Correspondence of Hue Orescent. NEW ORLEANS MARKETS. AMUSEMENTS. SALES AT AyCTiON. SHIPS—SHIPS. NEW ORLEANS; HBWYobb Jrt.«.a* CmirmT Offirt., Î AMERIOAM THBATBB. Package Sal«. FRIDAY MORNING, JANUARY 1». OR MO 'Tfl ÖP RIO "GRANDE. Matamota«, Eds. Crescent—Thp oheV* atami tab.*» Ml Ü •• W Friday Mo u ni% Jan. 19. 1849. > H. P. ORA'I'TAN ^ „...»M» KuafW. BY MORPH V & TPÏEVTUS. F Brown-villeille ad FreF*r; . ort.—Tr.e fin-, ,nVt»n. H haw a* report from tl« h»a'tb ldw< «a th« ioI^k-. If COTTOV —The Couo i mirket siil. continent firm with UUtDAY, Jannsrr '9. «' 10 -clock-WH l* ni ' in Paekag* talcs Hal coiitwr taatenvd, A I »c» OfiN. TAT. T Lan .ppe&iatj «It o... »1 »iJÜOOJlfj» *"*4r to "» X Loom, ttp-stsirs. fii k ft--or. Sine f*o- s? M •flit* urm— 'iréSk Interme.htb Yesteiidat.—The follrivrins: i« the »oy oaaMordMth» hwl ocuumd a «»»t waaM «•' aoana a« eady demand iliiefl for hngland aad Iba Nor Lb. Th* 1 LOB, AndrMr, n a 1er. ha-iac tbre-fourtlu I» -JUW Cu-i.o:«r or B«.!.' TU«. A Ur«c aud trail*. 1 a-Buf iïlr' !''t t»-U, ttv^. Q», fchoac, Hats, •ae> yeste rea htd 40iÜ baJ-^ at fall prieat. r h~t carroe*«aif«d. wi I b - d«sp. ch d asabove. For IVisiit list of interments, as reported lathe Bo*rd of Health, have ben Mat ia. Tbc » hole lumbir af cn»m and d -«th« HIS EVEMW.% f' !«y. 'Vx'^VP^îrêrr«" Cap», I thMif. Dry Ceula, etc. or tia.aae, havinv co d ac o inmud .tioaa, aiuiy oa honni at NKW-OKLÜAfc» CLaKSirn;Alloa. .il cum .'il «c Ifcllli J H w*ld XfÄ^L T 8ÄÜTU8 OT Bajars aïs rrapeeileliy aohciml to cat and namme die ap to 12 o'clock yesterday, by the Sextons : -o'ar, «ne« theatir*lof .he-.hi N*«r Yetfc, «pi»Je». IJi. Tor, Tbc K it ot T-F .ni»—• "j. 8.«*": Tmi.. «r. i Lower Picayune Tier,or to iiivliiiive. are 9) cue« »ad S6 cle»t'-». Inieru*...... —jMaiillia* Fair &>*(&%% Ct.rn M nu, T. qum. Mr. Hv..»r. Tulla, Mr.. Grecie; T.r. A. WETHERBY, :s Pov lt*..t, Ot Cholera ..«. 14 On 11nar * 1 Pair *i...... ouinm «rw C l.ucrnis, Mrs. Joh su«.... A "A- Horaes, Carte, and Hamas«. X. B.—Thi< vessel pa^e» the bar mio tbe of the •• Other diseases Iu the LeguUtare t •- lay >1 ils«««roiéred a i»»o a'ioa Middling j flood Fair »OKITK DANCE, bv M». J. L*Pm t....PA8 t;OMIQOE, Y , River wit'i fall ^a ja!7 rfin-cinf an examiuatioa i»to tlie t»rea*.taec» a't- id •( G'mnI Mi'lil ih| I <*ood ami Fin* nommai. hv M Ti.'»ne-an ...To c nclml* With the l»oj1i*l»l- Kitrcr c»f # Another or THKM AR ib»T«d —Martin Sweeney was j,n _ _ tjf Tu Mil WITH DI"PATfH. the fui Iare of the «anal Baak, aad |H«po 2%. 4 hhds , 1 A. at 4. 1 R. at 3 ». I at 'J}% 1 at 2, and 74 tar To morrou , Saturday, Last eight of Mr. BOOTH'S engagre- H Brad nry,.Wi, master, ... h*vn»rfoartha th — H|riiS|o heF? srty cha ged with being one©^ several arsons ml« beat Barney laid on the table. * cargoF emgngrii. wnl sad a« above tor IkiIrb<*o ahL-.. bh U. via o;i County. a> n*uaf. on i rivât- ta ms. ri ent, wie» ii b* will appear i«i o-»* nf hi« '» ost popular « harae Poydraa atreet House and Lot. 1 Dann in the head, at the corner of Magasine and M.Jo e, h A. bill was reported ia tba Hoam tio iacoiporate the Trm- 0*ra....Mr. HARRY 8. EYTINGE, whn«e pe f city. At lb* wit.» W W «t ÖUO lihd* Atmu' 4â0 bbis. Moia»se» di»(Mxed also ppear as WILLIAM, in " B'ick-E*eed J. A. ßir.Rj), Anctioneer. jal ï A WETHERBY. 78 Poydras st. serioufciy wounded hi». hour of the la>t diipatcb th* Bon« was eaga#ed oa tbe of at -0 4a.d borne »ma i tot» of Choice *t 21c. i> gat. by him for 30 ronaecutiv nidi's at ilie Strain] Th-atg?, Loo ion. ATUR.UA \, January sc. at 1» o'cluck—Will !.. . :,.», at Banka yar The Poll- Deparun m ts under the < onirol ol M.. B. L. üeeimau. SArcadi, w hitQi»t i>k--rve— Takino TBC WIDOW'S MIT».—Maurice ftriffiu was slavery question. f FLuUR.-Tiitre wa> some inquiry t«»r fchip • ©nt. and A cer ai- ! -t c.t G wind iu he square b unde-r . v P: >?..•*-. V .'«u 1 , TÎ'OR NE V VORK —Th- stipe.ior, new, A 1. fast-sa l. Price» of Admitsion— Dress Circle. 75cents; Parqi c te. 8« outi aud yesterday arrested in the Second Mnnicipetitv. on the com­ As the car* were on their {fe :>' plaint of Mary Gr ffin, who chsrges him with feloniously last even n^. they cams in colUtion with a steif h coataiaiatf be delivered, at $1lo, &W bbU. do. »I*» in flatboat at $4 75, tST i*ri*aie Bose:» and Seats may he secured at the Bos-Office, I*- lisvin? ihe greater part of her cargo engaged wi I iween the hours ol 10 A. M. feud 5 P. M., by applying to Geo. S in- he* front on Poydras street, by a depth betweeu pa..- Ui lu t- • « . _î above. For freight or passage, h a% ing sure-" taking from her house, at the comer of Magazine and Girod a gentleman—Mr. Henry Waring—and hit lady, aad thmr and 10U do. *t Loin» at $5 p bbi. Tba »nyply u light and lût) 'eel 8 inchesS Stanley. Treasurer. * ior accommoiiat om apply to he eaptain « n boaid, orto streets, about $380 belonging t<\ the estate of her deceased it some di tance (town a steep bank. Mr. Waring wan in­ ho dar* generally firm. QT Doors open at a quarter-before 7 ; Performance will commen et­ Tb« proprty is improved wi'h a doubl« Darellio|r and Kathen, ja!6 HENRY K ASH BRIDGE 77 Poydrasst. stantly killed aud his lady very Mok injured. Ho wan at a quarter past. 7 preei*elv. }aJ9 Cicernsin tM rear, all nearly new. husband. _____ G fctAlN.— orn i» »till very scarce. Abont 6000 sacks dis­ 7V,rr7W.--One-thir! cash, balance in 6, 12, and 18 months cre ht, for TusailJASVA*\ 2-ith. crossing the t ack at tha moment, at if trying how cIom fca noies bearing mortgage on tue pr-pertj until paid, wi-ich, il not (?OR CALIFORMA, rtaCHAÖRES.-The Al,supe- FOND or Dai irrtkr .—Loa is Senecal. accused of »teal ng posed of a* follow» : 4 00 sacks. mo»tl> White. iUmr flat ST. OHARLBS THBATBB. eontd ran without being ennght. bou 1 ads ) at 47, 8U0 Jo at 4 . and 7 3 sacki Prime Vehow punctual y paid at maturity, to bear interest at the rate a! 8 per cent. a rior, verv fast -ai ingschoone' WM. H. HüZ- *te arrested nt one of tho robben. It i» aap« Ol Bau ja 78 cask« P.ime Rtbbei dides brought 6c.... be d niloir...Ah»- wiiieli THE LIAE-Vou g G- carpenter's tools from t eshop ofJ. C. Moeely. was y-ste d.y V.iHlenliufl... .To . onclu le with the la« act ol THE BR DE -v BY BEAKU, CALHOUN & CO. q -ick conveyance, are parricnlariy leqnes ed to visit this ves­ c mmitted for tr«al before the First D.strict Court, by Recor­ po.ed that ho coule«»ed tho dead and pointed oat tho »boa only of Lard we hi ard of were 28 bbU. at 6$£, 10 do. at sel, and examine lier as she now lie at <*t 7 idecon from a bar.el oa the Levee, and Mich. Daly and clo ed tlie measure of the General's head. Ho U going I» WH riK Y—Is lower—b> bbis. Rectified sold at 18, 1*0 do. BA1LY ,between the hour, Ol Wand 5 luck, every day. }a!9 ed by I au-e .8t. Andrew, Jersey and J >hine streets. Lots 1, 2,3 «'«•hI as i he bes' and rurest to California, we aree«tabli h ng Win. Cunningham, '-barged with stealing a coat tha lay on have a new hat, and I am roa ly curiooe to ton how noh a and 4, front on St. Andrew aire» I t No. 6 frotns oti Laurel street— in Jo* at 18>4. an < 40 do. Raw at 19^c. a Regular Line of Packe s to Chagres. An A 1 Vessel will ihe sam$ great thoroughfare, were each sent to the work, thing would become him. It i» to bo a aaw Walk Aaf—•A ORLEANS THBATBB. No. I for-ning the cc of Laurel and r»t. Andrew streets. All succeed the Hatzi d. ja Id t H LIGHTS —Tinee B.ti»li >hip* taken for Liverpool at mof f IIv described bv plan. house for thirty days, by Recorder Baldwin, yesterday. I, ast o be desires it to be—aad i» to b« worn oa tho iinnif 7-Jtkl. J >r Lotion, and one An.eacan lor Havre at l£-16u.— 2. TWO LOTS OF GROUND, eligibly simated near thr New VW Tostil THURSDAY. January 26th of bis inaugurition. 1 obtain nil ihio iaformatiaa ftôai tko Market on Dryades sue U n.guther witn a I tlie imp-ovemeut* the eon, AL]w »R.N i A.—Ti.enew Assault AND BiTTERY.—Barry McCabe. accu etl of a decline. OR saw FRANCIS- o let!er referred to, aad deem it proper to ooaunaaloile Ü to e by Dun aetti, entitled TH MARTYRS. Per- b-mg Nos Sand 4 between T- ipsichors an-i Euter e streets; e^ch F Baltimore cli|>per-bui't bark TOUR". Capt; in •oundinga neg o with a blow of a stone, wascommiiud lo mers-. Messrs. D-uuc und C rr-'di. au Madaire Flcury-Joly. mea'iirvs 32 wet I'rot t ou Drya e-< stieet, by a depth of 127 leet 10 l ow. will sti a* ab<»ve. Th-Tou-o ix 300 ion:-bur- &.x. you at the earl est opt»ortuaity. ff The libretto ol The Martyr* i* for sal at the Box Office. loche« & lines. On lot No. 3ii a double iraine dwelling, now rentet' to then, of b autil'ul mode', an>l no expense i as bo n or trial by Reco der Geuoii, >esterday. Our weather is ir uch milder, aad dariag a part of tbe day New Oi leans Cattle xMarket. q .arter beton two tainllies. spared to fit her in he mO"t com'ortabl- manner for pa sen • «_ 8un, Jon. ÏI—Seeon«J «pre» at uun ot MONTE CR18TU. Terms. -The purchaser to assume the payment of a rote for $1100, FIRST DISTHICT COURT.- Presiding, Judge McHeury. a thaw wa» « b-ervable, which however sooaaadod ia a this du*- 4ir> March, 1849, the balance ato and 12 ui n" s credit. fere. Sh. is remarkable fir.fis» sailing and is coiiuuanti» d C orrected daily for the Créneau, hp VlNCBMT WiLLIAjly, Terms for Lot No, 4.—One-fourth cash, balance at 6 and 12 by one havinv gr*atexperience n ihe Hacitic Trade who L. H Huddieston was tried for harboring a runaway slave i'eet, We learn to-day, by te-egrapk, thatyoa have fae*uy Proprietor of the Lafayette Stock Landi-g BouL GREAT PAIN TING! mou hs credit tur approved noUs. All the notes to bear mort^oge on will lake charge of »ny consignments to his aduresr. Fur had the t lermome er as low as 81°—from thi» wo aagar good* PEN FOR EXHIBITION %ST FOR A SHORT TIME and w m acquitted....Perry Putnam, tccu.-ed ol Jar eny. was the propem. freight or passage apply to 'ound guilty... .Geo. Wilton, charged wiih a similar offence, In your paper of the 26 h you make *ome special observa­ LaravKTYic. Jan. 18.—Arrived, steamer Gen. Lane, OLONGER Jd STOf KWfcXL'S 3. THREE LOTS OF GROUND on St. Denis street, Lafayetie, C. J. MEEKc*,6> Poydrasa*. in th« square bennde** by 8t. Déni«, Dryades, Seven h and Eighth was acquitted In the cases of James Browu and Isaac tions on the cholera's prelerences. 1 have ao doubt of im with 24 Beev«s; JV^tcïcz, with 33 Ueeves-gras* fad ; Alez. Mammoth Panorama of the ' N. B.—Passage in the Fust Cabin, $250 ; Parage in the streets ; «neasur» s. each 1«, 33 feet 4 i ches front on St. Deni* struti, Second Cabin. $200. No SUerage Pasaei.geret^ken, and no Washburn, each accused of a larceny, nolle prosequi* were universal applicuiou of the principle referred to, after ia* beut t.. with 200 cheep Prices—Beef, 7fa)iki. lb ; Dog», bs «t i'epib of 125 feet betweeu parallel Unes. , 4. TWO LOT« UF GROUNI> in the square bounded b? St. passage secured until t aid for jal* euteed. *_ eluding a sin le additional oias* of cas»*—that of persons te 4Vt(a)bc. lb ; diieej», $3(a)b Ç- head ; Milch Cows, ieb (a) Frwn the Gulf Mexico lo the Fall» of St. Anthony ! Denis, Drya es. Seventh an I Eighth suee a, b»-ing lots No. S and 4. Of To sail WITH DISPATCH. n : ill haal.b from various causes, bat especially from bilions da- •50 £ heal; Hay. *14/o)4i5 £ tou ; Cora, 4oCà)à0c p at PANORAMA HALL, Lot No.— 3" —* *• — set, by a «lepth of 120 I,"» OR BO^TO^ — ü IJVSOh'S J.JJSTE—The fnst-sailing DROWNED —The mate of the British sh p Swan and the ran gmtnU. bunliel ; Oau, &c. bu»bel ; Bran, .0c. $ 100 lb ; Oil­ .... . s26 led fr.Ji.toi» 8t. « ; acket shin LOUISA. « apt. Chas. Flanders. mate of another British vessel, both lying in port, fell into In die Commercial Exc ange building, 8eventh street, forming ibe corner of said The Journal of Commerce this morning devotes more thaa cake. #1 0» lUO lb. having part oi" h*-r c r*o engaged an I go ng on jflEfla • he river from their respective »hip», on Wednesday, and ty EVERY EVEXI*g /A* THE WEEK, UEi boaid. w II sail as al»ove. For balaLce of (night or-^^"" a column to a letter from a lady in Canada, who cured two end on Saturday aiternoow» at 3 o'clock. Terms.—One-foui th cash, balance at 6, 12, and '8 •» onths* credit passage, having splendidly lurni«h*d state-room accommoiia- we e dsOwned. We were unab e to learn their names. s for notes bearing mortgage on ihe property ; il the notes are not paid c s«s of cholera, at »oui* plane aad time, by a course of treat­ POKT OF NEW ORLEANS: %3T This PANORAMA i» Three Times lite Extent of any Paint- tions, appl> on b »ard at t'ost 15, Second Muni' iptlity. or to ment that certainly made «access remarkable. A physi­ at mat m it? 'o «-ear interest at the rate ol 8 per c»*nu per jalô IHN W. ANDREWS te C'\. 91 Common st. THE PETER Fuhr CASE —The case ofG.L. Jenkinsand ii,s i/i the WurU.% and laiihiuhy renresem» a vie ol country Three Act* of «ale betöre J. R. Beaid, N. P., at ihe eipeu« J cian'» j .dsm-nt is about the last thing to depend apoa whea OS ou N.—LusMTVM«^ W.—luTime, t»A Thousand Five ßutidred Mile* m Length, pasMng ihruu^h Ten Ja9.lMtl4-I8,l9,2( G. L. McGinnis, accu ed of swindling F. F Vai out of $o 11 1 To Mail W'TH IMMEDIATE DISPATCH. on. does g t the diae&^e, bot I think there is ao rtassa why ^taietoi he Union, and etnbra uig Fif'*"" " IOR NEW Y RK—Th« A 1 bark JUttlATA, Cook, in the auction »tore of Jacob Levy, or Syes, >o. 40 St. Oteared Yesterday: UT AdtuiaaaMi, aü cru Coffee House Fixtures, and Household i urniture. F master, biviug a uortion of her car o engMged. Cnarl- s s reet, in the mam er desoibed n our paper ye te'- a man should get it. Over-exertion, exposera, ialtaipcr- Prop Her Eudora. Jane», New York. G. W Hynson BY S. L. BEELMAN. Auciioiieer. will leave a< above. Fo freight apply on botrd. at day, was >esterday continued b lore Recoider Baldwin aoce, etc., can easily be avoided by ordinary people, aad THE GREATE&T WONUEH OP THE WORLD. Post 11,2. Municipality, or to * 8 if ;E. u , tbi.) iMi». oli, Liverpool, P. MaiweJ 6l CO ONDAY. January 22,1, al II o'clock- Will be «oM, on the prcrai- Daring the examination ytsUiday lie lact «tas extorted 1 om pet'ple »howing a predisposition for the complaint shoald [ERR RVNINGER,the enowued ana unrivaled 7cUgraphic «... on Front • tivfit tiriween Rulfl^nitc HiiO Hciwlerioiî H r, rf, jalO J. W. A NDR » Wfl & CO 9\ Common st. brk :>ie «ou bu.kmau, ftew Yoik, Cbas. i>eake iL c** theM contents ol a Cotire House coHMMtng ol tome of the witue ses, thai on Wedue day moue/ was paid seek for the momeat a bettet atmosphere. baik Uciia ciiaptu, jllci*ear, .uw Yoik, Tumblers. Decanter»-, Pit:her«, Wine awl Ale Glasses, Counter tar To leave Til18 WEKK. The Cris'ov*! Colon sailed ^liis morniag for 8aa Fran­ J. W. Aodiewft k Co ^erlorm the Bingavum R ce Courte, at At- Ci^OR NEW VOaK —T e A 1 packe bark DELIA to ihe pr ftecutor, Vai. on condition that he should not again when he will inuae AN AÖl LNS-ON OÎ>i A SINGLE ami other Future« ; comprising a complete assortment ol tmytiiin; cisco with about thirty-five «a-.-engers. five or six of whom Brig Tas.. neresfcary to conduct such busiues.; together with tlie Household -T CHAFIN, Ca. t. McNear. lias one half ot her appear *n thecase. Who^ave the bribe lould not b learned Br>g G. W Keuauii, Heed, i>e^ York via At aka. as, The lt'1 0*111^ uariu^ and eS'r«*oidmary leau have bee»« if lorine>l Furiiiiuie of said premises. enrgo engaged and aoinu on board, and will s tie as The Recorder discharged JeuLins and rem >nded McGuinis «re Brooklynites. The Fo'iert Bowne nn^ Apollo» *hich Ala»'tr Also above, ro balance ul freight or pass-ige. having-••••• ou a SI. gv WJ e bv Hi»- ail venturer—Croe mny die Hariem River, N. tor further examination have made ihe m nt n^ise, are not yet ready. Bone of tho D ig Tbos. P. liait, 3woa»eli. C a»»p. G-lve» uu, O. W ckuaiu A'iesfauy, at Puuburg creating- Uic «leateet eactteiueut and admi- J. W ANDREWS & Co. Common st. Messrs E.itors— Having seen my name in your paper of dispatches or batch of J*tt rs foai »he gold legion soon. buauiboa ben. liaiuer, Cozzen» 1'ensacola, Juo. Huiley lati -u, in he i reaeu e of t< ousa< da ol Spe laioia.*" Dry Gooda, Hats, Boots, Shoes, &c. ja5 or FOSDICK & HRO. 47 Tamp AY, January 21, be- By R. ARMFIELD. Auctioneer. which took pla e onboard a Spani.b bark, hing in the tweeu tù.: no «r« i l 3 aud 4 o' luck, P. M ßea s wul i>e ie#-rved car Tu leave WITH UUll'K UlSPAiCH. The Washing'ou U in her 18th i'iy from Sonthampton. ÄMiVBCi icsitiUav: ILL be» tnitisold Daily,Dnilv, fitat thethe storestore ofof JASPFJASPER F. SMITH, No. 7 First Municipality. 1 beg leave to stata tothe public that the f. the La j 9 days from Brazos St. Ja^b, in bal Lower terry, Fi ot Mum- ipaa >. jai9 leave a* above < or balance of freig tor passage unjust chtrge against me, which lam prepared to prove, flue nee. !fo anxiety is felt abont her. ia* , lo ttae & i* x—1st isi>. applv Ljao] J W. AADRbWS & CO. 91 Common s' and wou d therefore ask a suspension of pnblic opinion un­ Very re ectfully -on.*, IffDlCAT^'t- Bchr. L ea.«, çenfs, S da) s irom ApaUchiuola, to master ROPER'S Sr AR&ING and FENCING AOADEMÎ, til an examination can be had *n the premises. — n*ii h 1 uni fi^* i/ leave WITH QUICK DI^PAT H. T New YO& . Jaaaary 7th. ÄO 107 POYUHAS S rert. jVeic Orleans. Trade... .Terms, cash. OR BOS fON.— IV JfSOK'S LIME. (To riucce d Your most ob t, E 6cbr. car«ii bioUea. Rankin, from Co.ington, to Oakey & N. B. - Liberal Cash Advances made on consignments of Dry The weather here still coatinues excessively oold—Unearth Üa**kia»— Ba*iu. PEN Fi-.OM 8 l»'t LIM K. A. M„ to 2 P.M., and Goods, Hardware, Cutlery, Gold and Silver Watches, Jewelry, »»nd Fthe David Nicliol».)—'The fine, fast sa ling ED. A. F. MITCHELL. *KOM 4 Ui 8 (TcLofK, P. »I. ja8 picket ship A NN, Capt. Rotr-rs. will leave a«' being covered with snow and ioe, f»om an iaoh to six iachet ,ISAMBHAT» O Merchandise seneially. o7 6m 1 California, Beyno.dt», Im Mobile . above. For treidln or pnss'g apf»l> on boaul, or to THIRD MUNICIPALITY COUNCIL— Thursday Evening* thick. Day and night we are saluted by merry sleigh-bells, M .r> Fuie.. lia icie», Irwiu f ie d»' M'lls. ty The second Annual Ball of the Firemen's Medical, Law an i Miscellaneous Library. JOHN VV. aNI^EaS &(;•». 91 Common »t. N. B.—A De k li>a<1 wanted for tlie DAVID NICHOL«. ja Jan lb.—there was »special meeting of this body—preseut, all frlong the streets. The ernanntes vie w th each other ia >a che/.. doKue«. laickipw th » Landing—696 bale« cotton. CliAKlTAoLL AttoOCiAllUiS • nl take p»ace on »AI iKUAl ALE OF RARE VALUABLE ENGLISH STANDARD tbe gayety aad glitter of their turn-outs, and it it oaaof the Autocrat Go» e. Im .»««.inpi» a—*4-6 ba e» co on. EVi_NlNü, If'eb uaiy 3d, at ibe Armory Hall. j*l3 S WORKS, at auction. Öf To leave WITH DISP Tr»'. Messr*. Bernard, N.comede, Flanders, Collins, WiHz, Solo­ Gia> LMgir, JÜu^xJi, iHi&L.Maii luviiie—04 baN —Tue A 1.packet ,liip EUPHRASIA, mon, Meehan and Siewerssen—Recorder Seuzeneau pr«si- »ights worth lookiog at, to Staad on the side-walk aad sea cal. Misc. Uaueous, Miiiiaiv, Liter*!, Cna.UMUie. .viuuie. tiu caimlen—ti34 b le» co lon. ST. Lours BALL-ROOM. u , ,c Cha«. i un in, m u» er. will leav asa^ive For d ng. 1he obj ct of tha meeting w as to tetlie the diffi ulfy them pass along. Aot even the private vehicles, thigh- Will be sold wu» oui «é erve, a^attrtmn,aT^i by C«w s . r A. W . Vau L*eei, G e zeu*ei lui a .Mai iu»v i e—31b. c*n No 40 St. Chailes »tree-, oppoaue St. Chaile? Hotel, at *h»' ire'rht o j a«>age ppJy ou board, at Pu» 114, id Mu- fashion, rich as some of ther capar.sonings am, can com­ lieu. VV oiiu, Citane», im L.ake rroviueiice— 13ti- bl». cOUOu # nicipality, or to aao«« betweeu the Finance Committee and Mr. Soloaon, aiUing store of J. B. Ruscont, i large culleotiou ol EmrUsh Editions of uut of the lat er luk ng from the secretary'sdesk, and retain­ pete with those same omnibuses. With their snparb white bl^y, tlie, m i>ai< u K. u^e-t*3 Pale» coUuu. a I ihe "t Louie bciU-hoom, 5th day oi RARE AND VALUABLE WORKS, cum,.wing 2100 jaô JOHN W. A N DR KW * & CO. 91 C mToa st Viola. Du<{a«, im La.ourclie. 3 the ubo^e Ha 1 i» • W..rks. ing possession of, without the concent of the Council, a re­ horses—the rims of the dash-boaids arching over like tha Mardi, 1849 Tue «.uoscripu u Historical, Medi «1, Bii>gr«phicul, Poetical and Mis- elhuie ar WI TH DISPATCH. A mu.c. J lin»ou nu uiui v lie—o6i ua e» eotton. #>prn lor a .imittui number ul suo» ibers, at the Oliice Due notice wnl be give., ol the dav ol sale, ami wheu he rata To leave port from thrfCommittee, which t^e Counci had ordered to necks of serpents—and from tweuty to a hundred ladite and lalltt OR PHILADELPHIA C»MMt R< jAL LLYE.- A«x ^iOit, etttigton im Lunuv lie. logues Will l»e ready f-.r delivery • t the ai>o»e pi i e. The A 1 packet bark MER&IMaO, Bangs, be insetted in ihe m nutes and printed. An understanding tents ••ia*ide"—you may imagine what a show they Ucu taue, U i lier ou. Im 1* .i. IV nie. IT I'l« aud niHgii fice..t Rotuuda will be F The United Sta es vs. Goods, Wares, and Mer« m i^ter, wi 11 ave a< alwive. For freight or passage, was had al the Ja»t meet ng, th*L to settle the matter Mt. present! l ow uoat cAeaouia, i luuegar, liom the Passes. aving hands