GRECO : THIRTEENTH GENERAL ACTIVITY REPORT (2012) Thematic article Lobbying and corruption Adopted by GRECO 59 (18-22 March 2013) For further information, GRECO Secretariat Directorate General I - Human Rights and Rule of Law Council of Europe F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex Tel.: + 33 (0)3 88 41 30 43 Fax: + 33 (0)3 88 41 27 05 PREMS 80913 GRECO: THIRTEENTH GENERAL ACTIVITY REPORT (2012) Thematic article: Lobbying and corruption Adopted by GRECO 59 (18-22 March 2013) French Edition: GRECO: Treizième Rapport Général d’Activités Contents Foreword ...............................................................................................................................................5 Marin Mrčela – President of GRECO Mission and Working Framework ..........................................................................................................7 All requests concerning the reproduction or translation of all or part of the document should be addressed to the directorate of communication (f-67075 strasbourg cedex or
[email protected]). all other correspondence Composition ..........................................................................................................................................9 concerning this publication should be addressed to the Directate General of Human Rights and Rules of Law – Secretariat of the Group of States against Corruption (GRECO). Results and Impact ............................................................................................................................