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Leader in South Asian News - Tel: 905-795-0639 Friday, OctoberJune 2, 20175, 2018 VolVol 24, 23, No. No. 40 22 PM: 40025701 CAA Centre Of Brampton’s Universe, page 8 Gore Meadows Centre An Integrated Project, page 12 TELUS Expands Mobile Health Program, page 18 Coalition Wins Quebec As Liberals Ousted Half Century Of Two-Party Rule Shattered; Francois Legault Truimphant, Vows ‘Positive Change’ MONTREAL: Quebecers century of two-party political hope for a government that will charted a new course for their rule in Quebec with a majority bring positive change,’’ he told province Monday by giving the government that will redraw the supporters in his victory speech. seven-year-old Coalition Avenir province’s electoral map. “Tonight, we will celebrate Quebec a majority mandate in an The party was elected or lead- the victory, then we will rest a election result that could create ing in 74 of the province’s 125 few hours. But starting tomor- waves beyond its borders. ridings, compared with 32 for the row (Tuesday) we will roll up Quebec, Canada’s second incumbent Liberals. our sleeves and we will work to most-populous province, has Coalition Leader Francois Le- do more, to do better for all Que- joined the even bigger province gault guided his troops to victory becers.’’ The win delivered some- of Ontario in voting for change following a 39-day campaign, thing Quebec hasn’t seen in 48 following about 15 years of Lib- during which he urged Quebecers years _ a provincial government eral governments.
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