River Rhymney and Nant Fawr Corridor: Draft Action Plan
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CARDIFF COUNCIL CYNGOR CAERDYDD EXECUTIVE BUSINESS MEETING: 22 JULY 2009 RIVER RHYMNEY AND NANT FAWR CORRIDOR: DRAFT ACTION PLAN REPORT OF CORPORATE DIRECTOR (ENVIRONMENT) AGENDA ITEM: 3 PORTFOLIO: ENVIRONMENT Reason for this Report 1. This report provides an up-date on progress with the River Valleys Initiative and, specifically, on the River Rhymney and Nant Fawr Corridor Action Plan, prepared with partner organisations. Background 2. The Taff, Ely and Rhymney river valleys, together with watercourses like the Nant Fawr, make a unique contribution to the character and form of the city. They provide continuous green corridors between the Severn Estuary and the countryside beyond the urban edge and possess high recreational, biodiversity, historic and landscape value. 3. Several Council Services and many other organisations have specific responsibilities in respect of the river valleys, but until this initiative there were no over-arching frameworks or mechanisms in place to co-ordinate their actions. In 2004/05, the Council established the River Valleys Initiative to develop a more joined-up approach to the planning, management and enhancement of these river valleys. This has brought together a wide range of organisations with responsibilities within the river valleys. Workshops and wider dialogue between organisations have enabled a strong consensus to emerge and a desire to work in partnership to make improvements on the ground. 4. One of the key outcomes from the inaugural workshop was agreement to develop Action Plans for each of the river valleys. It was agreed that the Council’s Strategic Planning Section should initially co-ordinate preparation of an Action Plan for the River Ely Valley in partnership with other organisations. Action Plans for the other river valleys would be prepared in subsequent years. Page 1 of 4 5. The River Ely Valley Action was published in April 2006, followed by the River Taff Corridor Action Plan in April 2007. Excellent progress has been made on the Priority Projects identified as a result of the process outlined above, and subsequent partnership work. The steering group for each Action Plan meets twice a year to monitor progress and address any issues that have arisen. The steering group and wider membership of the Countryside Forum also contribute to reviewing, updating and moving the Action Plans forward annually. The Countryside Council for Wales support the River Valleys Initiative by providing some financial support as part of the Partnership Programme, but many projects are partially funded from one or more other sources. 6. The River Rhymney and Nant Fawr Corridor Action Plan agreed with partners, is appended to this report, as Appendix 1. It is intended to act as a strategic framework for on-going actions that will bring about improvements within the valley. The aim of the Plan is: To bring relevant organisations together to identify issues, agree a framework and deliver actions that: • Positively address identified priorities; • Improve the quality of environment; • Bring about the sustainable and long term use of land; • Maximise opportunities for improved access and recreation; and • Raise public awareness of the value of the valley to the community 7. The list of potential priority projects is attached to this report as Appendix 2. Work is currently ongoing to develop and implement these projects with partners, and other service areas. Issues 8. The Action Plan should help deliver a wide range of plans, aspirations and objectives for partner organisations. For example, it will help deliver Cardiff Council corporate objectives together with Countryside Strategy aims. There is strong support among partners for the Action Plan approach and it is expected that they will integrate the Plan into their organisations’ work programmes. 9. It is hoped that the evidenced basis for projects and the high level of partnership involvement in developing the Action Plan will assist partner organisations and others secure the necessary resources to help deliver the identified actions. It is anticipated that Council actions will continue to be supported through the partnership programme with the Countryside Council for Wales. 10. The Action Plans have also helped to inform preparation of the Local Development Plan (LDP), by providing a high quality evidence base on the characteristics of these important and distinctive features of the City. Page 2 of 4 11. Subject to Local Member consultation, it is likely that the Officers will recommend that the Council support in principle the proposal for Local Nature Reserve designation on Council owned land in the Nant Fawr Corridor prior to seeking the endorsement of the Countryside Council for Wales. This will be addressed in a forthcoming report to the Executive, but the Action Plan relates to the whole of the Rhymney & Nant Fawr and therefore needs to be progressed. Formal approval would bring closure to a process involving external stakeholders who are aware its approval is overdue, fulfils a Countryside Council for Wales grant output, allows the Council to start implementing projects, and means that the Action Plan can be formally referenced in relation to LDP representations and used to help implement LDP policy. Reason for Recommendations 12. To enable the River Rhymney and Nant Fawr Action plan to be formally approved enabling projects to be implemented and a steering group to be established. Legal Implications 13. There are no legal implications arising from the subject matter of this report at this stage. Financial Implications 14. Several of the Action plans set out in Appendix 2 identify that limited resources are available or that resources are yet to be identified. There is a need to establish the financial resource required for each plan prior to delivery and this should take the form of a robust business case. Any costs arising from this action plan need to be secured from within either existing Service Area Budgetary allocation or external funding sources. Where it is identified that additional costs are required then this will need to be considered as part of the appropriate budgetary round. RECOMMENDATIONS The Executive is recommended to (1) approve the River Rhymney and Nant Fawr Corridor Action Plan (Appendix 1) (2) agree to establish a steering group to facilitate partnership working and oversee the implementation and updating of the programme of projects set out in the Action Plan in consultation with the Executive Members for the Environment and Sport, Leisure and Culture. STEVEN PHILLIPS Corporate Director 10 July 2009 Page 3 of 4 The following Appendices are attached:- Appendix 1: River Rhymney and Nant Fawr Corridor Draft Action Plan Appendix 2: Priority Projects Page 4 of 4 Appendix 1 River Rhymney and Nant Fawr Corridor Draft Action Plan Page 1 of 14 1. Background River Rhymney and Nant Fawr Corridor Action Plan 1.1 Cardiff contains the three major river valleys of the Taff, Ely and Rhymney together with other watercourses such as the Nant Fawr. These make a unique contribution to the character and form of the city by providing continuous green corridors between the Severn Estuary and the countryside beyond the urban edge. The water courses and adjoining open spaces possess high recreational, biodiversity, historic and landscape value. Additionally, they are located close to local communities and offer excellent opportunities for off-road access routes. 1.2 Many organisations and Service Areas within Cardiff Council have specific responsibilities regarding the river valleys. This initiative seeks to establish an over- arching framework that effectively co-ordinates these actions. 1.3 In order to develop a more joined-up approach to the planning, management and enhancement of Cardiff’s river valleys, Cardiff Council established the River Valleys Initiative in the winter of 2004/05. This has brought a wide range of organisations together who have roles to undertake within the river valleys. Successful workshops and wider dialogue between organisations have enabled a strong consensus to emerge and a desire to work in partnership to make improvements on the ground. 1.4 One of the key outcomes from the inaugural workshop was agreement to develop ‘Action Plans’ for each of the river valleys over the following three years. Specifically, it was agreed that the Strategic Planning Section in Cardiff Council co-ordinate the preparation of an Action Plan for the River Ely Valley in partnership with other organisations. The River Ely Valley Action Plan was the first to be developed and published in April 2006. The Taff Corridor Action Plan was developed and published in April 2007. Both the Ely and Taff Action Plans are available to download from the Council website www.cardiff.gov.uk/countryside. Work on implementing the projects contained in the Action Plans is continuing apace with Steering Groups monitoring the good progress being made across many topics. 1.5 The process for preparing, developing and implementing each of the River Corridor Action Plans is similar. In this respect a well attended workshop was held in September 2007 to help identify issues and relevant data sources for the Rhymney Valley and Nant Fawr Corridor. Following the workshop, extensive data collection and analysis has been undertaken together with site visits and discussions with partners to develop the Action Plan and Appendices. 1.6 In February 2008 the annual Countryside Forum was held in Cardiff Yacht club. This included a workshop to identify current progress and new ideas for projects along all three river corridors. This Action Plan will use information and ideas from both the Rhymney Valley and Nant Fawr Corridor Workshop and the Annual Countryside Forum. 1.7 The next workshop will be held for the River Rhymney and Nant Fawr Corridor in autumn 2008. The purpose of the workshop is to review the Appendices (reviews will be held annually) and is an opportunity to share the Action Plan with partners.