NEWS ‘ A community of Learners, Believers and Friends’
[email protected] 01204 391800 @MSJBolton Week Commencing @ 13th March 2017 Monday 13th March 7J Form Assembly (8:30 - 8:50) Year 11 Assembly (8:30 - 8:50) Tuesday 14th March KS3 English Intervention - Shakespeare pupils (8:30 - 8:50) Mandela House Assembly (8:30 - 8:50) Chaplaincy trip to St Ethelbert’s (8:45 - 10:40) Year 11 Maths Extended School Day (3:00 - 4:00) Wednesday 15th March KS3 English Intervention - Jenner pupils (8:30 - 8:50) Shakespeare House Assembly (8:30 - 8:50) Year 5 Feeder Primary School Masterclasses: English, Maths & Science (11:50 - 3:00) Year 11 English Extended School Day (3:00 - 4:00) Year 11 Geography/History Extended School Day (3:00 - 4:00) Thursday 16th March KS3 English Intervention - Mandela pupils (8:30 - 8:50) Jenner House Assembly (8:30 - 8:50) Year 11 National Citizenship Service Assembly (8:30 - 8:50) GCSE PE Orienteering Course - Moses Gate Park (1:20 - 3:00) Year 11 Extended School Day - Science (3:00 - 4:00) Year 11 Extended School Day - R.E. (3:00 - 4:00) Friday 17th March 9J Form Assembly (8:30 - 8:50) Year 11 Extended School Day - I.C.T. and General Subjects (3:00 - 4:00) Lunchtime Activities Monday KS3 Writing Club, Maths Logic Games, Ukulele Club, Year 7 Lunch Club, Nurture Club. Tuesday Football, Trampolining. Languages Homework Club, Film Club, Nurture Club, Year 7 Lunch Club. Wednesday GCSE Badminton, Netball skills, Debating Club, Science Club, Year 7 Lunch Club, Nurture Club, Chess Club Thursday Basketball, Table Tennis, Spanish Club, Magistrate Mock Trial Club, Colouring Club, Year 7 Lunch Club, Nurture Club.