2797-2799 Pattanakarn Road, Suanluang, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 Tel. (662) 7220450-59 Fax: (662) 7220464 Attn: Managing Director

115 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

IMPORTADORES Maquinaria para envase de productos alimentarios

A.J. Plast Public Co., Ltd. 19/111 Moo 7 Thakarn Road Samaedam Area, Bang Khun Thien Bangkok 10150 Tel: 662-415-0035 Fax: 662-415-1211 Product: Manufacturer of bi-axially oriented polypropylene film (BOPP) for food packaging, cigarette overwrapping, and adhesive tape

Alucon Public Co., Ltd. 500 Moo 1, Soi Sirikam, Sukhumvit Road Samrong Nua Muang District Samut Prakan 10270 Tel: 662-398-0147 Fax: 662-398-3455 Products: Manufacturer of aluminum packaging products.

Carnaudmetalbox (Thailand) PCL 89/1 Moo 8 Soi Wat Suansom Poochao-Samingprai Road, Samrong Tai Phra Pradaeng Samut Prakan 10130 Tel: 662-394-1866 Fax: 662-384-1500 Products: Manufacturer of tin-coated steel cans for the packaging of seafood, milk, vegetables, fruit, fruit-juice, coffee, confectioneries, drugs (in tablet form)

Continental Packaging 90/3 Sukhumvit Soi 31 Klongtoey Bangkok 10110 Tel: 662-258-0682/5 Fax: 662-258-0686 Products: Manufacturer of cardboard boxes

Crown Seal PCL. 99/34 Chaeng Wattana Road Bangkhen Bangkok 10210 Tel: 662-574-4230/6 Fax: 662-573-1687 Products: Manufacturer of seal caps, aluminum pilfer-proof caps, easy-open ends, and maxi or pull-up caps for bottles used in soft drinks, health drink, milk, beer, soda, pharmaceutical product and cosmetics.

Delmax Machinery Co., Ltd.

116 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 25/8 Soi Inthamara 26 Sutthisan Road Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10400 Tel: 662-277-8940 Fax: 662-275-7105 Products: Filling, Labeling, Weighing, Confectionery Packing machinery

FMC (Thailand) Ltd. 10th Flr., Oriflane Asoke Tower 253 Sukhumvit Soi 21 Road Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Tel: 662-261-4095/7 Fax: 662-261-4099 Products: Filling, capping, extracting machines

Have Link 33 Soi Lertnava Krungthepkreetha Road Huamark, Bangkapi Bangkok 10240 Tel: 662-379-4373 Fax: 662-379-4276 Products: Filling, Counting Machines

NEP Realty and Industry PCL 41 Soi 5, Phaholyothin Road, Phayathai Bangkok 10400 Tel: 662-279-8600 Fax: 662-271-4416 Products: Manufacturer of jute products including bags, ropes, fabrics and yarns, and plastic bags.

Nippon Pack (Thailand) PCL. 53/34 Soi La-ongsri, Phet Kasem Road Nong Khaem Bangkok 10160 Tel: 662-421-7374 Fax: 662-421-0496 Products: Manufacturer and distributor of plastic packaging for food, industrial and consumer products

Strongpack PCL 91 Moo 13, Kingkaew Road, Bangplee Samut Prakan 10540 Tel: 662-312-4122/8 Fax: 662-312-4133 Products: Manufacturer of personal care product packaging, food product packaging, chemical and medicine and other product packaging

Thai Coating Industrial PCL 94-95 Moo 8, Suk Sawat Road

117 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Phra Pradaeng Samut Prakan 10130 Tel: 662-464-3260/6 Fax: 662-463-5843 Products: Manufacturer and distributor of plastic sacks and plain sheet fabrics

Thai Film Industries PCL. 77-111 and 158/7 Charasmuang Road, Pathumwan Bangkok 10330 Tel: 662-214-0700 Fax: 662-215-1448 Products: Manufacturer of flexible packaging film including bi-axially oriented polypropylene (BOPP) film, polyester (PET) film, cast polypropylene (CPP) film

Thai O.P.P. Co., Ltd. 1741 Chan Road, Tung Mahamek Sathorn Bangkok 10120 Tel: 662-213-2351 Fax: 662-287-2039 Products: Manufacturer of polypropylene film used in packaging for bags, cigarette overwraps, etc.

Thai Packaging & Printing PCL. 9/9 Moo 6 Kingkaew Road Rachateva, Bangplee Samut Prakarn 10540 Tel: 662-326-8131 Fax: 662-287-2039 Product: Manufacturer of single-faced corrugated boxes, cardboard paper boxes, flexible packaging and stickers.

PREPAC THAILAND CO., LTD. 838 Charoen-Nakorn Road Banlumpoolang, Klongsarn, Bangkok 10600 Tel. (662) 4370240-9 Fax: (662) 4393886-7 Contact: Mr. Kornnop Julchart, Assistant Managing Director Type: Manufacturer. Product: plastic milk bag. The only producer of plastic milk bag.

N.J. INDUSTRY CO., LTD. 5/4 Moo 5, Sankkasantisuk Road Kratoomrai, Nongjork, Bangkok 10530 Tel. (662) 9883515-8 Fax: (662) 9883519 Contact: Mr. Withaya Wongsukharuethai, Managing Director Type: Manufacturer Product: milk bottle.

S.W. PLASTIC CO., LTD. 73 Moo 11, Puthamonthon Sai 5 Raiking, Samprang, Nakhornpathom 73210 Tel. (662) 4204679, 4205694-5, 4205708-10 Fax: (662) 4204907

118 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Contact: Ms. Suporn Panitharnsirikul, Managing Director Type: Manufacturer Product: milk bottle.

PLASTIC CONTAINER CO., LTD. 141/1 Moo 2, Soi 14 Tula Tivanont Road, Tasai, A. Muang, Nonthaburi 11000 Tel. (662) 5800571-2, 9512011 Fax: (662) 5880453 Contact: Mr. Boonyong Arkomsunthorn, Managing Director Type: Manufacturer Product: milk bottle.

POLYMER ENGINEERING AND TRADING CO., LTD. 52 Moo 14, Bangchan Industrial Estate Bungkum Road, Minburi, Bangkok 10510 Tel. (662) 9198175-8, 5179428-9 Fax: (662) 5171659 Contact: Dr. Siri Jirapongpan, Managing Director Type: Manufacturer Product: milk bottle.

TETRA PAK (THAI) LTD. 1042 Soi Poonsin, Sukhumvit 66/1 Road, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 3612801-5 Fax: (662) 3612310 Contact: Mr. Per Hausvik, Managing Director Type: Manufacturer Product: tetra-brick packaging.

TANAMAC CO., LTD. 222/2,7,8 Onpa Tower, Sirinthorn Road, Bangplad, Bangkok 10700 Tel. (662) 8811736-7 Fax: (662) 4351372 Contact: Mr. Sirichai Tananimit, Managing Director Type: Importer

EUROPAC CO., LTD. 566 Ruam Rudi Building, 6th Floor, Ploenchit Road, Bangkok 10330 Tel. (662) 6514995-8, 2517705-6, 2517710, 2529341 Fax: (662) 2512350 Contact: Mrs. Phornphan Urpatra, Director Type: Importer/Distributor

PACKMART CO., LTD. / C.L. FOODS CO., LTD. 40 Moo 3 Sukhumvit Road, Bangna, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 3991156-9, 3612568 Fax: (662) 3981708, 3987190 Mr. Charoen Jaripaibul, Managing Director Type: Importer/Distributor

MMP PACKAGING GROUP CO., LTD. 3075/1-2 Sukhumvit Road, MMP & THA Group Building Bangjak, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 7418419-21 Fax: (662) 7418422 Ms. Kamolthip Yothinwatanaudom, Assistant Managing Director Type: Importer/Distributor Product: PVC food packaging machinery.

119 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

VIWATCHAI CO., LTD. Wongviwat Building 266/3 Charansanitwongse Road, Bangkok 10700 Tel. (662) 4350051-4, 4339803, 4337471, 4336908 Fax: (6662) 4351141 Mr. Chainyan Wongviwat, Vice President Type: Importer/Distributor Product: Bottle packaging

INSTRUMENT CONTROL CO., LTD. 87/42 Moo 2, Sinpetch Panich Building Petchkasem Road 81/4 Nongkarnploo, Nongkem, Bangkok 10160 Tel. (662) 8121714-6, 4208573 Fax: (662) 4205823 Attention: Managing Director Product: Shrink wrapping and other packaging for various industry.

S.K.D. INTERNATIONAL CO.,LTD. Room 181 Thai CC Tower 889 South Sathorn Rd., Yannawa, Sathorn , Bangkok 10120 Tel. (662) 2100181-2 Fax (662) 2100182 Attention: Mr. Somchai Kongprasertpong, Managing Director Product: Drinking water bottle packaging, importing from Japan

SRIPIPAT ENGINEERING CO., LTD. 165, 165/1, Sukhumvit Soi 93 (Phungmi), Sukhumvit Road, Bangchak, Prakanong, Bangkok 10250 Tel. (662) 3319103-6 Fax (662) 3330061 E-mail: [email protected] Attention: Mr. Mongkol Bapoowong, Managing Director Product: food processing and food packaging machinery from Japan and Netherlands

SOLVEIG LIMITED 2/2 Soi 20 Mituna 9, Rachadapisake Rd., Huaykwang, Bangkok 10320 Tel. (662) 2748878-80, 2748524-44 Fax (662) 2748889 Attention: Mr.Chompoo Chanathorn, Managing Director Product: paper cup from China

120 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

VARIN FOOD MACHINERY CO., LTD. 75/1 Moo 2, Soi Nichom Rattanathani KM. 13.5 Bangna-Trad Road, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 Tel. (662) 3168015 (10 lines) Fax: (662) 3168014 Attn: Mr. Virat Suphasit, President Importer of food processing, canning machinery & equipment

BETTER PACK CO., LTD. 62 Prachatipatai Road, Pranakorn, Bangok 10200 Tel. (662) 2818169, 2813869-70 Fax: (662) 2800365 Attn: Mr. Ekachai Wangvarunyoo, Managing Director Product: processed food and food packaging machinery

VICCHI ENGINEERING CO., LTD. No. 2797-2799 Pattanakarn Road, Suanluang, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 Tel. (662) 7220450-59 Fax: (662) 7220464 Attn: Managing Director

SANDER INTERTRADE CO., LTD. 48/5 Suphapong Soi 1/5, Srinakarin Road, Nongbon, Pravate, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 7482403, 7482724 Fax: (662) 7482402 Attn: Mr. Theera Supasit, Managing Director Import: food packaging, bottling, canning

121 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje


SAKOL BEVERAGE CO., LTD. 244 Ngarm Wongwan Road, Bangkrasor, Nonthaburi 11000 Tel. (662) 9510435-38, 9510442 Fax: (662) 5884690 Contact: Mr. Hendrikus Littooij, Business Development Manager

PAN INTERNATIONAL (THAILAND) CO., LTD. TCC Building, 6th Floor 290 Surawongse Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Tel. (662) 2351350-69 Fax: (662) 2377716 Contact: Mr. Chareon Srisomburananont, Managing Director Importer of bottling machinery and equipment.

RIECKERMANN THAI ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. Bangna Tower C, 19th Floor 2/3 Moo 4, Bangna-Trad Road KM. 6.5, Bangkaew, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10541 Tel. (662) 7519111 Fax: (662) 7519112 Contact: Managing Director Bottling and transformation.

SIAMATIC LTD. 18,20,22,24,26 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 52 Ramkhamhaeng Road, Huamark, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 Tel. (662) 3748781-4 Fax: (662) 3748780, 3747137 Contact: Dr. Vaivudhi Thanesvorakul, Managing Director

HAAD THIP PUBLIC CO., LTD. 36 Soi Charoenmitr 1, Sukhumvit 63 Road Prakanong, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Tel. (662) 3929984-5, 3910169-70 Fax: (662) 3812257 Contact: Sec. Lt. Phairoch Rattakul, Managing Director

LACTASOY CO., LTD. 3532 Sukhumvit Road, Bangna, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 3960320-7, 7452850-4, 3995226-31 Fax: (662) 3995233, 7452855 Contact: Mr. Mongkul Chiraphadhanakul, Vice President

NEUPEAK (THAILAND) CO., LTD. Nop-Narong Building, 6th Floor 7 Lardprao 23 Road, Lardyao, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 Tel. (662) 5112046-7 , 9382507 Fax: (662) 9382508 E-Mail: [email protected] Attn: Mr. Ong Eng Chuan, Managing Director

NORTH STAR PUBLIC CO., LTD. 56 Moo 2, Nharm Wongwan Road Bangkhen, A. Muang, Nonthaburi 11000 Tel. (662) 5884611, 5898820-4, 5890048 Fax: (662) 5898824 Contact: Mr. Rudhi Areesorn, Managing Director


122 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Bangna Complex 947/161 Moo 12, Bangna-Trad Road KM. 3 Bangna, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 3619092-3, 7440017-8 Fax: (662) 3619091 E-Mail: [email protected] Attn: Mr. Thomas Lehmann, Managing Director Import bottle & liquid filling machinery from Germany.

SANDER INTERTRADE CO., LTD. 48/5 Suphapong Soi 1/5, Srinakarin Road, Nongbon, Pravate, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 7482403, 7482724 Fax: (662) 7482402 Attn: Mr. Theera Supasit, Managing Director Product: Bottling, canning, food packaging.

123 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje


A.T.E. MASKATI LTD. 45 Anuwong Road, Samphantawong, Bangkok 10100 Tel. 2223176-80 Fax: 2249610 Contact: Mr. A.R. Maskati Type: Importer Est: 1856

PACKMART CO., LTD. 40 Moo 3, Sukhumvit Road (Soi 105), Bangna, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel. 3991156-9, 3612568 Fax: 3981708, 3987190 Contact: Mr. Charoen Charipaibool, Chairman Type: Importer Est: 1986

QUICK PACK PACIFIC CO., LTD. 733/691 Vipavadee-Rangsit Road, Kookot, Lumlooka, Pathumthani 12130 Tel. 5310627, 5317917, 5313816 Fax: 5316425 Contact: Mr. Augusto Romei, Managing Director Type: Importer Est: 1985

WATANA BHAND PACKAGING SYSTEM CO., LTD. 2406/16-18 Charoenkrung Road, Bangkorlaem, Bangkok 10120 Tel. 2910133 (10 lines) Fax: 2910149 Attention: Mr. Somboon Limkriangkrai, Managing Director Type: Importer Est: 1973

PROWELL CO., LTD. 69/19-20 Gentra Building, Phayathai Road, Bangkok 10400 Tel. 2552136-8, 2552882-3 Fax: 2541514 Contact: Mr. Pornchai Eiamcharoenying, Managing Director Type: Importer

WORAKULCHAI CO., LTD. 22/7 Moo 2, Petchkasem Road, 28 Bangphai, Pasricharoen, Bangkok 10160 Tel. 4575243-4, 8685870-5 Fax: 4575229 Contact: Mr. Tinakorn Worakulchai, Managing Director Type: Importer Est: 1994

THAI HYGIENIC PRODUCTS CO., LTD. 532 Soi Mitr-Udom 1, Sukhumvit Road, Samrongnue, Samutprakarn 10270 Tel. 3931608-9, 3931554, 3933274, 7454174 Fax: 7454175 Contact: Mr. Chulin Narupakorn, Managing Director Type: Manufacturer Est: 1966

PRECISCO PRO PACKING CO., LTD. 4/232 Sukapiban 1 Road, Bangbon, Bangkuntien, Bangkok 10150 Tel. 4166023-6, 4151628, 4152747, 4157122 Fax: 4155048 Contact: Mr. Sakol Sakulnapaiboon, Managing Director Type: Importer

124 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

SRIPIPAT ENGINEER CO., LTD. 77 Sukhumvit Road Soi 93, Pranakorn, Bangchak, Bangkok 10250 Tel. 3319103-6 Fax: 3315669, 3330061 Contact: Mr. Mongkol Bapoowong, Managing Director Type: Importer

BETTER PACK CO., LTD. 62 Prachatipatai Road, Pranakorn, Bangkok 10200 Tel. 2818169, 2813869-70 Fax: 2800365 Contact: Mr. Ekachai Wangvarunyoo, Managing Director Type: Manufacturer

125 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje


EUROPAC CORP., LTD. 566 Ruam Ruedi Bldg., Ploenchit Road, Bangkok 10500 Tel: 2517705-06, 2517710 Fax: 2512350 Mr. Mongkol Urpatra, Managing Director

RIECKERMANN (THAILAND) CO., LTD. 438/5-8 Mu 5, Srinakarin Road, North Samrong, Muang District, Samutprakarn 10270 Tel: 7319111 Fax: 7519112 Mr. Apichai Chiemtrakul, Division Manager

THE EAST ASIATIC (THAILAND) CO.,LTD. 34th Floor, Lumpini Tower, 1168/92-109 Rama IV Road, Tungmahamek, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 Tel: 2856677, 6797444 Fax: 2874623, 2874625 Mr. Noppadol Thongtab, Sales Manager

OSAME INTERTECH CO., LTD. 956 Udomvidhaya Bldg., 6th Floor, Rama IV Road, Bangkok 10500 Tel: 2330600-01 Fax: 2365278 Mr. Tadashi Osame, Managing Director

TANAMAC CO., LTD. 222/2 Onpa Tower, Sirinthorn Road, Bangplad, Bangkok 10700 Tel: 4339749, 4344193 Fax: 4351372 Mr. Sirichai Thananimit, Managing Director

PACKMART CO., LTD. / C.L. FOODS CO., LTD. 40 Moo 3, Soi 105, Sukhumvit Road, Bangna, Bangkok 10260 Tel: 3991156-59, 3612568 Fax: 3981708, 3987190 Mr. Charoen Jaripaibul, Managing Director

MMP PACKAGING GROUP CO., LTD. 3075/1-2 MMP-THA Building, Sukhumwit Road , Bangchak, Phrakanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel: 7479222 Fax: 3320514 Mr. Anek Jongsathien, Managing Director

UNAMAC CO., LTD. 16/17 North Sathorn Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Tel: 2383320-21 Fax: 2374451 Mr. Sangob Sa-nguanchaipaiwong, Managing Director


126 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje 79/33 Moo 6 Taeparak Rd., Bangpleeyai, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 Tel: 3121949, 3121964, 7400260 Fax: 3121949, 3121964 Ms. Kwanta Kaewpraserd, Manager

VIWATCHAI CO., LTD. 266/3 Charansanitwong Road, Bangkhunnon, Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700 Tel: 4350051-54, 4339803, 4337471, 4336908 Fax: 4336339, 4351141 Mr. Chaiyan Wongwiwat, Managing Director

THE PACKAGERS (THAILAND) CO., LTD. 126/35 Ekamai Road, Sukhumwit 63, Klongton, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Tel: 3919087-88 Fax: 3919114 Ms. Somlak Rojanajirapaisal, Managing Director

KRONES (THAILAND) CO.,LTD. 947/161 Bangna Complex, Moo 12 Bangna Trad Km. 3 Bangna, Bangna, Bangkok 10260 Tel: 3619020-3 Fax: 3619091 Mr. Thomas Lehmann, Managing Director

PACKOMATIC CO., LTD. 296/19 Soi Tiwanon 28 Tiwanon, Bangkasor, Muang, Nonthaburi 11000 Tel: 9507510-3 Fax: 5803687 Mr. Preecha Kulsomboon, Managing Director

PATKOL PUBLIC CO., LTD. 20/14-15 Moo 10, Sukhumvit Soi 103, Nongbon, Prawet, Bangkok 10260 Tel: 3281035-49 Fax: 3281245 Mr. Patkol Chongwatana, Chairman

S. RISCO CO., LTD. 2098/749-750 Mooban Preecha, Ramkhamhaeng Road, Huamark, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 Tel: (662) 3000879-81, 3000947 Fax: (662) 3000878, 3000882 Mr. Samarn

PREPAC THAILAND CO., LTD. 838 Charoen Nakorn Road, Klongsan, Bangkok Tel: (662) 4370240-9, 01 6393095 Fax: (662) 4393886-7 Mr. Paradorn Chulajata, Managing Director

127 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

VIWATCHAI CO., LTD. Wongviwat Bldg., 266/3 Charansanitwong Road, Bangkok 10700 Tel: (662) 4350051-4, 4339803, 4337471, 4336908 Fax: (662) 4351141 Mr. Chaiyan Wongviwat, Vice President

NANDEE INTER-TRADE CO., LTD. 327/35-39 Chan Rd., Thung Wat Don, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 E-mail: [email protected] Tel: (662) 2130115, 6758229-44 Fax: (662) 2121448 Mr.Anukit Sirichantta, Managing Director

SIAMATIC LTD. 18,20,22,24,26 Soi Ramkhamhaeng 52, Ramkhamhaeng Road, Huamark, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 Tel: (662) 3748781-4 (24 lines) Fax: (662) 3748780, 3747137 Dr. Vaivudhi Thanesvorakul, Managing Director

VARIN FOOD MACHINERY CO., LTD. 75/1 Moo 2, Soi Nichom Rattanathani KM. 13.5 Bangna-Trad Road, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 Tel. (662) 3168015 (10 lines) Fax: (662) 3168014 Attn: Mr. Virat Suphasit, President

BETTER PACK CO., LTD. 62 Prachatipatai Road, Pranakorn, Bangkok 10200 Tel. (662) 2818169, 2813869-70 Fax: (662) 2800365 Attn: Mr. Ekachai Wangvarunyoo, Managing Director

CODAPACK TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. 49/489 Moo 3, Seree Thai Road Klongkum, Buengkum, Bangkok 10240 Tel. (662) 7319648-9 Fax: (662) 3754739 Attn: Mr. Suparat Soprathum, Managing Director

AEROSIA INTERPAC CO., LTD. 7/56 Ratchadapisek Road, Thapra, Bangkok-Yai, Bangkok 10600 Tel. (662) 4581612-3, 4579666 Fax: (662) 4576461 Attn: Mr. Surachai Mahapornvasin, Marketing Manager

BEST PACKAGING SYSTEMS CO., LTD. 3075/1-2 Sukhumvit Road, Bangchak, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 3113468, 3111494, 3113584 Fax: (662) 3313899 Attn: Mr. Anek Jongsathien, Managing Director

128 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

CLEARPACK THAILAND CO., LTD. 58/6 Soi Mahavithyalai Horkankha, Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road, Dindaeng, Bangkok 10320 Tel. (662) 6921525-6, 6921672 Fax: (662) 6921355 E-Mail: [email protected] Attn: Mr. Sandeep Choudhari, Managing Director

EARTHPACK CO., LTD. 84/2 Petchkasem Road, Pak-Klong Pasichareon, Bangkok 10160 Tel. (662) 4573014, 4576475, 4575243-4 Fax: (662) 4575229 Attn: Mr. Thinnakorn Worakulchai, Managing Director

PLASTRAP CO., LTD. 14/13-14 Moo 10, Bangbon, Bangkunthien, Bangkok 10150 Tel. (662) 4511452-5 Fax: (662) 4511456 Attn: Mr. Vichai Kongpaisarnsophon, Managing Director

EUROP CONTINENTS CO., LTD. ITF Silom Palace Bldg., 20th Fl., 106/422-3 Silom Rd., Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Tel. (662) 2385338, 6340734 Fax (662) 2385337 E-mail: [email protected] Attn: Mr. Jacque Lambin, Managing Director Agent for BOSSAR S.A., SPAIN


Prepac Thailand Co., Ltd. 838 Charoen-Nakorn Road Banlumpoolang, Klongsarn, Bangkok 10600 Tel. (662) 4370240-9 Fax: (662) 4393886-7 Contact: Mr. Kornnop Julchart, Assistant Managing Director Type: Manufacturer. Product: plastic milk bag. The only producer of plastic milk bag.

N.J. Industry Co., Ltd. 5/4 Moo 5, Sankkasantisuk Road Kratoomrai, Nongjork, Bangkok 10530 Tel. (662) 9883515-8 Fax: (662) 9883519 Contact: Mr. Withaya Wongsukharuethai, Managing Director Type: Manufacturer Product: milk bottle.

S.W. Plastic Co., Ltd. 73 Moo 11, Puthamonthon Sai 5 Raiking, Samprang, Nakhornpathom 73210 Tel. (662) 4204679, 4205694-5, 4205708-10 Fax: (662) 4204907 Contact: Ms. Suporn Panitharnsirikul, Managing Director Type: Manufacturer Product: milk bottle.

129 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Plastic Container Co., Ltd. 141/1 Moo 2, Soi 14 Tula Tivanont Road, Tasai, A. Muang, Nonthaburi 11000 Tel. (662) 5800571-2, 9512011 Fax: (662) 5880453 Contact: Mr. Boonyong Arkomsunthorn, Managing Director Type: Manufacturer Product: milk bottle.

Polymer Engineering and Trading Co., Ltd. 52 Moo 14, Bangchan Industrial Estate Bungkum Road, Minburi, Bangkok 10510 Tel. (662) 9198175-8, 5179428-9 Fax: (662) 5171659 Contact: Dr. Siri Jirapongpan, Managing Director Type: Manufacturer Product: milk bottle.

Tetra Pak (Thai) Ltd. 1042 Soi Poonsin, Sukhumvit 66/1 Road, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 3612801-5 Fax: (662) 3612310 Contact: Mr. Per Hausvik, Managing Director Type: Manufacturer Product: tetra-brick packaging.

Tanamac Co., Ltd. 328/2 Onpa Tower, Soi Charansanitwongse 67, Charansanitwongse Road, Bangplad, Bangkok 10700 Tel. (662) 4339749 Fax: (662) 4351372 Contact: Mr. Sirichai Tananimit, Managing Director Type: Importer

Europac Co., Ltd. 566 Ruam Rudi Building, 6th Floor, Ploenchit Road, Bangkok 10330 Tel. (662) 6514995-8, 2517705-6, 2517710, 2529341 Fax: (662) 2512350 Contact: Mrs. Phornphan Urpatra, Director Type: Importer/Distributor

Packmart Co., Ltd. / C.L. Foods Co., Ltd. 40 Moo 3 Sukhumvit Road, Bangna, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 3991156-9, 3612568 Fax: (662) 3981708, 3987190 Mr. Charoen Jaripaibul, Managing Director Type: Importer/Distributor

MMP Packaging Group Co., Ltd. 3075/1-2 Sukhumvit Road, MMP & THA Group Building Bangjak, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 7418419-21 Fax: (662) 7418422 Ms. Kamolthip Yothinwatanaudom, Assistant Managing Director Type: Importer/Distributor Product: PVC food packaging machinery.

Viwatchai Co., Ltd.

130 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje Wongviwat Building 266/3 Charansanitwongse Road, Bangkok 10700 Tel. (662) 4350051-4, 4339803, 4337471, 4336908 Fax: (6662) 4351141 Mr. Chainyan Wongviwat, Vice President Type: Importer/Distributor Product: Bottle packaging

Instrument Control Co., Ltd. 87/42 Moo 2, Sinpetch Panich Building Petchkasem Road 81/4 Nongkarnploo, Nongkem, Bangkok 10160 Tel. (662) 8121714-6, 4208573 Fax: (662) 4205823 Attention: Managing Director Product: Shrink wrapping and other packaging for various industry.

S.K.D. International Co.,Ltd. Room 181 Thai CC Tower 889 South Sathorn Rd., Yannawa, Sathorn , Bangkok 10120 Tel. (662) 2100181-2 Fax (662) 2100182 Attention: Mr. Somchai Kongprasertpong, Managing Director Product: Drinking water bottle packaging, importing from Japan

Sripipat Engineering Co., Ltd. 165, 165/1, Sukhumvit Soi 93 (Phungmi), Sukhumvit Road, Bangchak, Prakanong, Bangkok 10250 Tel. (662) 3319103-6 Fax (662) 3330061 E-mail: [email protected] Attention: Mr. Mongkol Bapoowong, Managing Director Product: food processing and food packaging machinery from Japan and Netherlands

Solveig Limited 2/2 Soi 20 Mituna 9, Rachadapisake Rd., Huaykwang, Bangkok 10320 Tel. (662) 2748878-80, 2748524-44 Fax (662) 2748889 Attention: Mr.Chompoo Chanathorn, Managing Director Product: paper cup from China

Varin Food Machinery Co., Ltd. 75/1 Moo 2, Soi Nichom Rattanathani KM. 13.5 Bangna-Trad Road, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 Tel. (662) 3168015 (10 lines) Fax: (662) 3168014 Attn: Mr. Virat Suphasit, President Importer of food processing, canning machinery & equipment

Better Pack Co., Ltd. 62 Prachatipatai Road, Pranakorn, Bangok 10200 Tel. (662) 2818169, 2813869-70 Fax: (662) 2800365 Attn: Mr. Ekachai Wangvarunyoo, Managing Director Product: processed food and food packaging machinery

131 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Vicchi Engineering Co., Ltd. No. 2797-2799 Pattanakarn Road, Suanluang, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 Tel. (662) 7220450-59 Fax: (662) 7220464 Attn: Managing Director

Sander Intertrade Co., Ltd. 48/5 Suphapong Soi 1/5, Srinakarin Road, Nongbon, Pravate, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 7482403, 7482724 Fax: (662) 7482402 Attn: Mr. Theera Supasit, Managing Director Import: food packaging, bottling, canning

Multi-Tech (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 4/141 Moo 5, Ladplakao Road, Anusaowaree, Bangkhen, Bangkok 10220 Tel. (662) 9715021-4 Fax: (662) 5221786, 9715024 Email: [email protected] Contact: Mr. Wichan Khunvirojpanich, Managing Director Type: Importer/Distributor

Nan Dee-Strapac Co., Ltd. 327/24 Soi Wat Prok, Chan Road Thungwatdon, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 Tel. (662) 6755543-4, 6723266 Fax: (662) 6755544 E-Mail: [email protected] Attn: Mr. Anukit Sirichanyakul, Managing Director Import strapping machine, taping and wrapping machine, marking and coding machine and packaging materials.


Packmart Co., Ltd. / C.L. Foods Co., Ltd. 40 Moo 3 Sukhumvit Road Bangna, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 3991156-9, 3612568 Fax: (662) 3981708, 3987190 Mr. Charoen Jaripaibul, Managing Director Type: Importer/Distributor Product: Skimmed pack machinery and materials.

MMP Packaging Group Co., Ltd. 3075/1-2 Sukhumvit Road, MMP & THA Group Building Bangjak, Prakanong, Bangkok 10260 Tel. (662) 7418419-21 Fax: (662) 7418422 Ms. Kamolthip Yothinwatanaudom, Assistant Managing Director Type: Importer/Distributor Product: Pallet wrapping film machinery.

132 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

Instrument Control Co., Ltd. 87/42 Moo 2, Sinpetch Panich Building Petchkasem Road 81/4 Nongkarnploo, Nongkem, Bangkok 10160 Tel. (662) 8121714-6, 4208573 Fax: (662) 4205823 Attention: Managing Director Product: Shrink wrapping and other packaging for various industry.

The East Asiatic (Thailand) Public Co., Ltd. 1168/92-109 Lumpini Tower, 34th Floor Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 Tel. (662) 6797444, 6797555, 2856677 Fax: (662) 2874623 Mr. Ole Petersen, Manager-Packaging Type: Importer/Distributor

Newlong (Thailand) Limited 1415 (Betwen Soi 63-65) Sukhumvit Rd., Prakanong Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110 Tel. (662) 3911171, 7140600, 3918870 Fax (662) 3915508 Attn: Khun Suji, Managing Director Type: Importer packaging machinery only from Japan

Vicchi Engineering Co., Ltd. No. 2797-2799 Pattanakarn Road, Suanluang, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 Tel. (662) 7220450-59 Fax: (662) 7220464 Attn: Managing Director

Tanamac Co., Ltd. 328/2 Onpa Tower, Soi Charansanitwongse 67 Charansanitwongse Road, Bangplad, Bangkok 10700 Tel. (662) 4339749 Fax: (662) 4351372 Attn: Mr. Sirichai Thananimit, Managing Director

Multi-Tech (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 4/141 Moo 5, Ladplakao Road, Anusaowaree, Bangkhen, Bangkok 10220 Tel. (662) 9715021-4 Fax: (662) 5221786, 9715024 Email: [email protected] Contact: Mr. Wichan Khunvirojpanich, Managing Director Type: Importer/Distributor

Nan Dee-Strapac Co., Ltd. 327/24 Soi Wat Prok, Chan Road Thungwatdon, Sathorn, Bangkok 10120 Tel. (662) 6755543-4, 6723266 Fax: (662) 6755544 E-Mail: [email protected] Attn: Mr. Anukit Sirichanyakul, Managing Director Import strapping machine, taping and wrapping machine, marking and coding machine and packaging materials.

133 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje


(Data on September 1, 2001) Na Address Tel. Fax me 2. A.N.B.Laboratories 39/1 Ram Intra Road, Km.9, Bangkok (662) 5100021, (662) 5109945 Co., Ltd. 10240 5109112-5

3. Acdhon Co.,Ltd. 24 Soi Sontiwattana 2, Ladprao Road, (662) 5140791 , (662) 5386968 Bangkapi, Bangkok 10310 5142458 y pulsar 0

4. Advance Pharma 164 Moo 16, Teparak Road, (662) 2110801, (662) 2128929 Co., Ltd. Bangsauthong, Samutprakarn 10540 2114661-71

5. Atlantic 2038 Moo 5 Sukhumvit Road, (662) 3110104-9 , (662) 3315697 Laboratories Praknong, Bangkok 10260 3110111 3315582 Corp.Ltd. 6. B.J. Limited 255 Suan Oy Soi 2, Samsen Road, (662) 2430079 , (662) 2432723 Partnership Bangkok 10300 2432711

7. B.L. Hua &Co., Ltd. 4 Soi Sithikasem, Somdej Chaopraya (662) 4370154-5 , (662) 4375655 Road, Bangkok 10600 4379169

8. B.M. Pharmacy L.P. 235 Soi Piboonupatum, Ladprao (662) 5120082 (662) 5135209 Road, Samsaennok, Huaykwang, Bangkok 10320 10. Bayer Laboratories 197/1 Moo 1, Suksawat Road, (662) 2331440 , (662) 2367738 Ltd. Bangprakoj, Prasamutjedee, 2331450, 4258238 Samutprakarn 10290 11. Beiersdorf 163 Moo 17 Bangphli Industrial (662)3151043-5 (662) 3151046 (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Estate, Bangna-Trat Road, Bangsaothong, Bangphli, Samutprakarn 10540 12. Berlin 63 Moo 5, Romklao Road, (662) 3267741-3, (662) 3267745 Pharmaceutical Lardkrabung, Bangkok 10520 7379042 Industry Co., Ltd. 13. Bertram Chemical 71 Soi Ladprao 80 (Chantima), (662) 5141029 (662) 9326453 (1980) Co., Ltd. Wangthonglang, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10310 14. Bessy Aron Co., 84/113 Moo 7 Soi Namsai (662) 5210615 (662) Ltd. Pahonyothin Road , Khlongtanon, 5210615 Bangkhaen, Bangkok 10220 15. Better Pharma Co., 41/3 Moo 2 Pethung Road, Bangyao, (662) 4640775-6 (662) 4626586 Ltd. Phrapradaeng, Samutprakarn 10130

16. Biolab Co., Ltd. 625 Soi 7A, Moo 4, Sukhumvit Road, (662) 3240775-7, (662) 2590998 Samutprakarn 10270 7093121

134 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

17. Boots 65 Moo 12 Lardkrabang-Bangplee (662) 3373620-8 (662) 3373629 Manufacturing Road, Bangplee, Samutprakarn Co.,(Thailand) Ltd. 10540

18. Brywood 313 Moo 11 Sukswat 7 Road, (662) (662) 4601145 Pharmaceutical Rasburana, Bangkok 10140 4601145,4681418 Ltd.Part 4686772 19. Bukklo Trading Co., 40/1 Moo11 Soi Rormsamukkee, (662) 3281534-6 (662) 3281537 Ltd. Sukhumvit103 Road, Dokmai, Pravet, Bangkok 10260

20. Burapha 19/19 Soi Timland, Ngamvongvarn (662) 5892750-3 (662) 5802783 Dispensary Co., Road, Nonthaburi 11000 Ltd. 21. Chankit Trading 1009 Pattanakan Road, Khlongton, (662) 3140416 , (662) 3195035 L.P. Khlongtoey, Bangkok 10250 3144977

22. Charoen Bhaesaj 209/56 Soi Chokchai 1, Petchkasem (662) 4574031-4 (662) 4574034 Lab Co., Ltd. Road, Phasee Charoen, Bangkok 10160 23. Chemephand 131/7 Soi Taeppairaonimit, (662) 5211430 (662) 5214017 Medical Chaengwattana Road, Laboratotries Taladbangkhaen, Donmuang, Bangkok 10210 24. Chew Brothers & 24 Soi prompak, Moo 2, Sukhumvit 49 (662) 2518730- (662) 2518731 Co., Ltd. Part Road, Bangkok 10110 1,3913936

25. Chinta Trading Co., 420 Asoke-Dindaeng Road, Bangkok (662) 2450478, (662) 2483138 Ltd 10310 2451873-4, 2453856 26. Combined Lab Co., 88 Soi Watsawang arrom, Moo 4, (6634) 3247445 Ltd. Phetkasem Road, Nakhornchaisri, Nakornprathom 73130 27. Community 96/17 Soi Wat Khubon, Ramintra (662) 9430935-7, (662) 5107874 Pharmacy Public Road, Bangkok 10230 5104425 Company Limited 28. Continental Pharm 85/5 Chaengwatana14 Road, (662) 5733132 , (662) 5743767 Co., Ltd. Bangkhen, Bangkok 10210 5734308

29. Cox 1014/3-4 Soi Watchannai, (662) 2840587 , (662) 2940705 Laboratories(Thaila Sathupradit, Bangpongpang, 2841134 2841218, nd) Ltd. Part Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 2841317

30. Dada 79/21 Moo 4 Watbangkradi Road, (662) 4521883-5 (662) 4521884 Pharmaceutical Bangkhuntean, Bangkok 10150 Co., Ltd. 31. Devakam 71 Kms. 6.5 Moo 4 Pimpa Road, (662) 3166537-9 (662) 3160365 Apothecary Hall Pimpa, Bangpakong, Chachengsoa Limited 24130

135 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

32. General Drugs 2-4 Soi 82, Ladprao Road, (662) 5142822-3 (662) 5301228 House Co., Ltd. Wangthonglang, Bangkrapi, Bangkok 10310 33. General Hospital 101/99 Soi Navanakorn 7, (662) 245 0756 Products Co., Ltd. Paholyothin Road, Khlong1, Aumpur Khlongluang, Pathumthanee 12120

34. Glaxo Wellcome 193 Moo1, Suksawat Road, (662) 4626355-6 (662) Vidhyasom Ltd. Bangprakoj, Aumpur Muang, 2373674-5 Samutprakarn 10270 35. Gold Mints 248/1 Alongside Express Way, (662) 3936333 , (662) 3993101 Products Co., Ltd. Seeyak Bangna Phrakanong, 2363051 Bangkok 10260 36. Golden Cup 289 Charansanitwongse Road, (662) 4111390-1 (662) 4180680 Pharmaceutical Thaphra, Bangkok 10600 Co., Ltd. 37. Greater Pharma 489/2 Soi Bangyeekhan, (662) 4330061-6 (662) 4330076 Ltd. Part. Charansanitwongse Road, Bang Yee 8831890-3 Kun, Bangplad, Bangkok 10700 38. H.K. 1059 Soi Sukcharoen, (662) 4670173 (662) 8682073 Pharmaceutical Jarunsanithwong Road, Bangkokyai, 4673384 Co., Ltd. Bangkok 10600 39. Hangya Thai 1942 262 Suksawat Road, Rathburaba, (662) 4270020 (662) 4280655 Co., Ltd. Bangkok 10140 40. Hero Import Export 537/2 Soi Benchamitr, Satupradith (662) 2940048-50 (662) 2841885 L.P. Road, Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 41. Inpack Pharma Co., 79/4 Soi Anamai khamjaroern, Moo 4 Rama II Road, Ltd. Bangkhunthein , Bangkok 10150

42. Interthai 1899 Moo 6 Soi Sirisiam, Paholyothin (662) 5790249, (662) 5799023 Pharmaceutical Road, Jatukjak, Bangkok 10900 5793333, 5799889 Manufacturing Ltd. 43. Johnson & Johnson 106 Lad Krabang Industrial Estate, (662) 3260906-10 (662) 3260911 (Thailand)Limited Moo 4, Lamplathew, Lad krabang, Bangkokn10520 44. K.B. 50 Downkanong-Jormthong Road, (662) 4683948 (662) 4770284 Pharmaceutical Jormthong, Bangkok 10150 4685535 Industry Co., Ltd. 45. Kawasumi labortory 55/26 Soi Nawanakhorn Industrial (662) 5295620 Co., Ltd. Estate, Moo 13, Pholyothin Road, Amphure Klongluang, Pathumthani 12120 46. Kenyaku (Thailand) 85/42 Soi Kesorn (Lardprao 91), (662) 5421286-88 (662) 5421285 Ltd. Lardprao Road, Bangkok10310 47. Krungdheb 611/1 Near Charoen Nakorn 8 Bridge, (662) 4681194 , (662) 4761366 Pharmacy Ltd. Part. Charoen Nakorn Road, Bukkalo, 4681412 Bangkok 10600

136 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

48. L.B.S. Laboratory 602 Soi Panichanant, Sukhumvit 71 (662) 3924082-3 (662) 3917122 Ltd., Part Road, Bangkok 10110 49. L.F.D 21/7/01 Moo 6, Tambol Kookoth, Manufacturing Co., Amphure Lamlukka, Pathumthani Ltd. 12130 50. Lachmann Co.Ltd. 1873 Moo 2 Sukhumvit 107, Nort (662) 3961234 (662) 3614060 Samrhong, Aumpur Maung, Samutprakarn 10270 53. Leopard Medicinal 19/5 Soi Watluangprachanuklao, (6634)331460 , (662) 4570495 Brand Co., Ltd Petchkasem Road, Thapraya, Ampur 4571259 Nakornchaisri, Nakornprathom 73120

54. Lerd Sinhg 922 Soi 50, Sukhumvit 50, Klongtaye, (662)3311962 (662) 7428989 Pharmaceutical Bangkok 10110 Factory L.P. 55. Lupin Chemicals 309 Bangpoo Industrail Estate, 662) 3952751-2 (662) 3240892 (Thailand) Limited Sukhumvit Road, Samuprakarn 10280 56. M & H 41 Sukhumvit Road, Km. 23, Amphur (662) 3942141 (662) 3843602 Manufacturing Co., Muang, Samutprakarn 10270 Ltd. 57. Macrophar Co.,Ltd 89 Soi Pattanakarn 20, pattanakarn (662) 3146671 (662) 3186091 Riad, Suanluang, Bangkok 10250 58. Mahidol University 447 Sriayuthaya Road, Rachtayvee, (662) 6648679-91 -662 Bangkok 10400 59. March 655 Praditmanootham Rd., (662) 5141112-3 (662) 5381341 Pharmaceutical Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10310 Co., Ltd. 60. Masa Lab Co., Ltd. 50/25 Soi Thongpan 2, Takham Road, (662) 4156739 (662) 4164241 Bangkunthien, Bangkok 10150

61. Medicap Limited 384 Soi 6, Pattana 3 Road, Bangpoo (662) 7093600-4 (662) 3240537 Industrail Estate, Samutprakarn 10270 62. Milano Lab Ltd,Part. 62,75,77,74/1 Soi Ladprao 94,Moo 9, (662) 5382970 , (662) 9351082 Wangthonglang, Bangkok 10310 5382972 63. Modern Manu Co., 54/1 Sukhaphibal 1 Road, (662) 3740245 (662) 3740249 Ltd. Khlongkoom, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 64. Nakorn Patana 495, 601/5-8 Soi Suthiporn, (662) 2451621 , (662) 2485370 Pharm Co., Ltd. Prachasongklao Road, Huaykhwang, 2452302 Bangkok 10400 65. Nam Kok 59 Moo 2 Srinakarin Road, Nongbon, (662) 3983965-6 (662) 3989074 Dispensary Co., Praves, Bangkok 10260 Ltd.

137 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

66. Neoplast Company 53/1 Moo1 Soi Sukhapibal 2, (662) 2819719-21 (662) 2800341 Limited Latlumkaeo Road, Rahaeng, 2120022 Latlumkaeo, Pathumthani 12140 67. New Charoen 1/5 Moo 13, Klongsam Road, Klongluang, Prathumthani Pharmaceutical L.P. 12120

68. New Life Pharma 13/2 Moo 2 Bangkradi Road, (662) 4521556- (662) 4522160 Co., Ltd. Samaedum, Bangkunthien, Bangkok 7,4522157 10150 69. New York Chemical 4 Soi Sailom 1, Paholyothin Road, (662) 2726761-3 (662) 6168699 Samsaennai, Phyathai, Bangkok 10400 70. Nida Pharma 128-130 Soi Mahadthai 2, Lardprao (662) 3770086-7 Incorporation Co., Road, Khlongjun, Bangkapi, Bangkok Ltd. 10240 71. Olan-Kemmed Co., 176-176/1 Lardprao Road, Lardprao, (662) 5110137-40 (662) 5110952 Ltd. Jatujak, Bangkok 10900 72. Olic (Thailand) Ltd. 166 Moo16 Bangpain industrial (6635) 221031-6 (6635) 221030 Estate, Udomsorayut Road, Bangpain, Pranakornsriayutthaya 13000 73. Osoth Inter 600/9 Sriracha Industrial Garden, (038) 480766-7 (6638) 480828 Labolatories Co., Sukhaphibal 8, Tambol Nongkham, Ltd. Sriracha, Chonburi 20280 74. Osothsapha(Teck 2100 Ramkhamhaeng Road, (662) 3740121-51 (662) 3747011 Heng Yoo)Co.,Ltd Huamak, Bangkapi, Bangkok 10240 75. P.P.Labiratories 31 Moo 1 Choochat Road, Rangsit, (662) 5771016-7 , (662) 5793087 Co.,Ltd. Thanyaburi, Prathumthani 5771799 5793041 , 5793073 76. Pata Lab L.P. 23 Soi Meesuwan 3, Khlongton Road, (662) 3924338 (662) 3912044 Khlongton, Khlongtoey, Bangkok 10100 77. Patanakarn 184-184/1 Moo 8 Soi Somdej, (662) 4275442 , (662) Development Suksawat Road, Ratboorana, 4276257 4275068 Pharmacy L.P. Bangkok 10140 78. Patjubun Osoth 413/1 Soi Thepnimitr, Itsaraphap Road, Bangkokyai, Co., Ltd. Bangkok 10600 79. Pharma Supply Co., 30/3 Moo 4 Soi Sumransritanun, (662) 5739078 , (662) Ltd. Pakkret, Nonthaburi 11120 5731101 5743803 80. Pharmacare Co., 120 Moo 4,B44, Chalongkrung (662) 3260990-3 (662) 3267804 Ltd. RoadLumprativ, Lardkrabang, Bangkok 10520 81. Pharmasant 96/3 Bangbuathong-Supanburi Road, (661) 9190317 Laboratories Tumbol Ratniyom, Aumpur Sainoi, Co.,Ltd. Nonthaburi 11150

138 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

82. Pharspec Co., Ltd. 5/6 Soi Naknivad, Ladprao Road, (662) 5390101-2 (662) 5399155 Ladprao, Bangkok 10310 83. Picco Pharma Co., 1/104 Moo 10 Soi Chokchai 4, (662) 5142676 , (662) 9314354 Ltd. Ladprao Road, Ladprao, Bangkok 5383547 10230 84. Polipharm Co., Ltd. 109 Moo 12 Bangna-Trad Road, (662) 3169419-21 (662) 3169419 Km.13, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 85. Pond's Chemical 79 Moo 4 Ramintra Road, (662) 5210830 (662) 5521943 (Thailand) R.O.P. Anusavaree, Bangkhen, Bangkok 10220 86. Progress Lab 9 Soi Suanchitchom, (662) 5894231 , (662) (Thailand)Co., Ltd. Thesabalsongklao Rd., Ladyao, 5894542 5891986 5891986, Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 5894542 87. Proof Co., Ltd. 895 Moo 2 Ngamwongwan Road, (662) 5884183 (662) Bangkhaen, Aumpur Muang, 5881582 Nonthaburi 11000 88. R.P.C. International 116/99 Moo14 Soi Pensook, (662) 3182152 . (662) 3193907 Co.,Lid. Pattanakarn Road, Bangkok 10250 3193817

89. Rodia-Thai 321 Bangpoo Industrial Estate, (662) 3239093-4, 3239029 Industries Co.,Ltd. Sukhumvit, Aumpur Muang, Samutprakarn 10280 90. S.M. 17 Moo 1 Sukhumvit Road, Ampur (662) 3941364 (662) 7565377 Pharmaceutical Muang, Samutprakarn 10270 Co., Ltd. 91. S.S.P. Laboratories 101 Moo 4 Jankwattana Road, Soi (662) 5734603 (662) 9828342 L.P. Prajun 1, Dornmuang, Bangkok 10900 92. Sahakarn Osoth 96 Moo 5, Romkloa Road, Meanburi, (662) 5438210-2 (662) 5438213 Co., Ltd. Bangkok 10150 93. Sea Pharm Co., 20/20 tTambol Sammuang, (6635) 379397 Ltd. Lardbuoluang, Pranakornsriayuthya 94. Seng Thai 148/5 Nanglinchee Road, (662) 2862503 (662) 2871300 Company Ltd. Part. Tungmahamek, Yannawa, Bangkok 10120 95. Seven Stars 18/5 Moo4, Petchgasem Road, (6635)4203887-8 Pharmaceutical Amphure Sampran, Nakornprathom Co.,Ltd. 73160 96. Siam Bheasach 123 Soi Chokechai Ruammitr, (662) 2772658 , (662) 2761543 Co., Ltd. Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road, Bangkok 2772634 10900 97. Siam Medicare Ltd. 77/37 Senanikom 1, Phaholyothin (662) 5790074, (662) 5612628 Road, Bangkok 10900 5790789 5794277 98. Silom Medical Co., 27/2 Phyathai Road, Rachtayvee, (662) 2453391-3 (662) Ltd. Bangkok 10400 27226899

139 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

99. Sinopharm (Thai) 15 Soi Oonuch 17 Yak 15, Sukhumvit (662) 3002549 , (662) 3002550 Co., Ltd. 77 Road, Suanluang, Pravet, 7179267-9 Bangkok 10250 100. Somchitt 9/19 Lardprao 23 Road, Lardprao, (662) 5113904 (662) 5131317 Dispensary Co., Jatujak, Bangkok 10900 Ltd. 101. Sriprasit Pharma 619 Charoenrat Road, Klongsan, (662) 4370343-5 (662) 4388060 Co., Ltd. Bangkok 10600 102. Suphong Bhaesaj 30 Soi Chlermsuk, Pholyothin Road, (662) 5112010 , (662) 5125691 L.P. Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 5113633 103. T.Man Pharma L.P. 101/2 Moo 6 Soi Muangsakul, (662) 4151007 , (662) 4161241 Bangkuntean Road, Samaedum, 4151061 Bangkuntean, Bangkok 10150 104. T.O. Chemicals 280 Soi Sabaichai, Suthisarnvinitchai (662) 2770187 , (662) 2777350 (1979) Co., Ltd. Road , Huaykhwang, Bangkok 10310 2774141

105. T.O. Lab Co., Ltd. 2/052 Soi Mooban MuangThaognivej, (662) 5732139-40 (662) Jangwattana Road, Laksi, Bangkok 5732139-40 10210 106. T.O. Pharma Co., 101 Soi Lardprao 124, Moo 5, (662) 5142000, (662) 5142115 Ltd. Lardprao Road, Wanthonglang, 5142115 Bangkok 10310 107. T.P.Drug 67 Soi 62 Sampopnarukmit, (662) 3111464 , (662) 3319018 Laboratories(1969) Sukhumvit Road, Bangjak, 3111911-3 Co., Ltd. Phrakhanong, Bangkok 10110 3319694 108. Takeda (Thailand) 57 Moo 11 Ramindra Road, (662) 5109333-4 (662) 2480998 Ltd. Kunnayao, Bangkum, Bangkok 10240

109. Thai Japan 47 Sukhumvit Soi 59, Phrakhanong, (662) 3914798 , (662) 3317796 Laboratories Co. Bangkok 10110 3928211 , 3315615 Ltd. 110. Thai Meiji 64 Moo 4 Ladkrabang Industrial (662) 3260750-4 (662) 2517632 Pharmaceutical Estate, Chalongkrung Road, Co., Ltd. Lumpratew, Ladkrabang, Bangkok 10520 111. Thai Nakorn 94/7Moo 9 Soi Yimprakob, (662) 5890021 , (662) 5892029 Pattana Co., Ltd. Ngarmvongvarn Road, Bangkhaen, 5892021-9 Ampur Muang, Nonthaburi 11000 5895392-3 113. Thai P.D. 2 Yak 27 Soi Chokechai Ruammit, (662) 2770155-6 (662) 2770191 Chemicals Co., Ltd. Viphavadi-Rangsit Road,Din Daeng, Bangkok 10400 114. The British 272 Soi Patanasuk, Moo1, Teparak (662) 3852116-8 (662) Dispensary Road, Samutprakarn 10270 7557315 (L.P.)Co.,Ltd.

140 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

115. The Government 75/1 Rama VI Road, Rajthevee, (662) 246-0042 Pharmaceutical Bangkok 10400 Organization 117. The Public 169/1-2 Soi Chokchairaummit, (662) 2778266, (662) 275 Dispensary L.P. Vibhavadi-Rangsit Road, Ladyao, 2774298, 6900239 7649 Chatuchak, Bangkok 10900 118. The Sermmitr Co., 82-84 Rajdamnern Avenue, (662) 2243081 , (662) 2243255 Ltd. Pranakorn, Bangkok 10200 2243226 2243235 , 2243255 3942366 119. The Union Drug 2601 Sukhumvit Road, Prakanong, (662) 3310150-5 (662) 3315685 Laboratories Ltd. Bangkok 10250 120. The United Drug 96 Moo 5, Romkloa Road, Meanburi, (662) 5438210-2 (662) 5438213 (1996) Co.,Ltd Bangkok 10150 121. Udomphon 2282 Sukhumvit Road, Bangchak, (662) 3110480 , (662) 3113858 (Phihalab) Co., Ltd. Bangkok 10110 31113121-4

122. Umeda Co., Ltd. 26/18-21 Moo 4 Soi Yuyen, Ramindra Road, Bangkane, Bangkok 10220

123. Unilab 87 Soi Salakpun, Moo 3, (662) 3943021-22 (662) 3943023 Pharmaceuticals Puchoasamingpry Road, Prapradang, Co.,Ltd Samuthprakarn 10130 124. Unison Laboratories 160 Soi Onnuch, Sukhumvit Road, (662) 3291020-5 (662) 3291279 Co., Ltd. Lardkrabung, Bangkok 10520

125. Utopian Co., Ltd. 602 Moo 8 Theparak Road, Soi (662) 3941703 , (662) 3946869 Thanphuying, Samrong Nua, 3946505 3946567 Samutprakarn 10270 126. V & P Laboratories 182 Moo 14 Petchkasem Road, (662) 4201255 , (662) 4206717 Co., Ltd. Raiking, Ampur Sampran, 4203762 Nakornthorm 73210 127. V.S. Pharma (1971) 22/9 Mu 4 Sukhumvit 77 Road, (662) 3213587 , (662) 3228177 Co., Ltd. Bangkok 10250 3228175 128. Vesco 21/2 Soi Chaloemsuk, Paholyothin (662) 5112785 , (662) 5135674 Pharmaceutical Road, Bangkhen, Bangkok 10900 5132925 5132952 Ltd.Part. , 9390452-3 129. Vidhyasom Co., 46 Soi Saleenimit (Sukhumvit 69), (662) 2816747 , (662) 3810169 Ltd. Klongtaye, Bangkok 10110 3915783 130. Warner-Lambert 415 Soi Mitr Udom 2, Sukhumvit (662) 3932286 (662) 3983140 (Thailand) Ltd. Road, Samrong Nua, Samutprakarn 10270

141 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

131. Wellab International 101/31 Moo 20 Navanakorn Industrail (662) 5291301-6 (662) 5291309 Co., Ltd. Estate, Phaholyothin Road, Khlongnueng, Khlongluang, Pathumthani 10120 132. Yaovarach Co., Ltd. 1055/4 Soi Yaovarach, Sukhumvit 71, (662) 3915411 Klongtaye, Bangkok 10110

142 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje


No Company 1 Banglane Paper Mill Co., Ltd. 89 mu 1, Suchart-Patana Road, T. Hinmun, A. Banglane, Nakornpathom 73130; tel (034) 399 396 - 7 2 Thai Packaging Industry Public Co., Ltd. 44/5 Moo 3, Khob Krabue, Muang, Samutsakorn 74000 3 Thai Union Paper PCL 131 Mu 2, Poochaosamingprai Rd., Samrongklang, Prapradaeng, Samutprakarn 10130; tel 0-2394- 0622-4, 0-2754-2100-12; fax 0-2754-2118

4 Thai Union Paper Industry Co., Ltd. 99 mu 6, Saengchuto Rd, Wangsala, Tha-Muang, 5 Cotco NCR Papers Co., Ltd. 88 Mu 3 Soi Watngongbon, Highway No.36 Rd., Nikompatana, Kingamphoe Nikompatana, Rayong 21180; tel 0-3889-7176-9; fax 0-3889-7180

6 Coating Paper Industries Co., Ltd. 25 Phetchakasem Rd, Hua Hin, Prachuap Khirikhan 77110; tel (032) 536336; fax (032) 536335 7 J.C. Containers Co., Ltd. 22/4 Moo2, Liab Klong Song Rd., Klong Song, Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120; tel 9962021-5; fax 9962026 8 Citypack Co., Ltd. 101 Moo 1, Sudbuntad Rd., Taldeal, Kangkoy, Saraburi 18110; tel (036) 251724-8; fax (036) 251721, 251731 9 Teppatana Paper Mill Co., Ltd. 220/1 Saiwatkoke Rd., Bangproke, Muang, Pathumthani 12000; tel 0-2581-1211-3, 0-2581- 8060-2; fax 0-2581-6141 10 Thai Cane Paper PCL 222 Moo 1, Sangchooto Rd., Wangkhanai, Thamuang Karnchanaburi 71110 tel: 034-611958- 60 fax: 034-611956-7

143 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

11 Thai Packaging & Printing PCL 9/9 Moo 6 Kingkaew Rd., Rachatheva, Bangplee, Samutprakarn 10540 12 Thai Paper Mill Co., Ltd. 66 mu 3, T.Nongboa, A. Bankai, Rayong 21120; tel (038) 961376 - 81 13 Narai Superbag Co., Ltd. 110/1 mu 1 soi Chuangsak, Rama 2 Rd, km.11, Bangkhunthien, BKK 10150; tel 4521522; fax 4521522 14 Bangkok Visypak Co., Ltd.

101/58 mu 20, Navanakorn Industrial Estate, T. Klongnuang, A. Klongluang, Pathumthani tel: 5290075-8 fax: 5290079 15 BB Containers Co., Ltd. 99/1 mu 5 Rama 2 Rd, Thasai, Samut Sakhon 74000; tel 034 822913 16 Thai Paper Co., Ltd. 19 Saeng-Xuto Road, Thapha, Banpong District, Ratchaburi 70110, Thailand Tel. (032) 200-746-60 Fax. (032) 371-404 17 Primax General Co., Ltd. 9/9 mu 5 Phaholyothin Rd., Klong 1, Klong Luang Pathumthani 12120, tel 5164907-10, fax 5164906

18 Phoenix Pulp & Paper PCL 99 Mu 3, Kudnamsai, A. Nampong, Khonkaen 40310, tel. (043) 373406-8 fax.(043) 373412 19 Mahachai Kraft Paper Co., Ltd. 93/9 mu 4, Soi Watbangplar, Sethakit Road, T. Bankao, A. Muang, Samutsakhon 74000; tel (034) 424135-8 20 Union Carton Industry Co., Ltd. 86 Mu 5 Bangsamax, Bangpakong, Chacherng- Sao; tel (038) 570163-8; fax (038) 570164 21 United Paper Co., Ltd. 61 Mu 8 T. Watboth, A. Muang, Prachinburi; tel 9102709; fax 9102700 22 The Siam Pulp and Paper PCL 19 Saeng-Xuto Road, Tha Pha, Ban Pong District, Ratchaburi 70110, Thailand Tel. (032) 200-746 Fax. (032) 371-407

144 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

23 Likitomi (Thailand) Co., Ltd. 82 Mu 1 Wellgrow Industrial Estate, Bangna-Trad, Km. 36, T. Homsin, A. Bangprakong, Chachoengsao; tel (038) 570092-9; fax (038) 570680 24 V.S.S. Industrial Co.,Ltd. 52/49-52 mu 9, Ekachai Rd, Bangbon, BKK 10150; Tel 8942828-9 25 Center Containers Co., Ltd. 76/1 mu 9 Sukhaphiban 2 Rd, Omnoi, Samut Sakhon 74130; tel 8130186; fax 8130184 26 Siam Printing and Packaging Co., Ltd. 543 mu 4 soi 9, Bangpu Indus. Estate, Samut Prakan 27 Siam Kraft Industry Co., Ltd. 19 Saeng Xuto Road, Tha Pha, Ban Pong , Ratchaburi 70110 tel. (032) 211-383-90 fax. (032) 221-716 28 Siam Cellulose Co., Ltd. 99 mu 6, Saengchuto St, Tha Muang, Kanchanaburi; tel 034 561191; fax 561199 29 Siam Toppan Packaging Co., Ltd. 543 mu 4, Soi 9, Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Sukhumvit Road, Preaksa, Muang District, Samutprakarn 10280 Tel. 3240592, 7093110 Fax. 7093109 30 Thai Containers Co., Ltd. (Nawanakon Plant) 101/66 mu 20, Nawanakhon Indus. Estate, Pathum Thani 31 Thai Containers Chonburi (1995) Co., Ltd. 321/9 mu 6 Surasak, Siracha, Chonburi 32 Thai Containers Limited (Navanakorn Plant) 101/66 Moo 20, Navanakorn Industrial Estate, Tambon Klong Nueng, Klong Luang District, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand 33 Thai Containers Ratchaburi (1989) Co., Ltd. 125 mu 1, Phetchakasem Rd, Wangyen, Bangphae, Ratchaburi 34 Thai Containers Songkhla (1994) Co., Ltd. 183 Mu 6, Asia Highway Rd., Kampangphet, Rattaphum, Songkhla 90180; tel (074) 388560-66; fax (074) 388452-3

145 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

35 Thai Containers Industry Co., Ltd. 620 Mu 4, Bangpoo Industrial Estate, Soi 7 A, Patana 1 Road, Preaksa, Muang District, Samutprakarn 10280, Thailand Tel. 709-3040 Fax. 324-0646 36 Thai United Awa Paper Co., Ltd. 616 Mu 1 Kabinburi-korat Rd., Nong-Ki, Kabinburi, Prachinburi 25110; tel 3168338; fax 7517025

37 3M Thailand Ltd. Lat Krabang Plant, 236 mu 4 Chalongkrung Rd, Lat Krabang, BKK 10520; tel 3260780; fax 3260032 38 Thai Kraft Paper Industry Co., Ltd. 99 mu 6, Saeng-Xuto Road (Old route), Wang- Sala, Thamuang District, Kanchanaburi 71130 Tel. (034) 621261-65 Fax. (034) 561513 39 Asia Kraft Paper Co., Ltd. 99 mu 5 Rama 2 Rd, Thasai, Muang, Samut Sakhon 74000; tel 034 423506 40 S&D Industries Co., Ltd. 69/42 mu 4, Soi Sakmongkol, Rama 2 Road, Samaedum, Bangkhunthien, Bangkok 10150; tel 4521291 41 ASA Container Co., Ltd. 361 Mu 4 T. Omnoi, A. Krathumban, Samutsakorn 74130; tel 8104750 42 Advance Agro PCL Tha Toom Mills, 1 mu 2 Tha Toom Simahaphot, Prachin Buri 25140; tel (037) 208800; fax (037) 208851

146 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje


No Company 1 Krungdhep Document Co., Ltd. 11/1 Bangpakong-Chachoengsao Rd, Chachoengsao; tel 8714558

2 Krungdhep Document Co., Ltd. 185 Rajburana Bangpakok Bkk 10140 tel 662 871 4558 fax 662 428 7077

3 Bangkok Screen Ltd., Part. 80/25 Rama 2 Rd., Thakham, Bangkhuntiean, BKK 10150; tel 8985193; fax 4161912

4 Chan Wanich Security Printing Co., Ltd. 192 Suksawad Road, Prasamutjedee Samutprakarn 10290 tel: 815-6969 fax: 815- 5605 5 Chalermchaichan Co., Ltd . 121/1 Mu 6, Ekachai Rd, Bangbon, BKK 10150; Tel 8989050-69; Fax 4166778 6 Chaiyaboon Brothers Co., Ltd.

56/21-25 Rama I Rd., Rongmuang, Patumwan, BKK 10330; Tel 994-5199; Fax 5332535 7 Siew Lamenation Co., Ltd.

232 mu 4 Bangpoo Industrial Estate , Bangpoomai, Muang, Samutprakarn 10280; tel 7094031; fax 3240616 8 Cyberprint Co., Ltd.

959 soi Sutthiphon, Prachasongkhro Rd, Dindaeng, BKK 10320; tel 6419135; fax 6419139 9 Do-it Co., Ltd.

99 Soi On-Nuch 11, Sukhumvit 77 Road Suanluang, BKK10260 Tel : 3328092 Fax : 3328091

147 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

10 Toyo Ink (Thailand) Co., Ltd Bangchan Industrial Estate, 34/1, mu 14 Seri Thai Road, Minburi Sub-District, Minburi District, BKK 10510 tel: 518-3002 fax: 517- 0143, Head Office: Bangchan Industrial Estate, Gor.44, mu 14 Seri Thai Road, Minburi Sub-district, Minburi, BKK 10510

11 Thung Hua Sinn Printing Co., Ltd.

99/8 Sukhmvit 54, Sukhumvit Rd. BKK10250; tel 3320133; fax 3316012 12 T.K.S Enterprise PCL

792/21-25 Rimkhlong Bangkoknoi, Rungpracha Rd, Bangkoknoi, BKK 10700; tel 8845300; fax 884 5318 13 Technology Prints & Supplies Co., Ltd.

272 Rama IX Rd, BKK; tel 3199952; fax 7196190 14 Taen Ake Printing Co., Ltd.

39/22 Mu 4, Rama 2 Rd., T. Sameadam, Bangkhuntian, BKK 10150 15 Thai Decal Co., Ltd.

151/9 Moo2, Soi Pookmit-Suansom, Samrong Tai, Prapadang, Samutprakarn 10130; tel 3843419-21; fax 3841479 16 Thai Printing Dyeing Co., Ltd.

68 mu 3 Suksawad 74, Bangjak Phrapradaeng, Samutprakarn 10130; tel 4630064; fax 4642580 17 (Note Printing Works)

273 Samsen Rd, BKK 10200; tel 2836322 18 Thanyanij Co., Ltd.

305/31 Patthanakan Rd, BKK 10250; tel 7220670Á 3220291; fax 7220668 19 Print Master Co., Ltd.

528/2 mu 10 soi Petchakasem 63, BKK 10160; tel 8014550; fax 4542769

148 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

20 Patouch Co. Ltd. 192/5 mu 16, T.Bangsaothong, King, A. Bangsaothong, Samutprakarn 10540; tel 705 1179 - 82 21 Phongwarin Printing Ltd.

299 mu 10 Sukhumvit 107, Samut Prakan; tel 3994525; fax 3994524 22 Perfect Prints and Advertising Co., Ltd.

7/4-7 Arunamarin Rd., Khwang Arunamarin, Khet Bangkoknoi, Bangkok 10700 tel: 882- 5820-3 fax: 434-1346 23 Mae Mae Industrial Co., Ltd.

630 Mu 4 Sukhumvit Rd., T.Praksa, A.Muang, Samutpakarn 10280; tel 7093027- 9; fax 3240297 24 Yunhee Enterprise Co., Ltd.

100/2 Rangsit Nakornnayok Rd., Pachatipat, Thanyaburi, Pathumthani 12130; tel 5330291-4; fax 5330136 25 Thai Watana Panich Press Co., Ltd.

891 Rama 1 Rd, BKK 10330; tel 2367487; fax 2367486 26 Sriboon Printing Industry (1988) Co., Ltd.

3021 Moo 10, Sukhumvit Soi 107, Tambon Samrong Nue, Amphur Muang, Samutprakarn tel: 749-8323-32 fax: 398- 9402 27 Sirivatana Interprint PCL.

14/8 mu 12, Bangpakong, Chachoengsao 24130, tel: 675-5600, fax: 212-6444 Head Office 76/76 Chareongkrung 57, Bangkok 28 Siam Press Management Co., Ltd.

545 soi Ramkhamhaeng 39, BKK 10310; tel 3186463; fax 3184843 29 Salee Printing Co., Ltd.

9/19 Mu 5 Phaholyothin Rd., T. Klong Nueng, A. Klong Luang, Pathumthani 12120; tel 0-2902-0762-4; fax 0-2902-0766

149 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje

30 Surapim Co., Ltd.

169 Soi 93 Sukhumvit Rd., Bangjak Phrakanong, BKK 10250; tel 3328356; fax 3315712 31 Kim Pai Ltd.,Part.

1741 Chan Rd, Sathorn BKK 10120 tel 2940137, fax 2942903 32 Kurusapa Business Organization

69 Mansion 9, Rajadamnern Avenue, Borwornnives, Pranakorn, BKK 10200; tel (02) 2825111; fax (02) 2825860 33 Amarin Printing and Publishing PCL

65/16 Chaiyapruk Rd., Talingchan, BKK 10170; 66/351 Factory Land Soi 5 (Factory Land Project 1), Buddha Monthol Sai 5 Rd., Sampran, Nakorn Prathom; tel (02) 4229000; fax (02) 4341385, 4332742

34 Excell Press Co., Ltd.

615/9 Soi Sadhupradist 47, Sadhupradist Rd., Bangponpang, Yannawa BKK 10120 tel: 682-0060 fax: 294-2167 35 LLH Printing & Packaging Co., Ltd.

209/3-4 Mu 8 Poochaosamingpria Rd., South Samrong, Phrapradaeng, Samutprakarn 10130; tel (02) 3845445; fax (02) 3944816, 3840612

150 Tailandia: El Sector de Maquinaria para Envase y Embalaje



1. Apunte a los cargos superiores y prepare sus reuniones con anticipación suficiente (semanas), reconfirmando si es posible el día anterior. Las reuniones se tienen típicamente a las 10 horas o a las 14 horas. El almuerzo se inicia sobre las 12 horas y la cena se hace a las 19 horas. Es recomendable tomar relajadamente una copa después de la cena.

2. Lleve tarjetas de negocios abundantes, así como información de su empresa en inglés. La vestimenta correcta y conservadora refleja status y seriedad de intenciones. Puede entregar regalos (no caros) de empresa.

3. En la presentación de su empresa hable despacio y claro (la parte Thai puede necesitar tiempo para la traducción mental). Comentar, en su caso, las actividades de su empresa en Asia. No mostrar divisiones internas, que se perciben como contrarias al principio de armonía de grupo. Escuche y no interrumpa.

4. Evite que la parte Thai “pierda la cara”. Puede facilmente constituir un movimiento irreversible en sus negocios.

5. Evite demostraciones de impaciencia, enfado o frustación, que puedan crear situaciones incómodas. Procure mostrarse calmado.

6. Exponga sus condiciones, requisitos o dudas de forma impersonal, pero comunicandolos claramente de principio a final, punto por punto. Conviene ser algo flexible especialmente en materia de precio.

7. Al formalizar su contrato (es necesario) sea preciso en cuestiones esenciales como temas financieros, plazos y estandares, pero sea flexible en aspectos no esenciales.

8. Una vez establecida una relación comercial facilite material promocional e invite a la parte Thai a comunicarle la evolución del negocio incluídas las malas noticias. Conteste con rapidez a sus preguntas o demandas.

9. Desarrolle relaciones personales con la parte Thai, visitando con cierta frecuencia para desarrollar confianza entre ambas partes.

10. Conozca algunas cuestiones culturales básicas como el respeto total a la monarquía que siente la población Thai, o evitar apuntar con el pie a alguien, la utilización del primer nombre (no el apellido) en las relaciones personales, y algunas palabras (saludos, gracias, etc ...)