Trail of Kota 4D Kinabalu

DAY 01 SINGAPORE – Depart by scheduled flight for Kota Kinabalu, the state capital of , also known as 'The Land Below The Winds'. Upon arrival, welcome by our representative and transfer to your choice of hotel. Free at Leisure after check in.

DAY 02 Kota Kinabalu – (B, L, -) After breakfast, we will be visiting Rumah Terbaik, which translate to Upside Down House, is the first of it’s kind in South East Asia and among the five upside-down structures in the world. Everything inside the house, from furniture to household appliances, hover above your head, as the ceiling is actually the floor. Next, we shall make a short stop at Nabalu Handicraft Center for some souvenirs and gifts for family and friends. Desa Cattle, a dairy farm at the foothill of , The farm serves as an educational platform for children as well as adults to understand how milk is processed. After Lunch we will proceed to the Kundasang War Memorial which commemorate the 2428 Australian and British prisoners who died during World War II at the Sandakan P.O.W Camp. Kinabalu National Park will be our last stop for the day before we return to the city. One of the first national parks of in 1964, it is also Malaysia’s first World Heritage Site designated by UNCESCO in December 2000. The park is one of the most popular tourist spots in Sabah and Malaysia in general.

DAY 03 Kota Kinabalu – North Borneo Railway (B/L/-) After Breakfast, we will transfer to Tanjong Aru Train Station to board the only railway track in Sabah which started running since 1896. The railway track runs down south from Kota Kinabalu to Tenom (Pangi Station), it’s approximately 134km line length. Continental breakfast as the train moves, The railway track primarily was for the transport of tobacco from the interior to the coast for export, today it serves as reliable public transport for the locals in the outskirt of town. On board the North Borneo Railway locomotive takes you on a scenic countryside seeing to the first stop of Kinarut Town, to visit the Tien Shi Temple that is known for its fine statues. Proceeding further down on the to Papar Town passing by some paddy fields, river and villagers along the way. A Traditional “Triffin” Colonial lunch will be served on board while enjoying the countryside view out from your seat. Upon arriving back at Tanjong Aru Train Station you will be transferred back to your hotel.

DAY 04 KOTA KINABALU – SINGAPORE (B) Bid farewell to Kota Kinabalu as you transfer to the airport for your flight back.

**Please note that the above itinerary is for references and subject to changes without prior notice. Package is base on cash and nets payment only.