Alina Mungiu-Pippidi book chapter -. The Development of Good Governance Becoming Denmark: Understanding Good Governance Historical Achievers Alina Mungiu-Pippidi
[email protected] Abstract In a widely read and influential book, “Confronting Corruption”, issued as a Transparency International Sourcebook in 2000, Jeremy Pope developed the theory of ‘integrity pillars’, key institutions which should all stand together for good governance to be achieved and whose failure endanger it. They are an elected legislature, a honest and strong executive, an independent and accountable judicial system, au independent auditor general (subordinated to the Parliament), an Ombudsman, a specialized and independent anticorruption agency, a honest and non-politicized civil service, a honest and efficient local government, an independent and free media, a civil society able to promote public integrity, responsible and honest corporations and an international framework for integrity. This comprehensive list generated equally broad anticorruption strategies missing a prioritization based on the understanding of what puts what in motion. The clear specification on institutional designs also gives the illusion that adoption of certain institutions and designs has to lead somehow to good governance. While the performance of these institutions in contemporary times can be tested separately, it is of great interest to understand how they came about and what role they played historically. This paper argues that we have two different sets of explanatory factors of good governance when we account for present times versus historical ones. Institutions which are today responsible with enforcing ethical universalism are only to a limited extent those which helped this norm become enshrined. The explanation for the performance of historical achievers is not to be found in their present organization (legislation, political institutions) which should not be viewed as a cause, since it acts for the maintenance , rather than the creation , of good governance.