Revelation 2:18-29 the Church at Thyatira Chavurah Shalom Friday 11/18/16
Revelation 2:18-29 The Church at Thyatira Chavurah Shalom Friday 11/18/16 Our text begins, as each of the letters, with a statement of the author of the letter: Thus says The Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and His feet are like burnished bronze. The word "burnished" basically means that which is highly pol- ished, and shiny. We might say "reflective," and thus radiating the brilliance of the light shining out from Him. Thyatira (modern Ahisar) was located about thirty-five miles inland, between Pergamon and Sardis in northern Lydia, or Mysia (Strabo 13.4). According to le- gend, Thyatira was first established as a shrine to the sun god Tyrimnus and named Pelopia. ... Lydia of Thyatira, who lived in Philippi, was Paul’s first Christian convert in Europe (Acts 16:14–15, 40) and sold purple goods as a trade she had probably learned in Thyatira, which was particularly known for its dye- ing process and had a strong guild of dyers (Magie, Roman Rule 1:48; 2:812 n. 80)....One of the significant characteristics of Thyatira was the prominence of various trade guilds, including associations of clothiers, bakers, tanners, potters, linen workers, wool merchants, slave traders, shoemakers, dyers, and copper smiths (Magie, Roman Rule 1:48; 2:812 n. 78; A. H. M. Jones, Cities, 83; Hemer, BurH 11 [1975] 110).--David E. Aune, Word Biblical Commentary, p. 201. Some commentators suggest a specific contrast of "Son of God" with Zeus's son Apollo, a patron deity of Thyatira, with whom the deified emperors were linked.
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