2006 WEEKEND SCHEDULE Welcome to the 23rd annual Chicago International Children’s Film Festival! The CICFF is North America’s largest and most celebrated fi lm festival devoted to fi lms for and by kids, and it’s the only Academy®-qualifying children’s fi lm festival in the world! This year’s CICFF features over 220 of the best fi lms and videos for kids from 40 countries around the world. The CICFF advocates positive programming for kids and families: creative, fun, and culturally diverse fi lms that not only tell stories about children and teens but also present things from kids’ point of view. Facets Multi-Media, Inc., a not-for-profi t fi lm and video organization, is proud to present the annual Chicago International Children’s Film Festival. HELPFUL HINTS Age Ranges Concessions These are suggested for each program and are offered as a general Concessions are available at all weekend Festival venues. guideline only. Special programs for our youngest audiences will be indicated by the My First Movie icon. Questions? Contact “Kidsfest” at 773-281-2166, 773-281-9075,
[email protected] or visit www.cicff.org ADMISSION Program Guidance Regular Admission to Screenings Symbols will be used to mark programs that contain mild profanity (P), $6.00 for children mild violence (V), or mature themes (M). The “M” symbol is similar to $8.00 for adults a PG rating. Programs are in high demand and seating is limited. Program seating is ONLY guaranteed with advance ticket purchase through Ticketweb. Advance Ticket Sales Additional Symbols available at Ticketweb The following symbols indicate a special premiere presentation of a for Facets, the Wilmette Theater and fi lm or of other special events.