Award island Sanibel Shell snags another award REPORTER - Page 12 O/MNIDCL. «isu \s?\r~ IIV«, r i_v/niL//\ < VOLUME 49, NUMBER 39 VISIT US ONLINE AT CAPTIVASANIBEL.COM 750 Early detection key to surviving breast cancer : By JEFF LYSIAK idenidemt of Sanibel, Loh holds a master's spoke during the 45-minute presentationpresentation. [email protected] degree in Nursing and has spent her entire ShShee sharesharedd heherr owownn personapersonall storstoryy ooff sur sur-- The statistics are staggering. One out career providing health education. vival after being diagnosed with the dis- of every eight women will be diagnosed "What happens a lot is people get ease in 1998. Mary Ann Loh with breast cancer during their lifetime. frightened," said Loh. "They don't go to After seeing talk show host Rosie speaks at Another statistic, provided at the City the doctor or get a mammogram." O'Donnell speak about the importance of MacKenzie Hall of Sanlbel's annual Breast Cancer In this year alone, Loh reported that mammograms. Darnell made an appoint- on Tuesday Awareness Month program on Tuesday, 200,000 women will be diagnosed with ment to get one herself. Her x-ray during a Breast was equally stunning but far more encour- breast cancer. Having a yearly mammo- revealed a cluster of tiny dots on her left Cancer aging: 98 percent of women who are diag- gram examination, starting at age 40 (or breast, so her doctor advised her to sched- Awareness nosed early will survive. at age 35, for women with a family histo- ule a needle biopsy of the tissue. After program. Mary Ann Loh. a volunteer who serves ry of breast cancer), is also essential to hearing that the procedure would cost as the Education Chair for the Southwest early detection. approximately $3,000, Darnell said that it JEFF LYSIAK Florida Affiliate of the Susan G. Komen Janet Darnell, program director at was too expensive and she wouldn't do it. For the Cure, emceed the program. A res- Partners For Breast Cancer Care, also See SURVIVING, page 7 City may take another look at Town Square By JEFF LYSiAK [email protected] The last time the City of SanibeJ attempted to move forward the concept of Togo constructing a centrally located Town Square, nearly two years worth of research, What: City Council meeiing planning and gathering public input was eventually dissolved over what Vice Mayor When: Tuesday, Nov. 1 Mick Denham called "a turf war." 9 a.m. But in recent weeks, the idea of resur- recting the Town Square concept has been Where: MacKenzie Hall brought to light during City Council meet- 800 Dunlop Road ings, with additional discussions on the subject highlighting Tuesday's session. For more information: '"This is such a special, special commu- www.mysanibet.com SeeTOWN SQUARE, page 7 JEFF LYSIAK Workers laying sod along the shared use path extension connecting Dunlop Road with Periwinkle Way on Monday afternoon. Shared use pathway project Council fine tuning nearly complete, gets praise goals for 2011-12 members of the audience as well as By JEFF LYSIAK By JEFF LYSIAK and strengthening the city's financial [email protected] the council itself. "I just wanted to let you know that [email protected] stability. Highlighted amongst this • Judie Zimomra admitted that she When the City Council continued goals was developing a Long-term Debt had done something last Saturday that I took the new section of shared use path to get here today and I enjoyed it discussion of their goals for the upcom- Early Retirement Plan by enhancing the she had never done before since ing fiscal year on Tuesday, the package budgeting process by including more becoming City Manager 10 years ago. very much," resident Claudia Burns said during the public comment por- presented during the meeting was much historical trend analysis and by extend- She bicycled. across Sanibel and more comprehensive that the plan intro- ing operational budgetary forecasting Captiva, from end to end, exclusively tion of the meeting. According to Zimomra, the Dunlop duced during the final budget hearing using the-island's system of shared on Sept. 20 use pathways. Road/Periwinkle Way extension — See COUNCIL, page 7 But according to at least one member During Tuesday's City Council which begins at the crosswalk in front -of St. Michael & All Angels Church, of the council, they may be stretching meeting, work on both the Dunlop themselves a bit too thin. Road/Periwinkle Way and the Pine continues along ^Periwinkle Way A three-tiered list of council goals Avenue to Blind Pass Bridge exten- across the Street from Sanibel 138JNVS for 2011-12, revised by city staff in the sions were brought up by several See PROJECT, page 8 weeks following their last session, included a "top priority" of sustaini *V**# & 00*3 Editorial ; 4 Letters to the Editor , .5 Business Hews ...... 11 1NSIDET00AY Word oh the Island . . . .7. .4 Obituaries ...... 6 Preserving Paradise ...... 1.3