UF appeals Heuer case, she may sue CSEF B~ LINDA WISNIEWSKI exceeded t~ authority when it heard Heuers car becnse the Hater ,ad she will sue the CSEF for placing an sw." Sail W~. Comm Issic, does not have the authority to heat cases when a unauthorized ad in the July Sedition of The Alligator. Fonner UF employ. Mary Neon may soon become the career service employs resigns his pOsition. Brown said. ThE AD CLAIMED the CSEF gave ilcuer moral and main figure in a tale of two lawsuits. When Heuer did not retun, to work on October 13- the financial support' in her appeal for relnstatenient. UP .42! appeal the Caner Senlce Commiulon's mom- date he, leave of absence expired - her absence was "tan- I never received financial eppoet (from the CSEF).' ,nadaton that Hew be reinstated m her job as paging clerk laniount to resignation from her position Brown said. ilcuer said, adding that GI.esville attorney Larry Turner at W.T. Stands Teaching Hospital and ilsuer said she will BlUER SAIDshedid not quit herjob but was "forced' to was responsible For her sucnstsl defense. sue the Canuc Service Employ. Federation (CSEF) for libel. take. general leave of abnice whe, injuries she suffered in a CSEF President Dale Stratford bad 'no statement to make UP Will APPEAL Hew's reinstatemat 'very soon,' car accident prre,~ed her from returning to work. at this time" regarding a Neon lawsuit. UF attorney Ashum ton saId, adding it as just a question The Career Service Commission site does not have the KNURl SAID she. consulting Tampa attorney Edgar of drafting the appeal in writing" before it is filed in the First authority to recommend sick pay for am employ. on a non-pay Watkins, Jr. in her pending libel suit against the CSEF. District Court of Appeals in Tallahassee. status, which they did, accordingg to Brown. Heuer said Turner. who repressed her at the Career The cousmIulon's recommendation. will be appealed on Heuer was in a non-pay status whet, she took her leave of sewn) sounds. One bela foe the suit I. that the comnilsik, absence. (see page Jbur) The Independent r THURSDAY JULY 24, 1975 Flonda V OL. 67, NO. 161 PuSISwd b~, C.mp.n Con.wwnIcolIons hw. GcIn.viIh, Aodd Not offkic4Iy a.socht.d wit it. Unman7 .4 florida SUNDAY Dry Sundays JULY SMTWTFS 12345 SO seehs end 6789101112 13141516171819 2021223242526 JULY 19 2723293031 of alto ol $1 u.n. GOLDBERG ANgst. SaNan WS. Never os Sunday? Not if Student Government has its way. The SO office of cominuitity affairs is working to get * binding referendum to permit the Sunday sale of alcoholic beverages in Gainesville. Harry Bosnian, city-county liaison for student govern- ment. and Steve Thin. director of contstitinty af- fairsare preparing the cm for a referendum. They hope to prcmnt their argument to the citycommisuion at its July 28 meeting, Bosman said. Student Go.erninemt wants to get a referendum on the Sunday ban on liquor sties on the ballot in the November special election, on unification of city and county govern- ments. Dosmaa said. BOWMAN SAID HE HOPES to get a referendum on the balls by a city commission vote. A simple majority, three votes, is needed to put a referendum on the ballot, said GaInesville City Attorney Os. Pagan. SO will try to get a referendum by petition if they fail to get it by city corn- mission vote, Bosman said. Ten per cent of the electorate or about 3.5(X) registered voters must sip * petition to put a referendum on the ballot, Pagan s.id. Bosman said he and flies. plan to base tlidr case for a vs Fm ttd in. largely on, a Galsaule Sn survey taken Is spring. They are also gathering other material to holste, their case. THE SUN SURVEY, (see page eleven) ci eq. 2 1%. ind.~.d.nt Nov14. AIIig.t.r. Thunday, .iuly 24. I'll a Ordinance to trouble student tenants h ich ii lo~ ~ ii ii ultolis gik~t'. ~onco,,c hi p or ren I tit lie' etc Ihere R 110 ~ ay 10 prove .1per~t 'fl 1% ~rJt U tous guest. ~iflc? nionev changing Ii amh ii pi ~ riot traceable 'Weve had many RESPONDING to the suggestion properly~ n'ner'~ he called on to control the problem. ~ Rii eii Rjm~e~ noted. 'We've had people whove nude 3 Lori~in~~ complaints mostly reIu~al to obey he law, and we have not been able 0 ~ he State Attorney Office co prosecute. around the university' Conimsstoner Ramsey. a member ofihe Humjn He~urce, Committee dealing with the proposed ordinance c~pldned lurthet the need tar strong action on the issue. We ye had matly complaints, mostly around he Russell Ramsey tiniversily. he noted. Some people call the inreetly lye had 30-40 eonplatnts an the last te~ n''nth~ ' People usually coniplam about noises, dogs. trash CE also noted. The number two tunrtIated 'n By ROB DONALD I he law allows a house. in an area ,oiicd single larnily Ranisey Aligtir Staff Wdtas' residence, to he rented to. family, which may be of unlimited individuals in addition to a family allowed it, a residence) ~ chosen as a reasonable number which can be controlled Gainesville City Cornnhson has taken another StCp number, plus two people unrelated to the tantily. The People say a house as sip ettetigh for more people he it) Upon discovery of a violation or failure to allow entry. the toward cracking down on large groups ot students living added. But there is considerable abuse ci he ,iei~h houses ,oned br ~angle families, commission will be able to revoke the license. The Commission gave initial approval Monday to an or- OPPOSITiON to the ordinance was based on concern the THE COMMISSION noted a lessor would be requIrc~1 in finance calling lot a rented license and mandatory city ordinance will not be enforceable, does not attack the real the tenant in a written or oral lease of the inspectici, inspection to enforce a limit of three unrelated persotis per problem and places too much responsibility on those living in inform conducted *hgle dwelling in the areas zoned for single family, the residences. requirement. If the inspection mus be someonee is living in the home, residents are to be given %even ALTHOUGH the ordinance does not specitically refer to The comnuisson admits the largest Ilaw in enforcement of students commissioners concede they are the most &eqoent the ordinance is their inability to prove there are too many days notice. violators. I~ the eyes of the ordinance, the lessee Wilt ilso be vigorously questioned b~ Approval came despite the almost unanimous oppositiosi of ~ple living in a house. vulnerable to ptoSCUtio.i. a point the approximately 20 citizen at Mondays Human Services AT PRESENT, residents can legally refuse inspectors Commissioner Aaron Great Committee meeting. admission to a house. Other methods such as checking "The philosophy of the ordinance has strong poirn~. nor~d The proposed ordinance, now undergoing revision by the mailing addresses or coutiting can are not considered con- Green. Rut if the ordinance s.ys lenon. sub-lessorsiwglj~ a commIssions staff, would require lesson anrne reriuing a elusive evidence in establishing the number of resideiiis of a held responsible), then shifts the respo.siblity property to others) to buy a license tor approximately SW for house. leasing. I question it. each property reined. According to 81cc Hope assistant city attorney, the ad- THE COMMISSIONERS instructed staff to rework hr TEES LICENSE would require the lessor to allow in- vantage of the new ordinance is it removes the need to prove ordinance to guarantee due rccsa hr defendants, limit he 'peclion of the residence during which the city would the infraction beyond a reasonable doubt. ordinance to single family zoning, and set the l'cen~, a at determine ii there were any violations. Several people wondered about a clause in the ordinance $10 or less. When You Think .1 DIamonds Think of he Independent Rondo Ailigoto, Tbu,,.doy July 24. 197S. Pa0 . 1 A. J're~ The change is part of a general reorganization of BOYlE ThIWOW University College Dean Bob Stirton Brown Glad to be teaching again en. m s .Dr. George Bentley -ii 2 L7L~a Associate dean leaves post to accept teaching position - University College (tiC) Associate Dean. 'elected to replace Bentley. in apparent Dr. George R. Bentley. will leave his current violation of UP Affirmative Action guidelines. post this fall to begin teaching full-time in the According to UP Affirmative Action Department ol Social Sciences. Coordinator, James Allison. the school must advertise such opeiiings within the Stage Bentley said he would be glad to be teaching again, but said. The change was University System. SUNDAY Women and members of minority groups not made at my Initiation.*~ No reasons were given for the change. he must be interviewed before any decision is made as to who will fill the position, he sad said. JULY 27, 1975 Brown said the information from Mosss UC Dean Bob Burton Brown said the offia was incorrect. 0 change was part of a general reorganization "There has been no appointment made, 4.00 pm within the college, but declined to go into Drown sad. In fact, the position may not be detail. filled at .11 because of the currei~t tight money ThE OFFICE OF Dr. Harold 6. Moss, situatlo,,, he said. Union North Lawn Associate Professor of English. unoffiejily Brown said Bentley's duties may be confirmed reports that Moss had been distributed among other UC dens.
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