THE FUNGI an Advanced Treatise

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THE FUNGI an Advanced Treatise THE FUNGI An Advanced Treatise Edited by G. C. AINSWORTH FORMERLY OF THE COMMONWEALTH MYCOLOGICAL INSTITUTE KEW, SURREY, ENGLAND FREDERICK K. SPARROW DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN ALFRED S. SUSSMAN DEPARTMENT OF BOTANY UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN VOLUME IVB A Taxonomic Review with Keys: Basidiomycetes and Lower Fungi 1973 ACADEMIC PRESS New York and London A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers Contents List of Contributors . xv Preface xvii Contents of Previous Volumes xix 1. Introduction and Keys to Higher Taxa G. C. Ainsworth I. Status of Fungi 1 II. Circumscription of the Fungi 2 III. Taxonomic Arrangements 3 IV. Keys to the Higher Taxa 4 References 7 MYXOMYCOTA ACRASIOMYCETES 2. Acrasiomycetes Kenneth B. Raper I. Introduction 9 II. Subclass Protostelidae 11 III. Subclass Acrasidae 17 IV. Subclass Dictyostelidae 25 References 33 MYXOMYCETES 3. Myxomycetes Constantine J. Alexopoulos I. General Characteristics 39 II. Phylogeny 47 El. Important Literature 50 viii Contents EUMYCOTA MASTIGOMYCOTINA 4. Mastigomycotina (Zoosporic Fungi) F. K. Sparrow I. Introduction 61 II. Plasmodiophoromycetes 64 III. Saprolegniales 64 IV. Lagenidiales-Peronosporales Complex 65 V. Chytridiomycetes 69 VI. Hyphochytridiomycetes 71 VH. Key 71 References 72 MASTIGOMYCOTINA, PLASMODIOPHOROMYCETES 5. Plasmodiophoromycetes Grace M. Waterhouse I. Class Plasmodiophoromycetes y 75 n. Discussion 78 References 81 MASTIGOMYCOTINA, CHYTRIDIOMYCETES, AND HYPHOCHYTRIDIOMYCETES 6. Chytridiomycetes, Hyphochytridiomycetes F. K. Sparrow I. Class Chytridiomycetes 85 II. Class Hyphochytridiomycetes 106 References 107 MASTIGOMYCOTINA, OOMYCETES 7. Saprolegniales M. W. Dick I. Introduction 113 n. General Morphological Account 114 Contents ix HI. Development of Taxonomic Theory 122 IV. Summary 124 V. Diagnostic Characters in the Saprolegniales 125 VI. Keys 126 Vn. Important Literature 141 References 141 8. Leptomitales M. W. Dick I. Introduction 145 II. General Morphological Account 145 HI. Development of Taxonomic Theory 149 IV. Conclusion 152 V. Diagnostic Characters in the Leptomitales 153 VI. Key 153 VII. Important Literature 154 References 157 9. Lagenidiales F. K. Sparrow / I. Order Lagenidiales 159 References 163 10. Peronosporales Grace M. Waterhouse I. Characters of the Order 165 II. Keys 165 HI. Discussion 167 References 181 ZYGOMYCOTINA, ZYGOMYCETES 11. Mucorales C. W. Hesseltine and J. J. Ellis I. General Discussion of the Class Zygomycetes 187 n. Order Mucorales 189 •in. Key to Families and Genera 205 References 215 x Contents 12. Entomophthorales Grace M. Waterhouse I. Characters of the Order Entomophthorales 219 n. List of Genera v 219 HI. Discussion 221 References 228 13. Zoopagales C. L. Duddington I. General Characteristics 231 n. Important Literature 233 m. Key 234 ZYGOMYCOTTNA, TRICHOMYCETES 14. Trichomycetes ^- Robert W. Lichtwardt I. Trichomycetes 237 n. Harpellales 241 in. Asellariales 242 IV. Eccrinales " 242 V. Amoebidiales 243 BASIDIOMYCOTINA, TELIOMYCETES 15. Uredinales G. F. Laundon I. Life Cycles 247 H. Terminology 248 m. Correlated Species and Tranzschel's Law 251 IV. Morphology 253 V. Phylogeny and Classification 259 VI. Nomenclature 260 VH. Important Literature 262 . Use of Key 262 References 277 Contents xi 16. Ustilaginales Ruben Durdn I. Introduction 281 n. Families of Smut Fungi 282 m. Morphology 284 IV. Symptomatology 292 V. Order Ustilaginales and Key 294 References 299 BASIDIOMYCOTINA, HYMENOMYCETES 17. Phragmobasidiomycetidae: Tremellales, Auriculariales, Septobasidiales R. F. R. McNabb I. Subclass Phragmobasidiomycetidae ^ 303 H. Tremellales 304 HI. Auriculariales 310 IV. Septobasidiales 313 References 314 18. Holobasidiomycetidae: Exobasidiales, Brachybasidiales, Dacrymycetales, Tulasnellales R. F. R. McNabb and P. H. B. Talbot I. Holobasidiomycetidae 317 n. Exobasidiales 318 in. Brachybasidiales 319 IV. Dacrymycetales 319 V. Tulasnellales 322 References 323 19. Aphyllophorales I: General Characteristics; Thelephoroid and Cupuloid Families P. H. B. Talbot I. Order Aphyllophorales 327 n. Coniophoraceae 331 HI. Corticiaceae 332 IV. Lachnocladiaceae 342 xii Contents V. Podoscyphaceae 342 VI. Punctulariaceae 343 Vn. Schizophyllaceae and Residual "Cyphellaceae" 343 Vm. Stereaceae 345 References 348 20. Aphyllophorales II: The Clavarioid and Cantharelloid Basidiomycetes Ronald H. Petersen I. Introduction 351 H. Clavarioid Holobasidiomycetes 352 References 361 m. Cantharelloid Holobasidiomycetes ^\ 365 References 367 21. Aphyllophorales III: Hydnaceae and Echinodontiaceae Kenneth A. Harrison I. Introduction 369 n. Key 376 m. Families, Subfamilies, Tribes, and Genera 380 References 393 22. Aphyllophorales IV: Poroid Families D. N. Pegler I. Introduction 397 n. Important Literature 399 m. Key to Families 400 IV. Polyporaceae 402 V. Hymenochaetaceae 413 VI. Ganodermataceae 416 Vn. Bondarzewiaceae 417 Vm. Fistulinaceae 418 References 418 23. Agaricales and Related Secotioid Gasteromycetes Alexander H. Smith I. Introduction 421' n. Agaricales 422 m. Hymenogastrales 440 References 446 _j Contents xiii BASIDIOMYCOTINA, GASTEROMYCETES 24. Gasteromycetes D. M. Dring I. General Characteristics 451 II. Important Literature 455 m. Key to Orders 455 IV. Podaxales 455 V. Phallales 456 VI. Lycoperdales 461 Vn. Gautierales 468 Vm. Hymenogastrales 468 DC. Nidulariales 469 X. Melanogastrales 470 XI. Sclerodermatales ~\ 471 XII. Tulostomatales 474 References 476 Author Index 482 Index to Taxa 487.
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