Historical Diary 3 - February 1952

Historical Diary 3 - February 1952

1ST MARINE AIR WING - HISTORICAL DIARY 3 - FEBRUARY 1952 Korean War Korean War Project Record: USMC-201 CD: 03 United States Marine Corps History Division Quantico, Virginia Records: United States Marine Corps Unit Name: 1st Marine Division Records Group: RG 127 Depository: National Archives and Records Administration Location: College Park, Maryland Editor: Hal Barker Korean War Project P.O. Box 180190 Dallas, TX 75218-0190 http://www.koreanwar.org DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318125 \l\i J 1\1 V \1 II \I r:'.._} """'· - . .-' '- r~ J\ 1 I '" L-,'-'<IL• DATr2 ufEB JSS2 SECRET / DECLASSTFTED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318126 E;!0CijOSUH}-:: (l) to lBl J·.-U.\1 - w ... JJIO>. Gontitu~ 0 1c:'.. ~- -- ... ...... ··-- -- ·--· -· ... - ~-- --- ...... ~ ... ~-- -- ~--· ~~ -- -- - - - ·- - . -- - -- - -· -- -- ~·or u1l1tnl'Y purpOfh;f.l, th1G 1r: n nost 1''\VO!'".b1o hr~ola fron \·Jhich to cxpnnd, r>.nd ono ui tll \'ihioh tho ;_rnitcU. Stntv~ cord(l not cor.1pctc.~~~ The G1r;nlf1onnt VOYCI[;O of tho "Cotlotll cm:nh·•oi~.CG t.Lnt r,lliocl control o:f the ocoetno rtnd the Pl\nt..ttlfl nnd Guo?, Cr.n'llB cnnnot <'l"cvont the Sov1.ctfl fr•or!l trn nnfcr;r1 nc: their nnvnl f'Ol"'C'lcs fi•or:~ :r:urorcnn HtlDRi:t to Fnr En~­ torn Ruor.iC~ nn t;Jwy ooc fit for pcr1oc3.o cw long nE; six ~--~Jnthn of tho 'J'Onr·. ~k....Qn.£!n t_l.~l'!l. A.c; of toUuy, th..: cr11,n b1l1 t1 ..:n of tLG '1 SSR to co n<luc t n111 ttLry Ol!DY'ntionn in trw vJ.r 1 n nrctlc nnd ~>ubnrt.t.ic onv.:\ronontEi nrc bul icV'"' to be qunnt1 tn tivoly nur-uriol" to tho .so of tho ·1 n11;el1 3tn. tcs, F:Vnltw·· tocl qcw.lHutivo:Ly, tho c"' ,.,bilitics of tho USSJ •r·c l'OQ[·;hly ostitl"tcc· Wl equnl to tl-JO~O of the Un1toc1 st~·.toc. tit~rau rcnr:ons for ~ur.tn c:~:ti!:l ... ~ nto nrc: (1) The.; Soviet hr1.VC tbrco n.ir r.:rr:.1cr. -which ni·c known to :CJnvo ru­ c.oi vod trn1n1nc for c.0 ld··\-JOD. thor or orations r•.nd ur·o o tntlon,:d in nor-~ thcr• n nr ot.w, U~) Tbo USf.'Jl. io tht: only rnnjor po,xcr hnving t}xtc;nsivc lvnrth10 ox;. cr1 cncc t-Ji th lnr-go-ncnlo air oporr. t1o nn n t very lm¥ tomporn t\ll'ea. (~'S) '!1ho Sov1eto ;>:t.'oVm1 cupnblc of nircrnft nnintonnnco ut t.cmp·­ O!'tlt'.lror. nH low no -4.0°F' in l'lorld 1·1nr !I oy,orr•.tions ne:nlnst the Gor- tHUlS• (·l) .~nv1ot J.lothodo of col(1-"o·thor stortinr: of i·ro,·.cll.or-drlven n1rcrnft 1 wh!lo nore rrit:l1t.1vc in m'"lny wny8, n:rc novoPtLoloflR conp.nl."'­ rtblc 1n r;ffcctivonorw nnd i)(..., ... onc1.nb1llty to thoso C·f tho TJn1tcd BttttNI ( [5) V.tbricnnto nnd hydr:-:r.ul1c fluldn c~reblo (Jf 0I~ot"·tt1 nc down tc toEJrJurn ttu~oA of -t>OnF' wore uocd by the· USr;H 1n '\•/or·ld Wnr I1. (6) Bovl.ct eloth1llg for uno by :t1rmor:. ln concUtionn of extreme Ct"'ld, on OX1.:r:d.nnt1on by U, n. pornonr.ol a·.trin(~ llorlft \Vnr II, it1t18 eon-· f-;itlcrcd to be r,upcrior, ( 7) Tho 1 evcl of Dov1ot tle.vlr:n t1o nnl "b1J.i ty, Nhllo est1mrc tod tc bo low by U.s. r.tHndnrdfl, is conr,tr.mtly l;;l})rovcc:. (B) 11hc Dovict concept of the uAc of nlr pnwc~r pV•.ocd it 1n tt t:ubor·d1.n~:•tc position to, n.w1 in olesc s•.:tp~·~or.t oft groun:::.l nrrnlon, In rencnt ycnrs, howovor, tho Bo,.rictr- hn.ve boon dovclor1np; a strntq~io u:i.r nrm, thtu; 1ndic:atin[!; nn t1Wnt'orwe:f1 of the f•..J.J.l cnpnbllitics of n1r powor. BECKET GF;CiJHITY l~WOHFi.TION DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318127 Huadquartorn lnt Marino Al;r 1:J1nr;t Ji'J-'l! r./ () Fleet Pont Office, Gan l<'rnnc' ~teo i .•. ~~0 F'ebruary 1952 0 uk~-~~.~\':;: ,,_ ; SicOJl!l;t W · 'rNfOllHAWION trl{'f !J:il!:f.f/1 lt... !;~ .- F.'t!:.l£>.\i !lA_lJ,;L.U.'1l'APGE11_C.f. j:\\!}fi!AHY Hr.tj) Hefel'(IDCC: Air A.T;proach chart of Ko:rea I Henle 1 :2bO,OOCJ (UTJvi) r.i1horu wo1·e eict:.t onomy aircraft sir;ht1ngs yoet.orday ranc;inr, from the' YA!n Hivcr to PYONGYANG. In the CHONG CHOim Hiver area between 1G35/I unu l6f>O/I 74 MIG--lus' t<crc obaervoa by 27 >'-flfis' t·Jlth ncr,at1vc enoountor·o. · 42 EIG··lbn' Here oboorvou by a patrol of 27 l''·•86s' bot~<een the CHONG CHONG nnd YA!.U HiverR. 1 l4IG-15 wat; encountored and aostroy­ f.i(l. at 0810/I at 3110001. No llamago to :friendly aircraft. At 1201/I 26 F-8E;nt obnorvod 71 l-!IG--lbs' in the CHONG CI:ONG River r.~.ron o:wounto:rine 16 l~IG-15R• at 1305/I from 35.000' to -10,0001, 2 ~'1lG-lfJI'>! wore claimed ru1 clcstroyod wlth no damaec re­ sul tin['; to frlondly a1.rcraft, No oncountol:' was mado when e. flight of 10 F .... 8(1r. 1 obnerved 16 leiJG-lGo' l.n the CHONG CHONG and YAH) Rl.vor arc,_ bot;roen 1218/I ana 1307/I. A patrol of B ~' .... 86r:' of)scrv0d 2 liiG-lG£! 1 in the SI~-'JIJU l.\:r'Ob. bet;tvccn lf~[)O/I and 1300/1. No er.countor was made. Prom 0'125/I to OBOG/I a patrol of 18 l•'-E\os' observed '12 EIG--lo in tho CfiONC, Cl!OI~G- ana YALU Rlver areae ;r1th ncc;ativo oncountora. lB l:<'-86.s' obt~cr·vod 56 lt.IG-l5n' in tho J?YO~·iGYANG cn~oa hct\wcn 1620/I and l6b0/I. No o:1countcl'S l<crc muclo. 6 NIG---11Jsl wore enoounterccl by 0 F-86fl1 at .jJ~,000 1 between 16~8/I and 1700/I in tho BIN'JJjiJ area, No cla1mr. or dnmac;o wan ropo:+·tcc1, r.rh:ts })a trol of F-86~ I obnorvoC:. 80 ZIG'-~lfls I in the area. 2, _,-:l_<;Y,__ (por ~.Q.i.lJ-£!,2000/I t9_ l9fQQQj_L)__ ~~heru were four 1nstunco.s of fluk oncountorcd by let ;:A\<J p1lotr:,. No c1n;nac;o wan roport,od. On EJl1Y ocoaBlon. At 1120/I, [; All-2s 1 of Vlr.A-121 reporto<'l moar;er inacoura to «u to-­ rr. .:Lt5.c woaponr'i fire n.t 8,ooot ovor BT 6055~ No C.ama.p;c wns fmstainocl 'uy tho aircraft. At };10'1/I, 8 F91"'R nf VhF....:\11 reported roceiv1nt; mcar;er inaecu-· rato a/w fire whilo oV(;r HT 60b4 at ~s,ooo 1 ; nogat.lvc damaged wur. rcportocl. Nout:,or and inuc:eurato t..uto-wonpons fire \-JaB rccoivod Oy an F91<' 2P t'llh~.l o on ph0to-rcuo n ovor BT 7087 ut 10 J 000 l, lb damage. T\W F'7F' n onoou.ntorod 1ntc;nsc 1nacc·.;.ratc auto~--woa.ponA firu a.t lbOO over BT '11<14 while on photo-rocon at lO,OOO', DECL<\SSIFIED DICCLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318128 SECRET DECiJRITY INFORl;...T 1•• - - - --- - - - - - - - - - - - - lGT Jit>\i D;-,ILY INT<LLIG~"lCE S'iJ'JJlY !•iO; 51 (Cont1Mod)• l>ngo No, 3 - - - --- ---- - - - - - - ~ - ~ - - - - - - - - ~ -- - - - Tronsm1ss1on by United Stntos roc;1storod mn11 or l'O(>istcrod (>Unrd rnn11 is mitbor1zcd in nccordnncc •.J1 th brtiolo Q705, >J. s. Nnvy Sccu:r1 ty riO.nual f'or Clnssifivd Hnttcr, 1951. J. \'1, ST.,GE LtCol., USHC .nCofS, G-2 Copy to: CG, FHF'Pnc CG 1 .hirFHFPao .. ro, ComFo1r.,.lnmodn CG, lstHnrDiv CO, M.... ~C--12 CO 1 )cit;G-33 CO, 1-!ACG-2 Co, lot 90m~ABn Co, VN0-6 00 I HJffi-161 HintoricnlO Stut't F'1lu SECRErr SECUHITY INF'OHHATION DECLASSIFIED DECLASSIFIED Korean War Project USMC-00318129 :JEOR:t<:T 8TI:C:JBITY :NFOii:J.~~ION• • ·~ Fk>L~'r~r; in Lanch,lria: An 1nte111t:ence Bouroe repor·ted that the N~\A was lirulDinc:h ~even C..iv ioions of men betv~'ecn the at-:, en of 18 'Lo 3(1 in the Yonoh1 (IIanchur1a) area for trait;ir.t:; in ir.fantry and wechanhed tactics, (Dato of information pl'ior to 17 December l%1) ([;) Go~r:!~. A provious roport by an intellir,once source (INTS':Jl~ 3":ll5 and OCH.i'>K i'.pt ;:br lJ1) indicated that 1 nlnce October 1951, Korean rco1Jento of l!llflchuria bet\feen the ages of 17 anc1 10 were beinG recr'l.: ted and sent to ct~l1n, Hanchuria for t,vo rao~n"tL1.R of mil1TilH'Y tr~.tinln[~. Furthermore, it was fitated tf.t.:'lt an undetor­ Hiinml D'Jrnbor cf ouch troops had alreal1y arrived .1.n Sinuiju, Korea as of bu:t·ly Decenbor 1851 for uoc ac repla.cementn for frontl~_ne uni tn and that 50 1 000 to 60 1 000 men had been recruited in Chien tao and Antunt; ProvinceRo Another report otated that the CCF and Soviets had trained 120 1 000 NK troops at Tunghtta, Yenoh1 and Chaoyaro[;chen (i:anchur1a) t.urin,"; tho lull in ·che KN'ean :C ir;htinf, (prer.umably su"osequent to the bet;innlne; of the At'Elistlce Ner;otia"Cion), The ro;"Jort also indicated thnt another 50,000 troopH were in trair;,lr;c: in -~he ~amo ar'ca "s of mid-December 1951, (FH"J/FEC 'ZJY G96l) (A1 tLo•lt:h this ropor·c did not specify the oo•1rce from whence tt.e troopn had been obtained, ';,;hey ue:rc pres'J.mably Korean ren10.entn of' ManchJ.riae) The foce((01nr; report~ al"e all concerned 11i th t:~o came eePeral period, prior to early December 1951 1 and are contoreu in Ch111n Provinc,e, Manchuria, ~'he ocven divisions allee;cdly to be recrllit­ od in the Yonchi area ~;ou1u involve a total of from 70 1 000 to 80 J 000 TroopR, The t1.w previous r epor tR conccrnl ng the train- in~: of North Korean troops in Manchuia have quote(! a minimum of 50 1 uou troopn.

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