UF appeals Heuer case, she may sue CSEF

B~ LINDA WISNIEWSKI exceeded t~ authority when it heard Heuers car becnse the Hater ,ad she will sue the CSEF for placing an sw." Sail W~. Comm Issic, does not have the authority to heat cases when a unauthorized ad in the July Sedition of The Alligator. Fonner UF employ. Mary Neon may soon become the career service employs resigns his pOsition. Brown said. ThE AD CLAIMED the CSEF gave ilcuer moral and main figure in a tale of two lawsuits. When Heuer did not retun, to work on October 13- the financial support' in her appeal for relnstatenient.

UP .42! appeal the Caner Senlce Commiulon's mom- date he, leave of absence expired - her absence was "tan- I never received financial eppoet (from the CSEF).' ,nadaton that Hew be reinstated m her job as paging clerk laniount to resignation from her position Brown said. ilcuer said, adding that GI.esville attorney Larry Turner at W.T. Stands Teaching Hospital and ilsuer said she will BlUER SAIDshedid not quit herjob but was "forced' to was responsible For her sucnstsl defense. sue the Canuc Service Employ. Federation (CSEF) for libel. take. general leave of abnice whe, injuries she suffered in a CSEF President Dale Stratford bad 'no statement to make UP Will APPEAL Hew's reinstatemat 'very soon,' car accident prre,~ed her from returning to work. at this time" regarding a Neon lawsuit. UF attorney Ashum ton saId, adding it as just a question The Career Service Commission site does not have the KNURl SAID she. consulting Tampa attorney Edgar of drafting the appeal in writing" before it is filed in the First authority to recommend sick pay for am employ. on a non-pay Watkins, Jr. in her pending libel suit against the CSEF. District Court of Appeals in Tallahassee. status, which they did, accordingg to Brown. Heuer said Turner. who repressed her at the Career The cousmIulon's recommendation. will be appealed on Heuer was in a non-pay status whet, she took her leave of sewn) sounds. One bela foe the suit I. that the comnilsik, absence. (see page Jbur) The Independent r THURSDAY JULY 24, 1975 Flonda V OL. 67, NO. 161 PuSISwd b~, C.mp.n Con.wwnIcolIons hw. GcIn.viIh, Aodd Not offkic4Iy a.socht.d wit it. Unman7 .4 florida SUNDAY Dry Sundays JULY SMTWTFS 12345 SO seehs end 6789101112 13141516171819 2021223242526 JULY 19 2723293031 of alto ol $1 u.n. GOLDBERG ANgst. SaNan WS. Never os Sunday? Not if Student Government has its way. The SO office of cominuitity affairs is working to get * binding referendum to permit the Sunday sale of alcoholic beverages in Gainesville. Harry Bosnian, city-county liaison for student govern- ment. and Steve Thin. director of contstitinty af- fairsare preparing the cm for a referendum. They hope to prcmnt their argument to the citycommisuion at its July 28 meeting, Bosman said. Student Go.erninemt wants to get a referendum on the Sunday ban on liquor sties on the ballot in the November special election, on unification of city and county govern- ments. Dosmaa said. BOWMAN SAID HE HOPES to get a referendum on the balls by a city commission vote. A simple majority, three votes, is needed to put a referendum on the ballot, said GaInesville City Attorney Os. Pagan. SO will try to get a referendum by petition if they fail to get it by city corn- mission vote, Bosman said. Ten per cent of the electorate or about 3.5(X) registered voters must sip * petition to put a referendum on the ballot, Pagan s.id. Bosman said he and flies. plan to base tlidr case for a vs Fm ttd in. largely on, a Galsaule Sn survey taken Is spring. They are also gathering other material to holste, their case. THE SUN SURVEY, (see page eleven)

ci eq. 2 1%. ind.~.d.nt Nov14. AIIig.t.r. Thunday, .iuly 24. I'll a Ordinance to trouble student tenants h ich ii lo~ ~ ii ii ultolis gik~t'. ~onco,,c hi p or ren I tit lie' etc Ihere R 110 ~ ay 10 prove .1per~t 'fl 1% ~rJt U tous guest. ~iflc? nionev changing Ii amh ii pi ~ riot traceable 'Weve had many RESPONDING to the suggestion properly~ n'ner'~ he called on to control the problem. ~ Rii eii Rjm~e~ noted. 'We've had people whove nude 3 Lori~in~~ complaints mostly reIu~al to obey he law, and we have not been able 0 ~ he State Attorney Office co prosecute. around the university' Conimsstoner Ramsey. a member ofihe Humjn He~urce, Committee dealing with the proposed ordinance c~pldned lurthet the need tar strong action on the issue. We ye had matly complaints, mostly around he Russell Ramsey tiniversily. he noted. Some people call the inreetly lye had 30-40 eonplatnts an the last te~ n''nth~ ' People usually coniplam about noises, dogs. trash CE also noted. The number two tunrtIated 'n By ROB DONALD I he law allows a house. in an area ,oiicd single larnily Ranisey Aligtir Staff Wdtas' residence, to he rented to. family, which may be of unlimited individuals in addition to a family allowed it, a residence) ~ chosen as a reasonable number which can be controlled Gainesville City Cornnhson has taken another StCp number, plus two people unrelated to the tantily. The People say a house as sip ettetigh for more people he it) Upon discovery of a violation or failure to allow entry. the toward cracking down on large groups ot students living added. But there is considerable abuse ci he ,iei~h houses ,oned br ~angle families, commission will be able to revoke the license. The Commission gave initial approval Monday to an or- OPPOSITiON to the ordinance was based on concern the THE COMMISSION noted a lessor would be requIrc~1 in finance calling lot a rented license and mandatory city ordinance will not be enforceable, does not attack the real the tenant in a written or oral lease of the inspectici, inspection to enforce a limit of three unrelated persotis per problem and places too much responsibility on those living in inform conducted *hgle dwelling in the areas zoned for single family, the residences. requirement. If the inspection mus be someonee is living in the home, residents are to be given %even ALTHOUGH the ordinance does not specitically refer to The comnuisson admits the largest Ilaw in enforcement of students commissioners concede they are the most &eqoent the ordinance is their inability to prove there are too many days notice. violators. I~ the eyes of the ordinance, the lessee Wilt ilso be vigorously questioned b~ Approval came despite the almost unanimous oppositiosi of ~ple living in a house. vulnerable to ptoSCUtio.i. a point the approximately 20 citizen at Mondays Human Services AT PRESENT, residents can legally refuse inspectors Commissioner Aaron Great Committee meeting. admission to a house. Other methods such as checking "The philosophy of the ordinance has strong poirn~. nor~d The proposed ordinance, now undergoing revision by the mailing addresses or coutiting can are not considered con- Green. Rut if the ordinance s.ys lenon. sub-lessorsiwglj~ a commIssions staff, would require lesson anrne reriuing a elusive evidence in establishing the number of resideiiis of a held responsible), then shifts the respo.siblity property to others) to buy a license tor approximately SW for house. leasing. I question it. each property reined. According to 81cc Hope assistant city attorney, the ad- THE COMMISSIONERS instructed staff to rework hr TEES LICENSE would require the lessor to allow in- vantage of the new ordinance is it removes the need to prove ordinance to guarantee due rccsa hr defendants, limit he 'peclion of the residence during which the city would the infraction beyond a reasonable doubt. ordinance to single family zoning, and set the l'cen~, a at determine ii there were any violations. Several people wondered about a clause in the ordinance $10 or less.

When You Think .1 DIamonds Think of he Independent Rondo Ailigoto, Tbu,,.doy July 24. 197S. Pa0 . 1 A.

J're~ The change is part of a general reorganization of BOYlE ThIWOW University College

Dean Bob Stirton Brown

Glad to be teaching again en. m s .Dr. George Bentley -ii 2 L7L~a Associate dean leaves post to accept teaching position - University College (tiC) Associate Dean. 'elected to replace Bentley. in apparent Dr. George R. Bentley. will leave his current violation of UP Affirmative Action guidelines. post this fall to begin teaching full-time in the According to UP Affirmative Action Department ol Social Sciences. Coordinator, James Allison. the school must advertise such opeiiings within the Stage Bentley said he would be glad to be teaching again, but said. The change was University System. SUNDAY Women and members of minority groups not made at my Initiation.*~ No reasons were given for the change. he must be interviewed before any decision is made as to who will fill the position, he sad said. JULY 27, 1975 Brown said the information from Mosss UC Dean Bob Burton Brown said the offia was incorrect. 0 change was part of a general reorganization "There has been no appointment made, 4.00 pm within the college, but declined to go into Drown sad. In fact, the position may not be detail. filled at .11 because of the currei~t tight money ThE OFFICE OF Dr. Harold 6. Moss, situatlo,,, he said. Union North Lawn Associate Professor of English. unoffiejily Brown said Bentley's duties may be confirmed reports that Moss had been distributed among other UC dens.


Our thanks to those who helped make -. .a- n.a Skgm . * puh4ItI~s ot Caeg* Cow- - wra4. v. n.n.~a c.p.S4.& h lo 1b1Ww4 ft. Sew. wc.&4 . -. -~ Asg. wi's. Ws WS it success. Because of the response. -I-, ad - -~ a - ad - - - ~=d in ik. k'd.pe*6fl1 4. a4*e .0. .4+. v*we d *. eNche ad - A of we will contain ue it another weekend. it. .a AIlga. AS.- The hdpad. Aflqsor, PC So. iS. Wivmfly S4.n, Goinwiih Pb~ i The in- Tht dwndit e.ndo AItioo. a irs-Fri-Sat 11 to 6 - nc'.d c~ mafia, at 4. Uni.~ Sacs P Office at Goinm,.hI$., ~ ~oi S.Mnip'on yo.* a p ye - ma #. ,e- t* ,ub.aIpuion, - Ilvoogi, Sudre eWnnwat Jo, he tudflh .4 4,. lJiIn.htyof Piondo Th~ l,.dpnd.cl PIoIdo Ailugoto, I tmsn. t. ~ go ,gula,. ha 4 S Iyp.geo~hIcol too. of oil ad- vwi~.m.wi. and go ravhsa cc ~nn ncy oil copy I cons'S., ab- -t- The ~,dap.ndr. Fbfldo Alligato, will - cenidar ~uem.n,. of oayn.en~ fo. .y adngI.m.n', *nyolvi ng tivo.rapbicol a''.' o; I 1 1802 W UNIVERSITY *VToneou~ Iflt*fliOfl .,nl*s. no.1cc 5 wit$%in I) day cli., I,. .,tnh.nt -' ma ind.prd.nt ftaMo AIIIUO**, wii not be r.on~bd. In. ma. ha,, on. ,ncouact v~atiOfl of on adn.flsnnrl acheduicS ta 377-HI Fl nv704 hflha Pog* 4. Th. indw.n4 .,t ReM. AIIIgeer I~u,.day July 24. I~7S Early childhood program brings families together By TERS SALT Alligator Staff Writer In, allowing you up into a big balloon. You're getting bigger and bigger.' the young woman said. I-~llowing directions parents and their 2 to year-old children twisted themselves mb balloon-like shapes. "NOW PM GOING to pop you with a pin, the woman veiled ro the delight of the gtgjling children 'tho dropped w thr thor as they were pricked with an imaginarY pin. I dii Gibson, a graduate student in early childhood ediitai in, gave the group little time to rest before she started ~ rig instructions icr othel- activities, all part of Together We I cjrn. a participation program tot parents and children. I he classes sponsored by Cf's early childhood education .rnd he tanitly development program. are designed to bring or father and child together. Gibson said GIBSON AND SHARON MILNER, another UF doctoral student, led the July 16 "Creative Yoga and Movement SHADOW GAME 'e~sioii at the Gainessille pMtbY oKi n~oron Hilton. letting th, imagination run free the ~eshion wasjust oneof many activities in this summers rogethei We Learn series. Others will include lessons on each day. I ihink its important for kids to make kitchen chemistry, body and Ihinit. 'F' i~i theiT sensory awareness, sound cx' For the parents. more than the kids, ~oga isa way to relax. heads [hey cmii create images in their mends. ploratiun. building 'he idded house joys and creative dramatics. she added, explaining the stretching movement releases Miliier performed several yoga exercises which she energy that gets locked in. LESLIE AND DOUG St.nn brought their 1-'e.'r L~Id SUn modified and called by animal names. SHE THEN TOLD the parents and kids co he down and in Damian to he session. "O.K. I'M A FROG. she We\e never said as 'be crouched down.bent a soothing low soice said, Imagine yourselt on the beach aken part in something like His hetrc her knees and put her hands over her head She hopped You're building a sand castle Nos~ you're looking or shells leslie Slam said ~irpuv. he room as the others followed her example. Imagine a rainbow Can you see it in 'our rnnd~ Brc4the I)anian loves l~eing with other kids arid I r,' ~c~tL' I' part yoga and part made*up so the kids can get into with the waves, in and out. in and out more things I can do with him. especially c~e~ ~ev ~.'d being in animal, MIner ~oung mother, later explained. Its a way to N4ilner said the breathing isa relaxing exercise and torniing ~ wore a !ie*dyc [shin matL Y n~ her 'LIII ,n.rki 'oga tun toT the kids. Mimer said she practices yoga the mental images stimulates creativity. "THIS PROVIDES sonic needs I've bccr, ]okiii~ or he added. describing the interactioui between parent child mu prolession al educator Dr Michael Resnek. one of the dirai~,rs it he progr.ini said 'We ted parents ire the prinhar. ;ea~ he' I heir ~ hildrer, I litre tore. 'he lasses t r~ to help the parents 'cc rile Icier eachersot their children while having fin at the 'aflic irrithe explained

THE FUN WAS APPARENT with the laugher, hand clapping and big smiles. The kids seemed to particularly enjoy an unusual activity where Gibson held a sheet in Ironi of a light and told a child or punt to ~me behind it and make shadow. will, his body. Th. kids could wat& d.c digested shade, movements and guess who wa behind the tat. After this final activity, the kids were gives, oranges and their families were awarded pastidpsia cutificates in addition to bdaging the pinch and dulldren together. thedannhdp both wIydfldhoodeducatlou, graduate and undergraduate fldencs gain leaching ekpaicftce. ThIS is going to be wIts IheyW doing whe, they get out of school Resnick said. truss8 the importance of this eX PCIteact fo. the students wit. help with o. lead the sessions EACH ACTIVITY iii the series ass age limits for the children who participate but they range front 28 month~ O8 years old. Interested parents sho.jld call 378-QYS2 or reservations. The price is 52 pet SasMit or IS br ihrec sessions. At least one parent muse attend with the child Together We Learn' is ma example of the classes otlered by the tandy developntat education v~- which began IS monthsago toheip parents become better teacher' ot heir children This parent education propam" is one of the lirsi in lie state to oiler classes where parent and child must attend together, according to Remnick. creative way of CffIlmb.dng up pisotohy ~frm Heuer (from pqe one) Hewer said she took the leave 'for pesos.! reason," so she Service Comrusiahon beating and will continue to represest could take * Weak" from her job. gist her back pay, sick pay, aed her his. her in the reinsatane.t appeal. did not ~'F"' ~ttr in However. Stands AtmIsulom Dine DrnJd Guttinger I)? WAS 0ED133D em ha. 12w rash Hester but UP inking action again d.c CSEP and was "too busf to handl aid Hitter toW him she was takiul the leave of absaice to wia not oMigated to dose nil the amuabslon's rOIU her libel suit. find a jOin North Carolina. where her husband.,. expected mendatlo. was reedved in .wbhg. fl PUIOWWI ThreeS' In fact. limier said she 'luasirt eva .ucctloeeC her to be irsauferred Conley Kernisou, said. pending libel math to Turner. WNUZON WAVE, Hewer said she suffers seek injuries TUNNEL WAS OCT OF TOWN - vacatio, and in a Galaenille car aceldern that pfevefled her from The Wanhissla's rm.4g'n~ naked last Weak unavailable for causes. rowing tnmt on the day her leave of absence expire but while the dedais Is undue app~ UP does not have (0 UF's deduce to appal Hews reiut.tauent add. Never said die .as then told by Guttinger that site was comply wit), It. keala said another chapter to the Hose, costrowesy which began .bat eligible to reed,, sick pa, because of her neck injury. Hester saId 3w Wi ~ ~ppij could take liner took a leave of abase. without pay In September last What liner was denied sick pay she filed an appeal with between six to nine Saks. war. the Caner Service Comsmisuoc in March which asked Upto Meanwhile Hester said a. wiui "366k emplOYt~~~ somewhere else. 1%. Iod.pnd.nt ~o$d. AJIIg.ior Thur.d.y July 24 19Th. Ng

County mosqu to spray won I t hurt environment

By ANNE SUMMERS must weigh how much the harm the poison ~ AflIpMr Staff Was, doing versus how much j~oo4. he said. lie added the good being done here in Gainesville far outweighs the bad. Spray from Alachsa County mosquito The mosquito problem could be severe in trucks may be fatal to Gainesville mosquitos florid. but it holds little danger for the rest of the KEY WEST SPRAYS with airplanes. but tainesvillc environment. has severe problem. because of the salt water mosquitoes throughout the Keys. Chflles Morgan. county engineer, said The Keys also put mosquito larvae-eating Gainesville will pay AI&hua County 525.728 fish in the canals that run through the keys to in 1976 to spray four nights a week for four help combat the mosquito problem Minnick bonn a night hits April through October. said, Morgan said the county now sprays a type of Minnick said the mosquito problem as so household pesticide put out by the Ametican severe in the Keys and other coastal areas. Cyanamad Co. ihe mosquitoes just about do a dance on TIlE TYPE OF SPRAY is changed every your head. two or three years because the insects become If they didn't spray for mosquitoes hen in immune to any spray after awhile, he said. florida it would be uninhabitable for much of The county is using no other methods to the state's yankee population he said. combat the mosquito. Morgan said. DR. PAUL URONE, UF professor d en. Morgan said he believed that the methods vironmental engineering, believes that the spraying being used by the county are *~the best we being done by the city is necessary and desirable base available." if done with caution" Urn,,. said the city is taking the necessary No cou.pbluts have been received this year precautions about the spraying. but there have been to insure the safety of the sprayInfl Proflanl. co~laints in the past. GET EXCITED when they set The sprays used in such a program should non-persistent or degradable, which is tru of trucks. Some people want the spraying. but the sprays sonic people don't. The spraying has been being used by the County. Urone made as safe as it can be made, Morgan said, Urone said that although the city is doing a said. good Morgan said the city has been fortunate this job with their spraying, a program which is not as carefully controlled could have some year because it has been a light mosquito harmful effects on some desirable season. insects such as bets. The county uses two tests to determine the size of the mosquito population. One tat is done with an ultra-violet light trap which attracts insects in the dark. Till 011123 TEST is to have a man stand still and see how many mosquito. land on him Eaton to take vows; an a period ot time. Dr. Dan Minntck, tiF assi. professor of plans August wedding k entoriology, agreed the spray currently being used by flit cfty is harmless to all mammals and other animals such as birds. Student Body President Jim Eaton will be Minnick explained that all pesticides are married Aug. II thoroughly tested before the Environment.! Cyndi Aronson. 22, will wed Eaton at Nice a ynr, In January and July, Ptotectgon Agency will allow them to be Temple Bethel Synagogue in Pensacola. placed on the market. EATON, AlSO 22, said he met Aronson Silver City conducts store*wlde MINNICK SAID Malathion, the spray used whale she was his assistant in the spring here in Gainesville, as a common household quarter political campaign in which he was sales. No regular merchandise Is spray that can be used to kill insects on house elected president. removed and everything Is reduced. plants or aS a spray to kill fleas on dogs. The couple plans to fly to Jamaica for a Anytime you put * poison into the air you week-lag honeyn.oon. COME EARLY FOR THE PICK OF THE CROP

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DAY AT WE LAME watching he boots go by Renovation set for Lake Wauburg

By JOSE S~EGO with UPs matching funds, William Anion, approximately S22,~ and the south will cod south of GaImsvillc on SR 441. has been AiMgsMr SaN Wdt vice president for adnuntrative affairs, said. S33.~. The remaining S2O.~ will Say In operated by UP sloe, the early 1930's, LAKE WAUUURG IS DIVIDED into a reserve. Williat Rico, dlnctoq of the i. Three years ago. the UF Student Senate north and south area, both owned Wayne Rair by UP and Elmore said a meeting is planned in the Uniot said. allocated S75.~ for a fund to be used cx- operated by the intramural department. future for all persons involved in the planing In ksheydayofthelatc4O's elusively fir renovations at Lake Waubuig. It is operated exclusIvely for and S0sas students and of the renovations. many as 2.~ Now. SS5.~ of that will finally be used to their Mends. A adept. would flock to the picture LA. and registration Lake Wauburg. located roughly eight mile lakeoui weekends. he aid. improve Wauberg facilities. card are required to use the facilities. According to Caleb Grimes. student body According to a preliminary study by the UE treasurer, the S75.~ has been kept in a UF Physical Plant Division last year. the agency account. renovations for the north boating facility An agency account is reserve money from include: various UP agencies which is deposited in * A wood chip parking lot along the local banks. existing road for ISO cars. remodeling the State University System Chancellor ET. existing recreation building, beach liii. York. while acting as interim UP president. proventents. an asphalt bus tun,.around, pledged S7S.~ in UP funds to match senate additionl picnic tables and barbecue pits. kinds and re-open Lake Wauburg. Grimes and canoe and sailboat racks. ~jid. * At the south facility, used for swimming. LAKE WAIJBURG HAD BEEN CLOSED a wood chip parking lot for 100 cars, by the Alachua County Health Department in remodeling of existing houses for toilet October. 1Q70 because it lacked adequate facilities, nature trails, addition of two 1,2(X) bathroom and plumbing facilities. gallon septic tanks, and remodeling of the fle S75.(~X) frost, SC was not used until existing boat storage shed are planned. tow because improvements were being made TUE NORTH FACILITY will cost ap- C Drill field proposed as mass seating facility site

BOAT OPERATIONS By LINDA WISNIEWSKI cost, in en t. athletic events near campus ANgst. Sail Write. Other situ for the mesa donns. the J. Wayne Reitz r*w facilities slated seating facility mentioned in Union. and Florid. Field, he the committees report in- said. clude the Fleming Field area. CULTURAL EVENTS Youth corps Pie ROTC drill tield may je the parade grounds area, the whuld be "integrated" with helps ecology group he location of Ufs proposed Flavet area, and the area social and athletic events with mass seating facility. behind the sewage treatment the addition of a theater for Dy FRANK RINELLA plant. Finger said. the performing arts although Milgae.q Staff Writer would have taken bAG months to do. Street The Committee on a Mass MABSTON HAS previously some people believe a Seventeen junior and senior high school said. Seating Facility recon,- stated he is convinced (of the theater for the performing students are doing work they enjoy this 5131FF EXICTED them to hag OTIC and mended last month to UP need) and committed" to a arts should not be week next to a and getting a half tonsof aluminum and crush SIX tOflSO' President Robed 0. Manto, mass seating facility provided paid for it. smelly basketball game. They aft crushing glass. hat the ROTCdnII field area the Board of Regents bottles and bagging Finger said. aluminum cans. Reynolds Aluminum comes and picks UP be given 'serious con- allocates approximately 114 The proposed man seating TIlE STUDENTS are part of the Youth the cans whew, we have a large antottot of full ~ideratioC lb. the mass million from a surplus state- facility would include, a 2,400- Conservatlou. Corps. They work during hap. When we fill the (EAG) truck up walking facility site. Corn- tide student building find to 3.500-nat their theater for the summer vacations in ecology jobs around the glass. ~ take It ao Ja*acpville. Street atd mitt., Chakmmn Dr. Ken. UF. pedbrming arts, a l2-l4~. cowl try. Other inq. works, - a, other pelts Of tieth Finger said. The Regents will decide ott seat auditorium, and an David Strelt. director of the Enviro.,nmntj the cm~s npahtlq *e nature trail hod the allocation in September. indoor THE MASS SEAlING swimming complex . Action Group 4EAG). said 25 to 30 students deals, ws., jfl~ ~s of Lake Alice, h' The drill field was termed Student Body President Jim tere FACILITY committee, is wdeuirable on campus Monday through today to said. by the corn. Eaton has misc esablislied a SINEW coniposed of three students. mitt. because it would help improve the environnj~11 * SAID after they spend a week At student government com- "About I? students UF they wdd go t three faculty members, three integrate social. cultural are working at our to pats of the codA ! and mittee on the mass searing recycling admInIstrators. and three uhletic ac;IItle.' on center dat the south end of the UF to do ec~JqjcuI work facility composed of students. commuter parking lot) crushing bottles and Membuusgf the Youth Co.uervaliOn members of the communIty. campus. Finger said. Th. committee Colt' till seek putting aluminum cans in bags so they can be make about $2 .10a hour, die money coming Maruowu. vacationing in The mass seating facility student opinion concerning a sent to recycling plants,' Streit said. from a grant by the Moral rvensinenh which Virgule. was unavaIlable for size '.oold provide social and fit. seating facility. The 'ork that they '.ilI do this week is matched by die way. Strut said. EAG r~ai'c - ~n& untie. the prop"~ tA' **~4 I)) 4~ -

J 1,. nd.p*nd.nt Hodda AJIIgaor Thurtdcy. )u~y 24. I"$ &ng. C" SHORT ON CASH? / ABC AUth Homes has te -

We currently hove o lorge selection of mobile homes in stock. Any of them. reconditioned homes con be yours for $350 or less when you assume to poymonts. Stop paying rent and OWN YOUR OWN!

R~~T BRYAN * Instructors mijul be evaluated Funds available; evaluations star) By FRANK RINELLA Afligat. Staff Wilt. Course and teacher evaluations will again bt available (ci student use rail quarter after being suspended for two quarters. according to Dr. Robert eryan. LIE Vice President for Academic Affairs. The evaluations were stopped during winter and spring quarters in an effort to help save money during the budget crunch, Bryan said. DR. GENE HEMP, assistant vice president of academic affairs, said the evaluatmos consist of. series of questions on how well the course is run. In many casins.a sheet of blank paper is also given so students can give a written response. Hemp said the evaluations we given to the deans of the vnious colleps. The des. - them to stiadetti in rarious~ classes, who in turn .dmwister them to their classmates. The evaluations are then processed by the UF computer processing center, Hemp sid. Ann TEE EVALUATIONS art processed, a copy of the results are sent to Omicron Delta Kappa, a leadership and scholarship fraternity, who publish them and make then. available to students. The evaluations cost an estimated S25.~ which come' Iron, the Educational and General budget, Hemp said Th4t budget includes most of UF's colleges. That covers the cost of purchasing and processing the forms lot about % per cent of teacher evaluations giveli Hemp said. EVALUATIONS GIVEN by Institute of Food anvt Agricultural Sciences (WAS). the College of Law, and hit College of Health Related Professions are not paid for these lunds, Hemp added. Money lot the WAS. Law and Health Related Professioii~ evaluations come out of each of the schools budget. Heri explained. 'The a,. college evaluations do not need processing, all their questions are written.' Hemp said. BRYAN SAID it is a UF policy for instructors to 1w evaluated once a year. AII instructors must be evaluated at least once a year every count that they teach. Bryan explained. The evaluations are used for tenure. promotion, and to h the instructor evaluate the way he or she teaches. "THERE IS NO PARTICULAR formula in the way ihc' are used, but the evaluations are used in all tenure ci siderations." Hemp explained. Hemp said written comments were probably more useful instructors than the technical questions that students ai swered. Most of the instructors get monout of the comments that students write about the courses than the questionnaire they fill cut." Hemp eqilained. HEMP SAID the trifles comments usually become the property of the instructo. "I would goes. about half the time department chair persons get to we the coinmcnts but the corniness newT ma the ad~rsIo," he said. ~GET HOOKED mis is NO LINE IHERE ARE MORE FISt4iftG tiC~~SES SOLO

T"ANAARRIAGE LiCENSES - MEET INTERESTING PEOPLE OWN AND OPERATE A TACKLE SHOP INVESTMENT NEEDED ONLY $6 95090 CALL Mr PATRICK AT 803/656 4970 OR WAITE '0 .0. Box 10206 CHARLESTON, Si 29411 ye S. The ind.pnd.nt Hordo Ajilgotor Thur.4a~ Juiy 24, iflS r1 EDITORIAL It On the road

You meet a lot ot friends on the road to Waldo East on University Avenue to SR. 24, then northeast past the airport and straight on to Waldo. One of the town's claims to fame is the Waldo rain station, a popular departure point for iorneward bound students. But if the traffic on the road to Waldo seems particularlyy heavy on Sunday, it's not because a lot 'f trains stop there that day. Its because one of Gainesville's best known and lost persistent blue laws, the Sunday ban on quor. sends a lot of Gainesville residents to Valdo where spirits can be had on the seventh V Last quarter ~.hen it seemed like half the PU lahon ol Gainesville was running for a seat on c City Connission. one of the most frequently ked questions during the campaign was "would u favor a referendum to lift the Sunday liquor Get Gainesville out of garbage in. Predictably enough, just about everyone did.

But now that the election is a thing of the past, Gainesville City Commissioner Russell Ramsey had it. e issue has been pretty much forgotten. unusual complaint at a recent meeting of the Gainesville But not by everyone. Rotary Club The sale of liquor on Sunday became an issue It seems that the great bulk of the complaints he receives BRIAN DONERLY concern garbage collection. ring another election last quarter. When Jim ONE CAN EASILY appreciate Commissioner Ramsey's 'ton ran for student body president part of his displeasure. He spends his time trying to determine the uses tion party platform included repealing the to which people can put their property, the taxes they must inday ban. pay, where they may ride their motorcycles, and so on. PLEASE NOTE that I am not asking the city to grant a franchise to some company. Thai would just change a public Election promises come and go, but it seems In short. Russ Ramsey is working very hard at running our this lives. And what do we. ungrateful wretches that wean, do in monopoly into a private one. If you think that there's a real tie Eaton and his cabinet are sticking to it and return? difference, pick up your phone. 'rking to have the ridiculous ban repealed. We complain about garbage! The objections to my suggestion are easily anticipated It Now all they have to do is convince the City IT WAS COMMISSIONER RAMSEY'S good tonunt to ~.'Il be argued that peoplewill lettheir garbage accumulate or missionn to put a referendum to repeal the ban he directing his complaints to one of ni~ yellow libertarians. dump it on Russ Ramsey's lawn. ~.ho passed urrent tresspas~ and nuisance laws would 'cern to he 'the ballot of November's special election, which Ihe story on to mc It seems to me that ~dcquate to courier these problems. but sonic people '.iII ty prove a formidable task. the eotnnhissioncr s strenuou' etlorts on our behalfought not go unrewarded. So in recognition ot his retain unconvinced, [he last time the issue came up was in February valorous service (and to remove a nettlesome is~"e trom his re FOR THESE PEOPLE, I otler alternate plan B 72. when the City Commission decided 3-I election campaign next year). I make the following proprnal l~cjve the city in the garbage business, but let an~orIc ainst putting it to a straw vote. Fortunately the Get the city ofGainesville out ot the garbage business. compete with it Anyone recetvin~ private garbage wnIce e positive vote was cast by Commissioner Simple. isn't it? could submit his or her bill tor that service in lieu of payrncrit THE BENEFITS to Commissioner Ramsey are obvious. br the city garbage collection. mes Richardson. No more nasty phone calls. No more time wasted on setting Anyone wishing to haul his or her own trash would ha~c to Later that year. in November, there was a move rates or deciding when people can take their garbage to the put it in the city's land fill. A receipt horn that would serve lift the ban for just one day. New Years Eve curb. as a substitute for the bill from the private collector at bill 72-73, which just happened to fall on a Sunday. The benefits to the people of Gainesville are even greater. paying time. en-mayor Richard Jones and Commissioner TillS PLAN ISNI PERFECT, but it offers considerably more freedom of choke thait the current set.up. Fur- id present mayor) Joseph Little recommended thermore, just like the current system, ii assures that jinst it everyone's trash will be picked up. [his year the question is pretty much up in the OPINION Any plan that leans the govaument hi the garbage Commissioner Russell Ramsey has indicated business is inheresitly defective. The city could use its poliflon would favor such a vote, and Commissioner to eztetd its control ow lie private collectors. Furthtttflofl. the potential t~r building a small bureaucracy is built into S. Talbot, while personally opposed to the sotnethiisg like this. nday sale of liquor. has said he would not mind First, they would hay, a in chok, the butter of garbap d.kts. I WOuld still ncomma.d this plan to 'eferendum if one were proposed. collection. They could contract with aiiyonc who would be the city eommuiuM.as. It would till a the people of ~tudent Government-City Commission relations willing to ide it away. If they wasted, they could haul it G.ine.viBe some choice sad knock don the price of garbage ~e never been themselves. collection. particularly strong, but we hope Second. they would undoubtedly save nioney. Everything ton and his cabinet cangenerate enough support Beside. I know thas the co,,Iuhon could itew? buy the the government does i. either over-priced or subsidized by idea of getting out of the gut.0 business enthly. the Commission to at least put the question to other revenue. Garbage collection is not subsidized. HOW ADOUT IT Commiuuhomr Ramsey? voters. Vho knows, an issue like this may even turn out mythical student vote. bn Carem 'Jow if we can only get the trains to stop in The Independent 1. lied., flb~ln.OvM Mn Sm' LflCSVIIIC. Florida Alligator OoogIesnh MMi #~ Cell time Mcnaglng Mt., unuspacy -Mm Ia#n must * S. Iyp.d. .gn.d. dc.M.-.poc.d and not .xcs.d p 300 wordt .Nob. .Jgn.d ws*op.vdooym l.A. Tony Z.Mzioe Genal * Nov. odd,., and t.I.pho.~. numb.rs of Jams. V CoSt AsS a. I C.n.n I by Mahdynbw. A&.inlSuuw. A~m, Nomn will b. w~*'h.ld only I wriM, show. us~ M MipisS,. - k caug Th.d~ior.s.nni~.fltt$o .dI*oil I.~.rufor C P0 So <~ this *4*".'? TO.% MaNs',. 0 In-. A- at~~* Wnat moy ,obnul 009W .yt column, or I.fl.r. Eq &O. Jr. Mvwweng M.t.p, offic. hsbd S kin to b~ coomd.red lad' U. os Sp.ok~ng O.jt columns Ii-- ~ honey flU We. us.n A.w Any wn. nflnfld in wbmdltng 0 9~lO5 column is ii. - Pm~d Mag, k.~ a. - San * cfl~OCt i,. .dlior ond 6. pwomd to .I.ow Wnb MM~ CimiaIo. O~,s M.n.gd S.t.s ma .m4. M hi. wo&. M.fl4S gad Pmdwc~.4. ha, nsa 4 * I 1%. Inde.,d.nt fla.4Ja Mii.a. fl,.4. I.'. 'IA 1.1* Society has wrong idea about drugs.-. r.--. V - EDITORS PERSONALLY, lied that any drugean be used or abused. I would like to comment on Drew DahIs recent ~rtlcle U about it. is that to most A society, drugs and a working depending on the drug itself and who is using the drug. Some July Sth Alligator concerning the hallucinogenic psilocybin knowledge of their respective histories. physiological effects drugs are more easily abused than others. This alone has and mushroom. I quote horn his article. the psilocybin psychological effects are indeed foreip. tailed to show up as a major criteria for society's decisions on As long as this remains the case we continue to live our lives mushroom, which is considered in the Same legal category of what drugs are to be legal or illegal. as puppets tied to strings operated by no*minds in society. narcotics as cocaine and LSD." Dahi, I do not wish to pick on you specifically. I actually I WHENEVER I think of the number of traffic fatalities feel that Dahi. as well - the general public, should be enjoyed your article and found it rather informative. However, made which can be traced to alcohol, along with liver disease, brain aware of the tact that neither LSD. cocaine. or your Innocent mistake is indicative of society's outlook on the psilocybin are even in the same ballpark as narcotics. damage, first admissions to mental institutions, countless drug world and the ludicrous manner in which it chooses to broken homes. LSD and psilocybin are both hallucinogens and cocaine is handle these foreign, and cvii agents. an amphetamine All there is left to say is 'Drink up, Shriners! with local anesthetic effects. Putting them in The one thing that puts a pain in my gut every time I think the same class with the narcotics, which include codeine. Richard Mutton 6AS opium, morphine, heroin, methadone. etc. is grossly in- -n--n @19% dicative of the publics ignorance on the subject of drugs, N their effects, and their respective potentials for use, as well as abuse. This OUTRIGHT ignorance falls hand in hand with society's refusal to recognize drugs such as nicotine, caffeine and alcohol as potentially dangerous drugs, or even drugs at all? This line of thinking also accounts for the fact thai society lills its jails with people who have been busted for possession of a mere few joints of marijuana, while at the same time allowing alcohol to be sold over the counter like it was candy. Even more to my dismay, the people who probably know th, least about drugs. both licit and illicit, are the very people who make the laws, interpret the laws, and enforce the laws concerning the use of drugs. Even our very own Food and Drug Administration refuses to give drugs like alcohol the same consideration as other products which arc so heavily screened and tested for our so called pwtectio& C?) before making their entrance on the 'C market to be sold. The only fling left forone to do it to look at society with a bfrdseyevlewas a bunch of biunbling idiots who attempt to control the use of dnag,. and at the '.me time knowing zilch about them. Student questions building priorities an Open Latter To Dr. Marston: of the standing structure. Winadate Dear Dr. Manton: The lack of funds available have limited scored copie, of I - one of many students who resent the proposed essential class inakilal sueR as suds small necessities as rHe hopes -WI comaltues of ~ for the mis swUng facilIty. proportion wheels and copy pep. 'The size of the faculty to score with hi my opinion. if Florida Foundations, Inc. or -y private remains stable while the enrollinesat swelled 30 per cent this group wisha to hand the facility, that Ii perfectly acceptable. past year. his guitar-playing toes Howew,, the - of UF's and Dosed of Regents mosey foe If you do not think this affected the quality of teaching. ask the project boggles my mmd. any professor overburdened with hundreds of extra papas to Dear Mi. Man, The priority of money utilization must be ec-ezasined. grade. If that i~ not sufficient proof. ask any student who A few days ago, a couple of toadies and I were sitting Surely, you - aware of the dire need of funds S. a new sweated their way through a class accompanied by the around the kg gushing Old MU when the - of con- College of Journalism and CommunieationL flit ac- distracting sounds ol' ROTC drill calls. versation turned to the latest Janis Man column I. the cradilaticit of the College was threatened solely by the quality These problems are so commonplace in our college that we Alligator. Most of the little Droogies were convinced that ye. have sot tei.d to the fact that gradual mediocrity is acceptable were either a homoassual man or a dyke. I tuggested that you The Independent to UF regents. are probably neither. put lonely. One thing led to another You would not han students and faculty making do if hIs, one bee, whined to another) and before I knew it. I had everyone was aware of the possible use .1514.1 mUo, by the bet that I an oe1y could win the date. but that I could score. FOR Florida Alligator - regents 1. 11,1. mass sating facility. They would be raking ANY ordInary foil., this might be a putty tall order, hell. but no bony ha ever termed me town, and I do.?t set why G@tykli'o4$ But you probably know that, because yes have cunningly you should be aay different. Cdl It anything you like, but I *kkMelflOfl have - Shoe AS. N.wnfdiIor made this move In the swum.?, when most student. are off what it takes to please wusm. the preniket I play guitar with my toes. kazoo with nay nose. My maine. Pin think again about using state education and you will know, it is Re. university fund. fo, the mm sating facility. Dr. Matson. I tell fortunes at cards, Ivan leap fifty yards (I'm renowned kfr M~s lb. my aerial so!) Ma SW Or better yet, why not pay - a visit over at the College of Journalism and Cominunlcathsu. I CAN tAT DoM~ and i.ul. blindfolded at blitz. I cat, Sheila Sintr otatbull Bill Buckley d 4 or S Schlitz. 4JM You can see why Ig e an the otherguys fits, And you dos&t knowhalf-justafewllttleblt. r., hard to equal and cast be beat, -~ 'flu S. just consider I r yourself In I. a treat. Re. Meckler 7 He's not too handsome but he has ready ears ri'S JULY thu fifteenth of seventy- I Yo&ru seeking a dan. sans all the jive. Mark down -- 2 ibis Smote day and yaw You Inspired this missive, JaMs my dear. I ITS GOOD thu looks aren't impostast to most For little of those have Ito boss. Ability to listen should hIt the spot As the ears cm my head Sick out a lot.

I'M NOT really known as a social redeemer But you say you ba4e e~6. a dangling feaniw. The size of the ship I. not the notion But rather the movement within the ocean.

AS YOU wander through life, no matter your goal Keepywareyeonthedouussnd nosonthebde. I'm not very handsome, and not very strong. Ban in a cabin in a snowstorm. I'm the one you want along. I wniT!D D 6W! ThAT m GEor~E WAIJXW h.Ayrws

- ~ - ~-. -- P9 !O, lb. idfld.M R.ld. AMI.or, Thgr.dn JwI~ 24. i*75 Environmental concern FRESHMEN AND PARENTS - stressed in cab drilling Welcome to By ROB DONALD providing us with water, this enables us to Alilgat. Staff Writ.r monitor changes our drilling flay cause in the GATOR COUNTRY!! water. We send a daily sample to an in It appears that oil is well in Ocala National dependent laboratory in Gaines,,lle Forest Anioco leased large amounts of land in should plan a trip to the CAMPUS Despite public concern at reports of Ocala National Forest several years ago. While you are here for orientation, you Atuerican 0.1 Co. (Amoco) drilling for oil in BROOKS SPECULATED, I believe they SHOP and BOOKSTORE located in the Hub. (see C-3 on ampus mapi We he lowest. an Ocala National Forest it-c just covering themselves in case they strike most conveniently located for you. technician and a UFgeology professor feel the are the official U of F bookstore ajid the oil All the major oil companies own vast the student project is beirn~ handled responsibly. areas of Florida According to Joel Power, senior advisor to Power agreed. noting We leased the he Public and Government Affairs land to research the possibilities ol oil After Department ol' Amoco, clearing began in various aboveground tests, our geologists told ~ mid-June. with conservation measures being us there were only two likely places in the Ak4' t~' observed from the start. entire forest. They are our present site, three 2~%zrA "WE HAVE ABSOLUTE control over the and a half miles northwest of Juniper Springs V~ -. surface.'' Mcfluffy said. 'IThev only least the and site by Alexander Sprfrtgs." sub-surface.' All three say the and leased in Ocala j 4, According to Joel Power, senior advisor to National Foest are not sensitive' areas. Public and Government Affairs Department ones tagged for conservation. p * ol Amoco. clearing began in mid-June, with 'We haven't leased any of the sensitive land, LorservatiI)n measures being observed from 'uch as Jutiiper Springs. McDuffy said. the 'tart tven if we did want to conserve leased 'First ~e had to protect the root system. surface land, the companies can slant drill e~ptained Power We couldn't use troni outside the area.' bit lldoers or .in~ other hea% y eqa pnicnt We EMPHASIZING TIlE SAFEn methods aI'o rnitlLhed the tree stumps. grinding them employed by the forest. McDufl~r said. nit, 4.hip% nste.sd of disturbing he Before anyone can drill any kind of well, the I rcntuning) root ~5itTt1 federal and state geology departments must Dr Harold K Brooks. UF geology okay it. professor agreed. the environment was There will be no short cuts, no expense 1 ,rutected. noting. These companies have 'pared concerning conservation. McDutW drilling techniques down so well, you could continued. 'talk through most florida oil fields and not "Leases are in such demand, we can demand c'en know they are there.'' any conservation measures we want. We can POWER NOTED OTHER METHODS of have only one well for every 40 acm.' he said. convention Amoco is employing. 'We put in Power was noncommittal about Amoco * * AlOE! WTURE & RCfFRIM; plank road and also awered the cleared chances ol striking oil. flXIflXHcS NEW & L~ED "ork area ~uilh ~.ooden planks This protects 'WE'RE TRYING TO ASSESS the GTh WIHTh E(XIFMPNT & SUYUFS he root system, provides a stable work area geologic potential of the region,' Power said sw~mwm * ARTS & CRAFTS SIYUES or heavy equipment and provides a buffer This is a big unknown ant. Last year we mm & sitiutips * tone between the loved and equipment. drilled five well south of the forest. There cxiairr~ u~ a GRaAL * snrv iaus We've also drilled two wells downstream have been 90 wells drilled in the last five ai~ui~ mR Yaw VFRfl'4AL * 011HE ~AL , FEIC'J mm our ,il well,' Power continued 'Besides ANTS ANT) yeari. All of them have been dry. ~MS

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Liquor (front poge one)

hLLh appeared April t 3. Gainesville Area NI in isterial 975. found that 66 per cent Association. Rev It [ it Cat nesv I lie residents Rusideti of the Parkvww flavored the Sunday sale ol Baptist Churrh. said the alcoholic beverages association composed of local SC hopes to work Qith clergymen has no official oilier interested parties to position on the issue. But the repeal the Sunday ban. majority of members oppose Hosman ~aid, Sunday sales, he said telephonee calls to city ThE PROPONENTS OF commissioners indicated Sunday sales cite econonjic there is a good chance of hindrances and abridgment getting a referendum by of consilutionul rights as tomnhission vote. reasons to change the law. Commissioner Russell Bryant. owner of the Wine Ramsey said he favors a and Cheat Caller) and a referendum and is wiiiing to member of the board ot abide by the decision of the directors of the Great majority or Gainesville voters. Southern Music Hall. said hr M ayor-Cwnnissioner has difficulty keeping his Joseph Little said he would restaurant open Sunday rot oppose a referendum He because of the ban on 'aid he doe, nor feel strongly alcoholic beverage salt. either way about the issue. He also said it is diIl'iculi to kirk added he ha~ not 'cen have entertainnient .ul the nn great desire aniotig the U real Southern S uuda people for a change in the because ccncessioil sales .ire tat., and that is '.hv the issue big part o I their bus it e~s ii as not Conic tip. Bryant said lie lit~ in tm ii iss loner XV S. I a Ibor liquor sales should rrt1 a I lie said he would not mind a changes in Gamiesvillt reterendum it someone make-up. OflC. But he is THE FOOD AND personally opposed to the BEVERAGE director tit ii> Sunday sale of liquor, he said. Gainesville Hilton. Pbill'pc A spokeswoman br Mesnil. said the Sunda~ ban (omnhissioncr Aaron Green. has definitely had a large said Green did not want to adverse clThct on both lie make a public statement now. Hilton's restaurant and hotel Commissioner James business. Sunday sales ot Richardson could not be alcohol are a large part of reached. business in other places he SC MUST REQUEST has worked. Mewil said referendum to anuend the city Flue Sunday ban keeps charge, for I to be binding. conventions away from the Fagan said. Hilton. he said. Con- ~ention' .,re often hooked on ELSEWHERE IN THE the weekend, and the) want it) COMMUNITY. Michael ,rink, Mcmii said. Brant. an attorney and "WHO'S GOING TO reslauflin! owner. is sounding HAVE a nice meal without out other restaurant and '.me? he asked. lounge owners on possible flit manager ol the Flagler moves to repeal the Sunday Inn. Bob Bake,, also said his ban. lIe stressed that his business has been hurt by the effort is ii the embryonic Sunday ban. He said he stage. A leading opponent ol in the quality of the corn- favors liquor sales alter In spite of recent intent Sunday liquor %SIes. Rev. niunity. But be declined to church on Sunday. the issue of Sunday liquor ND. Langford of the North meal his evidence because he reeler, the icr sales dots not appear to be Ceistral Baptist Church. said 'aid he does not want to give restaurant owner an'. particularly important to he has many people. amid not the opposition a chance to time crusader for nuost Gainesville residents. only Baptists. who are op- come up with rebuttals. sales, said the ban THE GAINESVILLE posed to Sunday sales. They THEME SAID HE violation of constitut ARIA Chamber of Con~ art ready to mobilize with 50110111 crime reports rights. He attributed merce attempted a survey of irseing the effect of Sunday telephone calls, he added. absence of efibns to rc1 its members on the issue ci "I AM AGAINST any liquor sales fro.~ Alachua the Sunday ban to apath; Sunday sales at the end ci further extension of the County municipalities which the part of most people Lii 1Q74. Only 40 replied out of nations number ouue drug permit Sunday sales. But Gainesville. ltD members who received problevn. Langford said. I then are no such reports. he SC ti pushing to get the new sletrer ,. Ph the ~tont waist login ont inch." said. Sunday sales orhcmze because quest loflilaire. Langtrd said it is a moral bngford said there are it was pan of the Atlion Still. ncr since Gainesville issue to Isim. He said he is many more important issues party's platibem in the last has allond the .ale or liquor. against anything 'hick to deal with and he does not election. Amman said, he he Sunday ban has been i detracts worn the community want to get involud us the said it was in the platform fleet. pointing to alcohol related iswe of Sunday sam. Neither because Action patty, which A former restaurant otner aime. family pmblems and do the city and couSy, lie wou' the chaise. thought the "ho was activ, in past at- drunk driving. added. It is only on or two Sunday ban was an Issue most tcunpu to repeal the Sunday Lassgford said he has 'selfish restaurant owners v.dem. opposed. ban. Benjamin Feeler. blames slatistics and documented who want to revive the issit A uetwudum has to be on the continuation dike ban on eMenct proving that Sunday Langfo.d said. th, b~ 3D days beibre the he Rapist church. liquor .l. make a diffenun RIse pmideuu of the election. Fqas said.

I'110W flours ampus Crec MONDAY - -iWO am.- TUES. -7W as- 4,

a, *. Pug. it he nd.p.nd.ntfloddo Ajilgebor, Thursdoy Jtuly 24 9'S

Pr Action Party

N platform included 'student participation 8 in Collective bargaining' I do not see any mechanism -Dan Labeck for a student vote in co~Iective

bargaining * 41k ~t'P 4 - Ron Carpenter Students seek voice in bargain ng procedure

By KEITH MOYER American Association of University Prot~ssors-Florida concerned with student rights, such as the rigtt to appeaL Afllgator Staff Writer (AAUP-Fta.) Vice Chairman Ron Carpenter said students grades, university committee memberuliip While IF prolessors express doubts and parking that students will ever chances of ever having a strong hand in collective bargaining availabilities. base strong voice in the collective bargaining process, were slim.' UNITED FACULTY of Florida UP chapter Pteuident Dr. student body officials claim they will work for just that. CARPENTER SAID professors would be hesitant to in- Melvyn New said, "In a collective bargaining sItuation, Student participation and representation in UP collective clude students, explaining 'the professors will not want their students should have input.' tirgaining sessions is an active goal of UP Student Body voice diffused or altered or their thoughts weakened by the New was unsure as to whether students should have any President Jim Eaton this tall. voices that may not be appreciative of their (the professors) active status in collective bargaining. "STUDENTS SHOULD definitely be involved in collective needs. He said it would be necessuy to separate graduate student I~argainng. Eaton said. I do not see any mechanism for a student vote in collective from undergraduate students when speaking of collective lagon said if students do not look out tar their own in- bargaining. Carpenter said. bargaining. He said graduate students who are teaching crests in collective bargaining, no one else will. The Montana state legislature recently became the first state courses at UP should he eligible to participate Student Body Vice President Dan Lobeck iii collective said studeiti in the nation to pass a bill giving students the right to par- bargaining )iriicipation in ticipate in collective bargaining collective bargaining was one ci the issues between public colleges and LYNN MeNEAL, president of the UP Graduate Student !caIt ~.tIh in his party' platform prior to the last student their faculties, litiion. an aifitiate of the United Faculty of Florida. said it loclv elections. THE BILL PERMITS a student representative to observe ~a' doubtful that the Florida legislature would pass a Ia'. TIlE PLATFORM called for legislative action to ensure negotiations as a member ol the university bargaining team. sit~tlar to Montana's. She said such a proposal would hit any collective bargaining scheme include a required to participate in caucuses of that team, to meet and confer ~ignaturt' probably meet in the same fate in the Iqiulature as a recent ol i representative of the student body, preferably with representatives of both sides before negotiations begin. a campus referendum. proposal to place a student representative on the Florid;, before any agreements could and to meet with the Board of Regents before contract is become detective Board at Regents. ratified. McNeal said she thought it would be quite a while betbrc he platlorn, also called icr an effort to persuade faculty Representatives of both the American Federation of Jaws were passed to include undergraduate students in nienibers hat collective bargaining is an uuiptofessional Teachers and the AAIJP testified in tavor at the bill. collective bargaining. i1~proach to a professional job and has no place iii an in- A 1974 Alligator survey showed that a majority of UF It was tough enough 'tittition of higher education. getting the law for collective faculty felt collective bargaining negotiations should be bargaining," MoNeal said. This page paid for at usual adver ruts lb. kd.p.d.M ASS. lhned.y. July14 ~ N~ U

U F 11W ProGuc.d br he Civ ijon *toni S.;vc., to communeat. o~t.cIa~ flotcn & U *m0 w Ia nt ,ntom at 'on to ii u4.nt I, Acuity & ~ II ~ Un'n*i't~ of Fto.,da 'at Contracts and Grants Funded Profs Get Added Summer Pay

Nine-month apjoinbnent faculty members whose salaries art In whole or in part from contract and grant funds will receive addilicilal pay for- work this summer, Vice-President for Academic ML an Robert Bryan has announced. The extra pay will range uptoSi per cestof the ,lI*asnthrasndwfij be paidinom DR. DILL NENDENHALL sum as part of the last biweekly pay period S the quarter. 0-IS -~fl~ hornets Nine-month faculty members are paid 3.2 per cat S their annual rab for a full load Here Pie. hum dunng the summer quarter. Under the net procedure, the salary rate Is 313 per cmii for thoee paid from contract and grunt fqda. Mendenliall Is If a faculty member is paid fran both the stat. salary fund and a outset and grant Rekabilitatation account, he will receive the additional pay only for that patio. caning bun the cafrnct Assist6nt Dean and grant fund Counseling Gets The Division ci Sgnucred Research mS prove aD req outs for the additional pay before forwarding to the Office .1 AedemIc ADmire for final a~roval. Budget requut Student Services change Fonti S should be Initiated by dean, directors or dagiurirnet dahrpeson to New Chairman whom the affected faculty meters are assigned. Dr. Judd D. Dtmarth, sperisaced In Dr. William R. 'Dill' ?AendenhalI, rein Siltation comueling education and niatant to the vlcepruadwt for StadeDi march, 18 new ~eiuw and chairman Affairs for the pet two awl one-kink years of the Department of Rehabilitation ha been named mistant dean for Student Lake Wauburg Offers Recreation Counseling I. the College of Health Menlo. by Dean Thema G Goodale. Related Prulesla Medenhafl will be director ci admini- Dr. flcmrthcwne.frmn Iowa City, Iowa irauve service and new student pro. For UF Community and Guests where he ansi th S two jima. He will be responsible for new director ci naeart ad cflk she.- admit win tatici' prtgranm. budgetary Lake Waoburg, the Unlveralty's ~u remafisi area nine nies meSh S UP - tion for the Iowa ua MiaMi ASberity mad aihulnliratlve matte, indent pn HWway 441, den swtmfln&bac. ~ iImaw us phypous a far UP aid - ethical amidSt peims S profeulonal programs and Office of students, faculty, staff and their guSt hum liege - loS pa. wetbys and U psyddaby aid esumis education at tim Student Service ~ScSa Me wIll also am. to 8p.m. mi wedmuik; It I. elmira t To be Smiled attS seelia Uidvwity ci in Vim 311 to B7~ be cairn,. - an aaaut pedmor of each vehicle macstain a pmu~ wt a cant tlulvutty S VWt ~aUui - directs ci mint dli. Univesy U-. card. S Miasma In FayuUsvills. Tb Syw old Indiana native heIdi BA. Swimming Is limited to ibm limes stun a lifeguard is a ASp-bun - I. S pa. A nab. S huh, 13., Dr. Smith and NJ. dupes froni Indiana Stab, weekdays and been 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and SasSy earned Mu ~t, dopes In mini Ph.D. be 7813 aS wee the Beard ci nasrmmn ~~stts to Sir elm area at darn - k~Sy. aid Mu Spa to ~ tdus i.E a.t~ dupe inmusts Begun staff bdcue jang the UP Sail In off the dock. Deals wtmt motors are pained In the a, Incising aflbfl mum, and gul~m at haisy Udwuity In rowba sic. huh. Me barn Creator S ~S3b- 'Ut But ieee pit and piele tall. an awallahh mid a cowed eating me afld Urn sevErn at hula USC Hugh) In ember lAS rear to pm lila pielekara 'It rain we cUm. IUS aadb. r Ms flied ~ - Loyce Sparkman NCR. avallet for whytal, beAmIssi, a., ~ pinyms ma kakc Sir - pflm at S INhO as. Pay*~Mc oqul just LSfle in Weqo. Ii lIE. he aimed the Leaves Assistant Umiveity S hum at earned Ms Ph.D. In a ~s Dean Position 'Hassle Free' Volunteers VA Grant Opens AWM Dean for Stidit Seine. 'aye a Sputum MU leave the Univiity Sought for Fall Quarter Health Science ci FIStS lepimber 3 to acc~q her habuad to lausas Stat. UnIversity, Tb. Office S MUdS Sayloel '~e Free" woemi inmating C-mugs SUdS Degree Program uts he ares huI 0at Pidmer vS aSses for fall -. ~b tee white. averS ci 35t1 AaUa cuupleue. nil., - warning bin., a. tie - - wmmaOZ~ Th. Cdege usa DubS PM. Dan Sparkman Is bern at Florida pens. hr other ada king in Uk a ale. ~ received a SU51 paM km uveaaal.Myem.m*glnlU7as Vdamteers - eqippud 'Ma be ~. deaihsu, 'ml. mad reguliluu, and .t~ the Vista. AShl, uth will A Dean of Vms Rae hen served uafarmatluea needed to f Ow amiss king away km the emwAocu~h enable beaM peemuel uS moSt. - adviser to Mortar floatS, Alpha Aaas Dean let Eight Suyhu Del betel. MuseUm Veining degrees to Shin a - ~w of tuSh lath Deb i~ kmarary, Wee held for veItites - - to IS putn. S Cmislcatim ft chapter. aS Surreli noted tAut vo~eee' - pmtleubrtr needed to me - resree WI~ 1w tflW~Ld77uubeaecqtsfM the Past Coat - adeb in sgrn*w. To vaaur, an sa Service, arni w amp by 13 Sqdinthin Pm~fl will IS in Tigert Hall. piratary therapIsts, dental hygienists, -~ as. tasteleSS and play- Adult Educalion alas a ata. AcmC S Dr. Howard K. ~i, Mnfhg Is Today 'Summer and Smoke' To Close Dean S the College S Smith Related P ruleS. and director S She new 3m The cmmwutS Ifleipllnary cm- ~gtm, the am~ear a. - a aura wiji meet fran Florida Players Summer Rep - ny for two ad~ihc* Earn. tones. today In Roe 26Mm-man members - well - numbS - of Hal. An liereinled faculty an Invited to The Florida Players Simian Ruputuy mean's as pue.nm~ taut ad aug facdy In the J. a Miller attend the meeting S the group, whose Smoke.' contunus evenings though latwday at I pa. Is CSin ibare. tir Health Cuter cOpe and Or fled official title was changed it its last students are admitted free. Then luaU charge for peni paNic InciSing dides. college S II. tielvegity. muetng to Cuwnittee on PrSuutcJ Dii lopmpt of A4uIt Idumlion Penou,- DINNER ThEATRE President's Honor us. A soup to peanuts dinner theatre pserdalim S 'Yetre A Good Mm, Cbrll. Brown a scheduled for SahwSy In the Rib Union Dukes Disie laurved an pa. Roll Certificates Changed Address Lately? and the pia~ begins at 8:15. Student tickets for dimmer ad phy we P. Neadma. are Con 86 Be Picked Up Mid uk who seed atS gag quarter W Registrar Know UNIVUSifY GMLV mwylng IS U' - waS hfl say - Stain who have recently dunged . PrSWa ~ US cutS- thud, local or lumutawn addysa should fill The works of 40 livIng America arSs-coetlag the egectra S the cmiu.uperuy a lii the Pta', a, Tigen, ad a change of MAim fees In the 84 ge -~ In Ui. Cuit.wpmury GripS. Exhi bit lot curratly being shown Ire S a. to S pa weebdija. Raghulrar's Cite, U 116 Sn Hail. Other~ at the university GaJfl. Th. cut ci auffig eaCat. to flu wise. reglire U qpSntuuS~ - The free exhIbItIon, which will emutinue though Aug. 15,6. lea to UP be the en ijin a - the Maw ES - Skit briporta lSormatloa may be University of South Florida AR Dark. Gallery bows - ~ aim, to S p.m. weebdey. I each qualm us aurflflely PU per let a dayed In the mall. pm. to Sp.m. Sunday and clad on Saturday. na' - pita go alum.

The UniverSity of florida ~s aji - WP~~Y AaUaUW Action Esyn

ft1 . Ia. 1%. In&pmsd. Seed. MlIg.r. lhmn.d.y. hAy 14 1975 Ex-convicts seek jobs, First Step. adjustment with agency

Dy DILL BELOW at - I' SW 4th Ave. I-Ic ~ former LIE student Lancaster Youth Development Center in in for murder forget I. AllIgator Staff WrIt.r who served 21 months of a live-year sentence Irenton to interact with the young offenders. One firm, Gainesville Nursery and Garden in federal prison tot dealing di-ups THE OFFENDERS SENT to Trenton arc ('enter, has employed ex-convictS in the work- Tony Webb as a friendly, soft spoken man The most amponant aspect of the program Called students and Gordon said 'nobod; release program and still does. 10. He looks older Webb is a ncwcomncr to ~ tot the e~-convIct o lea ii to accept that he leaves Trenton without place to go the i~ork-releasc program as under the (,ainesvillc He ha~ to oh, no place go stay done is responsible for has situation, W.nder A lot do goon and finish school and ~CT direction of the Department of Health and He got out of Raitord JuN I I-fe looked to, '.114, oh. lit. said RThahilitati'c Scr;ices. The persons par- help a' the F rsi Step. a nen program to, c~ "PEOPLE INVOLVED in First Step However, finding a job "ith atelonv retort t.cipanng ii ~crk-r&east aft still inmates onvicts probabtv have better luck finding oh than behind you is not always the easiest of tasks thc~ Ire ~iipervised b~ counselors atid F~rsI Step n'a'n objective ~ to help the cx- hr iscrage vx-otfrndcr because the; have Most jobs which ret~u are betiding are closed must ultill several requirements in order in tunict mdk~ ,. ~uccesstul readjustment to flflbrt rnoIi;atiow Winder explained to exconvicts. any job where alcohol as sold. part icaat C 'ixiety and maintain the cx-con.'ct' Wander added that a typical attitude oh' in which monc~ as transacted. and e.cn THfl MUST BE EMPLOYED. ireedoni Ii as the only voluntaryy organuatlon I incIrig Yfl &ul) CX -COny itt is society did I I, is to some department store Kbs. [hr ,nrnates nist report to work pitifliltil) ii C a ines~ ii it of this ~y Pt mc - -Iherelore Ira not to blame He said and icturn immediately after work to the "FINDINU A JOB k a primary need to, many it these people eventuallN wind up back BONDING IS A 'ecurat' process ~hich ~adiustmern center there the. 'Vt Counselors hr ex-ollerider ' Jon Winder, the programs Ti prison. permits art eniployc to lit put in a position <'I drop them oil and pick then, up at work. director and an tx-convict himself. said. Samson volunteers work with the younger financial trust. Iwo inmates ri both work-relttw and First Beside being First Steps director, Winder a-convicts Employment which requires the possession Step are Men, Meyer and Sandy Carlisle. as a counselor with the Comprehensive Joe Gordon. director of the UF volunteer of a flreavm is also off limits. Meyer is 24. She was a heroin addict Fmploynient Training Act Program located organization, said Samson workers go to the Many employers hesitate to hire tx-convict, for because of possible risk. toot years and served two-and-a-bait years in L*,well State Prison for Women in Marion Webb. for instance, has already inquired County for armed robbery. about a maintenance job the is at, air con- ditioning and refrigeration specialist) at CARlISLE IS OLDER. She served six- Maraceabo Apartments on SW 34th Avenue and-a-half yess'n a federal prison, then four more year' in Lowell for etiterang without He was denied employment there because breaking with intent to commit a felony, and he would have been in possession of a master ~aoIation of probation key, Pay Lynn of Maracaibo said. Meyer works In the Office of Human "IF ANYtHING disappeared in an Services at Santa Fe Community College as a ap.rtmeut. you know who would be accused.' pma-p.ofnsional counselor. She lot the job Lynn said. It would be unfair of me to hire through people at Santa Fe who welt aware him became it would put him in a positioii to of her situation. be accused of somethIng. I wish I could help Carlisle could not find a job - easily. him but then's no way lean." she said. "IN A LOT OF CABS employers are A random survey of eight employers in receptive initially, tin you never hear from Gainesville showed various policies regarding them again.' she sad. the hhlng of a-convicts. She finally was eniplayed - a carpenter at FOUR OF TEE EIGHT said they will not Cabinets by Hanman. Her boss. Eddie bin anyone with * felony record. One said his Madmen. said It didn't make any dltnnce fins ha - policy rqardlng the bins5 of cx- to him that Carlisle had a felony raced. oltaden. Two firms. Southern Bell and Kaplan Home improvement Co., said they weight the merits of each prospective em- "At the time I jun needed somebody to plow. work, he said. Irving Kaplan. owner of Kaplan Home Winder noted that - emp4oyess Me Improvement, said hiring an ex-offeuder atore walling to bin souse urn work-ueha. would depend - what he was arrsed hr. The employer knows the pence couM p back and whether he feels the person could be to jail if he oe she is not responsibh. pbs by bob woof tnufrd. JGWINDU CARLISLE AND UNTIE both see a need "I WOULDN'T HOLD it against some guy for bethu. job training a phoes. Meyer cited main aspect I. homing m~oflsIbIlhy in frrpc.maaIon of pot," Kaplan .aid. "But if the "need to offer alesM. skW' in prima. Sea crest C' demhsii fit at Crescent lead1 82 uui*a at 832*0

2 bedroom. 2 boA. Lcrg. pool Control sir S hoot Public walkway to dwliach Two tnnhs cowls Public boot romp to A. lntmcoofI Dluhwoehor-gartog. dupont G4ant nd.cka with waterway Trash compactor Shuffle board couflh Rdrlgmotor- ico maker. -d Wall to wall carpets Spsc~ Offer U ility room uu Mv 15.197542.m rebut at eb.bq

Fe - hifonnadm mSct Ernest? Wtm Paced Red Earn - II Hypulla St. Phome CI) mm t kipism, m.

I.k I - I

i%~ indn.ndnl fonda Afl10 00 , Turjoy iwly 24. 915. ~g II tOUIflD iTD t Trite western, ski story ( Q U aren t worth your time B, RICHARD rehabilitation ward evoke a comradeship. or bemoaning BURKHOLDER spate of witticisms that make the technologization of [iS. Alligator Staff WrIter br sonic welcome comedy L'iIltiJ iT. relict So, as if to compensate (or Gainesvrlle is currently Another worthy aspect ol his inability to assign levels ol hosting two niovies which. the film is in the casting and importance to his thematic despite i heniselves. once By SHEIlA DRAPER GREAT SOUTHERN MUSIC HALL - 231 acting of frau Bridges, who, motift. he haphazardly lumps again prove the idiocy of that Aflakv 56, WrIst W University Ave. -- I rn beginning to think while looking embarrassed at them all together into a cut-throat competition which the Nitty Gritty Din Band has set up a having to slog through this quirky, uneven motion masquerades under the rubric 'SPUD -921 W. University Ave temporary residence in Gainesville. much to trifle, nonetheless proves the picture. sport d Murphy. a husband and wife my pleasure. A Din Band perbornance is tin movies best actor in his role One film, a love story OSTENSIBLY A STORY earn will take you to the Ap- and damned enjoyable to listen to. And they'll as Kinmonts lover. entitled 'The Other Side of about a 701)-nule horse race ountamns with their clean picking be playing Ihursday night at g and II p ni As for Marilyn Hassett. who the sponsored by a newspaper. weekend. Not only is the music br 1450. Its bright weekendd at the Great Mountain,'' concerns portrays the heroine, the less itself with the victory mania of ''Bullet' gathers an so art the tiles told in between Southern with ' fht Exorcist'' showing in the said about her pulpy skiing playoffs. The other, a assemblage of top-flight as spot is recommend for those evening and Psycho" showing at 12.30 am. theatrics, the better. Western called actors (Gene Hackman. to spend a casual and reIned for the Friday and Saturday midnight movie. 'lute the WOtIW THAT I WISH Bullet," depicts a brutal lames Cohurn. and Ren ha mug of beer and a friend. For $2 you can be Irozen in tear with the this same attitude could he marathon horse race. Neither Johnson) and the,, gives them AND DOrTLE - 5220 SW 13 infamous shower scene. extendedto "Rite the Bullet. gine getting - education while flick is worthy ot' a cinephile's a perfectly dreadful film by little to do but mouth trite ained. That scans to be Chuck time. Richard Brooks (Elmer aphorisms (Hackinan has HIPPODROME THEATER - 1540 NW forte as he combines poems, songs ''The Other Side of the Gantry, in Cold Blood). more than anybody) and ride 53rd Ave - The Hippodrome has moved to a by Ti Mountain is the true tale of Slot. Carl Sandburg. new location and they are so pleased with the and lCun Vonegut Olympic hopeful Jill among larger space they are muting the public to a don't worry Kinmont, who survived a about the show being Hippo Hop on Friday at 8:30 pm. There will cerebral. Mitchell is tragic hillside catastrophe An Alligator plainly be live SO's music, a dance contest and free * garrulous, and simply well-read. only to become a beer Help them celebrate hc opening of their ow is at 9 p.m. There is no cover. quadriplegic. Up to the time new playhouse tickets are $3 stag and It is. one drink minimum. of her accident, powdered Arts Review drag (in advance) and $3.50 at the door. snow had been her life; after D GANDALP'S - 23CC NW 6th LAMPLIGHTER - I NW 16th Ave. - Conner who plays guitar and sings the disaster she found Feelings. a rock and roll hand with a fantastic By far the bigger disap- sweaty steeds. Of course, as tnt live renewed strength in her work acoustic music at lead guitar ~.itl be providing the music this pointment of our two films in the film progresses a number s living room away from home this at an Indian school. review. "Bullet'' quickly weekend The band starts playing at 4 p.m of' contestants are eliminated The show stan. at Qp.m. and there LEAVE IT to the dissolves into an indecisive and there is SI covet on Friday and Saturday moviemakers to take this real- from the race - and all with wit cover charge. mishmash of Western cliches. nights. life account, with its potential due pomp and platitude, to be TER BAY - State Raod 26 in stereotypal characters and sure. By the time the THE MONK'S INN - 1305 NW 5th Ave - for commentary on Uncle Jubil, two young men the in- cobble editing. A movie that Far from a true laniasary. this 'pot is quite dominability of the human denouement crunches down original country-folk tunes will be aspires to the heights of such onto the viewer he may well be enjoyable ssith its quiet. ~&ouden atmosphere spirit, and turn it into a the Bay' Friday and Saturday classics as ''Shane' and pondering Bill and li.'anne will again otter their liw maudlin. turgidly the shekels he uning at 8 p.m. On Sunday night. paced 'High Noon (or so the flicks acoustic music on piano. lute, arid guitar this clump of sentimentality lavished on the price of the r. balladeer, will v-ace the stage advertising says). Bullet'' niovie's admission. Qeekend starting about K It) p ni Ihere is no With the movie's unctuous Ic Jubal playing between sets. The fails because it scatters its cover and 30 delicious sand~ dies to choose musical score pounding in my ins at 7 p.m. Sunday. No cover. intentions in several different But, sports' fans, if thrills from including he gluttonous Monk's Feast ears, I witnessed scene after 45W NW 13th St. - Hustle on out directions. and chills arid a broken body serve' si,) For dieters the~ otter a delicious scene of cheap passion own to that funky disco scene with Brooks never seems quite or two serve as your meat. md filling chefs salad wringing reams of pity from of Sweet Essence direct from the sure whether he's making a then don't miss cithe,- of these CONSTANT THEATER - [he Florida the audience (which was. ty- New York. Shows are at 9.11, statement about the closing of flicks. In both films there, Players Ire producing len nessec Williams during the showing I at- *y through Saturday. Friday and the North American frontier. certainly enough agony of ''Summer and ,nwkc'' July 23-2@ at 8 pm tended, primarily composed nights there is a 2 cover charge. singing the praises ol' vir' defeat" (or so thse ABC-TV Pie pla~ concerns the tribulatmtns of a pair ot ot women - can it be. PANTRY - 1-75 and Newberry Virginia. that there really is tuous masculine ads trumpeted) to go around. star-crossed lovers - a ~oung puritanical is weekend you can listen to Muff Southern i rI. arid a SOUl ~. rae', doctor II you such a thing as a 'women's ano and sing for free, save the price Felons escape tram bus; are Irozii the South. I erinessee Willijms picture '?). Not since the first Cr aleojiol you care to imbibe. Jan always strikes a responsive chord in your 'Walking Tall'' have I en- swing arc among the kinds of steal car in Gainesville bean. Get ~our tickets early tree to countered such a blatantly which the young man dabbles. students and 2 to the general public. manipulative movie. Three prisoners pulled a daring escape Monday afternoon,

1. WAYNE REIU UNION - It you are Director commandeering a car after gaining freedom from a bus hilts UF student: draining your brain (or a classy date to plan (renowned for the biting raiusfrtniig them to Raiford State Prison. br this s.eekend. try the dinner theater "Goodbye. Columbus") loads According to the Gainesville Police Department (GPD). the larges filed yet Saturday at 7 p in. The Walter Plinge Players 'Mountain" with tons of bus. carrying a group of prisoners from various detention will present the good-natured comedy loving - and pore- centers, stopped at the intersection of East University Avenue STUDENT received a broken ann 'You're a Good Man. Charlie Brown' in the illuminating - close-up, a and Waldo Road. when he was hit by a truck on Wayne Reit, Union Ballroom. The menu requisite quantity of tear-duct TIlE THREE THEN MADE THEIR DRXAK corn- Road Tuesday morning. includes beef stroganot!. rice, glazed carrots, activity and a general mandeeduig the car of Randy Mobley, a blue, two-door. 1968 Tab got out of a campus bus and green beans atinondine and fruit salad with a camaraderie of characters Chevrolet Biscayne, License number 7-1571 They were last lathe eastbound lane Men he was butter cookie lot dessert. Tickets are $5 for and incidents that borders on seen heading west on University Avenue (Stale Road 26)' Chevy II pickup truck, driven by students and 650 for the general public. the treacly. The triowere idetitified byGPDasRonaidScottJQsetving parkman. also a UF student. ac- UNFORTUNATELY, only time for possession of dangerous drugs. William 6cr,,.,. 25, UNION LAWN - Student Government o UPD officer I.E. Tomlison. a few glimmers of urbanity serving a mtence for breaking and entering and escape, and Productions is bringing them back again - liner and pedestrian were at fault." Cowboy with Scott Boyer and Tomniy Talton. manage to poke through this tarry MeClain, 26, serving time for escape. said. gooey ick. Several sequasces All three escaped prisoners were said to be white males. For free. Sunday at 4 p.m. - let's hope it wearing IAIGES .rc filed by pee. lime. doesn't rain. centered around a hospital white tueshirts and white eut-ofh with blue stripes. Fish specials:

Mixed Sw@M@Ila - 2k

Jewel Huh - 20c

OourmIS - 2-SI

had. Hi, - 2-SI

SOS title's - 241 Conimofi Mg.Is - 451 tie- MoMs Angles.-2 4 1

IC SPECIALS: Red Wag S.rds - 2-Si offer good *mugh 7.25 $~ 0AW~ I 3% Guinea pigs.$4 ea. WHILE gal THEY LAST 14o.,e. 37B-REEF MO~ 'Ii 09 St. SAt '0 * 2201 NW 13 k & Stand Sw"1 S ~ from JM FI.Idi ~ -& SAW .11

'1 'qt Nr IS, 1%. indey.nMM Mo~d. MIircv. Thursday, Ady 24 ISIS 'Tommy 'leaves you gasping for air

seen has become one of Dy ShARON ALFORD Further on in the film, Tommy discovers pinball. In a big Till "un BAKED SflNB" AMps. SiaM Wits. play-off match with the reigning pinball wizeN Wile. John. the most talked about take from the film. RetaIl - the 'Tommy saunters into town tomorrow. Four months wearing liumongous bile-green boots). Tommy wins site voluptuous Ann-MailS In stalk - .1 rIch white satin. Dancing around the room isa see-tbmqh white Jumpsuit. behind the rest of the country, but SW. shucks, who, coun- becomes the New Sensation for the easily bor.d public. That she n.m mid plays with her TV remote control switch. Is a Wit ting? the mcneil. And .12 hell This surrealistic moving painting of The Who's 1968 rock of rnnzy. she th.ows * bottle Into p~~' of diampqse, then ad opera could locally prove to be a Jaws' attendance breaker. breaks loon Out pours - In fact. I'd lay odds hag there is probably an undernourished An Alligator beans. and finally sticky black chocolate. Anit-Maigret Elton John freak camped out in front of the Plaza box office writhes and rolls and rubs the stuff all one her ample body. right now. UNDERNOURISHED, but smart. Arts Review Russell has assembled an excellent cat of characters hr For the exclusi.w run in Miami, people queued up to see Tommy." And as in his past films. he urn them, spits them Tommy' hours before show time. According to Gre out, and the, uses the,, again. lines Poisman, manager of the Dadeland Twin Theaters, Tommy" is good. Tommy" is fun. But "Tommy' will weeks. deaf, dumb and blind kid' makes millions much to he extended way out into the parking lot' for assault your senses and leave you gasping for air. Dwi't miss The film s directed by Ken Russell. a man with maniacal delight of his mother who has since married hit lover cinematic passions. Russell has built up something of a (devilishly played by Oliver Reed.) it reputation throughout the yean: you either love him or hate hint There is no middleground. because Russell himself does flAT'S II HAPPENING not allow room for mediocrity in his films. HE IS OFTEN spectacularly excessive, filling the screen with grotesquely detailed images dredged up from Daliesque By HELEN WHELAN the J Wayne Rettz Union Contact Janis Mar. at 377-6607 or fantasies. AIIISIO, Staff Wilier Donna Burnell at 373-5443. The public is invited. Ii, the him. Russell and The Who have blended their BANAL An informal discussion about the Bah.i Faith will respective style' to give the rock opera a visual, musical story GO CLUB. The Go Club Tournament for the summer xeurevery Friday u8p.m. in room 3SSof thei. Wayne Rein vdiich promises to keep the 'Tommy money tree growing br quarter will meet every Saturday night at 8 p.m. n room IS Union. For further information. call John Watson at 376- at least %even more yeats. of the I. Wayne Reai Union. For more information call 7128. We've heard it. We've imagined it. Now we can see it. George R. Hwang at 377-ZSet. FLYING. Those interested in a flying club through out the a child, Tommy (later played by Roger Daltrey) wit- BAKING DREAD. Making stone soup and baking bread is summer after noon can contact Bob Sebseberle at 495-9929. irsies his niothers over kill his dead'' father. Horrified and the agenda to, the program sponsored by Early Childhood EASTERN ORTHODOX LITURGY: The Orthodox badgered. Tonimy succumbs into an autistic world of fantasy. Fduction Program and the Division of Continuing Christian Fellowship is sponsoring a Liturgy in English He doesn't see, hear. - feel. Education tonight from 5-7:30 p.m. at the P.K. Yonp Lab Sunday morning at lOam. rooms 361-363 of the 3. Way.,. littion. For further information call John Missing at THE FILM HAS NO spoken dialogue. Everyone sings - School. Admission is 52. Contact Joe Sheppard at 378-9752, Relir including Jack Nicholson. who appears in a small cam- role Buddy Fish at 376.0705 or Dr. AR. Packer at 392.2327 lot 372-7580. a' the doctor. further information. HEBREW: Convers.tgonal Hebrew claim will be taught on In search cia cure. Foinniy's mother (Ann-Margret) drags SUMMER AND SMOKE: The Honda Players will present Tuesday and Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. at the Hillel Foun- hun to worship at the feet of a statue of. modern-day idol. Summer and Smoke at the Constans Theatre tonight dation. 16 NW 18th St. Marilyn Monroe. The chapel is filled with mangled, twisted, through July 26th at 8 p.m. Contact the Constans Box Office TUDINGi A Hillel tubing party will leave at 9 am. Sunday and sullering human beings, who receive communion (pills at 392-1653 for further information. item the Hillel Foundation. lb NW l&h Street. Cost is 52 .rid boote) from a guitar picking priest (Eric Clapton.) They NOW. There will be a business inciting of the National and coven rental. lunch and adnussiot,. Call 372-2~ for all hope to touch Monroe's skin and be healed. Organization tbr Women tonight at 5:30 p.m. in room 150 of further information. HOW SHOULD YOUR COLLEGE COUNCILS SPEND YOUR MONEY?

AOmCUL1UEE COUNCIL A*CHS1UC1UEI COUNCIL MiS AND sciecn COUNCIL awums ADMINOSIRAllON COUNCIL Peggy Hunt Karen Sowchuk 2523 SW Ascher Rd. 392-1917 116 NW 12th St 373-0342 Frank Roberts Wallace Randall Lorry Wilson 1231 SW 3rd Ave. No. 109. 375.0386 ken Hut. - PrigWent 319-1 Univ. Village Sq., 377-0742 Mission; SateS MhcuNam: flU. n Mhcshe: *1316.S Mlec.Sees: 5627.20 OUII1sIWY COUNCIL UCAIION COUNCH OWING COUNCIL 341 MIS COUNCIL Patti Weldy Barry V. Davis, Pret Rick 31W., Pret MSB No. 22 JHM Health Center 12-OW holy but 392-7561 333~2 Univ. VIII. So. 3784245 linda Jon. Albor Box 2548 Norman Hall 392-6589 Room 251 well Hall, 392-6036 n*noe Secey Weal 392-0207 Wade Kennedy 376-1131 John Mn.I, Vice Pies. Jim Gmoydon, Treat Macsloe: Sits Miecetien: 691W sa.~ggs,3 pg~ Minethe: not available HEALTh RU.AIW PUOSSIONS JOURNAAESM COUNCIL LAW COUNCIL MEICINI COUNCIL Ayes h.,, l.a. COUNCIl. Reed Scmberg, Pres. RoomSen 246 Holland Low Center, 2720 SW Aicher Rd. 373-7046 Mail. ~ Bill Howell 392-04W ~ Thomas SmIth 309-129 SW 16th Ave., 376-0240 Moumeui Gilluly, Pm A18.cSm,: ma Mimes.: mtn AMman: UNtil Mlm.Ss.~ SIMS I1 4~WA cornea m im i coesca. RmICAL WUCAUO#4 COUNcIL uminmw COUhSi cornea Betty babse. Pt's. No. 1910.2337 LW. Aidur Rd., WI Russ 5kw lee Hendenon Nell moAt Carol Beduecanult. VIce Pt's No. ~ ~W ~ .~. fl47 CS.g. of Pharmacy, 392405 Ram 229 Norman Hell. 39210)1 loom PS. Little 14.11, 392152) MIs flU MhShut SILlS Ddhcellsrn SlitS DdIeceI.ea SInai - 'a.'- flflflmrnmem te me SOD~ CU 16110 I COUNCILS . AIUAC I. WE r $140W fl S. haS .1 Cag. Cujecib We. S bawl I dismisS WANT S 0. witS, SM elleg. aseinca - machi. Tm'. I Pret: Me&~MimIIt. whiSky Sweefra he yes. C4sgs CaseS S IMPUTE S ' ce Ma: bps Ulcer ispmmSsUvus We. SumS. mmayje m~v is peelS. I alas med eeumsim a 6. - -- -~ - - - S I fljfr 9.'. I.e eI*flns enemaS. I Is ectvely seelrjeg ~ ~ 7 S 4, 5 ~ Cad 'I Th.ga~ aSawmaw she. 'Uk adipuigumi by ~fhfl - SCS ? ~ - -- 1 AI

I, Al I ~ 2 lb. Iftd.patdflflofld. AIII.'., Thvwud.y. MMy 14. InS. P.g. fl

O*Oki 3*~p STEAK $488 SAW 'V t.

*$Ap~O *AE ~1 SAVE 4 SAW

98c $ 'p0- -a-i *i"U


2Qo. $119

. . . 2 $100

"3 "I

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N * "0001' 2 z~: $100

* 3 'SOS $100 99c * . Mn

fl. 79c * * Mo $A59 * * *10

ICc * * 'ill.


'U Peg. 20. Th. lnd~.nd.n~ Florida AJIIg.c,, Thur.d.y, July 24 I9~S c9



I -4 / owen's menu. mows ov~. ma snows scan westmus u sate


flAmbd amahEBudmEemi. b,1 I.W. ft.Swe hO. ~.he kd -

Owem E.a. SS *** S Sb ** S b i gabim m.m6a. as I- GS h.uldsr Used. I"

Public blasts- bt.IUS - - rmrves Li' MAIM. UMMIACKI. p~ the right kAbtabu a to limit -. WM Ph It. Mg quantities Fs&aCa4C~ h~fl 105. -- ~* * MU) sold 11c1t, Sws. 57, "Sojead ma, m.t' heW. h&sSq - Mint C codes . 47. . ~ua - heW. ~ A &. Teal hd Iii. Bflncotch Discs. 'a 47' sawl.aio 500t. LOU- 'I. ha ~Sy kM 160

mmmd lIst...... S 'St. M.~ Ciemmmt Dint. 'SI'. he~C.Sa Crau,, Drape. . :;37.

Cum& esl. . . as a.a *~ bat Fus&aL~L~ LOIS Mean - - I - -. MmeuhCe.eif tb fIPE.auI. *6* *t. . . . . a. p. us.

Short 4*****~* *.. . . IL 79 -. ma Ch. Cuffing. Cern. e.f u Se.w . . b Sr. &.s wfl mas Pea bs4hu~ ~JL 6.Sa tn~ me. pea

tee. . ~I. bibS Twis. ts3~U=e~~~ a 79. label - has t~ Way em.

I~.m Suet , . . . r .l~' ~ .9.

a Tb. nds~.nd.nt florid. AJilgosor Thuado~, july 24, 1fl5, No.21

Fon.u. D$.nII band I~. CdIIiawnm Strawberries -4'em 4~ C RIp.4 0.Iy W.*. 27 ulac) Jumbo

Cantaloupes . 2~69' Aeaa~ - un Grill - T.n&, YJ.w Sweet Corn S r'1 Vr.~.cn. - Heed * Pur Mend, Orange Juice. quufl 29' Cn.p Flint W*s*fn iag. Iceberg Lettuce. k.o4 19' S.rv. will d., Sot., SnfrWIt.t* leg. Cauliflower. -d 69' D.Ik, Rev.4 T.sy -t Zucchini Squash. lb 33' Add on !Igon* Teuch ~o Y.ir $*.ok witi, Fresh Mushrooms. z 99' ' Soled Nd.~ - Fr.h. Crisp Cucumbers. PMnfr khdn S.Eb.g - P.h Gn.n B*II Peppers tIn- kg ~ed ~~1 Purl. Peg Chew. ~ $5- 25.06 1.14 flbe* 51.9 be 200 YEAR HERITAGE Wish Setergent. $2.2 '-I nS Md. Thur I~.m BbS Tub & Tile Cleaner '~ $119

Deederami Soap. ': 45' Owes a m.a, ~. Ms dv. U~J - Whole Mushrooms *1443 65 P 6 hi cit ,n~mIani .ii~, in tIN %.nt *iIk~ MA.S - an., *1w l.mg*.,m. mmSmut &"u.d Il-a $119 Toddlers Diapers. "mild IC mad& will' .~si.i* awls.I - - 'hg mmmdli wi ~, l~,,ir trici ,v*ja&latt Overmite Diapers. $11' Ge wfl h.w sa S.ndm~ Strawberry lam fl-.t $149 p. LameS Mn~ Mey Cnd 67' Cake Mixes A tior flaky lOLJble pie crust filled lb. S~& S.nS.,Iw.S4.e U Liquid Sweetener.$ with(resh !rnen select peaches ~ a u.s. .ma. CM Se~ Peach Pie - 57c pach 96' PS. 1 va - Csebn I,, M.d*Jta canned Frosting.Z95' Dan.sh Bakery sugar oatmeal rice krispy II air Spro~v. a 79. - E*q.IdI.t.b. ~eanul butte, and chocolate, chip belie km WMaFT FEAR IAMb Semi Wr~ Large Cookies B ~ y SIxa'iyco 89' 2****C* ~'**&W OflSiC&fl1. h.~.Nph *~ 69~ ~er Teowud wilt V.Ie. Mode S~w. doren 790 B otit Bads. 1~' Ida-. b~hSkAgbd . A delicious danish dough. g.tn.shed with K- Ta' - fls~ -. 64' FoodSteog.Bap.- bulb, sreuSOl laced with creamy icing I 2 a Gidu.,i foottipast. 4h ik. ad Penn, Ikeusem besS. - SeAM - ibap I., r4 idle mad aS - * RaspberryCoffee Cak 8* RO'uiflka . I ostait S*,ove. be Ud Maw. A J~e - a a. c.a each haM .ind - aA~ coffefrMs. 89 Cottoei Sw~. 93' - &*~-, 4 S. is. ~ ma. tAb h-u Tea Mja. 6s1~FuphdE~ Mid C.nsS where

k-enS . . .3 - shopPtflQ

m s . ci isa '.-h~haS WyT.eS (14L pbs.) ci pleasure U INISAC SACS MALL-l4)ON.W.WUTOATI SN WP6 l3Su euiU-w. lent WSep a. slat a. Blush PpBe.,b 51 AT TWINE GAUUIVMU .4OffaacmTU-l@14 tL~lea CATIC US A SLY 0.s a ~ a.a. csa. Ce LO MIIJ4OMU 94O 9IeiG situ- ciiNW. i~4i Ut Peese.a.'X' 45

C ftg* 22 The Ind.p.nd.n. ~orda A~I~go~o, Rurddy PAy 24 ~7S

FOR SAL! you, doIIws b'~y a d~i*Je. in. Charlies Chick." STAR 13 In cre tide ond rm*iy* nco.~ from ib. Is delIverIng TOMORR~ othe. wowed rosen cc Foe FdICf GJLV t~P 55 roonmmnoble poek.t colculaso. a $1.50 M-Th adopts flCuVity cradle. mo*, * U11k5 ~wo~o.v, book., include. all ncc.m. 233 WUdvAw. $2.00 Fr-Sun lIdS coil P04122 to-it-lU-pt AAord*.OIAKC .lt.uioe huty puppl. '-'S UiNA ~1UtAJWS 7:15 '-'a'- S MA '50 fUflVtiflQ b.j rouh aMp. .ll r for ~,, $125 or bet cli., 104 34 945 S 3fl442a (o-31-)W.pI ThE ~ws Moos 'dcdao,.l vrnd from VVo $l'ol 3774992- 1O~2 b.Jn.s mod.l (rump. Ic ~'0~ Scl.eM'c model (camp., 'a * many mOre ti, ovoavvmntd. A non. vog mod. In liSA Irwowor*vSfl.ifl EXO~asr (c-7t-lS?-p) STREET'S WIC ~OQ ~ubo diving g.e with Schwinn Cyclery SM - compi.'. accefor.eL onk 'egulotor Solos Service on back fock fir,. snoAle w.t.ut ovid no. n.y ,.nobl. coil 3fl-?295 o-*-IS~- All makes of 1,1k.

Wedding Bond. * Engogenwil tog. Tro~tionoL or Conirpomnry de.Ir. of yrnar choir. *4ondmod. for qr~iu'duol. who wool 4,. b.s* Original work by tiC South. laMing M'.is Mover Gold SinitI, and inpidiss Unconditional Ousant. O2Z~ By oposntm.nt only. 37$U4 (a &-lS 3-p~ Mayou. wedding ho.nmocks or oven Or ut luku.y lOungiflQ Many dcaroo. 377-BIKE color, and weoves in covnfonl. fin. n.h cotton $36 3fl-4S4 (o-&2U-p~ Now ,twout end of July Pc. and Camoq'on. buy o~e one 4. New ho.jn open ~ A Sidewalk Flout, *~ W Univ.n'ty Ave. 3~6-l Ill (o--TSS che) -a MC lnh Sen. pu~i. ovobl. ong hdirad norttiet choynp.onship blood lie- Crec. P~o ter or show po4entlot $I~ call of.,Sp~ VS.IWJ a-Se-IS 0"~i.10. ERENOLIYNNYXOJSYtOW [FElinE 'I flLOADiN 0051Cm" bV* - SiLL - alAs'. flWOAflY kke or tee bnily l.a.,. lww*N oE cIty. 4 b.dn. bq&ce - 6e3m'eftaO~4btw.imy nwe V4LIWWIFR~PIW WA fl~4I k.ysen. Jet 364S6 (a. &itti M~33a - I 4-)W4~ i.a., SOwiTw G4j~ **411 rui. NA~HAJJ. ~ [WA FUR LAITY ~ 0-~~ AGbhvanfly (~.er) wit ama. Ms F. ts. L*A be Cin (a., 3 hewett + 2 d.evee for S. Al. ~ ls lonnd.r & M'$. argetidy akil inow.d aide. SIS CoIl P24623 (o4- 59-nc) L~ ~s.d r lb. hon. S n.e IC ciy age yd, cm poet MUAW only US~) down (hM) coil Joe Ctow4ord for d.iols 3fl4fl' wdmson cc.

Corhihynd, AKC.2M2Fb.own-dck brown Small .oedr.d danmniw. SW* Mony cf'onphots sir., ,~del PS- flS after aim nod wn&.nds jo-S-ItO- p) $AVE A BALL loflitl Or, a double wejerbed Include. fron. pod, line. It. All for Sfl Cell 1~SWo (o-~-

low table .ouFful rutic redwood with ad wood peg' It screw. Ok onliqus cherry glos finish 45M43xl7 $85 YS-0202 o~ 5 ~ (o-S4-t6O-pI Ema~leot IA o~gmnun, canoe wIll, 2 paddle. 2 cushions* noo. o.tachvnent fleW coeditor, $2(t GE refrigerator. work, well $50 3Ifl2W (o-?-161.) Mobile Non,. B ~ 36, IS E 20 poflcbl. 2 room addition, air. furniah.d SV~ or bet off. call evenings 3fl-S (a-It- I6!p) I' - /

* - 41 I- A Special Guest -Deborah MeCe a- frgr PLIXI TONIGHT BmuSAb*iuu WIG ShmwIhu.sgr~ 11 EXPEEENCE II FLIXI SOW Mum ticks. at i use Oap.Yiti.fl .kereb.c.e - .1*- *e.~ librdOet, *14. uretl.,. ,&t.el. on~ doubje oct.00 'turks $20 fl TOV$ANO HAS SKATUOAEO PWtACEMENT PASTS I it',., SKAWUOSW 1149 b 29.95

aGolneeville U~OPPInhlCSflh.( Wn&doys fiI9PS 1021 N. Ma s 3fl047 It h 4 FOR SALE FOR RENT The 'nd.p.tdn. fetid. AJIIg.4.v. Thured.y, July24 1975, P~. 2) NQD Roommate ~o.*I WANTED desk S~O or be., tIe, '"oe $t6goilClLib 533641 NW ~(2!)mcjf5 ior3 bed) both 4)~ WANTED Iron' rnw Iii Sep 5. Ossorwood AIt. awn AUTOS 0& 0,esp 'en, $9~ mo . 3 Corn in house ot apt (iOI. 60 Auttit' ~ door An pA ~fl.~u*w*p~' 04'- 12 t~li 375 iSO other guy. 'n a~i gedon. ~ wad '0 Lflrnpvt p. a. S.I (~coJ~,de bght.d cnn., ii A,~oiobI. call 376-95w ou$o.nflc Irons. low shag. ~ mpg ,poNr PlOftitY Crescent *~;)~ {jII 3~3 7 P Mol, 'educed aug Z.ndy lc-2t ItO-ti - bee MI. '64 Fare Caddy 0 Horn., V. Sepulit 1*4? 161 Owflf hoe ve lois-.od, p; rebutil trans. clean body. partly ,.o11t, - Walk to UP * dismantled 6 cylinder ngine 0 ~ on he oC.an emlending ~ ~fZX)MMAT~ lo, ~ALj ti fly hnhit HELP WANTED $l~ b* 5130 Walk io UI Coil 3S*205 venir (olt.161) ~ (amp Choidenge, Florida's outer IA ,qs acre Zoned 10, .Mr2ba NWarno '513 NW Ih AI No Si seal horn* of dupleith' ciw woef 311591< comp a, ii,. hor.dkop%.d need, 3 bdr $125 Country horn. mel. do*' pOytflfuIY CoLAs.lort io work with t.r~ft and ems. Own., several ho.,,.s or, bk., Sinai. 'oomwq~ wanted 0 shore 2 b france For ytl* cMic. of he b. 'oiler 5?0 per mon'h pUt utilities coil odubi. paw ttwout 0.431 Pay fbi now Ancleiw ~w eddty. 372 199 much esperirce is great roOn~ and ft. 1e. lit ~. 57p~ C Clwk*~ gSa 1424 boa$ provided If you have enhusiaw ii 0 Walk to LII on ifiC olt-16 opi. 0 jior. 2 bdrrn opl block roni send eli,,,,. to Brian Richdso., Camp - NW sect U'S ~o.d l.gr, aug ~ep SI 0-mo coil dove ChnhI.n~. Roule I SOrrenlo Pie fl'76 Stones I 'ck.fl. I 0 ick.i. 2 b& St~ NW area JPSIS> 5' leOp) ln~rn.4io.hy e2, 61-pi a. jock.o.wiii* .bat II Sit NC Sect each I am - walking he. 2 bdr oil utilities po.d NW j.ffIn-1162 o-lt-i6?- rd ~?vd 'oomn'o,. Ia shore Wanted oudjo engineer etpe.ienced 4 edoo.n a,, Land pool Uiiie~ Peal Eisa'. Anoc Broker wtl, orge II, U~,, ~Thiil 3e6 ,,tI toll ntis, PA syst.rn.-coneevt work I l~l~JF 16th A". Muv be t ( studeni For wrItten - pl.rat'or, contoct Torhn'col Service. 310 *eit* Unson .45-160-c)

mnesned porch and at. In nice I%3M P0* REM in BEboCOM 0>1 dote o compu ISa ccii m- F*NCEO VA#O AC WASH~ D~\'EP PETS '1 .2' 161- ~NT$S037$ lOot 373 52~6 lb St 59 d 69 Ocecntd Packs and p-i- ~.4ud.d$l2SP~l 2 S @24&i- I BR *n 2 BR lumn.sb.d 'oiler o~oi oH. W~ SO month * ehecIt IC a model SI ,.c*'ver ~ &MS phone ~ liv. - I3~9, smut sell only 0633 (b-s l6l-p~ Civil (ngnnrng SUd.nI won's roomals * 376-4244 e-)-161 lot 2 bedroom house 4.1k or floor ,oo.onn.n4 t.Oeage .6. Gaqn.vil. Mail For $60 and uttlilim i,,ueeoid i~.mnS, mOesly I~- rail Kim 3'3~Od6 b-ti l61-p} (itchet'. dlnv root. iS*tnt. anment to, reril NOW 3 blocks frown soe$~ end able., mkvoVt radio. CampUs 1621 hN 3rd P1 No 3 ~ pM b.Mwg, boo&L CIC*~,. plc month total ton, 009 IV AC yard ~b) McOq@i"t ~l1.% rock I.' -9) * iron. t.wir m.r51 A ~cIO .enMve I4.Inp "5' M ci, rondion.d lurnished mobile INTO*~ i.and~. *~ ham. near 'ampus an shady In, pa 5i2tJ~ WI3SIW*P$ ollowOd 5)35 monit, ISO d.poi, 3~7 o It-tel 6325 (615-161 p~ w~lu., Tennis tocqueft goad con in*cen$y '.-*ueg SN pm WANTED odimWCOdiV$4MdU6 GCW* SILVVR lp price paid for (lost ~. old i.firy. cic conhidentini Coil TRAIL -Iii 3fl1W4 jclbJSS-p) FOE RENT WW.t good used .&O*.bOOrd or good RENTALS, tructa and w,.i, only roil 0or,.Ii It w.e - Md Sep IS mmnIfl 3fl-sQo (c.l$.l6I~l S MY a I. LI - lens.1 . - vud.nr wanted LOWER GROUP 41Z-O.ISA.iIkP to ha. WE lao LU 1wnly 3 It Pain' WmtI 2 no RATES i.e.b.gmnnog.p. I ClOse So wfl ~.s &nmMlMpht COffi~ut RENT ccii i.*lt AVAILABLE SflSl33, m-OtI0 c-~ SQ CANOES ale. a $6 A DAY, IF MADE $13 WEEKEND IN ADVANCE LEWIS OPEN MCMIII KAYAKS me CLASS RINGS miii EdeWay huh 1kw OIAJAG4M WAtCH IWAJE ALL EQUIPM~ ENT fURNISHED, PADDLES, CUSHIONS, swy nice) 2mw Unlvenfly CAR a.u as pa. flY aSSAY MS IOISW It he.a Mm's .I' Ave TOP RACKS, FHIFNDSHIPI - j ~45blo&ioi.wsd.aI urn m4*i + 372. 41fl


V Fog. 24. Tb. nd.p.nd*M Road, Milgaki. lhvr.d.y, July 24, IllS

>1~S fl Icy $v411. Set Curly Pemon. CL ssI I DS AUTOS WHY DO THE HEATHEN RAGE? WO co.l.noE.$o.dn.d.wo.k $2~ol

Psalms 2 and Ad 4 25 '-2 RAM 1969 vnion No r.gln. Cf ,n 5496 bI b.w our rn-tsr .~ Webster says a heathens ont who does not believe In the God of The Bible. They rage [pI~i6l -~l icr rid of Gods Word. Tb. Bible, its Laws and Conmandments for men. An easy and sure way to get rid of The Bible is to nqlect. quit reading and remain ignorant! Chnst ovrlcMd nn. *uc.iIevq codioo ~.ld: "TO HIM THAT HATH SHALL BE GIVEN. HUT FROM HIM THAT HATH SC ph 3fl-flM .I.rrv jg4tlS-pI NOT SHALL BE TAKEN AWAY THAT WHICH HE SEEMEIn TO HAVE!' Fail to im vega coup. oar. A p.d, cut0" use your possessions and opportunities and lose them~ Doubtless his explains the loss of .cnm'coI. $105 coil ingnd 376-W1 SINCLAIR EAtON the Bible, The Ten Commandments, and The Lord's Prayer from our schools. It is not just the fault of The Supreme Court and others in high authority, but also on account of the neglect and resulting ignorance of probably a large percent of the about 75 million of PERSONAL Dog Schoo our citizens that call themselves Christians: BE SURE YOUR SIN WILL FIND YOU 1.1 yar mocnjng b. b.flr hoA your OUT" - Numbers 32:23. And in Hosca 4:6 we read: MY PEOPLE ARE *von'flg, and yow day an nmonm.nt DESTROYED FOR LACK OF KNOWLEDGE: THOU HAST FORGOnTEN THE on ii,. nornhng Sdo'! wi~IInp laicka) LA A LAW OF THY GOD, I WILL ALSO REJECT THEE - SEEING THOU HAST .MJkJiTW - me u ofF .Jut-Jibu Cub will FORGOTTEN THE LAW OF THY GOD, I WILL ALSO FORGET THY ,npw.McoJuIyUcelpmAnyUo4F I CHILDREN!' Another explanation why Gods Book has been taken away from the SudaM. 01 fcc t.fl in.ensa pM 9 yr. r bile schools. "jESUS ANSWERED AND SAID UNTO ThEM. YE DO ERR, NOT ma ~ Amid. Grit Ih-It.W41 I9c.e.d a IC k Si can', &. he. NOWINGTHESCRIPTURES.NORTHEPOWEROF60Th"Matthewfl:29 .4,. I. s. a ~ hounban, I'd "I HAVE ESTEEMED THE WORDS OF ThY MOUTH MORE THAN MY beta aba 1w, ,o *, pound. cull 37'- *x~rIenc@ NECESSARY FOOD,' said Job. 23d2. The first verse of this Book says of him: "And that man was perfect and upright, and one that feared God, and eschewed evil." ~fl 5~E YOU ~*A4fl4 AWAYt S*Il lWpflCtI. -* 0 SOP ~OU, 1 w.ighl too PiNOI. awoinlm.nl If you wild stand on some high place and look down. Ii~. of men that included .11 that Th.odov. 1.1. 32~~ am 5pm (I- have lived since Adam. those who stand out as giants and tower over the multitudes * - I 59~) OBEDIENCE because of being of great blessing to their fellows Sr. the ones who like Job and faith to W.ddln hnvitlonh ft.,,, $11.40 per I~ ?wo w.& delivery Nuri*.d. .4 WASSES "ESTEEM THE WORDS OF GOD MORE ThAN THEIR NECESSARY FOOD' tyla Cliff 4ul1 Piruglng I 1W N Moc Noah heard God's Word. and moved with frar prepared an Ark to the saving of his 376.W61, 1)-fr-lOt) TO START hone, and the race! There towns up Abrahm, Moses. David - read the 119th Psalm '0~~ .ff (show UudnI m SI and lean of David's attitude toward. God's Law. cord) on#Ing in ws .w*y culaMy. Statute. Commandments, Precepts. O'flt us o~ti iots Asoclet. SI N. etc. Jesus Christ was the Word of God made flesh. The Ilk and ministry of *ll& SOON The Apes]. m~n. off., '4)15 l.-IM,2 QataR has blessed mankind for about two thousand years. and is still doing so. The secret Ioo&pock. fr~&in ghost pond.,. Mhu*aPtd of Luther's great life and power was the result of finding the Word of God and whivog .pdo swing tulit. b.gpo.4 esteeming it more than his necessary food," indeed, he offered his body to be burned in ten,. Allow. Aquc S Wail C.w.,. 34 W Univ W$-9~ II-ft-I5Sc) For Information call order to be obedient! C0f0* focal hair ,.mov.d pet-


FIRST, WHO HAS THUS HELPED IT - WHO HAS Thus PROTECTED IT AGAINST SUCH MIGHTY FORCES? NO ONE, SURELY, BUT GOD HIMSELF. WHO IS MASTER OF ALL THINGS. AND 'TIS NO SMALL MIRACLE HOW GOD HAS SO LONG PRESERVED AND PROTECrW This BOOK: FOR ThE DEVIL AND THE WORLD ARE SORE FOES TO IT. I BELIEVE THAT THE DeVIL HAS DESTROYED MANY GOOD BOOKS OF THE CHURCH, AS, APOREtIME. HE KILLED AND CRUSHED MANY HOLY PERSON, ThE MEMORY OF WHOM HASPASSEDAWAY: BUTmEBIBLEHEWASFAINTO LEAVE SUBSISTINO." Do you fear that unbelieven, sdolan. false prophet., Sc. will be able to do what suet, great men and powers have failed to do over sod, log periods of time? The late George Stuart likened those who ~ ajalnst The Bible to a fool that nnt out to overturn Lookout Mountain with a crowbar; and thou who feared Ibe Bibl, would be destropud to the bigger fool who put his shoulder against the other side of the mountain to keep it from being overturned!


Eedeslan 12: 12-It 'AND FURTHER. BYThUE, MY SON. RE ADMONISHED: OP MAKING MANY BOOKS ThERE IS NO END: AND MUCH STUDY IS A WEARINESS 01' ThE FLESH. LET US HEAR ThE CONCLUSION OF THE WHOLE MAfl'ER: FEAR GOD AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS: FOR This IS THE WHOLE DUTY OF MAN. FOR GOD SHALL BRING EVERY WORK INTO JUDGEMENT, WITH EVERY S8CRF~ THING. WHETHER a BE GOOfl 06 tag WHETHER IT BE EViL" hanghacQaAden How long has your Iavone author or columnist or comffentattr hen living, writing or saa talking? How mud, iour do you think he will ~ lb. long do ye. suwose his iw. Idea rd wjtjnp will uin*e? Will t ups o.'aptbrow one "~I or title" MSih,& ?r~. t V C6ys4aM t muM be M$fls *ath tows away. Would a. It as be time for you. me.ad allot us like Job to ESTEEM ThE WORDS OF COWS p.~.d by - CbS. *orn tiwan tIne esciddi. a Psy.'.d. deI.~ *4~ SOUTH MORE THAN OUR NECESSARY FOOD - LAY IT UP I#QUR HEARTS ThAT WE MIGHT NOT SIN AGAINST HIM? .9- duly em pa - - j9L~ ~!sSufGeqrg~a Mu 11020 5* 13th Sq. ha. l*Mfl9p.a 372-54M P. Iflde.4.flt Aedde MI~.e,.r Thured. k.6 IA 'e.g ~ O&D4IME A A4ab PERSONAL ~v tatk StLEPY HOLLOW HO~S( Fern' idtng InnIt Mauik 25$ ~ lB~IL47It .~N1Ug Lv innd.rry * boarding itabE. I Pathway *I*# .t*t tL4.* *~ *# ** St, flW~.r beg es od,,nced *,c.Jl.nl a Attj*a.,'~r at.$. boodirg uto~l. w ocabre 371 O5 LAST BKI SALE -3;:," 4 SlAdt &.tt.,I 466-)22I n' Si $4 p~ 9*-s t~bi S '~Mst Qfli~Jut~ 27,2. PSi Hors. Boarded 2 dfhog. e.ng.-,urro. 1 Ltd* cm attn. 0(oe cool soII*.ey Clot. to wi 'dl ifs 20% to SC1% OFF oye.r'.-&eqdlpg and Qule SSOwo 4S- I What 9 '.011 happening r in. %oole I 20'6 mud, nor. ~n, 20-143* Repubir of CI, no? orria Hr,'o~ hos ad .1 mqaphs I v.4 there 21 rear. Liter, in Carmo HYP~~IS *U1 PEW ATTAIN GOALS Sunday o, 9 p.r #m 36! 1W Reit, BY ACING ANY P~y$iCAL ANO MENTAL Aapfcs 3% a 3% kS. 59% lUnar, CF,,,s Glmo.,'m and R,~haJ ABILITY.STIJOYING MEMORY Afl&hl'CS Gordon will 'Osok Ii,. op 30 p ii or LEARN FROM A P~SJONA4 SCHOOL 2929 NW. 131k St. Opat Donald 0 sat, O.ntctor Sfl-flo in Wad.ng n Ch no 43p) LbhftflShfY muss igi B'ndeey unique rvic. tI,.l. o.jenel, I------a ------, LOST& POUND and book. .umeiioFly nonted cell 3 ~E YS found July 8th tea, Norman 4o11 ENGLIS,4 briny end JNOE#Y foe 4,. Coil 373-0*7 ro dent fy CALCULUS Ii 3~ *.lmo.e. fl)46564 Loll An adorable rronth old female Cke Cone. inPe Cv N9e Sowanne. mull * ilk Beagle mark ngs ond chain kh.iuckne. or Scrio '. Rivet Iyclud.s MADE ol Ia, last s**n 2r0.Jr'd Hum. Hell I EASY canoe I paddles LC cooHe, S p.ck up by Silvanus P Tho~.oo FP S '~ tI hr Call Poyi, VA 32~ I ~ 160 1vic. doy M~ full day M~ per person Cong. Oulpo. Qfl-i 2fl (m Si- A m.ntsuy tnt ''S '6'' soCed U'~ yL IC with I 59 p I buyer you bosebcll glove ~O~C narki"g 'or 'hurl MCA OAt Preporotory Course motetiol,, ~4ord ''0 quet! or's asked jfl 64J2 I Hells ~uoli!,.d ret, ucto r~ B. reedy foe Iron, tile preilminory 2' ~0o Seotenib. e6, CII ~n-fl52 (nit-IS4 tnsm of OIffomntIaI Us' 'erro IC 0 I a thecoord yr Vt In., in lv ovet wegh 'p the ,'ea YPINO FOIl 'NO th., Dissertol icr,. CeIcuIus end he Int.groI I IKe to ~vm on.wer. 10 he tan,. of C, m Paper. MA i'm Er'gJ 1* IBM srimy 7* 'og ''or.- 04255 d.o.s cull ifl Cekvlus. S.lecqc 37t-C5d~ l~ I ISO ~} 'eel e~n tered I ------SAl PQEPARA~JON ZOU~M "ear lJF 20 osr'i',~ 0* ''0' shook eat orrrnler $70 HoII A 'or ii Me's ice' ad sacdSafl plo. dOpoaq.8 'ox ry ',eil 'enter IOutd )!* (lnv'irn.

472 33'e . ~4utitj *~, . 2' '4! pi ic Pw.eh.M acId. PA hr 1d542 !.li~M.merl by he i.cor d iv or y)u~ IMIv~dy BUSS. GSmvIlI. &fld. tt'.v ourk Aped t,,I ~fl *r. no SERVICES Hi qo'u'' Call 3051 ~4 7466 n, 3' >0 N( ONVEN ENC( Hare vj~c or 01 '0 '>0 thcr'e 'Jp, j'Jor'n 45 ,~E PQEPARA I lOrd OIJPSE Mar U! IS NAME ______4 2 2150 v1 450 V.'y cable $35 ourl* epeolobI ~fr cc Stor. ADDRESS ''etar' 372 025t ii Vp) l~ by a second r or your )M~rtO~ *13* '~r ~, 'gh er U 'U I u.v ~O5i and I>o( k Call 3051 854-76 ni 131- MONEY RIRJNOD IF NOT SAIiSRE O~''iV'U"t 3 -'V 0'~e ~Ct Oi'e tee Net SCUBA CLASSES STATING Ju hr U. All * - iiW~ pAr' 7A S'iJewo k Por'si '~5 lcu ha equ iprr.rt prov.ded * A y, ~ Ae 3761111 'I 4,55- waler dives Fun, sofe cia esee So lee e Service * Re9 . ire e Air ion' Ailer, Co osi of Wild Kngder, Allo n, Beau' 1*1,1 Color duidoor Portraits 12 Aqu o ic S ho .1 C.ni.r Inc 344 W shalt mo loose t yrr OsIQ 58 5.' 55 my Jflfl3 tn'-1 , I 4.514 ,ppl~coI~or~ l,,* $1 each $5 ALLYOU CAN Eli thoot ,,g I. Pis, 'Atoms rciude AOP WiRED FCA $lGH~ APM-1 OPM the Eyeglass So~.e Marl UNiARSITY OPTICIANS I(~ ~W 6th A~e 3fl 44R0 CHICKBiFRBiCN FRIES, rabies ljrm',e. 3or- ' em 'he in. nr,~., tool ,n 'he. ni *iioor porroi*s 152-K Ute tot' A S tell 'ro'loble Two large greenhouse . lull healthy cOLE SIAW ROLLS ANYWNII~F it ," 0r0e * 0* i~onging bask.,., ,tosorobis ausoried 9 ~aii S he ~ JU ~o row yD.,Oty ~o,6 PCI plot, . tying H., od or free IOrtt utlings Snpson S OfeenhoLse l's ml "I 3! (IPoil riirer' V6 4042 'r, FREE RERLLS south of Newberry I ighi on rOut. Al In'- 21 r~)rt ~ 161 0 YMCA iNDEPCAMP or' ordoar , lyp.rl~ ib~,, rorecto~l. s.i.ttc II - cell oeie'he 'Or Won 3 t 0 ~ nature mary 372-inS of'. 4 ke~unch'flg ~!ALLDRINKs smud, ~o,,'ifl FOR ,,''~ ond 'o!~ -al' the V ,,h.o jvai!abl* try 2tieO-pt 3)6 ?lfl 'e~ $3( ND ,,' 2' 1500 ,l)iNiJf FIVINI, ll~b I ewi ~.ijr' DELIVERY g!~ ttr dQS 942~ i't At ICC p SERVICE F~tCTROL t Li~ op9a.,,i nettt Sb some es., ogs arid nk ends araloble Mt CALL 371-mi N Karp 1e1 '.t.t.o Electoloost h 3765673 ti, lOICCol leaning professionot *.tS'& 1BO5SW lath prellurO washing. let cit d.MOn.te you nay no' need a point 399-7535 3~7- 6P8 m 31 l6 0 -p~

MIT 91 oduote will reIp you .,th your Ca'. phytcl Mail' court., Espersenced 'n *rom.4 Ion. I luloing und.qrod CoIl 372 tfl r~ Sq lflp) WILL TY~ ALL YOUR RIPOSTS era.ray MANUSCR'flS. THESIS. 0155*1- TAVONS ColISandi lfl-SfldoJieuS Sa ptm or weekend. or 0e~be 3fl IS N. Male aft. 5pm and weskands m~-IU-p) 4 Welirmryuwm Re 1431Rbee >WIJP a'. Byt. week ar meet fr as long u you need Cd- *1~~ wmfr a

NuLL aiinaMtS STAG ~SAt I~UNHIUNRI am vEc At brutes. GATOR Br tato Lnuing DANO CONTEST! COSTUME PfhEhI 535 N Main SIh Ii A.-.-. 372-2565 a A- 'I Cuawut.gn .- 55~.t IS4ONWSIUAVENE A Kdiygajg~g~jjy~ tvcd The Independent Florida Alligator D

P.5 . U ThinS.7 . July U. 197S L Finished seco nd in Southern Amateur Hot Hancock burning up the fairways

By JEFF ADAMS was his tint big win in over a vitalional where once again it an incredible third round 65. next to last hole that brought AllIgator Spoils Wdtcc year and did miracles for hi~ was Bean the victor with Por Hancock whose game had a tumultuous roar from the conlideuice. Hancock grabbing second in always been highly regarded gallery. Its almost a sure bet that if Only a few weeks later a field that included new by he best of his amateur Thus marked the end of the LIF gollet Phil Hancock Coach Buster Bishop and his NCAA champion Jay l-laas of golfing peers, it was the big regular collegiate golf docin I win a golf tournament Gators set out for the highly- Wake Forest and teammate 'in he needed to really get season atid it became time to he enters. he will finish regarded Houston All- Curtis Strange, last years him started get serious about the NCAA, second. American Classic to prove to national collegiate champ. which was four weeks away. Over the past four months themselves and the rest or the IT WAS Hauicock's next He barely had time to But before that, Hancock the Greenville, Ala. native has country how good they really tournament appearance that savor the victory before it was played an several other events entered 12 events and finished were. And prove it they did as proved to be perhaps the most time to return to Dothan and in preparation fo, it and either lirsi or second on nine they took the ttam title magnificentt of his young the Olympia Spa. this time for continued his consistently flue

occasions with his latest running away, while Hancock amateur career - a win in the the SEC championships. It play. performance being a second and Bean stole the individual star-studded Falstaff Classic was lime again for the THE VERY next day place finish an the Southern show. The two tied for the at Pensacola. He defeated top dynamic duo" to steal the following his SEC win. after Amateur this past weekend. medalist honors, but Bean caliber players such as show as Hancock took his having spent half the night THE INCItEDIULE string '.as awarded the top prize as reigning U S Amateur turn at winning, with Bean driving. Hancock went out P141L1IANCOCk began back in March when he defeated his good friend on champ Jerry Pate and former playing the runner-up role. and bated a field of some of .oII.Am.rican Hancock won the the first extra hole of an teammate Gary Koch, both of He managed to do so by a Florida's top pros and Southeastern Intercollegiate unwanted playoff. whom were Britain-bound for shot with the aid of some amateurs by three shots o'er top five. As a matter of fad at the demanding Olynipia The next week it was on to the Walker Cup matches. He clutch putting and a 36 holes to lead the Tampa the only commendable Spa course in Dothan, Ala. It the Chris Schenkel In- won by four .hots thanks to remarkable chip-in on the sectional qualifying for the performance was that of U.S. Open. About ten days Hancock. He wound up later, he was in Pittsburgh for seventh. but there was no the final qualifying, which convincing him that that was would have put him in the anything to be satisfied with. Saver not perfect but he's close U.S. Open for the second yeas The next week Hancock ma row, but a balky puttes and Bean did the bat they

Suffering sciatica - cite of the late W.C. Fields' favorite caused him to miss by just two could to quickly erase the cinematic epithets - and the only thing to effectively stop shots. tinhappy memories of the Tom Sean since be became. major league pitcher for the (AlEC, FORMER Hancock, a senior to-be. NCAA as they teamed to win Mets over eight and a half seasons ago. didn't leave the Pittsburgh the Spirit Of America in That nerve ailment of tile hip sent Seaver's 1974 woo-lost OPINION area empty-handed though, Decateur Ala. "One week record tumbilngto Il-Il, including four losses usa sow at the as he took another second you're up, the next you're end. It was the first non-winning season ever hr the 30 year- The arm had bee. gnat. but the rest of the body wasn't place finisit tiusone Stile don!" flat age old golfing old-rightilander. cooperating. Sunnehana Aniateur. clique says it all about the HIS LACK of success that season had people wondering. SUER, EVEN Stayer admits. little bit it gone from the old From then he went to the funny june of golf. They asked if it wasn't a case similar to Robin Roberts, the faibuil. But if that snuck it gone, the kitten aren't noticing it Northeastern in Rhode Island So with the summer Philly star of the late forties and mid fifti. who burned out this season - he's leading the National League I. strikeouts as a final prep hr the NCAA amateur golf schedule only after six lO-vietory seasons very near the stan of his caner. again. of the following week. half comnpiad, Thu Hancock 4 Afterthatlanflnescaonof23winsand l loaeuin 2955, He's also got the most wins and don to the fewest loss. "Somehow" he m.aaged to has prOven himself a tree- Robflbecameasub-.Spitcherfrr 12nornnao. with a 145 record. He leads the league with the lowest finish out of his familiar winner mud a top contender Not so with Sea,. hatter. Sonic expert doctoral care and Earned-Run-Averqe, LAD. position, of the top two spot., whether I. competes. Next treatment put the scialte condition in the past and the old Thinp are back to normal. Since Scant's inItial 1967 but not too far back as he week he will b. honored along Saver form in the prntl season in the majors, he has never had a losing season settled hr third. with Dean and the ret of ThERE HAD neve, been any wony on his part about his anywhere. In 1966 lie pitched his first year of pro ball in AAA ThEN CANE the NCAA college golfs tern man All- arm - he knew it was okay. Late in the season it was evident ball at Jackuonvlfle. winning 12 and losing the same amount. and it Is rae 11111 and the ret American squad I. New York as Saver and 1974's rather poor Met team faced the em HIS 1~13 record - a rookie with the Mets I, 1967 won his of his Cater sate would where PraiSes Ford will be lower Expo. last Septasber IS. For five and two-thirds of a Rooki, of the Year boson to go along wIth 170 strIkeouts and peek t~ bept. For the firs - band to pay tribute to the inning. Seater allowed no hits, - walk, and no runs. He had a 2.76 ERA. thin. ii eight outiup the silk. already struck out eight Map. Sportswriters called his the inn-child. Insist ezeeflusce. Gatos. did act win as thy Thai It will be on to more But one pitch to tIn last out of th. sixth inning and he He Mowed that initial year wIth 16, 25. IS. Z 21 and 19 finished a disappoIntIng golf hr Hancock and who winced. grabbing his rijut hip - die hip that takes the brunt wins before last year's .SU ineuaon tab, ant for tIle lbs time knows, maybe even a U.S. of his powerful grid. toward the plate with cads pitch. He Never has he lost more gaines than his rookie season. But since Fsbwary no 05w took Amiga, title - If not. came back the next basing but his pitches did not - the hip the Individual. There wasn't second Is a pretty darn good wouldn't let tha, ad the Eapo. drove across three ties See 'Seavef (page 28) em a Gateto be ma' In the possibility, truEs

S uSfS * Aiwnons - CAR SW ma mEn Gemtr Say Sc. US MW U' Ave. 2W STRANDED? Wa sin Ru piby S *b~ ha -

'cb gvm~ S win~ R&RGAPaGE ibwy~u~ .177-3085 3(151 NE 21 ~tuv I- i r intsp.u,&n4 9kM. MIlpn., Thw~.y. Mv 14 I91I~ Ps.?? ~f~)RF 101 ThY 'F in 0 Car Cash! Richie Allen. Fast service and low auto loan rates man or machine?0 I)gck Allen has rightly been accused of trying to do things TI Peoples Bank his own '.ay. being wildly GAINESVILLE temperamental and. un- ROB DONALD JO*N C A0~C(S PRESIDENT Ibriunately. not living up to A GENERAL FINANCIAL SYSTEMS BANK * MEMBER F 0 I C hrs potential. OPINION II Fe,& 'Per" writers. however, have taken the tIns. of the whitest' teams in fully recovered from the to look at the real Dick Allen baseball. Some "laos' stignta placed on him in 'tory'. Most prefer to view showed their tolerance by Philadelphia. The Allen only as a sports figure. painting racial obsoenties on Unmuccasfully attempting which means he must be Miens home and verbally to come back frost' a leg JAZZ somethingg between a machine degrading hint on the street, injury last year. Alias decided and a god. in front of hit family. to announce his ittirewnast. IN THE FALL of 1963 the Whet, ASIc,, injured his Chicago was naturally Piladelphia PhilIl. brought throwing hand. freeing a disappointed, yet Ike White PROJ ECT young outfielder Allen up move to first base, the City of So, did not talk Alias down. from the minors for a sooth. Brotherly Is. really applied The press was not w kind. 1 IS back II He hit .292 and 1964 looked the heat. Tensions grew, and This year, for unkuon like a year of peonsise. when Allen had a run-in with reasons. Allen decided to The Phillies outfield was This Fri & Sot teammate Frank Thomas. the unretire, Traded to Atlanta. strong in 1964, bonn,, end was near. Allot refund, naming several July 258 26 boasting John CalIlisoc, Tony Now Allen was teams he hr which he would UVI at ibm Gonzales. We. Covington and disillusioned with like to play. promising hopefuls Alex Philadelphia and probably ANYONE WHO criticizes Johnson and iohn hiss. with baseball. His dam on this asic. should serIously Since Allen was too good to the field dwindled and he consider the implIcatIons of No better DELI-STYLE SANDWICHES in town sat on the bends and the picked up his habits of forcing someone to woit DAILY Phillies needed a third missing bfltlng practice. where they do its wish. SANDWICH AND BEER SPECIALS baseman. Allen played his flights and even games. Imagine applying for a job rookie year at the difficult new FOR SEVERAL years. the with a new couspany and Every WED S FRI 4: 30-6: 30 position. story was the nate. Allen being told your old anpioyer THE RESULT was an played well, but by his own won't let you work there. HAPPY HOUR astronomical 43 errors. But rules. Batting practice, AlleVsdedre has also been no intelligent observer of the arrival times. etc. were his binr sen 1k knocked on the basis of his 25d gloss game faulted Allen or own busne.s. resisting playing with injunes. Mac., Wed, Thurs nites and oIl day Sot. BUSCH 1.25 plther knocked his desire. Most of St. Louis and Los Angeles These critic, wo.id have his errors were made in each tried the situation for a everyone follow the example hrowtng. while, then traded Allen. of Willis Reed. who per- The best fielding third However, no one from either manently injured himself by 203 SW 16th Ave. 3784779 baseman in baseball, Brooks team said anything bad about playing with severe injuries. Robinson. praised Allen. Allen. pumped full of pain killers. noting the many outstanding The reason to. trading Ask those same critics to ,= p plays he had made through Allen was obvious. Their give up their sick leave. Ins aggressive play team' could not exist with two Do those fans who

The notorious Philadelphia sets of rules - one for 24 denounced and degraded ,oobirds were not satisfied players and one for Allen. Dick Allen when he played though leading the team in IN CHICAGO. Allen both skillfully and with virtually all categories, of sparked the White Sox into desire. now expect him to hitting and being named contention. Manapi Chuck approach baseball - a holy Rookie of the Year, Allen was Tanner tailed blot tbusp like war for tI.Mr entertainment? booed continuou$y. a team leader and, a positive How might you react in PIULADELFHIA was one influence. Still. Alien was not Dick Allen's place? THURSDAY ALL DAY SUPER SPECIAL * - n we w w - $2.39 SW ARGHU RD. ma B oz. N.Y. Strip Steak Qp*i lOam* S p dolly baked potato Swidoy24 tossed salad & Tex as toast we hpSu - wins. Free refills on all beverages except milk A Friendly Produce Marl.? Just for YOU

GrupefflaIt 1k goch 2 for 254 logicIan 294 lb. 4 lbt for Si Weam Cantolope S94 mccl, 2 for SI Watsnmlhp U Fed, Milk $1.39 a g

Much. Mud Mm, HPPYBIRTI+DAYWe accept P000 STAMPS MR.

4 a 'a. SW lit St.

& ~ AJIIiint, Ibu.doy Jul y 1'75 Pme 26. The ~ndepe,4.M Modde U r -- - I -- -- pm FREE ELECTRONIC ENGINE I Bookutoit I Tobocco Shop I WITh EACH ANALYSIS TUNE-UP Lotz deserves Downtown kill. MUSt I9~ H. Mlii ST. MOU Mb I see.' %ine - es s.rafl.n~sJ more support I - for Bruno action

Aruno Caidwell, the flashy guard from Jersey II()HItK'I City will no longer wear a KAPLAN Gator uniform. The decision by Coach John OPINION Lw. to remove Caldwell from scholarship eligibility has bearing on the mane? ether sparked a rash of criticism. It as wine Gator fans insist. for everyone is Isnot big enough appeals though that Lotz's WEAl'S IMPORTANT I decision was a mere ap- that rules are made not to be plication of an established broken. We have not bee,, Reserve now to be certain S Pal occupancy. team nil. informed of any mitigating HAD not that would eClosmi to Campus efuhly Furnished CALDWELL circumstances OSnMr fulfilled his scholastic merit reconsideration of the 'Wtbe .Mostrn TV Anbnno obligation required to remain affair. .Fool, Sauna .taunduy Focliffim on basketball scholarship. The Gators are a well. place basketball team. Players are required to disciplined rn Lw. ad A,.a. complete 36 credit-hours They compete ennly with MCW.* ml.- [email protected]. during a three-quartet period. teams that are obviously more The team was told that they talented. Maybe Eddie would not be allowed to Johnson is the best guard in 372-3557 SImm S the M.edhd pewhIs @.kUI. I' attend summer school to pick the SEC but who says that he I- up any additional hours. would snake the Cators CaIdinll came up eight winners. One guard does not hours short and Coach Lotz make a team. Just ask Walt remained steadfast on his Frazier. nile. Whether iota would If Caidwell feels he has have broken the rule for Don bee,, done wrong, he should Rostic is merely an asuuine et somebody know. If Bruno innuendo made by some cannot relate any other Gator Ian~. factors to the Lott decision. it Comparing Lotz's action to appears Coach Lotz is his failure to recruit Auburn's standing on firm ground and* Eddie Johnson because he he deserves a lot mote support was too 'flashy' has no for his high integrity. 'Seover (flon page 26) he has led the National League three times in ERA and strikeouts as well as leading the National League with wins in 1Q69 (25).

lIE flED a major league record for - . Most strikeouts an a game (19)

He established a major league record for - . lowest ERA, lifetime. ~O or more innings (2.47)

He established National League records for - * Most consecutive strikeouts, game 00) * Most strikeouts by a riajittanded pitcher. season (2S9) THE RECORDS speak for themselves, and the next time Stayer strikes out a batter, the records will speak up again. It will make him only the 27th pitcher In major league history to strikeout 20W batten. All this in only eight and a half seasons, totalling 160 wins and 92 losses as of July 21, 1Q75. Its not perfect, but its Seave,. And Stayer is about as close ic perfect as you can get.

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