Lake Union Herald for 1953
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LAKE UNION HERALD- vicea eivaa ek 4 g eofejeteace Vol. XLV Berrien Springs, Michigan, March 31, 1953 No. 13 "SHEW THYSELF A MAN" "When 1 was a child, I spake as a child, 1 understood as a child, 1 thought as a child: but when 1 became a man, I put away childish things." I Cor. 13:11 LL normal people love babies. It is By M. L. RICE ings he receives that is magnetic and fas- Aa human instinct. Their little child- cinating. He has a charm of personality ish ways intrigue us. We smile at their have their place. But, to cry over mere that cheers and encourages all who come baby ways. But the things we laugh about trifles, the things that cause babies to cry, under his influence. Being grateful is a in babies we abhor in grown-ups. has no place in the life of grown-ups. trait that all can develop. It is not too About the most disappointing, and least You have never noticed any degree of much to expect in every grown-up. "In desired person we meet is the grown-up gratitude on the part of babies. No one everything give thanks." baby.. The apostle Paul recognized this ever saw a thankful baby. They take life's Babies love attention. They want to be ugly trait in adults. That is why he re- blessings as a matter of course. They of- noticed. They want to be the center of at- solved to put away childish things. "When fer not the least bit of appreciation for traction. They do not want the spotlight I became a man, I put away childish what is done for them. Every child has taken from them. The world must re- things." to be taught to say, "Thank you." It is volve about them. As long as everything It has been wisely said that "adults are a red letter day in the home, when the points to them all is well. But just ignore children grown tall." With some this is child of his own accord says, "Thank them, and the wails will come. too true. They are just tall babies. Their you." It is just then that he comes to real- We endure this self-centered trait in baby ways have to a large degree been ize that he is the benefactor of someone's babies. But, how glad we are when they carried over into adult life. They have kindness. A new world is opening before grow out of it. But what an unhappy life never put away childish things. Because him. comes to the one who carries this selfish they continue to act like babies, they gen- We do not expect gratitude from ba- attitude over into adult life. He dooms erate a lot of friction and unhappiness. bies. But what a tragedy and a disappoint- himself to a life of disappointment. His We expect something different from ment to find men and women with little friends will be few. People will shun his grown-ups. or no sense of gratitude, either to God presence. He will live more or less a life Let us .look at some of the ways of the or man, for the blessings they receive. of solitude and loneliness. baby. The first thing we notice in the baby It costs so little in time and effort to return Babies are selfish. This is true, whether is the apparent ease with which he can to both God and man a sincere "Thank they are infants or grown-ups. The baby cry. He announces his arrival by crying. you." reaches for the biggest apple. He wants He early discovers that crying is a most There is something about the person the reddest and best. He has no con- effective way of getting what he wants. who expresses his gratefulness for the bless- sideration for others. It is a great day In fact, he sometimes cries for no ap- when the child will take from the dish parent reason. It doesn't take much to the apple nearest him, if it is the smallest. start the tears. He cries when he is hurt IT IS HARD Selfishness has a subtle way of blinding and when he is not. To be denied his To apologize. its possessor. On this point it is most diffi- own way never fails to product loud and To begin again. cult for us to see ourselves as others see long wails. To cross him never fails to To admit error. us. Even when it is pointed out, it is not bring the tears. Real or imaginary hurts To be unselfish. To face a sneer. easy to be seen. Most always we have an affect him about the same. To be considerate. alibi to offer. We could not take the position that To endure success. Before David closed his eyes in death, To keep on trying. grown-ups should never weep. The Bible To profit by mistakes. he called his son, Solomon, to his side says there is "a time to weep." But that To forgive and forget. to give him his last word of counsel and is not all the time. The condition that had To think and then act. admonition. Solomon was probably be- To keep out of the rut. crept into the church at Corinth moved To make the most of little. tween fifteen and twenty years of age. the apostle Paul to tears. "I wrote unto To shoulder deserved blame. David was anxious that his son would you with many tears." II Cor. 2:4. To subdue an ugly temper. not carry into adult life the childish traits To maintain a high standard. Jesus shed tears of sympathy at the To recognize the silver lining. of a baby. He wanted Solomon to be suc- tomb. "Jesus wept." Here is where so But it always pays you! cessful. many tears have been shed. Tears of —Selected. These were his parting words, "Be thou joy, tears of sorrow, tears for loved ones strong therefore, and shew thyself a man." 2 LAKE UNION HERALD Pan-American Youth Congress snaps" dropped the temperature to 62 degrees. ventist youth—the Pan-American 'Youth Con- By J. ERNEST EDWARDS Our work here in the college is very in- gress to be held again in San Francisco, Cali- AT the Pan-American Youth Congress you teresting. The Filipino people are lovely, so fornia, from June 16 to 20. Again we will will have the privilege of meeting young peo- kind and courteous. It is a pleasure to teach see young people, but not only from North ple who have heroically witnessed for their them. Their response to our efforts in gratify- America but also from Inter-America and Master. It will be the greatest youth gath- ing. They make a big sacrifice in getting a South America, fellowshiping together, learn- ering sponsored by our denomination and Christian education. Some struggle beyond ing the "know how" of Share Your Faith, will have the added feature of fellowship measure to attain an education. The poverty and lighting their torches in order to bring with young people from three great di- of the Filipinos is ever present, but that does back the flame of this eternal fire to the visions. not hold them back from going to school. But churches and MV societies at home. Plan While attending a Youth Congress some it does make it very hard. now to send a delegate from your church or time ago I was impressed with the three My regular Sabbath afternoon missionary •society. Send us the name. Already the objectives in the motto of the congress: project is to go to the federal prison at response has been wonderful as we have Spiritual Fitness; United Service; Social Mountinloupa. Over 7,000 men are impris- had reports from all over the State of Illinois. Fellowship. oned there. We have a very nice work among If you are not a delegate but would still like At this coming Pan-American Youth Con- the Japanese generals and officers who are to Emend, and if we can assist you in securing gress you will not only receive inspiration still here as war prisoners. We now have about information regarding accommodations, etc., but your spiritual batteries will be recharged. thirty baptized believers among them. They let us hear from you. J. 0. IVERSEN A new meaning will be given to the hymn, are hoping to be released soon and return to Take the World But Give Me Jesus. their homeland. Many are preparing to enter 1953 Ingathering Some of the most interesting features at the colporteur work when they return home. the Congress will be the demonstrations an- Others want to go to school and prepare MINUTEMAN GOAL for the work in their native Japan. It is swering, "How can I win my chum?" "How $19.61 can S I share my faith?" "How can I bring interesting to note that they came here to this message to other young people?" the Philippines to wage war and will go Be a MINUTEMAN in 1953 Remember, "Not more surely is the place home soldiers of the cross to help finish the gospel in Japan. prepared for us in the heavenly mansions One Out of Twenty Our college here is the only senior college than is the special place designated on earth ONE Bible Course Correspondence School in the Far Eastern Division. We have over where we are to work for God." —Christ's student out of every average twenty enrolled Object Lessons, p.