2nd October 2020


Favourite books read by staff as children: Ms Baird said that ‘Matilda’ by Roald Dahl is magical - http://jssisdubai.com/Document/ Uploaded/Matilda.pdf Ms South really loves reading ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ Judith Kerr – https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-7K5rzfNQc A word from Ms Roberts (Primary English Here is an extract from Ms Laghzali’s favour- Lead): ite book: ‘Beaver Towers’ by Nigel Hinton It is said that it takes a village to raise a child, and that is https://books.google.co.uk/books? definitely true of reading! At Ark John Keats, we do lots id=ZBeLTnEBugoC&pg=PT4&source=kp_read_ of work in school to develop our young readers. But, we button&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false couldn’t do it without you! It is essential that scholars Ms D’Aguilar’s favourite book as a little girl practise their reading at home for at least twenty minutes was ‘The Story of Tracy Beaker’ by Jacqueline a day to ensure that they develop their fluency and enjoy- Wilson https://www.youtube.com/watch? ment of reading. Your scholar will bring home an age- v=ZIja8s5ERUY appropriate text that they need to read aloud to you. This Ms Das said that she loved ‘Mrs Wobble the is time when you can ask them questions about what has Waitress’ by Allan and Janet Ahlberg - happened in the story and what they think will happen https://www.youtube.com/watch? next. Then, you can also spend time sharing a story to- v=n5i5smhbCZo gether either in English or your home language. Scholars For our Year 6 pupils and beyond, here are of all ages benefit from hearing stories read aloud so some books Ms May re-wrote and illustrat- don’t feel like you have to stop when they are able to ed! Wow! She’s so talented! https:// read! If you need any recommendations for brilliantpublications.co.uk/subjects/language- books or have any questions contact prima- and-literacy.html?author=5692 [email protected]. I (Ms Reynecke) just LOVE the story of ‘The Big Friendly Giant’ and had my first Roald Dahl book translated in Afrikaans (a different language spoken in South Africa) - https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iqALkjrDp8 Ms McKenzie in the office said that she thinks that ‘Peace at Last’ by Jill Murphy was the best book when she was just a little girl - https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=9U9y35kWBvM We are really enjoying Ms Kelsey had a BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG list and I had to being back at school. pick only one of them: Edge Chronicles – Be- We have lots of new yond the Deepwoods by Paul Stewart and exciting books in our Chris Riddle (look out for part 2 and 3 as class libraries. We are well) - https://www.youtube.com/watch? spending lots of time v=wQEd1yyFgNk reading some of our Ms James enjoys reading ‘In a minute’ by favourite books, even in Tony Bradman and Eileen Browne to her our class lines! children and the scholars in school - https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=H2dfs2jLMX4 In our virtual assembly about ‘Kindness’ Ms Baird read the story ‘Have you filled your bucket today?’ by Carol McCloud - https:// www.youtube.com/watch? v=JEg38zCOMgk&t=116s Mr Etheridge (in Year 5) said that his favour- ite book was ’Wolf Brother’ by Michelle Pav- er - https://books.google.co.uk/books? id=Q8GhSfZpYAoC&pg=PT2&source=kp_read _button&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q&f=false This Weeks’ Class Attendance

KS 2 EYFS KS 1 1st: Potter—100% 1st: Bond—98.33% 1st: Hughes—98.33% 2nd: Somerville—99.66% 2nd: Ahlberg—96.66% 2nd: McKee—95.38% 3rd: Hubble—98.42% 3rd: Gray—92.66% 3rd: Seuss—95.66% 4th: Zephaniah—95.66% 4th: Murphy—92.30% 4th: Donaldson— 93.33% 5th: Al-Kashi & Jemison— 5th: Sharratt—91% 5th: Dahl—91.33% 95.33% 6th: Harrison—88.33% 6th: Bose—95%

7th: Blackman—93.66% 8th: Darwin—93.55%

9th: Latimer—91.55% 10th: Carroll—89.33% Well Done Bond, Hughes & Potter Class!

Important Reminders P.E Kit Staff Training Days: • Friday 16th October—No School Dear parents/carers: Please make sure that • Monday 2nd November —No School your child is wearing the correct P.E kit on • Friday 18th December—No School the days that they have P.E lessons. This is Rainy Days: part of our uniform and must be adhered to. Parents/carers: Please make sure that your child has a waterproof coat with a hood, as Please see the photos of scholars wearing the we are heading into the rainy season. We are correct P.E kit. During the winter season not changing the dismissal procedures at the they have to wear the AJK tracksuit (with end of the day and need your child to stay as school logo) white polo neck shirt (with dry as possible, in case it rains on the day, school logo) and black trainers. during dismissal.

!!!Homework Champions!!!

What a great first week of homework it’s been in Years 2-6. Well done to all scholars who have been practising on Doodle and TT Rockstars every day. We’re seeing some great progress! If you’re having any trouble log- ging on, please let your scholar’s teacher know as soon as possible. This week, our top classes for homework are: DoodleMaths: Hubble DoodleEnglish: Potter DoodleSpell: Jemison TT Rockstars: Zephaniah We’ve also had some amazing individual efforts this week. The scholars below are our class stars of the week. We’re very proud of you all! Al-Kashi: Karam; Blackman: Anjelika; Bose: Leart; Carroll – Theo; Dahl – Barish; Darwin – Michael; Harrison – Emily; Hubble – Aidan; Hughes – Jor- dan; Jemison – Kayson; Latimer – Temidara; Pot- ter – Jan; Somerville – Oliwia; Zephaniah – Shenae