Korean War

Korean War Project Record: USMC-201

CD: 03

United States Marine Corps History Division

Quantico, Virginia

Records: United States Marine Corps

Unit Name: 1st Marine Division

Records Group: RG 127

Depository: National Archives and Records Administration

Location: College Park, Maryland

Editor: Hal Barker

Korean War Project

P.O. Box 180190

Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318125

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E;!0CijOSUH}-:: (l) to lBl J·.-U.\1 - w ... JJIO>. Gontitu~ 0 1c:'.. ~- -- ...... ··-- -- ·--· -· ... - ~-- --- ...... ~ ... ~-- -- ~--· ~~ ------·- - . ------· -- -- ~·or u1l1tnl'Y purpOfh;f.l, th1G 1r: n nost 1''\VO!'".b1o hr~ola fron \·Jhich to cxpnnd, r>.nd ono ui tll \'ihioh tho ;_rnitcU. Stntv~ cord(l not cor.1pctc.~~~ The G1r;nlf1onnt VOYCI[;O of tho "Cotlotll cm:nh·•oi~.CG t.Lnt r,lliocl control o:f the ocoetno rtnd the Pl\nt..ttlfl nnd Guo?, Cr.n'llB cnnnot <'l"cvont the Sov1.ctfl fr•or!l trn nnfcr;r1 nc: their nnvnl f'Ol"'C'lcs fi•or:~ :r:urorcnn HtlDRi:t to Fnr En~­ torn Ruor.iC~ nn t;Jwy ooc fit for pcr1oc3.o cw long nE; six ~--~Jnthn of tho 'J'Onr·.

~k....Qn.£!n t_l.~l'!l. A.c; of toUuy, th..: cr11,n b1l1 t1 ..:n of tLG '1 SSR to co nubnrt.t.ic onv.:\ronontEi nrc bul icV'"' to be qunnt1 tn tivoly nur-uriol" to tho .so of tho ·1 n11;el1 3tn. tcs, F:Vnltw·· tocl qcw.lHutivo:Ly, tho c"' ,.,bilitics of tho USSJ •r·c l'OQ[·;hly ostitl"tcc· Wl equnl to tl-JO~O of the Un1toc1 st~·.toc. tit~rau rcnr:ons for ~ur.tn c:~:ti!:l ... ~ nto nrc:

(1) The.; Soviet hr1.VC tbrco n.ir r.:rr:.1cr. -which ni·c known to :CJnvo ru­ c.oi vod trn1n1nc for c.0 ld··\-JOD. thor or orations r•.nd ur·o o tntlon,:d in nor-~ thcr• n nr ot.w, U~) Tbo USf.'Jl. io tht: only rnnjor po,xcr hnving t}xtc;nsivc lvnrth10 ox;. cr1 cncc t-Ji th lnr-go-ncnlo air oporr. t1o nn n t very lm¥ tomporn t\ll'ea. (~'S) '!1ho Sov1eto ;>:t.'oVm1 cupnblc of nircrnft nnintonnnco ut t.cmp·­ O!'tlt'.lror. nH low no -4.0°F' in l'lorld 1·1nr !I oy,orr•.tions ne:nlnst the Gor- tHUlS• (·l) .~nv1ot J.lothodo of col(1-"o·thor stortinr: of i·ro,·.cll.or-drlven n1rcrnft 1 wh!lo nore rrit:l1t.1vc in m'"lny wny8, n:rc novoPtLoloflR conp.nl."'­ rtblc 1n r;ffcctivonorw nnd i)(..., ... onc1.nb1llty to thoso C·f tho TJn1tcd BttttNI ( [5) V.tbricnnto nnd hydr:-:r.ul1c fluldn c~reblo (Jf 0I~ot"·tt1 nc down tc toEJrJurn ttu~oA of -t>OnF' wore uocd by the· USr;H 1n '\•/or·ld Wnr I1. (6) Bovl.ct eloth1llg for uno by :t1rmor:. ln concUtionn of extreme Ct"'ld, on OX1.:r:d.nnt1on by U, n. pornonr.ol a·.trin(~ llorlft \Vnr II, it1t18 eon-· f-;itlcrcd to be r,upcrior, ( 7) Tho 1 evcl of Dov1ot tle.vlr:n t1o nnl "b1J.i ty, Nhllo est1mrc tod tc bo low by U.s. r.tHndnrdfl, is conr,tr.mtly l;;l})rovcc:. (B) 11hc Dovict concept of the uAc of nlr pnwc~r pV•.ocd it 1n tt t:ubor·d1.n~:•tc position to, n.w1 in olesc s•.:tp~·~or.t oft groun:::.l nrrnlon, In rencnt ycnrs, howovor, tho Bo,.rictr- hn.ve boon dovclor1np; a strntq~io u:i.r nrm, thtu; 1ndic:atin[!; nn t1Wnt'orwe:f1 of the f•..J.J.l cnpnbllitics of n1r powor.


DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318127 Huadquartorn lnt Marino Al;r 1:J1nr;t Ji'J-'l! r./ () Fleet Pont Office, Gan l<'rnnc' ~teo 1952 i .•. ~~0 F'ebruary 0 uk~-~~.~\':;: ,,_ ; SicOJl!l;t W · 'rNfOllHAWION trl{'f !J:il!:f.f/1 lt... !;~ .- F.'t!:.l£>.\i !lA_lJ,;L.U.'1l'APGE11_C.f. j:\\!}fi!AHY

of Ko:rea I Henle 1 :2bO,OOCJ (UTJvi) Hr.tj) Hefel'(IDCC: Air A.T;proach chart

yoet.orday ranc;inr, 1 eict:.t onomy aircraft sir;ht1ngs r.i horu wo1·e CHOim Hiver area YA!n Hivcr to . In the CHONG from the' t'-flfis' between 1G35/I unu l6f>O/I 74 MIG--lus' t·Jlth ncr,at1vc enoountor·o. 27 l''·•86s' bot~! wore claimed sul tin['; to frlondly a1.rcraft, of 10 F .... 8(1r. 1 obnerved 16 No oncountol:' was mado when e. flight Rl.vor arc,_ bot;roen 1218/I leiJG-lGo' l.n the CHONG CHONG and YAH) ana 1307/I. 1 in the SI~-'JIJU l.\:r'Ob. of B ~' .... 86r:' of)scrv0d 2 liiG-lG£! A patrol was made. bet;tvccn lf~[)O/I and 1300/1. No er.countor l•'-E\os' observed '12 EIG--lo Prom 0'125/I to OBOG/I a patrol of 18 areae ;r1th ncc;ativo oncountora. in tho CfiONC, Cl!OI~G- ana YALU Rlver 56 lt.IG-l5n' in tho J?YO~·iGYANG cn~oa hct\wcn lB l:<'-86.s' obt~cr·vod muclo. 1620/I and l6b0/I. No o:1countcl'S l

2, _,-:l_<;Y,__ (por ~.Q.i.lJ-£!,2000/I t9_ l9fQQQj_L)__ fluk oncountorcd by let ;:A\

DECL<\SSIFIED DICCLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318128 SECRET DECiJRITY INFORl;...T 1•• ------lGT Jit>\i D;-,ILY INTngo No, 3 ------~ - ~ ------~ -- - - - Tronsm1ss1on by United Stntos roc;1storod mn11 or l'O(>istcrod (>Unrd rnn11 is mitbor1zcd in nccordnncc •.J1 th brtiolo Q705, >J. s. Nnvy Sccu:r1 ty riO.nual f'or Clnssifivd Hnttcr, 1951.

J. \'1, ST.,GE LtCol., USHC .nCofS, G-2 Copy to: CG, FHF'Pnc CG 1 .hirFHFPao .. ro, ComFo1r.,.lnmodn CG, lstHnrDiv CO, M.... ~C--12 CO 1 )cit;G-33 CO, 1-!ACG-2 Co, lot 90m~ABn Co, VN0-6 00 I HJffi-161 HintoricnlO Stut't F'1lu



:JEOR:t<:T 8TI:C:JBITY :NFOii:J.~~ION• •


that Fk>L~'r~r; in Lanch,lria: An 1nte111t:ence Bouroe repor·ted the N~\A was lirulDinc:h ~even C..iv ioions of men betv~'ecn the at-:, en of 18 'Lo 3(1 in the Yonoh1 (IIanchur1a) area for trait;ir.t:; in ir.fantry and wechanhed tactics, (Dato of information pl'ior to 17 December l%1) ([;) A provious roport by an intellir,once source (INTS':Jl~ Go~r:!~. 1951, 3":ll5 and OCH.i'>K i'.pt ;:br lJ1) indicated that 1 nlnce October Korean rco1Jento of l!llflchuria bet\feen the ages of 17 anc1 10 were beinG recr'l.: ted and sent to ct~l1n, Hanchuria for t,vo rao~n"tL1.R of mil1TilH'Y tr~.tinln[~. Furthermore, it was fitated tf.t.:'lt an undetor­ Hiinml D'Jrnbor cf ouch troops had alreal1y arrived .1.n Sinuiju, as of bu:t·ly Decenbor 1851 for uoc ac repla.cementn for frontl~_ne recruited in Chien tao uni tn and that 50 1 000 to 60 1 000 men had been and Antunt; ProvinceRo Another report otated that the CCF and Soviets had trained and Chaoyaro[;chen (i:anchur1a) 120 1 000 NK troops at Tunghtta, Yenoh1 t.urin,"; tho lull in ·che KN'ean :C ir;htinf, (prer.umably su"osequent to the bet;innlne; of the At'Elistlce Ner;otia"Cion), The ro;"Jort also indicated thnt another 50,000 troopH were in trair;,lr;c: in -~he ~amo ar'ca "s of mid-December 1951, (FH"J/FEC 'ZJY G96l) (A1 tLo•lt:h this ropor·c did not specify the oo•1rce from whence tt.e troopn had been obtained, ';,;hey ue:rc pres'J.mably Korean ren10.entn of' ManchJ.riae) The foce((01nr; report~ al"e all concerned 11i th t:~o came eePeral in Ch111n period, prior to early December 1951 1 and are contoreu Provinc,e, Manchuria, ~'he ocven divisions allee;cdly to be recrllit­ od in the Yonchi area ~;ou1u involve a total of from 70 1 000 to ng the train- 80 J 000 TroopR, The t1.w previous r epor tR conccrnl in~: of North Korean troops in Manchuia have quote(! a minimum of 50 1 uou troopn. It was alnn rc•lor'ccd "oy PUs, at the time of inactivation in "the of the VI ~"K CORPS, thet a neH corps ~Vas subRCr'llently uc.cd, upon 1 tn entr:I into r:oroa, to furnioh re­ ~)locemontn for o "tfwr EK Corr)s, t Thn f'oregoinr~ information :ccvcalfi that it is ponaiblc trw. Korean troopn arc boinc; trained in Hanch·~ria, ;.Jonnibly as replaoe- :nentG or as nmv ',l.n1tr;. However, fina:. acceptan~o of· rHJ.oh a fact and nn en timu. tion of the number of t:ronps being tra1r~cd. llill requ­ ire fcw·cher n·,,bntantiatlon and adc:it1onal C.etaile,

(c;) F;~'J/FEC ZJY i~br 6372, dtd 12 t'eb 52


DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318130 SECRE'J: IUFOlU-tA.TIOH. :ElTCLOSURl.l (2) to lst!IJAW DIS }10, 51 of 20 l!'cbrur.:ey 1952• ------~ - - - ~ ------1952 EXTRJ.CTED FROM THE let MARlllE DIV!S!Oll P, I, R. No, 479 of 16 l!'obruery OPER.AT ION OL.iivi-UP end During tho first two deys of •Clpr.Hlpn, tho .oneny showod uncertpinty tht(( curio;;;ity ever lp.ok of BCt!vity. Through rec~nn~i-~B~noe ho noon roflliz~d key torrein for·turcs were held by UN forces ~nd that t.ho majo,l N/S rO'Iites tho to wore protected. In the initial st!l.ges, ho was un~.ble to dE1terrnirrJ the dopth the onemy which thoso principcl torrFin fonturoa wore held, To p,.acortf'.in this o:C tho line Ol'!'lploycd E:,Tcv.tor force in his rcconnRissf'nco to deternino the depth and to capture PW. llo ne:r have 'believed that tho friendly forces con.poeed H. in the X scrwoning force to covor a oajor withdrPwel. Intrest was displf!Yed 1 D'.r2040; Oorps sector in Hillsi 10;0, DT0542i 851, L'Tl44o; 1052, D1 lr..ll.o; 1243, and 612, :W241+e,

~nd repair Tho period of ~ntivity was utili~ed by the onomy to construct def'onsos as well RB to employ lRrger suPply cEtrrying :pATties.

On learning that the MLR was still held in force, tho oncmy resumed his pv'ticy· of remaining concealed in bunkers during deylight hours F

lack of At the boginning cf "Cler.l-oupn t the enemy showed curiosity ~.t the M""ine :l'ricLUy activity, ospoci«llY on Hills 930, 812, and 854 in the lst p. recon­ Division sector. To se.tisfy this curiosity, petrols wore sent to rnM:o of those points, On 11 Fcbru~y, thore wero throe (3) contRcts of n~isspnce to •· five (5) to fourtoon (14) me.n she, Six (6) contects vorying in size On -13 Febru.ary, L1nximur:1 of a thirty (30) r.tpn probe were reported or.. 12 Fobru.f!ry. \an ( lO) contact.s wore croported, ~wentyfive ( 25) to thirty (30) men groups seemed were reported aCtive in the KMC sector • .After 13 Fobruery, the eneny by his satisfied tha.t tho MLlt was J:itill h:zld in :.;trcngth. This is in(tioated return to the previous defensive o.ttitude with only two (2) smoll probes sec- reported on 14 and 15 February, Mein points of contect in the Division tor during the operp.:tiona wtn.'C: Hill ~30~ DX 2721+42; Hill Sl2; M 2S2465; terroin and Hill 854, DT 333481, It is note<. th.t these pointe are i\orine Division WftS SAving Flf.lY.IUnition to give to tho ROK Division expected to lfflltlch E-n e.ttack p.fter the relief.

A P\i fron tho 2nd Regiment, lot ll'K Division Also SPid thP.t tho lessoned MF>.rino Division~ UN P.ctivity wr.ro flttributcc'. to p_ relief of eler.ants of tho let probe, The period of suspected relief w11s picked es ~ opportune tine for tho SEC!lllT SECURITY lNFOIDlAT lOll

·~ ~;'

DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318131 ' ' SEOjU:T S..'<:iCtmiTY ------.... ------· -- - -- ENCLOSURE ( 2) to lst N.A~I DIS NO 51 of 20 Fobruory 1952• (Continued) ------. ------A P'" fron the 3rd Roginent, lst NX Division, g,-id hlf3 c~opr,ny c-onrwnder Pttpck tol{~ hin tho roducod. friendly activity wrs d.uc to pt'ep.Frl:•tion for '"' UN when the snow r1elts.

T>ro (2) l'W fron tho 2n<\ Conp•rty, bt :B•tt~lioni lst Reginent, 45th Divi­ Division sion, on 13 FobruPry, Stl\ted thpt it .Wf>Ei l""loll"':iO:rcd thF>t the lst J.f,..rine' Tho lpok of would be roliovcc1 'bY Fln unknow ROK Division in the now." future. cruscd tho Prtillcry firo Pn~ the in~ctivity of~ troops since 10 Febru~tY the 2nf1 Cor:~­ NK Officers to boliovo th~t the roliof '\>1<'s tf'Jdng plfl.ce .. Therefart:: of 12 Fob­ PanY sont e twonty (20) men raiding perty to l!ill 854 on the night ruery in orc.or to cepturo the hill before tho relief we.s complete<'.,

A Fi'l from tho 2nd :B~ttalion, 3rCI. RegiMent, lst EX Division who deserted in t?c KMC sector on 15 FebruPry. rc.porto~ prior knowloC~e by tho onany of Operetion ClPn-up, The PW steted th•. t his ple.toon wr.. s told by tho oonpeny no tl'!J artillery, _f'ir, or cor:-l;:·.t~ndor- fi,t 0800I or.. 12 Fcbru;.ry thB.t thare t•roul~. bo conppp.y comrndor ~ny other f!.Ctivi ty c1uring the period ll- 17 Februp;ry. The PW, but gfwo further st~.tcd thpt this 1nforr.lfl.t1on we_s geined f'ron pn ,Aneriofl'n tl:is no further infomf'!.tion concerning the souroe .. The ?1·Pa unit utilized :period of inp.ctivity to lncree.se the size of supply cPrrying pertiee. Ol?m-up Listed below is Ft conpprieon taDle for the five dPys of Opert-.tion as conpfi..rec1 with the prior fi vo dpys: 5=10 FebrUPry


Artillery S2 Mortar 617 P\4 teken 21 KIA, WIA. oneny 137

Conclusion: He In the. beeinning str.gos of Oporption Clan-up. the enany wcs curious. cortE!. in of was cogni Zflnt thEtt BOr.lC oporo.tion wfts in progress but coul.Cn' t be R relief of the I its nFt.turo. ?~1 reports indicr·to thP.t the c:onconsus WP.s thfl.t the runor lines wus in effoct. It is notod th~t there ere nuneroua sources of RUi: Division. that tl:~e let Mf'rino Division w~.s being rciievOd by fin unkno~ believed thP~t the Thoro p_re ~lso indiofl.tions thfl.t vca.rious company con:·1P.nders UN forces were prop&i~~ fo"'& an ettaak..

One Pi-'; reported thFtt the operation wns known to tho eneny on 12 Februn-y PW' s >~ere through e ccpturou U!l prisioner, This is pleusable in thAt three Ull tekon ~..iter he.ving knowledge of the operation.

Rogf!rdloss of the eneny'e k!))owledgo of Operetion Cl.Pn ... up or lack thereof, a rP.dio or ho rcaotoC. in a logical Pnd sound man:10r. Individuflls. often with Rcconn?.is­ telephone, rocoMoiterod the lines to report the friendly sit"Wi.tion, of the sanco groups were conposcc1 of ..:>ight to ten rnen during the second php,ee ox:ocuted. oneny reaction. Linited objoctive Pttp,cks by conbet pgtrols wore then held the to fi.SCt,rhtin if thv friendly U...'"lit~ "lrtere EJ sc-reening 1mit or ~ti).l construction MLR in force, All during the operation, the enen.y R('lcol

Tho operation gave the enony anple opportunity to better his position. period thar. In the let Mo!U'inc Division B.J'Cfl., less Pttltiee thF:n if it hAJ1 been fired during normf'tl operntions. SECll.ET SECtJRITY IlmlRNAl'ION

DECLASSIFIED DICCLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318132 B,ECRET . . ·SEet-..'R!TY ------ENCLOSURE (2) to lst l·1A~·r DIS NO, 51 of 20 :i'ebrupr;r 1952• (Continued) - ~ --~ ------•. ------stP"temont is influenced by the f!l.Ctor th~.t P_ir obaorv~tion WP.s inpossible during tho bulk of t)jo firing,

In aurnrM•tiont O:perntion Clpm-up confused the enemy. l!lner.w losses PS indiofl­ ted by the 1st Mfl.rine Division e.ction, wero no hof'!.vior thFm during the previous five de.y period. }.t the 2f"!!!e tim-e, the ene!!l_y w~.s pfforfod the opport1.1ni.ty t.o F.IOVe in supplies without counter-bP~ttery fire, to nine routes used 'hy our pP.t­ rols, anCt to incref!so his kno,otlec1go PB to tho disposition of our defenses,

···.~ ~;



. · ·1 / ' - I (\' ~--- l\. ·.I I I ', 1-J I ' l FIR.ST , V • r-·~"l. , \ J t ·-- V\/11\!G


;:\JTE! L_IGENCc SUI\/!1\Jl/\RY


DECLASSTFTED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318134• • Headquarters lst Larine -Air Uing, FH~' c/o Fleet post Office, San Francisco 2l February SECRET SECURITY !NFOR14ATION lst MAli DAILY INTp;tJ.IGENCE ffHU!AljY

NQ, 52 Map Reference: Air Approach Chart of Korea, Scale l :250,000 (UTM) l. Enemy Air Activity {Per~oc.l 19?.000/T to 202000/I Feb) From 1335/I to 1405/I 18 F-86s' observed 60 to 70 MIG-l5s' in the and Yalu River areas with negative encounters, Elements of a flight or 70 14IG-l5s' attacked 22 F·•B6s' at 1405/I 38,000' over the Chon!f Cnong River area, Friendl,:r claims were l MIG-15 deBtroyed and u r.cra.-.-.15s I da:r.a:ged, There t\"8.!! no damage to friendly aircraft, 1 11 F-86s I enP.arwd in a dogfight with elements of 113 JIIG-15s in the Chene; Chone;--Rivor area -between 1405/I and 1440/I from alti­ tudes of 28,000' to 42,000 1 , 1 I!IQ-15 was destroyed >


DECL~SSIFIED DICCLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318135• SECRET • SECURITY INF'ORi:t.TIO N ------~--~------let MA1f DAILY !Nl'ELLIL+ENCE SUiii:t.RY MJ, 52 (Cont 1 d) Page JOb, 2

Over B!r 9945 at 1235/I, sovon F4U-4B' s of \ry,IF-323 encountered mcu~er inaccuruto uutomutic >toupone :fire at an altitude o:f 3,000° !i!o c...nno.go l·ths sustained. by tho :!'light,

Ovoll CT 0027 at 5 1 500' 1 eight F41.Ps fror.1 VHF-323 on an intor­ dict1on mission oncountorod moderate inuccutato A/N fire, This on­ counter was r.tade at 1255/I nnd no dnmoso was reported by t:aienell:V flight, 'v111le on u lone n1e;ht o.rood reoonnuissnnco nins!on an F"7F-.3N re­ ported two flak oncountors, Tho first encounter was at CU 6302 ut un altitude o:f 1 1 000' ut 1922·15/Il the second encounter was at 192300/I over GU 6725 ut 100 1 wh1lo tho airornrt was makin~ runs on a turRet. In both caeos tho fire was rol'ortcd ae ooogut' ond fnncilurnte auto;; matic weapons, · At 0160/I, an F7F....3N on a Night J.rmod Rocor.naieance mission on­ countered :flak nt CT 4085 that was described as mea3er and inacc­ urate, 3, Non-vehiou1ar Damaee Assessment (;period 192000/I to 202000/I)

S T (J.H'I'T NG.S C'.Oilll!JINAT ES DESTROYED lliiHhGED Supply Stacks BT 4475 1 Bunkers DT 2949, DT 1845, DT 25461 DT 24?B, DT 2446 14 5 Vehicle Revetments BT 9944 2 2 l-ro~tar Po a! tiona DT 25-1:6 1 1 Buildings OT 9395, DT 0298 4 RR Trestles BT 4357 l Railroads BT 5557 to BT 4061, BT 7147 to BT 6154; YC 5461, BT 1,357 12 Cuts Vohiclo eisht1ngs and damugo assossmont (period 192000/I to 2o2ooo/f)

q T,Um'Tt.Trt(':! r!fV"IO'nTI\Tt, r'I'!:'Q ...,.._.,.,u ... .&.,U'-llJ ~"""""''""'.a.u.n.""4.l.''-' DLl=lECT!OH OF TRAVU .. 100 Singcann Area s 25 au 6<114 s 20 CT 7493 s 20 CT ?885 s 6 cu 6302 s <1 C'l' c1Q86 s 4 CT 4695 s 2 cu 6725 s 2 CT 7852 s 2 YO 5261 11 l BT 9944 Parked To tul Sigh tines: 196 (193 NiGht - 3 Duy) Totnl Destroyed: 14 (All Night) 5, Gl'ou.nd Situation ( pei•1od ending 201800/I 52) I US Corps - The Guerrilla Company of tho 12th ROK Regiment sent o rnidlns po.rty out o.nd. one;o.god nn enemy plnt(1on in tho v1c1n1 ty of CT-0507 at 0640 this morninrr. At 0700 tho raiders reached and occ­ upied their obj ect1vc at CT-0508 and thon w1 thdrow to tho HLR at SECREI' Sf:CURITY INFORlli


SECRET • • SECURITY INF\)!!Mi.TION - ~ ------let HAll' lli>ILY INTELLIGENCE SU!nbRY N), 52 (Continued) :Pnr;o No, 3

0840, 'l'hoy left behind thcr.l 20 cncoy K:U., ;. patrol froo tho 11th ROK Ror;incnt after a brief fire fight with a sno.ll oneny croup thi.s morn­ inr~ nt 1110, withdrew 'back to the tr1ondly linoae- .Advnno1ne; 600 yard~ s a rooonnniesnnco pn trol from tho l80th RoeiJaent of the 15th Divis­ ion rocoiv<>d sr.1nll arms and artillery firo, At 1000 hours tho patrol returned to the Hill, In tho viein1 ty of C'l'-•1013 n 9th ROK Division Roconno.issancc Conpuny cngucrcd two oneoy squads at 0735, Tho friend­ ly patrol withdrew nftor a heavy ton minute fire fir;ht, IX US Corps - bll units nuintninod positions and patrolled \·:ith littl~ or no onor.1y contuct throughout tho whole COR:PS sector, X US Co!go -On H1ll 1090. D'l'-OM2. an outnost position of tho 8th RoK Rog~ ant received sr.mil urns una automatic weapons fire fron a onall oneray c;t'OUp at 23-10 last n1r;ht, Friendly Drtillory was placed on the eneny and at 0020 tho friendly outpost withdrew. Tho enemy w1 tharew at 9125 and triondly clements reoccupied tho pod t1ons 11 t 0145 Ni th no enemy contact, An outpost position of tho Ethiopian Battnlion received a light prob1nr; o.ttttck onrly in the morning, Hor­ tt"".r fire tvas cnllod nnd placed. on the cno!r.Y forcing ther.r to wl thdro.w. I ROK Corps - Thoro was no enemy contact r<>ported for this period, 6, Naval Air and surface activity ( period ending l91800I)

bn.i~~opl~te report of Naval aircraft sorties was received for the 11cr~oa .l.n "IIOO!i the number of ull:• aol•tles luunched by tho BAIROKO was not received, Other naval air flow a total of 160 sorties, with tho :PATRONS lo.unchincr 15 and tho fast carriers 1•15, The USS :PHILLIPINi' SD\. and tho V..~LLEY FOHGE h1 t fror:1 Songj1n to iV'onsan to Yongdok dest­ royinG 18 trucks, two rail bypasses, 3 bridGes and l GUn poai tion. Damage was claimed as 12 trucks 1 45 buildings and 76 rail cuts. On th.:> west coast, aircraft from the :&.IROKC attacked along tho coast fror.1 Ullyul to H'loju doa'liroyinr; bull dings, boats and ou ttine a high- way bridcro ~

East Coast Sur-taco--- ~t the bornblinaJ the Hi:.NCHESTER, PURDY and HYHAN L fired harrasaing and interdiction missions tor the I ROK Corps again- st enemy troops and aupplioa, dropped a bridge span and inflicted rume>'ous troop casualties. The SHl;ELDS fired on boats and harbor insto.llations, hits on enomy boats couserl secondary explosions, At 1S BbTAAN, BURKE, ;.;pACHE maintained anti invasion stations, The C!o'YLON, Bi>'l'AAN and BURKE fired on gun and mortnr positions starting f'ires, 'l'hc RO'l'OITI and LSNR 40·1 fired on troops in the Songjjin urou, tho 'J.'ALUU:n tu1d LST 692 patrolled the Ho.eJu o.p~roaohos and the COSSbCK illuminated Wollae-do approaches, ?. H!scelluncoue sec enclosure (1), written by Captain ll. E. LA\"T, assistant a-2, lst Marino Air lling which is published for such 1ntrcst as it may arouse. Tho subject mat'cor is entitled A DaY 111th The •19th Fighter­ Bomber Group, and is a description of oy,orntions and intollir,once e~ctivi ties of that unit on an average day of Korean o:rerations, Add­ itiono.l iter.1s ot this sort will be publ1shod 1n this SULlnary as they become avo.ilablo SECRE'l.' SECURITY IHFORl'!ATION DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318137• •

------~- Trane~ission by United States re~iBtered mail or re~1eter$d guard maU ia authoriu~ in a.ccorda.nco with .11.rtiele 0705, U. S. Navy See~rity Manual for Classifio

J .. W• STl~GE J1tCol., USkG .~i.OofS·, G-2.

Copy to: CCl, Fl

CCl, 1stMo.rD1'1' 00, M<~.Cl-12 00, MaG-33 (5 Copies) CO • i"lACG ..... 2 co, VM0-6 co, nt



ENCLOST!F.E (l) To lst LJ~~·T DIS No. 52 of' 21 Feb~ 1952


As I have been :foartunate enough to have the opportunity to spend a day Hith the 49th Ftr-Bmr 1•fing at their base in Korea, I w1ll attempt tn RnmulAl"'17.A s:~A nl Anl"'1 v ~s nnfH:;ible in a limited sne..ce a rou­ tine 2,~ plane--r;;ii:cut-mission· of F:.M-Thunderjets. The summary tlill start Hith pre-mission brl.e:fine and end with de-briefing after the after the mission, \lpon landing at the airbase I proceeded to Group Headquarters and loGuOd in l1tt.nnhr.dJ to t.h!":! thron RnllAdr'nns formin~r tho 49th Ftr-Bmr 1-rin(;~-- Shcociuicci. -br.ic:fi'nc; t~imo ~~~s-i2oo;x t. tilth-a TOT Of 1500/I. The pilots anu briofine of:f1cora assembled in a theater like room 11i th concreto floor elcvat~d al:out 8 inches for each rou of soats ns you move bact. from the front roll. Acroas the front of the room lJOrc slidinG panels each containing de,ta of some specific nuturo. One panol had r;cncral informo.tion auch na r_.. trictcd aroas, islnnds dosiGnutod us fr1ondly or enemy, nir=aca rcacuo fr.oil!tics nnd r:lis­ ccllcmcous informn tion, Ono panel BhOl;cd th~ r::round si tuntion r.nd .l:omhl no. Another portrnyou tho cllrront flak once nntl-aircrc.ft O ctcd over the tnrget area, Then the Intelligence officer pwo u complete resume of the ground sl.utntion, nnturc of tho tr.rr;ot, rescue fnc11- 1tics, best cscnpo route, nnd restricted nrcns, This Hns folJ.ouod by tho 11ing commnndor londinc:; tho flir,ht givinr; instructions on stnrUng engines, tnxiinr;, tnlw-off, join-ups, bost course to the tnrr;~t, nppronch on nncl dopnrturc from tho tnre;~t, join-up nftor the nttnck, couiJsc for return to bnsc nnd bror.k-up r..nU landing procuclure• This concluded tho br iofinr;. Ton minutes prior to tako-o:ff ti, ,o '..Jhich !mel boon set nt 1"00/I, ;.;c olir.1bcd tho stops ~oc.d.ing to tho 11!ing to\mr 't,!hlch 1w.s cqtli]'p..;d 111 tll rrtdio so tho li'in[~ comnnndor could monitor- 1\nd connmnj_o,..to \lith tho flight, The field hnd nt this tine been closed to convcntionnl airci·aft to elil.linc:to clllst in tho jet intf\lws 11hcn they skrtod tnk­ inr;-of:f, At 1401/I tho first 2 plnnc section stnrtcd i tc take-off run, tho remainder of tho flic;ht follotrod in 20 s,ocond in·tcrvuls, Tho flicht rendezvous """ completcc1 in ono orbit of tho bnso ::tnd tho pl:-~nos turned out on h:~r:ding to tho tn:r·rrut. 'lhilo tho planes t1oro on tho oission n novic mndc up by Fifth Air- Force gun C:lmcrn filn 1ms sho1m to tho r;r::mnd orotJs as a moral a bu1ldor,. Ench otrlp hnd tho pilots DflDO; r..-tnlt p)'h1 nnturo of tho t"rc;ots inoertcd procccUnr; tho strip of film, souo Hero bomb clmnnr'c c.e s os. cents, n tr c f':f lnr, nnu nir conlr:t plot· tres nll joined to :form a continuous pictllrc, Later uhen nll pilots twro n.V·~ilnblo it 1ms to bo sl1mm to thcr.1, The rs-ound CI'cll shooed a r;ood donl of interest in Hh..':t the plnn0s 'wru doinr;, ospocinll;y ones listed n.s bolon[;.i~nr: to their otm Squadrons. CONFIDENTIAL SECJRITY INFOR!lATIOI':


ENCW£J RE ( 1) to ls t : .,.1·1 DIS No, 52 Continued pugc No. 2 ------~ - - - ln11lo unitint; for tlw plnnus to return I hnd nn op;:>ortunity to ins;ooct a. snnll storr.c;c tn,c roan Hi th sholvos n>"ound tho sicco~ t~hich contninod oonploto photo cov~rnr:o of North Koron, oo.ch r;roup ot· · ;>hotos \lore nunbcl"cd nnd 1ndo:w



C' I P C T !\ /l /· i -~ : 1\ i 1- ' II \...J I lVIt---'11 \i! VL


C.6.1L'; 11\JTt.LLiGFNCE I SUfVl rJt A R Y I

Mn2 2 fEB 1952


Headquarters •ls t Mar 1 ne Alr 1ring, FIIF • c/o Fleet Post 01 f.', ce 1 San Francia co 22 February 1952


11ap Reference: A1:c Approach Chait of Korea, Scale 1:250 1 000 (UTH)

1. Enem.y A1r Activity (period 202000/I to 212000/I Feb) The weather last night 1;as operational in all target areas e.f Korea until after 0015/I when all ta!'get areas, except the East Coast, became non-operational. Today the weather restricted op­ erations in all tarGet areas, However, two fl1chts did patrol the EUNCHON and PYOIDYANG areas in the latter part of the afternoon,

1 , 1 in ~vhe 19 F-86si 1 flying ai.. 37,000 obs~:~l--ved 65 NIG-J..5a PYONGY.f.NG area at 1515/I, 31 ;HG-l5s' were encountered IVith one NIC~l5 being destroyed and no damaGe to friendly aircraft, At 1640/I 14 HIG-l5s 1 were encountered by 8 F-86s 1 in the suw..: CP.ON area. During ·chc enga ,amant, IVhich ~Vas flown at an alti·"ude between 37,000' and ·lO,ooo•, one iHG-15 ;ras des~royed 'rith oo dam­ age to friendly aircraft, 2, Flak (period 202000/I to 212000/I) There were five reports of flak for tho period, No dtllilage uas reported by friendly aircraft, Heather for the poriod was reported from CAVU to 3/10 stratus. A lone F4U from VNF(N)-513 flying a Night Armed Reoonnaisance iiission over CU 6302 at 2015/J: at an unkn:nm altitude received A1f meager inaccurate fire. At 2115/I an F7F-·3N on a Nir;ht Armed Reconnaisance Mission over CT 9085 :!'lY'ing e.t an ur..reported alt1tw:1e enoount~.rod moder$-te in­ accurate Al~ fire •~h1J .• -. 'Jt'Gack:l.ng 5 tr1.1cks, 1 !!eager inaccurate :: 'rn01 fire was reported 'oy 5 AD-2 s of Y!_~:-. 121 while mak:l.ng cuts "· a ral.lroad at ;.T 47o5, This uas at J.<>O<>(! at an altitude of 3,0v::

1vnJ.J.~ taking photos, two air-craft from HA.G-.-~3 Fhoto 'Jn1t, 1 F9F and l F2H received meager inaccurate 37mrn nre over YD 5070 at 1504/I a·c 22, uoo•. An I/D miosion of 10 F9F' s from V!!F-311 at an altitude of 15,000' received moderate inaccurate A1~ fire while making l'ail c~o~ts at BT 5557 at 1700/I. 3, Non-vehicular Damage Assessment (;period 202000/I to 212000/I) S!c_!-HTINGS DESTROYED DA11AGED Railroad BT 5557, BT 44c,7 to BT 5255. BT 5557 to BT 4773- 4 Cuta


DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318142 Sll:CRET • T'l I NI!'ORJIAT _ -·-SECURI - - -.· ...... 1ST J:IIA1f DAILY nr:rF.:LLIGENCE SUlil!ARY NO, 53 (Continued)• Page No, 2 ------4, Vehicle e±e;htinp;s and damar<:e assessment (Period 202000/I to 21200071 SII}!lTIIDS COORDINAT:j!S DRIECTION OF TRAVEL 24 cu 6G05 to CU 6609 s 5 U'l' 9085 E 2 CT 8482 1~ To ·tal Sightinc;s: 31 (i.. ll Night) Total Destroyed: 15

0, Q-E.;~d 81 tuat1on (Period Ending 211800/~ _Feb)

I iJ S CORPS - A small group of enemy was engaced by an ambush pe:cr01 of the KOSB Bn at 05454/I, The enemy immediately retreated. A·~ 1105/I a patrol from tho 180th Regt had a briet f1re ..... fight ~11·~h a small group of enemy, Tho enemy then withdrew, Ano'cher patrol from the 180th Regt in the vicini ti of CT 3733 had another brief fire-fight t·ri th an eatima.ted 30 anomy e.t 1205/Ie Aftar a ten minute fire-fight, the friendl-y elements withdrew to the l'iLR, IX US CORPS - Two hundl"ed yards fol"Ward of their 14LR a patrol fi'Om tho 160th Bcc;t received SA and AW from an 11nknown numbor of enemy at 1030/I, Fl"iendly ele;,,ents disengaged and proceeded on its mission withOut nny further' contacts beine; made, X US CORPS - In the vicinity of DT 0941 a patrol from the Div Reconn Co of the 7th RoK D1v battled 30 enemy in trenches employ­ ing a~ and AW fii'e at 0~40/I, At 0600/I the friendly pa~rol, broke contact and returned to their HLR, Another patrol engaf;ed 10 enemy in 'Grenches at OL..SO/I in the vicinity of D'I' 0941, The friendly forces disengaf;ed at O.J,50/.I and returned to their HLR at 0600/I. In 'Ghe lst!!DZ'Div sector a 'I oo.n patrol fr'om the 7th iiarinc Rogt was umb\lohod after moving 300 yards forward at 0815/I by an un­ ltrmm number of enemy, Immediately a 16 man patrol was sent out to ald tho .otheP po.t1-=vl, b'!.lt at 0850/I they ~·:ere also pinned c'lol>Jr. be­ cause of a heavy concentration •f mortar fire, At 0930 two rein­ forcea. squads were sent into tho area to try and out the ambush po.'Q:'ol of the enomy, This action is still continuing, I ROK CORPS - Nogutivo enemy contact was roportco., 6. Na.vnl Alr and surfa.co activity (per'iod ending 201800/I Feb) il. total of 206 sorties were flown during tho period by carrier based ancl the )',i.~=· s aircraft. Aircraft :f'rcm tho PHILIPPINE 8$_!!. and tho VALLE£ FORGE, flying a total of 151 sort1crs, hit targets from C!iANGCHU'NG-NI to WONSAN. Under attack were railroads, l:!~~y facilltiea, buildings, trucks, a [,'Un position, and a tank. Two f'9Fs I and an F4U 1-1ero lost during the day Is operations. with only one pi.lot beir.c; recovered, At;tuok1n[l' tar(l'cts in the ONJONG-NI, l?UNGCHON areas, nircrE.ft fi•om tho MJJiOKO accounted for 39 of tho total number of sorties. Buildl.nr;a, \vorehouses, and railroad 1..£\ra 11crc the main tur c:ets. East Coast Surface .Activity -At the Bor·~'bline; the l=.ANCHESTER nnd the P TRDY :fired 26 night H & I fire missions in support of the I ROK Corps, At the sruJe t~ne in the KOJO area, the SHIELDS shelled u labor camp bivouac area, trucks, t,'Un r csi tiona, and supplY ·,·.oints to1~ch unobserved reoul ts, The T\i'INING, ROWAN, and the KE:lES in ·cho HONSAN area, fired on bui~dl.ne;a, trucks, marshallinE yards, sampans, troops, caves, gun emp.Lanmnents, anu bunkers viit.c, h1ta scored. on all targets. At HU'NG!Wl, 'cho HE!\'DU\SO!I fired with unobserved ros\11 ts on rail snd highway junctions, a rail br1de;c, and rail yards, Tho !JDLOH.4.N, :NDICDTT, SHELTON, and the TAUPO tired on target. along the ooust froEl TANCHON to CHONGJIN,


1ST l'IA 1,~ DAILY I Nr ELLIGENCE S'J:\!iARY N:), 53 (Co• ntiru ed) I C

l'loB'c Coast Surface Activity -The CEYLON, 1llLlminatcd island appcowohcs in the SOKTO, CHO-DO areas, The SOUTEERLA!\'D hal' as sod troops, boats, and gun posi"Gions in tho TAEDONG-MAN area and tho CAYUGA, LST 692 and LST 712 patrolled in the HAEJJ approaches,

At 1835/I over BU 8020, on an intercept misalor., an F7F-3N ot: V!iF(F)·-513 obRorvecl 4· MII'l-l5s 1 ! Friendly ttas at 12,5001, headinc; 270 c1e,3rocs; lUGs' wore at 15,0001 heading 180 det;:rees and app<>ared 'co bo l.:.tting doHn. Estimated speed of NIGs 1 was 600 kno'cs and re­ ports tndioatc that the craft passed within 3/4 mile of the friend­ ly air craft.

Enclosure (1), a report of inspection of the GGAF ~ras trans­ lated ·oy FEh.F. The article Gxtraotcd. i'ron ~!rra.c.Ai:r Intelligence Report, io reprinted in 3 installments due to ito lenr;th and is offered to renders of this summary as a matter of interest con­ corning Red bir Power in bsia. 1'rcnsmiosion by Unitod States registered mail or registered c;uard mail is authorized in accorda nee t

1 J, 1\ • STAGE LtOol, 1 'J SIW ACofS, G-2

Copy 'Go: OG 1 Fl~FPac CG, A1rF!IF!'ac .AI'" 1 Co.mFairi~lameda CG, ls ti·:nrDi v co' 1 iiG-12 co, J.irla-33 (5) CO, llACG-2 Co; VN0-6 CO, EJ(R-161 CO 1 lst90, ,At\AGLinBn H1otcrioal 0 i>taff !'1le


DECLASSIFIED DICCLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318144 ruoo= ·a HIJi'ORI.'!T _____smmmr'PY ..,.;. ___ ~~~,.._...., ______ENCLOSURE____ ;... ______(1) to lst MAW... __ DIS No, •


The following ~rtiolc is the first Report- On Inspection Of Tl'.a Chineso Gomn\L'"liat Air Force. A suc:c.nd report it; new being tr?.nslatod by FEN .;,nd will bo includud in e. :fut.ure edition of the .l.lR.


A Spedol !viction lni!PGCtion Group of tho General st~ff, !J.ilitory Aff.J.rs

Commission, .Red GhinA 1 recently spent lg weks in Soviet 1\ussir., inspecting cdr bases c.nd eiroraft f~'ctories, and then after returnill4i: t• Ct.ina., toured the bE>ttlo fields r.md Vf'rious 1-.JDmo 'bases. Tho GroUp collected tne.toripl to be used as ~- 'br.si s for the de•;relopmcnt 0 f the oce sni for the revision of the !e:1-> soviet Aviation Agreement.. This missi~n 1.·ras completod in six months, from 1 March to 1 Scptombcr 1951, The following s\llllmery report was prepe,red by this gr()up after n comptritive study of all the material thus g~thcred and "'ith rof­ erenco tc field. experience. It is quot.od vorbc.tim a.a. trnnslat.Jd. I


1, Tho recOnstruction program of tho Red China Air Fc-roe has originelly been based on the Red.-Soviet Aviotion Agreement concluded on 14 Feb 1950 and tl.o ]ill of j.ond-!~op~O for ,_·Tar J.!!ro.teriP.lr:t~ Aacording t<'l thiB- .!._P;r'(HJnHmt. Qonat!"I.J.C-­ tion of air ba.so~ nncl th6 build-un of one-fourth of' first;....lino combP.t E'ir~raft wore to havo bBen complot...:d by Do.Cembor 1950·.. ~-.P!wn the American imnerif:!.lists invv.dod Kore~- on 25 June of th-a Sfjlna year, cur defensive tdr forcu 'off'S still non-existent. t·n 27 Aug, 13 u.s. Jll·!'nee inva.ded fiv~ times into our }Torthet:l.st­ ern Pro~inoea. reconnoitering and strafing ever ~sian, Li~~iBng ani Jntun~. Forign }l;inister Chou En,...le.i sent ~protest to the Unite& Netions tn 18 Cet, 'but as OUT diplomao~- v-;a.s :not baekGd "olJ! by strength. cur pretest w-aa to no b.Vu;il, On the contr~, 600 u.s. bombers and fighters staged ~ feriooious raid on Sin­ uiju opposito Antun~ on S }Tov end deQ~royed tho bridgo l01ading to Korea, The ,!mericB.n imperi~.listt;l even proclaimed the.t they "WOuld bomb our bRsas in the NorthGa,stcrn Provincoc. 1J.1his \'.IPS the first consequence c•f the unprepprodness cf our t.ir force.

2. 0n 25 llov, urged by e sense of justice Tho People's Volunteer .A;rmy of Rod Chinn joined forces •_'fi th the North Koreans in the big counter-offensive at Singhundong, SUmingdone:, Tol>::chon, YongNon. KFichon and Kunu-ri on the west front. We scored e victory on the ground but feiled to obtdn c;ir eou:premr cy thus do~ laying the libention of tho Ce!'itol, Pyongyeng, until 6 Ded, Strr.tegic in­ structions from the Russi;n Comflnd hrd cellod. for ccnsoliliv.tic-n of th~ line ~t KW1u-ri to bfJ used PS a ::lussir'n eir base. l!-'&Jlure in a.ccomplhhing thflt cen­ stitutud tho scc(ln-i consoquonco Clf our unpro:rP..rGdnoss in the:. v.ir.

3. 0n 31 Doc was triggered cff our soooni big New Yeer offensive during \1hich the MOOlY brought their strategic bombing to the most intensive str·ge. IJ.1ho Unitai StFt.;:;s duclf,rcd a Strte of Emer~ency ·on 16 Dec and r..encral !-i.?c,Artlru.r ht!d also ropoPtiJdly threP.tbnod witl: em invasi~n intO our l\'orthcrstern Trcviru~o .. lforlrl :'fr:r I!l Wt.s llr.::::inont. !t \·fe-~ irrrperitive th~t H~ si'..ould 'be equi·:1pe:i ~·:ith u eupurior ,"'·.ir foroo. During this 'bih offensive, r.owovor, OU!' mflin force do­ ployoi dong tho 4oe>-rnile frcnt includillg tb.e torr.,tiU lm~inr,4010g ooJ>oistec, ddd hrd a .strong air sU;pport "'c could hnve driven the Pncmy into the sea ~-nd thJ protra.cted defensive ba.ttles rf'g:od from 25 .Te.n t0 22 ,Mlr of this yer.:t ahoul,i h.r.vc boon e.voidod.. This v.'e-,s the third ccnscq_uonce of our f,ir unprepl".rocln:.:n:~e.

~~.. On 17 .Tf n Decn Acheson firmly repucli8.ted the peece Drouosr.ls cffered by Forign Minister- Chou rnd on the 20th Justin, Chief u.s, C..elegato to the UN,­ propc:n~od to brt-'nd Red Chin:· •.A.gcreGsc:r .. " Moreover,. th-2 £>mcndlnent proposed by Russia t·nd other 12 natiClns we.e elso rejected on 1 l~ao. All tt.ose fc.ctors mpJio tho bro-::k-out of t goneral wv.r mora likely t.h2n ovor. In free of su.ch emerp;:.3noy. how-ev0r, our r ir f .Jrce still could not dovolo-p inde)::endently. Wh~.t we h·'d then wrs only Gonor~l. r,uck0henv 1 s volunteer org,nizetion which at<-'god;;. rrid v!ith Illu.ain bombers ~~nd fe.ilod, This wr-.s the fourth consCJcuonoo of our unprepr·rednoss in tho ~.ir.


DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318145 _,_- -- ... - - .., -. ------,... ------No, Continued Pege No. 2. :!lllCLOSUlll!------w-...:...0---,;,.- (1) to lst MAW l!IS The;o four conseauences f'_re 1· otuelly four mistrkes whioh undeniftbly hFs result€1d fro:n the Red..:-Soviat A,vie.tion Agreement because by the pgreement the reconst,ruction of our eir foroa has been based on tho Lend-LOf'ISO Bill F~nd not on corrlbPt requirernents nor en F:tJ:y pact of mutu~. .l rssistD.neo,. Tho so-•Glled t.lilitery f'.grOe:nont is merely e. tTQonr1orcial Contrp,ctfl, ?nd it is therefore neoeaaery te hrve it revised.


It 1 e tho opinion of this group tl'..flt the mist~">.koa m<'Y be pttri'butod to tho following frctors:

1 The intontic·n of rvoidillg bombing RPshin rnd Songjin on the prrt of 11 south the u.rJ. oou~d be construed LJil' similrr to out· evoiding 'bombing tr..o {'rot--- of tho 38th pi rcllol, Furthermore, the tT;s; hllo ropQ•todl;- docl"rod thpt •ny attenp1;; 'b;y the Rod )...tr Foro-e to bomb the U.S~ troops would be retr.-·li<'ted with :relentless bombing cf the ~!o!'thefetarn prnvinc.es by tt.e usn. 'lor blds reaeon. the Re'i Ohina air force has not de.red to n'!Pke such J·n r-.ttcmpt in the J:lf st P-nd it m~·y not m!ke it in the future. The conserv~tive :policy e.dopted 'by Rud Chinp hr·s f.P.J?E·rently ensued from the high-h:·nG.ed policy of threats of the enemy.

2. In the t~·ct1c~ 1 f'oroPtion ther

3, hdtling from the intentions of tho enemy this Grot.'J' is of opinion t)l,t by tho enemy L~'s boen trying to foreo the Red troops into r passive position pelitic.r.ll:lorauros ~-lt first ~n;i then to e,n:'l.ihilrte it with vorticr-1 envelopm.ent fr•m tho sea. and thu ~-·h·. ~he enemy no loneer pry much r--ttention to the 38th /rrallel l'~ t:.. :pelitic< l dtiilha:>;·tion lin0,. Thoy he-:vo decided to f'.ttaok our:;::~ litic£>1 contors with their ··ir power.

4. The prolonged stru.c.;gle 1n Korer. h.:s helped the U.S. to complete the. cncircle'nent of. USSR with F- ohrin o±' besos, Encirclement of 'USSR meene the en­ circlement of Red Chin£>.. The U.S. not only could e< sily bomb th~ NorthePste rn lrovi.ncee lut hrs PCtm-lly oncirclGd Red Ohintt with its Pir force, Tho reop leis Aircrrft Contribution 1-.iovCment lli"S not increpsed t:CJ.c strength of the "Red Chi:na: the imrnr-turo r:nd isolt>.ted Air Force. On the contNry1 it hts indirectly ex.pc-s.;d str:.to.-!t.-:is ..oow. in. In tho milit?l"Y coopcrction behT.J.n nod ChinFt: ::-nd Soviet r..ssiEl. this .i.S oe:tteinly ono of the fe.ct(lt'e which h,-·vo lod to the rbovG n-.an- tienod ~istukea, . !:r1. examining the air powor of Red GLinF. it cftn 'be ea_id thnt only R. 11tt1\.e hr·s 'be-L---rt Fccomplishud on the3 ttt.~otic['l" p.:rt of the force t:nd none on the ttatto,... tegio"• .Ever. on the t:.cti(":?.l p;.rt there hove 'been insurmount-"blo drt:-wbPC.ks: - F0r instP.nce, the MIG type figtters bE<~.SOd F~t A.ntung: could. •nly cpcrPte within the 38th .f• compe.ct rrdius of 80 rnilce, further penetration into tho sc-uth of J-arrllel would roquiro sccrut br-aes locP,tod imrwd!r:Ooly north •f tho lrtitudc. !his Group spont two r.~onths on tho b-":ttlefield. supervising tho ropri:r of 69 Pir­ fields whic:t.~. in th& end, only b)lpcd fp.cilitating the oporptitns !'f 3(! pl.<>~cs, fin­ rw~r~gin~ tWC' fioids to r-ne: :pl- no, p burden which would 'bo fl:'r 'boyond. tho r.ncial power of R>Jd. Chine. to support. In view of thos0 blee


Judging from thu rbcve considorrtions '"nil f<·ctors, this G·roup h!":s come to the fellowirrg conclusions: in=. 1. W1'tn rog,-rd t. 1 i:r doL;nse of th;;; home l~·nd the str~-to~.r cf using torcepting fighters h: s locomo P thing of tho pPst, Tho home lent cPnnot bo t'd­ 1 e<~)l< tcly defcndud without l•ng-r.::nge ,?_tt!'.eking f'.ir po .1o:r.




BNGuOSURE (l) to lst MAM DIS No, Continued •

2, The purpose of stop~ing u.s. ~ggression could not be ~ttPinod unless its c.ir suprcmRcy is destroyed.,

3., Tha out[}ome cf tho Korc.?n wex could be dctormim~d :Ln the Pir.

4, The outcomo of the Korean w~r could not be determined unless Rod Chin~ posetsa•s moro th~n 1000 fighter plP~es.

5. Ever. if th0 cae>.so--Il.re talks e.t 1\..aesong should Oc conc.J.ua.ea. ;uccess:.U.Ll;t !ted ClinP. would no.::C:. tb.re.:; timeg tho air strortgth it now I'OSsusses for self do.-. fensu.



Section l, Tho :Sad.-soviot ,!vi•.tior. Agreement stipule.tes thrt tho Rod China Air Force is ono intogrPl part 01 ~no Russien ~ir force, It is tborciore necce­ spry thltt the etpndr·rd sat forth in the follol'ring sections should be used for the ostablishmont of our eir :force.

section 2. J?roperation of e.ir strength should be p.ir:wd at coping 'rlth W'•rld ~'l'~r III• not only with tho Jr.wrica:n !l.nd JE:penc.so Imperialists,

Section 3. The imr!l.edit·.te requiremont should includu sufficient propara:-­ tion not only for the e.sdstr·nce to Korea but for the libore.tion ("If Soutbce.st ,Asia,

S-Jction 4, The fiuality of our aircraft .should bo such f'£l to be able to subdue u.s. n~do planes. suction 5. Tho n\L"'".'Ivrical strength of ll<3d Chine .Air :Force should be a.t loast hfllf of nussie.l s.

svction 6, .Estflblishr.:lent ct· tho Red Chin:;~. Air "Force will bo for tho present of the tt'IO following clrsdficRtions:

(1) Pccple'ti Libor~.ticn .Air Yorc9~~ (2) IntornPtional C1:-,nununist Volunteer .Air For~e.

Section 7, SUpply !or thu Red Chine Ai:r Force shouJ.rl bo ~f'rriod out in t:r~o following- manner:

(l) ~"6rt und..;r the responsibility of the Russian Governnent,

t-t• All eircrpft under l:end-Lee.se should be deliwred to dee­ ~gnntcd be~cs by tho end of 1952, b. Entire Pnou.YJ.t of f'l.tol u.ndG~ Lond.-Lce.s-3 sl'..ou.ld be deliver~ ed to oottmni•P.tion centers at tho "bordor "·ri thin 1952. c. List of eir fol"cc instl'Ur.lents, l'E'tdios, pft.l'~troop equipment, flnd eir dcfonse wcfl-pons shoula. b\:l edded to Lend-lease Md 1;1ll the listed iteJns should be delivered to ®o:t-iplly ,.,l-I­ ointcd receiving units, d. Russian Government not only should deliver tho ropBir ma:­ chin.:'ls vnd tr~ining equipment tmd parts as stipuleted in tho Lend-Lease .Agreement but should plso be rosponsibl0 for tho essiJl'nbly .9nd installP-.tion of s·sD.c. o~ }.iepg Rtld Ch1'1rt~J 6hould "hn f3Jl)!:(llior'l ~e !'Aq_lJ.i.~nr..l ny the :!ted China. Air Forae. f. Tho tocl'-.nioin.ns as required shoulcl arrive e.t tho bp.sos by Dctobor 1951. g. A.ircrH.ft contributod 'by Chinose'l peoplo should be supplied I by tho Ru.ssien Goverwcnt 1 coat csti.mP.tc <-'nd p£1.yment to b0 mP.do Pccording to Lend-Loaso stipulations.

( To be continued) SECRET SECURITY E!Ji'ORi:Al'ION


. .~.. I ··. . ~-· ,. . I'·\' .... ·~ 1\ F- 1-.-FcT I ' ..._.;··- ,/1:··1, '\li l_

• A •iil\. 1/'"'- V\1 i i \! l.J

r'. /\ II v •...... ,.,.~,, I ._._.... I

S i) l\/1 rv'l /\ R Y


DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318148 .. Headaua.rter s let Narine -Air 1;ing, F:iF c/o •Fleet post Office, San Fr•ancl,sco• 23 February 1952 SECRET SECURIT"i INFOiifi.i.ATION


Hap Re:t'<>rence; M.r Approach Chart o:r Korea, Scale 1:250,000 (UTM) 1, Enemy Air Acpivity (Period 212000/I to 222000/I Feb) There was nd report reoeived tor the period. 2, Flak (perio4 212000/I to 222000/Il AA fire received during the period caused negative damage ta aircraft but four encounters were reported. 2000/I at CU 6302, 40nun fire was received at 2000i'by an F?lf-3N fr-om V11F(N).opl3, The AW was meager, inaccurate, and barrage type. repo;~;~aA~1 ~;b~~a?U,~w~i~~ 1~~sa!e!~~~: ~~~~r;~~ma~1~~~;;~;. The time was 2ll0/I• . At 2230/I AW which was moderate inaccurate was received at CU 6720 by an F7F-3N at an altitude of 2001 to BOO I •. Dur•ing an I/D fll.@;ht :flo"Wn by .i.D-2e; ·of y·]!.. .:A.-121, 3?mm, Iviod­ erate, inaccurate and barra&~ type AA was received at cu 2102 at 1740/I. T.he flight was at an altitude of 3000',

3, llo:J.-vehicular Damage Ass§>ssment (period 212000/l to 222000/Il I SIGHTINGS DESTROYED DAMAGED

Railroads BT 4081, BU 5640~ BT 6262 to BT 7048 BY 5336 lO Cuta 4, Vehicle Sightinga and Damage Asaessment(Per1od 212000/I to 222ooolr\

BIGHTlNGS COORDINATES DIRECTION OF TRAV~ 100 CT 6593 to CT 7688 s 40 CU .io~OI:t s 15 CT 6594 su ,A ~nn,-, .4V w~· urc..v s 10 cu 6510 s 10 cu 6300 s 8 CT 748? BE 2 OT 7688 s Total Sightlngs: 195 (All Night) Total Destroyed: l (All Night)



SECRET DECURITY INFOR;:,:.TioN• • - .... -- - 1ST iiAll DAILY INTELLIG·El\CE Su:: ARY l·'O, 54 (Continued) Page l\'o, 2

5, Ground Situation (Period Ending 221800/I) I US CORpS - In the 45th Div sector a patrol of the 180th Rogt advanood · approximately 2000 yards ahead ot tho HLR and wore cn­ f>ac;od by 20 enemy ncar CT 2736 at 0930/I. Tho patrol withdrew following a 30 minute firo-fie;ht• Tho remainder> of tho Corps' sector> roper>tod nogativo contacts,

IX us CORf'S i.. Light patrol contacts wore reported in tho 17th and 32nd ROK Roeto !.ll'ons with no significant action r('IJuitingi Ho action uas reported in tho remainder> of tho Corps sector, X us CORPS - !n tho 7th ROK Div area, a patrol of tho 5th ROK Rogt advanced. about lOOOyards and engaged enemy in bunkor>s in a brief fire-fight, Tho patrol uithdrcw after a ton minute skirmish, In tho 7th Di v urea, a patrol of the 32nd Rogt cngar

I ROK CORPS - No contact reported, 6, Naval Air and Surface Activity (period ending 2ll8QO/I Fob) No report rocci vod for this period, 7, liisoollanoous Enclosure (1), second installment of a ropor>t of inspection of tho CCAF as translated· by. FFAF appoa!'s as a matter of interest tor any conoorncd, Trnnemisaion by unl.tod states rogiatorod mail or registered guD.l'd rnn11 1B authorized in accordnnoc with P.rtiol.o 0705, U,ll, Navy Security Hamal for Classified Hatter, 1951, ·

J, W. STAGE LtCol., JSHC ACeS, c'-2 Oopy to: CG, FI-!F'Pac I CG, hirFl!F'I'ac AIO, ComFa1r,:,lamoda OG, ls tl{ar>Di v CO, NAG-12 co I NA(h33 ( 5) co I J.!ACG-2 CO 1 VlW-6 co I IDffi-161 00, lst90mmAAAGunBn HistoricalO staff File



------... ;.. - ---- ... ;...... ;.,1 ...... ------ll!CLOSURll (i) to iet• MAll :brs Nol ~l.i Of 23 JJ'ob 1S52 • Page ~To, 1 --- - - .... - ... 4 ------... -,...... -- - -

OF Ol!HTESll CO!.L1JlliSJ; AIR FO:{ruJ


(2) Part under the responsibility of the Russian Air Force,

a,. Long-term assistance in training o:f the' :Rod China ,Air Force. b, SUPP+Y of tactical aircraft and replacement as required by the People's Liberation ~before the ond of 1951, e, ~l=out nsGi~tanoe in the dofonee of the Peoplets Rep~blic of ' Chine Pnd tho liberated areas in Southe,.at A.sia before end of 1951, d. Loan of Russi en bases for use by Rad China Air Force when necossax·\,.

Section 8, .Aiming at hdma defense and oilit.a.r,y operation$ Plone the border of China and being supplied in the above manner the Red China Air Force will es­ tablish 15 groups under tho same orgsnhat-don as that of Soviet Russia. by the en 1 of 1952 1 with not less than 375 pll'nes to each group1 tht t i B 1 75 pl1;1,nee to eacf, squadron, making a total of 5626 plenes in all, These groups are to be supplied aecording to Sectton 27 belo.w.

Section 9, Two nirborne divisions liill be estoblished by the ond of 1951, three before JUno of 1952 and seven by the end of 1952, requir!ne 1000 planes • .~ for the air transport divisions of the People's Libore.tion Aroy, four 1

Section 10, Eight cviat!on schools will be eeto.blished before June of 1952 .. wh:J.ch will be Q_onE~ tmcler the Sov1ot .!vi~C.tion Aeree:rrumt~


Section 11. Forty thousand fliers, 100 1 000 grour~d personnol 1 300,000 ~ir defenso personnel ru.d 70,000 f!_irborne troops \rlll bo put into e.ctive service bo­ foro the end of 1952, Completion of training of above personnel should be ass­ isted by SoviGt Russif:.,

Section 12. Erophnsis will bo l~id on air rosorvc organization. StPrting 1952, 16 flir youth trn-.h_ine (Hmt.ers r.1nd 2000 peoplc1g rvi.f'lt.ion nseoci.f'.tions will btJ folUldod. WidosproM training in gliders and farrr,ing plenli;}s in rustic a.rae.e will e.lao be promoted, Soviet Russia is GXJ'Octod to put •Aditionel provisions to tho Lond-Ler.se Bill to meet these requirements.,

Section 13. Emphe.sis will e.lso be l~id on the training in Radar, Thirty thousf!nd tcc~miciP.ns for its operation, rnf'.i:ntenP.ncc' 1 and tho organization of r~ dAr uni.ts will be trpinod. within two ym'rs • .NO rad.tr school Wl..LL oa ost:of!DJ.lshect for tho present but 1000 mon will ~o sont to Soviet Russi• to receive speci•l trH.ining ..

Section 14, Two thousend persons will receive tr•ining in jots Md 300 in rvppir Pnd r:u:dntcm1nce in Soviet Russia.

Section 15, There will be offorod only five branches of training in avi~ tlon schools, nflmely 1 flying, ground crew tr~Jning 1 p.ircrtr.ft industry. bombing ~"~nd coor.1Wl1cP-tions" With the assistA-nce of Soviot Russie fp.cilitloq for PUXil­ iary .r.v1.:'.tion educ~ttion si.lch es tho nir atttff school <-nd E-.ir tocl"ui.iOt-ll "School ( ,.,.cr-thcr, photo-survey, otc) will soon bo found ad.



Soction 16. RussiPn F-.vlf\.'tlOn davoloprnan.t ~ s progressing from intorcoption F'"ircrnft tworrd long-distr>nce boobors. In tho Xoro;;pn ,,:pr the U.s. enjoys P. r.u:r.:.. oricAl superiority in Ftircraft. For our nationfll dcfonse needs we should A.im At \ the ·U.S. ?.:i.rctttft t;yyes. Ronco, in rccapt!r.J.E; ~.ir r.. id -vm sl-~.Culd be selecti-ve.

SECl\lilT -1- 81ll01JRlTY IlllfOllMJ!rtON DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318151 • ' ---~-~-w------~M--~---••-··------El~OLOS""u"RE (i) t\o lst Mjtji D!S :No~ ~4 Of 23Feb52 (,VtlTI1i~U\l.UU) Pf'ge ro. 2

------_J ... ~ ,.a. ... - M """ - ... .,. ------~~ ------

Soction 17 • AS g'lJ.idc to our soloction tho £ollot·ting r.ircrrft typos of U ~s= nr>kcs f'.:ro listcdi

(l) Fighter dicre.ft (2) Ilonbor eircre.ft

F-86 Sebr..,..jot :B-29 F-80 Shoot lng Ste.r :B-45 i-S4 Thw~dor-jut B-50 :B-47 Above P.ro trylight Cr~'ft, Abovo Pre nDdiun 'bonbers. F-88 (llight Fightor) F-94 kll-we.thor IntcroO)ltor ll~5l B-36 ll-52 Abovo rre long-distrnco boo"bars,

Sccti<;m 18, As rcquii"cr.tont at"ndFrd the following Russil',n F!ircrrft typos r·re li stedl

(l) Fighter e.ircrFft C2) llonbcr r 1 rcrrft

~iiG-15 hi-1

J..'bcve .n..i:rcrr.ft correa_?oncl to F-86. }.bovc nircrf'ft correspond to B-50, 36, 47, 51. Lh-16 vs F-88 HIG--9 vs F-80 IL-16 vs :B-45 YiJ(-19 vs F-811

section 19. Follu1·Ting Pircrrft t:')Jes ere S\lpcc·ior to cnything the u.s. hns now;:

Yi.X-25 NI-l YiJ{-27

Section 20. Soviot RussiP-. 1 s first-line e.ircrr:.ft r·re predoninrntly fighters. Her fighter-bo:-:1bers f're only of tl:G defensive typos. On P b~sie of 50 per cent P.ssist.nnce Md the M pr"ttern to thG E-stern E:tropGF>n nP.tions wa shoulQ recoivo proportion?.! types c;~s follo 1•rs:

MIG-15 MIG-9 YAl<-15

(Jet end propeller combinrtion.)

YhK-9 10%


YU..-3 101 !L-2 LA-9


Section 21. U~c ~-s f'. br.sie for evr.lu<'.tion the rir corib-.t record of 24 I1Py 1.-rhon eooh sido sont tw hundrod r·ircrrft i~to the f·ir_ 'bf!ttle in Hhich one U.S. pl "'no l•lf'S shot clown. No,·r lHG-15 ·"nd F-86 hrve beco:'l\3 comD<'-t opponents o.nd r.l"J'' ·oe us~Jd ~·s Ft. bP.sis for cor.pt-.rison:


DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318152 ' '

s~c~:~T s;CURITY Ill.FORN TION • • ------:;:HCLOI!UR~ (1) to 1st J.•... DIS Ho, 54 ------

MIG-15 J'.-86

Speed, ~.PH 650 670 Thrust, :oounc1s 5200 5300 lJ,=-ight, t.o::1s 14 . 1Z.5 ArrHDent 23-t,i!·i c.~nnon h-0.5 Inch J.!Pchil!e Guns 30-7- ~,:,·,,: CP.nnon 5-lnch Rocket Bor'b• 4 1" dchoon s~ccisl Sight ?iooe Rote of clinb High fuel crp "'city Lo\1 R~ng~ 11~~it3i, Arnor Thick

I s ction 22. For tho following rc ~sons this Group is of the O:'nn1on th ... t in s·1i t0 of suf:ficiunt nu,.1bur of HIG-15 the S6viF.lt Uni m supplies ReG- Chi:1r those tircr ... ft rre not eu1tr'blo for use in Kor.:;:r· or InC!.o-Chinp 0r.d of o:;ven Vr"lue "gt-inst Tr htPn:

(l) :BucFuSo o:f its linit-C:. rrngo the LIG-15 Dr.sed -u J·ntiung coul(~. only r0P~h t~rg2ts within F hundred ~iles. To oxtcnd Ooyond the 38th prr­

nllol. 1 bnscs h~·vc to bo btJ.i."t nepr the 1?-<"TPllel. This bflsic ehort­ ccmi:ng is i· roossiblG to rcr;cd.y d.os?it;:; th~ t~~-ncnthc etu.c".y tll"d.G" by , the Group. (2) Indo-Chin~ rosenbles Kore~ in· terr~in. TPko-off fro~ bPsos Pt Chon-nPn KwPn or Ho-1{o for cocbl':'t ovE:r Hriphong is nuch like the li~it(;d 1oJr-r­ fpre over Kunu-ri, Korer. Even if F.rip:hong \4era occu"Qied it would t!lke hiD or thr .:e intJ.::rnodi .-.to tr.ses for our Pircrpft to rc f'Ch Sr igon. .:.nd then 1•H3 Nill bs subject.;;d to throats from the side of Thril ... nd. (3) At the ~prascnt tiue no r-ircr~ft e.s supplic:(' us by the soviet Union could Cf•.rr;:; out combr-.t nissi:.ms over T~·i'·!Pn.

Section 23. The Soviet Uni~n. in the opinion of the Group. should send to

Red Chint1 Y.>red.orr.in~':ltly YJ;J'.:-15s uhich riv"l F-84. F-84 conpa,rcs more to Y.t\!·:-19 1 "re both up ... to-cb.te fight<,r .S'.ircr::-ft ceprble of 650 r:ll)h ~nd ,:. thrust of 5.300

pounds P..nd 51 200 pounds respectively. The Red Chung-nl"'n i·ir Force r.s or~rtnizoc1 by Soviet Russ iF>. h'"'s nostly y;J{-typo ~ircrf!ft.

Soction 24. The first dr group in ~:orth Chine hes throe squodrons flying thu folQ.owing f'ircr-<'_ft tJ1)6B i·

(1) MIG-9 (Bqu• 1 to F-80) Spood 550 MPH T"tru~.t 4600 pounce '.Ieight 7. 5 tons .Arl~lf'lf.1Gnt 2 Extra 12. 7ML €\1-l"J.S thr:n IilG-15

(2) I'I-1 Spaod 650 LPH Thrust )200 pounds } rmrn.::ont 4Q-r, Crnnon Superior to liiG-1.5 pgt>inc;t F-S6. }TUI:lb-0r ~vrilPble smP.ll.

(3) IL-16, 4-,jot bor.1bler, very few rvcilPble, (4) Ll.-15, 16, 17, (cquol to F-88), night fighters Nith superior chcrecter-· istics to u.s. fighters. Only PVr.ilPblc in snPll nuMbGr in North ChinP. ( 5) y.: .. K-9, r ~rop~ller-typc r:lf'Chine, r;winstPy in the fighter squr-drons in J!T&rth ChinP.

SectiQn 25. Tf.eru in ~greonc:J.t bctwotm Soviet Ru.ssi<' .~·nd. Red Chinr on goner· rir police with the r.iain objective -in tJelf'-defe~sc. \Thila Soviet Russir ;requ:i!'

for indirect boobing. T>ie would give rise to undue burd£m on R€i ChinP 1 or-ile for our specir-1 ~ttontion. SECR:<:T DECLASSIFIED DICCLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318153 • SECURITY INFOEI~T ION

•••• ,- .·-· 'J'l. '~ 1 j •' i !. •. 1\11 , j·••.. i ( \ I I1\1' ' I . \ '' '·--·

\ 1\ ,· i t\ 1 r·' V\fii\IU

;:\J TELL, fG E~ I\1CF




Headquarters lat 14ar1ne Air ~t1ng, FrF • •Fleet post Office, San Francisco c/o

24 Febr~ary 1952

SECRET .SECiJRI TY I NFOR~Ih TIO N J,ST ;;;W !li.JLY INTELLIGENCE STJJ:lli.RY NO. 55 Map Reference! Air Approach Chart of Korea, Scale·l:250,000 (UTM) l, Enc:.l;{ Jdr ;.et1v1ty (period 222000/I tc 232000/I Feb)

Dur~ng the period 2400 21 February to 2400 22 February (unre­ ported due to OOhlmunications difficulties) UN pilots reported ob­ serving a total of 121 MJ.G-l5o t, 10 HIG-15a 1 were engaged en one occasion resul t1ng in damage to 1 HIG-1.5 and no damage to friol1~11es, During the period 2400 22 February to 2400 23 February, there woro four MIG-15 s1ght1flga ranging :from the YilLU tc tho CHONG CHONG R·ivers, Between 1501/I and 1525/I, 90 I!IG-l5s 1 wero obaorvod by 26 · F"86at, 7 of these HIGsl wore encountered at 42,000 1 resulting,in l ii!G-15 destroyed and 3 damaged• while 1 F-86 sus tainod major dam­ ago in the encounter. 17 F-8bs 1 observed 16 !UG-l5s 1 in the YAID R.l.ver area at 0832/I w1th negative encount~rs, 2 ll!G-l5e 1 were encountered by 8 F-G6s 1 with negative claims, This ocoui'l:'fdat 1~:56/I in tho CHON,G CHONG River area at 43 1 0001 when 13 HlG-l5s 1 were Qbsor?ed by the flight, No encounters wore made when 32 HIG-15s were observed by 21 F-86st 1n the SINANJU end lOJNJ-RI aroas between 1310/I and 1350/I. 2, Flak (Period 222000/! to 232000/Il Thoro were 12 flak encounters reported 'for the period, Nb dam­ ago was inflicted to fr1endly aircl'aft, l'/ontheli' was reported ne CAVU, Botwocn 1910/I and 2000/I, an F4U on a Night Armed Reconnaissance, mission from VMF (U) 513 received moderate and innaccurato 37mm fire at 6 1 000 to 10,000 foot ovor OT-?987, Inooocurate and moderate automatic weapons fire was onooul\tored by an F7F from VMF (N) 513 on a Night Armed Reconnaiesnnoo 'mission at CU 6203 at 2130/I a:t 700 foot, Anothor lone F4U-5N from VNF(N)-513 flying botwoon 100 and 1,000 :t'oct on n Night Armed R.ooonnaissance mission over CT-9762 :from 2220 to 2230 teco1vod nutomatico weapons f1ro· reported as mcagor and innaccurato, I A Night ·l"rmod l!ooonooisaanoo mission of 1 F7F-3N from VHF( N) -513 in the CT-8287 nron at 0264/I encountered accurDtc and intense autcmntio weapons fire nt 3000 foot, .An >ons fire which wos meager nnd innacournto, This same flight at 0730/I on tho sono tnrgote ovor OU-?025 was fired on by automatic weapons reported as monger and innncourate at 6,000 foot. ~ SECRET SECURITY INFORll.hTION


------~ -- ~ - ~ - - - M - w ------

Four F9F's fron VliF~ll on ttn tntcrd1ct1on n1ss1on over BT-?248 at 0804/I roco1vcd uungcr nnd innacourato autount1o weapons 1'1ro at 3, 500 foot, "n F?F ol'l a photo r.>1ss1on 11t ll50/I over DT-2355 was tired on by 37r.Jn· and nutonutic wonpons reported us uongor and 1nnnocurnto,

Flying fron 4 to 8 1 000 feet, 7 F4U's from VJ.JF-.323 on nn Inter­ diction n1s~1on at ~-0845 nt 1230/I onoounto~od meager nnd 1nnoccu­ r~:~tu nutonntic wcn:,ons :t'iro, 1'/hilo hi tUng personnel shol tors at OT-3462, nodorute nnd 1nnncc· 1 urate nutonutic weapons fire nt 9 1 000 feet was l;'eceivod by 8 F4'J s l:t'of.1 V1viF-323 at l245/ I, .4 • i.nother VMF-212 nission of 5 F41J' e on an Interdiction n1ss1on at CT-3459 o.t 1·~05/I at 6,000 f(lot wne !lonfrontcd with nonger nnd innnccurnto autonnt1o wcnpons fire, Nhilo on u Night J;.l'nod RooonMiseanoe uission, 1 F7F-3N of VMF (N)-513 reported noagor and innaccurnto autount1c weapons f1rc nt CTw6595 while flying at an nltitude ot 300 feet nt 1910/I. 3. Hon-vch1oului"' Duungo Assoseuer,t {Period 222000/! to 232000/I) SIGHTINGS COORDIW.TES DE§TROYED DANAGED Bll1ld1nge CT 5576, CT 9595, CT 9·}57, OT 3462, 8 3 Gun l'ositions CT 0462, J)'r 31501 CT 845? 4 Troops CT ??61 50 KIA Railroads sr 7248, BT 4061, BT 4555, YC 4?62, Bli 5235 to BU 5742, BU 5>337, BT 0262 1 BT 4061 to BT 5557, YO 5661 21 Cuts Railroad Fill Bli 5335 3 Cuts oxcart BT 5827 1 oxen BT 582? 1 wr,:,. 4, Vohiolo Sightings and Damngo .Ass eseroo nt (poriod 222000/I to 232ooo/r) SIGHTINHS COQRDINAT;§;S p!RECTION OF TR.AVJii!: 300 00 iu'on s 200 CT i.rcn s 150 CT i;.roa s 65 IJ'J.' 9762 N 50 cu 6510 to C1J 6516 s ..10 CT 9268 s 20 CT 8878 p 8 cu 6312 1' 5 CT ?987 N & S ·~~. 2 CT 85?0 N '.)~ 1 CT 6895 U/D '\ l OT 8482 1f l or 9689 N l"'m t"'lr.:!r."1 ~ 'J. vJ. i:ii VO' ol. ~ 1 DT 018? 1f

To tid S1ght.l.ngm! 845 ( 944 Ni~rht - l. Dnv\ Total D~stroyod: 41 (40 Night- l Day)"

SECRET SlroURI'I'Y I NF'ORl1i.TION DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318156 Sl!JJRET . A. SEC.JR ITY I NFORI•t-.Tidllll' lST lla1v D..ILY INTELLIGENCE $TJJB';.RY ID. 55 (Continued)• Pngo fu, 3 ------~ ------~ - - 5. Ground 81.tuqt1on (;Period Ending 231800/I Fob)

I US COfiPS - h patrol of tho 11th ROK Rcgt of tho lst ROK Div OO<;ne;od un cst1nntod oncny eqund in tho violnity of BS 9698 nt 0440/I this norn1ng. nftor n 30 ninute tiro-tight, tho unot~ with­ drov • .~>n m.1buah patrol of ·tho King' a Own Scottish Bordorors (KOSB), lat CorJLJOnwenlth Div, in tho vicinity of CT 1416' cngngod a sr.mll enemy group at 0·100/I. Tho cnor.1y wlthdrow inuedintcly, Light putrol contact was roportod by tho 15th Regt, 3rd Pi v, with no significant action rcsultin~. n patrol of the 30th ROK Rogt, 9th ROK Div, on­ gngod an unknown nur.;bur of onony l.n tho vicinity of CT 3642 at 0420/I. After a fivo minute fire-fight the patrol withdrew, IX US CORfS - h patrol of the 38th Rogt, 2nd Div, advanced approxlr.,utoiy 1200 yards forwnrd of the MLR and ongngod ono group of one1:zy of und"turr.t1ned a trongtll, d.isengaged nnd oo ntin11cd on their r.l1asion engaging nn cation ted oncny sqund at 0030/I. h t 0100/I :friendly patrol withdrew to the l~. A :patrol of tho 23rd Rogt en­ gaged an un,known nuDber of cnony in bunkers ut 0930/I. At 1000/I fri~ndly patrol withdraw.

X~ CORPS- All unite consolidated positions and patrolled wi~ ~gutive enemy contact reported throu~hout the entire Corps sector.

I ROK CORPS - Negative cnomy contact reported,

6. ~vul Air and Surt'aoe Activity (Period Ending 221800/I Feb) On 21 February, nnvnl aircraft flew u total of 222 sorties, w1.th a sorties breakdown - Fuat Carriers 168, 13i;IROKO 42 and the p" Til() fl1!l 12 • . I Aircraft from tho hNTIETAM and ESSEX attacked anomy tranaportn­ tion facilities from SONOJUI to 8EPO-RI and lltlNShN to YANGOOK des­ troying sampans, 6 trucks, 5 buildings, rail bridge, rail oars and olniming 103 railouta, One F41 spun in due to snow storm, pilot not recovered and ono other dl tohod pilot recovered, BAIROKO planes attacked tE!X'gets on H1~hNGW.E peninsula destroying 9 buildings, 1 warehouse, 1 bridge and damaging 11 buildings and 3 bridges, East Const Surface >.ct1vity - The l>IISOONSIN and MACKENZIE firod on gun positions, villages and transportation arteries, ola1o1ng dama&e to 4 tx'iar;ea and stEIX'ting of many fires in a shipyard, Tho HIGBEE fired on boats, troop concentrations, buildings supply points and a truck convoy, At 1\fONSnN,. the R01vAN claimed hi ta on gun positions, an ammunition store, b~ildings and bridges with many fires olo.ined e.a started, At HJNGNAU, the HENDERSON fired on rail embankments, marshalling yards, factory nroa, observing hits on all tEIX'gots and starting fire in large 1;ooden warehouse. At OHAIJO the SJ:, PAUL nnd the TNJSS!G hit trnnsportstion 'targets making ten rnilcuts. oc.us1ng landslides on trnck and damaging a rail bridge, At SONGJIN, the ENDICOTT, THO~$ and SHELTON-fired on rail lines, bridges, boats and por.aonnol re,orting nunerous hita: on all targets. ·



No, 4 lS'l' lk\~ D.. ILY INTELLIGJi:NCE s:;:;: :...RY N:/, 55 ( Continu• od) Pngc ------~ - - -- - ~~~;,J~g.~,J::J~~~~"' ttn tho llOK'l'Ci •" OHO!JO nrcn tho RO troops, ~n positions, caves, and bu. uvt)v~ "'"""U .... vu bw.ild!n(ja dastroyod. Tho ~JOO'!'X.4. aoorGd hits in onoqy ocoup1od villages, other vessels tired illun1n~ at ion r.Jieei·Jn·o· in tho IIO!JO npprooohoe, the COSSh.CK starting grnss t:l.ros. Tho A}IEl 30B, CH!..RI'l'Y, ROTOITI tiriM on cncr.JY positions and bonta in tho SU!NIDO nroa and tho HAEJU approolloa~ On tho' oorning . of 20 February, an oneny foroo of 250 NKa per- sonnel n.nde c.n ru.1phibioua aasaul t· on the lsland of Y~!IGDC 40 de­ grees 461 N- 129 degrees 32 1 E. Eight of the ernmy, including the Battalion Cor.mandor were oopt\U'cd and the ronninder of the oncqy i'orcee \-:ere e1 the.r lt"J.lled. or diepereaci by f"riand.ly fo:roea on the island, 7. Miscellaneous The following waa taken fron a uieaion report !roo VHA.-121 and is pr 1ntod here for such . · aonnent ae 1 t r:w.y beet1r; Six ..:.D-2e' !ron Vl!f.-121, ret11rn1ng froo a auocoeatul rail out n1es'1on, observed a lone F-80 naking a pass at thetJ 25 r.11lea SE of SEO'JL. The fll.r:ht lender Me! tho F'-80 boreeir;hted when ho saw 'JS.I.F on tho aircraft, Tho flight returned safely to ooeo, Enclosure (l), uThe C11rrent Island Situation" is reoormended aa an 1 tou of interest to all pilots anCI al.r cre\\'f.ten, Enclosure (2) 1a tho final 1nstalloent of the Inspection Report of' tho CCAF, Tranaf.l1se1on by United States rl)g1etorod f.lail or r-egistered guard tUl.il h authorized in aoaord.nnbe w1th Article 0705, u.s. l"a\·y soourity Mnmal for Claea1:!'1ed Matter, 1951,

J, 1•!. S'l'AGE LtCol,, USHC AOofS; G... 2 Copy to: CG, FHFPac ca.; AirFMFP.ac AIO, ConFa1rAlnnoda CG1 la11Mai'D1 v 00 1 H~G-IS Co, MA~3 (5) CO, l!AC~2 CO, VM0-6 co I HMR-161 CO 1 le t90rnr:tAAAGunBn H1s tor icalO Staff File



DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318158• • SECRET ~~~&~E?fi¥R!:fi~l£~tLI·iA1rDIS-1£. ------55 ot-N Felir::tary-1952 ------EXTRACT from Fifth Air Force Intelligence SUP.lmary Volume No, 2 Inoue No. 3 dated 20 February 1952

To appreciate properly the friendly island si tLta tion, it is neceosary to besin ·by eva.lua.t:.ng their oignificanoc in the overall :.TN 11ar effort, BLtt thiG is not a simple taol,, These strategic pooi tions off the ueot and eaot coasts of N:>rth Korea provide t'orceo UN with ouch a varietc• ot' advantages that their importance oe.nno t be deocribed by focusing on one or two points; in this case, it is the broad., general pict•.u·e tloat io moot impressive:

a. All the islands are used in the intelligence penetration of the mainland, b, !!any of the islando are bases from which resistance movemento are supported andjol" aabo ta.ge opera tic ns a.r;ai net enemy ins tnlla are laclnched, tions c. Friendly f;uorrillas are trained and ec;uipped on theoo bases before and after their forayo on the mainland, d. The islandn provide home otations for thee native boats attack which enemy shippinG along the NE.and Niv coasts of Korea, · o, The islands pl•ovide havens uoeful for ovaoion and escape activitJ' and. bailout po1nto for· p1lots in rlintress. f, The islands are a basic necesoitc' in rescue worl<, One or two helicopters aro ma:lntained on alert at l'aonc;rzyonc;-do another (XC 4500); is at Cho-do {XC 6065); one crash boat is ucunlly nGar Cho-do; a second is normally in t11e vicinity of Yol'?>Yong-do (YB 3872)11, 11 Recently 1 icing co ndl tions hove forced tho crash boata to return Inchon. to r;. There arc D/F stations on Cho-do, Paongrzyonr;-do and Yonpyong­ do 11hich sho;; tho l'ir;h""or aircraft the uay ho1.:o from the Chongchcn and Yalu River areas, h,. There vre Shoran Beacons on Tt-tcchont:;-do (XB 5083) and Tokchok~ to (BS 4525) lvlllch [;elide tho bomboro to their targots in . i, Thoro is early tmrn1ng radar on Cho-do and Paengnyong-do. For all that, unc1et'R to.nd.in[;; of tho ,tal\J.. C cf' tho fr-iendly islG ndu to tho vN forces is n fairly recent phenomenon, These uosi tiono aoen :;nined had witi1 ouch comparative ease and had beon holCt ~;ith so rid­ iculously small rn111 tary of:ort that they attracted l1 tHe The not~, ce, chance began Hi th the fall of· Taeh11a-do (XD 386?) cl11rlng the night of 30 Novombor - 1 December 1951. Taeh~;a-do ~ms th0 bot UN bastion in thnt string of islnndo which ~trctci10s nlong tho North Koret:tn. const botwoon tho estuarieo of the Chcn\>chon and Yalu Rivero. The enemy's prior capture of Ae-do ( XD 8978) and of Unmu-do (XD 8264), tho saporb bases for intelligence obsorvation of the tarrs8t nl'en in Fifth j:..ir Force I R f10perr-,tion C"oranglc" 1 wns far nol'o sic;nificcnt but much less dramatic, tho Late in afte1•noon, 30 November 1991, the firot major clash bctuocn US jet fighters and Soviet-mccdc conventional bombers in history took 1ob.co in tlw skioa above Tnohwa-do 11 and tho resultfl were docisivo. * F-86' s of the 4th FIW destroyed 8 and damat;ed ;'I out of 1 deotroyed 12 TU-2 s, 3 out of 16 LA-9' s and downed 1 1iiG-l5, No F-861 a were lost, That night, ho~.;cvcr 1 n ivoll-cool~dJ.natod CCF surface uttaok succoao­ full'' inVaded Taohwn-do dcspl to the prose nee of n friendly its destroyer, maneuverability linited by shallow wat0ro and its radar unable to dofino tho oncmy1 o ru.bbor ass nul t bor:t ts. This spotli.r;htcd the seriousness of tho isl£tnd si tunt1on. Then as 1t to cap tho climax, a spate of roporto poured into intell1gonoo channels indicat1l1(; tho enomy's intention to continue his drive by taking Gho-clo (XC 0065) 1n tho ncur future, SECRET RroJB.!TY !t\FOP.HE;.~!ON

DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318159• • SEC REI' J:::!i:"rfrfDTntV T"n:"!"'T"'".•'· ,..._,..~•• E!ra0strRlTJ.r"'t~£1~~-~1At,fvis-NO"I-65 on:~4 'Fo"bruary -19"52 - Ceontinuoa:)------..... ------

But the t1mo of cheap conquests hc,d passed; tho UN forcos \;ere· now galvanized into action; and they began to adopt the defensive monsureu 1 1 1 \'lhichTh~:, t~~l~ r~ t~~~~~~~ i~5~: e c~~~:~~o~ ~~~~i~~r~~ag~· (in charge of nnvnl blo.oknding and escort forces in Korean waters) was ·inatructoi to flgive first .Priority to· the dofense of '\;Teat c'ouat Island, 11 , CTEJ 95.12, the &it1sh naval bombardment element in thene unters, proceeded to implcmont a plan of vigorous support to tho defense of Sok"to (XC 747<5), tho island bastion between Cho-do and the invasion route--the Ta~dong'~gang estuary. Next, tho defense systems of all the major islands Here reorganized by CORAK (Combined Command for Roconnnissanoo Activities Korea) officers and island commanders wore appointed for the ground d'efense of the mujol'' islands. Tho gul:'l"isons at Solt-to, Cho-do and Yonpyong~do (YB 3872) wore each reinforced by a company of ROK .Ma>'inos, Finally, steps wore taken to eliminate a suspected fifth column: a larE·e Beale evacuntion of thol.tsnnds of North-.Korean refugee~ from the major islands to Mokplo (BI' 6153) in Dou th Koren was undortalten. • 'dhilc a groat deal was acconpliohed during this firSt phase of .1elanu dofenso reorganizution 1 tho arrangements .were never satisfact­ ory to all parties concerned, There wns, in some quarters! serious doubt I'.B to the military value of the friendly guerrilla · ror cos , \~ (estimated. at 5 1 350 me{l 1 en 10 Jar..uary 1952) in a purely detens1vo · ··~'· ·s1 tun t;lon. From the otandpoint of the commandant of friendly guer- t rillas, 11owever, the ;:>roblero 1;as infinitely more complex, The friendly guerrillas, he po1ntE>d out, are trained ln hi t-ancl.-run tactics, not in defense; they'arc not paid as regular troops aro, but tak~ a profit from the booty ~aincd during the harraso1ng raids in enemy terri tory wh1c.h co nsti tu toe i.their primary mission. Moreover, the specific tasks ·asoie;ned to thc~ret;ulara are diversified from the 1slando of. the Han estuary (Kyodong-do, BS 6085 e-nd Kunnghwa-do, BS 757~) where activij;Y may be. connected tvi th, 8th Army operations to the nor'thern-mcnt islnnds whore guori"!llu activity 1-w.s, at t1r,1e9 1 do,vetailed with intolligenoc proj cots, At any rate, on 6 January 1952 the situation was alerted. CTF 95 was charged with the responsibilitY of nrovidimt tho nvm•Rll de­ fenne and local ground defense of the.islands of Yo-do-(0~-8243), Ho-to ( C'J 7247) , Hwancto-do ( CU 733 6), Sa-do ( CU 7241) , 81 n-do ( CU 7243), Ung-do (CU 8247), Tao-do (CU 7141), Nan-del (DU 2118) and Yang-do (EA 4~12) on ...chc cast coapt, and ot Sok-to (XC 7478), Cho-do (XC: 6065) 1 Paengnyong-do (XC 4500), Taechong-do (XB 5087), Yonpyong­ do (YB 3872) and Toitchok-to (BS 4525) on tho \rest coast, Actually, the OflHt CO!Wt islnnds 1-10ro not then {and nro not now) undor- extra­ ordinary enomy pressure, but cho logic of placing the two facets of the ssno problem undor 9ne ovorally command will be seen at once, The Nc.vy did not have at tho outset an or,;ranizn tion desl~tnorl to cope with this situation, but 1 t promptly acted to orea to one; ... Basicn;Lly, tho Nnvy sot-up ie now ac follows: CTF 95 directs tho overall defense and local defense of tho islands. Under CTF 95, CTG 95.1 h.:u:; ruapons11ll1ty for occupation~ control and defense on tho wast coast; CTG 95,2 has tho. same functions on tho cast coast, Bclou this echelon the wcot coast arrangements can be ;;inglod out to round out- tho picture; The islnnd defense elcr:.ont ia TE 95.15 and iu headed by !t US!!C Colonel 11i th hoadquar tors at Puongnyong-do (XC 4500). Under his command are tho islands comuanders at Pnengnyong-do, Tee chong-do, Sok-to 1 Cho-do and Yo npyong-do. The initial Navy nlan called for thl


SECRET • • §.EQURITY INFOR!IhTION ENCLOSURE Tll to-fiin.lrii·r-DfS-No,-55 oF24 Fobrliary-1952 TOonti"iiucd) ------b. Tnochong-do; ono platoon of tho ?acngnyong-do oom:Jnny. o, So k-to : Two con'.panios, minus, wi'th bnttnlion hoadqllnrters. d, ChQ-do: Two cor.1pnnios, reinforced. o, Yo npyong-do' One rtflo compnny roinforcvti.; \IJ1th bntte.lion hcndquar tors. f, Tok

~'ollot~ing is a list of friendlY l.slnnds as of 18 February 1952: Chnn-gin-do ( XB 908G), Cho-do (XC 6065), Ht


DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318161• • SECRET ¥!iQUlii1Y_ITW~RW>1'IQN______.,. ., _( ____ -,- · =iC~OSURE 1 1 to lot tt<\rDIS No. 55 ot 24 February 1"5" Continued -~------~------'l'logmo-d.o (ED 65?5), Sonc;-d~ (DT 290945), · Dok-to (XC 7580), Dosuap-to (YB 4291}, SunH1-do (XB 99?8), Tnochon~o (XB 508?), Tao-do ( cu ?141), i'itceur.p-to (YB 5584), Yonpyong-do (YB 38?2), Tokohok-to (BS 4524), Ung-do (CU 8248), Nnllno-do (XC 9514), ?;n~g':"do, (]!;A-~~~~), :,:9-a.o ( CU 8~43), ~onf'in::te-do \?:~ ~~~~~, xu><-uo \Xv tH:l.l.o).• ~·.1.ucunung QontroJ.: ·ruK-sorJ \Xl:l o-.oo,, The following 1slnnds nrc roconncndcd for Evasion nnd Escnpo purposes by HoadquartorsJ Fifth Air Force, E':asior. v.nd E~oo~e Brnnch: Cho-do, Kwnngw<~-do, Hyodong-do, Mo-to, N:ln-do, Pnongnyon(i-do Soglllo-a.o, Sok-to) Tnochong-do, Tno-do, Yongpyong-do, Tokchok-to, Ung...do, Ynng-do, and Yo-do.




SECRET • SECURITY ll\'FORl;aTION • EiiCLOS·lRE (2) to lat iiA:T DIS hb. 55 of 24 Feb, 1952 . SJli!tbRY REP0RT ON INSPECTION OF OHillESE COHr:J NIST ;;IF. FOR CO: • PhRT III

A SillDY 011 SOVIET ASSISTal'CE Standard

6ect1on 26, Ten basic principles on Soviet aid as requested · b)' the Red China ,ir l''oroe, (1). No less than 9000 aircraft to be supplied by USSR by end of l9 52, ·(2) Aid extended to be credited to an account of the USSR to be paid "P l.'n cash separate­ ly as soon as each Sq\ladron is completely equipped, · (3) The agreement on 3000 aircraft in the Red­ Soviet Pa~t should be maintained but method of payment is not applicable to (2) Jn this section, (4) Types of aircraft sho·~ld be based on the Red China Air Force's strategic needs to maintain initiative, The nunber and quality to be supplied sho•lld not .'oe loft to the sole discretion of USSR, ( o) Pricing of aircraft should fol\l.ow that I agroed on in the Sino-Soviet pact, Ncv1 jiype aircraft manc;,factured sine" .thlip~ · mont and other materials with i.he aircl'a:t't, (8) Original agreement on training should be reintainod, · (9) Bases shall be established in accordunce with agreomon t reached at Joint Sino-Soviet Staff Heeting held in peiping on 1 October 1950, (10) As joint operations is the aim of .the Soviet and Red China Air Forces, Red China has the right to ask its allies tor aid and lts all­ ies arc obligated to extend that aid, Aid organization should be set up Hith a Sino­ Sovi()t Staff to hanp.lo nll aid mat·tcrs, (ll). USSR should be requested to supply the Red Cilna Air Force with aircraft on tho follow­ ing schedule, Stago o:f' Delivery Timo Quantity Bases & ll'ar ·Areas 1 Boforo end 520 Southt;ost, Contrc.l-Sputh, of 1950 South China 2 Boforo end 3500 South11est, Central-South, N~rth China of 195:). ' " 3 Before end 5000 Southwest, Central-South, of 1952 Norhtoast 4 Before end 1500 North China, lbrthoast of 1953 5 Before end 480 lbrthHost, Rod Navy Df 1956

SECRET SECRJITY INFORMATION J, DECL-\SSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318163 SECRET • SECRU;I:TY INFORNi.T , 1 --...,.------.------· ENCLOSJRE (2) to lot H.:.'.'T DIS !lb. 55 of 24 Feb,• 1952 Contirucd ------~ - - - Section 27, In order to ntnnderdizc nircrv.ft types tho Rod Chinn Air Force eooll stick to their follo•.1ing domn"nde but lonve the quo..ntitioa to be suppliod to tho decision of the Joint Staff Hooting of l October, Type Kind Qunnti_ty ns dotorm1nod ... :uy ,Joint Staff llcoting

HIQ-9 15 Fighters 2500 1 ,,., .. ,.,, r'l .,~, 1h 2000 ~nA-~ 1 •~ 1 •v, .,, Fi&;htcrs 19, 21, 25, T::J-2, 4 70, 4 j ct heavy bombers) 2000 1 ) TU-64 1 J.O T~;in .i et t'ir;htdrs LA-15, 16, 17, 18, Twin } ot niGht fighters 750 250 l11I-l Transport 2800 Helicopter '-VV·~~ Section 28, Rcouircmonts •for aid-defense and nv1at1on !ndustr!~l inctallnt!on! Typo Kind Quantity NegDtinted Commctnicn tiona Lnnd-I'ndar 4000 acta I Seu-rndnr 100 sets Rndnr for'n1rcraft 2000 sots 1f'\{)f'l .:-.A Cont1'\ol ...vvv sets Radio Communion tiona 4000 sots Sights For .air orat·~ 4000 sets t·lou ther s tc-. tion equipment 2000 sets Sono.r 2000 sots Senrchli!';hts '6000 sets Photor:;rnphic equipment 1000 sots AA Equipment 8000 sots Ammunition l.W.in ter1u\10e equipmE:n t Sufficient t'n-,. 5 r opnir shops Instruments Ho.ps n.nd charts ModelS . Soc-tion 29, As sis tnnce in personnel ns agreed upon in the OI'iginal pact should be doubled, Tho International Volunteer Air Ck'oup (already organized) should be turned over to tho Rod Chinn Air Fol'co, Section 30, Examination of our policy for f~.tlfillmcnt; ( l) Air might is cnpitnl in international oollnboro. tion, (2) 11ben the building of air force depends comJ?lotcly on a foreign po1~er, an air pollcy should first be set up, · (3) An ctir force Sl101.lld not be gUidod 1;1 th just one oomoot plan or one counter-strntogy. ( 4) Special c. ttontion sr..ould bo g1 von to gco­ gruphi cal torrnin, ( 5) The intcrnntionnl situation should always be included, This group considers; that before the setting up of nn air force thoro must be ostnbllshod the following political orgnnizotion. SECRET SEO"JRIXY !NFOiUi..I.TION

DECLASSIFIED DICCLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318164 SECRET Sl'.!CURt'tY I~OR\ln. --M•-•• --~--~------~ ------ENCLOSUI'!E (2) to let ll..t.'r DIS }lo, 55 of 24 Fobru~ry-1952 Continued ------•------(a) Air Policy Connission (b) Managing Coonitteo for tho Sino-Soviet Air l'no t, (c) International Intoll1t;nooo Depar1nont, . Section 31, Exan1nat1on on how to oonr·loto nn air ostnblishnon· (l) For an air-first policy n build-up in per­ sonnel, baaos nnd industries is roquirod, Now nll tn~so tnroo nrc lnok1ng, Evon USSR lacks in .euoh n foundation, It-an air-no~t policy is adopted then we shall not bo able to stand anongst tho nations, Ho'noo, an · · Air Policy Conn1ssion is rooo!JI!Iendod, (2) tue_to linitntions 1n aid, tho fornntion of ~~\1~~~~~~~~ ~~t o~r,~~~ ~~!1~.~f :~~t~~~4·~.\: OLA ...... _ o .,._ _.,. -- "'""''"' y ...... ,..j:l ~ c;.l..... ""'c..!.'"'~ ...... U .... "' - war arona, The chnln of bases should nove southward following tho coast line to torn an air corridor tor the Soviet Air Force, USSR is oo ncornod with the· Middle East prob· len, naturally, would want Rod Chinn to bui: bases in the west, Howqver, this is costly to us nqd ia not ioued1a tcly us ef'ul to our nat io nnl' dot ons o, (I' i Bosidoa, if Japan is taken as our 1nag1nary ·onony our ,ooees should bo bu.11 t· 1n the rortl onst in order to b~ eftoctiv~, However, before tho Korean problem is solvod these bt>.sos should r.c.t bo bul.l t, · ( 4) The :!'ift! ~f opor.!\tlng from bnses~



SECRET SEC'JR~'rY :tHFORllh'riO •N • ._ - -- - 1952 Continued ElWLO&URE.,..._..__ (2) to lst l:t.1t DIS No, 55 of 24 Feb. ___ ------~ - - - (2) A nettwrk of air-bases l.s being oonstr\lct­ ed on a geometrio p?ttern ·as recomr,wnded by the Russian Advisol!ly Group, This is deemed unnecessary C>.nd should be oodificd, , Tho said Advisory Grou, has their cl~)er­ ioncos oversharlcwcd by their idool'! nne. soue advisors do not even nosscss any kno>~­ ledr;c of the \lorld situation. Hence, our sugcestion to set up an international - intelll.F.;once department, ( 3) Bases and air defense lll'O related, In order to obtain ·bases a nation has to havo allies, Fo1' this purpose USSR hns seven on telli tes Eastern Europe. \Jc Hould have internal in not IHl r!Oll ns external problems if uo do expond into Southono t Ar.ia., I trol.ning, Section 33, Examine. tion on tl1c completion of element (1) Flyin~; personnel is nn inportnnt in the buildl.nr; of an air force but l.t is not tho basic (;round uork, It wo•tld 0c a [,1':\Vo uistake if uc do not fill the Ail' Reso:rve I·Jitb rwr.~bers of the militia at an cnr·ly s tac;o, 11c hopq to change tho policy on ,,11litl.n, If the mlli tin does not snread into tho v~llago ana. oi cy then human r·e­ sourceo uill bo throntcned. Exporienco o~ this Group in Koren 1ndice.tes thn t if the Korean refugees ar.o not turned into air clofensc patrols ; · Korean 1ndopondonoe hns 11 ttlo hopo, (2) Spcnki ng qf air trnini ng alone, ai:r offense and defense should bo equally omphnsiz.cd. Russia Is lag in rndar training ~loClld probab­ ly efi'oct the 'b11-ilding up of our. air defense, ·Right now we have preotl.oally no 'Grained per­ sonnel in radar control, oporo.tion "-nd recor-­ ding t>Jhioh is eqL\ivnlont to having no nntion­ al defense, Honce, this Group suggests that \le rather hnvo rudar personnel t.hnn £'.ir de- fense COIM\Unders. ·

Section 34, Coneluaio.ns, (1) Failure in aid to Koren lies l.n 'vhe air, As Sollthenst Asia is not yet confronted 11ith tho air probloro 11'0 shm"ld fly over there, (2) On the question of orgnni.zation we should nek USSR for transports if sho Hill not g1 ve us conbn t uir craft, (3) on tho question of bases if USSR ;;ill not [;i vo ue sufficient airornft then there shall not be sufficient nironsos l.n South China lfhich would D.lsc provont nntione 1!1 th nir­ orntt from ndvnncing northtmrd, (4) Asia's problem is one of nir suproEmoy, Aid in estnblishlmg a Rod China Air Force is no tl.cnl longer D. toehr.ical pro blcm but a poll o no, And this is tho conclusion ot this Group. (SOurce of this informntion c.vnilnblc nt FEAF HDQTS) (Source: FEAF ROUNJXJP #69 SECI'E:T)



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DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318167 • • ' SEdtrR!TY lNFOli!-IAT ioll

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Headquarters • 1st Larine Air •ring, F'!!F• cjo Fleet Post Office, San Francisco 25 Febr(llll'Y 1952 SECRET SECURITY INFORI!ATION

1ST 11A1v DAIJ:,Y IN'l'~L!GE;NCE S\J!E:ABX NO. 66 ---

Hap Reference: Air Approach Chart of Korea, Scale 1:250 ,ooo (UTH) 1, Enemy Air Activity (period 232000/I to 242000/I Feb)

The ·~ITeathAr t~TaR onAr'.t'lt.innn1 in nll tAl"get areas l[tst n~ght a.nCI. today in J(orea. · · · -~ · ··

There l~as only one sighting of enemy aircraft for this period, In tho YAW River area, at 0745/I, 28 F-8Gs 1 observed 24 NIG-l5s' with negative encounters, 2, Flak (Period 232000/I to 242000/I)

During the period there wore 13 occ~rancos of flak reported by lst!f.AW pilots, One aircraft was lost and one recoivod ninor damage.

At 2215/I, 1 F411-5H of VHF(N)~513 on a N/AR mission reported meager and inaccurate AW tire at 6,ooo; uhila attacking targets at CT ?884,

Nhile executing a N/JI~R mission a lone F7F-:3H of Vl!F(N)-513 re­ ceived moderato and inaccurate Ali t'ire at 2230/I while attacking trucks at CT 9087, Altitude ot' plane was 2,0001 ; the same aircraft reported r.wrigor and inacc~ate A1-l fire at CT 9388 vhen he attnokod trucks at 2250/I. 1·/hHo attacking trucks at CU 6?20, a lone F'4U-511 received major damut;o in engine, lett wlng aud vertical stabiliz.cr \'Jhile on a NiAR mission at 0230/I to 0305/I from rnodorute and inaccu.ratc A1v fire,

1 F4TT-flN nf' VMF(N,-Fll:Z. n'r'l r.r 'l\l/8.'R mi~t.:d~n T'r.>f'.r->hrnr'l l'inr1n-n't1 nnN --- - ~- --· -~ ·--- , •. , ------· ... , ...... ···-- ..... - ..... - ... - ... -- ...... '""'"''"''0'"'"' ....."""' i~~ccurnte AW fire at 0450/I while attacking trucks at CT 8185, altitude of nircr11ft at ti"e o:t' reported flak 1ma 1,0001,

At 0842/I, a flight ot' 13 F4U-4Bs' from VI-IF...;j,23 encountered nen­ ger and accurate A1'1 fire while on an I/D mission at YC 4264, During this encoantor 1 aircraft wns lost to AW fire and the pilot report<•·~ as KIA ..

7 AD~2o' of llllA-121 while attacf,ing railroads at BU 9516 report­ ed intense nnd innocu,rnte 37mm firo at 1305/! t>!hllo flying n,t 4,000t. At 1332/I, 8 F4U-4B frotl VJ·JF'-,323 reported meager and inacctlrate A1~ tiro while attacking supplies and personnel shelters at DT 0357, Altitado ot a.ircrart uas 8,ooo• when flak was onoountered, . At BU 6943, 11 F9F-2Bs' ot' VliF-311, roc oi vod rnoagor and inaccur­ ate AN" fire uhcn attacking railroad nt 1357/I lth:Llc flying nt 2,000;. 8 F4U-4Bs' of V!!F-212 oncountorod modorato and 1mcctlrnto A11 fire nt 1300/I \>Jhilo attnckinu nersonnAl shn1 t.Af'fl 111: r!J1'\ 9559 \•!h1lo fly- ing nt ·6,000', - •· · ··- ···------· --



SECRET• SECURITY INFORJ:ATION • --•~ -- - - ~ - - - 1ST !lAW DAILY INTELLIGENCE SUiLARY NO. 56 (Continued) Page No, 2 ------~ - --- __ ~1].c. uttnok~~ !?crsonncl_ shcl tors nJ!d i.A po~1 t1~.n~. at llT 1560, ·r b'4U-4BB • o1· VHF-01~ reported noagor ana. nccurn '{PC AW I J.ro ut 1600/I uh1lc flying at ? ,ooo• •

.At 1615/! 1 12 F4U-1Bs1 of' \~-IF-323, rocoivod ncagor und 1no.ccLtro.to 3?nn fire at YC 5062 while nttncking n runrond, Aircraft wore fly­ ing nt 4 1 000', At BU 5539, 11 F9F•2Bs' of VHF-:311 roported code:n.to nnd J.naccur­ a·te At'/ fire while attackl.ng a railroad at 1643/I. Aircraft twro at 3 1 000' tihen flak was encountered, · 3, Non-voh1oular Damage ..ssessmont (periOd 2:32000/I to 242000/I)

SIGHTINGS C-bORDIR~TEO ;QESTROVRn n,AN~GF.'ll Buildings CT 6888, CT 7969, CT 9559 7 2 Reruclors CT 6888 2 Artillery Positions DT 2648, DT 2651 4 l Mortar Pos1 tions DT 3150, DT 2646 4 2 AiV Positions CT 9065 ...• Bunkers DT 3150, DT 2646, DT 0056 23 Rnilroade YC 5062 t-o YC '"763 YC 4464, BU 5334, llU 58,:-3. to 111 5431 2.c1 Cuts 4, Vehicle 81 and Dcu:w.. e A.ssoss:·wnt Period 232oooLr to 242000 l

~Tf"I'CJmT,1r'1~ ,.,,...nD.,..."'"MAm~~ 1'\TTI'r.'l~nTnU nm I'TYD ,, U'V'r UJ.V".rl.o.L.l'IU'>J VUV.I.\J..I.l..L\IAJ. .C..I.) J,..IJ,..J:\J.:.IV.j..I.VU v•· .!..1.11'1 ~ .c,.u 30 CT Area s 15 CT Area N 15 CT Area s 'I (J'] 6317 s 9388 ' '~~~ 9 CT 8 ---.,~ 6 CT 6785 s ·-';i; 6 CT 9087 s ··~ 6 CT 6896 s 5 CT 9085 8 4 cu 6720 N 2 OJ 6300 s l CT 6596 s 1 CT 8189 s 1 CT 6780 s 2 :cc -1464 U/D l YO 4365 s

5, Ground Situation (period Ending 241800/l Feb)

I US CORPS - Outppst positions of t:~o llth ROK Regt, 1st ROK Div, in tho vicinity of BS 9696, received a probing attacks from an csti- 5 1 l:;;aw~~c~ll!d~~~o~t t~~ ~~~r;iYA~;~~1~g t~~e~ ~~t!1 ;i;.~i.~~=g~~; t t~~t~;d.' Div sector a patrol of the 15th Regt e~,od a reinfovced enemy pla­ toon at 0005/I in the vicinity of CT 1722, Tho enemy employed SA and recoilless rifle fire, Aftor 'a forty mimi to firo-:fight, tho friendly patrol ~;i thdrew and placad artillery fire on the enemy,


DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318170 SECRET . • ~EQ~l1Y_INFQRL.Qni__ _.. ______.... ______lst EA1{ DULY INTELLIG!WCS ::IHOlARY NO, 56 (Contirued) Page No, 3 ~------~------~----~------Upon returning to the l1LR, the friendly patrol .re­ ported an estimated 4 enemy KIA, The ~Oth ROK Regiment of the 9th ROK Division, received a probing attack on their, outpost poB1t1ons from an unknown rumber o:t enemy at 0300/I, Following a srna:n-.arml!l tire tight, the enemy withdrew at 0410/I, .

IX, X and.! ROK,~Rf~.~-All units consolidated and 1m~oved def-. ensive posi tJ.ona w~Yn J.~llli.t.e or no enemy con1iacti reported throug,hou.; the period, I OP'Bl\ATION fiJLATK!l:tlrR" •• ...~s of 931800/! Feb, s. total ot 20 1 500 bandits have been repvr.ted as KIA or captured, 6, J!ilaval Air and Surface ,Activity Reports not received, ?. l-11scellaneous Marzy people are under a in1eoonception as to the ·discipline in thr· Chinese Communist Armies~ Enclosures (1) a.nd (2) prov1de add1t1cn-9.l information on thb important topic, 1·1h1le these reports do not typ· :l.tJ tlls C:CF as a whole tn g•agsrds to dieoipline, they do point up · the drastic methode used i.n some CCF units to get "cooperation". - - Tranemisoion by United Otates Registered mail or registered guarc ma11 is authorized in accordance with article 07015 U, S, Navy Seoul' it. Manual for Classified Matter, 1951 1

J, 1f, STAGE LtCol, 1 USMC ACofB, G~2 Oopy to: CG, FMi'Pac pa, AirFHFPac CG, 1st MarD1v AIO, ComFa1rAlamcda l"'i"' •uA,., "'r. vv 1 ,l.l'l.H.v-J.G CO, HAG-33 (5) 00, MACG--2 co: Vlc!0-6 00, HMR-161 CO, lst 90mmAAAGunBn His tori cal 0 Starr File


DECLASSIFIED DICCLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318171 • SECRET llECURI TY I !FORHATIO• N • ------~ - ~ ------Enclosure- - - No l to 1ST JJA\,. Dill #56 or 25 February 1952 ~ -- ~ - - - - ~ - - - ~ - ~ ------The following is extracted :r~m F~~ Intelligence RounJup dtd 16 Feb 52, RIGID PARTY DISCIPLINE AND INDOCTRINATION KEE:PS CHINESE COl:MUNISTS FORCES IN LINE A 23 year old Chinese P\1, formerly a platoon leader (equiv) with th.e duty of Apprent1oe uedioal Officer haa thl•own 1ntereat1.tg light on the psychological techniques of discipline and indoctrin­ ation employed by the Chinese Communist Forces, He reported as follows: The CCF did not believe in punishment by confinement, fines, physical violence. or official tongue lashings for its troops. Rather than use these m11thods, which were considered savage and in-. sulting to a man's dignity, it attempted to correct all offenders by humiliating them, by making them confess their crimes in public (at nseif Confession~ meet.1nga), a:nd 'by !!ErU.ightening!' them con= cerning their mistakes, Typical treatment for an offense would be oarr1ed out along the following lines: tor-example!. a soldier might write to his mother that he was currently at T'a an, tha·t he wae lonely and suffering from tho cold, and that he was eagerly looking forward to an early discharge, After the letter had boon censored, the matter would l>e brought up the following morning at a company formation, The polit­ ical of:f'ioer, would read the letter to the entire company and ask the assembly to offur Ci'i t1cism. Ardent Communists w;;uld start the o;·iticism by giving their viowa on why the letter was unma.nly, un­ communistio, insulting to tho CCF and to the writers fellOl~ troops, and l;Jhy 1 t reflected the imperfect 1nd.ootr1re.t1on of tho l!l'"iter~ Cll'adually, tho whole company would bocome fired with excitement and every man would join in with the accusation, Tho prisoner atated that he had gone through this experience once and that the psychological impact was such that he felt as if he wanted to crawl to the nearest hole, He felt that ho would much ;r'athor have boon slnppod by the oft1ooi~ or betlten by tt1e men in the company or even sen,; to j all. He could not keep tho tears of humil­ iation from flowing when ho was ordered, in front of the company, to list PJ.s v1olnt1ons of the ruleS a.nd ewec.r never to mo.ke such mistakes agnin, CCF troops, he said, by far preferred physical 'punishment to public ridicule, which involved a loss of fnco which persisted forever, After such a "Denunciation Meeting", the offender was called into tho political officer's ot'i'l.co for a heart-to-heart talk, Tho polit­ ical officer novel' shouted, culled iJ£!.UCS 1 or- used tl"~eata, but W"llS always 11 kl.ndly and :f'a therly11 , He sometimOB apo ke to tho offender for hours regarding his duty to the CCF and to tho Communist Govern­ ment. BY th~ time tho offender w~s dismissed. he had been so humil­ iated thnt he developed a strong desire to improve himself, as well as nn enthusiasm to holp shape the des tiny of tho CCF, He no\< des­ ired above all else, to go out and serve Communism, even at the cost of hie own lifo,




ENCLOSJRi:: 2 to 1st :iAU DIS No I 56 ot 25 rcbr\.br~ 1962. ------~ ------~ ------


iootebook, in Chinese, dated 3~ iiaY 51, contninir;g notes on dis­ cipline und mlseellu:leous items, belonging to LU Shanshinng ("3), I ran!' and' unit uhtmoill\l; 70 PP• (Partially tranolakd by ;;o2d ''IS Co, l8'G f'lat. j Captccred: (CT-1613) - 4 Dec 51 Reccl. ; 'ISC'/Fi'c; 26 Dec 51 Extracts:

~he 1Jl'U'oc major principles of discipline. 1, In order to achieve victory, everybody must obey all commands nnd behave in accordunco tvith the rules and rctjule.'tions: 2. In Ol'del' to uin poplllal'ity, do not tolw even a threod from ·~he })80~Jle H1thout perr-1ission. 3, In order to l1c;hten the bttrden of the people, krn ln all ?ap ·t:;u:eefl ;·~-.a terlal. Eight ltcms for special attention. 1 = Sponk in o. cour too us wo.Lr:e!"; sho1:.1 r csp ec t tm..Jal'clS the people, and bo lnmb16. 2. Be ft'.ir in bllylng ancl soll.inc; thinc;s, Do not barc,ain by foi:'OG, 3, Personally rotLu,n all borro\.red proper"'vJ• to tho l,it>htf'ul ouno:r, Be careful not to lose anyi..hir1g.

4, Compor:;sa tion for ony dar.1e.gc to any ~)orroHed i ton r:J.UG t be mncl.e in t.Lccordo.nc

5, El1r:,inatG tl:o o.ttit;udcs of military caste. Do not bent or curse people. 6, Tnlto cnre of tho people's crops vhi=..e in combnt nn6 on the

8, Histror:ti:wnt of PsH wLLl not be v.llol.JOd. It is prohl'oi ted to bon·i.i, oursc, or search Psi·r,


SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION• • ,( r: I~\; c:: .. 1\/ll\ f~~ II\ IF / / ' ' l \ .._.... I /.["'V~ ...... { v I , \ I \ l 1 \1 "'-- i \VING

\ \ ·'! c \ ' \

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,_ .. J,

1 ·; !)i .. !l DATE i-;!1 I! il \ ,,;\ i (. liVI!BER , I '( p


... ' 32441 I


• HoD.dql.\!li' tors • ' ls t lltll'ino Air ~ling, r.'l:l' ofo Fleet post Office, Sc.n :·•rnnoisoo 26 February 19152 SECRET SECIJRITY 1N1'0REATION

1ST iiAI~ D!IILX IN'cFlUGENCE SIJlflU.RY No. 57 i1np Roforonool Air Appronoh Chnrt of Koren, Seal~ 1:2150,000 ('IT!!)

1, Enol:ly Air Aotivl. ty (Period 242000/~ to 2fi2COO/I i'eb) Thoro wero nec;l\tl.vo contact or observations for this po1'1od, 2, Flak (Period 242000/I to 252000/I) Flak was roportod in oight 1ns.tnncos for tho period, 1·ronthor wns reported trou CAW onrly 1n tho poriod. to hn&q 1•11 th six niles visi­ bility early in tho norning, One r4J 1ms dm.1ngod, At CT 70815 nn >"7B'-.3N fran Vl:!'(N)-513 on n N/iJI n1saion flying nt 100• rccoivod uodornto ocou:rnto. Ali f1ro, This .wna nt 2106/I, Tho sn1.10 ;F?F-.3N at 2l3Lo/I roooivod uod.e:rnto acournto i,lf fi:ro at CrJ 6608 nt 100• altitude, '

At CT 6204, a l'B4Y-2 while ori n flora drop n1soion at 2126/I :ro~ coivod 1ntonao nnd nccu:rnto fire frou beth heavy nnd nutmmtio wen-. pons Hhilo flyine; nt 9,000 I, ·

An F4U-5N fron Vl!F (N) -513on n N/AR o1ss1on over CT 6099 nt 02515/! recoivod inncou:rnto ueagor Al1 fire while attacking t:ruol~s :!'ron l,OOOI, · . , ·

At 0645/I, 3 11'4U-4Bs 1 fran VliF-323 on an A/R ro1ss1on in tho DT 0482 - DT 0?75 n:ren rvoQivod A11~20nn :fire reported as modernte nnd acournta nt 500 1 , 1 F4!J-4B :rooe1vod. d.amnge to Hinge, tn1l secUon and o11 ooolor \lh1lo pulling out of n :firing run, tqhilo nak1ng rand outs at C'l' 1575, 8 AD-2s 1 t;•on Vl!A-121 on nn I/D u1ss1on oncounto:red modcrnte inaccurate A\1-20oro tiro at 10,0001 n t 0800/I.

!Ienger inaccurate Atr-.37mr.1 fi:ro nt 4,000 I wns ropo:rtod by 16 F4u-4Bs 1 from Vl!F-323 on .on l/D mission over CT 6876 at 0635/I.

At 01..40/I 11 F4U-4Bs' fran Vl-!11'-212 on an I/D mission ut YC 15562 reported manger innccurnte Alr-20r.ll!l tiro nt 5,000 1 , I 3, Non-veh1culn:r Dnmar;o ASsossnen t (Period 242000/I to 252000/I) SIGHTIN® CQORDINATEB l'IESTRQYED D;\!!AO!i:p Ra1l:rond YO. 5562 b Cuts Road BT 9790 1 Out AA Position CT 6099 l Building C':C 5787 l



SECRET SECURIT'l INFORi;;..TION ------~ - -- - ~ • 1ST : :h\i DAILY INTELLH'ENCE. su: lWlY NO, 57 (Contill\lcd) Pngc No 2 ------~ -: -- ~ ------,- 4, Vehicle Sightings ung D~nnr;o ~soollar.tont (period 242000/I to 252000/Ij O,!GHTINGS COORDl:\trtXE!J DlRECTION OF Tit'. VEL 75 CT-OU ..:.ron s 60 CT A!'Cln All 15 ' CT 7085 s lB DT 07?5-DT 0364 N 10 CT 7586 s 10 CT 5B?O s ~ ,,.~"' l!!:f'\("lt"~vvyu 4 t~ 5 SE "6 CT 5787 H 3 ou 6508 s 3 CT 8285 p\td 2 CT 5880 U/D Total Sighting a: 208 (193 Night·- 15 Day) Total Destroyed: 17 ( 14 Night - 1 DoY) 5, Ground Situation Thoro was no roport rooei ved,

6, N~:~vnl '-'.r nnd Sur:t'Me Activity (period Endim 231800/!.Fob) ...... ' on 23 February, Naval Air :flow a totnl of 188 sorties, \·ri th tho fllst carrier ANTIJ!.Ti.H and ESSEX launching 138, tho BAIROKO 40 and Plltrol Squadrons 10, Aircrott froo tho ANTIBl'Aii and ESSEX struck targets :from HIVACHON-RI to KARYOJl:l nnd' north to 110NiJ'lONOYANG 1 clnilJing 42 sll!llpnns, ~ trucks, 5 railcttrs, 6 e;un pos1 tiona. und 93 rctil cuts. 95 tr-oop cnaual tics wore also clctiraed.. Aircrr.tt fton the BAIROKO operating in th~> HAEJU-CHINAJ.ll?O ttreo clnl.oed 12 buildings and 10 oxc!lrts dosla'oyod r.1nn;y buildings dnmugad and tho silencing of' two urtHlory pieces.

On the surface nlong the El:\B t Cons t tho ENDICOTT 1 SHELTON, T.IIUPO, t·IALKER and HENDERSON fired on tnrgcts !n the SONGJIN urea. Host re­ sults wert) unobsorved however one rt\il bri'dgd· wns cluid~ ..d dGE\troyod. Tho island o:f YANGDO, scene of nn'abortivo one~Y onphibious r;d;suult dur!r€ the: paet week l'.'CS reported to be roooiving o..r,tillory :fire from the mainland, The liENDERSON, on patrol in the fJJN:J.NAH nroa wns fired on by shoro batteries. ?5mm shells straddled tho ves!lel on sovernl occasions and in one ooae oirpr structural dnuoge wu~ sustained by the ship - thoro were no personnel caaunltios~ In the.\'IJNS.AN area, the R011AN and KYES firvd on personnel, barracks, vohiolo park, factories, cor.:municutlon f~::ttJi.lit1os and rail­ yards, In countor bnttory fire with cno~y shore batteries the veasole doatroyod 3 Rod nrtillcry pieces ond probably o fourth, In tho KOJO - Bombl1no nroa, tho BB WISCONSIN and the MACKENZIE fired on gun po•1tions, supply points, villages nnd troop ooncon­ trations, Tho ships also fired missions for tho I ROK Corps using n1rspot and destroyed ruildings, bunkers and nrtillvry _positions, '



SECRET SECURITY H,'J;'OR!U..TION - .... - -- - .... -- - --•------•... - - ltl, '57 (Contiruod) rnge lb 3 0 IN!'F.I,I,.IC-ENCE S'Jl~l,RY lGT 2~ .\·1 D.".!LY ------~ ------on gun posi~ Const tho ROCHESTER v.nd BOLE firod Along tho Host c.!'.d: LST 692 ,..pntrollod u1th unobsorvod rc's\_.\lta. Tho C3JGi. t1ons bonbnrded onony posi-tions in tho HAN Hll.F,JU nppronchos 1 . tho ROTOITI Ri vor nren, ' nnt1-1nvusion pntro11od the CHOOO - SOK'l'O nron on TE 95,12,1 patrolled KIRIN-00. nnd l'IOLI..!>£-00. n1ss1on and tho C!lnRITY and COCMDE

7. Hisc~lltlnco_us See enclosure, I guard Stntod rogiatorod nail or registfJI'e.d Trnnsnission by Ur,itod U, 8, Nnvy in ncoot'dnnoe uith Jo.rtiole 0705 1 r1nili~ ~"u.~horized }io.tter ;l 1951. Boou:r~uy l"~v..nual for Clc.ss1f1ed

J. w. ST~GE LtCol,, USHC ACotsl o-2

Copy to: , CG 1 FHFPo.c CG, A!rFMF'Pnc CG 1 1stl&lrDi v AI0 1 CouFoirAlnnedn CO. HAG--12 co; J:.t.G-33 co, HACG-2 co 1 \11!0-6 co I HHR-161 CO 1 1s t90nr1Ah.ACiunEn H1stor1calo Staff' ' File






f\UflJ'tJENTIAL • SECURITY INFORMATION• ·- ·------~ - ~ • ~ - ~ 4 -ENCLOSURI!;-- (1) to let MAW Dif\ Nol o7 - - -· ------~ ~ - . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - -·- Int•111genrie as a "tooifl Of o~mmand has taken on a new impor­ tance since WW II. the United itates faced with global political, social and economic reapon&ibil1tie& has been forced to gear its 1n- 6 !:1;;~~n~: ~~ 1~~~~fd! 0~~~dmiiit;;;oi:~a;r~fwi~~e~h~e:~~~ t~;!!t~~~ information they need. Out of such a bi-lateral n·eed has come the National !nte111gono~ ~urvey. Its professional scope is virtually limitleos and is a new "sorvioe 11 with which all Marines should be conversant. THE 1'-lA'J.'lONAL lNTELLIG~CE SURVE'.l- ·. 1 AN ENCYCLOPEDIA OF INTELLIGENCE

1'0ur e:Aper!cnce 1n tn1s war hae effectively proved that 1t the United States is to have tho nooQseary basic intell1genGe available for early planning of possible operations, it 1s essential that such intelligence be oolleoted, collated, published, and distributed-i.e., ready ~o ~so--prior to the beginning ot hostil1ties.•--From a letter from the Commandant, Mar1ne Corps to the Chief of Naval Operations, 1945. The new recognition of intelligence as a major instrument of na­ tional security has given a tremendous impetus to activity in this field since the close of World War II, Intelli~enoe oclleotion has been partio~larly dynamic and m~oh progress has-been made not only in intelligence output but also in 1nt~ll1gence organization, teoh­ niaues, and scope, Perhaps the meet out•tand1ng development has been that of the National Intelligence Survey {NIS) which in lese than 4 years has become the l~rgeet single produot1on notivity of the com­ bined United States intelligence agencies, Its program visunl1~os the production of encyoloped1u compendiums of knowledge oon~erning and m1l1 tery ohRrac­ all the geographic 1 economic 1 seoio-pol1 tical, terietios of every country in the world, all the data req~ired in the category of "bt-:ttli.C 11 intelligence; A New Era in Basic Intelligence Bae1o intelligence is the fo~.tndation of all for1gn 1ntelUgenoe, llU~.> is the basis for plans, eet1mates1 Pnd deeisions affecting it and n~tional eec~.trity. It ie a synthesis of the tho~.teande of facts f'aa,uroa thnt mnkc up the character nnd body bf e1 country. Like any valid intelligence it not only describes the faots but interperta ~~;~ .~n~~~thl~~~~~~~ to provide th~ planner with evalqatione of oaP- 1 ~ .. u~.,. 1":\J,.IJ...... VJ ~;;~H4 ...... • The growth of basic intelligence in the United States has been slow, Only in oomparitively recent years has the chAnging military and political role of our nation increased the need thAt we be well informed on All other araaa ahd peoples of the globe. l1 of wh~t we twvi'" Prior to World War II 1 there existed very ttle come to know today as basic intelligence. In the case of Navy up to 1939 the old ONI Field Monograph as prepared tor g1vetl areas wae a­ bout the only standard basic intelligence an forign AreAs prep~rod for plAnners at the higher staff levels. Our oaaual approach was in sharp contrAst to the rAsio intell­ igence activity of such co~ntriee as Japan POd Germ~ny, During the 19301 s GermanY comptled intelligence studies on most of the oountr1eR of the world. far more oomplete than the oelebrl'ttec;l 11 Baedell.ers" which were svailaoie to the general public. Information was sufficiently · comprehensive to provide, for example, the width And cArrying ~apAo­ i ty of any major highway in the roRdnet of the oountry.



CO'IU'lti'EN Tl AL • 5F.CURlT~ INFORMATION• - - - - - . --- -. - ...... •t."':' ~-~~ ENCWSURE. (1) to 1st MAW D!S No. 5'1 lcntirt\lcd _ ...... 41o;t.---1- - - ~ - - - ~ - ~ ~ - . During the course a.r the war t"ne urgent need for baa1c !.ntol.,_ 11genoe by our owh RI'med :forces, both for pl~nn1ng and opor,~t1onal I'esuited in the ore11t1on of b~eio intelUgence hnndboolts f.'urposos 1 the fact that A.nown FtB JANIS. The experience with JANIS e.treased., production of basic inteiligenoe should be on a much bi'Of\dor so ale arid should, 11' poeeiblo, be done in pencet1me, in view o~ the greRt­ er opportll!U ty which then exists for colloot1on in :fo·r1gn !'I'Caa, by the intoll1genoe aomponents 1n the ael'­ It was soon I'enli~ed · vioe agencies thnt tt1ere were not sufficient funds nor eno•Jgh com- patent intelligence analysts to support basic intelligence programs agency AS well as the .Sta.te DepRrtmont and th$ newly orent.od ln eRch. NationAl Central Intelligence Agency. To insure coot•cUnAtion 1 the security Coanc1l on 13 Jnnuary l.948 issued a dii'ectl.ve set.ting up thr National Intelligence Survey ProgrElm. The bRa1o .concept of the pro- gram was set foi'th · ae :follows: · The NIB is a ooncl.se digest of baeio intelligence required high (1) by the Dep~rtment of Defense for sti'8tegic plnnning And level operational planning and (2) by the Dep~rtment of State for use in formuleting and executing United St?tee for1gn polio.-, It also set-ves other Governm·ent A.g~ncies which requ1re 1 t for the accomplishment of the1~ missions, In general, the intell­ igence contained in NlS (1) is concerned with the relatively perinanent feAtures And fundRmentAl ohnrnotcristioO: of A countrY, area, or broad speciAl subject and (2) covers such fields AS th~ scientific ~nd geographical, J:Ol1t1cA1 1 economic 1 militnry 1 1 eooiologioal aspects of the country or ~re~ or the fund~mental Aspects of the trend apeoial'subjcct. Perhaps • the most ·signifiof'.nt Md revolution11ry feature About NIJ is that it represents the firat all-out,attempt to combine nnd coor= the intelligence skills end effort of Fill the United StAtes diMte number of Intelli~ence Agencies, All service Agencies e.nd e greet the ·oiv.Llian e:gencics pp,rticipRte in the progrA_m; engineers, agrono­ mists, economists, geogrftphers, geologists, etc~; e11ch contributing 1n the light of his special knowledge, Dupliosti'on is avoided; 11 • ty is available commensurate to the size of• the ~ob; and a · · O!!p!!l>ili ex­ product of high quality ros~lts because it has been possible to ploit this groat variety of skills and epe~ial talents, should be remembered that the material printed in an NIS re­ It the presents only a pvrtion of the intelligence maQ.e availabel under operetion of the NIS Program. The stimulation or collection activi­ "gape" existing in the 1ntell1genoe f1les of all. the ties to fill .. service agencies has provided a great new .rcsorv.Qir . .o:f''... infornh't1on !n order' to provide an adequate background for the information ~se& in !lny published NIB oonsidei'atly more detail 1 s collected than "PP.­ ears, This detail is today providing an invaluable eo~rce for the day-to-day and operational intelligence requirements of those Agen­ cies. The NIS Concept! Area and Content lt ahollld be noted at the outset that the whole ~f' NIS is 'JsAbl~ to the nMvc;l opernt!one commRnd€i-; Wh11e the detll_iled deaoriotion ... rrAngements forign port 1 ita harbor' approe.ohee end berthing of e certeinly Ad­ (contributed by the Navy) 1 are of immediate importance eqLu,te and timely informntion AB to the work hnbi ts nnd poll ticBl or­ ientation of the lP.bor :forces in that country in gene!'al nnd the port nrea in pArticular (conti'1buted by the Department of State), is equ­ AllY as importfmt to forces operating in that AreA,




CONFIDE;,"TAL INFORMATION • SEClJRITY • ------.... ------Con-'.;tnued ---- ( l•) to ls t 1~1·/ DIS No, 57 ENCLOSURE------· -- - - - will haVe immea.1a te Again thC amphl b1oi.ts ':'~ora tione · ple.nner section on coast~ and landing need of the detail in ohe NIS until he his intelligence annex cannot be complete beaches) b~t ava1lable about health and l".as oonoulted the beDt intelligence the the general area with emphasla on sanl'tation conditions of contain~ T~s he has need of: the information coastal locations, of the NIS which is pro­ the hea~th and sanitation section ed in of the Army, The same ple.nner mua t. duced by the SurgGon General on military perspective; oons~lt the section to gain the proper in general, ':'his sec­ c;eoc;raphy which covers the given co~ntry tion ia also pl:"'oduoed by the Army., with the commander of an operating force ~harged Further, shipyard iri. a certain part of puttino; into operation a captured • all the physical dota11 of shipbuilding tho orient ~As need of Navy, He a.lao r..ae · fac1li ties aa produo·cd for ·an NIB "o~r and ro,a1r of tho label' force as prcduoed immediate need of oharaoteriat1os to know noted abovo, ~rthcr ha has need ror NIS by the agencies subassem'bly or im­ :framework o:s:' the dount1~y and ~Nl"'Jlt tho ooonoinic to this ship rrs, bosio · Briot' (a s~ooinot prosonte.tion of tl1o Chapter I - as a tor hole}, 1ntell1go 11cio e.spocts ·of tho NlS area Gcor,re.pby (sees, 20 to 26), Chapter Il -Military tiona (Goes. Chapter III - Traneporta.tion and Telooornmu.rdca to 38), 30 to 46), Chapter IV- Sociological (soca, 40 V- Po11t1.oa.l ~s'oos. 50 to· 59). Oho.ptcr 65), Chapter VI - Ecomm1o tsecs, 60 to Sc).entific (sees. 70 to 76), Chapter VII- 83). VIII -Armed Forco·e {seos~ 80 to Cl"w.ptor ( s ecs, 90 to 92), Chap tor IX - Uap and .Chart J.ppre.1aal detail than wo~ld bo included Oer'cnin topics involving more ·treat­ treatment of the NIS itsolf p.ro givon ~ull in the general of the supplements nrc as Llont 1f fivo s~pplemonta, ~ho titles follows: Faoilitios. Supplement No, l ...l Porte and Ne.val S~pplement No, 2 - A1r Facil1t1oa. CO :-IF'IIlEI'T.C IAL SECURITY I NFORMATI6 N 3

DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318180 - CO I~IDE;·fi'IAL •• • SECJi; ITY !>:FORl!A':liO ;1 - - - - .. _ ------~ to let ;;,u/ DIS :O:o, _..., Co__ nti.nu.od .,. __ Ei1CLOSURE-...:---- (l) I Supplement ;,b, 3 - Tolocot'l!l1Uni.cu tions. Sup!Jlomont i~o. 4 - Urb!l.n Arous. Dupplc"10nt Ho, 5 - Petroleum, ngrccmont nmong the u(5cncl.os us to 11hnt clements should 1'Jhilo boon bo covorod in nn i'I!S ''v.e cnsily nohicvod, thoro hus nl,;uys the question- us to· "hut detail should bo' c;l.von if the pr1mnry ;,lJ:s is to be s0rvod, This 1s u oontinuinc; problcr.:, p\lr;,oso of limits since 'cy its very nt~turo ooe1c l.ntoll1gcnco oos no defined in soopo or dott~l.l, ' cusc rocontly ootod. a rn111tc~ry ndvisor qucst.1o·nod tho Iri one wntors need of such ocqancgro.ph1c dotn1l us bioluminoso~noo l.n tho south of hbr1;ny, Tho follo,ing atntcmont struck him o.s irrolovnnt: B1olumincsconoo is not unoonvnon in .the wutcrs south of i'brwc.y t~bundunt most of tho yct~r, . Vt~r1ous Hhcro ,,mrm-wt~tor plt~nkton is 1 of sud11 orgnn1sms ns. 11 porid1n~un 11 1 11 ccr_o.t1uu~ luninous "ep.ocios tho nnd 11 phtloocyatia 11 occur in tho Skagerrnk, tho Kt~ttognt, and Solts n.l~on. However, 11hon 1t wns pointed out thntf voas.;;ls entering nn luminoscont leave lighted wakes untl mny cause sufficiently nret~ of trot uidc-sproud luminosit:· to render tho ontiro ship v1s1 blo, i~-~~{~~~~~~ ~~~the ~~i1f~~t~~rt~~ ~n~~~~s~~~n~~n~P~~;~~r~~~i~ is tho uir, nnd toot visibility :rrom n ship in luminescent 'tmtor necessary in s tru­ poor, h~ Ct.(i'!'ooa_ this infcrmu t:lon wns v1tnl and to;:;ic plt~nninc;, For tho aupll1b1ous eporatien plunnor such lnfOl'IO\!ttion ns this fro:o tho :

Scc~ion, 22 Coasts v.nd Landi'nr; Booohes. Af"' t-Tti"TT"'h'MT' TAT' """" 6 ...... -·- SECURITY IllFORHATlON 4


CCNFIDEHT!i>L ..• ------SEOORITY DZFOJ'ti:Al'ION • ______, E::CLOSURE (l) to lst HA1r DIS fui _____Continued .,.. ------~ - Soot1on <35 ::nd Supplcnont I'- Ports und NnVnl Fnc1l1 t1os, nuct1on. 36 ~ ilo:r·ohnnt l1nritio. · Gubsuotion 6~E ~ Shipbuilding, · Chtcptor VII ~ Nnvy r.mkos contributions oonoorning dcvolop­ nont of n::-.vnl tJOO.pons; u.nconvcn~ionol o!'dv.ncc, nnd other oolont1f1·o dovolopnonte of: nt~vul intvrost, Section 82 - Naval Forces. Chnptor IX - Sovori:tl contributions on rmp and ohnrt npprnisnl :.10.diJ by Uni tea Stntos Jhvy !lydroGI"nphic Offioo, Special NIS - Do·tn1lod Jlo:rino Oliunto and Ooonnogl'nphy of Oounn Arons, It uicht bo .l.ntorosting to oXplorc a bit of the basic uork that goes into producing one or uoro of tho avctions for 1vhl.ch Nnvy ia responsible. Lot 1.te tc.lt:o,.o.e our first oXnnplc n section on tho canst and landing benches of Yu0;oslav1n, A s'Gudy of tho nonr-shorc ooonnography of tho coast line ~.rcns liith dr.tro. on tho t;n·oor


?orhaps no cnto(;ory of bnsic intcllir;onc,, is of !lloro un­ ivct•sal interest amonG the Armed Forces o.nd civil ngoncios con­ ocr nod u1 th fol'c1gn nrona tl1l'.n is thn t donling ui th seaports, Beine; inherently a conpOJ:cnt _of logistics, 9ort intolli[';onoo finds its c;rontcst usc i1: logistic plnns and osthk'ltos, indood in nll nspocta of r:1ovoz.10nt, bnslns1 nnd supply. A grent pnrt of ON!is produotivo effort in positive foreign 1ntolligonco is dovotod to tho oollootion and developments of intolligvnoo on scnporta nnd nuva.l :fuc111 tios~ Tho cxho.u.6t1 vo detn11 on tho ports c~nd r.nvo.l · f<"tcilit;.oa section of the ·-!'IrS nrc in sharp contrnet l


COHFIDENTIAL • • S;;:CURI'l'Y INFORBATJ:ON .... ._ ------r - w - - - - -,- - -- ENCLOS!JR;i; (l) to 1st 1,;,:,.·: DIS No> Continued ------~ ~ - . - - - ... i·.10st J:'l)ttdily nvnil[tblu tO tho plo.nnor ~n tno c,ost usr.-..blC fol'rJ, nnd tho NIS ports nnd rw:vnl fnc111 tioa chnptvr lk~s bocono n nodal of exposition, An essential cotlporicnt of onoh dotLci.!.G,d intclligonco nor­ por't nnn.lyois is tho ~nphic Bttpplomente- Nur.1orous !;Tou.nd n.nd inl pbotogrnphs n1•o includdd to illustrate the port description, is n nulticolorod plnn of lnrgo scnlo \lhioh is ospccic,lly nnd tllol'O of dosig-nod t6 depict nnd interpret the pbysicnl erucroo'cor1stlcs n port fro;:~ tho 1nt0111gonco point_of v101o. 1 Boonusc of 'ch0 conprohons1vo oovornce nnd unusual doto.il, nnd boenuso of tho static qunli ty of 'nuch of tho inforn,tlon, tho NIS !.ntolligonce ports end nttvnl ~:uc111tics o .. cticn is uppl-:opr1ato _to nll dopnrtr.wntnl, nnd opcrntonnl. Although it ll.s osson- . l,_ovcls-nGtion~\1 1 tho notion t1c.lly googrnpluc ~Cnd descriptive, tho prino objoctivo of (:,_s ic ttuc o'! any bor..c,.fid.o 1"1n1ahod into111g.:;nco) is not noroly tho dotnils but tel organiZe r.nd rclntv thon into l.ntcr­ to proeont ovnl­ protc.c1vc pnttorns. Tbus, tho plnnnor ir. pl'ovidod lli4h cr.rof-·_1 untion of n port's nctivitl.cs, strl:'.togic 1rJportl:'.noo,· cnpnb1lit1os0 nnd 11n1tnt1ons.

HERCHi.l~ iiA.'UNE SEC1'ION In the production of section 36 ( c)l, II!) of 'Cho Nn tio nal Intoll­ l.t;onoo Survey entitled 11 Horchnnt Hnrino," th~ !0\0St l.npor'cnnt single is. tho cor.1pilo.t1on of n ccrJprohcnslvo .r·nd 'r_uthor1tnt1vc opC1l''c~t1on nnd up;rqrd, O\mod list of the r.\orohr:nt vussola of 1 1000 gross tone by tho country under rcvioH. T111s list is cown1lcd nftor oxhnustl.vc rosoorch, nnd l.s. checked in­ und dou blo ohocl9.od tC.n." nocu'rncy ugnino t; nll n.va1lo.:blo r1our oes, cluding t.ll)rl. tine publicutions in :·11 languae;~s. 1, proscnt .t'.nd cA-nn.wca of vosscl, 10. Depth 2. Tn,o of ship. ll. nrnrt. 3. Gross tonn~gc. 12, Speed . 4. DondHeic;ht to nn..-Jw. 13, l\11\l'.,h~,,., 1,.-, P'Y'Pt.f I ·f!t.·~· ij;;~~bt -~uncr; 5. Pnssongor cnpnci ty (na uvnUa):llc)l4, · 6, Year built, . l5., T;;-pc of onginos, 7, Count:t"Y of buildJ. 16. TYPO of facl, s. L-Jngth. 17. Types of S!oocinl oqaipmcnt, 9, Bonr.r, if any (pr lnciually nnv i­ gntl.onnl nids.) vnrl.cs As a g~nornl rnlc, tho orgnniz,~tion of the, NIS shlp list frau country to count17 to .nn 1nsign1fl.cnnt dogroo. To etta n ro­ prosontctivc cxnnplc, tho ship -list foi' tho United Kin.gdom l·~IS con­ kl.nod tho follmoing chnrnoturintios for cnch o:r 2,791 vollols fror:l 1,000 grass tons up,mrd; \·th1-.c l.tat!;l ot s~ps ~nd tho1r chn.rnotc,rist:los bocomc obsoloto rapidly d'1c to snlcs, p\lrchnscs, .no11 construction, nnno and tonnngo c!knnr,;os, structural nltorlt'ltlons, etc., the compl,ohcnsl.vo mtC~rc of uork for :,_ of tho ~ns ship lis·t; r:1,'ll:os 1 t vo.lunblo n.s n rcfcrcnco oonsiqcro.blo tine subsoq'lcnt ~ its. publicntion. FOREIG!\ l;AVi;L FORCSS SD:CTION

Soo tl.o n 82 of n Nn tionnl In-cclligc>ncc Survoy is anti tlod "Nevnl Navnl Forces. 11 It is prcp~.rocl by -<;he coe;niznnt llnlt of tho. Office of Intulllg\:noo, ;tnd is tho Nnvj" 1 o contl'ibu.tion to the chnptor d.cnlinrt uith 'o-hc ontlro nllitnry ost"bl1shLlcnt of t.hc country under con- ~ sidcrn tion, Tllo obj octi vo is to present n thorough at ldY 0 ovcr~ng all phnsce of the n:wy ito elf, ul. th nn l.ntcrprotivu nnnlysis of those 1'notors ...... A. '• ~ ... ' • v • '· .... ~,_ • ·~~ '· • :- J:O.{"'

Y• ~" ~~ ' . - 0017 J;a.;JIINi.tr . 'i. S:SCURIXY,, ltmlliJ!I!UTIOll . ! • ,fi DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318183

C0;1i?IDENTii\L . • . • SECUlUTY INi'ORHATION -,- -- .... -- - ·------;;;;;cLOSURE (1) to lot l·iA'T DIS N01 57 Continued ------w ~ - ~ ~ - - ~ uhich nny lmvc n docisivo effect on the 1.ntcrnc.t1onal n111 tary­ poli ticr.l ocono, In shnr't-hou r.1uc~ nss1stc.nce can they render nil & tJ:wqn'l; ~o thor ao-·notent1al encnios? . c.llios 1 or hen·: r.tuoh of In ar.1pl1fication ot tho t>.bovo 'otatot::~etc-t, 1 t tluot be ronl1zed th£-.t the nature of the publicatl.on proclud'os .its being the nbsol1.1te final authprity on aubjoots of strategic inport, Nc;1 intelligence 1s cons·vo.ntly uod1tyir.g tc n groutor- or lossor deffrcG r:tc~ny of tho concepts provit>usly developed. The N.LS is no exception-but it docs offer a point of dcpc.rtul'c for officer~ concerned >Ji th plannning in ~Gho ruapuc.t1vv ·googrnphic o.raaa, Tho purely fo.ottJ.D.l intorr:m_tion contained therein l.s often tho best sourco for un understanding ' of the foreign nav-J, In sor.to ousos no:ro cof.lpl:'Ohcnsi vo trcntnonts of tocP_Ylicnl SIJ.bj octs cnn be obtained fron ONI CJr othor o.gcnoics, Sor.te ru:,.l strategic ostinutos are und.tJrstnnd.nbly of n hic;hor socurl t, clnssificntivn than the illS, E•HIPBU ILDING A detailed nnnlysis of shipbuilding activities of foreign nat­ is ions is c~:tt·rl~d in subsoot:ton 64E, T.his t-JO,ttk is dono i~ ON! nnd :thon coordinated by the Dopnrtncnt of State ns n purt of the eco­ nouic nnnlysis of 'GlW nation under study, Intelligence officers Hill find the dctniloo_ O.Osorintion of >'nrious shipbuilding and ro- pnir facili tics of pnrticulnr· interest, -

SPECIAL NIS Of spocinl inkrvst to :f'lcot opcrntio!lt\l intclligonco officers a:'? :th~ SJ,locin+ !\'IS S't11dies on l·inri'l'B Clinnto {lnd oceanography HHJ.Cu ui v .1d0 thu Hor-ld sou .:~roti.S into eight o conn basins n.nffi. then subidvldos those into nnrts, Thus intelligence lini'oution by ar­ bi tr.o.ry nn tioMl oundnrios is olininntcd, Intclligol).co off1oore 1.-Ji.tl ll';tV~hnt tvno of \Wo.thor rnet.Y be C}q)cotwd in a given roglon-rnd this dntn nny be consl.lltod 1n ostino.'Ging. possible enemy Lections undol' 110nthor covor. Information on oceanic currents and dcp'Ghs Hill bo l.L1portrwt in assessing cnony r.lining cc.:)nbill tics: n11d nvvrncc: Hn tcr tor.lpcrn turcs uill hnve n boru:-ing on any plana of nJ.r-scn rcsouo oporutJ.ons.

Al thol.lgh Nl\3 ~ possihlo oeuroos of r.ction finds NIS tile stc_ndnrd rc:Ccronco uork-nuch ns tho Encyclopodin Bri ttnnicn serves tho lnynnn, · Ho1v•ovcr, .1 t h-:;.s b,wn diac.ovcrod tP.£.. t in Bo.r.:o l0vols of c.omnand. rospo nsibilo officers hnvc not hnd th(; opportun1 ty to. fnr.\il1nr1zo · CO Nio'IDEHI' .!Jl.L 7 S2CTJRITY J:li','ORHATION


CC:Ni'I::>Ei\TIAL • SECUR'ITY INFOR!Ii~nc~.':~_:;'3~~:~~~ and Cin0Le.nt by tt:r:'·_;n .t1. vvup.1.u 11v I.A.J.oo .. ;~. .• .ol.H-~1.1 1 -'"•Ju .... o m~ ...... ,.., "'!nCPr"~C 1 'Go other com.1c.nds, Co,;sidornblo usc is nndc by OPNAV o·f published ;.;!S Studios, llP.vnl Atkchos roo0ivo the NIS studios on "Choir nron of ronponnl"bili ty. Any corrospondonco portninl.nr< to or request for , NIIl should be forwarded to the Director of Nnv~l Intclll.e;ohoo.

. '

CoN<'J11E:~·'l'I/l.L 8 SE(lJRITY lNiiDRI.:ATION


SECRET SECURITY INFORMA'i'ION• • ( .i: : I ~ \' (-=-- ---:- ~ /! /'\ [~'I 11\1' I F·~· ./ / ' 1 .. I - i \1 I J.h-• I \ I- \ Tl \...._, 11'-f'.-''.{VI' II \II V~- ( VVING

i -' ... /

'\ \ \ \

./'\ C, t ·' NUl!Bffi I ,. ' DATEP 'i! II! 1852 .


F!•iF• • Franoi(lco 2? Februs.ry 1952 · SECRET SECURITJ: lNFORllATION 1ST MI\,W ~ILX Nb,INT~~IGENCE SlllnWJ¥ Uap Reference: Air Approach Char't ot Korea, ecaU l :250,000 (UTU)

There. were negative contacts or observations tor this period, The following is a delayed report:

At 161430/l, F...S6a' at 38 ooo• observed two unident1t1.ed air~ cratt, believed to be J.JICIB' 'at 55,0001 , The following D/I FEAF Comment 1e ot interest: D/I FEAF comment: Although the estimate of 55,000° may seem ~, .. J.. ht:1'l1' OVI"!OA01'1:1t::~ ~.,., t:ho ?fTfi-,c; m .... A.,1 ,..,..,.,,4,...... ,.'11 ~~4.+\-.' +,.,_....,. ~ rlf'v\ _ .... , .. --""""U--""-" _..,.,_,.,. ___ ..-."" .-•.,..,..- --.....- .. __....,,.., ... "i"'""'J-',P""'..._ IV ...... ,,.,~.., VJV...... , !JUWU\A.,-.::::~ thrust engine, has been credited ul.th a service ceiling of' approxi­ mately 52,000' which IJOuld give tha aircraft an absolute ceiling · capability between 55,000' and 56,ooo!. Tho cabin pressurization and high prossuro oxygen system utilizod .).n tho lliG-15 furnish amplo proteotio'n to the pilot at those altitudes; however, the speen and rango advantages aooruing from operations at such altitudes uppcar to bo questionable il'lttsmuoh as valunblo extra time is eon-. sumod in tho climb, The only advantugo which npparently aooruos is ono of inaooosaibility to our F-B6sl which have a aorvicc coiling n.P ,...... ,, u n ...... ~ .,.,....,_...,,.,. .II A t'\1\1"\l ..,,. v•-rl ..,l-'.P ... ..,,..,..,.,\,A,.,V.A.,J -.-..=,vvv · •

Tho follo~1li ty in-NOrth ---~ KOREn dospi to tho fact that a proport1o n of !IIG a1rornt t have now boon :redeployed from tho YAUJ River border airfields to o thor bases 1n LLANCH.nU:A and CHINA.



SECRET SECURITY INFORJI.,TION• • - - ~ ------1ST 1;;, 1'/ !biLY INTELLit'ENOE stJlllli

Po.ro.r;rnphs 2 1 3J o.nd 4 o.ro nocro.tivo for tho period 252000/I to 262000/I. Ucctthcr 1~hs non-o11crD.tionnl tht'O'.l-Bhout tho tnrgot nron during this period, · • ' 5. Ck'ound Situnt1on (Period Ending 261800/I Fob)

I US QORP~ - 1st ROK Div - A brief patrol encounter wus report­ ed by tho 12t; ROK Ro~t Hith nn eat1r.mtcd two onony squnds lo.tc at night. No further nctl.on wets rcportod throue;.hou t the Corps soc tor. IX 115 CORPS - A pntrol of tho 31st ROK Rogt, 2nd ROK Div, on- '"~'"'·'~:::! ...... +l .. , ...... -1 ,.,y,,.,,...... ~ ...... ,.=~ "n 'hlt'l'llr .... Tl '"""l"l4T.~,.,nt:E 1"t'H::t111i~1nrf' inn ¥1~t~o~"n1;.";:t'~<';r;o!1(;i1't. -i;'"th~ ·a;&''iioic 1)1;- ~~~t;r~ ";;-·r;n"tr-ol-of-·thc 22nd ROK Rogt ongnr;od n snnll onct.~ group nt 0940/I. At 1030/I friendl v olonenta returned to their MLR. Patrols of tho .23rd nnd 18tl1 Rcgts ongo.r;od sr.mll onouy g-roups fron 1 to 1500 yards forwnrd of tho J.fLR with no significant notion resulting, X US COR:PS -All units consolidated positions and patrolled, with net;nt!vo anor.1y contact reported, I ROK CORfS- 6, N"val Air and surfo.co Activity (period Ending 242400/I Fob) Toto.l sorties flown for this poriod nnountod to 62, CTF 77 X'G­ plonishod and· oonduc ted no air oporutions, Bi.IROKO flmr 43 and tho ror.mindor wcro flown by tho PATRONS, Aircraft from tho UAIROKO struck at onouy targets throughout tho H1fANG!li\.E peninsula, Claimed as dostroyod wcro 51 b•~ildinga, 3 boo.ts, lox and cnr"t, l horse., 2 ·ounkors, 2 uun positions, und otho:t• targets of tho smw >;ere. clainod ae damaged, Tho IIMS GLORY relieved tho BAIROKO on station, Eo.st Coast surface Aotiv1 ty - At tho Boubl1ne tho 1'/ISCONSIN and tho J4i..CKENZIE fired onll fire nissions for the lstir.arDiv, Destroyed WO>"R! ~ bunkrJrs. 4 bunkers dnL1nrted. l uortnr site. 9 rrun uositions, 3 brld(;os;··2-supply points, 2 vlllngee, At KOJO, tho same· ships destroyed 20 buildin~~, dnnagod throe bunkers, 100 buildings nnd fired on troops. ST. P8UL nnd BUCK arrived nt tho Bonblino nnd fired H & I fire nt tho oloso of the period, At lroNSAN, the KYES and tho RONAN started numerous lnrge fires nnd destroyed u gun ;position and crow. At HUNGNAH, tho HENDERSON drove n sampan ashore w1 th n nour hit. In the SONGJIN nroo., the CURLE\1', ENDICOTT, HEI\:'EllSON and the l'IALKER fired on RR bridges, personnel bonte, villages nnd gun posi­ tions ,;1 th nll rcsul ts unobserved,

1'/ost Coast Surfnco ;.ctivity ~ Tho BOYLE arrl.vod on anti-invasion stn t1un, wost of YONGPYONG-DO CLud oonductod apoc1o.l, gun strikes ·:~~ using air spotters. Firo wns directed ·on villo.r;os, troops and boats. .,. Other task Olononts patrolled nnt1-1nvas1ob stations off CHOOO and ·':: SOXTO., Tho BT....t.RKE 1 CEYLON, BATP-~.N, l10UNTS BAY 'bombnrdod· cnoD_y posi­ tions in tho Hi>KKYE-RI area ui th good oovorngo, Tho CAYUGA ovaoun ted wounded guerillas from T-"ESJAP to YONGPONG-DO. Casual tics resulted fror.1 raid on mainland, Tho CJ,YUGA foiled attack on TAESUAP with hnrrassing f iro.



SECRET • • SECURITY INFORl!.:.TIOl' - w - - --- ~ ------~ ~ ~ 3 1ST !j,;\'1' J1..IL:i INTli:LLIG-E~:CE OOU:.:.RY oo, 58 (Continued) P~GO No ------~ ~ ~ b ~ 7, liioccllnncouo Tho four (4;) enclosures for tcdnys DIS waro oxtrncte

J , w, ST;..U.E LtCol, 1 USMC ACofS, G-2 Copy to: CG, FMFPnc co, .AirFJIFPno CG 1 ls tl!arDiv AIO, Cor.1Fa1rAlnnoda I co. li,;_G-12 Co; MAG-33 ( 5) co, }IJ.OG-2 CO, VH0-6 CO 1 HHR-161 Co, ls t90rlrlAAAGu nBn Historical 0 Stc~.f'f File

SZCRET :.t~~CTRl'i'X J:.'::'q·.=:: ~TION


CONFlDFJn!IAL • SECURITY' INFORH(>I'ION• - - ~ ------~ ~ ------~·---- ENCLOBJRE {l~ to ist MJ~·r DIS No. 58 of 2? Februnry 1952


N~Hs bulletin, mimeographed in Chinese, titled "Anti-1.18 Heroes," issue rumber 100 u.ndated ·J?U.OlisiJJ,ed, by the Politlcal Seot:ton of the 1 1 on the an1val 20. TATUI (*l) 1 l3lst pU (*2) 1 containing an article of ~he US 40th Dlv in KOREI< and offering New Year's com!lliments t'l.. om the IDanagement of the neT~apapsr .. Captured: Taken from enemy dead at (CT 7350) -date unknown


11 .Anti-1JS Heroes 11 ;· Issue No 100 The US 40th Div waS recently tran!:i!ei"l' ed from JAPAN and is deployed in front o:f ollr positions, There are also ,shifts among other enemy units, IDtena1f1ed enemy ad ti.v i ties foreshadow a com­ parative lru.•ge scale enemy of:fens1ve.. Ho1·M-ver; ltHJt e.utu.mn, the enet".-r suffered heavy casllaltiea at the hands of ollr t~iondly forces, AorDss our sector front, ttiendly forces annihilated approximately 20,000 enemy troops. Therefore, the ehemy launohod no attack because Dl'.r unit took command of 'che positions, In view ot the fact that we lack eXperience to cope "ith large sce.le enemy offensives, He must complete all com bet prepare tiona 1 including our detensi ve Narks improvemen te, Recently the let FEN TrJI ( *1.) discovered tm. t the enemy is llsing the eight inch type 11 24" hoHi tzars, >Jhioh can penetrate into the gr-ound four meters. Our defensive ;·Jo!"ks canr.ot llithetand thisw ·~'he:refore, \18 must reinforce our c1e:f'ensive "orks; eacl). defensive t



CONI<'IDE:NTI;.L SECUR!TY INFOlUin.TlON• • ..... -- -- of 27 Februr.r:l 1952


Rocd l~!!SG/FE: 31 Dco. 51 Full translation:

Tho 608th Regt Hq, Chinese People's Volunteer Forcosj~my, 15 Oct 51 at T;.EBrtNGOHON ( CT 8467) OIRCijUR Every unit should inform or instruct its cadre members (squad ~i~ti~n;i~~i~h ~~a¥a~1 ~~~:eb~t!~~i~~~y t~oii~,~~~~lo\~ing p_ir defepse .i>ir dofonso regulations when on the march or in stationary posi­ tions, l, Battalion and Company: Distance between units (TN Possibly Companies): 1-:oro than 200 rnc tore. Distance between each individual soldier - ttro to throe step· 2, Horch on one side of the rood, not on both sides or in the contor of tho rond. 3, Evon whon troops arc resting they must stay on the side of the road, They must not gather ln !,Toups but should keop tho proper. distance, facing tho road and watching tho traffic, 4, It is not permitted to shout or sing during a march or at rec Lie down at tho aide of' the roc.d. Clnd E:n-J&i t :fUrther !nstruct1one dur!Tl[ an air attack,

5, No upro.:u', light or fires \;111 be modo upon arrival in the bivouac nron, Everybody mt.lst be quiet and avoid confusion. 6, Do not eXpose yourself by running about during the day, 7, When enel:lY plnnos n·1pcar, everyone must lie down aild strive to be well covered or camouflaged,

8, Blackout con~ol must be strictly obsGrvcd, No light or fire is allowed n t night and no sraoking during tho day, Equipment and app­ aratus or white olothing must not bo c~oeed• 9, During n march, all typos of automatic \lonpons mt.lst be reudy to fire, When stationary, such ·"eupona must bo well cttmoufluged 1n thoir posi tiona, l

1 n, T,-, ~,~,..-::-. _____ ..,. ·- ...... 4 • " ~ -- ... .. "" uvu.u"' o.uamy nl-'l LoJ.J.J.pry I-l.ro ~a cncouw.. u.t·uu. a.ul-:.J.ng c-1 m~~ch 1 disperse immedintoly, Observe orders; do not bocot11e confused,

f'l f'\Mti'T T"o 'C'i'MI'!'IT b. l .. VVUJO "'".v ...... ,._...... SECUR lU INFOR}!ATIIDN ' DI<:CLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318191

CC!NFIDENTIAL • • SECrcJR I TY IHFORH>S !0.:11 ENCLOSt.llll!:: (3) to lst )•IA'T DIS No, 58 of 27 Febr'lnl')' 1952 ------EXTRhCT FROU 'JILI'£,.RY Ii•'TELLIGENCE SERVICE cc";GJP, FAR ~ST "BJ:.LETIN, ll:NEl!rY DOCm:~iENTS, KOFO:Jk~l\ OPBlth.ri'IOES, 11 ISSUE NO. ?2, COPY NO. 64 :Pamphlet, IL1meographed in Chinese and English, eontaining in­ structions on P\1 interro~Zation at the front lines. Date and issuing au thor 1 ty unknown. ..- ' Captured: ( C'X 8448) - da_te unknow{l Reed i:ISGjFE: 27 Dec 51

~Ull translation and reprod·ucti.ztn: Instructions. fer Usin2; Interrogation Form. )!any prieonere of 11ai' have been capt1r'ed by various uni ta dur­ ing combat, Due to lack· of Engl,ish-speakihg personnel in the field, \;o \;ere unable to interrogate the psU in time to obtain information in :ceg~ u. to the enemy 1 s :front llne. For.this reason, t>~e have :f're'­ quently lost many opportunities to annihilate the 6nomy and to ob­ tain success in ba'ctles. To alleviate this problem, "" have pre­ pal'~d ~chc.::s~ fo.t·ms tor intel.""ll"Ogation of FatV,

Genoral instructions aro as :t'ollo~>s: 1. Give tho interrogation form to 'Ghc ps1·1 imLited1ately upon capture and rocuiro them to fill in the blanks. This furnishes. ue 11ith an understanding of the gen­ eral 1stuat1on of the enemy's front, 2, In case of emergency, hove the PeW first fill in the itoms \'lhich al'O imperative Io:r· immediate analysis,

3, Separace. 'che PelT ·._hen filling l.n tho forma, and thereby prevent them from submi ttlpg false information. 4, If there ru.•e too many Pelf to process, the interrogator ma.v select a fe1; to fill in tho :t'orms, Also, he should ask tho PsW; "Who is your highest ranking officer? Show 1 me 11ith your hand,"

5. 'J:o prevent unnecessary d.elay, tho interroga'~ors shouJ.a. always hi.-.ve sufficient pencils on hand for 'cho Ps'·/ to fill in the forme, ('XN '£ho ·fo11011ing is an exact reporduotion of the original English.) l. 11h1ch unit do you bel one; to? Fill in tho :t'ollouine; blanks Hi th ;,rabio, _

US.,____ .DIV ___ __,REC:-T ____,BN ____.co __....JLAT_B~ll-

~;; DIV______,REGT ____,BN___ CO_ PLAT_S.::J)__

2. Dr-B.w out a line under- one ot tha tolling poats that you take. Executive Officer -·staff- Political O:t'f1cor- 10'-lartermaetor­ Surgeon Radiomen Drive:r - :.:esscngcr - Cannoneer Observer-· Soldier Deteoter - Oiphor O:f':f'ioer ... gent iiili tary ;'.dvisor- ;,nt1tank Soldier Technical Officer - Tank Driver ;,dj ut&nt




Infantry .•. Cavalry Battery ----· Engineer ·-c- gommissaria t 'n ..... 1 ~ ....,,.._m ...... ,...... ~ ...... , ....,, .:z~~ Soldier - Chemical Corps= Hili tary • ....,.._..._..._.V- .,1.'-'\,..'..L.,i.~~ ...... Cl.ot. V..J.l..l.,I.O.

4. 1·/ha',; is yollr rank? b.nwser by m~ans o:f draNing line as s"Gate~ a­ bove.,

l:aJ Gen - Brig Gen- Col - Lt Col - HaJ - Capt- lst Lt - 2nd Lt - \varnant Officer - Sgt Naj Sgt - Cpl - ?fc -?vt

5, HoH many parsons in· yolli' Regt, En 1 Co, plat, and Sqd? Fill in the following blanks with Arabic, Regt___J>crsons Bn___J>ersons

Co. ____....~Persons Plat_yersons Sqd ______Persons 6, Dra11 out a detailed p1ctllre of your position, in Hhich you mark out; a, Location of yollr commanding post, b. Location of your machine gu.n. c, Loaa tion of yollr cannon, d, Persons in each little position. e, Distances between the positions. f, Entanglements on the exterior of yollr posi t1on. 1Vhen mapping,

The mark !>- is the representa t1on of a commanding post, The mark + is the r epr e sen tc. t1o n of a l1ght machine ' gun. The mark b is tho ropresenta t!.c n of a heavy me.ohine gun. The mark c:b is the r epresentadlion of a mortar, / 'The mark \) is the representa tlon or a howi tzor.

1 i ho mark ~ is the repl'esentation of a "oldier, '<"...... ,_, The mark is the representation of wire on tangl ooo~ t, Jllhe mark L:J is the :representation ct. a land m~nc,

"be mnrk ~ ~s the repr esenta t1on ot wood entanglement,

~ l'he mark is the repreaenta'uion I 6 of a tank. As to the distance, You first dra11 oi.tt a connective 'h.~+---.-.- line I..II:;UWO"CU t:l--- v t:J.:--· ;y 'two posi tiona 1 then mark Ollt how many th~ dis- with arabic in the l.Wit ot meter,


DI<:CLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318193 • CO l~IDE:\rr-IAL • SEOURITY t!WORI>li>TIO 1; ------Continqed Page No, ~hree ------~ - - - For exrunvle: ~-·-135 H -dJ -~ ~--1.-- l l . 1'·~------· 7, How about the percontar;e ot the new and old so'j.d1er:s in your aquad, platoon; unc1 oompany'? Fill in the following blanks l•Ji th Arabic,

~----·Old soldiers Old soldiers --~Old soldiers Sqd l'lat~~~ Co - ____.Now soldiers _____.N.:w soldiers ___Ne;~ soldiers 8. ifnat ia your mission? .Anewer by means of d..ra.H1ng line as stated ; above.

A tta.ck1ng = Defending -= Covor!ns- Patz'!ollin,g - F.etreating - ;pursuing 9, lJhl.oh d1root1on do you prepare fCJr attacking? Hark out tli th a line on the following cross,

N w E s Fill in the fon n>:·· lO. \fl1.ich ur'IJ. t is your right flank (left fle.nk). ~-----.· ing blanks,

Right hanlt__ Div_Rogt ___ Bn __co ___"-')?lat_~_Sqd Lett Flank _D1v__ Rof(t_Bn_Co ;plat____ Sqd

ll. wnali is "Gh..:; mission ox· l'ne troops in your left and right? .knswer b;• m~ans of drawing line as atatod above,

'D ~ ...... l ... ~· 'W1 .-. .... 1... I i. ++'"' ... 1.. ~ """"' T"'nof'n""t'llii'\N ... ~."~ ...... 'nll'lt"M .... "J"J .lj,.,,.,. .. ,.L,Q.!,~Io. • A I.IVU.Vi.,_ ... ~~t=, , .;;.~~ u~;~ .u ... e:,u~o~ .vv.o. ..,.., ..... -..ue;:, ..... v " ...... ~~o "_....,...,...,. .... Rotrea t1ng :Pursuing Left Flank: "'ttack1ng Defending Covering Patrolling Retreating pursuing 12, By uh1ch d1r,ction your troops iletroat? !1ark out wi·;h line on 'the :t'ollowin[( cross,

s 13, rlbich un1 t is your roar guard troops? Fill in th\l :t'ollo1-1ing blanks,

Roar guard: __DIV _REr ~ ...... , ... ,llN---'-00 ...... JLAT~SQ,D,



ENC:SOSURE (3) to 1st H.;.~r DIS NO. 58 Coniimted page l!o, Four ------

14, !loll :f"ur :!"rom your roar guard troops to your posi t1on 1 :!"ill ln the following blank, - Distance 15, Dl.'e.u out a &lmple pioturo of your rear guard d<)fens1 ve. posi t1oh according to the regulations given 1n the 6th questlon~


CONFIDENTinL • SECURITY INFOR!in'l'ION • ------~ ~ - ~ ------~'Ut'1'!'At'lffT'l~ fA\ of-.._ "1,.,+- 'M_t,;-..4--('j \.t .... ,, ~:cr. nf 27lrl•. Qb:c'U!'.l"V 1952 LW.'IV,WV!o,JVLl.C.. \'=I \IV oi.D"' !'.U:.O~ JJ~a,J ~~""• UO - " - .... - -- - - .... - - - - - ...... ------·- ~ ------··- - -~ EXTRACT FRO!! HILI'l'ARY IN'l'liLLIGENdi:i: SERVICE GROIJl>, F,.R E;;.3T, 11 ll'JLLFli'IN, ENEl•IY DOClJJ;EN'l'S, KOREnN OPERATIONS" !SSUE Noo 75, GO!'Y No, 64, Oiroulo.r nir.1oogrnphod in Oh1noao, dt\tod 12 Nov 51, ti tlod. "l'ro­ tootion of tho Equipment of Downod EtlOt1Y Planes" iseucd nnd sou­ led by 47thArny (Corps), CCF, ~ Cupturud: 12 l\'ov 51 •'',"~.. t ;t,. Rood ll!SG/FE: 20 Doo 51 Full trt\neln tio n: Ordor 47th Army (Corps) CCF CHIAN-LING-TZU No 2 l2 Nov 51 Army Hondqunrtors S1.tbjoot: The proeorvo.tion of :po:rts nnd Qquipncnt of downed airplanes. Relaying nn order fran Volunteer Arny Hondqunrtcrs, In spite of tho fnot thnt quito a number of onony airplanes huvc boon shot do"n in tho p!lBt yoo.r, very f0w po.rts nnd little equipment wore obtained from them, This is l(ll'goly duo to tho fact thnt there ho.s not boen uny wx•1 ttGn pr=oc0dur-o govur-n1ng the d1sposal of downed enemy ulrplnnos, Tho natives, on t1uny ocosions, burned them beonuso of hatred, At other tines, they dismantled nnd sold thom piecemeal for pr i vo. te prot' it.., ·· It is said thnt eovornl hundred millions (TN Denomination not gi von) cnn bo gnincd fror.1 ono downed B-29, 50 millions from one l?-51 or F-80, and that one battory is worth n hundred thousand, This is indeed a great loss of nvintior. eqttipmant, At the present time, tho underdeveloped av1ntion industry of our countl:•y is fur from being nblo . to supply. whnt we need, Various pnrts and oquipr.10nt of uno~:1Y uil'pll!n, cnn be used on our planes. :I'hercforo, the proccdur0 governing tho dir·­ posal of dotmGd cnony oirplnncs in tho fu turc lws boer: formulated us tollo,wo: l, The troops in tho vloinity of nny downed oner.ty a1rcrnft with the responsibility of its preservntion and prompt nrc chnrgod 1 cruCJou:t:lt~e;e, No pnrta or nppnrntus should be> romoved from the plnno, Construct field \vorks for it· whcm possible, Irillllodia toly report throu' proper ohnnnols or to tho n1r liaison field enlvngc teem of YONG~J T.I\JON

2. FOUl' copies of cu.t· \tJ.J. J.outol:) WJ.J.J. ue slg:-nod by both tho responsible unit end tho snlvngo team for transfer of the plnno in qu.oetion, 3, All plnn0s, hos tilo or friendly, which land in KOREA · (Sic) will be handled by tho air liaison enlvage teous, No other un1" is nllo11cd to disno.ntlo such planes without proper nu thor iztl tion. 4, Tho unit of indi vidunl rcsponsl blu for thu successful prosorv n tion of do1mod oirplnncs will bo rounrdea by Volunteer Army Hot:~dqucu""l to1:·a und Air Foroo Heud.quartors. CONFIDENTIAL SECURITl Il~FOB:.'oL1.T!ON


' ' '

CONFIDENT!nL SECURITY INFOR!I,..TION• ------~- -.--- w -~ u ~ ~- -·~- ~--- ~- ---- ENCLOSURE (4) to lot 1-U:,\'1 D!S ~tQl 58 'c:ontin.. lcd pngc No. 2. - ~------11 E.x'J'Rb.OT FROM l'ILIT,..RY INTl!LLIGENOE SERVICE GROUP, F;Jl &.ST, 1>JLLE1'!1:, ENEi-!Y DOOUHENTS, KOREi.N OPERrtT!ONS, 11 ISSJE No. '13, COPY No, 64, 5, setting t'iro to such plnncs or cxtraotlng pnrts for snlc ore strictly pron1bitcd, It is required thrtt thoao instructions be olcnrly understood nnd oboo:rvod b"'.i n.ll un! to.. TSAO L1-hun1 Arm~ (Corps) co

~1 LI Jon-lin ;~ J?oli t1onl Conniss ioner ".,, LIU Hsion~chunn Aest Army CO CHIANG Ko-oheng Asst Chief ot' Staff



( ,-. ' ,-, - f i! n r---\ 11\·• . [- " l I :... •• '-.... • \ f . / \ '···- ' I \ I . / l I I \ ,__ ' I r-~~,i V i f·--\ I \II \1 L . . \ VVlf\JG


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INTELLIGENCE c ~r·>_, \\ ) C:. I II\ /i f\~ R Y 1 ,r, \,.....- \....)IVI!VII-\1 \ \ . ~)

' \ .,., /

; r,) NU!!BEl:\ __· ._,_,

/~ . ' \::/. ~1t:.18


DECLASSIFIED DICCLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318198 Haadqllarters • e.~t liwine Ai.:r I·M.nr;·, F'!JF o/o Fleet Poet Of:t'ioe, Slln Frano!Soo 28 FebrUFY 195:/l SECRET SECURITY INFOR!!ATIO!\ 1ST i!Ait DAILY Il\TELLIC-ENCE SUUiARY NO, 59 Map Reference: Air Approach Chart of Korea, scale 1:250,000 (UTMi 1. Enemy Air .f.ctivi tLJl'eriod ending 272400/Il There were three (3) enemy aircraft sightings for the period. RanginG from tho CHONG CHONG to.the YALV River,

27 F~86sl flew patrol in tho SINUIJU area be~Joen 1600/I and ' 1615/I observing 198 MIG-15s I and encountering 20 of s!lllle from 28,0001 to.40,000I claiming 1 lliG-15 destroyed and 3 damaged with no dumar;e resulting to friendly aircraft,

2 i!IG15sl were oncountorod at 47,0001 by 28 F~B6sl, These F'-86s 1 obGerved.. 80 HIQ--l5s 1 in tho CHONG CHONG and YJ!.!}J River area f:rorn 1032/I to 1115/!, !&:> claims 1;cro reported and no damage to friendly aircraft resulted,

A flight of five F-66sl while on patrol in the CHONG CHO~~ and YAW Ri vor area observed 126 l!IG-15s' oncount<'ring 12 I!I~l5s I bc- ~~_"'O~~ 3~,o~~~ ~~~-· 4? 1 ~o~~_:_os;!;t~~ng in on~ !Il~l5d~'_'l~f;iS~ N~ !h.~" ,_ U.e.\.lllttt)l;l \.o!,) J.-'."J.UU.u.J.,)' tl..U'IJL'i:.t.L lilt 'J:LJ..l.t:i. OUC'.J..I'.t't;H~ UU:t.IWUUJI .L.UJ.Uf.L ei.IJU. .L.l)iJOf.L• Special -Report: Over YB. 4980 at 0006/I, an F-94 intercepted a F0-2~ After reporting to the controller nt. 0006/I tho.t· he 1-Ja.S mak1ng anothor pass at tho bog1o, all contact \las lost with the friendly aircraft, A flash 1ms observed by another aircraft in tho· area at YB. 4980, 20001, at approximately 0015/I. one F-94 vas claimed as lost, 2, Flak (Period 262000/I to 272000/I)

Flttk wua encountered .in a!x (6) inatancoe during the period. lw damaco resulted to friendly aircraft, \•Teather ~rae reported as CAW, .

• At 0825/I, a flight of 12 F9F-2Bs 1 ::'rom 1/l~....Jll on an I/D mission, reported monger, inaccurate A\r and SA firo at 4 0001 over YD 5618, oj; 1 An I/D mission from VHA-121 aons1st1ng of 8 AJr2si rcaol.ved , 50 and 20mm firo at 5500 I reported as meager and inaccllrato, This was in tho BU 5233 aroa at 0827/I. This same flight oncountcrcd inaoc­ _..•J.ro.to rnodorv.tc 3?mm tire in the BU 53a6 c1.l"ca at 5 1 500!. Hodorato, inaccurate Hvy t'ipns fire was reported at BU 6146 at! 1258/I by 12 F9F-:i.Bs 1 from VHF-~U on nn I/D r.;1ss1on at tho v.l t! tude of 17,0001,

""~~A ~ligh~ <:?1t? :€'D-2s 1 from VM:A-121 on an I/D mission in the BU vvuu ou·~a a• J.vUU/l roportoa 1nacourato nodorate A~/ firo at 4,0001, 11hilo at nn altitudo of 3,500' an I/D nission from VHF~ll con­ sisting of' 1~ F9F-2Bs' received A1·r :f'iro ropor-tod. c,s modol"ato, lnnco­ uratc. This was nt b~ 5235 at 1726/I.


DECLASSIFIED DICCLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318199 . ,. ~~Wtl~iTY !NFOR!LC.T!. ~ - - - - - ~ ------1ST J;i;\1' D..:.ILY INTELLIGENCE SUJnrz,.RY (Continued) •Pnc;c l\'o 2 ------~· ------3, Non-Vehicular Dnnnr;o Aae9etnont ((orlod 262000/I .to 272000/l) I SIGHTINOO COORDINATED DESTROYED Di-JT..;.GED Ro.11ronds YD 5321, YC 37?0, B\l 5761, BU 5235, :CC 3673, BU 5335, llU 5429, BU 5437, Bt) 5843' 00 5431, :co 4028 24 Guts Rond CT 0429 2 Outs 2 C,un Pooi tiona DT 2494 1 Boxcr~X s ru 5.'335 2 4; ssesaoent eriod 262000 I to

Thoro were no veh1olo sightings during the period, 5, Ground Situation (por1od Ending 2?1800/Ij

I US CORPS - A light pntz;ol olnsh "i th 'o sm~.ll group o:f onor.zy w(,l.o ro.IJorted by tho 279th Regt ot tho 45th Div. This was the only reported notion in tho I Corps nren,

rx us CORPS - Tho 2nd Div reported a light patrol olnsh botwe~n an onooy squad and a patrol o:f the 9thRegt during the night, In the 2nd ROK Div sootor, patrols o:f the 31st ROK Regt engaged three enomy plntoons early in the morning - no signif'iot~nt notion re­ sulted, In the 40th Div seotor n patrol of t~he 223.r•d Rogt forced a sonll group of enemy to withdraw after a short 1'1rc-:r1ght, Hn~ small br1of' contacts wore roportod in th~ 3rd ROK Div sector, with P.o sign!t!cc.nt notion resulting, In the. 7th. ROK Div sector, outpost post tiona of the 8th ROK Regt were nttncked by approxlraately three enemy platoons at 0010/I. In-: ·;;cmao mor tnr and SA- fire was brought to bear on the enemy f'oroi ng them to withdraw shortly afterwards,

In the X Col--:pe D.l"ea and tl1c I ROK Corps ur-ea, thor-o w"t'~s hegative enemy contact reported,

6. Nnvnl A1YI nnd sll~fnoe ilCt!v.tty {per1orl Endinp; 252400/T Feb)

Carrier bnsed aircraft flew a tot,~l or 161 sorties for the per ioc. nnd the Patrons flow 17, Fast carriers, ESSEX and ANTIETAM, :flying 126 sorties, attacked till' gets from CHAHO to 1'/0NSbN, west to SONGCHON. Destruction was claimed of' 44 railcars, 6 oxcarts, 4 oxen, 6 boats, 4 trucks, 3 buildings, and 1 RR bridge, .!.lao claimed uere 29 rail outs nr1d 1 locomotive d.o.mt1god., Tho GLORY's planes, flying 35 sorties, attacked in tho HWhNGHAE province; destroying· and domnging r:1nny hoqeeaJ stnrting fires with secondary o>:plosions, East Coast Surf a co ,..otivi ty - At tho 5or.tbl1no, tho HIGBEE des­ troyed 6 houses, dar.~agod and act :t'irc to many personnel shelters. Tho ST. PbUL and tho BUCK fired on bunkers and otrong points in tho nroa, Tho OORLINGTON patrolled in the HJNGNAH aren, The WALKER, HEN­ DERSON, TAUI'O nnd the ENDICOTT fired on Yb.NGDO arJd q.ctivG shoro battery at ~ 4617 silencing tho ahoro guns, . ·... SECRET SEOJRITY I NFORHATION

DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318200 • SECRET • SjOOURlTY INFORJ~TIO!'l""" - - -. - ...... - .... -.- - - -- No 3 1ST H•>li Di.lLY lN'l'ELLIGEl~OE NO, o9 (ContimcO.) •Pngo ~ ~ - w ------~ ~ ------~ = nrao, tho 1tost~onst sur:tnoo got1vl;l;~ ;. In tho SOK~o-CHOOO ~:l.i'l>ld I:Ht tho noinlund, The ROTOITI, CR'l:LON, ~RKE und tho c cRh:bE on on tho 1'/0LW.&-00 1 SUNNIOO ptttrol~ fired on troop ooncontz•atlons. 702 fired on junks nonr YONGHOOO nnd tho CAYiJG.;, th. c WJ.inland. Tho PC tho junks to nlso fired on junks reported invading MU-00 1 oousing wi. thdrnw, 7. Hi scellonoous 11 Enclosure (l), 11 Tho Chinese Cor.ununist Air Force , by Unitod Sta tea registered nail or registered cuor'. Trnnsr.11ssion iJ, 5, Navy Secur­ r.mil is authorized in ocoordnnoo wi til Article 0'7051 ity M-'"tmn1 ;for Classified Matter, 1951,

J, tt. ST.i>GE LtCol., 'JSHC • .i>Co:t:S 1 G-2

Co1'Y to: - CG 1 FNFJ?oo CG 1 A1rFMFPnc CG, latl'!arDiv AIO, Oor.1Fu1i-;.A.lar.1ed.ct CO, MAG-12 CO, Hll.G-33 (5) 00 1 ~L4.CG-2 CO 1 VM0-6 CO, HMR-161 co 1 le t90tllilAAAGunBn His tor icalO stuff File




Korean War• ., Project. • • • USMC-00318201'1 • • • I!EORET·~ ·- ' . ; · , !lECUP.!TY lNFORMATIO. · ------ENCLOSURE (l) to letMA\~ tllS NO.• 59, of 28 !'obruury• 1952 ~ ~ ------~ -- - -- ~ ~ ~ ~ ------tiJE OHINESS COMMUNIST AIR FORCE The Chineee Communist Air For~e, although one of the world's youc.geet, 1e rapidly developing-into a modern air force. This rapid development is the direot result of extensive Soviet aid, ~~~~nf~g t~~ o~~~~~e o~o::~~f~t Hll1~i~i~;c:"~e;~~R:r: t and 1n the BAC;.G!tOUND OF 1'!i!!; AIR FORCE The Chineeo Communist Air Force was not rorgan1zed until 19461 received limited pilot although a ~ew Qhi~e~e Communists aeparentl~ 1946 tralnlng unaer ~ov~e~ -auspices in tue late ... 9:50' a. Early in the Chinese Communists apparently established a tra1n1ng center at. Chiamuesu, in eastern Manchuria, Former Japanese air personnel, airplanes, and equipment were utilized by the Ob1nese Communists in organizing this unit. Insufficient and inadequate ecu1pment resulted 1n only slight progress And little actual training et the Chiamussu training oenter.from 1946 to 1949, Apparently, Soviet RSs1atance to the Chineae Communist A1r roroa 1n the per1od 1946-60 was largely limited to technical ~ssiet~noe and guidance, the latter etf\gee of the o1v11 wAr betwaen t-he Ch1nese turing of • Nation~liste and Communists in 1946-49, increAsing numbers trained ijh1neee Nationalist air personnel defected, or were CAptured with t1he1r aircraft, These additions to thuir Air Force enabled the Chinese Commu.niets to orgP.n1ze R· centrAl training in­ stallation in south-central Manchuria, with one or more subsidiary unite in e•stern Manchuria, After the "People' e Republic of China• was estAblished on 1 Hendquartere was est~blished October 1949 1 the People's Air Force e.s the top echelon of the Chinese Communist A1r Foroe. This ":~ Headquarters, like the Heaqquarters of the Chinese Communist Navy, ...~": is subordinate to the Headquprters of the People's Liberation ·~ Army, There is no novel air· arm, · The Air Force Headquarters did not begin to orgonize however, U<•til after the signing of the Sino-Soviet aystemationlly, time: 30-year mutual Ass1at~nce pact !n February 1950: At that un4ertook to furni.sh the technical the Soviet Union apparently of a ~~uidance, aircraft, and equipment to develop nn air force It was presumed, d~ring this neriod of m~tually a~reeti size, was development,~t the goal of the Chinese Communist Air Force to establish an air arm of sufficient strength to neutralize effeot1vel~ the offensive and defensive .capnb111ty of the Chinese Natiunal1a~ Air Faroe. BEGAN PEV•cLOPi~ENTS SIUCE THE "ON!AN NAR I The advent of the war between North and South Korea in June 1950 ~nd its subsequent developments appear to have altered considerably the mission And orgPni~llhon of the Chinese Communist Air Foroe. Development of the Oo:r.munist tr~ctic of employj._ng so-cRlled "volunteer" forces in the Korean Wer undoubtedly included 1 when it appenred feeaible, the utilization of the Chinese Communist Air Force's air p0tentiRl in the Korean ~ir conflict, Ae the air effort springs from an air-plntf.orm bOAted within dommu;1ist wholly to the Manoht.~rinn Air aanctupry, and 1e limited Almost the area controlled by the Communist Ground Forces, all the components of the Communist a1r force particip~ting in the Korean war have not been definitely identified.

An ~lr defense force, equ1pned w1th ehort-rAnge, high­ Jet-type ~ircrAft; developed rapidly during 1951, performance, United It O~idencea the oepab111ty of eer1o~ely challenging


DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318202 ------·------ENCLOSURE (l) to loti4AW DIS NO• 59 of 2B FobrlletrY• 1952 Pnr:ro No, 2 ------'T - ~ .... - .. - -- ..,.,._ ------

Nations air superior~ ty over n·,rthwestern Korea. This development ia o.msiderod to hav~ ~een a project of euoh ma~n1 tude that it fAr :66~~s~i:~f~~ ~~~~~\~ ~~~ge:~t0 ~~rrt~!a;e;i;ttFgf 0 ~i~c c~~~;i;~~: r~he a·xten~, therefore, of Chlneee Communist Air Force integr11ti~n int~ the present Communist air effort 1n KoreB 1e not known. It PppeArs probable that ell Cc>mmuniet taot1oAl air uni ta loo~tec1 within Manchuria -- regardless of the fact that they may be Chinese Communist Air Force, North Korean Air Foroe 1 or of unidentified subordination -- nre under the ope.rAt!0n~l c~ntrol 0f a C'">mmuniet Air Heac'iquarters, possibly loc11ted at Hukden. The degree ?f control thie command possesses over tacticAl Air units locAted in C'lhin~ nrone,. is not oleAI'. Althou~h there is some evidence thnt the -MRnohuria Air-HeRclqu11rters hail complete operAtionAl o ontr.-,1 of these units. At least there appears to be an over-,11 coo:rdinated control of units which move from ChinA proper int~ Manchuria and vice versa. Ae the extent ot the ~ntegrRti.on ie tl'.Jt kro~.QWn, 1 t does not appear feAsible pt this time to attempt to ieolpte thAt E~~:~~~' ~r ..~~~h C~~~u~:s~ ~~~-~~~g~~!l1 ty within ChinA proper and I ...... ,~ ...... uu...... ~..,. ... ~ • ..,h-...... ~ ______uniet Air Foroe~

It 1s believed that immediately eubor~inate to the People's Air Force Headquarters of the Chinese Communiat Air Force ·are the Air Foroe Headquarters in. each or the e1x military ar-eas 1nto which Communist China is divided; i.e., Northeeat, North 1 East, Central and South, Southwest, and Northwest. The relatilnehip bett·men these c~mmanlle and the tfl_ot1offl un1 te. within their geographical jurisdiction is obscure, although it appea!'s that, in general, only administrative control is exercised ·oy the area commands. reot1cal units of all three f~roes which may be commi tteu to the air war in Kdrea are believed to be under the operational ocmtrol of n combined headquarters at Mukden. Comm~~rs; 1 ~1; 1 ~;;~~? 1f~~gp~i;i;I~nti: ~~;tgafi~t~;~~o~~ktQ~nt~~~: regiments, but it appears that only two of the three are schedUled for activation at this time. A totAl of 2:3 diviei~na appears to o~mst1tute the preeently planned :f'ra:nework for the clevelopment of the Communist ait forces ln China and Manchuria, There ie no ' reeson to assume, however, that this marks the llltimate g?el of their strength, as, until recently, the framework was b'elieved to include only 16 divisions. !f the previous rate of expansion oont1nlles 1 the 23 division force probably is an ~ntermediate

anAl.<,..>- --- ~ At present, ll divisions have b&eo identified by numerical designation. Subor(\inAte to these identified divisions are eight nllmerically identified a1v regiments and eight regiments whose numerical identity has not been estl!blished. In addition to these 16 regiments, there are 27 adJ.itional regiments ~rh?ee cl.ivial.Jnal at'f111at1.-;n 1s unl'"... '1ow:.. Out of this total of 43 regiments., 18 are believed to be indigenous Chinese Communist Air Foroe regiments, 3 are North K1rean Air Force, and 24 jet regiments make up the remainder of the total Communist Strength, Recent !'eliable reports of the presence over Korea of up to five twin-engine j eta indicate the possib11.1ty that Rt le:>et the nucleus of a Type-a (or ME-262) lln1t has been adued to the Communist air strength.



------~------59 o:t' 28 FcbruflrY• 1952 Pnr;o Jjo, 0 ENCLOSURE______(1) to lstNAW ...... DlS NQ,______

1 nume~~~a~ax;:i~n:·~i~~! 1 ~~e~h~Y l~~~t~i~:~ ~~;i·~fo~! !6ng the ( air forces unuer the operational c>ntrol of a Commun1at Air purposes, these f·Jrcee Hendquartere sug€'eets that 1 for all practioa.l are, or will be., mergecl 1nt~ a single Communist air force. Such a merger would be Ol.(la1stent w1th 1he manner in which ctnita· of the Chinese Communist Ar~y retained the1r original numerical designntione even,thc;ugh entering the Kore"n War as 11 V~lunteers 11 • The strength of the Communist air foreoa in China by type and number of aircrAft is shown bel0~• •. Of the total of 11.900 planes, 9CO are jet fi~htere nf undeterm1ne~1 aubnrd1nati'1nJ 6?0 are Chinese Communist ~ir F0rce planes, end 130 are North K0rean Air F~rce planes. SUMNI,RY OF AIRCRAFT STRENG1'f!8 IN COMNUPST CiFNA ill@.. ROLE TOTAL NO, AND TYPE AIRCRAFT Fighter Jet aoo MIG-15l 1oo M!G-9, YAK-15, YAJ(-17 Piston 250 120 LA-9(80-CCAF;40-NKAi) 80 LA-11 ( CCAF) 50. Y.LK-'Ib, 9 •(NIAF) Attaolt 160 ( 120-CCAFJ40..NKAF) 160 IL-10 Light B0mber 240 (CCAF) 240 TU-2 Transport 150 (CCAF) 125 LI-2, IL-12 25 C-46 1 C-4'1 T.r·a1ning 200 type 2, 99 YAK-11, 12, 18. ------


8 key ;~~~~n!~i ~}~~s;n a t~~In8~i~:s! 8~m~~ni~~o~f~ t~~~c ~~o~i t~~~gh Liu Ya-lou i~ ltnown to be its o,~mmAnder,. Liu graduated from the Chinese Re

A l ... ealietio assessment of Corrunun!.st E".ir CA.pabilitiee_ in c~mmunist China must encompass all in the Rrea regar.'llees of natLmality, Therefore, the fallowing discussion of cApabilities in the Korean air war includes WhAtever units of Chinese Communist Air Farce and North j(orean Air Force mRy be committed Ra well As the jet unite whose subordination is as yet undetermined, This combined air force has succeeded in attaining a degree of air in northwestern Korea north of the Ohongoh<~n River euper1or1ty I SECRET SECURITY INFORMATION


SECRET SECURITY INFOfu'~TION• • ------~ w ------ENOL05URE___ .,. ____ (1) to ,.. lsti'iiiW___ ....DIS _____ NO, 59 of...... 28 Fcbrunry______1952 _ Pur;c No, 4

to the point tnnt B-291a ho.Ve been foroecl -to f!banlt Jn daylight ... e>pel'ntione oval' that area 11\ or·:•er to avoid prohibitive losses. Even numerous flghter-borr.bers on intercUction miaei )J16 in the ""ea hnvc been .forced to jettis:m their lo·ads befc.:r•e ro~ch1ng their_ targets. Communist efforts to develop a nl.,:ht intercept capability Rgainst Uniteu Nations aircraft by Communist night interceptors imlicated ,a mnrked increAse in this capRbili ty. The o >ntinually 1 increasing r~nge of activity of the MlG-15 s, combined ~rl.th persistent Commuu.ist "ttempta t0 c'lnetruct And maintain airfields t0 Dush their in Norht K0rea 1 · ir.dicates th?t the C0mmu,1ist intend l'.l'ea 0f el.r 0'10trol southward. If they can Attain a degree of air auperior1 ty perrr.i tting use 0f cnnvent1>:mal ancl jet aircraft fl'om these fields, they will be within range of United Net1ons ~·l"•ijund installati'~ns. The rate et \-Jhioh thie expAns1nn "):f air superiority will coeur is Almost entirely up t'> the decision 0f the C0mmunists, it pl'esent levels 0f United Netione air etl'ength P..re maintained.





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~-/-.'·' L-~ + 'J 0 .,. L['i '0! 'l DM'E {.) v L J !J,L ... (j ' p

c. "\) \·. ' c., ' cJ l c•'


•!·t>l!! Headquarters . , • ;:,·''' ~~st l1&r1ne A;r ;til_ll;,,lfl~: , _ cfo Fl'e,et Post ornoe, :;anrtJ':r~T•cJ.aco ' " l j!, !! ',, 29 February 1952

SECRET SEC jRl'i':l INFOR;ii.UO N 1ST li,/1\f Db:U#. INTl!ls/5IGENCENO: SU:il!@l

Uap Refer enoe: .Air hpproaoh Cha.l' t ot Korea~ 1, Enemy Air Activity (Period Ending 2~2@/I Feb)

Tne t~ea ther was operational in all target areas of ;:or ea. There was only one enemy sighting during the period, Hh"-le on patrol north of the CHONG ¢!lONG River, 27 F-86sl fly 1 ng at 44,ooo• observed 30 III

There wol:'e nine encounter a 11i th tlalt x•cportod by lat MAlf p1lots for tho por1od, 2 airc~aft rocoivod damaGe; an F9F and an F4U, At 2100/I, an F7F-:3N of VilF(N)-1'>13 Hh!lo on a strip alor·~ (N/IN) re-ported meagcr and 1nncourato Ali :firo at DU 0909 Hhilo flying at 12-,ooo1, Nhilo on a N/AR m1asion, 1 F7F..:3N or VJ.IF( N)-513 at 0145/I re­ ported moderato ti.nd 1raccura.tc A11 f'1ro o.t CT 957:3 l~hilo attaclr..!!"..g trucks at 1,000 1 , At 0205/I this aamo airora.tt received monger and. innoourato A1'f :t'1rc while attnclcing trucks at Co:/ 2895, .

At BU 5339, 12 F9F 1 S of VliF-:311 uhilo on an I/D mission repe)t"tod mear-;er and accurate J..i'f fire at 08:32/I. Aircrnft woro :f'lying from in right ooor to 2 1 000' during attao\l:, 1 F9F recehod minor damagc wing stub, 5 F4U•4Ba 1 or ViiF-212 reported meager and inaccurate At~ i'ire while nttaclting targots nt CT 8650 while fly1rtg nt e·,ooo• n.t 0960/!f ' At 1250/I, 8 AD~2s 1 of Vi!A-121 received manger and Innccurl.\te Ati fire at .BJ 5428 Hhilo flying .at 5,000', · 11 F9F 1s or VMF-:311 reported moage,r and 1oocourato Aif n:o!e llt 1251/I 11h!le attacking railroad at Btl 5540, A1roraft ~roro :flying at 2, 500' o.t timo of report. · At CT 6925, •l F4JS 1 or ViiF-:32:3 Hhile on a search m1sa1on reecivod mod.ornto and accurate .ii.,~ f1ro !'lt 1610/! '!t.rhllc fl~r;!.ng nt 5;;0001. 1 F4U-4B was damaged 1n the right wing by a 20mm sholl, 1fll!le flying at 5,0001 over BU 5B3B, 8 .i.D-2' s of Vl•lA"'l21 reported meager and ioocourato J..\1' fire at 1704/I, ·



SECRET SEotrRITY INFORli.i.'L'ION• • ------= ~ ------~------1ST ilil.\1 D.,ILY INTE:LLI!l-ENCE 00 }JnRY N:l, 60 (Oont1ruod) Fncc Jib 2 ------~ ------3• No~Vch1oul.c.t..ll£mnr;p .,as(le~monj [Por1o§. ??2000/I to 282000(l•j . ! ' l:·l . SIGHU!PS ;,!,!if ! OQCBD:tmj.TES , ,::1?JS'fflQXE!l PAi!AGE!l ! Bunltors• • DT 14?4 ~~~~~~ 4 '" ' M PbB1tl.ons · · · · O'l' 2895 .,~ l Rcd.lrOnd l3rid.g(r :i:c~·,Jl-: B'J 5335 ~~~t~-~~~-~ 1 J~lM Road Cu ta YO 3980 4 Cuts Rn1lronds tC 3980, BU 5426 to BJ 5843 22 Cute nnd Do.mn o .i.ssossmont or1od 2?2000 I to

SIGHl'INGS COORDIW.TES DIRECTION OF TRAVEL 50 0'11 Mea s 15 C'l' Area s 10 C'I' Area N 4 CT 2896 s 2 CT ?064 5 2 DT 05?5 s 1 CT 95?3 N l BU 6502 N ~~;~i ~!g~;;~~~; ag ?~ ~~ : 8 ~ ~~~il 5, Ground Situation (period Ending 281800/I Feb)

. I US CO~S- Outpost positions of the Div Reconn Compntzy, lat ROK Div, In he vicinity or BS 9592 received n probing nttnck trom an estimated enemy plntoon at 0210/I. After a thirty minute fire­ tight the enemy was t'orood to wi thdrnw. A p£ttrol of the 15th Regt or the 3rd Di v, cngac;ed a small enemy gToup appt'oximute1y 1,000 yds for~NG-NI and YONAN'I\FI1~s. Sevornl houses .. '· wore claimed destroyed, ono tunnel wna oln~po\l'ns blookod off and H flnr<•ni>r>ted r>e..u:ltli. .• · · sampans l

SlllORE'l' "....,...,,.., .... ·· ...... ,,..,1~~·,m"''A·u o.::.vu .n- .. _ -~·•; v.;;~.~-~• .a.v n


SECRET • ,• SECURITY INFOR!;..TION ' - ... ~ ~ ------(Oon:tfnuod) Far;o No 3 . :st ?: ~A:X.: ::i:.E!fL:G~ll~E- ~!I~lh~Y -~~· ~ ~ ---.--- 1 • In surf nco notion on tho E~:G t bor.st, in the SONG-J!N v.ronJ tho • nnd ENDICOTT fired on y;.NG-00 Is-: \iALKER 1 HENDBRSON, "r;.upo, OOYLE lund notivo shoro lj>nttoru; brid(;os, villnt;oa, tunnels nnd [;Un posi­ tions atcxtinc; r!nl",Y l'!ree• Tho U-"iLKER nnd HENDERSON ondc northern pntrol, tho TAUPO \\rM rcJ.iovod by tho l'lriR:RiJ.!\JNGA and tho HENDERSON HUNGNA!I, sail od f. o.r the HUN~lt;h H t & I ni sa 1o ns ngn1 ns t tnr r;ot s consistinG Of supplies, ·c;u.n posi tiona nnd u possible CP with un~ reported results,

on 'tho \Vest Cou.at tho CEYLON ondo !tnti•Juttk patrol at PAENCt'i.'ONG­ DO. The ROTOI'l'I and N:JOTKA were on Night Patrol frorJ \iOLLAE-DC to A'l'l:li.S.:.SKAN nnd LST 692pntrolled tho r!iiEJU npproachos, SJN\V!-00. The un­ The 000!"-t.DE hD.rrar.aod emmy positions in the CHINNJJ-!PO' area uith reported results, Tho GURKE w1th air-spot froo tho GLORY 1ntcrd1ctod enemy positions destroyed many buildings and reported supply stacks, ?. Hiscollanoous Enclosure (l) entitled •FooD SI'l'JATION IN NKP.i>", Enclosure (2) entitled ii R.E?OR·r ON GUERILLA .h.CT:i:VZ.:r'.{l!, Transmission b¥ Unitud States rogistorod ma1l or rcr;istwod guard uail is o.utl'..or1z.od in nccor>da.noc tori th .hrt1ol~ 0?05. !l ~ s~ !~Rvy Sccur1 ty Hanunl for Clnssii'iod Mnttor, 1951, •

J. ti. S'l'.i.GE LtCol. 1 USHC .ACofS, G-2 to: CG, FMF;ac CG, A1rFNFPac CG, ls tl-!arDi v .A. TO. ClnmFair .A.lruJcda ·co; ':ii.0.-12 · CO, HAG-33 (5) CO. 14;.CG-2 00 VM0-6 ·.c. -lMR-161. CO lst90r:~;, >nBL· His liul'iOttlO staff Filo


DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318209• • ------. - ~ - - - - ~ - - -. - --- ENCLOSURE (1) to lstlli.\1 DIS NO, 60 - -

The following article is an extract fron EJSriK rer1odlo Intelli­ (>ence Report no, 594 dated 26 February 1952,

FOOD SI~Ji,?IQN IN .NKPk Recent P\1 re11ote of mutton ·sh1nmenta from lianohuria to the NKJ'A BaVe rise to the speculation that there might be an impending food shortac;e in North i(orea which has necessitated the importation of food :from o:tner Communist dountriea. A survey of P\1 interrogation reports· over the period 20 Jun to 25 Fobruery shover\ the.t the 1st, 13th, 27th and 45th NK Divi­ sions hc.ve not eXperienced ~ challge in ratione for sorac time, Al­ though there was some criticism of tho qual1 ty, the quantity of 1 kt, per dny was generally considered ndsquato, The daily ;ration con­ sisted of rice, millet, beana, salt and n' times small amounts of fish nnd mont, Host PH's reportod that they t'ore served throe hot mcrtls daily, and ut,-roo that the food sit11ation had improved since the beL,ini11ng of the ycur. One P.iiJ' atntud thnt wino ttnd s:nok1nr; to­ bacco ,,ruro distributed to tho troops for the colobrLition of the Nl(lJA anniversary on 8 FQbruary, :-rhilo there are no 1nc1icv.tione tno:~ n sov.rc.ity of food ox1ato in the NKPA, thc!'c nrc ·cort.fl1ct1ng reports nbout the civilian food situation. J!nny :i'E>)'orte of food shor·to.:,e and strin ~nt rutionin:, hnve boon rocoivod d•;rinr; 'che pnst y0nr, One h1p~h-rnnll1ng NK officer, n board member of the NKPA Rail­ rend Hinist:ry-who recently deserted, prGdiotod that the food situ­ o.tion would become crucial. by l·Inrch 1952. l!o estimated that 70% of 0 nll G'l'oins crown in North Korea had. ~eon collec·Ged by Ghe c;overn­ mcnt us tnxes nnd that the remoininf; 30% 1•o·~ld be oonsuted by tl:!P.t time, He bnacd his opinion on informc.tion received in <)Oilvora~tions 11Hh r,ovo1· nment off1 cl.nle concerned Hi th food Bllpply, On the other hcnd, n loi.V .... t·;rnda nccnt rorort stated t::rw.t some food rat1on1nr; l'"v-:"d been discontinlled in the K;.ii:SONG areo..

lrh1le food is p:rob:tbly sc.nroor in North Koren tho.n 1 t HnB before tho ,,r.r·, there is no ind1co.tion ·o:t' ino.bili ty to ndeq•1r.tcly feed i'l'Ont-llno troops. n1e North Korecn F'oroes he:ve previo·~ely rec<:ivod a•1pplha from hr.noh>lr 1r., Chine. nnd sovorol o tlaor soviet an tolli te countries, The l~:Gest shipment of mutton nnd other menta mny h~.ve b&en in •·a turn for t;rnl.n suprlicd to tho Chinc~o Forces, or possibly, J~st nnothcr f(ift of the satellite co•ln'trios to euppl.emont NKP.A :t•et1o.ns.

DI>:CLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318210 , • '/ ' .•' -

------~------~------EXTlU!l!' from !Q!}fl. W>W<(LY !NTFJ,LfGl!l!lcE SllMMAllY No, 38 of 2lll'abruory 1952

During the past Week guerrillas have been eppearins in lorger 'number a, Indicating that with the withdrawW. o! T!' PAIK the gllerr1llas are apparently regro\1Ping and are of the opinion that imti~gllerrilla forces ,are moving out, This was evidenced by p.ore aggraeaive ..cHon, :Porticularly, on 13 !'ebruery When seventy (70) ene~ were contacted in tho vicinity of (CP 0258) by the 2nd Seeuri'y Eattaiion resulting in thirty-t1va {35) enemy XIA. and a;ight (8) prieonere teken, The Xyerin :Police :Sattel ion contacted seventy ( 70) enemy in vicinity of (~ 4143) result~ng in five (5) KIA, On 14 ll'ebruary, the 5th OVmpany o£ the 2nd Security ~e.ttelion enge.ged twenty (20) 1!\larrille.s; a throe hour fire fight reeultod in five (5) enemy KU, one (l) f):'iendly XlA and one (l) WIA,


As e. result of twelve (12) incidents ocouvring tho period 11 through 17 Februery, twenty~four (24) ~guer:rillas were kilied end four (4) ceytuted by elements of the 5th Security llatte.lion opor,.ting south of the Irwol J:roe in the vicinity of Yonli,yang (ER 1057). Three others were killed md erie tEtkcn prisoner in othoi• !ilea tors by local police and eleme..,ts o:f the lOth Security :Battalion,

Th!iW are findi!l..e i.t extromely liiff"icult to live in the mount~ins Em.d must :!'requently forege for :food,,, henoe melting the Korean villoges the chief victim of their depredations, It is known thet, e.t timos, vill•<;ers >rill vrovide thein shelter oithor through eympo>.ti\Y or fep,r, If suecossful in of TMi>aek denying them eccoss to warmth md food in the v1ll•ges 1 clements San Command should be able to severely curtail their effectiveness, prior to the advent of warm weather, Estimated strength of guerrilla units known to be opere.ting in this area ere as follows: Irwol .nd Yongy•ng Aroi.r.. outside so~cc Pnd.. is con­ sidored to be of suffici~nt interest to reprod:u.co. tt does not reyresent ·he (1..2 viewpoint in ell details), a · J gu.orr"-l1~.e in Southwot:t Koroe. hed boon successful in creating >ling of unrest m~ inaecurity among the pec:?le md UN forces until J advent of Oporr.t ion 1\atklller.

After the ""rivol. of T"slc Force PAIK tile people gained confidence in the 'l:~ ~ end in tho government at tho expanse of ~orrilla Md Communist opagenda. Their trust in the ROK ~ and in ROK principles continues ·ren Bl-ier tho wi thdrf\WP.l of troops. for ex~nplu: Sonii of innocent pGOpl'3 .>:oe ltidne;pped by guerrillRS, Later they were rec...,tured by 1\0K forces, , oy heve sent word to their families and reported that they h"ve received od troc.tmcr.. t from the .?.OK !oroetl. as oomp~sed. with poo.r t,reP.tt'lent F!nd broken Jm1ses from the g11errillaa. ~heJ found l'""go dhoreponoias bet,., on whet ,o ~errillas said they would do ..nd what they ootuelly did,

DI<:CLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318211• •

------~------21 Fobrun"y 1952 EXTRACII' l!'ROM KI!AG l'®l:LY INTELLtGE!!OE StJl.n.liil\Y No, 38 of (Continued} ·

word the.t ROK foroes :Before rxrivel o! .the TMk :l'oroe 1 guerrillas epree.d • .ac1iua.u.y "n"' atenli rbpe, md plunder.'Wlion they came into the area. ·would ectuipmont, •nd tho troops he.ve not disturbed oivi11m property, people or result has boon moat fa"'or!




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DI<:CLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318213 !!eadqu~ters • • let Marine Air \·ling, FUF cfq Fleet Post Of'1'ioe, San Francisco l March 1962 SECRE:t' ... . , SEClJRITt INto!ll•!h'l':tO.~ . 1S:+')lAI(l?AILX~p!!LI!£!PNC!jj SU!IWIRX

l{ap Reference: Air ;Approach Chart of' Korea, scale 11~60,000 (U'l'M) 1. Enemy Air. bet1V1ty, U,>eriod Ending 292400/I F!!b) :<; total o1' 162 oountor u11"'11ort1oa were l6.unotUJfi !nto " MIG ALLE:{". yesterdLy, During the ent11:'e pel:'iod no enemy aircraft were o 'we ci.•vc.d or e.ll;Oo.u ntoil:'od, 2, Flak (Period 1!82000/l to 292000/l Febl

Flak was encountered 1n five lnatanoes during the period, Nx· wa~ reported from CAVU in the morning and moat of the day to Haze with 8 miles visibility towards evening, l friendly aircraft received minor damage f'rom f'lak, A lone F7F-3N f'rom VJ

\'/bile attacking roil Unes in the BU 5120 area 7 AJJ.o2e• :t'rom 1 Vl·IA~121 received moderate. inaccurate. AW tire :t'rom I 4,000 at 073?/I.. l A0-2 received minor damage to prop and several cylinders when a CAS mission or 4 ~~2s 1 from VMA~l2l in tho O'I' 6348 area enoount~ erod Alf nnd SA fire reported as intoriso and aac~rate, 'I'hl.s wne at e,ooo• at 1023/I. Menger l.naocW'nto Atf tiro nt 3,000' wns roported by 6 F9Fs' from VHF-311 071 nn I/P mission. This was ovor BU 4420 at 1702/!. 3, Non-Voh1ou1ar Damage Assessment (Period 282QQO/I to 292000/I) ' SIG!!TIMS COORDIN!>'US PES'l'!!OXEJ? IJAlME!? Rn1lronds BU 5121 to Btl 5521, BU 5021, BU 4522, YD 5520 to BU 5320, YD 5020 1 YC 3675, YC 4081 16 ClltB Road YC 4081 l Cut Cnnllcrs C'l' 5546, O'l' 6349 12 ' M Positions C'l' 5546 l Buildings CT 0776 2 Vehicle Revetments DT 0576 l oxo& 1ll B'l' 6437 2 Oxen BT 6437 4.



• - - - - ~ ------K - !. ------1ST HAi'i nAILY J:NTELLIGENOE su·. 'MAR:! 1\0, 61 (Cont1nuod)• po.go !b 2 - -·----- ~-- ~- ~-- -·------4, And D!ll'lago ,:.sseasr.wnt (Period 2S20QO/I to ~Qh~~~z2e2ooo· rsf~~t~n~ l

S!(l;HTil'IQS QOQRJ1IN'>T!j:§ DIRECTIQN OF ~RA.Vjg; 8 BU 4323 U/D 4 cu 6800 N 3 DT ?392 N 3 DT 0382 U/D l . DT 137? Pkd l DT 05?6 Pkd

To tal Sie;htin[;B l 20 (13 Day - 7 Night) Total Destroyed: 3 (All Day) 5, Ground Situation (por1od Ending 291800/I Fob)

I ~S ~Ofll>S- In tho Firat Commonweo.lth lliv sootor, o. light ):l:'ob­ ing at fC was repulsed by tho KOSB Bn nft~ n brio!. firo-fight, Tho rest of tho Corps soc tor, patrols throughout tha nren roportod little or no contact wit!: tho onomy, IX US co5:s - In the 2nd D1v nroa, a )2ntrol from tho 9th llegt hnd n brief cash w1 th tho onooy at 0430/I with m a.tgnificnnt notion roaul ting, A patrol of tho 32nd ROK Regt, of .the 2nd ROK Div, hnd n small fire-fight with an estimated enemy squad in bunkers nt 0400/I. The friendly patrol ther. withdrew, l:n the 3rd llOK !·iv, patrols from tho 18th ROK Rogt encountered t>to sMall onoll'.y r;t'oups about l,ooo yds forward of the l!Lll, After brief fire-fights tho friendly patrols wi thdre11,

X US CO~S - An unknown number of enemy using small arm!! and HIJ. fire at 636 I w~:~s repulsed by outpost positions of ~he .35th llegt in tho 25th Div aron, In the lstJ.InrDiv sootor n small enemy group W!:IB immodl.ntel'y thrown baak by outpost poeitiom 'of tho 5th l·fllrRast after a light probing attack at 2355/I, Tho enemy ttied another light probing attack nt 0428/I and again the outpost positions of the 5th MnrRe[;t ma:J.e tho anomy 1mmed1atoly withdraw. ·

I ROK CORPS - A patrol from tho Div llcconn Company ~n pho 5th ROK Div nretl ongasod n small enemy group at 0230/I. •.1\i't~ a forty five minute fire-fight the enemy was forced to withdraw. 6, Naval Air and Surface .l\ctiv1ty (pcrJ.od Ending 2?2400/I Feb) Naval air lnunohod a total of 242 sorties during tho period, The fast carrier ANTIETA~! and ESSEX launched l.71 sorties, the llMS GLORY ' 53 and the Patrol Squadrons 18, Aircraft frotn the ANTIETAH arij. ESSEX struck at transportation targets from SONGJIN to 1\ll NSAN and YANGDOK, • Claims .w~o 90 boats, 17 bl\1ld1llgs, 13 truoka, 3 rail bridges des- · troyed and many more damaged, In one strike at HONGII'ON, tre:rq,o wna completely stopped as a rosul t of rn11 and road outs, In- the n1r on tho :vest coast, planes from. thd GLORY struck targets at ULLYUL, CHANGYON, HAEJU and NA'J;INPO•RI sections claiming 3? buildings and n highway span as doa troyed, On the surface on tho East Coast, the ROCHESTER and BOLE nt' tho Bobmline oondudtod night hhrrassing fire and in dayUght firing claimed 12 l:unkers destroyed, The vessels uore relieved by the ST. PlllJL and HANSEN who commenced NGF missions at the Bombli·no and at KOJ0 1 destroying buildings und bunkers,



------~ ------' ~t ijl)NSAN tflo ROWAN il.nd KYE$ :firod on rn1l nnd highway tar.(;ots w1 th unobsol:'ved rosul:ts, . . -· At HUNGNAMj the ltliliiDlmSON :f1red on hnl:'bor tnrc;ots, rail sl1do nrons, 'bl'idgea, rn1l ynrda, causin(l n llll'flO eoe>ol\d!:tl'y oXplosi,on in a :factory and marshallinG ynrd. Tho HENDERSON also prov1dod aupproaion :fire :for r.11neewoopora, Shol'e b~:~ttcl'ioa opened 1'1l'O on AMSI a howovel' no dnmago was onueod, The TAUSSIG nrr1vo<1 in the nrsn and ass1stod in counter-bnttol'Y 1'1ro, At SONOJIN, tho ENDICOTT, WI\EAAMINGA, DOYLE, and l'llASAE :fired on ''~ boats and gun pos1 t1ons, da,mar;·incr and des- f, rail targets 1 villages,, ·' troying housos, saopana and crun pos1 t1ons. On tho lrost Coest, the ROTOITI patrolled CHOi'I?EKI POINT to SUN<­ WIDO a,ni ovnoun ted friendly guerl'illns from YOKTO, The BELFAST re­ mained on station at TAECI!ONG-00 in the S!RJAMA HALL Islands, Tho HOUNTS BAY, COCUDE, GURKE, LSMR 403 illuminated and fired on enemy mainlanct positions in the CHO-DO area startinn many :f1reo in villages. E!:tst o:f' YONGl!AE-oDO the ATHABASKAN mado search :f'or surv1vors·.ot a1r­ orntt repol'ted down in t~t area, with nogat1ve l'aeults,

7, ~!isoel;J.aneous Enclosure (l) entitled 11 SOUTHEAS:t' ASIA's STRUGGLE AGAINS':C ·coHM­ UNIST AGGRESSION 11 • I Trnnem1oaion by Uni tod States l'Ogiaterod l'la1l or ret;1stere<1 gt.\UX'a mail is authol'izod in accordance w1 th Article 0705, U, S, Navy Secur­ ity Manual fOl' Classified Matter, 1951,

J, \1, STAGE LtOol,, USMC .ACofS, G-2 Copy tot CG, F'HFPac CG, AirFMFP!lC CG, lstHnrD1 v AIO, · ComFa1rAlamodn co , l•IAG-12 CO 1 HAG-33 ( 5) CO 1 I!ACG-2 00 1 V'M0"""6 C0 1 HMR-l6l CO, le t90!!lllAJ;A(lunBn HistoricalO Stnf:f' File



SiORET • SEO\lRl'l'Y INFORJ.!ATIO N ... - ... - - w - - " ------MA\'1 DIS No, 61 • ENCLOSURE (l) to lst ~ ~ ~ - - - - - ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ - - - - ~he daily news turna the worldis attention more ana more to­ w!ll'd the.1moortanoe of Southeast AsSill in the continuing struggle betweeb theforoes of demoeraoy and those of oommun1am. To under­ stand tl;le current news stories they m1.1~t be read in terms of their h1ator1ca1 antecedents, The enclosed article proVides B\.loh.baok- ground information• , . The subJect matter does not warrant a olaesifioation of l!eorc~ The pul;ll1oat1on from wh1oh 1 t was extracted, however, ·had B\.ICh a claee1t1cat1cn, and it !s not wltktn the prov1noe of this office to downgrade extracts. · Because of the intensified current interest in Southeast Aeia more articles will follow on this subject. Extract from: Offioe of the Assistant ·Chief of Staff, G-2 • Depar~­ ment of the ·Army, washington 2o, D.O~ INTELL:WENOE llEVIEif No. lB9. ' Southeast Aaials struggle Against Comouniat Aggression I Dhect large-scale action by Chinese .Communists to support 1ndiger:g1on is an 1noreaa1ng threat." Most or the Gover!lnents of SO\Itheaatern Asia struggled

I Indochina. wet& u fooul point ln tbG atl•ugtslo ~gaJ.:nst Commun1f}r.t in Asi~ during the yoar, i ~=1!~ 1 SEOliR f;r..: I NFO!'.MA 'l'IO N

I DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318217 ' SECRET ! SECUR~TY II'FORHi;TI N ~ -- ~ ------ENCLOSURE (l) ,to .lst 1>1!.1~ DIS No. 61 Continued• A--~------~------Indochina long h.:'\s boon oonaidored the test point of n Cor.munist intension to oxtond control ovor nll of Southeast Asia. N:lw, ba­ cnuso of· tho ml.liti.>X'y nas1stonco of tho Oh1iloao Cor.lt.11lnista for tho Viot Iliru.) on tho one hnnd, nnd of tho United Statoe '!or. tho French and nssoP1n toil. Stu t'oa, on tho other, Indo chin.~ hns become n major battl!l£;T01,Uld in tho 1ioat•s struggle to oontnin Conmdn1am, Nilitnl:'hy, 1961 wns t1 yo!ll' of ncutrnlizt~tion. Tho suc<)oeaes of tho Vi Trieu' in Maroll, lt~ter ,along the. Day Rlve:• in Hay, at Ngh11l· Lo 1n October, and :finally rorth of H::>a Binh in Dec­ ember, tho Viet Menh wore able to contin1.1e offensive oporations tor up to a week at a timo, But after initial losses, the French forood the Viet Menh to withdraw. French casualties, tholle;h lighter than those of the Viet Nenh, were considerable, The Viet !1enh, however, have been able to rebui;.o their units quickly, and continue to inflict severo attrition upon Fl'ench forces in the Doltn by localized· penetrations at ,;idoly sep- arated p0rimoter points. · . Still the French have demonstrated the nb111ty to nbsor~ the heaviest nttnoka the Viet Menh are capable of delivering, By late November, the French felt sut:fioiently strong to strike out boyond their perimeter at !loa Bin.) in order to out tho line of commllnications botwoen Viet Vle.nh divisions north of Hnnoi nnd thoso south of the Delta, and to entice the Viet Monh divisions in the 1m­ mediate nren into coning out into the open, in OI'der to got ,t- them, By repolling Viet Menh counterattacks around the Hen Binh salient the French domonatrnted, for the first time in !l year nnd D. hnlt', the nbili ty to oapt1.1re terri tory and hold it. The Vietnam Army c~nndod 'gradunlly during 1951 D.nd now includo 36 Regular Army infantry battalions. It will be increasingly oapabl of policing areas from which Viet Menh !o:roes have boon driven ·by tho mobile striking forces, . ' Viet Minh forces, ns woll as tnose of the French and the Asso­ ciated Stntoe, !ll'e loss well organized nnd f!ll' less active elsewhol'o in Indochinn tl:J.D.n in Tonkin. In Annum, only ono Viet Minh division the six divisions (one artillery nnd :t'ive in­ ox1sts1 in contrast to :t'nntry) operating in Tonkin. Tlwoughout Annam, Cochin-Ohinn, Laos, D.nd Cambodia, tho Viet Minb usually employ guerilla w!ll''!nre and sn­ botngo ruther than the more conventional ~~art:are soon in Tonkin.



SECRET SECTJRITJ: INFORlLi•'r:tON -----~-----~~~----~------• MA\r DIS No, 61 Continued• ENCLOSURE (l) to lst ---~----~~-~------Increneod Ohincso Commnist nia :for tho Viut l!inh includes trnininr:·, ul.ll.t.~ry supplies, nnd the aaeistnnoo of nn ostiuntcd. 15,000 ll!;!dViaors"-tochnioinns, cndroa, political connissnrs, nnd1 in some frontier arena, stntic r;nrriaon troops, In spite of this holPii tho Viet l!inh l\rr.zy is not incrcnainr; its oo!'lbl:lt on:,nbi11t1os . ' rolntivo to tlwso of the Frcnch~Viotnnnosc forces, Fron tho Connur.- ist vicl"lJOl.nt, 1f tho nilitnry stnlonnte is· to be broken, tho Chir.c ·' dor.munis ts 1~111 huvo to provide coubat troops, · .b.a 1951 emdcd, there uere inoroasine; indiontions of Ghineso Cow:mnist capribili tiqa and intentions to intervene in Indochina, Chinese Connunist troop strenr>th in South Chin" ho.s been 1norcaacd, Rond c.nd rail lines fran KHnngsi 9:nd Yunnan provinces into Tonkin hnve been ioproved. There oro ror)orts that a Chinese Coomuniat "Vol·· t~ntocr Arny" hns been forncd, nnd thnt supplies hnvc boon stockpil'.. :d in depots in tho c;enoral frontier zone. . All these dcvolopnonts indicate increased natcrinl a1d and poso­ ibly ti)o introduction of United numllol'S of 11 vo1unt~ors 11 , It the Chinese Cormun1ets should free thcnaclvea fron their prosont cor.mit­ ncnt in Korea, nnny r.1oro uxpericnced troops wo'lld bo avnilablc for nn Indochina venture, * * * BUR! !A Burmn's ochievonont of independence four years ago marked tho beginning of hor nrrJod struggle nc;ninst Cor1munist ar;grcssion, Local Connunists, directed internationoly, carried out this ag(,ression in the fmniliar pattern of sedition and revel t. Al tho;>t;h tho Coranunis ts ins tie;r> ted tho 1'ir<1t of several danger­ ouo insurrections ae;ainst tho new Oovernr.rent, tho Burmese do not gee­ orally regard then as the ·I!,Tcatast threat to their countryls stabil­ ity and indopondonce, Tho principal nilitnry effort has boon direc­ ted agn1nst the Karons, not the Cor.1nunists. This att1 tudo has hnn­ pcrod efforts to aurpross the inter!lD.l ConMunist throat. Hil1tary operations have boon hindered nlso by tho weakness ot the Arned Forces nnd by thoir overextension to defend strntogl.o arcc r. (lnd ll1nes of oomnunicntion throughout Burna, The Government's failure or inability to take effective action hos permitted tho Communists to achieve some success in their att­ er.opts to unite various insurgent groups and to ooord1Mte ailitnry operations ogainst the Goverru:lCnt. Tho Leftist inclinations and frankly socialist policy of the Gcvornnent hnve prevented strong action agninst tho pro-comounist Burma 1~orkers 1 and Peasants r party, This party is u ttempting to uni to the political opposition. A coalition of the Lei'~Wing ele­ ments of the Socialist Party and pro-Conmun1st s;,'mputhizsrs woul.d wonken B'~rma'e struggle ngainst Communism, In forign relations, Burmuls geographiool posit<1on and her vul· ncr ability to Chinese Communist aggression hnve resut ted in u polio· of nt~etraliam. This hns further uoukQnd nensures to "o;oe both >11th actual and potential Cownunist aggression. , In sunnwry, Bul'Joa•s Government has failed to wage "'- vicrorous fight against Coumunism, This failure hns resulted freer tho genera. ucnkncss of the Armed Forces and from the oppnrcnt unuillingness of Government lenders to recognize Oor.u;mnism oe a threat to 1ndepen­ dcnco0 )!ALAYA terrorism in 14olaya, carried on 'Jy tho 1 The Chinese Communist 'Mc.loy Racial Liberation Arny" (MRLA), oontirucd thrO\!I.gbiiUtl 1951 and posed a serious security throat to the British. SECRET SECURITY I Ni"ORJ~ TIO N 3


SECRE;T . • BECURJ;TY lNFOR}bT!ON ~ ------(1) to lst MAl'/ Dl8 No, 61 continued• El\'tlLOSllRE - - - - - ~ ------Tho- -noat dranc.tio oxnnplo of COr:lD\.tniet r;uerilla oapnb1l1t1cs \{US Ccr.1L1issioner tho nt.lbush1 on 6 ootobor, of Sir t:onry Gurney, High of Mnl6-Yao This atlbush, by no ne!'tns cxcoptionnl, of the !l:edornt1on Ol showed t)le CC\X'C nnd.tll~.nn1ng used by thont the not yet fully tra"· Repu'.>lic of I.ndonesia0 The Army io too lnrge and n•·c ined, its commur.1cnt1ons nro 1nadequnte1 and COI:lmanding officers too ine~ienced to cope with organieational problems, The Comnun- 1st Party, third in a1zo, is still recognized officially, and known Communists have been nble to gain responsible positions in the pri:.­ cipal departments of tho Govornraent, Tho Chinese Communists ~r.ain­ tain n lnre;c embassy nnd staff in Djakarta, Elnbnssy agents are s•~· pected of interfering. in thG internal affairs of Indonesia, The Conmunis ts appnr ently have made gai ne 1 n their offor ts to coordinate the various anti-Clovcrment elements, After a raid in AU[~St on polioe posts ncar Tnndjung proik, tho port of Djakarta, the Indonesian Goverruoont disclosed that symbols of both the Connu ists and tl'.e Rightist Darul Islam (Moslem St!lte) movement had beori captured, Tho Prime Hinister stated tht


SECRET SECUR~TY lNFORl!ATION ____ ... _ ~ ~ - ~ ------•-- - 61- Continued• ENCLOS1,JRE- (l) to 1st MA1~ DIS No, -- - ~ - -- ~ . ------FORECJ.ST

Tho only real improvement 1~ into~nal secmr11;y conditions in Southoas t J;sia. during l95l. appeared. 1n tho Philippines, Dcspi to tho lmpro\lonent in tho posi t1on of tho Fron<:>h and ;,asooiatod States thrtt forces in Indooh1rw., the throat posed by Cour:m.n1st t:roopG in ·~ <:>ountry is still grave, c.nd tho bnlnnoo of ;:>ower is still procario•r, At tho very loc.st, increased Chinese Cor.u'lttnist CJill.tory aid and the poss,iblG introduction of "volunteers" nttst be oxpcotod~ Boonusc ·of the long-toru objectives of tho Chinoso Coununiets in Southeast .Asic., largo-scale intervention by their nrmcd forces in Indoohi.ro also nust bo cxncctod llltinatolY. . Tho eccuri ty of Bumo is likely to deteriorate in 1952, ·~no wookncssos of tho Government and political fno.tionulism w111 oontino to jcopurdizo tho stnb111ty of the country, Lett-1~1ng political or­ l10s1tion probably will be aol1d11'1od furthor under tho pro-0or.u:11J.n1o·~ Burnn 1·1orkcrs 1 nnd Pensnnts1 party, Chinese Comr:1unist mill tary ns­ sistnncc to the Burmese Communist Party ~rmy is likely to inorcaso, and the .Pa.l"ty probably tvill gt:tin :f'ltrthor control over other 1na·-.l.r­ gont groups. In tho event of a Chinese Communist decision to lttUnc:: O!'orc.tions into Southonst Asia, B11rna will be as vulnoro.blo a targ.;;t · as Indochina, 'l'here sooms to be Ut·•le basis for optinism regarding i-!ah.ya'a inunodinto :rut11ro, outside Bllpport, smum;lod through Thailand, will the Cor.1munist t~roriat noveuont operating, nnd the "I..1barat1on !~Coop anti Aruy;1 auet b.~ oxpoctad to ex-ploit evory ovr·ortunity for sal;::J.otage guo~illa haroasnent of British forces. A slow dcter1ore,t1on of sec11r1ty in Indonesia is 11kcly to cor.­ t!nue in the !r:u:1ec.11ate future; despite inorGasing GoverOJaent attem­ pts to deatro1 dissident r;roups and to prevent the Indonesian Com­ r.\Unists fror.l gain.tng control over other ant1- .cf:t'eot1v&lilaBa of indigenous Coununist [;'t'Oupa 1s on 1ncrens1ng threat in Southeast Asia.







For the Period

1 to 29 FebrU>J.ry 1952



1 ,ECHET-SECURIJ.Y IN...... "'O·,·~ ,... J'J. '' '1'10",., •

_1n_.e__,__B':'~a~ __ _:nci_dent,llesse.ge ,Order I Action 0100 1 .,_..,.._.alf_.Jiii'W I ·--- 1.1.00 2 llrlefb« lwlt t.l' .,... ~-----·-lhft .... w ·~ SldtlU,.Ut ....., ltt\1'1-- ., ...u. .. 1200 l.WW lOOJOOI ...... ,.,tq ..... !ll« ,._,. 'fil.tll!ll'lll!li.ltr • ...,...., ...... , ..... Ottfllll>#•

Jltjlllill .. ~ ... -ftl'llo.\ha 1Ml1 -. Ylii'I!J.nc -ttuoa .,.. ,., ._._, eu. ' ...... hill • .u..... , ...... ~~-- ...... lilt' ,....., MW.tlft"- ldt-tlOII 1' ..., ..... wMI ...... , .. u ...., ..... -· ...... a\ QO .... ** .,.. 1 .... •...... _ .. w ~TO, ••"·...... _._,.,...... ,.1et 021, I All Cllelll' 11111'tllllttt lr 0.' '1 11111\llM tffMIYt OU.'fOOI ...... '~!deft...... *'0100 • Cll.Mil ,...... m ,....,


SHi!~ET ______of______1951

DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318223 .EGRET-GECURI'.i.'Y INF'Oi'f~:.A'l'ION• G-2 DhiLY JO'JcmhL ~~om=:::==:• """"' hJ ...... 'ine Soria~ .:~_c_i~e_nt~I;essage,Orderl Action

OfOO 1 Io,-.. ,._Ill tn ...... uoo ~ :Srlutbe tor Oo•.U.. hlaorol Mt WU. thtf

a,lllf ' ,..,u.. .,•• u.. 0217001 0100 ' en ..... Jnall _. p..S.•t l ~ I I I

-j ___ ---·---· -.... ·------··· J------SiU:E:C ______of------19 51

DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318224 ,zcHET-DECURr.tL INFOR!• ;A~ION G-2 DAILY JW?.NAL ?~or.1• =·~==~~ ao •JM*ii'olllit'" ina Seria~ Incldent,liessage,Orderl Action ·- __ ...... ,...... _._ 0100 1 I Opcet ,lo\uwlol. Ar p•lo4 1 ·' '1"11._. .. _ ...... '11'111-...... A ...,, ... _a_,., ! ....~ " ;."':::.;;'""~..;;;A~·-· l .. \ r...... ' uoo ...... ,.u.. .. . ' I lll!'hft!l,l CIIIO.UM ~ oallo II !,...... • ...... 1...... i ~lJ r---...... ,. .•...... If!.' I~~~~~.::~·v ...... p-.-.- -· , __ I

l II

I I'


I -J~·-·--· --· ' ·~J··~------·-·------SP..F.li:T ~ _ _,. __ o:f --·-·------19 51


C-2 DAILY Jou;~;,:AL •

ir.1e I Seria~ Inoident,l:essar;e ,Ordert Action ~--;:----"--Op.... ,.~ ... ,..u, I o;oo e .Mfi, ~o.e ..,,.. ,,._ ..UJ

10)0 -q ;a; ftt.i 1100 ) llrleflal~~t:' fOJ':-,:;:::_1 &114l11of __ 41~1ii.W.l" Ckural md WlJC Staff I 1)00 l'tll'-tl 11\\tllliel .,..ltl I 1.-.lo• Sbtw

::::::==~~S:.::-l·-' tW vtll Jlla«le 'htb •• ri!PN'\t \1\ro\\!ll 14~)3 ot~lOP,,loae,

1! ... 10, Kllo>SJ wtu lllU. ooJ.\~ t• reftf.re 'lit .t.ntlll *"·u ...... , ... ~~-..-.. ' Ill••-·u Jttdlllt l.a 1111 .....,, fill ...... '""lr per ....tl M4 •••aal. ~tlt·-·· ...... t T 0100 ~ • I !


SHEET _____ --~ _



1ne I Seria~ Incident, l:essage ,Ordeq Action ~~-~---~------·------'- 0100 1 IOpea., ,..._.,_ •• pmo& i

101!0 2 "''"' ,. .Itt ,.._, tl1P1 14!1ol'\W lit Ill' t " IAOO "" 11\J.Mt • 0)011)51 "M»-JJ JU&.lt

~ 3 Vial i-i ~ EM•Uitiiiii*• .,_.., tle,tl"dM ., 1M JUM

htaf'tA. hr ttan--41,.. 1100 It ~------·-· a.w.s. ,., 'flllrr thtt--

1200 1w ...... , 0.1•Ml ...... v•o, 1tt ,._.... ilf.'lf.t\la I Go2n.tw ....tll'tia& ...,.,. U.llota "'' ••~~,...,.. \"- 1liq"''"' *"'•• ' lli'fhloa a..2 eeo,baa. z;oo ..; <*10 ' r I


ECRE'r-SECURh'Y IN>"OR~:AI.'ION•• G--2 DAILY JO'J:mAL ~~or.l• ...... ,=...... u=== liM'•• ------~----- 1.00 I Seria~ Incident,Lessae;e,Orderf Action ------r-·------. ------·--,. - ~---·------:- GIGO [ 1 IO:P....., Jouftlal fti' ll't•l•• i 10:JII !!! wtq 0..1! li.U, IILWU..tll.u su.m'q 4hW11MW Jr IJIO N• 1100 '

.....ail ...... ·-~U&t.r ft...._-'" .... -..- , __.AI ... 0!101201 :Pa.••• .. IUB..lP. .., Md-33

...\1 ... • ..,,,. 061~1 ...... 111'hftlll ....

' Cll••lf.~al ' fti',_,K l il I I I

I ---- j ______------of' 1951 ------~-----·-


1oe ~~-'=~a~ -~l1()_ltl._ent,l:esaage,Orderj. Actlon ~------~ - 1 I 0,111ed ~m~ ~r ~~ol i l(I!JO !" Y\IIC IJo.P. JlallT Jr>Ulllllt1110r Bwii!.H!JT u~-r ill>. tot ., "" ftha

UOO ' l:'t.t'..-. tor ~=-t=c CJ•eul •nd Wl.lwl tii!H ,..liM .ttwun onTool tw ._.. • ..,..to w.n.....

01•··· ,.,_ll. to, »...... , 1 I

l I I I



- __ I___ ------. -


G--2 DAILY JO'J il::AL •

ine_I__Seria~ _Incl~~nt_:_L:~sage,Order) ~~ion

OlklO 1 I OJ>•n $wnol tn l'tl'l•l : 1025 a Utac Go2 l>ell.T l'lltelllMO. $WD;aoq 4lllil'1h.'•' - 1M fllll

:;:;a;;:-.. :.;- eo==•~-.. O.er al on4 lfl.ac lhtt

01.. 1111. ~-l tn perl,tl


1 I


- --·------~----I ----.. -···------·--- ·------··------SHELGT of______1951


ECRET-D.8CTJRrJ.~:i INF'O}i.!':A• 'fiDN G'-2 DhiLY JO'JrtlJAL •

1oo O:er 1a~ Incident, lies sage, Ol"O.er~ Action

~~------·------··--- ocoo 1 1 ~-·' ,.....,., ,_ ....1 •• uoo 2 llrl.et'ln.g tor Oo•nulllllill& ()omer.,. m4 Ilia& Shll't Wil\1 1-2. »ailF lat..ffl.ll;=.c; llu.IILlll\1'7 ll1t\rl.llll\e4 Jr 1111 Jlilu

II lloll\lln• effiiOtlYe 0911001 0H ~~ to bi'Uf!a« •••

5 Qloee4 ,J-.1 ,_r ~H~I'lol

l I


- __! ______-·- . -- ---·-1 ------· SHEE~T ---·--·----~- ~f -·------1951

.·.-.·~,. ' DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318231

Fro G·-2 DAILY JO'J :~l:AL To • At~~~~~~~

0100 1 Opael\ 3o-al tor P«l'i•4

101, ? lfil>C 0..2 l>ot:l¥ IPtlllc-• !w.ntQI'T di atr1'buhll. .., Mil ftl" iO)O Wf13or 11. I, D.lllllto , ..,,, "-!'!, _, iO 1'\\allll t'41r IUJ in COIIIIKU411 w1\ll ..hl.l .. ,~ ' uoo Ool.oael '· ,, 14•'•'*"*ts. a..2 to 8liOllL ,. -~.... u ... >4 ...~--· ...", .... b.\el:Ut~:.,_.e Ooateaee, Ia ttl~ .AU _., IJ.IP&\. l)~)l !IU Ab Jere• ont loiBilillo ott.. uw lOJ.TOOl ~. » <>llulrlcM to lllrlol'ln.c ...,, 0100 6' Olo ..t ,..._,. hi' POI'l.tt

J ------·------I SH:L;cT ...... _ nf ------19 51


G--2 DbiLY JorJnC:AL • inc Serial\ Incident,Lessar;o,Or

l J Opt~~41<1. .lo\l...... U r. .. :u.,lol:

uohtflll\ ~~.~ ilttl.ur (Of!ih.S.a tiLU>lll) &\\M&H :

1 ~ S:.~ll:;':._ui.-. ...,..,. ~nlliU.'iu ., • iu.• , H<.,!or D.IIUAl l'•t:uari. \Ilea ~·• &a G.l! • ._,._... 1 I

liOII\lla• etfetUn lll'(OOl 1 Gllloll•4 •• ohlllll" to 111'tenac ••• ' OltAH ~oUo\'llal br :P ..1ot I

,~, ',~ I ~ I '~ I t I il I I

I ' I I' I I I i I I I I I

J '

of' 1951


Fro r,J yoor li! t.m.,. "'' G-2 JA!LY JO'B::..u, To •Of!OOI 1) ltlnNC7 lQt A·~ W.. .'PU••c, Jer••


0600 l Opsed 1<>11nl'll toll Pll'loot 1100 ? llrtefl.ni; O!ol>Otlltli.

1315 J wt.Aa; Q,;j! 1l~1J.r Xahlllc•• '"•'"'""" 4h~rtwu4 ., 110 I'U•• 02l!J " .loallltae etfHtJ.•• U1700S ...... " 'llltieftq ••• 0100 ' Oloeed Jounal foil pe.'!'iol


' ~--- --~-- ·-··-~-~ ···-- -·- ·------o:f ______1951

DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318234 • • •

.AIIIolb 0110111'1 l.lQt.k\a on1lflfJ J ...••., ""'"· Mlabal Jlllllf 'fhltd Uoo )J'tlfllltm ...,.. u., Oouoel1 vt.q "lilt 11111 !lit!!!!' ~o!!. ~ ...... llo.l_. a...u ...... ' ....,41-Prlh\tl a, •o rtl.ta J.la\a1111t Otlolltl. 1, 11, • Mttt. •art\11tllt4._.AIO ' ioai_...... , ...... , ilab1f.U lllt-'iW 131'(001 ..... • IU M .... et ....., I i:P"':':!'i.:.~ :,·=::~'-· I liWo to ....~ wUt. ~•'-••• i!hlll'e 1a u ·~ Ill 'btllb1b.1 ..,...._ W•• oa 1111 •1111• 0}00 9 0.•""'"" ,. .. lb.• Jt ohlllll" b 'llrlel'ift.ll: ...., oroo 10 OlOeeol ~-4 ~· 11..tet •

. SHEET_. _____,e..._ ____.....,l9 52


• 1100 lrltfl.v. toiL' ...... iat~ral. .., - ftaft Jt11bUat .rt..-tn llllfOO% .. lllli!IW!II " .....,..., ....



uoo ..' lntftlla ...... i .. UIO ---~ ...... lJOO ' ..,...... ,.... e11Wao !!':t ...... p ...... ,..... tul-1111 tU ..., ' *'-- , •• l ~~. .... ~ ... p .....


J.__.__ __·--~----- SHEET __~l952 '


--- T---1~1~1!~-;------.------. ---·---. ------~--_---­ T1rne-t Ser~1dent, He~ sage, O~d"er \ Act1on

0100 l (!J)Oited ~Ill fW ptnM

OJ:JI .....N ...... I!t... • pf.Ul.\\Ui ll#~J~.i ·yf ~···:.-. fllr peTiO( ·

...... 1r ~ett'C!;I 6r t'trs.e••na -~ " Gta•..:a. * WIU ,,_, UIIO Wlll.r rw Jaltr laMU..,_, " ..,_...._~, tia\ll'N•tt , ... rn.. 1100 Yt-*11• .,_...... • 'tiA•llrl ' aA.,..}Ul...... 6 ...... OJOO ..,.,... ~~!.. ·~~.. !" .l~!t •.!I':~~ -~ --·~-:'"' --__......

01100 ? ~~.•••• ~Ill ., ).>trio.t

SHEET ______?Z______-.;1!' 52




I• _j---...l------+------.:. SllEET __ot,______.l9 52


*' 11

lOJO ) ,.. ~.2 ~ IJIHU.... fb>W7' 41•W 'b~ uoo lJ lrhtbg ~ J::llllltN ...ul ..t titll . Jlllllllllat dfM'lht 1111001 oon \ ' Olt1.& ,flloft4 ptllio& 0100 ' tu



SHEET __p.t. ____ -"1952


T i~e -l~-~i:~· In~!'d;~t·;--ii;~-;;g~-;-(i;d"~;:-·· rAc-ti-;-n- I

0100 ), O:P••A ,.,u~a.\Ol. fUo PW~l uoo a 'hl•fb:a.-1. fa.- qi)!U~t.:f\lhl! ~1111fll'•l r.rt4 111n111tllllf 11)0 lftna t,~...e !111.\ll' tlahll'-• ' lum1117' M.•VIW"" ...... u.. ~lJ ~ hlllblbt .,...... $1~1 ...,...... , ...... Oltlf halll~...... U·ttr ( 00 11ott•l •• at 11\1 loa"''-., ' ;;.;p; ' Olttel "6VIIe1 tu• p...t.l

SHEET ____,pt,~-----"19 52


Ti~-=-Ts-;~1;1 f~~~ent~·-1!;~~;;~:-~;d:~r -~rA:;;-ti;n_------:--

0100 l Optaed .Joutalil\ ihl' PWltot ·

0130 I ••$Or Q....,., .t.~•l~\e\ W k PUle 1100 ll'f.•ttu ...... ' ihaWN. rs4 WUii Rd"f 1110 ~ vtac ..2 lld.l.liJt•• ll ...... ~!!7' !leWlll\telr OlJ5 M-at mrl.lf' I!Ol'(OOI' Ohacetct et ..t'Wt.ta..ao• • I• oil3(1 lo•lllllll• .,,...... 101~01' 1ft olllllllf8 • btllfb.l .., 0100 ' Glom ,._..111 ~.. plflol '


SHEET __p.t:~----'1952



Ti~e ··r~~i;.-1 f~i-d"en;;·: 1{;~;;g-~·;-c;;;d~;-·T·;.:c;·t_1o_n_------...,...- a~oo 1 O!leneol .,lo1111'a4 t~tr ptri ... 1100 l!rl•:fi!U! cono41lle4 nao Win& G-r: llai:J.r h••ll..,_.• !lUII'll-..\1' dht,lbahll · , 110 ,,l.t. Llev.to.n'l'tt 0.1n111111dtrt M ,.Dl.b$ S..~ ...u .. ell4 OOJIItl'l'M , Md •!aC'I'.lltl.Jtf f!IQOI G~·· td~b .14oft. lol! .,., ...... , .....! ft. IM'-J)f !!.l !!'Y!OS, !l.t\f!"!!



SHEET _____!>'------"19 52


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01:1.0 tl 1ttk!ll11hpn6 ru"e~ ~·1.1_...... •• ~~~--...... J.JG51Jitl .... •"h JZ ... ·ij',, uoo 3 *'ld:tq .for 0..1141111 •-~ ---'"' -· fL•JI-- ..... _ ...... ~ ... -~~- ueo ~ Y1llc (looP. llai!f....h'.,_,, ...... _,._,. ~-t!'~-'" uoo •u41r aw.u-.. 0'1.~ 6' bbli>l• otflltltln 11211MJ 0100 T lloeed ,_.ol :l\l:r parlol.


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Time ··t~e~i-;1 IIM1·;;:;·~·;;, ·i1;~-;;g~~·c;;'d~;·-r·I;;'tl.~-~-·-·

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lUO !l WID& G-2 »~~ l»\ell..._.t ...... , 4lt\l'lll11-~ ... l!f' w ru.,

A~ ,. -- ~"-·~-- -· -•~~-io u.,.., " l!f!'•elf reva1.na .... , I 0100 ., Olo ..l!. JoliNU tor plll'f.d


SHEET ____, ~------'1952


Ti~e···-~-e-;~;el l:rncldent·,-M;;~;;;~;-· o:t.'de;-·rAo-t!;;n-

0100 1 lclllll'ul ~>PAll tor petioi

1000 I! lit dt 0~11/<1%'1!1<111

1U!S J .f ..-htlac tor.. fta'·!a~tl O)eztOraJ. r.tt

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T_1~·~_·e_~ ~~~.1.;1-IIn;-i-dent~ -M;;;;g~:-o;d~t rA~t1~-~ ..

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101, I! Ohbt of ~111ft Wonel ...1' th~~• ;,ouJ.ct b4 %\O brhtlt~ l01Jo 111"4! G.E lldlf b\ell...... ' ;ii).JII'tttX',Y' tU.ttribu.ted. i1r IIIW il'ti.e• Oollo 4 JIOII'bUne ettectln 1!611001 It llhllllr.lltl foil ,.;t.n., ••• Ofoo !I Olou4 Jov.rnd. to~· ~>tl'!.ol


SHEET ___!>.t:'- ____1952



Tl~e ''l"se,-i.al -f~"d";,;t", ·M;~~;~~ :·c;;:d~;-- r A-~-ti:Zn--··---~------· -.----t--~ . OlliO 1 Oponod ,!ous•ul tor Pa'ttoil.

Oon!J>r~ .. 0!1:!' ~-._ ft!' tho :•c.-iod ~9 •~e~ob 19'2 reoel v~d from WSAl 3 8J>•Uh1 llrhfW: h"lcl. Ita' LleutenMt O•:l.oll.el .a, I, l!Oif· UI!I

It \1'4,..,. /L_..._ '1!1. ...11• ...... _.& .... -w~ ~ "•"..-~ -.-r.; pew., !lofllloU-"""'1.\W~· '""" lww:lltol'f 4iltdllolh4

1100 5 ;l\>"iet~"-'~' 1!!!14 l!!r ~,.,•!!MI.!!! Otllltrnl end WIA11 ltdt OOJO 6 l••bliM etl... l'fll 2Tafaol 0100 T Ole ..cl. ~1111 fo~ j>UloA

_j__ ~------+------SHEET ____,pt~_.....;. __-'19 52

DI<:CLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318249• SEORE'J.'-SEaut n'Y !NFORM!I.~ !ON



H!n¢ G..2 D>t:l; 1llt41l... ll l!troivor.rr M.ttt\bt.ite6 ·

1100 llrl,,f.i.r~e, ~tler•l 1:nd 111M llhff

11o.,l>Ho" df·,,~tho 21!17001

SHEET ______,1952


Ti~e --r-s.;~::t~l 1IM1-d~-;;-t; 1{;;~;,:;;;~;·-0;d~;- r-J\:o.ti;~--

01100 1 OJ.)aned jotU'II>il. :tel' pal'io4 uoo 2 • 11• l.»f! n,•; lo~ld f•.:r CIGIIIZI&d~ <;~,,. il. q)d Wf.M Stfd't . lUO ':tn.; c~.~· Dtd.lr tnt•llll-• ' itlU!IHIJ17 di•tl'l\Ju1ed. , liiiin1.. t!JO!I 4 :1\or,l>litle tff4oth• 291700l 114 Mm.l:• f'QI' )J~r,ll.,_ "''1111 OloO 5 Oloao~ .10'UJ'»-&1 fill' pv1o4 ·

SHEET ______.:p:t',~------"19 52




For the Period

l to 29 Fobruor1 1952