Gene Baur | 320 pages | 07 Apr 2015 | Rodale Press Inc. | 9781623364892 | English | Emmaus, United States 8 Living the Farm Sanctuary Life ideas | farm sanctuary, sanctuary, life

O f course it would be wonderful if everyone who came to Farm Sanctuary —where we rescue farm animals and provide education on the devastating impacts of factory farming on animals, human health, and the planet—immediately became a plant-based eater. And small steps often lead to much larger ones. For instance, just eating less meat is a great start. When I was in high school, I learned about the cruelty that young calves endure in production, and I swore off veal for good. In this definitive vegan and animal-friendly lifestyle guide, Farm Sanctuary president and , author of , explore the deeply transformative experience of living day-to-day in harmony with your basic values. Learn more now. Here are ten suggestions to get you started on your own journey:. Habich, courtesy Shutterstock. Photo of Gene Baur courtesy Rodale, Inc. View more information. The sanctuary is a mixed herd home to many cows, sheep, pigs, horses and roosters who have been taken in for various reasons, some from worse situations than others. When that collection of sheep eventually grew to seven, the daughter moved to university and was asked to take them or find a place for them. They ended up under the care of Bisram and volunteers. It takes a lot of effort to run this place and Bisram credits 60 monthly volunteers as making it possible. Like others, the sanctuary has had to adjust to a pandemic world by shifting their fundraising methods from vegetarian festivals to launching a patreon with various tiers of support. A more luxurious offering this season is a Christmas box with custom handmade jewellery, vegan soap and merchandise featuring some GLO animals among others. They are working to protect vulnerable people by being in talks with a vegan food bank and highlighting the human toll the animal industry has. Ultimately, Bisram said she wants people to view farm animals in a different light and understand they are intelligent with unique personalities. About the Author: Keegan Kozolanka. Home Wellington County Farm animals living life to their fullest at sanctuary near Belwood 8 photos GLO Farm Sanctuary is home to rescued farm animals who get to live out a full natural life. Share on Facebook. Home | Outdoor Wedding Reception | Living Sculpture Sanctuary | United States

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Gene Stone Goodreads Author. Gene Baur, the cofounder and president of Farm Sanctuary, the nations leading farm animal protection organization, knows that the key to happiness lies in aligning your beliefs with your actions. The book covers the basic tenets of Farm Sanctuary life—such as eating in harmony with your values, connecting with nature wherever you are, and reducing stress—and offers readers simple ways to incorporate these principles into their lives. Get A Copy. Hardcover , pages. More Details Original Title. Other Editions 1. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Living the Farm Sanctuary Life , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Living the Farm Sanctuary Life. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Sep 01, Montzalee Wittmann rated it really liked it. The book explains how the farms got started, introduced the reader to some of the residents, explains how a vegan diet helps the climate and earth, and the human body! The last half of the book has lots of delicious recipes! I was hunger when I got that far so they looked even better because each recipe had a photo too. I have been a vegetarian for over 15 years I don't miss "meat"! I have substitutes that I can eat that harms no one! I got this book from the library. Apr 26, Brenden Black rated it it was amazing. A very simple book that gently opens your eyes to the cognitive dissonance that I think every meat eater has. Despite the size it's a quick read with lots of great full colour pictures and a whole host of recipes. Jan 05, Shel rated it it was amazing Shelves: animal-rights , vegan , cookbooks , compassion. A beautifully laid out and designed book. Get the hard copy for this one, not the e-book! Mar 17, Kristin rated it liked it Shelves: gardening , cooking , first-reads. I received an arc copy of this book from Goodreads in exchange for an honest review. Thank you Firstreads for the opportunity! So you know you are a bit foodie I kind of hate that terminology obsessed when you enter giveaways for every cookbook without looking at the details well enough. I was thinking more I received an arc copy of this book from Goodreads in exchange for an honest review. It's weird. I don't get it unless you are allergic of course. Vegan diets are just not that healthy with all of the artificial substitutes that are used over natural products yes, I said that. Anyway, story for another day. Living the Farm Sanctuary Life has a lot of beautiful pictures of the cutest, cuddliest animals, nice stories and tidbits. The more vegetarian meals and easily adaptable to non-vegan meals looked quite tasty and I will definitely be trying some as soon as the weather warms up. I guess I should have taken some pics of the less appealing ones, but I read this months ago when I received it and didn't really think about it. If you are a vegan: this is a beautiful book, you should give it a whirl. Vegetarian, worth the look for new ideas. Fun to browse though. Waiting on the hate mail View all 3 comments. Oct 27, Tisha IG: Bluestocking rated it it was amazing. If you know how to read then please read this book. It makes no difference if you are already vegan, or if you have somewhat considered , or if you dont think you will ever . It makes no difference if you love all animals or just pets. None of that matters. Everyone should read this book! The first half was informative. Very informative - some of it made me cry. Like ugly cry! Not kidding. It made me happy I was vegan but angry it was not sooner. The second If you know how to read then please read this book. The second half was a wide range of recipes: easy lunches, elaborate suppers and delectable desserts, and everything in between. And the photos! Holy Hannah, they are simply gorgeous! Breathtaking and smile inducing. I will look over this book again just for the photos! Great read! View 1 comment. Nov 12, Lara rated it really liked it Shelves: non-fiction , libraried , animals , food , read-in Though it starts off decidedly It's a quick read, mainly about why eating a plant-based diet is a good thing--Baur touches on a lot of different issues with factory farming and our food system, including the massive amounts of land, energy, and water factory farming Though it starts off decidedly It's a quick read, mainly about why eating a plant-based diet is a good thing--Baur touches on a lot of different issues with factory farming and our food system, including the massive amounts of land, energy, and water factory farming requires, the extremely poor quality of life for the animals, the health problems that come with the typical meat-and-dairy-heavy diet, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and poisoning of water from factory farm run-off I've been thinking about going from vegetarian back to vegan for awhile now, and basically this might have just pushed me over the edge. It's hard to read about all these issues and not do something to protest against them. I'm seriously becoming hippier and hippier in my old age. Anyway, the second half of the book consists of vegan recipes, but I actually found this section pretty unhelpful, since a lot of the recipes take a good bit of time to prepare, and contain ingredients I don't really like to use, such as seitan and and bacon and fake chicken. There are definitely a few I'm interested in attempting at some point though. Oct 23, Karen rated it it was amazing Shelves: nonfiction , animals , food. I'll admit, this probably got a higher rating because I got this book after hearing Gene speak at my local Vegfest in He's an inspiring presenter and I finally made the leap from long-time almost-vegan to full vegan after that day. I don't fan-girl over many, but Gene? I stood in line to have him sign my book. He just makes people around him want to be better. For whom would this book be a good fit? The animal lover in your life. A new vegan. A vegetarian. Someone just thinking about trying to go veg. But really? The first section of the book is about the sanctuary, reasons to go vegan, the environmental impact of farmed animals, what we can do to leave a lighter footprint on the earth. The rest of the book is about setting up your vegan kitchen and then lots and lots of recipes. Flipping through, I've already marked half a dozen recipes to try. If you ever get a chance to hear Gene Baur speak, go. You won't regret it. Oct 24, Tonya Plank rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: animal lovers, foodies,. Its a combination of little vignettes illustrating what its like to live at the sanctuary, where your friends consist of cows, pigs, chickens, turkeys, goats, sheep, and ducks, stories about some of the animals and how they came to live there, lovely photos of the animal residents and the people who come to visit, facts about the health From Witty Kitty's Book : We loved this book! The book also gives you tidbits on how to find some good cheese and dairy replacements. They also give you some good sources of protein, such as beans, and tempeh, which WK has heard a lot about and must try. But the best thing about this book is the happy little stories about some of the animals who live there, such as Opie, the calf who was born on a freezing NY morning in a dairy farm still wet from birth, who nearly died. After keeping hour watch on him, his body temperature improved and Opie began eating well, mooing happily, and frolicking with the other cows. He grew to be a gentle giant, weighing nearly pounds, and a favorite of cows and human visitors alike, living for 18 years. Another story features a hog farmer who became fond of a runt he managed to nurse to good health. His friendship with the little pig grew so that, after ten years, he could no longer bring himself to continue to raise pigs for slaughter. He ended up becoming a vegetarian. And those are only a couple of the stories. Sweet, informative, fun book with lots of colorful pics! Sep 14, Susan rated it it was amazing. What I enjoy so much about reading is the taking us to the next level in our lives here on earth. Gene Baur enlightens us by living fully and sharing what it means to live knowingly, with awareness of the other living animals on our planet. This book has made me more aware of the choices I make in my eating and how those choices affect other living beings life and death. For example just by giving up chicken I would save 31 chickens a year! I am by no means a vegetarian or vegan, but have What I enjoy so much about reading is the taking us to the next level in our lives here on earth. In my opinion there is no judgement in this book, only awareness. The photos are beautiful, this may be a book I add to my personal library. Jul 07, Holly rated it it was amazing. This book is a quick and worthwhile read, filled with inspirational quotes, stories, and beautiful photos. This book might just inspire you to go vegan if you're not already! And for longtime vegans, a great reminder of why you choose to eat and live the way you do. Highly recommended! Dec 31, Rift Vegan rated it liked it Shelves: vegan , Pretty good, though it's preaching to the choir, here. I am not a Farm Sanctuary member, but I like to support vegan books, especially when they're not just cookbooks. I don't cook, but it looked like there was good variety, in types of foods and in prep effort some recipes taking 10 or 20 mins, some taking hours. The thing I loved about this book were the photos! Happy Animals! I wish I had the opportunity to photograph farmed Pretty good, though it's preaching to the choir, here. I wish I had the opportunity to photograph farmed animals more often. Apr 11, Kimberlee rated it it was amazing. If I could give this book ten stars, I would! Apr 25, Marla rated it it was amazing. This book promotes a vegan lifestyle and includes recipes. There are 3 Farm Sanctuaries that care for animals that have previously lived on factory farms. I want to visit! Life changing book This book shows how meat based diets are harmful to you, your soul and the environment. This makes you know you can charge the World. One of the best books I've read on why to go vegan from an perspective, very moderate and all encompassing yet tells the hard truth. A must read! Jul 08, Jessica rated it liked it Shelves: non-fiction , food , Okay, I read it, but Im still not entirely sure who this book is for! I clearly misinterpreted the title I thought this book about the Farm Sanctuary Life by the founder of Farm Sanctuary would be a story of how the organization came to be, their values and stuff about the farm today. I did like the brief overview of how they started and grew as an organization. I really liked all the pop-out sections with stories about specific people, animals, volunteers, etc. They already have a lot of stories like that on their website, but I like to read about the specific animals they rescue and how their lives improve. Also not what I was looking for. We have plenty of vegan cookbooks, and I only checked this out from the library, so not really time to dive in and try a bunch of stuff. These people are not our enemies and we are not theirs. We find most people share similar values and interests. Baur understood early in his animal advocacy career that speaking about the horrors of factory farming was much more likely to affect change when intertwined with the hopeful stories of rescued animals. She was soon joined by Jellybean, another sheep. The pair bonded and were inseparable for ten years. Hope and Johnny were pigs who were seen spending countless hours together snuggling in the straw. Snowy and Shotzie are ducks who spent some time at Farm Sanctuary until members fell in love with them and took them home. Soon after the two took up in a lovely pond next door where they can be seen enjoying a good duck life. Happy animals, happy people and a happier world are the major goals of Farm Sanctuary. There are suggestions for stocking your quintessential vegan kitchen with pantry staples.

Living the Farm Sanctuary Life: A Review - Compassionate Action for Animals

Sanctuary Nursery. We live in a World that is truly Abundant and the Universe provides amply for Us. We are living the Life of our Dreams in an easy and relaxed manner in a Healthy and Positive way, in its own perfect time for the highest good of all. Virtual Tour. We got married on January 31, and we could not have chosen a more beautiful and simply perfect venue, especially since they allow fur babies We were worried about the capacity because we had guests, including us but the venue accommodated and it fit just right. The staff were easygoing with the documents and planning process and also did a sick job on cleaning and decorating. They have done many upgrades and additions to the place, that it looks even more beautiful than when we first saw it in The next time I open this book will be from my kitchen as I attempt to create some of these incredible vegan meals. I am looking forward to it. For so many of us, the crushing weight of the daily horrors all around us are almost unendurable. In order to continue, we must keep a focus on hope and be able to know that there are places like Farm Sanctuary. Thank you for this article — sharing to social media, with that eternal hope. Coming Events. Thank you for never forgetting us!!! One of the things that endeared me most to this book was the detailed history and journey of Gene and Farm Sanctuary and the personal stories from various plant-based people scattered through the book. Reading about his journey to creating Farm Sanctuary is a reminder that we all start somewhere and that one step leads to the next. His story about how Farm Sanctuary began with him and a friend keeping some rescued animals in a backyard is a testament to how small actions can be a catalyst for greater things. I also enjoyed the anecdotes about the animals that some of the employees of Farm Sanctuary provided throughout the book. Beyond the personal stories, the main premise of this book is what Gene calls the Five Tenets of Farm Sanctuary Living. These tenets include things such as eating plants for the earth, eating plants for your health, and eating mindfully. des-gemeinschaftsgefuhls-163.pdf