MMM Classics Year 2: MMM #s 2-20 The First Ten Years December 1987 November 1988 ABOVE: Inside the Stanford Torus - MMM #s MMM Classic pdf files are online at: 11-13 take a fresh new and critical look at the concept and now classical designs for To read these files, you will need Space Colonies or Settlements à la Dr. Gerard Adobe Acrobat Reader, a free download from O’Neill - in a six part series. But there is much more in this collection of articles from MMM’s second year. Enjoy! For updated Address all comments to the Editor, information about Moon Miners’ Manifesto, Peter Kokh, at
[email protected]. Selected letters may be published in future tomes. simply go to: Moon Miners’ Manifesto Classics - Year 2 - Republshed July, 2004 - Page 1 SPACE OASES & LUNAR CULTURE SPACE SETTLEMENT QUIZ QUESTIONS MOON MINERS’ MANIFESTO. has been cast, 1. The trailing lunar co-orbital field “Trojan” even by well-meaning admirers, as a “special position usually referred to as L5 is no interest” newsletter. As editor, I have to take longer seen as the best space colony loca- responsibility for this widespread mis- tion. But if one were located there, how appraisal. I had stated that we wanted to long would it take to orbit the Earth? explore the heights to which a self-sufficient lunar civilization could rise, given the con- 2. Of what use is the preceding co-orbital strain that it must seek to develop as far as “Trojan” called L4? possible relying solely on lunar ores that are 3.