PHYSICAL REVIEW D 102, 035030 (2020)

Future lepton collider prospects for a ubiquitous composite pseudoscalar

† ‡ Alan S. Cornell ,1,* Aldo Deandrea ,2, Benjamin Fuks,3,4, and Lara Mason 1,2,§ 1Department of Physics, University of Johannesburg, PO Box 524, Auckland Park 2006, South Africa 2Universit´e de Lyon, F-69622 Lyon, France: Universit´e Lyon 1, Villeurbanne CNRS/IN2P3, UMR5822, Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon 3Laboratoire de Physique Th´eorique et Hautes Energies (LPTHE), UMR 7589, Sorbonne Universit´e et CNRS, 4 place Jussieu, 75252 Paris Cedex 05, France 4Institut Universitaire de France, 103 boulevard Saint-Michel, 75005 Paris, France

(Received 28 April 2020; accepted 11 August 2020; published 31 August 2020)

Composite Higgs models feature new strong dynamics leading to the description of the Higgs boson as a bound state arising from the breaking of a global (flavor) symmetry. These models generally include light states generated by the same dynamics, the detection of which may present the first observable signs of compositeness. One such state is a pseudoscalar boson resulting from the breaking of a Uð1Þ symmetry common to most composite setups, and whose hints are expected to be visible through low-mass resonance searches at present and future hadron and lepton colliders. In this work we study the phenomenology of this pseudoscalar field. We show that, for a light state, bottom quark loop effects dominantly impact the production cross section and considerably modify the decay pattern. Moreover, we make a case for targeted low-mass analyses at future lepton colliders, with an emphasis on high-luminosity machines aiming to operate at low center-of-mass energies. We present a simplified outline of a search for this light pseudoscalar at one such machine, considering electron-positron collisions at the Z-pole. We focus on a signature arising from the pseudoscalar decay into a pair of hadronic taus and a production mode association with a pair of leptons of opposite electric charges, and compare cut and count methods with machine learning methods.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.102.035030

I. INTRODUCTION Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) [2], which could reach up to 3 TeV, as well as the Future Circular Collider (FCC-ee) One of the foremost goals of the current experimental [3] and Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) [4], high energy physics programme is the search for new Z WW tt¯ resonances. The LHC is in a long shut-down following its which will operate around the pole, the and 13 TeV run, preparing to operate at its 14 TeV design thresholds, and in a Higgs factory mode. These machines, energy as well as for a high luminosity (HL-LHC) run. At with lower center-of-mass (c.m.) energies than the LHC, “ ” these higher energies and luminosities, efforts will be are designed to be factories for resonances such as the Z, focused predominantly on the search for resonances typ- W, and Higgs bosons and the top quark, offering the ically heavier than the Higgs boson. However, new physics possibility of precision measurements of their couplings may still be concealed at lower energies. Proposals for and related Lagrangian parameters. They can also be used electron-positron colliders designed to be complementary for targeted low-mass resonance searches, providing a to the LHC have been put forward, including the window to possible beyond the Standard Model (BSM) International Linear Collider (ILC) [1], with initial energies physics at lower energy scales through large integrated in the range of 250–500 GeV and ranging up to 1 TeV, the luminosities. In this article we investigate the potential of finding hints for a new light pseudoscalar a emerging from a composite Higgs model, which may be accessed at both *[email protected] † hadron and lepton colliders. [email protected] ‡ – [email protected] Composite Higgs models [5 7] describe the Standard §[email protected] Model (SM) Higgs sector in terms of high-scale funda- mental gauge dynamics by postulating the existence of a Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of new strong sector. These models implement gauge and the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to fermionic degrees of freedom, confining at low energies the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, [8]. In the following we describe a class of composite Higgs and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3. models featuring fermionic matter [9,10], charged under a

2470-0010=2020=102(3)=035030(15) 035030-1 Published by the American Physical Society CORNELL, DEANDREA, FUKS, and MASON PHYS. REV. D 102, 035030 (2020) global symmetry G and governed by a hypercolor gauge the construction of a general analysis targeting a new light group GHC. The breaking of G then leads to the appearance scalar. To this aim we have formulated a new unique of resonances that are bound states of the underlying implementation of the pseudoscalar a within state-of-the- fermions [11]. Composite Higgs models [12–15] are an art modeling tools, in order to describe simultaneously a attractive class of BSM theories as they provide a solution range of composite Higgs models with a variety of group to the hierarchy problem inherent to the SM whose Higgs structures. We have generalised previous implementations sector is unstable with respect to quantum corrections. If of this class of theories [17,20], where only loops of SM top the Higgs boson is not an elementary scalar but rather a quarks were contributing to the interactions of the pseu- bound state of strong dynamics, these quantum corrections doscalar with the SM gauge bosons, and the impact of all may only contribute up to a finite scale, hence stabilizing lighter quarks was taken to be negligible. On the contrary, the Higgs field dynamics [13]. Introducing this scale of our work includes both top and bottom quark contributions, compositeness is one of a few options for a natural gen- which are shown to provide non-negligible effects, par- eration of the Higgs boson mass, and offers an explanation ticularly for the phenomenology of very light a bosons. for the scale of electroweak symmetry breaking [15]. This is significant given the interest in low-mass resonance In addition to the breaking of the electroweak symmetry searches at the LHC, including dijet [24,25], dimuon [16], occurring at a scale v ∼ 246 GeV, the global sym- [26,27], diphoton [28–30] and ditau [31] searches in recent metries of the fundamental fermion sector are broken at years. These searches yield poor constraints in the low some condensation scale on the order of 1 TeV [17]. The pseudoscalar mass regions, but the associated results rely possibilities for global and gauge symmetries within a on older cross section predictions, ignoring bottom-quark composite Higgs model, though subject to some con- loop effects. The regions of interest are therefore better straints, are fairly broad. As such, we allow in our analysis covered than initially thought. In particular, ditau searches the group structures and symmetries within the theory to consist of one of the golden channels for the considered vary, considering a spectrum of twelve possible models that pseudoscalar, as the corresponding branching ratio is have recently been proposed as the most minimal options usually quite large [20]. The latter are generally strictly for a composite high-scale dynamics featuring solely restricted to the high-mass regime, due to the presence of fundamental fermions [9]. These models, which are the large QCD background that proves to be an obstacle to strongly coupled in the IR, employ a minimal set of fields low mass searches. For this reason we have instead and depend on fully computable parameters. Fermion mass investigated the potential of future lepton colliders where, generation is achieved via partial compositeness [18]; following an overview of possibilities across a range of however, given constraints on asymptotic freedom, this proposed colliders, an analysis at a low c.m. energy of the mechanism is limited to the generation of the mass of the signal induced by the production of the pseudoscalar is top quark [19]. While the global symmetries of the presented. fermions and the hypercolor groups vary across the models, In this manuscript we begin, in Sec. II, with a theoretical similarities across composite Higgs models of this nature motivation, describing composite Higgs models which are remain, particularly at the effective low energy scale. In built on a theory of fundamental fermions and outlining the particular, in addition to the existence of a QCD symmetry, specifics of the models to be studied. In Sec. II A we des- there always exists a nonanomalous Uð1Þ symmetry, acting cribe the dynamics of the boson a, which is the subject of on all species of underlying fermions in the theory this work, and in Sec. II B, its anomalous couplings to the [17,20,21]. The first evidence of new physics may therefore SM gauge bosons. Section III outlines a possible low mass arise from direct searches for the additional light state a search strategy at lepton colliders, investigating the pro- produced in association with the Higgs boson and asso- duction of a at a variety of future experiments, before con- ciated with the breaking of this extra Uð1Þ. Such a structing an analysis for a future electron-positron collider pseudoscalar state moreover features interactions with aiming at operating at the Z-pole. We in particular outline the SM gauge bosons via the Wess-Zumino-Witten and compare the expectation of a cut and count analysis, anomaly [22,23], which is of particular phenomenological described in Sec. III C, and a machine learning approach interest concerning its production at colliders. based on gradient boosted trees, described in Sec. III D.We In order to have evaded detection up to now, a light summarize our work and conclude in Sec. IV. pseudoscalar would need to be weakly coupled to the SM particles, carrying no color or electric charge. Our candi- II. THEORETICAL MOTIVATION date, the ubiquitous a, is considered here to have a mass This work considers a class of models [9] with a variety between 10 and 100 GeV. This range warrants a particular of hypercolor groups and several of the most minimal investigation given the deficiency of LHC searches in the cosets G=H characterizing the dynamics below the confine- lower end of this mass range thus far [17]. In the considered ment scale. The symmetry breaking patterns in each model set of models, the parameters of the theory and couplings to are determined by the properties of the underlying fer- other states are fully specified and calculable, allowing for mions. For a given model with Nf Dirac fermions of the

035030-2 FUTURE LEPTON COLLIDER PROSPECTS FOR A UBIQUITOUS … PHYS. REV. D 102, 035030 (2020) sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi same species, we may only have one of two possible global 2 2 q Nψ fψ α ¼ − 1 þ ψ ð Þ flavor symmetries G, namely SUð2NfÞ for a (pseudo)real cosec dec 2 2 ; 2:1 qχNχfχ fermion representation, or SUðNfÞ × SUðNfÞ for a complex fermion representation [17]. The chiral symmetry breaking where qψ (qχ) is the charge of the fermion ψ (χ) under the may then follow one of three patterns; SUð2NfÞ → non-anomalous Uð1Þ symmetry, Nψ (Nχ) its multiplicity, SOð2NfÞ for a real representation, SUð2NfÞ → Spð2NfÞ and fψ (fχ) its decay constant. In the decoupling limit that for a pseudoreal one, or SUðN Þ × SUðN Þ → SUðN Þ in f f f we consider in this work, all other states decouple so that the case of a complex representation [32]. one solely focuses on the phenomenology of the light In a general composite Higgs model, the mass of the pseudoscalar a. The range of models according to the SM fermions is generated through either four-fermion most minimal choices for the gauge structure, numbered interactions [33] or partial compositeness [18]. The latter – presents a need for fermions in (at least) two different M12 [9], are presented in Table I in which we irreducible representations of the unbroken hypercolor summarize their properties. Each model is there defined by a hypercolor symmetry group GHC, given together with group GHC, leading to a rich spectrum within the theory [34]. All models considered in this work thus contain two the corresponding irreducible representations of the two species of underlying fermions which we denote ψ and χ species of fermions. The table also specifies the EW and following the notation of Ref. [9], and which belong QCD cosets for each model. A great advantage to these models is the computability of all low-energy parameters, to different irreducible representations of GHC and G. The first fermion ψ gives rise to the Higgs boson through which are completely determined by the underlying fer- the breaking of the associated global symmetry G into the mion construction. The models are further described in electroweak (EW) coset H, and carries electroweak detail in Refs. [17,20,36]. charges. The misalignment of the Higgs field then drives the usual electroweak symmetry breaking process, the mass A. A light Uð1Þ pseudoscalar of the Higgs boson being generated through some explicit In order to study the phenomenology of the light breaking in the global sector [35]. The second species of pseudoscalar a at colliders, we have constructed a new fermion χ is responsible for partial compositeness, that FeynRules [37] implementation of a simplified model proceeds through a mixing of the top quark with a describing the dynamics of the a state in a general way. composite operator of the same quantum numbers [13]. This allows for the generation of UFO model files [38] that The fermion χ hence carries QCD color and hypercharge can be used further within the MadGraph5_aMC@NLO quantum numbers, and the breaking of the global symmetry (MG5_aMC) framework [39] for the calculation of predic- then generates the QCD coset. The traditionally searched- 1 tions at colliders. We extend the SM by a composite for spin-2 vectorlike top-partners are therefore composed of pseudoscalar a that exhibits small couplings to the SM fermions in two representations of the hypercolor group, of fermions, gauge bosons, and the Higgs boson, and is a ψχχ ψψχ the form or , and are labelled chimera baryons. singlet under the SM symmetries. The pseudoscalar is The presence of fermions in two irreducible representa- modelled as having a mass of less than 100 GeV, and we tions in the theory means that there will always exist two consider a parametrization in which the couplings and mass ð1Þ U axial symmetries resulting from the full symmetry are independent. In practice, we augment the SM breaking pattern, one combination of these being non- Lagrangian with the effective Lagrangian L [20], anomalous with respect to the confining hypercolor group a [36]. As a result, one of the numerous pseudo-Nambu- 1 1 X μ 2 2 iCfmf ¯ 5 L ¼ ð∂μaÞð∂ aÞ − M a − aΨ γ Ψ Goldstone bosons always turns out to be light, i.e., lighter a 2 2 a f f f than the confinement scale. This contrasts with the anoma- f a lous axial current in QCD. In a composite Higgs model we 2κ 2κ gs ga a ˜ aμν g Wa i ˜ iμν þ GμνG þ WμνW thus expect a low energy spectrum in which the Higgs 16π2f 16π2f boson is accompanied by exotic composite scalars and a a 02κ fermions, some of which are ubiquitous to all composite þ g Ba ˜ μν ð Þ 16π2 BμνB ; 2:2 Higgs models and are of the hψψi, hχχi, hψχχi or hψψχi fa forms. Notably, the condensation of the underlying fer- mions also breaks the pervading non-anomalous Uð1Þ where Ma is the mass of the pseudoscalar and the sum Ψ symmetry, leading to two massive singlet physical eigen- indicates a sum over all SM fermion fields f with masses 0 κ ¼ states that we denote a and η , where a is the lightest state. mf. The Cf and V (with V g, W, B) parameters are There exists some non-trivial mixing between the two model-specific and control the couplings of a to fermions corresponding gauge eigenstates, which depends on the and gauge bosons respectively. The Cf coefficient is characteristics of the underlying fermionic sector. The universal for the lighter fermions whose masses arise from α mixing angle dec reads, in the decoupling limit [17], four-fermion interactions. Although the coupling for the

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TABLE I. Key features of the models studied in this work and described further in Refs. [17,20,36]. The first column contains the model naming convention, and the second indicates the confining hypercolor gauge group, followed by the EW and QCD cosets (third column). We then provide the irreducible representations of the fermions ψ (fourth column) and χ (fifth column) under the coset choice. The final column includes the ratio of the fermion charges under the nonanomalous Uð1Þ symmetry.

GHC EW and QCD coset ψχqχ =qψ

M1 SOð7Þ ð5Þ ð6Þ −5=6 SU × SU 5 × F 6 × Sp M2 SOð9Þ SOð5Þ SOð6Þ −5=12

M3 SOð7Þ ð5Þ ð6Þ −5=6 SU × SU 5 × Sp 6 × F M4 SOð9Þ SOð5Þ SOð6Þ −5=3 ð5Þ ð6Þ Spð4Þ SU SU 5 × A2 6 × F −5=3 SOð5Þ × SOð6Þ ð4Þ 5 A −5 3 M6 SU ð5Þ ð3Þ2 × 2 3 × ðF; FÞ = SU × SU SOð10Þ SOð5Þ SUð3Þ 5 × F 3 × ðSp; SpÞ −5=12

M8 Spð4Þ ð4Þ ð6Þ 4 × F2 6 × A2 −1=3 SU × SU M9 SOð11Þ Spð4Þ SOð6Þ 4 × Sp 6 × F, −8=3 ð10Þ 6 F −8 3 M10 SO ð4Þ2 ð6Þ 4 × ðSp; SpÞ × = SU × SU SUð4Þ SUð4Þ SOð6Þ 4 × ðF; FÞ 6 × A2 −2=3 ð4Þ2 ð3Þ2 M12 SUð5Þ SU SU 4 × ðF; FÞ 4 × ðA2; A2Þ −4=9 SUð4Þ × SUð3Þ

TABLE II. Relevant couplings [20] in the twelve models [36] of interest used as benchmarks in this study. We distinguish the coefficients controlling the couplings of the pseudoscalar to the SM gauge bosons (κV ) and fermions (Cf).

M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12

κg −7.2 −8.7 −6.3 −11. −4.9 −4.9 −8.7 −1.6 −10 −9.4 −3.3 −4.1 κW 7.6 12. 8.7 12. 3.6 4.4 13. 1.9 5.6 5.6 3.3 4.6 κB 2.8 5.9 −8.2 −17. .40 1.1 7.3 −2.3 −22. −19. −5.5 −6.3 Cf 2.2 2.6 2.2 1.5 1.5 1.5 2.6 1.9 .70 .70 1.7 1.8

top, Ct, may take several values depending on the repre- being effective, we recall that we can only rely upon it for sentation of the top partner in the partial compositeness energies or momenta below a cut-off scale Λ ∼ 4πfa. mechanism [20], we have followed the convention of Ref. [20] and taken Cf ¼ Ct. For the 12 benchmark B. Pseudoscalar couplings to gauge bosons scenarios under consideration, we present the coefficients Leading-order couplings of the form aVV0, where V, V0 dictating the coupling of the pseudoscalar in Table II. 0 stand for gauge bosons which may or may not be different, In our notation, gs, g and g refer to the strong, weak proceed via the Wess-Zumino-Witten anomaly and are and hypercharge coupling constants, and Gμν, Wμν and Bμν depicted through an effective vertex in the Lagrangian of ˜ ˜ ˜ (Gμν, Wμν and Bμν) stand for the associated (dual) field Eq. (2.2). However, an SM component where the vertex is strength tensors. The decay constant fa of the pseudoscalar constructedfromloopsof SMfermions, an example of which a, that drives the strength of the pseudoscalar couplings to is shown in Fig. 1 (left), is generally significant and should be the SM particles, is defined as included. In order to access each gauge-pseudoscalar vertex, we rewrite the gauge-boson interaction part L of the sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi V 2 2 2 2 Lagrangian of Eq. (2.2) in terms of the physical gauge q Nψ fψ þ q Nχfχ ¼ ψ χ ð Þ bosons, fa 2 2 ; 2:3 qψ þ qχ  a 2 ˜ μν 2 þ ˜ −μν 2 ˜ μν L ¼ g κ GμνG þ g κ WμνW þ e κγγFμνF V 16π2f s g W a  which we set to 1 TeV in this analysis, as previous studies 2 2 κ 2e κ γ þ e ZZ ˜ μν þ Z ˜ μν ð Þ [20] show that the lower bound on fa is always below 2 2 ZμνZ FμνZ ; 2:4 1 TeV for the models under consideration. This description sWcW sWcW


1500 1000 Anomaly only Anomaly + t loop 500 Anomaly + t and b loops

FIG. 1. The SM (left) and BSM (right) components of the 200 pseudoscalar coupling to gluons, relevant for its production at (pb) a hadron colliders. The BSM vertex consists of an effective Wess- 100

Zumino-Witten structure, as shown in Eq. (2.2). gg 50 where cW and sW denote the cosine and sine of the EW mixingangle,ande isthe electromagnetic couplingconstant.

While the anomalous couplings read 10 20 40 60 80 100 κ ¼ κ þ κ κ ¼ 2 κ − 2 κ M (GeV) γγ W B; Zγ cW W sW B and a κ ¼ 4 κ þ 4 κ ð Þ ZZ cW W sW B; 2:5 FIG. 2. Gluon fusion production cross section for the pseudo- scalar a with an effective gluon-pseudoscalar coupling of 1 for where contributions originating from the SM fermion loops Ma ∈ ½10; 100 GeV. We distinguish the contributions arising should additionally be included for all existing interactions solely from the anomalous interactions (dash-dotted red), the sum (gga, γγa, ZZa, WþW−a and Zγa). It is, however, expected of the latter with the top quark loop contributions (dashed blue) that the role of the leptons and of the five light flavors of and the full predictions including the bottom loop contributions quarks is negligible, their couplings to the pseudoscalar as well (solid teal). being suppressed by the smallness of their masses, as are the contributions from the electroweak bosons that are sup- parton densities NNPDF23_lo_as_0130_qed [40] with pressed by the heavy propagators running into the loops. In Ma ∈ ½10; 100 GeV. In this analysis we ignore lower the following, we however stress the importance of the masses, where a light pseudoscalar is subject to strong bottom quark, whose contributions are in fact not so experimental bounds [20]. The behavior is quite different in negligible. the case of b quarks, where logarithmic effects produce an As an example, we focus on the gga vertex and calculate oscillation in the contribution to the cross section (see the partonic gluon-fusion production cross section of a Fig. 2). At low masses of a, the bottom quark contribution pseudoscalar, substantially increases the cross section. For higher masses, there is a small destructive interference between the top and 1 4 X 2 4m2 bottom contributions, leading to a slight decrease in cross σ ¼ gs κ þ 2 ðτ Þ τ ¼ f 0 2 2 g CfA f with f 2 : section. This shape of the bottom quark contribution arises 256πfa 16π Ma f due to the form of the three point scalar function AðτÞ for ð2:6Þ small τ, where the interplay between the real and imaginary part of the loop-integral leads to the observed undulation in Such an expression includes the anomaly contribution, the cross section behavior. For a detailed investigation into as well as the sum over the contributions from each the corresponding modifications to the pseudoscalar decay fermion species. The function AðτÞ is defined, for a given pattern due to the inclusion of the b-quark loop, we refer the fermion, by reader to Ref. [41]. pffiffiffiffiffiffi We do not include the contributions of any quarks lighter ( 2 − 1 ½ 1þpffiffiffiffiffiffi1−τ − π τ 1 than the b to run in the fermion loop, as the considered 4 log 1− 1−τ i if < ; AðτÞ¼τ ð2:7Þ mass range of the pseudoscalar leads to lighter quarks 2ðp1ffiffiÞ τ ≥ 1 arcsin τ if ; having a negligible impact on the cross section. This can be supported by the observation that the c quark, the next which results from the three-point scalar function of the heaviest quark with Mc ¼ 1.275 GeV, would impact the quark loop propagator. In the case of top quarks, τt ≥ 1 and cross section at most by the amount that the b quark ≈ 33 ðτ Þ AðτtÞ is approximately constant (≈1) throughout the pseu- contributes at Ma GeV, due to the form of A c for doscalar mass range. This thus leads to an approximately the small τc value. Given that the bottom quark contribution constant increase in the gluon fusion production cross to the cross section is already negligible at this point, all section relative to the pure anomalous component, as other quark contributions can therefore be ignored. As a illustrated in Fig. 2. In the latter, we convolute the expres- consequence, we will consider throughout this work all sion of Eq. (2.6) with the leading order set of NNPDF 2.3 bottom and top quark loop-contributions to the aVV

035030-5 CORNELL, DEANDREA, FUKS, and MASON PHYS. REV. D 102, 035030 (2020) couplings for all SM gauge bosons V, additionally to the and bottom quarks are running in the loop (see Sec. II B), tree-level BSM contributions. and a t-channel contribution (right diagram). In the case where the V-boson leads to an eþe− final state, extra III. A LOW MASS PSEUDOSCALAR nonresonant diagrams additionally contribute (second row AT LEPTON COLLIDERS of Fig. 3). We identify two potentially appealing signatures þ − that differ by the considered final state: the production of In this section we estimate the prospects of future e e the pseudoscalar in association either with a pair of collider searches for this additional light scalar as an opposite-sign first or second generation leptons l ¼ e, alternative to searches at hadronic colliders. We are inter- μ, or with a pair of light jets j (i.e., not originating from the ested, in particular, in designing an analysis that addresses fragmentation of a b-quark), the parameter space region in which Ma ∈ ½10; 60 GeV, where constraints on possible light scalars are particularly eþe− → lþl−a; eþe− → jja: ð3:1Þ weak [20]. This mass window has indeed been left rela- tively open due to few direct searches performed thus far, Across all models, the branching ratios of the pseudoscalar the dominant constraint originating from searches for novel τþτ− ¯ → a into and bb pairs are the highest, as the coupling SM Higgs decay modes (h aa). of the pseudoscalar to fermions is proportional to the We begin this section with a study of pseudoscalar corresponding fermion mass. For further insights into the production at lepton colliders, which differs from that branching modes of the pseudoscalar under the influence of at hadron colliders as the pseudoscalar is produced pre- the bottom-quark loop effects, the reader is referred to dominantly in association with other states. We consider a Ref. [41], where the rankings of the branching ratios are variety of future eþe− colliders operating at different c.m. demonstrated. Across the models considered, the bb¯ and energies and, in the case of linear colliders, different τþτ− branching ratios are consistently the most promising polarization options. We then focus on a circular elec- avenues. We therefore choose to design an analysis dedi- tron-positron collider aiming to operate at the Z-pole and cated to probing those decay modes, as they are not only the investigate a possible search channel targeting pseudoscalar most abundant, but also feature final-state objects not too decays into a pair of tau leptons. difficult to reconstruct, and offer several handles to extract a signal from the background, as will be shown below. A. Pseudoscalar production at lepton colliders The future colliders currently under study include both We consider the production of the pseudoscalar in linear (ILC [1] and CLIC [2]) and circular (FCC-ee [3] and association with a virtual photon or with a (virtual or real) CEPC [4]) possibilities. Electron-positron colliders may Z-boson, that we generically denote as V, and that ‘decays’ provide a promising avenue through which to search for a into any pair of fermions. This mainly proceeds via the light pseudoscalar. Many future lepton colliders indeed Feynman diagrams shown in the first row of Fig. 3, where offer low c.m. energies associated with high luminosities, one distinguishes a tree-level contribution in which an which may allow for the detection of weakly interacting eþe− pair annihilates into a Va system through the Wess- light particles. While linear colliders offer the benefit of Zumino-Witten anomalous κγZ coupling (central diagram), beam polarization, where some processes such as W-boson a loop-induced contribution (left diagram) where SM top fusion Higgs production (which depend on the chirality of

FIG. 3. Representative Feynman diagrams depicting the production of a pseudoscalar in association with a virtual photon, or with a (virtual or real) Z-boson. We include the latter decay into a fermion-antifermion pair (first line) and additionally consider extra nonresonant diagrams relevant for a V decays into an eþe− pair (second line). The first two diagrams denote the SM and BSM components of the same process.


10 3

10 4

10 4 (pb) (pb)

XXa 5 XXa 10

5 ee

10 ee LO ILC (M1) LO CLIC (M1)

250 GeV jj250 GeV 380 GeV (80,0) jj380 GeV (80,0) 350 GeV jj350 GeV 10 6 1.5 TeV (80,0) jj1.5 TeV (80,0) 10 6 500 GeV jj500 GeV 3TeV(80,0) jj3TeV(80,0)

20 40 60 80 100 20 40 60 80 100 Ma [GeV] Ma [GeV]

FIG. 4. Total cross section associated with the production of the pseudoscalar a in association with leptons (solid lines) or jets (dashed lines) at the ILC and CLIC, for various c.m. energies and including beam polarizations where relevant. the colliding leptons) may be amplified, circular colliders in behavior for different polarizations. In Fig. 5 we focus allow for the accumulation of higher luminosities, useful instead on the CEPC and FCC-ee circular colliders, our when searching for particles that couple timidly or are not predictions for pseudoscalar production in association with copiously produced. They moreover offer the possibility of leptons being multiplied by a factor of 15 for legibility. Our hadron collider upgrades. results include basic selections on the final-state leptons We first proceed with the calculation of the production and jets, their transverse momentum pT and pseudorapidity cross section associated with all processes of interest, for η being enforced to satisfy each of the aforementioned future lepton collider options and the varied c.m. energy choices that have been proposed pTðjÞ > 20 GeV; jηðjÞj < 5; in the literature. Using MG5_aMC, we hence present in Fig. 4 p ðlÞ > 5 ; jηðlÞj < 2 5: ð : Þ total cross sections for the two processes of Eq. (3.1) for the T GeV . 3 2 ILC and CLIC linear colliders. We rely, as a benchmark, on the model M1 and show leading-order (LO) predictions for Moreover, jets and leptons are required to be well separated Δ the production of the pseudoscalar a in association with in the transverse plane, by an angular distance R of at leptons (solid lines) and jets (dashed lines). We also least 0.4, considered a variety of beam polarizations relevant for Δ ðl l0Þ 0 4 Δ ð 0Þ 0 4 ð Þ the ILC collider, however, there was no appreciable change R ; > . ; R j; j > . : 3:3

10 3 91.2 GeV ( 15) 161 GeV ( 15) 240 GeV ( 15) (pb) 10 4 350 GeV ( 15) 365 GeV ( 15) XXa jj91.2 GeV jj161 GeV 5 jj240 GeV LO 10 jj350 GeV jj365 GeV

10 6 FCC-ee/CEPC (M1)

20 40 60 80 100 Ma [GeV]

FIG. 5. Same as in Fig. 4, but for the FCC-ee and CEPC circular colliders.

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105 From these figures we are able to gain an understanding of COM 91.2 GeV M1 M5 M9 the potential pseudoscalar abundance at future lepton M2 M6 M10 FCC-ee M3 M7 M11 colliders. 150 ab 1 M4 M8 M12 Though linear colliders enjoy a relatively constant pro- 104 duction cross section of about 0.01–0.1 fb throughout the entire probed pseudoscalar mass range (Ma < 100 GeV), circular colliders, operating at lower c.m. energies, are 103 subject to a fall-off of production cross section at higher Events masses as the available phase space decreases. However, for the parameter space region in which we are interested 102 (featuring Ma < 60 GeV), the production rates lie in the same ballpark regardless of the collider under consider- ation. As linear colliders are subject to much lower 10 expected integrated luminosities, we focus, in the following 5 analysis outline, on a circular collider. Their larger expected 20 40 60 80 100 luminosities may prove crucial in a search for weakly Ma GeV coupled particles, while operating at relatively low c.m. −1 FIG. 6. Expected number of llττ signal events in 150 ab of energies is useful in reducing otherwise significant back- þ − ¯ e e collisions at the Z-pole, for the 12 benchmark models under grounds, such as originating from tt and di-boson consideration in this work. processes. background still reasonably present at lepton colliders. B. A case study at a circular collider Moreover, we will focus on the case where the pseudoscalar Z operating at the -pole decays into a pair of hadronic tau leptons for two reasons. We propose an analysis at a future high luminosity Hadronic tau decays account for approximately 2=3 of all lepton collider aiming at operating at the Z-pole and an tau decays, and future eþe− collider detectors are expected integrated luminosity of 150 ab−1, which corresponds to have excellent handles on the associated decay vertices. to the FCC-ee expectation. While the signal production This hence allows for a very efficient tau reconstruction. In cross section is subject to a steep decline for higher addition, events with electrons or muons in the final state masses of the pseudoscalar a, the mass range of interest are expected to be reconstructed with a very good reso- (Ma ∈ ½10; 60 GeV) is still relatively well covered, as lution [43]. Basing our estimations on previous detectors, shown in the previous subsection (see Fig. 5). we hence expect a typical systematic uncertainty on lepton As a choice for the detector parametrization, we consider identification of around 1%, together with a systematic the IDEA detector concept of the FCC-ee project. This uncertainty on hadronic tau identification of around 2–5% detector, as any detector project at any future circular for taus with a transverse momentum pT > 20 GeV, and up electron-positron machine, is designed using recent tech- to 15% otherwise [44]. nological advances to take advantage of the exceptionally In Fig. 6 we display the number of signal events expected large data samples due to be delivered by the forecast from the production of the pseudoscalar a in association integrated luminosities. IDEA is planned to be constructed with a pair of oppositely charged leptons, with a subsequent with a short drift wire chamber and calorimeter, and pseudoscalar decay into a pair of hadronic tau leptons, includes a low mass superconducting solenoid coil. The drift chamber will allow for high precision momentum eþe− → lþl−a → lþl−τþτ−: ð3:4Þ measurements and good tracking capabilities, as well as excellent particle identification performance through clus- We consider the entire mass range of interest and include ter counting when combined with the dual readout calo- statistical error bars. This illustrates the motivation to rimeter [3]. In particular, this aims at achieving a much expect a significant number of new physics events in improved impact parameter resolution over that of LEP, as electron-positron collisions at the Z-pole. It moreover well as a better momentum resolution and electromagnetic attests that the sensitivity of the machine will depend on calorimeter resolution, and a finer electromagnetic calo- the exact details of the model, as there is a significant range rimeter transverse granularity [42]. Precise measurements in the expected number of new physics events across the of charged objects properties at lower energies are therefore considered models. clearly achievable. We now design our analysis from Monte Carlo simu- In building our analysis, we will moreover only consider lations of both the signal and background processes, using the channel in which the pseudoscalar a is produced in MG5_aMC employed in conjunction with PYTHIA8 [45] association with a pair of opposite-charge leptons. This to describe parton showering (which includes both QED allows us to avoid the difficulty in dealing with the multijet and QCD initial state radiation effects) and hadronization.


The IDEA detector response has been simulated by relying least 10 GeV. Given that the hadronic tau decay mode of the on the DELPHES3 [46] software package, that makes use of pseudoscalar leads to neutrinos which carry away momen- the anti-kT algorithm [47] as implemented in FastJet3 [48] for tum, the ditau invariant mass spectrum is expected to be event reconstruction. Both these last codes are driven soft and peak below the pseudoscalar mass Ma.Itis through their interface with the MadAnalysis 5 platform therefore useful to maintain low momentum thresholds [49,50], that we also use to carry on our phenomenological for the tau pair where possible. To summarize, our analysis. We begin with a cut-and-count analysis, aiming at preselection imposes that unravelling the signal from the overwhelming back- grounds. However, as a consequence of the low statistical Nl ≥ 2 with pTðlÞ > 10 GeV; significance, we then employ a novel machine learning ≥ 2 ðτÞ 5 ; algorithm based on boosted decision trees in an attempt to Nτ with pT > GeV improve the significance, using the XGBOOST toolkit [51]. Mll > 12 GeV; Mττ > 10 GeV: ð3:6Þ In identifying backgrounds to the signal process, we consider both processes which lead to a true llττ final After this preselection, we expect about 50,000 back- state, and those containing fakes. Background events of the ground events for signal event counts ranging from first category feature prompt taus that are most likely to below 1 (M ≲ 10 GeV) or a few (M ≳ 50 GeV) to lþl− a a arise from the production of an pair in association 10–40 (10 GeV 5 GeV. We moreover the ditau system is expected to peak at a value just below enforce a minimum invariant mass mll > 12 GeV on the mass of the pseudoscalar, as a result of the presence the lepton pair produced in association with the ditau of the neutrinos originating from the tau decays and system, which is necessary to eliminate nonprompt leptons carrying away some momentum [53]. The resulting dis- and avoid low mass hadronic resonances. Similarly, the tribution is shown in the left panel of Fig. 8. As expected, invariant mass of the tau pair Mττ is constrained to be at the invariant mass of the ditau system is shifted relative to

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FIG. 7. Properties of the dilepton system for signal and background events originating from electron-positron collisions at a c.m. energy of 91.2 GeV. We consider various representative signal hypotheses, and focus on the angular distance in the transverse plane between the two leptons (left), and their invariant-mass spectrum (right). the mass of the pseudoscalar, and peaks just below the true allow for a clear separation of the signal and the back- value of the latter. The background distribution is, however, ground. Any related cut will therefore be omitted from our not so well differentiated from the signal one, as the ditau analysis. system features predominantly a low invariant mass, as In Table III we present the expected sensitivity of our driven by the selection cuts of Eq. (3.7). We nevertheless cut-and-count analysispffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi in terms of standard deviations define five signal regions, each of them being dedicated to defined by an S= S þ B figure of merit, S and B one specific pseudoscalar mass hypothesis, and respec- respectively representing the number of selected signal tively impose and background events. We find that, given the relative rareness of the signal events among an abundance of Mττ < 10; 20; 30; 40; 50 GeV: ð3:8Þ background, it is difficult to obtain any hope to observe even a 1σ deviation from the background-only hypothesis This allows us to eliminate some background in the across the entire mass range considered. It is, however, heavier pseudoscalar cases. The minimum requirement possible that this could be ameliorated by designing more on Mττ of Eq. (3.6) that protects us from the contamination appropriate and dedicated variables like the missing mass. of QCD resonances makes us, however, unable to get As reflected in the Ma-dependence of the cross section further handles on the signal for pseudoscalar masses of shown in Fig. 5, the significance is maximized at ¼ 20 10 GeVor smaller. Similarly, we investigate the potential of Ma GeV. For larger pseudoscalar masses, the steep the angular separation between the two taus (right panel of fall-off of the cross section indeed reduces S to too large Fig. 8). Although shape differences are visible, they do not a level.

FIG. 8. Same as in Fig. 7 but for the ditau system and after the cuts of Eq. (3.7).

035030-10 FUTURE LEPTON COLLIDER PROSPECTS FOR A UBIQUITOUS … PHYS. REV. D 102, 035030 (2020) pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi TABLE III. Sensitivity of our cut-and-count analysis expressed as the significance S= S þ B for a selection of considered composite scenarios and 150 ab−1 of electron-positron collisions at the Z-pole.

Model Ma ¼ 10 GeV Ma ¼ 20 GeV Ma ¼ 30 GeV Ma ¼ 40 GeV Ma ¼ 50 GeV M2 0.0015 0.13 0.090 0.049 0.020 M4 0.0013 0.42 0.26 0.12 0.040 M7 0.0024 0.14 0.11 0.061 0.023 M10 0.0042 0.11 0.055 0.023 0.0078 M12 0.00061 0.047 0.035 0.021 0.017

D. A machine-learning-based analysis to our machine learning algorithm. They consist of a com- In order to improve the figure of merit of our analysis, we bination of primary variables (the tau and lepton transverse move on with considering a machine learning algorithm. momenta, pseudorapidities and azimuthal angles) and We rely on the XGBOOST toolkit [51] that allows for derived variables (the ditau invariant mass Mττ and angular Δ ðτ τÞ utilizing gradient boosted tree methods [54] while offering separation R ; , as well as the invariant mass of the llττ fast training speed coupled with a good accuracy [55]. system) that have been chosen such that their In general, a machine learning algorithm employing importance to the machine learning algorithm was maxi- a tree ensemble uses a series of additive optimizations mised while removing any variables that were too strongly computed from a given set of variables to predict an output, correlated with the others. The variables and their corre- i.e., in our case the classification of an event as a signal or a lations are depicted in Fig. 9. The objective of the XGBOOST background event. At each stage of the training process, learning task was set to a logistic regression for binary gradient boosting modifies the existing constraints in order classification. At each step (also known as splitting), the to correct the classification errors made by the current best tree booster constructs new classifiers by combining and set of optimizations, continuing until no further improve- weighting the classifiers obtained at the previous step, the ment can be made in considering the residuals and errors of initial classifiers being the input variables. The hyper- the prior stages. The XGBOOST toolkit includes a novel parameters that were found to affect the performance of the algorithm geared toward the handling of sparse data, which method were the learning rate, the maximum tree depth and is useful in our case as both signal and background events the minimum child weight. The learning rate controls data may not fully populate the event space. over-fitting by varying the learning step size, the maximum The performance of the algorithm for a given set of depth of a tree indicates how many times a tree can split optimizations can be evaluated by a quantity denoted as the area under the curve (auc). This corresponds to the integral of the receiver operating characteristic (roc) depicting the dependence of the signal purity of the events selected by the algorithm, S=ðS þ BÞ, on the signal selection efficiency S=S0, where S0 stands for the total number of signal events provided to the algorithm. The auc metric hence represents the degree of separability between background and signal. In addition, we use the approximate median discovery significance (ams) to estimate the sensitivity of the analysis to our signal. It is defined by [56] sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi    S ams ¼ 2 ðS þ BÞ ln 1 þ − S ; ð3:9Þ B where S and B can also be seen as the true and false positives respectively. While the ams provides the discov- ery potential of the analysis, its usage as an evaluation metric and learning objective is unstable and may lead to FIG. 9. Correlations among the nine kinematic variables overfitting. The performance of the algorithm was therefore employed in our machine learning exercise. The set of variables optimised using the auc quantity, following which the includes the angular separation of the hadronic tau pair ΔRðττÞ, corresponding ams was calculated. the invariant mass of the combined lepton-tau system llττ as After applying the preselection of Eq. (3.6), we derive a well as of the di-tau system, and the transverse momenta pT , set of uncorrelated kinematic variables to be used as input pseudorapidities η and azimuthal angle ϕ of the taus and leptons.

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TABLE IV. XGBOOST evaluation metric and significance obtained for a representative set of composite scenarios and pseudoscalar masses, using 150 ab−1 of electron-positron collisions at the Z-pole.

Model Metric Ma ¼ 10 GeV Ma ¼ 20 GeV Ma ¼ 30 GeV Ma ¼ 40 GeV Ma ¼ 50 GeV M2 auc 0.98 0.003 0.87 0.006 0.84 0.0013 0.94 0.0058 0.95 0.0066 ams 0.22 2.96 2.41 0.29 0.11 M4 auc 0.98 0.0045 0.95 0.0029 0.87 0.020 0.88 0.042 0.89 0.061 ams 1.16 2.83 1.69 0.54 0.15 M7 auc 0.98 0.0018 0.86 0.0082 0.88 0.0011 0.90 0.0012 0.94 0.019 ams 0.22 3.20 2.58 0.27 0.14 M10 auc 0.98 0.003 0.92 0.0057 0.90 0.019 0.96 0.0078 0.96 0.0050 ams 0.37 4.08 2.35 0.14 0.042 M12 auc 0.98 0.0075 0.92 0.003 0.92 0.013 0.95 0.0044 0.96 0.0082 ams 0.066 1.26 0.98 0.11 0.046

(hence controlling the algorithm complexity), and the distributions exhibit important variations with the pseudo- minimum child weight controls the minimum weight that scalar mass. An example can be taken from the ΔRðτ−; τþÞ can be assigned when designing a new classifier. spectrum (see the right panel of Fig. 8), where scenarios In our analysis, 80% of the available Monte Carlo data with higher a masses (Ma ¼ 40, 50 GeV) lead to very was used for training purposes, and the remaining 20% for similar signal and background distribution shapes. Finally, testing. For each model and Ma value, we tuned the hyper- we have trained the gradient boosting algorithm using one parameters using a k-fold cross-validation, so that the hyperparameter choice across all considered masses within choice maximizing the auc was adopted. In particular, the a given model, and the choice of kinematic variables on maximum depth parameter was kept low and early stopping which to train the models was guided by a focus on the was employed in order to control over-fitting. It was found lower mass setups. This training has been done in isolation that a maximum depth of 3, a minimum child weight of 1 for each model in order to find the hyperparameters best and a learning rate of 0.3 gave the most desirable result suited in each case. This path has clearly optimized the across the entire range of considered models. The auc 20=30 GeV scenarios, as they were expected to yield the metric and the corresponding significances obtained for a highest significance by virtue of the larger associated cross representative set of models are indicated in Table IV. sections. The potential price to pay could be a less efficient The results indicated in Table IV display a general training for higher masses of a. improvement over the traditional cut-and-count method, In comparing the significance trends of the gradient but also an important variation across models and pseu- boosting results with those of the cut-and-count method, we doscalar masses. In particular, the significance peaks at observe the same ranking of performance among the dif- Ma ¼ 20 GeV for all models, as this corresponds to the ferent models, with the exception of the model M4. This maximum of the signal cross section (see Fig. 6). However, model corresponds to the highest cross sections, and may there are large differences in the trends across the models. therefore have been expected to be better performing. For example, the performance for the model M10 quickly However, our framework leads to overfitting for the ¼ 20 falls to one of the lowest for Ma ¼ 50 GeV. These Ma , 30 GeV cases, which had to be carefully con- behaviors reflect not only the varying production cross trolled by using an early stopping of the algorithm. This sections across the models but also the variations in resulted in a lower significance. the kinematics resulting from differing Lagrangian param- In Table V, we translate our results in terms of the eters. On the other hand, we find a low significance for luminosity that is needed in order to achieve a significance 2σ 3σ Ma ¼ 10 GeV, where despite a relatively large cross of (to preclude the existence of the new resonance) or section, the preselection cuts (and in particular the Mττ (to claim evidence for the resonance) at a future electron- requirement) rejects a large potion of the signal. positron collider aiming at operating at the Z-pole. The The best performance of our analysis is found for table also shows the gain obtained by using the gradient scenarios featuring Ma ¼ 20, 30 GeV. For all models, boosting algorithm over a more traditional cut-and-count the performance then drops off quickly for Ma ¼ 40, method. Very importantly, our findings show that for cer- 50 GeV, and it falls more sharply than it does in the tain models, an achievable integrated luminosity would cut-and-count case. Such a drop in significance at these yield a 2σ or even 3σ significance. In all cases, larger pseudoscalar masses is expected, as the cross section pseudoscalar masses remain likely out of reach at a c.m. decreases with Ma. Moreover, some signal kinematic energy of 91.2 GeV, as does the Ma ¼ 10 GeV case.


TABLE V. Required luminosities, in ab−1, to obtain a 2σ and 3σ reduce via a standard cut-and-count analysis, which resulted significance to the pseudoscalar signal at a future electron- in a poor sensitivity and a rare signal entirely hidden within positron collider operating at the Z-pole. We present results the large background. In an attempt to improve these for our cut-and-count (third and fourth columns) and gradient findings we have made use of a machine learning algorithm boosting (fifth and sixth columns) methods, for an illustrative based on boosted decision trees. It yielded an improvement selection of models. in sensitivity in almost all cases. In particular, we have Cut and count Machine learning observed a marked improvement for scenarios in which the Ma M ¼ 20; 30 2σ 3σ 2σ 3σ pseudoscalar mass a GeV, where the related Model [GeV] significance approaches 3σ at an integrated luminosity of 2 67 108 6 00 108 1 24 104 2 79 104 −1 M2 10 . × . × . × . × 150 ab . Lighter configurations (Ma ≲ 10 GeV) are not 20 3.55 × 104 7.99 × 104 68.5 154 promising, given that the signal is expected to be dominated 30 7.41 × 104 1.67 × 105 103 232 by the background and mostly annihilated by any decent 3 4 40 2.50 × 105 5.62 × 105 7.13 × 10 1.61 × 10 event preselection. The significance also drops off for higher 6 6 4 5 50 1.50 × 10 3.38 × 10 4.96 × 10 1.12 × 10 pseudoscalar masses, by virtue of a decreasing signal cross M4 10 3.55 × 108 7.99 × 108 446 1.00 × 103 section and key kinematic properties becoming very similar 20 3.40 × 103 7.65 × 103 74.9 169 to the background ones. It is, however, possible that this 30 8.88 × 103 2.00 × 104 210 473 could be ameliorated by designing more appropriate and 40 4.17 × 104 9.38 × 104 2.06 × 103 4.63 × 103 dedicated variables. Additionally, while this analysis has 50 3.75 × 105 8.44 × 105 2.67 × 104 6.00 × 104 focused on the four-lepton final state, a further work may investigate the eþe− → aγ channel which may be competi- M7 10 1 04 108 2 34 108 1 24 104 2 79 104 . × . × . × . × tive, where similar studies [57] have shown the eþe− → 20 3.06 × 104 6.89 × 104 58.5 132 aγða → llÞ signature to be more constraining for axionlike 30 4.96 × 104 1.12 × 105 90.1 203 particles. In focusing on the four lepton final state we have 40 1.61 × 105 3.63 × 105 8.23 × 103 1.85 × 104 shown that, using machine learning capabilities, even weaker 50 1.13 × 106 2.55 × 106 3.06 × 104 6.89 × 104 signals are accessible. M10 10 3.40 × 107 7.65 × 107 4.38 × 103 9.86 × 103 We have used, as an example, the framework of a future 4 5 20 4.96 × 10 1.12 × 10 36.0 81.1 electron-positron collider aiming at operating at the Z-pole 5 5 30 1.98 × 10 4.46 × 10 109 244 and collecting a very large integrated luminosity. In this 6 6 4 4 40 1.13 × 10 2.55 × 10 3.06 × 10 6.89 × 10 context, we have demonstrated that search avenues for 6 7 5 5 50 9.86 × 10 2.22 × 10 3.40 × 10 7.65 × 10 weakly coupled particles are promising. The analysis that M12 10 1.61 × 109 3.63 × 109 1.38 × 105 3.10 × 105 we have proposed complements earlier works, such as in 20 2.72 × 105 6.11 × 105 378 850 Ref. [20], focusing on potential options for the LHC, and 30 4.90 × 105 1.10 × 106 624 1.41 × 103 fills a gap for what concerns light states. It has indeed been 40 1.36 × 106 3.06 × 106 4.96 × 104 1.12 × 105 shown that there is a scarcity of searches for such a light 50 2.08 × 106 4.67 × 106 2.84 × 105 6.38 × 105 pseudoscalar in the mass region that has been considered in this paper [17]. In particular, the Higgs to BSM branching ratio often provides the sole (indirect) constraint in the ∈ ½10 60 IV. CONCLUSION mass region Ma ; GeV [17,20]. Additionally, investigations into future collider prospects for light pseu- In this work we have designed an analysis targeting a doscalars have been previously presented in Refs. [57,58]. light pseudoscalar, ubiquitous to composite Higgs models, In those broad comprehensive reviews of existing bounds at a future electron-positron collider aiming at collecting a on axionlike particles, our channel is complementary to large luminosity at the Z-pole. In our predictions we have those studied, and falls within the bands of unconstrained considered the pseudoscalar couplings to gauge bosons to parameter space. The proposed analysis would be comple- full leading order, i.e., by including relevant effects stem- mentary to existing diphoton searches [28], where a drop in ming from loops of b quarks. The latter have a significant sensitivity in the diphoton channel corresponds to increased impact for low mass pseudoscalars, unlike what is tradi- sensitivity within the ditau channel [20] (and vice versa) for tionally assumed, and should be considered both at present the models M1-12 across the mass range here considered. and future hadron and lepton colliders. Additionally, this analysis could reach below the existing We have demonstrated the possibility of actually getting 90 GeV lower bound for ditau searches [59]. In this we find hints for a low mass pseudoscalar at a future lepton collider our pseudoscalar to be a candidate which evades all existing operating at a center-of-mass energy of 91.2 GeV, focusing bounds, and present this channel as an additional one which on the production mode in which the pseudoscalar is may be accessed through machine learning capabilities. produced in association with a pair of electrons or muons From our findings, we demonstrated that a direct search and decays into a pair of hadronic taus. The corresponding for a light composite pseudoscalar at high integrated Standard Model background has been found difficult to luminosity lepton colliders should be seriously considered.

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While our generic analysis covers the parameter space ACKNOWLEDGMENTS region in which the mass of the pseudoscalar is less than We thank Giacomo Cacciapaglia, Gabriele Ferretti, 60 GeV, it is certainly less sensitive to M values of 40 GeV a Thomas Flacke, Michelangelo Mangano and Andrea or more. Future works should determine whether it could be Thamm for useful discussions. A. S. C. is supported in optimised for these heavier configurations, perhaps by part by the National Research Foundation of South Africa considering future lepton colliders operating at higher (NRF) and thanks the University of Lyon 1 and IP2I for center-of-mass energies. Among the avenues to be explored, support during the collaboration visit in Lyon. L. M. is one could benefit from a gain in sensitivity by relying on the spin-0 nature of the pseudoscalar and assessing the potential supported by the University of Johannesburg Global of various angular distributions between pairs of final-state Excellence and Stature (GES) 4.0 initiative, and thanks objects. For the same reason, it may also be useful to make Campus France and NRF for additional support. The use of tau polarization in order to separate signal from the authors would like to acknowledge the Mainz Institute background [60]. Finally, other options may rely on the for Theoretical Physics (MITP) of the Cluster of Excellence presence of a second heavier pseudoscalar η0, that is common PRISMA+ (Project ID 39083149) for its hospitality and to many composite models. support.

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