On the Distribution and Food Preferences of Arion Subfuscus (Draparnaud, 1805)

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On the Distribution and Food Preferences of Arion Subfuscus (Draparnaud, 1805) Vol. 16(2): 61–67 ON THE DISTRIBUTION AND FOOD PREFERENCES OF ARION SUBFUSCUS (DRAPARNAUD, 1805) JAN KOZ£OWSKI Institute of Plant Protection, National Research Institute, W³adys³awa Wêgorka 20, 60-318 Poznañ, Poland (e-mail: [email protected]) ABSTRACT: In recent years Arion subfuscus (Drap.) is increasingly often observed in agricultural crops. Its abun- dance and effect on winter oilseed rape crops were studied. Its abundance was found to be much lower than that of Deroceras reticulatum (O. F. Müll.). Preferences of A. subfuscus to oilseed rape and 19 other herbaceous plants were determined based on multiple choice tests in the laboratory. Indices of acceptance (A.I.), palat- ability (P.I.) and consumption (C.I.) were calculated for the studied plant species; accepted and not accepted plant species were identified. A. subfuscus was found to prefer seedlings of Brassica napus, while Chelidonium maius, Euphorbia helioscopia and Plantago lanceolata were not accepted. KEY WORDS: Arion subfuscus, abundance, oilseed rape seedlings, herbaceous plants, acceptance of plants INTRODUCTION Pulmonate slugs are seroius pests of plants culti- common (RIEDEL 1988, WIKTOR 2004). It lives in low- vated in Poland and in other parts of western and cen- land and montane forests, shrubs, on meadows, tral Europe (GLEN et al. 1993, MESCH 1996, FRANK montane glades and sometimes even in peat bogs. Re- 1998, MOENS &GLEN 2002, PORT &ESTER 2002, cently it has been observed to occur synanthropically KOZ£OWSKI 2003). The most important pest species in such habitats as ruins, parks, cemeteries, gardens include Deroceras reticulatum (O. F. Müller, 1774), and and margins of cultivated fields. slugs occurring in some regions of the country: Arion A. subfuscus is known as a fungivore (FRÖMMING lusitanicus Mabille, 1868, A. rufus (Linnaeus, 1758) 1954, CHICHESTER & GETZ 1969, 1973). It consumes and A. distinctus Mabille, 1868. Besides, much damage fruiting bodies of edible and poisonous mushrooms. to plants can be done by other members of the fam- FRÖMMING (1954) regards it as an omnivore which ilies Agriolimacidae, Arionidae and Limacidae. Arion eats mushrooms only in the absence of other food. In- subfuscus (Draparnaud, 1805) has recently become a formation on its possible significance as pest is scanty. significant pest; it occurs in gardens and fields (SIO- The slug is known to damage some vegetables, cer- NEK &KOZ£OWSKI 1999, KOZ£OWSKI 2003). eals, oilseed rape, soya and sunflower (GLEN et al. Arion subfuscus is a complex of species including 1992, HAMMOND &BYERS 2002, HOMMAY 2002, GLEN three forms of different external appearance and dis- &MOENS 2002). tribution (RIEDEL &WIKTOR 1974, RIEDEL 1988, During field studies on other slug species A. sub- WIKTOR 1973, 2004). Based on specimens collected in fuscus was observed to feed readily on dicotyledon Spain it has been shown that A. subfuscus is a complex weeds growing near winter oilseed rape fields and of five forms (GARRIDO et al. 1995). Probably only other plantations (own, unpublished results). The one of them is present in Poland; pending revision it aim of this study was to assess the occurrence of A. has been called Arion (Mesarion)“subfuscus”by subfuscus in winter oilseed rape plantations, to esti- WIKTOR (2004). mate the degree of acceptance of oilseed rape seed- The slug occurs in almost the whole of Europe, lings and various other plants by the slug and their from Portugal and Iceland to the Urals; in Poland it is palatability. 62 Jan Koz³owski MATERIAL AND METHODS FIELD OBSERVATIONS plant species were sown in each container, five on each of two micro-fields. Because of different germi- Field observations were conducted in the late sum- nation and development time of various plants the mer of 2006 in two plantations of oilseed rape of Lisek time of planting was adjusted in order to obtain an variety. One plantation was located near K³odzko, the equalized plant material. When the plants reached other in Pisarzowice near Bielsko-Bia³a. After germi- the stage of 2–3 leaves and the height of 5–8 cm, 10 nation of oilseed rape 15 baited traps were placed in starved (48 h) slugs of the mean body mass of 0.9 g each plantation. Each trap was a mat of 50 × 50 cm were placed in the middle of each container under a made of felt, with upper side covered with aluminium plastic shelter. Every few days the proportion of con- foil and underside – with black plastic foil (KOZ£OW- sumed plants was assessed according to a five-degree SKI 2008). The soil under the mats was abundantly scale (0% – no damage, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% moistened, and baits in the form of wheat bran and consumed plant area). Damage to 30 plants of each of cabbage leaves were placed on it. After a few days, at the 20 species was assessed. the stage of two leaves of the winter oilseed rape The nested block design included three blocks. (BBCH-12), slugs of different species were counted. Two sub-blocks were nested in block, each with 20 Besides, in 12 randomly selected places in each plan- micro-fields. Six replicates were used for the 19 test tation damage to ten plants was estimated visually ac- objects (herbaceous plants) and the model object cording to a five-degree scale (KOZ£OWSKI &KOZ- (oilseed rape). Based on observations of five plants £OWSKA 2004). from the micro-field, the mean percentage of con- sumed plant area after 1, 3, 10 and 20 days was calcu- IDENTIFICATION AND LABORATORY CULTURE lated for each micro-field. The results obtained on OF A. SUBFUSCUS consecutive dates of observations were subject to vari- ance analysis and Tukey multiple comparisons at the The slugs used in the studies came from a popula- significance level of a=0.05. The rate of damage was tion from a copse 5 km from K³odzko. Prior to the determined; acceptability (A.I.), palatability (P.I.) experiment about a dozen individuals were ident- and consumption (C.I.) indices were calculated for ified based on the structure of their genitalia and each plant species (KOZ£OWSKA &KOZ£OWSKI 2002). other diagnostic characters, and comparison with The index values were calculated for the third day of available descriptions (RIEDEL &WIKTOR 1974, slug feeding, according to compatibility index WIKTOR 2004). Then slug culture was established in (KOZ£OWSKA &KOZ£OWSKI 2004). the laboratory of the Plant Protection Institute in The values of A.I., P.I. and C.I. convey different in- Poznañ, with a few dozen individuals of A. subfuscus. formation. Acceptability is the intensity of slug feed- They were placed in plastic, ventilated containers ing on plants of the species concerned in relation to (50 × 35 × 40 cm) filled witha5cmlayer of the mean intensity of feeding on the remaining spe- clayey-humic soil. Three times a week food was ex- cies. Palatability is the intensity of slug feeding on the changed in the containers (pieces of potato tubers, species concerned in relation to the intensity of feed- wheat bran, powdered milk and calcium carbonate). ing on the control species. In choice tests the value of The containers were kept in a climatic chamber at this index depends on the presence, in the tested set, daytime temperature of 19°C, night temperature of species whose attractiveness to slugs is comparable 16°C, RH 93%±2% and day length 14 h. to that of the control species (B. napus). Consump- tion is the mean intensity of slug feeding on plants of CHOICE TEST the species concerned per unit time and reflects the rate of feeding. Both palatability and consumption in Multiple choice tests were run in the above tem- choice tests can be analysed in the light of the whole perature, humidity and lighting conditions, in order set of tested species. Acceptability is determined in re- to determine food preferences of A. subfuscus to oil- lation to the remaining tested species. Each index de- seed rape and 19 species of herbaceous plants. The scribes different properties of particular species in tests were done in ventilated, closed plastic containers the tested set. (80 × 40 × 20 cm), filled with soil up to 1/3 and di- vided into 40 micro-fields. Ten seeds of each studied Distribution and food preferences of Arion subfuscus 63 RESULTS SLUG IDENTIFICATION times greater than that of A. subfuscus. The mean de- gree of damage to the oilseed rape plants was 11.7% All the anatomically identified specimens had char- in the first plantation and 4.5% in the second. acteristic features of A. subfuscus, matching WIKTOR’s (2004) description. The hermaphroditic gland was small and hidden among the hepatopancreas lobes, CHOICE TESTS the hermaphroditic duct was thin and strongly coiled In the laboratory, after 24 hrs of feeding of A. near the albumen gland. The atrium was oval and subfuscus, eight plant species showed slight damage of symmetrical. The oviduct in its posterior part was thin similar size (Table 1). Significant differences in the de- and gradually widening anteriorly, with two longitudi- gree of damage to various tested plant species ap- nal ridges inside, the ridges fusing at the outlet. The peared after three days of slug feeding. The slugs fed vas deferens was thin and widening towards the epi- on nearly all plant species except Chelidonium maius L., phallus. At the outlet to atrium the epiphallus had a Euphorbia helioscopia L. and Plantago lanceolata L. The ring-like swelling. The spermatheca was rounded and most damaged species was Brassica napus L. var. oleifera. had a thin duct. The oviduct, epiphallus and sperma- The differences became more pronounced after ten theca duct opened close to each other in the poster- days of slug feeding.
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    ABSTRACT VOLUME August 11-16, 2019 1 2 Table of Contents Pages Acknowledgements……………………………………………………………………………………………...1 Abstracts Symposia and Contributed talks……………………….……………………………………………3-225 Poster Presentations…………………………………………………………………………………226-291 3 Venom Evolution of West African Cone Snails (Gastropoda: Conidae) Samuel Abalde*1, Manuel J. Tenorio2, Carlos M. L. Afonso3, and Rafael Zardoya1 1Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (MNCN-CSIC), Departamento de Biodiversidad y Biologia Evolutiva 2Universidad de Cadiz, Departamento CMIM y Química Inorgánica – Instituto de Biomoléculas (INBIO) 3Universidade do Algarve, Centre of Marine Sciences (CCMAR) Cone snails form one of the most diverse families of marine animals, including more than 900 species classified into almost ninety different (sub)genera. Conids are well known for being active predators on worms, fishes, and even other snails. Cones are venomous gastropods, meaning that they use a sophisticated cocktail of hundreds of toxins, named conotoxins, to subdue their prey. Although this venom has been studied for decades, most of the effort has been focused on Indo-Pacific species. Thus far, Atlantic species have received little attention despite recent radiations have led to a hotspot of diversity in West Africa, with high levels of endemic species. In fact, the Atlantic Chelyconus ermineus is thought to represent an adaptation to piscivory independent from the Indo-Pacific species and is, therefore, key to understanding the basis of this diet specialization. We studied the transcriptomes of the venom gland of three individuals of C. ermineus. The venom repertoire of this species included more than 300 conotoxin precursors, which could be ascribed to 33 known and 22 new (unassigned) protein superfamilies, respectively. Most abundant superfamilies were T, W, O1, M, O2, and Z, accounting for 57% of all detected diversity.
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